View Full Version : Kong

2017-03-18, 01:09 PM
I'm thinking of seeing this movie tonight, for a lack of anything else to do.

I was jut wondering what it's like.

2017-03-18, 02:03 PM
Saw it opening night. it's a very enjoyable film to watch in theaters.

2017-03-18, 02:20 PM
Speaking as a confirmed Archnaphobic. All I need to know is : are there giant spiders ?

2017-03-18, 02:34 PM
Speaking as a confirmed Archnaphobic. All I need to know is : are there giant spiders ?

... I just googled that question, and apparently there are.

I was about to leave for the theatre, but... no.

No no no.

Legato Endless
2017-03-18, 02:43 PM
Speaking as a confirmed Archnaphobic. All I need to know is : are there giant spiders ?

Oh yes. There's a bit more modification than being merely gigantic, and another viewer thought they were crabs, but if oversized arthropods aren't your cup of tea...

2017-03-18, 02:52 PM
They really aren't :smalleek:

2017-03-18, 03:08 PM
I loved it. The humans aren't anything special but they are interesting enough that you aren't bored by them (unlike 2014 Godzilla). There is a lot more monster madness and daylight combat than Godzilla, and it's pretty damn good. Small after credits teaser which was pretty cool.
All in all, a damn fine movie and if I didn't have several others to watch while they're still in the theaters I may well have gone for a second viewing.

For arachnophobes, I'd just close my eyes for that scene.

2017-03-18, 05:46 PM
I loved it. The humans aren't anything special but they are interesting enough that you aren't bored by them (unlike 2014 Godzilla). There is a lot more monster madness and daylight combat than Godzilla, and it's pretty damn good. Small after credits teaser which was pretty cool.
All in all, a damn fine movie and if I didn't have several others to watch while they're still in the theaters I may well have gone for a second viewing.

For arachnophobes, I'd just close my eyes for that scene.

I'm still disappointed it doesn't use all the material they made for Peter Jackson's King Kong, (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fPBc6zleL.jpg), but hearing your response I may give it another look. Still has the ludicrous non-kong monsters by the sound of it. :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-20, 02:39 PM
The various animals on the island were interesting, and the scene with the aforementioned giant spider was great. The scenes with Kong were good. Overall, I don't think the movie is very good. Characters are bland, dialogue is laughable at times, and the editing is choppy. John C Reilly is a highlight though.

All that said, I am definitely looking forward to what's next in the franchise!

2017-03-20, 05:30 PM
I liked it well enough, and I was looking forward to it.

Some cool giant creatures...and by cool I mean "Oooooooggggy!" and cringe-worthy (for the good reasons).

Could have done without the anvil-drop on "Military Bad, mKay". The utter ineptness of the whole wing didn't show me that Kong was crazy cool...it showed me the pilots and crews were (for the most part) not very good at their jobs, and making SLJ go all vendetta wasn't necessary. 99% of the story could have been the same had half the crews made it to the extract point on the beach and they set off on a rescue mission. The other 1% could have been handled by it not being so clear SLJ was just bloodthirsty.

Also, I should have known better...but the theater brought up the house lights to practically full...so I missed the post-credit scene. Dumbdumbdumb me!

- M

2017-03-23, 08:36 AM
Saw this yesterday. It wasn't bad. It wasn't as awesome as my favourite webcartoonist (well after Rich ofc) said.

Didn't care for the skullmonsters, looked very unreal to me, something more traditional woulda suited better I'd say. And SLJ's character bugged me all through. A bit more island trekking without the hopping from group to group woulda been better if you ask me

Also, I should have known better...but the theater brought up the house lights to practically full...so I missed the post-credit scene. Dumbdumbdumb me!

- M

Ah there was one. Friend and I were waiting... but I did sooo badly need to pee I wasn't about to stick around.

Can anyone spoiler it in?

Oh and as a fellow arachnophobe I was...uncomfortable, but it was less bad than I thought when scene started. And it's only 2-3 minutes of the movie really.

2017-03-23, 08:45 AM
Ah there was one. Friend and I were waiting... but I did sooo badly need to pee I wasn't about to stick around.

Can anyone spoiler it in?

Hiddleston and whatsername are inducted into Monarch, they something along the lines of 'Kong isn't the only one' and we are shown cave paintings of Rodan, Mothra, Ghidorah and Godzilla. Final sound snippet is Big G's roar.

2017-03-26, 12:56 PM
I was very unsatisfied. I expected it to be more fascinating then Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005). However, the only thing that was better (or rather bigger) about this film was the size of new monsters including Kong.

2017-03-27, 06:43 AM
It was awful. The two scenes in the orginal with the triple-dinosaur fight + bug pit totally outdid this entire movie, which was just a lot of exposition, showcasing one (admittedly cool) monster at a time with no real connection to anything whatsoever. Zero thought.

The main monsters were awful and existed solely to tie the plot together, which was absolutely awful, though the main-thread through it all was interesting and leads up to an obvious sequel.

Acting was horrible. Writing was ridiculous, there were so many plot holes and stupidity points, etc...

God. I really hated this movie. And I LOVE monster movies.

Lacuna Caster
2017-03-27, 08:55 AM
What? The acting was fine. Nothing exceptional, but I don't think the script especially called for it.

It's... grand. Perfunctory. Does the absolute bare minimum needed to set up the various character interactions, but it's there.

2017-03-29, 01:13 PM
Well, the opinions have been devided :smile: I haven't watched it yet, but some of my friends told me that it is a good movie. Other people say that it is awful. Anyway, tastes differ. So, I'm gonna watch it and decide by myself. Cheers!