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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Lurker Prestige Class

2017-03-17, 03:52 PM
Creepy as heck prestige class I made for a serial killer villain in my campaign. Loosely based on Gollum from LotR

The lurker is a stealthy killer that lives in the dregs of society. He is passed over, unseen and uncared for in the day, but at night he stalks the deep caverns of the underdark or the lonesome alleyways of a city seeking his next unsuspecting victim. The lurker is by no means a capable combatant in earnest but possesses the stealth to reach his victim undetected and a vice-like grip that allows him to wring the life out of the poor creature.

Classes: More often than not rogues who fall on hard times begin to take levels in the class. Barbarians who put in the effort sometimes find this class preferable to open combat when attempting to simply fend for themselves in the wilds. Monks qualify very easily for this class but only those who have fallen from their path and have been left with nothing even consider pursuing this classes horrific path.

Skills: Climb 5 ranks, Hide 3 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple
Alignment: Non-lawful, Non-good


HD: d4

Table: The Lurker

1st+0+2+2+0Steel-Grip, Strangulation, Undercommon
2nd+1+3+3+0Gaunt, Swift Stalking, Improvised Weapon Use(-2)
3rd+1+3+3+1Skin and Bones, Wretched Demeanor
4th+2+4+4+1Flail, Drag 'Em Away, Improvised Weapon Use(+0)
5th+2+4+4+1Climb Speed, Neck Break

Skill Points: 6 + Int

Class Skills: Balance(Dex), Climb(Str), Escape Artist(Dex), Hide(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Listen(Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Search(Int), Sleight of Hand(Dex), Survival(Wis), Swim(Str), Tumble(Dex)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The lurker gains no weapon or armor proficiencies.

1st Level: Steel-Grip(Ex): A lurker’s hands are the source of his menacing talent and have a powerful grip despite his lack of combative skills. The lurker gains a bonus on all Climb checks and on all grapple checks equal to his class level.

1st Level: Strangulation(Ex): A lurker’s preferred form of disposal is purely the strangulation of his victim, keeping them quiet and rendering them dead in a short time before they truly know what is happening. To begin strangling a target a lurker must successfully begin a grapple. Each round afterwards the lurker makes a grapple check opposed by the opponent’s grapple checks. Strangulation cuts off the air from a target and they begin to suffocate. While strangling an opponent the lurker cannot prevent him from making an attack or drawing a weapon. An opponent being strangled cannot speak, which eliminates his ability to cast spells with verbal components. Even attempting to cast a spell without verbal components under these circumstances requires a Concentration check with a DC of 25 + the level of spell being cast. An opponent being strangled can attempt grapple checks and Escape Artist checks to escape the grapple as normal. The lurker cannot attempt to pin an opponent he is strangling and likewise cannot attempt to strangle an opponent he has pinned unless he releases the victim from the pin.
Each round that a lurker beats the targets grapple check they lose a number of rounds from the total number of rounds they can hold their breath equal to the lurker’s class level(in addition to the normal round they use on each of their turns). Once these rounds are spent the target begins to make Constitution checks against a DC of 10 as normal with a +1 bonus on the DC each round this continues. However the lurker applies an additional +2 bonus to the DC in each round that he succeeds on his grapple check as well(+3 cumulative bonus to the DC each round the strangulation continues). The lurker can choose to end the strangulation at any time as a free action, even during an opponent’s turn, but doing so allows them to catch their breath, undoing any progress the lurker had made on strangling his opponent. Ending the strangulation in this fashion does not end the grapple.
A flat-footed target caught in a grapple in this method can only hold their breath a number of rounds equal to their Constitution score(instead of the normal 2 x Constitution score) before beginning to make Constitution checks to remain conscious. Once the target fails his Constitution check he is immediately reduced to 0 hit points. On the following round of this continues it is reduced to -1 hit points, and on the next round is slain.
This ability only works on creatures that are one size category larger than the lurker’s size or smaller and does not work on Constructs, Elementals, Plants, Oozes, Outsiders, and Undead or creatures with the Air subtype(who need not breath).
If the lurker is damaged while it is strangling a foe he must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + the damage received(including non-lethal damage). On a successful save he continues to strangle his victim and on a failed save he loses his grip though maintains the grapple.

1st Level: Undercommon: A lurker spends a lot of time in the depths of the world or society and have learned the speech of the beings that dwell there. The lurker gains Undercommon as a bonus language.

2nd Level: Improvised Weapon Use(Ex): The lurker tends to not carry weapons, favoring to be underestimated by any onlookers who pass them. However they make up for this by being adept at use the various objects around them. At 2nd level a lurker only takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls made with improvised weapons. At 4th level the penalty a lurker takes to attack rolls with improvised weapons vanishes entirely.

2nd Level: Gaunt: The lurker is a sickly creature that is often on the brink of starvation, though it has yet to die from it. At 2nd level the lurker gains Deformity(gaunt) as a bonus feat. You have a skeletal appearance, and your weight is now half normal for creatures of your kind. Additionally the lurker gains a +2 bonus to his Dexterity score and takes a -2 penalty to his Constitution score. Additionally he gains a +2 bonus on Escape Artist and Intimidate checks.

2nd Level: Swift Stalking(Ex): A lurker is adept at moving in silence without slowing himself, able to reach his prey with speed and stealth. Beginning at 2nd level the lurker no longer takes the normal -5 penalty on his Move Silently checks when moving at his full speed. Additionally he now only takes a -10 penalty to his Move Silently checks while running(instead of -20).

3rd Level: Skin and Bones(Ex): The lurker’s body is little more than skin, muscle, and bone and is resistant to lesser forms of injury. Beginning at 3rd level the lurker gains Damage Reduction against any non-lethal source equal to his class level. This applies to any non-lethal damage including damage brought about from starvation, dehydration, adverse temperatures, unarmed strikes, and even spells.

3rd Level: Wretched Demeanor(Ex): A lurker is horrid to look upon and most avert their gaze as they pass, provided he does not appear to be a threat. Upon reaching 3rd level as long as the lurker is wearing no armor and possesses no visible weapons his unsavory appearance causes others to ignore him, hoping to avoid the lurker’s attention by not giving him theirs. A character who fails a Will Save with a DC equal to 20 + the lurker’s Charisma modifier does not perceive him as a threat and goes about their business, not giving him another glance. This provides concealment for the lurker against his victim, allowing him to make Hide checks freely, unless he otherwise gains their attention afterwards. A successful save simply denies the lurker this concealment.

4th Level: Flail(Ex): A lurker is a ferocious creature when he wishes his victim dead and flails his legs about if another attempts to interrupt. Beginning at 4th level the lurker can make a single unarmed strike as an immediate action while he is in a grapple against another creature attempting to join the grapple. This attack is made at his full-base attack bonus but with a -4 penalty. If the creature is damaged by this attack the creature's attempt to join the grapple fails.

4th Level: Drag 'Em Away(Ex): A lurker has grown adept at dragging his victims into dark corners so that he may finish his work unhindered. Beginning at 4th level the lurker can move 10ft as a move action while strangling his victim without making a grapple check. Any attempt to do so while moving silently takes a -5 penalty brought about by the victim's struggling.

5th Level: Climb Speed(Ex): The lurker has gained an unearthly ability to crawl along walls and rough surfaces. Beginning at 5th level the lurker gains a climb speed equal to his land speed. However he can only climb vertical surfaces but not ceilings. This bestows a +8 bonus on the lurker’s Climb checks and he can always take 10 on Climb checks even if he would be distracted.

5th Level: Neck Break(Ex): The lurker has learned how to cut the frantic struggle of strangling his victim short by breaking the things neck. Beginning at 5th level the lurker can make a grapple check as a full-round action at a -5 penalty to attempt to break a pinned victim’s neck which is, of course, opposed by his target's grapple check. On a successful check the target must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or be reduced to -9 instantly. Even on a successful saving throw the target takes 5d4 points of Constitution damage and may die from this damage even on a successful saving throw. This ability can only be used on creatures that can be strangled. An opponent who succeeds on their grapple check prevents this use of neck break and breaks free from the pin and the grapple altogether.

2017-03-17, 08:34 PM
To anyone who has already read the class and comes back to it strangulation has gotten some touch ups that make it more lethal at higher levels but also presents some huge weaknesses and just answers a few errata-like questions. Additionally to anyone reading this I'm tempted to take the axe to the improvised weapon thing, which i do like and think it suits them, and add the following:

Swift Stalking(Ex): A lurker is adept at moving in silence without slowing himself, able to reach his prey with speed and stealth. Beginning at 2nd level the lurker no longer takes the normal -5 penalty on his Move Silently checks when moving at his full speed. Additionally he now only takes a -10 penalty to his Move Silently checks while running(instead of -20).

Drag 'Em Away(Ex): A lurker has grown adept at dragging his victims into dark corners so that he may finish his work unhindered. Beginning at 4th level the lurker can move 10ft as a move action while strangling his victim without making a grapple check. Any attempt to do so while moving silently takes a -5 penalty brought about by the victim's struggling.

Thoughts? Think these are pretty hand things to hand to these murderers but the improvised weapon thing can help them fight outside of their strangly comfort zones

2017-03-18, 12:48 AM
To increase the probability of people reading your posted classes:
1. Add a level progression table (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?205677-Table-Pre-sets-and-Tablemaking-tutorial).
2. Bold the name of each feature you describe.
3. For each feature, specify the level at which it is gained - and do so at the beginning of the description. People don't like being sent of a treasure hunt.

Now, regarding your Lurker and suggestions...

Your proposed additions seem appropriate.

Don't nix improvised weapons. The character will most definitely not be 100% successful at lurking, so it needs fallback tools to cope with such situations.
An observation: Undercommon is not a class ability and 4th level has only one feature, so you're not even exceeding 2 features per level.

I'd add Bluff, Intimidate and Survival to the list of class skills.
If you were using PF, I'd also suggest Heal (yes I know, this doesn't really spell out "Goloom", but PF Heal skill allows self treatment and options of abuse).

2017-03-18, 08:01 AM
To increase the probability of people reading your posted classes:
1. Add a level progression table (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?205677-Table-Pre-sets-and-Tablemaking-tutorial).
2. Bold the name of each feature you describe.
3. For each feature, specify the level at which it is gained - and do so at the beginning of the description. People don't like being sent of a treasure hunt.

Now, regarding your Lurker and suggestions...

Your proposed additions seem appropriate.

Don't nix improvised weapons. The character will most definitely not be 100% successful at lurking, so it needs fallback tools to cope with such situations.
An observation: Undercommon is not a class ability and 4th level has only one feature, so you're not even exceeding 2 features per level.

I'd add Bluff, Intimidate and Survival to the list of class skills.
If you were using PF, I'd also suggest Heal (yes I know, this doesn't really spell out "Goloom", but PF Heal skill allows self treatment and options of abuse).

Thank you for taking the time to read over my class ^_^ (and include the link for level progression table, tried typing one out plainly but it didn't take properly.

Now for your suggestions, I had thought a lot about Survival and originally had decided against it but with this classes un-civilized nature I realize they definitely deserve it and since Intimidate isn't exactly civil in itself I'm gonna take your advice and add that as well. As for bluff i specifically stayed away from the more elaborate and refined skills like Bluff, Diplomacy, Open Lock, Disable Device and things like that. I felt that many of the characters entering into this class most likely have ranks in them already and want this class to force them to kind of lose track of it, I don't want a lurker to be the face of a party with a silver-tongue, with their grotesque appearance and unsavory preference of combat it just didn't feel right.

I am not sure what you referred to with the PF acronym and if you could clarify I'd appreciate it, Heal doesn't exactly fit into this class though and with their somewhat ample supply of skill points it wouldn't be altogether difficult for them to take a few ranks in it as cross-class.

I was also curious what you meant by Undercommon not being a feature. Do you mean that I shouldn't give it to them for free? Or that I shouldn't be thinking of it as a class feature when it comes to class balance?

I am glad you dissuaded me from nixing the improvised weapons, with the features the progression of that is paired with(at 2nd with Gaunt and at 4th with Flail) they aren't exactly powerful levels and adding in some stealth movement at 2nd and some limited tactical movement at 4th wouldn't throw them out of balance.

Again thank you so much for your time :) Gonna make some edits and try to figure out how to make that table!

2017-03-18, 10:18 PM
Thank you for taking the time to read over my class ^_^ (and include the link for level progression table, tried typing one out plainly but it didn't take properly.

This, for example

Table: The Lurker


Will become this:

Table: The Lurker


Just play around with the content.

Now for your suggestions, I had thought a lot about Survival and originally had decided against it but with this classes un-civilized nature I realize they definitely deserve it and since Intimidate isn't exactly civil in itself I'm gonna take your advice and add that as well. As for bluff i specifically stayed away from the more elaborate and refined skills like Bluff, Diplomacy, Open Lock, Disable Device and things like that. I felt that many of the characters entering into this class most likely have ranks in them already and want this class to force them to kind of lose track of it, I don't want a lurker to be the face of a party with a silver-tongue, with their grotesque appearance and unsavory preference of combat it just didn't feel right.

Good call.

I am not sure what you referred to with the PF acronym and if you could clarify I'd appreciate it, Heal doesn't exactly fit into this class though and with their somewhat ample supply of skill points it wouldn't be altogether difficult for them to take a few ranks in it as cross-class.

PF = Pathfinder.
Regarding Heal - I meant this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/heal/).

I was also curious what you meant by Undercommon not being a feature. Do you mean that I shouldn't give it to them for free? Or that I shouldn't be thinking of it as a class feature when it comes to class balance?

Basically that.

2017-03-19, 02:33 PM
WOOP WOOP Thank you so much nonsi!!!! I can use this for all my entries now ;D