View Full Version : Mute Mystic

2017-03-16, 11:39 PM
I enjoyed psionics when it was around in 2nd ed, and 3.x. right now i play a cool paladin, but if something unfortunate were to happen to him, then i will want to have a backup. No I'm not going to kill the paladin....plus the group needs a tank way more than a mystic. But, I'm gonna make one just in case.

Shortened backstory: born homless with mom as only parent (father either killed, or raped mother...havent gotten it). At age of 4 or 5, a noble started kicking the crap out of my character (cause begging). Mom tried to intervene and noble killed her. This was jn an urban area and nobody jumped in (cause noble vs begger). Character let out a psychic scream (mental trauma), and was found huddled near dead mom and dead noble. City constable didnt know what happened and sent girl to slave mines. She had more tragedy there, for 4 years, and another psychic scream...she fled and stumbled into a monastery of mystics and monks....who all took a vow of silence.

They raised her, trained her, and took care of her as a child raised by a caring village. At 16 she sets off:

Human, female. Assume level 5. Spy or criminal background (stealth, pick locks)
Awakened mind seems appropriate.... what else?

She will want to keep her powers hidden as long as possible. If people confuse her for a low lvl monk or fighter (she will wear robes and have a spear) great. She will know hand gestures, to speak....though most will have bo clue. Clearly she can use telepathy, but wont share that for a bit.

Id like her to be able to do some fun destructive stuff, but overall....supporting the group could be fun... or debuffing the enemies.

2017-03-17, 02:40 PM
My IRL group are thinking of doing a one shot where the party are entirely made of mystics.