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View Full Version : I'm writing a story

2017-03-19, 11:29 AM
The story is a 4-5 part story, and I wanted to ask for general opinions.

Each of the 4 parts will have an ending of sorts, but I'm trying to figure out what people prefer. What would make you want to read the next part more:

A) The first part ends happily, with dark foreshadowing for the next parts.
B) The first part ends in failure, with a feeling of grim determination after the failure.

This is just opinions, so there is no right answer. Feel free to say as much or as little as you care to.

2017-03-20, 07:01 AM
Ooooh, good one. I'm for option B, through and through.

I'm also writing a story. A series, I'd say. Currently episodes I through VI are pretty much done, with V and VI so big I have to split them into 3 parts. A total of just under a million words for all six. As for the endings...

I- negative
II- negative
III- negative/neutral
IV- neutral/positive
V 1- neutral
V 2- neutral
V 3- positive
VI 1- neutral
VI 2- neutral
VI 3- negative

It's not all doom and gloom, but I definitely favor grim endings.

2017-03-20, 08:49 AM
I think you should write it and then let us judge.

2017-03-20, 09:09 AM
A. It worked for Star Wars.

2017-03-20, 03:15 PM
The story is a 4-5 part story, and I wanted to ask for general opinions.

Each of the 4 parts will have an ending of sorts, but I'm trying to figure out what people prefer. What would make you want to read the next part more:

A) The first part ends happily, with dark foreshadowing for the next parts.
B) The first part ends in failure, with a feeling of grim determination after the failure.

This is just opinions, so there is no right answer. Feel free to say as much or as little as you care to.

Cool. We do have a writing forum in here. Also it's your a newcomer writer I suggest that you should check this thread out:


2017-03-20, 03:24 PM
The simplest and easiest to write is B. Having each section end with a disaster or crisis (preferably caused by the protagonist(s)) provides impetus and urgency for the start of the next section. Then whatever solution they come up with for disaster A should, in turn, cause disaster B in an escalating chain until the final ending, which results in a definitive victory or defeat.

It's a neat structure that works for just about any story. And you (http://querysharkbait.com/three-disasters-and-an-ending/) don't (https://bkwins.wordpress.com/2014/05/30/writing-characters-playing-the-cruelty-game/) need (http://chriseboch.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/write-strong-plot-be-cruel-to-your.html) to (https://drewchialauthor.com/2014/11/10/be-evil-why-writers-should-be-cruel-gods/) take (https://www.writingforums.org/threads/being-to-cruel-to-characters.42173/) my (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChandlersLaw) word (http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/articles/snowflake-method/) for it!

2017-03-21, 05:18 AM
point A!:smallsmile: