View Full Version : about comic 84

2017-03-19, 12:58 PM
His mom told him what being a dwarf is all about middle panel 2nd from the bottom.

Taking feeling and shoving them deep down inside.

Could this be the way Durkon defeats the "the Greg" inside him?

Many of you are much more creative than I am.

Theories please!!!

2017-03-19, 01:44 PM
Durkon cannot defeat the vampire. The best he can do is not correcting the assumptions the vampire make about/from his memories.

Note that the feelings "shoved deep down inside" are from where the High Priest of Hell comes, metaphorically, as he's self-described as Durkon's "at his worst", without any of the positive.

The only way this could help defeat the vampire is if one of the feelings Durkon kept deep inside him make the High Priest act irrationally when he's confronted by a situation that'd let him indulge in it. Like wasting time to personally rub his presence in the face of the people who banished Durkon.