View Full Version : undead hunting clerics.

2017-03-19, 04:36 AM
so a second Idea for the 18th level pregame game. I will be playing a human corpse creature evolved undead 2. cleric for the rest I'm cool with potential ACFs if i get to continue to have my Divine spell casting.
my DM has is own custom Pantheon so my character worships the hunter, AKA the grim reaper, a hunter of undeath, despite being undead her self she has made a pact with his aspect. she shall hunt the walking dead until he deems her time is done. she is so old she has long since forgotten her name. she does not know why she made the pact for all those she once loved are long dead and unlife hold no joy for her. she now wishes only for her work too be done.

I want her to focus around her story so hunting other undead. though she should still be able to lay the hurt on any thing.
my skills are
str: 25: +7
dex: 13: +1
con: undead
Int: 16: +3
wis: 20: +5
cha: 22: +6

pretty much my biggest issue is feats that would help with hunting the dead. as my books got mixed in with the club books and can't remember any names save for extra turning

2017-03-19, 05:57 AM
so a second Idea for the 18th level pregame game. I will be playing a human corpse creature evolved undead 2. cleric for the rest I'm cool with potential ACFs if i get to continue to have my Divine spell casting.
my DM has is own custom Pantheon so my character worships the hunter, AKA the grim reaper, a hunter of undeath, despite being undead her self she has made a pact with his aspect. she shall hunt the walking dead until he deems her time is done. she is so old she has long since forgotten her name. she does not know why she made the pact for all those she once loved are long dead and unlife hold no joy for her. she now wishes only for her work too be done.

I want her to focus around her story so hunting other undead. though she should still be able to lay the hurt on any thing.
my skills are
str: 25: +7
dex: 13: +1
con: undead
Int: 16: +3
wis: 20: +5
cha: 22: +6

pretty much my biggest issue is feats that would help with hunting the dead. as my books got mixed in with the club books and can't remember any names save for extra turning

If you can, get the Planning Domain (Extend Spell for free) and Undeath Domain (Extra Turning for free).

Get Persist Spell & Divine Metamagic. Get 1 more Extra Turning Feat and you'll have 17 turns, which gives you 2 Persisted spells. If you don't mind the caster level hit, take a level of the Death Delver PrC which will give you a Rebuke Undead pool of 9, for another Persisted Spell. 1 more Extra Turning + Easy Metamagic gives you 21 turns and reduces the number of turns needed for a Persist to 7 instead of 8.

Sacred Exorcist fits the flavor you're looking for and provides some nice extra abilities normal Cleric levels don't.

If you're Lawful Good, see if you can't get 2 levels of Prestige Paladin. Convince your DM to allow a different Feat than Mounted Combat. Divine Shield (from Complete Divine) should be flavorful enough. Yeah, you'll lose a Caster Level, but Cha-to-Saves is nice.

If you're Chaotic Good, see if he won't allow Prestige Paladin of Freedom. :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-19, 12:22 PM
A Corpse Creature can be created by a Create Undead or Create Greater Undead spell. Say you were created by a Dread Necromancer 8+ who had one level of Wizard with Enhance Undead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#necromancerVariants) and the entire Corpsecrafter line of feats, in the area of a Fell Energy Desecrate spell with an evil altar present. Fell Energy is a metamagic feat in Dragon Compendium that makes any numerical bonuses of the spell granted to undead increase by +2, so Desecrate's +1 hp/hd increases to +3, and the presence of the evil altar doubles that to +6 hp/hd. You get an additional +2 hp/hd from Dread Necromancer 8+, Enhance Undead, and Corpsecrafter, putting you at 1d12+12 hp per level. You also get a permanent +4 enhancement bonus to Str and Dex, +10 ft. land speed, +4 initiative, +4 turn resistance, +1d6 cold damage with your natural weapons, +2 natural armor, and I'd skip Destruction Retribution. None of this requires any investment on your part, just include it in your character's backstory and say the necromancer made too many undead after creating you, and you were freed of his control and wandered off. His antics may be a good reason why your character has such a hatred of the undead, and he may still be out to reclaim you if he knows of your existence.

See if you deity can allow you to take the Radiant Servant (of Pelor) in Complete Divine or Morninglord (of Lathander) in Player's Guide to Faerun, both classes have some superb anti-undead abilities. Ideally you would go Cleric 5/ Morninglord 1/ Radiant Servant 5/ Morninglord 9 by 20th level. The Extra Greater Turning ability from Radiant Servant is going to make you better at destroying undead than anything else that exists in the game.

You'll need the Sun domain, and you'll want to pick up the Glory domain from Radiant Servant. Your other 1st level domain can be anything you want, really.

You'll need Improved Turning and Extra Turning. Lifesense in Libris Mortis is a fantastic feat, and it will make undead easy to recognize since they're not alive. Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, and Divine Metamagic: Persistent Spell are good choices as you can make your buffs last all day, but it uses a lot of turn undead uses and you want to have plenty for actual undead turning, since a greater turning still takes a normal turn undead use to activate. If you can get multiple Nightsticks from Libris Mortis and your DM will allow their benefit to stack (it's not expressed as a bonus so it does by RAW, plus it emulates Extra Turning which specifically does stack if taken multiple times) then you can just get a pile of those and persist as many spells as you want. You may want to pick up Craft Wondrous Item and/or Craft Rod to get a lot of your items for half price.

Given that your character is undead, your Turn Undead and Greater Turning can and will affect yourself, so you'll need to be immune to positive energy effects. The Soulfire armor ability in Book of Exalted Deeds costs a +4 and makes the wearer immune to all death spells, magical death effects, and energy drain, and any negative energy effects, for example. That effect is based on the Death Ward spell, and the Life Ward spell in Spell Compendium does the same thing but protects from positive energy, so there could easily be a version of the Soulfire armor ability that protects against positive energy effects for the same price. You may as well get both, since Soulfire will protect you from the Rebuke/Command Undead ability of evil Clerics, and at least one of the items you'll need will make you more vulnerable to that. You can use (Lesser Rod of Extended) Magic Vestment on your armor every day, so make it +1 with those two abilities and it's priced at +9. Put that on Mithral Full Plate and get a +4 to your Dex score.

With the right items you'll be able to obliterate any undead you encounter without it even being a contest. Get a Phylactery of Undead Turning (+4, DMG), Rod of Defiance (opponents are at -4, MIC), Ephod of Authority (+1, MIC), and a Scepter of the Netherworld (+3, MIC/LM). Combined with Improved Turning (which is required for Morninglord), you'll be at +13 to your effective Cleric level for turning undead, and Greater Turning automatically destroys any undead that would have been turned. Be sure to get the Glory domain from Radiant Servant, which combined with the Rod of Defiance will allow you to affect a lot more enemies with each use. You should be able to craft a few of those yourself with Craft Wondrous Item and/or Craft Rod.

Be sure to get any of the Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items) that your undead type or buffs don't already cover. You can add an enhancement bonus to an ability score to other items for the same price as a separate item that boosts that ability score (MIC p234), so put +6 Wis on a Circlet of Rapid Casting or a Hat of Anonymity (crafted by a 20th level caster (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicItemBasics.htm#casterLevel) since the price is not variable).