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View Full Version : DM Help Digimon Themed Game Questions

2017-03-18, 03:51 PM
Heyo, I posted this in the hombrew board, but I feel like it might be more appropriate here since this is more of an issue with DM/PC control.

So I'm making a Pathfinder homebrew heavily influenced and themed by Digimon. It's not Digimon exactly, but very similar.

I'm basing the class that all players will use off of the Summoner.

I'm a bit torn between some ideas regarding the partners of the players. Any feedback on these would be great! :D

Like I said, the core of this class is the Summoner, so evolution points and whatnot. There will be an evolving mechanic as well, akin to digimon evolving (more like in Adventure 01/02 in that they revert to their rookie forms after combat).

1. Letting players have complete control over what the base form is for their partner, what the evolved forms are, and any extra designs with evolution points.

2. Assigning each player a base form based on some character generation stuff and then giving them control over future evolutions and all designs.

3. Assigning each player a base form complete with evolutions already made while they retain control over all additional designs.

I am honestly leaning towards option three, not because I want to be a **** and wave my own special creations in the players' faces, but rather because I feel like it more closely matches the spirit of Digimon in that the digidestined meet these strange creatures that they form a bond with and learn more about as they grow. It also adds to the mystery feel of "what is this cute little creature going to turn into?" If I went this route, I would of course take into consideration my players' preferences regarding stuff like favorite animals, theme, etc.

Then we get into control of the PCs partners in game. In combat control would obviously be given to the PCs. However, outside of combat? I'm wondering if I should control personalities, what they say, how they act, etc to add to the role play, which is what this game is about. I might be wrong here, and feel free to tell me if I am, but I feel like letting the players have complete control over personalities and such leads to a too artificial feel when it comes to role playing and building their relationships with their partners. Unlike a Summoner's Eidolon, the partner not!digimon aren't actually a part of the PCs, but rather an actual intelligent and sentient partner, so I feel like controlling their personalities would be appropriate here for RP purposes.

Like I said, any feedback on this would be great. Thanks!

2017-03-18, 05:14 PM
Make each player play the Digimon partner of another player's character. Works for both combat and other situations.

2017-03-18, 06:14 PM
I actually really like that idea. I proposed it, along with all the other stuff, to the players. Only one response so far but the one person has said he'd be up for that as well.