View Full Version : Bross Rise of the Runelords: Off-Camera RP [IC-Interactive]

2017-03-17, 09:11 PM
Going off Lostsole31's masterful technique this will be the new off off side conversation place and as a shameless pirate I see no reason to change something that works so well follow the same formatting


for references on posts and examples of play

2017-03-17, 09:52 PM
Toros Valdemar of Magnimar (Basic Description)

Toros Valdemar of Magnimar is a somewhat tall (6'2") and a bit paunchy (238 lbs.). One might figure he is in his early- to mid-30s, but he is still in his mid-20s. Though there is a noble quality to him, yet he has lived a life used to rougher edges, and that has taken its toll on him. He is not a bad-looking man, nor an exceptional-looking one. He has red hair that has already begun balding at the top, as much a function of possible familiar genetics as it is a man who is used to having gone helmed for so much of his life. In many ways, he looks the part of a commoner, and yet his blue eyes shine with a penetrating gaze against the backdrop of a mild tan and a ruddy complexion.

His functional wear includes serviceable scale mail and he previously held a sturdy steel shield. He is armed with nothing (that you see) other than the longsword at his side. His clothes are that of a Sarenite traveling priest, and yet these are worn beyond what any Sarenite hierarchy would allow, making one wonder if he is a priest. A silver holy symbol of a stylized, angelic ankh hangs from a thick leather cord around his neck. At dinner, he doesn't carry it (it is in his room), but during the festivities he was loaded out as if to travel - a man who likes to be prepared. He had a (roadworn) backpack full of gear, and yet he moved purposefully enough with both it and his armor during the battle.

Now at dinner, he is a simpler man, and much to the idea of joy. Live hard, pray hard, play hard. Whatever religious aspirations he has or had, they do not detract from his desires to enjoy the pleasures of bed and board in this mortal life.

2017-03-20, 01:38 PM
Keghart Valdemar of Magnimar

Keghart is a few years younger than his older brother, but they look significantly different. Where the older Mars brother looks "rode hard and put away wet" Keg is every bit of fresh-faced as his early 20s would suggest, while collecting just enough edge to really make his looks shine. Dashingly handsome, Keghart looks very much like one would think of a fly-by-the-seat-of-one's-pants nobleman. Tall, tanned, well-built, his hair is cropped short around the sides and back and he has a distinctive (though not foppisly elaborate) van Dyke. His intellect is easily discernible without him uttering a word as it looks like he wears a perpetual smirk as he always finds things mentally with which to amuse himself. He wears no armor, but does wear a scholar's outfit. For arms he only seems to carry a bow. Those who know what to look for see a spell component pouch on his belt.

Outside of enjoying a rousing session of tippling, little identify mercurial Keghart from his older brother Toros. He is arrogant and narcissistic, but he is not wholly a cad and at the end of the day will always do the right thing and see that the little guy doesn't get screwed over. It is his very arrogance that provides both a bit of intellectual condescension, but balanced by (sometimes equally grating) patronization in understanding that he HAS been gifted more than most men, so it is his job to pull more of his weight. And yet, for this people still seem to not quite get enough of him. He was incredibly popular with the ladies of Magnimar, and it might be a fast lesson if the "provincials" of Sandpoint have no use for his highbrow shenanigans.

2017-03-23, 11:42 AM
Alivia of Magnimar (not related)

Alivia is a barely 20-year old woman. She still has the youthful beauty one might assume. She is at the tall end of average height, with fairly slender build. She wears her long hair in a tight braid decorated with jewellery, though fewer pieces remain than when she set off, pawned for food and bed. She tries to maintain a kempt appearance.

Alivia enjoys good food and good drink, as well as any comforts in life. She idolizes thoughts of honour, nobility and chivalry, and tries to behave accordingly. While she acts confident and knowledgeable, she is very much fresh out of the pampered and sheltered life of a noble and into the rougher life of a traveller or adventurer. She maintains an optimistic outlook to like, trying to let nothing get in the way of a smile of meeting new friends or exploring a new place.

In terms of attire and equipment, she prefers good-quality clothes, currently in turquoise. For travel, she wears earthier colours of green and brown. She carries around a glaive and wears a rapier on her belt both for show (it is rather pretty with the elaborate hilt) and to use in circumstances where the glaive might be difficult to use. Besides these she has a few darts to engage enemies that are too far away or that she would rather not get too close to.

2017-03-23, 03:17 PM
Jubal Ames


Jubal sits at the table, seemingly uncomfortable. He is slightly short, though with a lean muscular build. He sits forward in his seat, betraying a sense of eagerness in spite of himself. He's a young man, with deep brown skin, brown eyes, and a head of thick, short black hair.

When everyone orders a round, he does the same - though an astute observer would notice that he gets a cheaper beer and nurses it a while before getting another. As time draws on, and stories are told across the table, he at first listens intently, almost eagerly. He soon grows comfortable enough to tell his own tales. They are mainly about feats of strength, or showcasing physical prowess in some form or another. He's not a very good storyteller. But he is a good listener, and laughs right alongside everyone else at a good joke.

2017-04-19, 09:42 PM
Two days after the business with the tomb Keghart has attained some measure of popularity all of his own the engaged looks and on occasion flirting glaces have been made by some of the younger members of the community, Kegharts ongoing quest for work has left him with a couple of coppers and easy enough tasks when one of the opportunities you've been looking for gestures for you to approach the Sandpoint General Store, Shayliss Vinder the daughter of the owner speaks I've a favor to ask if you happened to have know a hero who could help me? My fathers been so horribly distracted with my sisters absences lately.

Aldern is easily found in the Rusty Dragon inn sitting alone in his booth ]My dear its so good to see you I was hoping we'd see each other soon. Sit sit he gestures for Ameiko W

You've got a job in the morning Jubrayl announces a day after the tomb was opened one of Gorvi's boys. Goes by the handle Biter has been promised a broken leg and by your discretion that's your field of study. He takes a short pull of his drink as he watches you

Amele Barett is in font of you and sobbing in seconds its only been a day since the opening of the crypt and now a woman two children trailing behind her It killed him! We told him it was nothing and now now my sweet boy. He's still in there, my husband. You need to go help my husband she gestures in a panic you can see bitewounds on her arms

2017-04-19, 10:27 PM
Toros immediately tends her wounds. "What is still where, mum? Show me and walk at the same time?"

Given her worries, he'll only grab someone (of the party or the sheriff) if he sees them. He at least leaves word for where he's going. He'll ask for whatever amplifying information he can. Obviously to get information, but also as a means for her to engage a different part of her brain that might dull the hyper-emotional.

2017-04-20, 01:53 AM
Aldern is easily found in the Rusty Dragon inn sitting alone in his booth ]My dear its so good to see you I was hoping we'd see each other soon. Sit sit he gestures for Ameiko W

I feel this was cut off and there is something is missing.

Alivia smiles sweetly at the nobleman and takes her seat. "It's good to see you too" she replies. She takes a drink (they are in a tavern after all) and looks at Aldern expectantly. "I recall that you spoke of a surprise earlier?" she says, phrasing it as a statement but speaking with a tone that leaves it hanging as a question.

Alivia has cleaned up for the occasion, trying perhaps a bit too hard to match Aldern's perceived station.

2017-04-20, 07:59 AM
Yeah that got cut up a little he was only going to offer you wine
So it's not a big issue.

The wounds by the way are evidently goblin in nature

Aldern grins with excitement ] Of course promises are everything, I've an eye for a little bit of sport to comemorate my leaving as well as my rescue from that unpleasant bit of goblining. his leaning in which he attempts to make conspiratorial instead seems a little intoxicated I've mind for a boar hunt and of course I'd need a escort

she nods mutely trying to collect herself while leading you toward her home, it's a short walk it's clear she went for the first person she knew she could trust you've an option to delay if you want to speak to the pair of constables near by but your arrived at the house and she begins speaking We told him there's no such thing as closet goblins Agar, go to sleep Agar, if this is another monster story Agar we're going to tan your hide for lying Agar... promise me. Promise me you'll kill it and make it suffer like they did.

2017-04-20, 01:59 PM
"That sounds like a pleasant way to pass a day. And eating the catch like a great evening." Alivia says, smiling too. "It has been a while since I've tried my hand at the sport, but I'm sure that you can guide us through."

2017-04-20, 02:24 PM
Two days after the business with the tomb Keghart has attained some measure of popularity all of his own the engaged looks and on occasion flirting glaces have been made by some of the younger members of the community, Keghart's ongoing quest for work has left him with a couple of coppers and easy enough tasks when one of the opportunities you've been looking for gestures for you to approach the Sandpoint General Store, Shayliss Vinder the daughter of the owner speaks I've a favor to ask if you happened to have know a hero who could help me? My fathers been so horribly distracted with my sisters absences lately.
"Trouble me with your burdens, m'lady, and I will see if I am the hero you seek." :smallcool:

2017-04-20, 05:26 PM
she nods mutely trying to collect herself while leading you toward her home, it's a short walk it's clear she went for the first person she knew she could trust you've an option to delay if you want to speak to the pair of constables near by but your arrived at the house and she begins speaking We told him there's no such thing as closet goblins Agar, go to sleep Agar, if this is another monster story Agar we're going to tan your hide for lying Agar... promise me. Promise me you'll kill it and make it suffer like they did.
Toros does wave the two constables over to follow him.

"I do not promise misery, Goodwife," says Toros, "life is too full of it as it is. So I promise to remove the goblin from that cycle of misery."

2017-04-20, 08:28 PM
The guards double time to flank behind you as you enter the house from the room as you approach you hear the wet snaps and crunches of famished eating as you ascend the flight of stairs, the last door on the landing of this small dwelling stands slightly ajar the sounds echoing from within

its a short decent into the basement from the shop above where Shayliss bodice seems to have disappeared somewhere along the well made flight of stairs and she moves to press against you Why its awful there is not a rat in sight and I've made you come down here for nothing... she claims sporting a pout

Then its settled he agrees quickly I've most everything prepared I'll have the dogs ready in the morning as well, lets say eight bells for our start?

2017-04-21, 01:02 AM
Heavy shield is already out and longsword in hand. Toros kicks open the door so as not to remove focus from the tools in his hand. As he looks into the room with his eyes, his eyes in turn look into the room for the mark of sin (i.e., detect evil).

2017-04-21, 09:11 AM
"See you then" Alivia says. She eventually retires for the evening and sets off preparing for the exciting day ahead.

She gets up almost an hour before the agreed time. Getting ready, eating well, thinking about the kind of prey they might find. She's at the agreed upon meeting place a bit early just in case, carrying what weapons she owns along.

2017-04-21, 12:46 PM
Taking her in his arms, "I'm sure we can think of something..."

And ... scene. Unless you have something planned, of course (probably do). But dirty details unnnecessary.

2017-04-21, 02:01 PM
You've got a job in the morning Jubrayl announces a day after the tomb was opened one of Gorvi's boys. Goes by the handle Biter has been promised a broken leg and by your discretion that's your field of study. He takes a short pull of his drink as he watches you

"Sure thing, b-"He stopped himself from saying "boss." Jubrayl was hardly that, not yet. "Sure thing. Three questions, though. Where is he, what's he done, and what if he tries to pay me off?"

2017-04-21, 02:08 PM
Kalagan Loveless

Kalagan is a serious sort. Oh, he loves to laugh. And he admires beauty and art. But he isn't likely to be the guy initiating the jokes. Kalagan sees the beauty in everything, and is a staunch warrior in it's cause, believing that Shelyn has called him to such tasks.

He is slow to anger, but quick to act. Kal believes getting to the point is more harmonious than taking the long way around. As such, he often doesnt understand some of the more abstract creations of Shelyn's other followers, but admires them for the beauty of their creation anyway.

2017-04-21, 09:35 PM
Centre of the room you see a short ugly little goblin though it's rare you see one that's so famished you see it edge away toward the head of the corpse it was snacking on where you see the gore of what was once an eye with a short piece of metal still protruding from it

The Camara as it is does indeed pan away back toward the stairs after what seems like far to short a time from your perspective you have the opportunity to make a perception check

Aldern is late. His dogs and a couple of the teens from the town hired to porter for the day are prompt where they arrive twenty minutes before the time, one still trying to rub butter off his tunic the other not bothering to disguise her humor at his attempts then offer there names as Deter and Myli. Almost half a bell after the time of the appointment Aldern rushes out of the inn You must forgive me Ameiko missed my call to rise; now we've time to make up let's be on our way . his excuses ended he starts toward Tickwood. Not a dagger on his hip.

Jubrayl looks a little annoyed at your response Down by the boneyard with the other sweeps he starts shining an apple on his jacket As for bribes I mean you know what I want you to do and he's got money? I don't expect it to come up though if he does then I mean break the other leg? Use your imagination he shrugs as he takes a bite As for why? You ever been down to Katapesh? Well I have and the boy reeks like the place, Pesh. Some of my boys are getting smart and selling on the side, this towns not big enough for the crap. People get scared, not worth enough, my boys get weak. Get that crap out of my town kid.

2017-04-22, 03:50 AM
Aldern is late. His dogs and a couple of the teens from the town hired to porter for the day are prompt where they arrive twenty minutes before the time, one still trying to rub butter off his tunic the other not bothering to disguise her humor at his attempts then offer there names as Deter and Myli. Almost half a bell after the time of the appointment Aldern rushes out of the inn You must forgive me Ameiko missed my call to rise; now we've time to make up let's be on our way . his excuses ended he starts toward Tickwood. Not a dagger on his hip.
Before Aldern arrives Alivia would introduce herself. She is quite happy to have people to carry their stuff (as well as the inevitable kill of course) back. Seeing Aldern arrive, late and without gear. We're off to a promising start Alivia thinks to herself, before smiling and nodding. "It's alright" she says, "we can get moving."

She follows Aldern to tickwood, her glaive held loosely in one hand and occasionally used for support in any rougher terrain. Alivia is reasonably nimble, and stealthy and perceptive if called upon. Without a bow, she appreciates that the kind of prey she can take down is limited to something that she can take down in a single blow or else goad to fight. Then again, she isn't the expert hunter here.

While on the way, Alivia would make some small talk, starting with the topic of hunting and trying to move on to other subjects. Does he appreciate arts or theatre? Does he live in a big fancy mansion somewhere in Sandpoint or nearby? Alivia could talk about the various sights and peculiarities of Magnimar.

2017-04-22, 01:35 PM
Aldern lives in Magnimar though he does have a residence that his family keeps near Sandpoint, his chief pleasures seem to be opera and art which he's more then happy to mansplain the intricacies of both. Toward the afternoon a thundering crash can be heard as in a clearing bellow you can see one of the Tickwoods notoriously aggressive boars chasing off a lone fox

2017-04-22, 04:24 PM
Aldern lives in Magnimar though he does have a residence that his family keeps near Sandpoint, his chief pleasures seem to be opera and art which he's more then happy to mansplain the intricacies of both. Toward the afternoon a thundering crash can be heard as in a clearing bellow you can see one of the Tickwoods notoriously aggressive boars chasing off a lone fox

Alivia motions for quiet as soon as she hears noise, suddenly serious. She gets ready with a dart and stalks closer, motioning for Aldern to ready a weapon if he has one (A topic Alivia has avoided for the trip, possibly not her wisest move ever), or at least be ready to send the dog in pursuit in case it runs rather than charges.

Upon seeing that it is a boar, Alivia is fairly confident that it isn't going to run off. Now, her father had some sage advice about hunting for boars. Let somebody else hold the spear. Helpful advice all told. A sage hunter that.

Alivia will (if allowed) start with her Glaive in 'close' stance (She can turn Reach property on or off as a move action thanks to Bladed Brush Feat), then draw a Dart as part of a move action (to stealthily move towards the boar), then throw the dart as Standard Action, switch the throwing hand to the Glaive as a free action and wait for the angry boar to charge.
Dart Attack[roll1]
Dart damage[roll2]
Potential Sneak Attack [roll3]
Parry or AoO[roll4] (Parry vs Boar's attack roll)
Riposte damage [roll6]

2017-04-23, 01:56 AM
Centre of the room you see a short ugly little goblin though it's rare you see one that's so famished you see it edge away toward the head of the corpse it was snacking on where you see the gore of what was once an eye with a short piece of metal still protruding from it
Overcome with righteous wrath, Toros calls on the Lady of Fire to aid him in battle against this evil imp of a creature and he rushes forth with a charge.
SwA: Smite declared on the goblin.
FRA: Charge [roll0] (-4 to attack roll if goblin is not evil, incl. charge bonus), damage [roll1] (-2 damage if not evil)
AC is 16 for this round until Toros' next round because of the charge.

2017-04-23, 08:23 AM
Jubrayl looks a little annoyed at your response Down by the boneyard with the other sweeps he starts shining an apple on his jacket As for bribes I mean you know what I want you to do and he's got money? I don't expect it to come up though if he does then I mean break the other leg? Use your imagination he shrugs as he takes a bite As for why? You ever been down to Katapesh? Well I have and the boy reeks like the place, Pesh. Some of my boys are getting smart and selling on the side, this towns not big enough for the crap. People get scared, not worth enough, my boys get weak. Get that crap out of my town kid.

Jubal didn't fail to notice Vhiski's irritated look, but his experiences had taught him that it's better to go into a situation with as much information as possible, and if Jubrayl didn't like it, that was too damned bad.

"No, I haven't seen what it can do - but I can imagine. I'll see you when it's done." He made his way to the door and headed to the boneyard.

2017-04-23, 09:28 PM
For the most brief of moments you feel the Dawnflowers light within you in a rush these few precious seconds even the blade hums with it. The goblin was evil you knew that in your heart and your lady did not test you here she showed it to your eyes as well. That's why your blade ramming through the heart of the imp of a creature felt like it was over in a second. That and you bloody crit the bugger after killing it with just the base damage

Grace in all things when the thick hide of the beast has purchase found by a dart it wheels toward the source quickly denied a clear path to charge any of the group it goes ahead and closes most of the distance heading at a break neck speed into the woods to your left bellowing the whole way

2017-04-23, 11:56 PM
Keg's Perception [roll0]

2017-04-24, 12:02 PM
Grace in all things when the thick hide of the beast has purchase found by a dart it wheels toward the source quickly denied a clear path to charge any of the group it goes ahead and closes most of the distance heading at a break neck speed into the woods to your left bellowing the whole way

As the boar turns to run, Alivia spares a look at Aldern, hoping for something to the effect of 'Release the hounds' but already prepared to accept disappointment if nothing like that is forthcoming. Assuming no such order is forthcoming, Alivia issues one herself, throwing into it al of her noble upbringing and feigned haughtiness and hoping that the porters obey, before dashing off after the boar, drawing another dart as she goes, and casting it if she manages to catch sight of the animal.
Same routine as last time. Move (this time without any attempt at stealth and as fast as possible) and draw a Dart. Attack with Dart. Grasp the Glaive. Parry if attacked, Riposte if parry succeeds
Dart [roll0]
Dart damage [roll1]
Parry [roll2]
Riposte [roll3]
Riposte damage [roll4]

If she doesn't spot the boar, she will instead return to Aldern and hope that he has the skill to have his hunting dog (or what Alivia hopes is a huntin dog) track the boar instead. Wounded as it is, (presumably) it likely won't be able to outrun them forever. She is not going to apologise for 'letting it get away' even if she perhaps acted a little brashly. Patience is not one of Alivia's virtues, one can tell.

2017-04-24, 06:55 PM
Actually, it wasn't a crit. The roll was an '18.'Scene safety. Call one of the constables up to guard center room while Toros moves about to check out the area, taking 20 on his Perception check for 22.

2017-04-24, 08:50 PM
The room contains the body of a child, a man, a goblin, and a closet full of piss and ****. It looks like to your keen investigative eye that the damn thing had pried on of the boards in the back of the closet loose and the hunger had finally won. ah bloody hell that's Dyscalculia for you

You hear the sounds of steps starting to descend the same staircase as you did, the cot occupying the corner is out of sight for now though that advantage is balanced by your state of undress

The dogs barking as there release leaves much to be desired with there utter lack of chase, Them attacking would be a push for a competent animal trainer but opportunity soon presents itself as the boar comes charging into the center of your group. Aldern finally readying a boarspear yeps in surprise as shortly after the dart your Glaive sheers of a part of the beasts hide.

Your work is quick and profitable you make 1 gold crown and a handful of fatman's pennies (34 copper)

2017-04-24, 09:00 PM
The death of the child hits Toros hard. He collects himself and prays over the fallen that Sarenrae will send compassionate guides with their souls to Pharasma. He gives no prayers for the goblin.

He goes downstairs, looking haunted, and breaks the news to Goodie Amele as best he can.
Diplomacy check to provide weak comfort. :smallfrown: [roll0]If he is not needed anymore, he will ask the constables to assist him in moving the body of the goblin and taking it back to show to the sheriff. He provides a full report.

2017-04-25, 09:44 AM
Your work is quick and profitable you make 1 gold crown and a handful of fatman's pennies (34 copper)

In the early evening, Jubal makes his way back to the Fatman's Feedbag. The contrast between the bright sun outside and the dimly lit interior causes him to pause inside the doorway, letting his eyes adjust. He scans the room for signs of Vhiski, then spots him eating at a table on the far side of the bar. Though Vhiski is sitting alone, Jubal quickly identifies two bodyguards, one at the bar and one at another table, both failing in their attempts to appear to be inconspicuous barflies. With a satisfied grin, Jubal strides over to Vhiski's table, stopping a few steps short. He waits to be acknowledged before speaking. "That sorry sod's gonna have to put all of his earnings toward paying for a healer, unless he doesn't want to walk right any more. I told him since you'd keep sending me back as long as he kept pushing, he'd never earn a profit this way. Oh, and I also mentioned Gorvi. Told him that if Gorvi didn't already know about this side business, he'd find out soon enough if it kept going. And I've gotta tell ya, Jubrayl, the way the guy reacted to that, it didn't seem like Gorvi knew."

2017-04-25, 12:08 PM
The dogs barking as there release leaves much to be desired with there utter lack of chase, Them attacking would be a push for a competent animal trainer but opportunity soon presents itself as the boar comes charging into the center of your group. Aldern finally readying a boarspear yeps in surprise as shortly after the dart your Glaive sheers of a part of the beasts hide.

Between the spear that Aldern manages to wield adequately and Alivia's glaive, the boar never stood a chance. After the kill is made, Alivia hefts her glaive and stands aside admiring the beast. "Quite a specimen" she says, excited after the brief fight. Inwardly, she is glad that everyone remained uninjured, and also that Aldern at least had the spine to receive a charge from such a beast. She smiles at Aldern and the porters, Deter and Myli, hoping that one of them does something. While she was taken to a few hunts as a child, exactly what was to be done to a prey like this under the circumstances escapes her. She expects Aldern to either get to work preparing the body or just order the porters to pick it up and transport it back to Sandpoint.

2017-04-25, 08:50 PM
Amele takes the news badly, though not as badly as could be, the Sheriff is notably upset at the news for a moment his expression flickering a step darker, then sends one of the men who's followed you back to tell the Father to start preparation for yet another funeral

The in most regards children are quick enough on the uptake as well as the lifting itself the two hosting the spoils of the hunt over the minor cliff and slashing its neck open at the sight of the blood your companion stares at the slow process distantly

Gorvi's ignorance is unsurprising. The man has little regard for his workforce only how much he can abuse until they start hurting the bottom line.
Still, good enough. I hear you've been making the rounds with that little possie that's sprung up since our visitors got left for the aforementioned gutter trash. Anything interesting so far?

2017-04-26, 11:24 AM
"Well, it looks like the former priest's body's gone missing from his tomb. The Sheriff's put us onto the scent of whoever did it. Jubrayl, I'm looking at this like it's my opportunity to get in good with the law here, you know, make 'a good first impression.' You never know when that sort of relationship might pay off." He winks with a devious grin.

2017-04-26, 03:17 PM
You want it? Okay, you got it ... Keghart starts ramming Shayliss from behind (standing up, not really bent over) ... facing the staircase (which would be both of us). Keg pulls on her hair and makes some noise, fully into college-mode I-don't-care-I'm-getting-some mode.

2017-04-27, 09:05 PM
Jubrayl Nods to himself before writing something down on the parchment laying in front of him not looking up he speaks I've to be honest boy. I think you'd best be applied with those lot right now. he smiles gesturing for Jubal to sit down See thing is I've been thinking about your little jab, Not being where you are in a years time. he eyes you evenly So what do you think you can do bonebreaker?

while walking down the street two days since the indecent at the crypt you turn a corner and in front of the theater you find two men arguing in the street one waving sheets of a script and the other guesting to a set of stone tablets you recognized the one with the stones as Cyrdak owner of the establishment

2017-04-28, 05:11 PM
With their kill secure, I think it is time for the camera to refocus on the meal or gloss over the rest (depending on where it is going)

2017-04-28, 10:19 PM
while walking down the street two days since the indecent at the crypt you turn a corner and in front of the theater you find two men arguing in the street one waving sheets of a script and the other guesting to a set of stone tablets you recognized the one with the stones as Cyrdak owner of the establishment

Kal, walking through the streets of the town taking in it's sights, looking for the common beauty most people overlook,
looks up to see Cyrdak having an animated conversation with another man.
Ahh, Cyrdak. I have been meaning to tell him how much I enjoy the art he creates at his theater. "Cyrdak, I'm so pleased to see you out on this fine day. Shelyn's blessing on you and your players.
The art you create nightly adds much to the beauty of Sandpoint." Kal walks toward the pair, seemingly oblivious to their disagreement.

2017-04-29, 06:43 PM
Cyrdak steps in front of Kalagan Wait just a moment Kalagan your a man who lives for art as I understand it! I need you to tell this poof of a half elf that that his damn revisions of the play remove the cultural context and spoils the entire mood! the other man as you can now see clearly is a half elf adjusts his hat and retorts Kalagan is it? Very well if you a individual of taste then you'll be able to see that without the performance being in the original Vudrani then half the play is out of his precious context and its better to adapt the work to a more Osiriani tone so the audience understands more of it

The rest of the day passes without incident the party returning the the Rusty dragon inn with the catch presenting it to Ameiko who has it beautifully roasted in almost no time flat,Aldern extends an open invitation if any of the group are in Magnimar to stay with him in his manor there before announcing his taking leave in the morning

Ven Vinder father of Shayliss looms above you a portly man with a usually even tempter seems to be barely containing his anger as he starts to raise a fist a moment later a spell flies off your lips and abruptly the man visibly relaxes Ah you kids would have worked up an apatite, you'll eat me out of house and home he declares before heading back up the stairs Shayliss having let out a short yep at his appearance stand straight and whips around What in the nine Hells was that? she hisses at you

2017-04-30, 03:36 PM
Jubrayl Nods to himself before writing something down on the parchment laying in front of him not looking up he speaks I've to be honest boy. I think you'd best be applied with those lot right now. he smiles gesturing for Jubal to sit down See thing is I've been thinking about your little jab, Not being where you are in a years time. he eyes you evenly So what do you think you can do bonebreaker?

Jubal looks genuinely confused. "I'm not sure what you mean by 'applied.' I got involved with them, as it were, because I didn't think my new home should get sullied by goblin claws and goblin fire, and they felt the same way. Then we got called upon by the sheriff to help out another way, and once again, it was a way to keep this town running the way it should - orderly on the surface, with enough room for the Organization underneath. And yeah, getting involved with the sheriff was risky, but I weighed it out and I thought it could be useful to the Organization. Beyond that? Anything involving 'that lot' isn't something you need to concern yourself with.

"As to your question, I think I've got the skills to get things done. I've shown you that I don't mind getting my hands dirty, and that you and I are of a similar mind when it comes to things like the drug trade ruining your town. But I'm not a suck-up and I can think more than a few steps past the door, both of which set me quite apart from what I've seen of your crew. The question is, what can't I do?"

2017-04-30, 03:58 PM
Jubrayl looks visibly more interested in the conversation what have you seen of my crew? What have we learned about the group and its dynamics? Knowledge local, diplomacy are the first skills that jump to mind and you can of course make a case for others

2017-05-01, 09:11 AM
"Oh, this and that," Jubal said, trying to recall some of the things he'd observed.

Knowledge (local): [roll0]

I think it's reasonable that Perception plays a role, although it pretty much plays a role in everything and therefore I understand if you don't want me to use it here. I also think Profession (bodyguard) could give Jubal some insight, given that he's assessing Jubrayl's crew either in the light of them being fellow bodyguards/enforcers, or their competency as threats (which would be a part of his bodyguard job description).

2017-05-01, 12:58 PM
Keghart smiles and shrugs mischievously, "Parental consent? I mean, it looks like he wanted to fight. So, he is only going to be a little off-kilter for a few hours while he leaves us to our privacy and makes us some food. This way, nobody is hurt, and a couple of us are happy."

2017-05-02, 08:31 PM
So what your saying is that you have the next two hours to find a way to make it up to daddy that you cursed him and not get your ears boxed? Heroic is right after all. to which she laughs at her own joke and sets about dressing herself Well I'm looking forward to see what you come up with She smirks and starts up the stairs

Disorganization is central while loyalty to the family is clear you've yet to see the sort of command structure that your family and ones you met seemed to have. The one thing you can tell for sure is everyone you've met is not a local. Jubrayl himself does not seem to be actively profiteering locally though with what you know of Sandpoint the size leaves only enough population to have a crew let lose for maybe a month before the entire thing bucked or they'd get forced out.

2017-05-02, 09:50 PM
Cyrdak steps in front of Kalagan Wait just a moment Kalagan your a man who lives for art as I understand it! I need you to tell this poof of a half elf that that his damn revisions of the play remove the cultural context and spoils the entire mood! the other man as you can now see clearly is a half elf adjusts his hat and retorts Kalagan is it? Very well if you a individual of taste then you'll be able to see that without the performance being in the original Vudrani then half the play is out of his precious context and its better to adapt the work to a more Osiriani tone so the audience understands more of it

"My lady Shelyn loves art and beauty, so I do seek to surround myself with it where eve I can. Perhaps you would allow me to peruse the original script and the revisions? I would not wish to speak out of turn on this matter." Kalagan looks from Cyrdak to the half-elf, waiting for an answer.

2017-05-03, 10:22 AM
Keghart watches her go upstairs. This was a lark, not a deep pursuit, and from the sounds of things she might have had some entirely different sense of how things were going to go for the evening on the whole. And to be honest, Keghart thinks it might just include having had sex in a very visible and trafficked spot of the man's house, so as to deal with some type of filial politics which he wanted no part of. He simply gets dressed - still rather jovially, I might add - and goes upstairs. He will, of course, eat a sandwich ... he doesn't want good effort to go to waste. He thanks the fine gentleman for his efforts, and then heads out, being sure to dismiss the charm once he's well out of sight.

2017-05-03, 08:12 PM
As you start to eat the still very pleasant Ven speaks up So a winter wedding just won't do. What do you two love birds think of spring? as you move toward the door he questions you Where are you going my boy? Are you sure™?

Both are more then happy to show you there copy do you have speak Vudrani or have any ranks in knowledge history?

2017-05-03, 08:49 PM
I know Comprehend Languages.

2017-05-04, 12:28 AM
"The biggest thing I've noticed is that your guys often fight over petty rivalries in order to scrabble up the chain. It breeds contempt for others in the organization, and those rivalries don't just disappear in a day. I envision larger opportunities in the future that will be botched or missed entirely if we don't have people capable of working together. And I notice that most of your guys appear to not be from around here. There's no investment in the community - and there are pros to that, I suppose - but if things turn sideways in a big way, they're more likely to disappear than someone with local roots. Now, has anyone else working for you ever thought that way, as far as you know?"

2017-05-04, 02:44 PM
Yup. Bored now, but it was a funny interlude, thank you.

2017-05-04, 09:17 PM
One or two, see most folk here don't have their family they grew up with any more either because of situations like yours or much more often because their naughty. I like your eyes boy but we need to be clear, minor work to pay the bills, a caravan comes by half the lot will have learned how to be a team player and get back out there. Still more from the lot that passing by will find themselves orphaned with a letter for adoption fees in hand. Which is why I ask you what do you want to do? Because you can be big brother or second cousin.

The play for reference sake is basically just pretty woman but with king and a court instead of a corporation, its clear that the play was mistranslated in sections for the revision? Or that the copy of the play is miscribed. Either way both are art you think you'd have to see a performance if you wanted to judge either in its full merit

2017-05-05, 11:35 AM
With narrowed eyes and a stony expression, he responds simply, "I'm a team player."

2017-05-06, 05:34 PM
I don't feel like that answers my question. So, I guess we can talk later anyway. With that he extends a hand the barkeep rushing over to hand him what looks like a ledger Who knows your keeper may show up any minute looking for you.

2017-07-06, 11:53 PM
I figured I'd move the conversation here now. If we have something to move on to as a group, we might.

"Oh. Oh I see..." Alivia says, face flushing a little as she connects the dots again. "I'll be careful about him and investigate." she continues. She tries to get her business done, hoping to eventually smooth things over. She is fairly certain she knows who is talked about.

2017-07-07, 07:00 AM
Yes, we need to be careful! Here take this and with that along with your list of purchases he hands you a copper ring I had the father bless the metal so that must do something at least! He shows you a matching on on his finger Everyone I've told thus far is doing the same that way we know who's safe!

2017-07-07, 12:22 PM
"Fear not" Alivia says, taking the ring and trying it on "I'm always careful". She'll conclude her shopping, thanking mr. Vinder for the ring and trying her best to assure her that she will be on top of this demon business.

She'll first need to determine who the shopkeeper was accusing. They'd been mostly apart between the goblin attack and the business with the crypts. She had a hard time doubting any of her newfound companions, but the seeds were there. For now, it was time to observe. She didn't much like observing, but just asking straight about this sort of thing was a little... awkward.

Purchasing a masterwork backpack (I like my load light), bullseye lantern and 2 pints of oil (I also like light), and a gear maintenance kit for a total cost is 67,2gp.