View Full Version : Pathfinder Looking for a Prestige Class

2017-03-18, 11:08 AM
Im running an Oriental(ish) game and one of the things that the setting has is the Jade Inquisition. The Jade Inquisition's job is to hunt down demons (which is a generic term for Demons, Devils, Evil Fey, and basically anything that comes out of the Demonwastes) people who summon demons, and just in general help keep the Empire from falling apart. So they are basically the Warhammer 40k Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus rolled into one.

Now, a player asked me if there was a Jade Inquisitor PrC. Of course there isn't as i havent made one, but i felt i should look and see if there is a prestige class that could sorta do what im going for, and i just tweak it a bit.

So, anyone know of a PrC for Pathfinder (or 3.5) for that matter, that i could swipe? Oh we are using Spheres of Power if that matters for some reason.

2017-03-18, 11:32 AM
The Church Inquisitor from Complete Divine would probably be fairly easy to adapt. In the first three levels you gain Detect Evil at will, the Inquisition domain, immunity to all charm effects and the ability to make a Will save against illusions on sight, rather than needing to interact with the illusion. All of that could be handy for your Jade Inquisiting needs.

It's a 10/10 divine casting PrC, but I don't know whether or how that could be adapted for Spheres of Power. In the basic 3.5 context it seems pretty decent.

2017-03-18, 11:34 AM
The Planes Walker PRC from PF sounds like a good thematic fit as well, its powers are all about fighting evil outsiders: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/n-r/planes-walker/

2017-03-18, 11:42 AM
There are several different options for that might work, namely the Crimson Templar, the Hell Knight classes, and Purity Legion Enforcer from what I could find.

2017-03-18, 12:34 PM
The Shadowbane Inquisitor and Stalker might be good?

"Those they name as heretics or servants of evil call them zealots. Those they protect from darkness call them saviors and defenders of the truth. Whatever their label, shadowbane stalkers rank as some of the most feared individuals wherever they go.

All shadowbane stalkers belong to the Order of Illumination, a fellowship of holy knights dedicated to finding and rooting our hidden evil. The Order of Illumination hunts evil - from liars and petty con artists to mind flayer cabals hidden in the heart of a decadent empire - in its most secret lair, and shadowbane stalkers lead the search.

Although many think it restrictive and insensitive, the Order of Illumination is a powerful force for good. Shadowbane stalkers do their part to find evil hidden within the midst of civilized areas so that the martial arm of the order, led by the shadowbane inquisitors (see the previous prestige class), can spearhead the attack against the corruption. Shadowbane stalkers usually work alone or with small groups of independent adventurers, but it is also common for a stalker and an inquisitor to adventure together as partners. Their skills and abilities complement each other, and they know that the other members of the order are some of the few beings they can trust implicitly.

Almost all shadowbane stalkers are clerics who took a few levels of rogue. This unorthodox career path gives a character the divine spellcasting power and martial training necessary to deal with powerful and subtle evils, as well as giving her the broad expertise in skills and stealth required to find and ambush the hidden evils that she seeks."


"Those they name as heretics or servants of evil call them zealots. Those they protect from darkness call them saviors and defenders of the truth. Whatever their label, shadowbane stalkers rank as some of the most feared individuals wherever they go.

All shadowbane stalkers belong to the Order of Illumination, a fellowship of holy knights dedicated to finding and rooting our hidden evil. The Order of Illumination hunts evil - from liars and petty con artists to mind flayer cabals hidden in the heart of a decadent empire - in its most secret lair, and shadowbane stalkers lead the search.

Although many think it restrictive and insensitive, the Order of Illumination is a powerful force for good. Shadowbane stalkers do their part to find evil hidden within the midst of civilized areas so that the martial arm of the order, led by the shadowbane inquisitors (see the previous prestige class), can spearhead the attack against the corruption. Shadowbane stalkers usually work alone or with small groups of independent adventurers, but it is also common for a stalker and an inquisitor to adventure together as partners. Their skills and abilities complement each other, and they know that the other members of the order are some of the few beings they can trust implicitly.

Almost all shadowbane stalkers are clerics who took a few levels of rogue. This unorthodox career path gives a character the divine spellcasting power and martial training necessary to deal with powerful and subtle evils, as well as giving her the broad expertise in skills and stealth required to find and ambush the hidden evils that she seeks."

2017-03-18, 02:07 PM
Ranger is probably a decent choice as well

2017-03-18, 07:23 PM
from a 3.5 book (complete warrior): knight of the chalice. it springs to mind quite readily. also refluffed paladins might work as a base class.