View Full Version : Pathfinder Mass Combat Strategies

2017-03-18, 11:21 AM
So, Mass Combat strategies (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/mass-combat/#Strategy_Track), in addition to modifying OM and DV (which both affect damage) also adds or subtracts damage based on how reckless you are. Does this modify damage dealt, damage taken, or both? If the first, more reckless strategies are clearly better. If the second, defensive strategies are better. If the third, the options look more or less balanced.

2017-03-18, 10:03 PM
I did a couple mass combats, and yeah like you noticed going offensive on the strategy track is way better, because you're getting OM and damage, whereas defensive just gives you DV. The math is just bad on Paizo's part. I'd suggest just ignoring the damage bonus/penalty if you're running a mass combat and using just the OM/DV modifier.