View Full Version : Homebrew race advice

2017-03-19, 12:17 AM
I am making a Homebrew race called the Il'yinian based vaguely on making a LA+0 Minotaur:

Il'yinian Characters possess the following traits
+2 Str, -2 Cha, -2 Wis
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Weapon Proficiency: an Il'yinian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, an Il'yinian also chooses two exotic weapons to gain proficiency with (clear the weapons with your DM)
Natural Weapons: Gore (1d6)
Powerful Charge (Ex)
An Il'yinian typically begins a battle by charging at an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge, this allows them to make a single gore attack with the normal attack bonus that deals 1d8 extra points of damage.
Automatic Languages: Common, Il'yinian Bonus Languages: Giant, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven
LA +0

does anything seem glaringly off?
this topic will be moved to the homebrew forum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?15-Homebrew-Design)

2017-03-19, 12:22 AM
It seems better for a spellcaster and/or casting-heavy gish than an actual martial character, because the free weapon proficiencies mean that you don't have to dip into a martial class or PrC to get them. If that's what you intended, that's fine, but if it wasn't, I recommend getting rid of those stat penalties and maybe tossing in a +2 to CON as well. Half-Orcs shouldn't be the race that you balance stuff around.

2017-03-19, 02:33 AM
you might want to report your post and have your thread moved to the homebrew forum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?15-Homebrew-Design) where you will likely get more responses.

in addition to what ATHATH said, I think it looks fine as-is, but if you don't rehash the stats entirely, you should ax the wisdom penalty. no one wants to play a race that penalizes a save-influencing score, and a PC race shouldn't have a sum negative mod to abilities

2017-03-19, 11:44 AM
Thanks so much! I was just looking for a quick second opinion before I plan to play test it and I like the idea of a caster or a Gish focused Il'yinian, very thematic to their backstory. So this race is not super outrageous for a first draft? I like to try and under power the homebrews when I first make them as it feels better to add new goodies than to take them away.

2017-03-19, 01:49 PM
This race seems fine other than the -2 to wisdom. I'd also be half-tempted to give them a skill bonus or something for flavor, like a +2 to intimidate to counteract the charisma penalty.

2017-03-19, 04:32 PM
You should specify if their gore is a primary or secondary natural weapon, and how it works when you're wielding a weapon at the same time.

I don't particularly like the huge weapon proficiency set. It's miles beyond what races normally grant, and is only really useful for spellcasters trying to qualify for gish PrCs. A normal fighter type only needs one or two weapons, generally, assuming they don't get everything from a class. "One martial or exotic weapon proficiency" is useful and flavorful; this is kind of overkill.

I'll also second the "nix one of the ability penalties and add a flavor ability or two" point.

2017-03-21, 09:44 PM
You should specify if their gore is a primary or secondary natural weapon, and how it works when you're wielding a weapon at the same time.

This seems relevant:


It sounds like an individual wielding a weapon who also has natural attacks (on a different limb) counts the weapon as primary and the natural attacks as secondary - even if the same creature, unarmed, would count one of their natural attacks as primary.

So I'm thinking an unarmed Il'yinian would have a primary attack of goring (unless they get some other natural attack somehow, maybe?) but an armed Il'yinian would treat their weapon as primary and their gore as secondary.

2017-03-21, 09:53 PM
This seems relevant:


It sounds like an individual wielding a weapon who also has natural attacks (on a different limb) counts the weapon as primary and the natural attacks as secondary - even if the same creature, unarmed, would count one of their natural attacks as primary.

So I'm thinking an unarmed Il'yinian would have a primary attack of goring (unless they get some other natural attack somehow, maybe?) but an armed Il'yinian would treat their weapon as primary and their gore as secondary.

yes, that is how natural attacks work in conjunction with weapons.