View Full Version : 3rd Ed Breeding a Lynel [3.5e] (Breath of the Wild Spoilers)

2017-03-18, 03:38 PM
Okay, so thanks to Breath of the Wild, I've got it stuck in my head that Breath of the Wild is a perfect D&D-eqsue setting for the Legend of Zelda. As such, after seeing the creatures in-game, I can't help but try to imagine one of Hyrule's most fearsome enemies, the Lynel. I'm also not experienced in DMing, or creating creatures, so at the moment, I only have probably the bare minimum knowledge needed to undertake such a feat.

The Info and Features thus far: [Changes in bold.]
Base Creature: Male Catfolk (Races of the Wild) [Dex+4, Cha+2, Base Speed 40, Natural Armor Bonus +1, Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision; Skills: +2 Racial Bonus on Listen and Move Silently; Languages: Common, Feline; LA +1)

Add Tauric Creature Template [Warhorse, Heavy]: (Dex+4, Cha+2, Base Speed 50, Natural Armor Bonus +4, Size of Warhorse (Medium -> Large), 4d8+Con Monstrous Humanoid HD (Combined HD of Warhorse and Catfolk, advanced to Monstrous Humanoid HD); Attack: Hoof (1d6+Str), Full Attack: 2 Hooves (1d6+Str) and Weapon; Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent; Abilities: Catfolk Int, Wis, and Cha, Warhorse Str, Dex, and Con; Skills: +2 Racial Bonus on Listen and Move Silently, Feats: Endurance, Run; Environment: Temperate Plains; Languages Common, Feline; CR+1; LA +1)

Add Half-Minotaur Template: (Str +4, +4 Dex, Con +2, Int -2, +2 Cha, Base Speed 60, Natural Armor Bonus +6, Size Up (Large -> Huge), 4d8+Str Monstrous Humanoid HD; Attack: Hoof (1d8+Str) or Gore (2d6+Str), Full Attack: 2 Hooves (1d8+Str) and Gore (2d6+Str); Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision (Ex), Scent (Ex), Darkvision (Ex) 60 ft., Minotaur Cunning (Ex); Abilities: Catfolk Int , Wis, and Cha, Warhorse Str, Dex, and Con; Skills: +2 Racial Bonus on Listen and Move Silently, +2 Racial Bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen, Feats: Endurance, Run, Track (Bonus Feat); Environment: Temperate Plains or Underground; Languages Common, Feline; Alignment: Usually Chaotic, Organization: Solitary; CR+2, LA +2)After that, I'm kinda strapped on how this would actually be applied to a monster character, as well as adding in the Lynel's other abilities and tactics.Lynels tend to breathe fire, typically in three-shot conic bursts as far as I can tell at minimum. Lynels carry swords, shield, and I'm guessing a bow of some kind and elemental arrows, typically Fire, Ice, or Shock.
If possible, could someone explain to me how this all would apply onto a created character, as well as helping out with the missing parts?

Uncle Pine
2017-03-18, 03:49 PM
I don't know a whole lot about lynels, but
http://img15.deviantart.net/44e8/i/2016/084/f/0/tloz___guardians_of_death_mountain__lynel_by_shutw ig-d9wfnjt.png
makes me think they're basically wemics with a fire breath weapon? They don't seem to have horns, so I'd leave half-minotaur out. Maybe give them a level of DFA? Or if the firebreathing is a racial ability, the half-dragon template? Although you would end with them having wings going down that route...

2017-03-18, 04:10 PM
I don't know a whole lot about lynels, but
http://img15.deviantart.net/44e8/i/2016/084/f/0/tloz___guardians_of_death_mountain__lynel_by_shutw ig-d9wfnjt.png
makes me think they're basically wemics with a fire breath weapon? They don't seem to have horns, so I'd leave half-minotaur out. Maybe give them a level of DFA? Or if the firebreathing is a racial ability, the half-dragon template? Although you would end with them having wings going down that route...

I didn't know about Wemics, so thanks for that. As for the horns, Lynels actually do have horns in Breath of the Wild, so my thoughts on Half-Minotaur was to also make them stronger and more fearsome.

2017-03-18, 04:58 PM
They brought Lynels back in the new Zelda? Wow, I don't think we've seen those guys since A Link to the Past! Unless they were in Skyward Sword, never got around to playing that one....

2017-03-19, 02:06 PM
They brought Lynels back in the new Zelda? Wow, I don't think we've seen those guys since A Link to the Past! Unless they were in Skyward Sword, never got around to playing that one....
I didn't see any in Skyward Sword, but I know they came back in A Link Between Worlds, as very large, firebreathing enemies. So looking at options for Fire Breath, I might be able to get away with Half-Dragon if I stack that on first before the Tauric Template to avoid getting wings, unless the wings suddenly come in after upgrading to Large-size or larger. I'm gonna avoid the Dragonfire Mask Soulmeld cause I don't think you can get that early on, being a face/throat Chakra, not that I have much experience with Soulmelds. Any other ideas or comments?