View Full Version : Player Help Way of the Wicked-related question about Cohorts.(Pathfinder)

Draconi Redfir
2017-03-19, 06:33 PM
So I’m in a way of the wicked game right now, and due to the rules of the game, everyone in the party was given a free leadership feat and a cohort. After levelling up however, I’m noticing some potential issues involving cohorts, and i was wondering how they worked.

For one reason or another, the leadership feat in way of the wicked seems to function slightly differently, This is a link to the Vanilla pathfinder leadership feat. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/leadership/)

And here is the "leadership feat info" we have been given by the DM.
When you take leadership you have a Base Leadership Score equal to your level plus your charisma modifier. Additionally, you have modifiers that apply to both followers, and cohorts. Since, for our purposes, the follower modifier matters very little, I've changed that a bit, and explained it below. The cohort modifier may have a bearing on your cohort, depending on what you've chosen, so we'll keep those numbers in mind when we make your cohorts. Any allies you've made up until the time you take the feat, are eligible allies. Potential Cohorts can also be found in and around town, the forest, mountains, or the savage North should you desire to travel there, and find them.

There are 6 ability scores for Organizations that can range between -5 and +10

Ruthless-the ability to get violent things done. At -5 your organization can't take violent actions.

Secrecy-the ability to conceal your organization, and its operations. At -5 your organization is a household name.

Survivability-the ability to survive adversity. At -5 your organization ceases to exist.

Connections-the ability to get non-violent tasks done. At -5 your organization can take no skilled actions.

Espionage-the ability to acquire information others don't want you to have. At -5 your organization can take no Espionage actions.

Loyalty-your minions devotion to their masters. At -5 your organization falls apart.

All scores start at 0, however, I will add your follower modifier (if any) to one score that best exemplifies your play up to the end of book 1. I treat this as a unique bonus, so if two people are competing for 1 score, I gave the bonus to the person that I felt RP'ed it in a more memorable way.

Additionally, if you have a positive Charisma modifier, you will be able to add to your scores as you see fit.

After creation, changes to Leadership score do not effect your Organization's ability scores. At level up you will gain +1 to any score you choose.

It is EXTREMELY important to note that Survivability, and Loyalty are the two scores that can destroy your organization, so make sure to keep an eye on those.

Actions per Week (slightly modified)

Base leadership score Actions/week
9 or less 1
10-12 2
13-14 3
15-16 4
17-18 5
19-20 6
21 7
22 8
23 9
24+ 10

Action Checks

1d20+appropriate score mod

Target numbers are assigned by the GM based on difficulty given the current circumstances.

Once per action check, you may say to the appropriate minion "you have failed me for the last time", kill him/her, take a -1 to your loyalty score, and re-roll your check.

The Action List

This is not an all-inclusive list, if you can think it up, you can do it, but the GM decides the appropriate check to make. Some actions will require equipment/monetary investment, and other's may gain you something as well.

Abduct Peasants (ruthless)
Assassination (ruthless) *some NPC's are immune to this action
Bribe someone (Secrecy)
Criminal Enterprise (ruthless)
Eavesdrop (Secrecy)
Frame someone (Espionage)
Gather Information (Espionage)
Grave Robbing (Secrecy)
Guard Duty (Special)
Hunt Beasts (ruthless)
Legitimate Enterprise (connections)
Spread Disinformation (Espionage)
Torture Captives (Ruthless)
Trap Building (connections)
Trap Repair (connections)

Recovery Actions

These actions require no roll and can be taken to recover your scores up to a max of 0.

Indoctrinate +1 to loyalty
Lay Low +1 to Secrecy
Recover +1 to Survivability
Training +1 to Ruthless
Introductions +1 to Connections
Get insider information +1 to Espionage

Skill Bonus Actions

As an action you may attempt to have your organization aid you in skill checks. For example, you would get a bonus to intimidate equal to your ruthless score if you attempt to intimidate with a number of your toughest minions standing behind you.

Using Cohorts

A Cohort can aid your minions, adding his/her appropriate modifier to the check you are attempting. For example you can add grumblejack's strength to a ruthless check. This will require your Cohort to be away for the duration of the job, and in some circumstances, your Cohort could die in the process.

Councils of the Wicked

You may wish to form a leadership council. A council averages scores, and combines actions into a pool. That said, a council may disagree. Any proposed action goes up for vote.

Recruiting Minions

Tell me what type of organization you'd like to create, and we'll work on putting it together. Monstrous races are permitted, though you will take penalties if attempting obviously difficult actions. For example Kobolds will not blend well into a crowd, so secrecy actions will be difficult, or possibly not allowed at all.

The problem I’m noticing is with Cohort level. Since we've all just reached level eight, and i have a -1 charisma modifier, i saw that on the vanilla leadership info feat, my cohort should be level 5, rather then the level 4 that he is now since i have a leadership score of 7. When i brought this up with my DM however, i was told to look at the way of the wicked leadership feat info, in which there is no mention of levelling up cohorts, so the DM told me that the cohorts don't level up.

i don't know about you, but that sounds like a reaaally big issue to me, eventually we're going to be level ten or higher and lugging around level four or five cohorts who can't do much of anything. my guy in particular was built to be a second front-liner to help support me in battle. how is he supposed to do that if he's level four?

Are we missing something here? surely cohorts don't just stay at the same level forever right?

2017-03-19, 07:24 PM
Nothing you posted would lead to a Cohort that is a lower level than you would get from Leadership, unless you neglected to mention that you took an existing NPC that was 4th level as your cohort instead of getting a new NPC made as your cohort.

Nor does anything you posted negate the fact that Cohorts get an amount of XP based upon their level and the amount of XP you get in combat.
A cohort does not count as a party member when determining the party’s XP. Instead, divide the cohort’s level by your level. Multiply this result by the total XP awarded to you, then add that number of experience points to the cohort’s total. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/leadership/)

Ergo, if you have a 4th level cohort and are 8th level, 4/8 = 1/2. So it gets half the XP that you get and it will level up so long as it won't go past 2 levels lower than your character. Unless you have a trait or the like which allows for you to have a Cohort that is 1 level lower than you.

If you can attract a 5th level cohort, then it would get 5/8ths of the experience you get.

If you took Leadership at 7th level, then you would have attracted a Cohort of 4th level if your leadership score was 6 from being level 7 and having a Charisma modifier of -1. As you gained XP after attracting the cohort, it would have gained 4/7 the amount of XP you got.

Edit: It seems like maybe there's been some confusion about whether cohorts automatically level up as your leadership score increases. Existing cohorts do not level up from the leadership score increasing, but attracting a replacement cohort could potentially result in attracting a higher level cohort if one's leadership score went from fairly low to fairly high without the cohort having leveled up.

Existing cohorts will level up from acquiring experience points, and I gave the formula for how they get XP.

Draconi Redfir
2017-03-19, 07:55 PM
nnkay, so if we assume i got the cohort the moment i hit level 7, and it was level 4, and if we assume that we're using medium xp progression theeen... (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement/)
i had 35,000xp at level 7

to get to level 8 i needed 51,000xp

51k - 35k = 16k

4/7= 0.5

0.5 x 16k = 7500

7500 + 9000 (The xp needed to be level 4) = 16,500

Sooo... he would be level 5 (15,000) with 1,500xp in change then? is my math right then?

2017-03-19, 08:05 PM
nnkay, so if we assume i got the cohort the moment i hit level 7, and it was level 4, and if we assume that we're using medium xp progression theeen... (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement/)
i had 35,000xp at level 7

to get to level 8 i needed 51,000xp

51k - 35k = 16k

4/7= 0.5

0.5 x 16k = 7500

7500 + 9000 (The xp needed to be level 4) = 16,500

Sooo... he would be level 5 (15,000) with 1,500xp in change then? is my math right then?

Well, that would be 16,000 XP that the PC would acquire over that period, yeah. Can lead to some different outcomes if it's multiplied piece-meal versus all at once, I think, but shouldn't have a huge difference between the total amount of XP the cohort would get.

4/7 = ~0.571428571, though, rather than 1/2. I'm not aware of any rules that would lead to simplifying 4/7 to 1/2, at any rate.

So that'd give about 9142 experience. Added to the 9000 XP for being level 4 for a 5th level cohort with a total of 18,142/23,000 XP.

Leveling up your PC from level 8 to level 9 should result in the cohort obtaining enough XP to be about 2K experience short of hitting level 7(33,142/35,000 XP total).

Draconi Redfir
2017-03-19, 08:11 PM
just to clarify here: is it safe to assume that the way of the wicked leadership rules are a template added on top of the vanilla leadership feat info and not a replacement?

Or am i wrong in assuming that the quoted way of the wicked leadership rules are not from the adventure path itself? admittedly not sure if they're homebrew or not, kinda doubt it.

2017-03-19, 08:14 PM
As someone about to take the Vile Leadership feat in a WotW game (with Coidzor here, no less), I've been looking at this, and Coid's explained it right.

Our DM just showed us that table, actually, asking us if we would be interested in it, and from my understanding that isn't supposed to be Leadership. It's about running an evil organization within the game (which, I'll admit, may include cohorts that may or may not utilize the Leadership feat). It's within the module, I can tell you that, but it's not meant as a replacement, nor on top of. It's a way to create and crunch something completely different (and much larger than a simple cohort).

Certainly our DM is allowing us to take V/Leadship and ALSO giving us a choice on whether to use this system for us to run an evil organization within the adventure. A choice our party hasn't made quite yet.

2017-03-19, 08:21 PM
just to clarify here: is it safe to assume that the way of the wicked leadership rules are a template added on top of the vanilla leadership feat info and not a replacement?

Or am i wrong in assuming that the quoted way of the wicked leadership rules are not from the adventure path itself? admittedly not sure if they're homebrew or not, kinda doubt it.

I think it's a way of handwaving away the specific number of followers gained from Leadership (if you combine them). Instead of those followers, you'd have one or more evil organization(s) that take on the role of followers along with a variety of actions that evil organizations can undertake.

Draconi Redfir
2017-03-19, 08:32 PM
Well are your cohorts leveling up at all then? or are they just staying the same?

2017-03-19, 08:35 PM
We don't have them yet (we only just hit level 6), but I mean, considering the Leadership feats specifically say they level, keeping the -2 current level cap, then, yes. They will level. Even if we decide to take on the evil organization rules you posted, the cohorts will still level independent of that system.

Draconi Redfir
2017-03-19, 08:41 PM
alright cool. i'll be sure to level up my cohort then.

... any idea how it works if one has a monsterous humanoid / creature for a cohort? One of my teammates has a green hag as his cohort...

2017-03-19, 08:50 PM
alright cool. i'll be sure to level up my cohort then.

... any idea how it works if one has a monsterous humanoid / creature for a cohort? One of my teammates has a green hag as his cohort...

Well, Pathfinder doesn't have LA (except for a few places where it suggests that you can use CR as a sort of LA in some cases), so some of it is wild and wooly GM call territory.

Whatever level it counts as, it would gain XP and gain levels in character classes as it leveled up.

I'm not too versed in the ways (IIRC there's 3) of assigning a character level equivalent to a creature with RHD, so you'd probably be well served by asking the PF RAW simple questions thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?505656-Simple-RAW-for-Pathfinder-Thread-V-Golarion-Strikes-Back) about what all of the ways are and then you can determine which your GM is using.

Or you can ask your GM which version they're using.

I'd assume from the Green Hag's RHD of 9 and CR of 5 that your GM is allowing you to treat the creature's CR as its level for purposes of acquiring a cohort, which could be exploited to grab some extra HD and thus have a higher skill modifier cap than a cohort could otherwise have.

2017-03-19, 08:51 PM
Uuuuh, huh. Well, that's beyond me, offhand. If the creature had an easy to judge LA, or some equivalent, then you'd use that to find its starting level, then just give it PC class levels as it gains experience.
The Green Hag may be a CR 5, but it has 9 monstrous humanoid hit die, which complicate things, IIRC. That might be more trouble than your DM would care to deal with, heh.

Draconi Redfir
2017-03-19, 08:56 PM
welp... maaaybe we just won't touch her for awhile then :U

2017-03-19, 09:02 PM
welp... maaaybe we just won't touch her for awhile then :U

Even without being a proper cohort, a green hag would be a very useful ally just with its skills and at-will Alter Self SLA. Whispering Wind, Water Breathing, and Tree Shape combine with that to make it a great spy. It becomes even better if you can keep it around and find some more hags and get a coven going.

Draconi Redfir
2017-03-19, 09:11 PM
the character who has her as a cohort is a witch herself, and i think her minions are as well. so we've already got coven magic going :P

only real problem with her is that the DM likes to make her eat some of our minions if we roll low on any "keep things together while we're gone" checks :smalltongue:

2017-03-19, 10:24 PM
the character who has her as a cohort is a witch herself, and i think her minions are as well. so we've already got coven magic going :P

only real problem with her is that the DM likes to make her eat some of our minions if we roll low on any "keep things together while we're gone" checks :smalltongue:

Sounds like you all need some Ruthlessness so you can keep enough peasants and babby kidnapped to keep her fed.

2017-03-20, 10:43 AM
Currently GM'ing my own WotW campaign. Yes, so far as I can tell, the Evil Org rules are strictly a way of dealing with followers, not cohorts (the books frequently mention that certain NPC's could be valuable cohorts). One change I made upon advice: fold Secrecy and Loyalty into Survivablity. That way, you have three "do something" stats and only one "hit point" stat.