View Full Version : New Age of the Goddess - Chapter 1: Old Party & New Job(IC)

An Amy
2017-03-20, 03:00 PM
New Age of the Goddess: Chapter 1
Can't give an Old Party a New Job

-Auraniss City-

The largest city in the world, Auraniss City sprawls along the shores of the Bore Channel that connects the Arifis Sea to the Great Bore far to the south. It is known for many things: it’s bridges that cross the channel, its mighty docks, its diverse population, its wealthy Marble district and its unstable Shinla district. The city itself is divided into three parts, the east city across the channel, the west city on the western road across the Uril river and the central city between the two water passages. It is further divided into eight districts: docks, River, Westgate, Hill, Marble, Bridge, Eastgate and Shinla.

Docks district is located furthest north and stretches along the Arifis coast of the city between the River and Eastgate. It spans the channel with a majority stone docks with wooden piers. It is the largest port in the world. River district is in East city and comes up to and connects Westgate and spans across the Uril river. The river is broad, and the city has constructed a lot of the structures in and on the water while leaving room enough for river passage continuing east. The Uril river never reaches the ocean as it hits the channel first and continues inland toward the bore. Westgate is a sectioned off part of the city. It was originally outside the city until the walls were expanded. It is relatively well set and stable. Perhaps the quietest part of the city. Hill district sits to the southwest in Central city where aptly upon a hill overlooking the rest of the city. Known for its rather steep rise and terraced streets, Hill is home to more well-off commoners. Marble, also in Central, rests on the top of Hill’s large rise and is separated off from the rest of the city by a large piece of exposed granite that further elevates it. It gets its name from the marble used in every structure upon the top. It is home to the nobility and the wealthiest otherwise including the Chancellor’s homes. Bridge district is a massive stone bridge that spans the channel that’s high enough to allow two galley’s or frigates to pass each other. Buildings line the sides of the bridge. In the middle is the watchtower that stands above the city and is home to the city watch. On the western shore of the Bridge district are the governmental buildings. The bridge connects between River an Hill to Eastgate. Eastgate is the largest district and covers from the far eastern gates of the city to the channel. It is notable for the Endless market that never closes and taverns with unforgiving bouncers. Shinla is in the East city to the south of Eastgate and along the channel in a narrowing strip. The rougher and poorer district, it is the most unstable with markedly higher rates of crime; though, the district self-polices for the most part given the lighter presence of the city watch.

Auraniss is a melting pot of various peoples from all across Saridia. Humans are most common by far and make up the governing body of Auraniss. The capital city, Auraniss City, shows the nations diversity in a more colorful way. Here elves and dwarves have shops and districts. An area of the River district called Halfton has not just a large number of halflings but also entire structures that have been adapted for the shorter humanoids. An area beneath Eastgate called Undergate, is popular among dwarves and others who have no issues with the darker passages. Civil goblins and kobolds have shops. A beggar may have the pointed ears of an elf.

One of the most attractive features of the city is how central it is to the world. The largest connection between Saridia and the Northlands as well as passage to the Northern Annex, the Dragon Islands, Farlore Island and Whiteland. As well the trade down the Bore Channel makes this nations more than enough gold to provide for the largest naval fleet in the world. To the east, along the coast and within sight of the city, the fortress of Ebonheart. The home to the fleet.

The back room at the Alespring Inn on the shores of the Uril in the River district smells of stale food and sweat. A large influx of visitors to the city for the recent Hunt for the Horn forced a lot of inns to make rooms available where rooms usually aren’t. Some even rented out their homes for larger sums to those willing to pay for the added luxury. The Alespring, like most inns in the city, provides rooms for its workers. Those rooms ended up on the expanded list of rentable space. The backroom, therefore, became the sleeping quarters for up to twelve people. Various belongings still litter the area. The table pushed off to the side and bedrolls still sprawl across the floor.

Still, it is the usual place where you all meet when in Auraniss. The River district is a quiet place. Quieter than Eastgate that is and not as expensive as Marble or Hill. Or Bridge. And you once saved the entire inn from burning down once, so the innekeepr and his wife are quite grateful. Even still. Though, they do apologize for the way the room is.

Heonard sits in one of the chairs that groans under his sizable form as he adjusts his posture again and again. Pulling his prized watch from his red brocaded vest a bit too frequently, he waits for the group to assemble. A tray with some cheeses sits untouched on the table. A half-full flagon to the left of it.

“Now, where’n be the rest o’r ‘em?” the man’s heavy Hapesine accent trudges through to the first of the party to enter. “En’ I’rn hope yer not all it.”

Lightning Fast
2017-03-25, 12:22 AM
Roland dismisses the innkeeper and his wife when they attempt to apologize for the state of the room. “Your hospitality is enough for us. I’d be glad to have this meeting at my place, but I prefer to keep my work life separate from my family. Too dangerous for my daughter, and whatnot.”

“Eh? The what-now?” Roland quirks an eyebrow, having considerable difficulty understanding the man’s accent. Though he’d be living in Auraniss for some time, the local dialect was still difficult for him to grasp. “... Ah, the rest of our little adventuring posse. Nay, it’s just us... two. Fir has vanished somewhere, as she often does.”

Roland sits down at the table, nodding at Heonard. “So, what’s the good word?” He seems casual about the meeting, having done this many times before. He pops a piece of cheese in his mouth as he listens to the man’s spiel.

An Amy
2017-03-25, 01:41 AM
"Us two?" Heonard sits forward with a worried expression. A finger motioning between him and Roland. "Just us two? Or... you two..." His finger motioning between Roland and an invisible person in the room. "Shadowspawn Boone an' you? Yeh see, but I dinnae be expectin' the changlin's... er, talents to be come to hands for this. I dinnae be expectin' I'd be findin' myself here askin' yeh. Wasn't 'supose to be this hard, yeh see? So, yeh sees, it's a job.

"Bah, a small job," he waves his hand and scoffs at the imaginary size of the task, "a pittance. Two knots and a chug, an' their comin' to me for it, kiss me mom. Northlaner noble be wantin' to find an ancestoral tomb. Recover what be inside. Jus' down off Naa'Yander near the bore in the mountains. Nothin' special. But I sends a trio o' deckhands could use some extra coin. No hear back. Northlander be gettin' impatient and doubles onto the coin. So, yeh see, I send this time some local smudges could do for some sights. And break me mast, I no hear of them too! Northlander goes over again doubles. Four times, Roland, his first offer it be. Now it be thirty-two thousand. So, yeh see, I get to talkin' to Brendt an' Staul an' 'em boys an' sure as the sun, Goddess bless, I no hear not a twine nor twit about Brendt or Staul. Yeh know them, aye? They is good men with good skins and all. Now, yeh see, I no be carin' what the Northlander be wantin' but he's talkin' to any broker he can find, thank the Goddess he's not posting on every board in Eastgate. But if Brendt an' Staul not come back?"

The man shakes his head. Wipes his brow. "I dinnae know who can... 'cept you and Shadowspawn and Fir. More's gonna try, I bet me last boot."

Heonard is a broker, a quest broker. People come to Auraniss for a lot of things, and every now and then someone that wants something done goes to a broker instead of a job board. To make sure they're getting the best. Heonard has a reputation among brokers for getting things done quickly. Unlike a lot of brokers, Heonard will send who he thinks fits the job best, not just whoever is the most expensive and experienced that will take the job. It tends to get things done faster and just as efficiently especially when the smaller jobs taken by lesser-experienced groups aren't muddled down with a more experienced and busier group of better-paid adventurers wondering what they're doing hunting down a runaway from the tower. As a Hapesine ship captain as well, he picks up jobs from the Southern Annexes where his ships run and will even get crew out to the new world. For a price, he'll always say with a grin. But he's a good man and your crew has taken numerous jobs from him as well. Last of which involved tracking down a cult in Grands that had claimed to find a way to summon a demon. No one believed they really could, and though it wasn't a demon they were summoning, it turned out they found a way to meld souls. Or devour them and become stronger. The Alatians were all over it as soon as you three discovered their secret temple, uncovered their true leader and traced it back to their ritual chambers. Paladins, Alatians. The Todd'Drea even came down from the Northlands for it.

Lightning Fast
2017-03-26, 12:36 PM
“Yeah, just me and the Shadow this time. Fir had some personal business to take care of. I avoid trying to ask about it.”

Roland’s relaxed look changes to one of worry at the mention of Brendt and Staul. “Well ****,” he says frankly. The paladin knew the two men well, both fairly seasoned adventurers, if not quite so seasoned as Roland, Fir and the Shadow. “If they couldn’t handle it, we’re dealing with something huge.”

He leans back in his chair, placing his hands interlocked on his lap. “Thirty-two thousand, though... that’s more‘n most adventurers will see in their lifetime. Plus, best to eliminate whatever threat is inside that old crypt before it spreads.” Moving one hand up to scratch his chin, Roland asks: “Anything you can tell me about the noble and their ancestral tomb?”


Doing this in advance of any further information about the ancestral tomb and the noble family:

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]
Knowledge (Nobility/Royalty): [roll1]

An Amy
2017-03-26, 01:37 PM

Heonard provides some details about the family, but you have enough familiarity with the name as well. They're not a minor noble by any means; though, most wouldn't recognize the name at first. The Couperni family is old and claims a lineage as far back reaching as many monarchies. In fact, the Couperni family is part of the royal lineage though quite distant. An ancestral tomb located so far south would seem odd for such a family, from your knowledge. How it might be connected to them is unsure at this point. But such a long and old family is bound to have a lot of sources given how some nobility trade marriages like assets. Heonard adds only that the Couperni current patriarch, Renald, is probably trying to take advantage of some political turmoil on Drea regarding the growth of the Blight and the recent and successful secession of Estergroth. Though exactly how an ancestral tomb in the Naa'Yander mountains to the south might help with that is beyond his imagining. The Hapesine broker agrees that the payment seems a dream for any adventurer just starting out. Even some of the well-seasoned adventurers would take it up without much question as to the compensation.

"I just don't want nobody else runnin' off to die for this," Heonard says while standing and walked over to produce a set of folded papers from within his vest. Then he continues with some tiredness to his voice. "The standard applies." The broker's contract for taking his jobs is usually agreed upon more up front. He seems to be adding it as an afterthought at the moment.

He provides you some of the details about the tomb as he's described it to anyone else. West of the Naa'Yandland village of Tolbthaim is the rise into the mountains. There's a cave system there and some local goblins that have mostly stuck to themselves with regards to the surrounding villages. The caves hold a buried tomb. Not much more is known, so some investigation as to where may be needed to be done. The goblins have been known to trade with the humans, so they're not vicious. Still, most locals are known to avoid them just as well as they avoid the others. Tolbthaim is three days west of Hershkmire, one of the larger towns in western Naa'Yandland.

Knowledge Nobility results shown above in text.
Knowledge religion would only hint that Alatian tradition for burial involves mausoleums usually found underground. If this tomb is anything following the Alatian faith traditions, then it will have more than one grave. Some ancient religions used tombs. Many nations will also bury their monarchs or other powerful/influential persons in tombs. This may have something to do with Couperni's interests if it turns out to be a burial site of a old monarch.

2017-03-27, 06:26 AM
"I just don't want nobody else runnin' off to die for this," Heonard says while standing and walked over to produce a set of folded papers from within his vest. Then he continues with some tiredness to his voice. "The standard applies." The broker's contract for taking his jobs is usually agreed upon more up front. He seems to be adding it as an afterthought at the moment.

A derisive snort was the only noise Heonard and Roland hear from Griffin as he mentions sending people off to their deaths. He says quietly enough for only Roland to hear "But you have no problems sending us off to ours it seems." Other than that he stays quiet as he usually did during these talks. He had learned early on that this was certainly not the place to speak ones mind and despite his best efforts he seemed incapable of doing anything other than just that.

Lightning Fast
2017-03-28, 05:17 PM
Roland nods. "Anything else you need to tell us? I see no reason not to set out immediately."

An Amy
2017-03-28, 06:26 PM
Heonard gives over the name of a contact in Herkshmire, Olen Landermen, who should be able to help you two get with some other local contacts of Tolbthaim. Olen is a woodcrafting merchant in Herkshmire, proprietor of Landermen Crafts and Furniture. Despite not being a typical ticket, Heonard is willing to supply the maximum of fifteen hundred gold, or one-half his cut of the over-30,000 gold reward. He doubts you guys need it since you never have. The man departs shortly afterwards and hopes that just the two of you can suffice for the task at hand.

You'll need to prepare for the trip and a way down there. I'm not going to be picky about the rations per day. Populated roads can take you down south and you'll be at an inn every night. You can also take a ship, the fastest way south, and be down there in a quarter of the time. Barges are more expensive. It would be a week on a barge. Given the swift current of the bore's channel, few actual ships make the trek.

Please finalize your initial equipment and then you can purchase extras. You are allowed to hire a mercenary.

2017-03-29, 06:17 AM
Griffin waits for Heonard to leave before speaking up, "Four times. Four. Times. The original amount offered? Can you imagine whatever it is is actually worth? No way the competition is eliminating itself on this one. Something is there, a guard perhaps? Perhaps several..." Shaking all the questions from his head he puts his mind to more immediate tasks. "The Bore'd be our fastest way there, and speed is likely an issue since the payout is so high now. We got enough in the till for one of those folding boats?"

He pauses again, lost in his thoughts for now, Gonna need rations, although we can likely grab a couple of those feeding rings and not have to worry about it if we can't afford the boat.

This one had him excited and he let it show since it was just Roland and himself, well, and whomever was spying on them at the moment.

Lightning Fast
2017-03-29, 05:20 PM
"I could try to convince Ezzy to carry both of us," Roland suggests, "Though I'm unsure if she'll be able to lift both of us and all our gear. She can fly with about... five-hundred fifty pounds. Any more than that slows her down."

"If Ezzy can't, I'm sure we can find someone who'll take us down the Bore." He pops another slice of cheese in his mouth, savouring the rich dairy taste. "I'm fairly certain that it'll be cheaper and faster to just rent a room in a barge. I uh... don't think I have the authority to commandeer ships, but you know how we Grey Guards are..." he says, winking at the Shadow. "Only joking. Though I might be able to get us a deal; I've lived here quite a while."

Roland seems far more relaxed than Griffin does, though excited at the prospect of receiving a whopping seven-and-a-half thousand gold pieces. That might enough to buy a bigger house, if I sell the old one. A brick one, so that mum can't burn it down with her crazy spells...

2017-03-29, 06:52 PM
"I could try to convince Ezzy to carry both of us," Roland suggests, [COLOR="#008080"]"Though I'm unsure if she'll be able to lift both of us and all our gear. She can fly with about... five-hundred fifty pounds. Any more than that slows her down."

Griffins eyes fly wide open at that, feigning insult he pats his disgustingly flat stomach, "Have I put on weight? 550 pounds you say? Ya might want to lay off the cheese yourself there."

Chuckling at that he continues "I think barge passage will be fine, we have enough money for it. Let's grab those rings and get going"

Lightning Fast
2017-03-29, 07:16 PM
Griffins eyes fly wide open at that, feigning insult he pats his disgustingly flat stomach, "Have I put on weight? 550 pounds you say? Ya might want to lay off the cheese yourself there."

Chuckling at that he continues "I think barge passage will be fine, we have enough money for it. Let's grab those rings and get going"

Roland laughs, so hard he nearly chokes in his cheese. "Bah, I'm becoming an old man, why can't you just let me get fat in peace?" he says, patting the younger adventurer on the shoulder. "You're right, though, we aught to get moving." Eating one last slice of cheese, as if to playfully mock his partner, he stands up, stretching his arms above his head. "Sometimes I wish I'd trained as a ranger instead of a paladin. Wouldn't have to wear this damned armour all the time. I'm fine with taking my chances on Ezzy, since it might get us there faster, but I agree that a ship would be a lot more comfortable."

As they leave the inn, Roland takes a deep breath, attempting to use his empathetic link to contact Ezzy, who is likely sleeping high up in a crumbling castle ruin she has begun to refer to as her "lair". Of course, she doesn't actually have dominion over the area, but everyone's far too scared to try and displace her. She was used enough to the city to navigate it herself at this point, and both civilians and guards alike knew not to fire at her on sight: her arrival simply signaled that Sir Roland was soon to be off on another epic quest, likely with his usual company. He helps Griffin go about with the shopping, making small-talk as the dragonnel hones in on their location... assuming the contact worked.

2017-03-30, 06:14 AM
Roland laughs, so hard he nearly chokes in his cheese. "Bah, I'm becoming an old man, why can't you just let me get fat in peace?" he says, patting the younger adventurer on the shoulder. "You're right, though, we aught to get moving." Eating one last slice of cheese, as if to playfully mock his partner, he stands up, stretching his arms above his head. "Sometimes I wish I'd trained as a ranger instead of a paladin. Wouldn't have to wear this damned armour all the time. I'm fine with taking my chances on Ezzy, since it might get us there faster, but I agree that a ship would be a lot more comfortable."

"You could always leave the damn armor here, it probably weighs twice what I do."

As they finish up preparations and await the arrival of the dragonnel Griffin dons his customary hat and takes on the Shadowspawn persona more. Checking his customary plethora of daggers and various blades on his person, some concealed some not.

An Amy
2017-04-03, 11:13 AM
The dragonnel gets the call from its human horde finder. Probably another task related to going out and finding more horde. She knows she's due to receive something soon as the horde is a little behind what she'd like. So, with excited effort, she makes her way toward the human city. It's not too long before she arrives, landing on its various rooftops and looking down at its various denizens. The people of the world are as varied and colored as the flowers. Far more tasty, however. She hones in on Roland's position and touches down on the roof not far from him. Letting out a call in draconic to let him know that she's there.

[Draconic "Where is it?"] she asks in her rough, equestrian tones.

An Amy
2017-04-03, 12:10 PM
Armed with your various gear and newly acquired rings, you embark on the 10 day journey by river craft. This takes you down the river stopping at various points along the way, all of which are well known. You're not the only barge traveling either. Usually a group of ten or so barges makes the trip almost on a daily basis with various goods. The barges are almost no better than pallets of wood planks over a frame of logs set up off the water so the occasional splash doesn't come on board. They're rigged up for easy dismantling as well so that they can be taken apart and hauled back up the road in pieces. Some of them get walked up the channel by rope but the channel's unusually swift current makes the process on water more tedious and only for the largest and more difficult barges.

Your stays at the various villages and towns along the way are uneventful, but it's quickly apparent you're not the only group traveling south for the same purpose. You catch word that another group is heading there on another barge in the convoy. They number six people and are made of two humans, an elf, two halflings and a reptilian though it's not clear exactly as to what specific scaled race. Of the ones you see, they are not inexperienced either. Otherwise, the journey is mundane at best. Ezzy keeps up with the barges well enough and frequently asks why Roland isn't just flying there. It's quicker and the potential horde gains may be stolen. Day by day the channel widens. The edges of the channel remain pretty much the same though it is clear that the drop off toward the depths of the channel grow more intense. The barges move a bit further away from shore to take advantage of the speeding current. On about the 8th day, the channel's western shore is beyond the horizon. And by the next day you are in the Bore, the large inland lake that some maps call a sea in its own right, especially given the higher the average salinity to the water.

You arrive in Lendport, the largest port on the eastern shore at the border of Naa'Yandland and Nashra to the north. Starting at Lendport, the Naa'Yander mountains begin to rise and create very steep scenery with little shoreline. Villages dot the rest of the Bore's rim further south and around toward the west until the cliffs, but Lendport is the largest and truly last stop to get around the mountains further east. It's the main road out of Lendport that heads east toward Durnfethe and beyond. The city is very wealthy because of this.

Dockworkers pulls the barge up to one of the many docks floating far out over the water. There the depths of the water are not terribly deep, at least where the barges are pulled to closer to the shore. The docks extend a good ways out further where the depths drop immensely so that deeper keeled vessels can dock. Bore-born ships and the like are commonly rowed though a large wind makes its way clock-wise around the Bore making trade to the western shore easily possible. The active port greets you with fanciful buildings of bright colors. The trend seems to be pushing toward people holding up signs for businesses all along the streets trying to get an edge up and reach travelers as early as possible during their time in the city. Taverns advertise bargain hours, shops announcing the arrival of rare items and special wares, inns offering bundles of service. Otherwise the city spreads out before you. Broad roads crisscross between buildings of wood and stone. Immediately after the ports, the buildings rise to three levels. Each wide street like a canyon with a river of heads. Banners drape across the streets between the buildings as further advertisement for services and goods fill your view.

You arrive in the morning. You must find travel to the next point: Herkshmire where a contact of Heonard's can help further. Of you can skip Herkshmire entirely and head to Tolbthaim.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-03, 04:36 PM
Roland is quick to answer Ezzy’s questions with a simple yet effective explanation: “(Draconic)You would have to carry Griffin too. I didn’t want to force you to do that for such a long trip, but you’re welcome to try on the way back; it’ll be much quicker.” The experienced knight isn’t shy about conversing with the other adventurers, chatting to Ezzy and the reptilians in Draconic to pass the time when Griffin isn’t around, and gambling with sums of money so small they couldn’t possibly make a difference to a seasoned adventurer, until eventually breaking even.

Roland may not be a stranger to traveling at sea, but he’s relieved once the group is finally able to dock. He takes in the sights of Lendor, smiling. “(Draconic) Stay close to me, Ezzy; I wouldn’t want the locals to think you’re coming to steal their treasure and trying to shoot arrows at you.” He pats the back of his mount’s head as they get off the boat, feeling rather refreshed after finally attuning to their Rings of Sustenance. “(Common) We need to get to Herkshire as soon as possible,” he says to Griffin and Ezzy, mounting the great draconic beast, “(Draconic) So whaddya say, old girl; think you can carry us both? Er, to Herkshire, that is; not sure if you understood that.”

An Amy
2017-04-03, 04:45 PM

Some of the group keep to themselves while two are very social with you. Yllona, an elven woman with a penchant for magic, and Chunna, a halfling young man with a bright eye and a quick hand. They talk about how they got the job for seeking out the ancestral relics from Dorbaine, another broker out of Auraniss City. Their group is experienced with undead and figured there might be a good bit of that. Especially given the rumors that several other groups have tried and failed to return. Yllona is far more interested in simply chatting with Roland about anything and is pleased to find someone so well versed in comfortable conversation.

[Draconic "If they shoot me, can I eat them?"] The mare asks while looking about for a bow or two and finding several. ["I can take both. There. But not back. Too much horde to carry back, yes?"]

Lightning Fast
2017-04-03, 07:28 PM
Roland rolls his eyes. "(Draconic) You can't just--..." The knight pauses, then leans in and whispers to his mount: "(Draconic) ... Maybe if we're outside the city. Pretty sure shooting at a paladin's mount is considered obstruction of justice. I don't want to scare too many innocent people, though."

"(Draconic) I'm not entirely sure how much loot we'll be carrying out of the tomb to keep, but we'll definitely get paid after we return it to its rightful owner. If you're patient, that's fifteen-thousand gold pieces for us!"

Roland moves forward on his saddle and taps the leather on top of Ezzy's barding. "Climb on the back of the saddle and grab the ropes. We're taking the Express."

2017-04-04, 07:50 AM
Griffin sighs and their inability to spend more time in the bustling city, a favorite place for him, soo many opportunities ripe for the picking.

He nods to the paladin and climbs on the dragon horses back, ready to take flight.

An Amy
2017-04-04, 08:01 AM
With Griffon and Roland mounted, Ezzy takes three steps and one powerful push of her wings to take to the sky with a flurry of additional strokes to continue to gain height. A gasp spreads throughout the crowd near the port as heads turn and arms with pointing fingers rise. Soon, Lendport’s tightly built buildings and broad streets with brightly colored banners and signs turn into a mosaic as the dragonnel continues toward the wind-driven clouds.

Under such conditions, she can only continue flying for several hours before having to stop. Regardless, even with her flying only half the time, this cuts out a large portion of the trip. The newly acquired rings do their trick and provide sustenance to you both and Ezzy, though it is tasteless leaving the mouth want for food and your lips in need of water. Lest you tongues go dry. Your stomachs fill with a fluid that is unpleasant when burping. But… it’s filling. Everything an adventurer needs. Just careful of the nightmarish tales told of people being buried with those rings. The way out being a death that can only be obtained by removing the ring…

The area is relatively safe as travel between Lendport and Herskmire is consistent. The smaller towns that dot the highway between stretches of farmland and pasture for cattle provide inns at regular intervals. By horse, someone could travel half a day and stop at an inn each time. Or travel for most of the day and arrive just before evening at yet another welcoming establishment. All in all, the normally six-day now four-day ride and partial flight is a painless one.

Ezzy is on land when approaching Hershkmire, a large town set on the inside of a bend in the river that came up to the road in the last couple days. You’re traveling up stream, but unlike most rivers, it is growing as you move forther south. It’s various branches further north breaking off and diminishing its flow and volume as it continues toward the main highway out of Lendport. Hershkmire’s northern gate crosses the river. A large bridge broad enough for four carts though a long, single-file line crosses the bridge snakes down the road.

You learn that Hershkmire has a mandate that any traveler that enters the town must have a bed spoken for. Thus the guard keep a running tally of all available beds between the town’s many inns. When all the beds run out, travelers are turned away. Some forgo the town entirely and stay across the river at several inns that have popped up due to the mandate and the natural growth that exceeds the wall’s area for such a town as this.

Before you reach the bridge, it seems the town is full and guards are turning away travelers. You find your stay across the river from the town, accessible by a bridge that is also closed. Residents seem to have passes that allow them in through the gates at any time. Travelers are issued a pass as well and guards ask for them frequently. Across the river, however, no such requirements exist and inns typically fill up and still accept coin for places on the floor of the common room. The Death’s Knock Tavern seems as good a place as any. And they have actual rooms available.

Ezzy, despite having a scale of sustenance, wishes to roam around the area and hunt actual food.

2017-04-04, 09:36 AM
"So, whadda you think, Roland? Do we need to get a room or keep pushing on? Might pick up a rumor or two in town, size up the competition, that sort of thing." Griffin awaits a consensus before continuing on.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-06, 01:54 PM
Roland scratches the stubble on his chin. "I think it would be best to hire some help," he says, "Just a cart and some mercenaries to help guard it. Shouldn't be too expensive." He pats Ezzy on the back. "After all, if we've got some hirelings, we'll have someone to cart around our hoard, yeah?"

2017-04-06, 02:12 PM
"And she will have a snack or two if things slide sideways on us." Griffin says with a grin and you are never quite sure if he is serious or not.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-06, 02:15 PM
Roland raises an eyebrow and smirks at Griffin. "I'm sure-as-hell glad you don't speak draconic."

An Amy
2017-04-06, 02:53 PM
Ezzy's ears twitch back to understand the conversation or try to. She's picked out some words of common. Things like horde and dragon and city and eat and sleep.

The group you two rode on the barge most likely has not made it to the town just yet. Another group of adventurers walks into the nearby tavern and inn where you find yourself standing. They only get your attention because one of them says something about the village you'd be headed to next.

"We'll get some rest and head out to Tolbthaim at first light," says a haf-orc following a human in chainmail on their way into the inn.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-06, 07:53 PM
Roland raises an eyebrow, then approaches the two adventurers from behind, then taps one of them on the shoulder. "Excuse me... I couldn't help but overhear that you were going to Tolbthaim? Me and my partner are headed there as well, and were hoping to bring some hires on for a longer journey." He waits for the adventurers to reply before expanding on his offer.

An Amy
2017-04-06, 09:13 PM
The half-orc looks down at Roland from both a height that is taller and the raised porch of the inn. He crosses his arms with an expression that looks like he's just been insulted. But then he relaxes it for a sigh.

"You an me both, pal. Seems every merc with a blade's been swiped up by every other group coming down from Auraniss. Surprised? You shouldn't be. When some Drean comes shaking the proverbial purse, seems everyone jumps. I'm just glad I brought six of my men..."

The woman in chain with him clears her throat rather poignantly.

"Don't mind her, she's more man than some of the louts I hauled down. So I... oof," he is interrupted by a jab to his ribs as the woman turns to enter the inn... "I assume you're coming down for the tomb gig, right?"

Lightning Fast
2017-04-06, 11:56 PM
Roland is a bit shocked. "Yes, we are... are there that many people here for one gig?" The paladin shakes his head, turning back to his partner. "We should've flown here, Griff; might be that someone's already beaten us to the punch by now. I don't suppose we've got enough left for a Bag of Holding? Because I seriously doubt we'll be able to find someone to cart around any crap we find in the tomb, let alone help guard it." He rests a hand on Ezzy's neck, giving her a gentle rub and whispering to her. (Draconic) "I'm thinking if we leave sooner rather than later, we'll be able to beat the rest of our competition there. More loot for us, if we can buy something magical for you to hold it without it being too heavy."

2017-04-07, 06:18 AM
Griffin grunts at Roland in agreement, "Can't see much here worth waiting around for anyway. Why don't we leave now?" He shifts his line of sight subtly so Roland isn't directly in between him and the mountain of a half orc. More habit than anticipating any trouble, just years of being ready for a fight kicking in.

An Amy
2017-04-07, 08:50 AM
"We've run into two other groups," the half-orc replies. "You'd make the third. Word is starting to spread that no one's coming back from this. I'm not going to risk my... people if this turns out to be some sort of trap or trick. But the pay is just too good to let it go without investigating. I've a couple guys already a head of us by a week. I thought they'd be back by now, why's we're leaving first thing tomorrow. You be careful."

Heonard did mention a contact in Hershkmire named Olen. A woodcrafter.

2017-04-07, 09:27 AM
Griffin snorts at the half orc's statement, "When have you ever run into a tomb that wasn't trapped? Especially ones guarding supposed treasures?" Griffin turns to Roland, "There was another contact that was mentioned, if we are so inclined."

Lightning Fast
2017-04-07, 09:34 AM
Roland nods. "Thank you for the information," he says to the half-orc, turning back to Shadowspawn, "Yeah, I think we'd better get going sooner rather than later. Do we have enough for the Bag of Holding?"

2017-04-07, 09:51 AM
"Not sure, last one of those I...." he glances at the others around them "...sold, was somewhere around 4,000." He says in a quieter voice, "Let's not discuss exactly how much gold we are carrying out here in the open, yes?"

Lightning Fast
2017-04-07, 09:53 AM
"Not sure, last one of those I...." he glances at the others around them "...sold, was somewhere around 4,000." He says in a quieter voice, "Let's not discuss exactly how much gold we are carrying out here in the open, yes?"

Roland nods. "... Glad I have you around to prevent me from getting myself killed."

2017-04-07, 09:58 AM
"They ain't gonna kill you as long as I'm alive." He nods to a quieter alleyway where he can see if prying eyes and ears are listening to their conversation. "Let's talk over there."

Lightning Fast
2017-04-07, 10:15 AM
Roland follows Shadowspawn into the alleyway, leading Ezzy behind them. "I say we grab a bag of holding and then get the heck outta dodge. Otherwise, these schlubs are gonna beat us there and get themselves killed, or get in our way."

2017-04-07, 10:27 AM
Roland follows Shadowspawn into the alleyway, leading Ezzy behind them. "I say we grab a bag of holding and then get the heck outta dodge. Otherwise, these schlubs are gonna beat us there and get themselves killed, or get in our way."

"I'd have to agree although there is a certain amount of value to letting them springs the traps first and we follow behind." Griffin's chuckle has a tinge of sincerity to it that makes it more sinister than he intended.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-07, 10:47 AM
"I'd have to agree although there is a certain amount of value to letting them springs the traps first and we follow behind." Griffin's chuckle has a tinge of sincerity to it that makes it more sinister than he intended.

Roland chuckles back. "I'm pretty sure enough people have been sent down there already. We're better off getting there and clearing the place out before anyone else gets themselves killed. You might not care, but I've got an oath to uphold."

2017-04-07, 11:16 AM
Griffin sighs, the joke lost on the literal paladin as usual. "We have enough to get one should they want fair market value for it. You'll have to do the talking though."

Lightning Fast
2017-04-07, 01:27 PM
Griffin sighs, the joke lost on the literal paladin as usual. "We have enough to get one should they want fair market value for it. You'll have to do the talking though."

"Well, I'm pretty persuasive!" Roland exclaims, "Let's get to market... and let's buy some mint leaves too; this 'sustenance' stuff is way, way worse than actual food. Even if it is quicker than stopping to rest and eat."

An Amy
2017-04-07, 02:02 PM
The evening has already begun in full. The town's doors are closed to any who do not possess a pass. Markets may be closed for the evening, especially a specialty shop that might have such a magical item. The sun already sits below the distant mountains to the west leaving the sky a darker and darker shade of blue then purple the further east one looks.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-07, 02:05 PM
Roland sighs. "Let's stay the night. I'm thinking it'd be best to buy a healing wand too; I've only got so many spells I can cast per day."

An Amy
2017-04-07, 02:26 PM
With inns rapidly filling up as more travelers arrive late to the town, the immediate option is right in front of you: the Death's Knock inn. They still have actual rooms available and it is the inn where the half-orc and the human woman entered earlier with, presumably, another two in that group already inside. Perhaps others depending. The town has a strict ordinance against sleeping on the streets, and Across the River area has an increase of patrols just in the evening to enforce this.

2017-04-07, 02:33 PM
Griffin nods his agreement to the plan. "Yeah we need to get out of here. This town seems to have a real stick up the butt for control."

An Amy
2017-04-10, 02:28 PM
The night is uneventful. Two rooms can be found relatively easy at the inn right next to you two. With plenty of adventurer's staying in the town for the time, crime is at a low. Especially given the penchant for vigilantism that many heroes have. A lot of them looking to bringing in criminals as a way to sate their violent appetites. The early morning comes. Ezzy sends the message that she found a place to settle for the night and will remain not too far away but will otherwise stay away from all those adventurers and their weapons. The locals of Auraniss may have an idea who the dragonnel belongs to. Naa'Yandland folks have no such rumors or tales. Best to just avoid the complications. Plus, it gives her some time to hunt a little. Oh, she knows she doesn't need to... she just likes it.

The town opens up more during the day, passing around visitor tokens to those that don't have a room secured, though many rooms are available during the day as people leave at first light. The visitor tokens are simple round, wooden disks with a burned in city crest. Quite complex and would be difficult to duplicate. It's an overly-complicated system for something so mundane. Like a lot of the things in the town. Perhaps the influx of adventurers hunting down this ancestral relic have caused the proverbial stick up the rear to be more knobby and crooked.

Magic shops on the inside are few. The town is not known at all for its magical wares. However, one of them does carry a bag of holding. It's an old, ragged bag with the stitching on the outside and a symbol burned into the tan leather surface. Most bags of holding are one piece of leather. But the shopkeeper proves its validity by sticking his hole arm in it. It is, however, selling for 6,500 gold.

"Put'n hunderds an' hunderds 'a pounds'a grain in it, d'ough. Fermer To'en like ta have a heart'n'grab seein' 'is stock'n'all dis'pear like dat."

Lightning Fast
2017-04-13, 02:36 PM
As Roland examines the bag, he shakes his head. "It's exactly what we need, but I'm not sure we've got the funds for it..." The paladin pulls a bag of platinum coins and two large sapphires out of his pocket, totaling around two-thousand gold pieces. Griffin had the rest of the party's funds, and given how expensive outfitting his mount had been, Roland wasn't entirely comfortable asking him to fork over even more. Though it would likely be necessary in this case.

"I understand you've likely got a bit of a supply-and-demand issue, but given the uh... condition of this piece, I'm not sure it's worth the full 6,500..."

Sense Motive (about prices): [roll0]
Diplomacy (Haggling): [roll1]

An Amy
2017-04-13, 02:54 PM

You believe that the man doesn't really know much about magic items. It's not a magic shop either but a shop for various other sundries. Since you're not completely sure on the price either, given that magic bags like these do come in whatever form the creator wanted, they do seem to follow a few set categories. This would perhaps be around the second category, which might sit somewhere between 4400 to 5600 gold pieces. You've no experience yourself selling these things as you guys have never come across one in your adventures and never ultimately had the need. It does work a lot like a single compartment in Shadow's backpack, though.

The trader begins to consider your words...

Diplomacy [roll0] + modifier...

"Eh, fine. Six thousand, 'en."

2017-04-14, 12:55 PM
Griffin casually touches Roland lightly on the arm to let him know he is behind whatever the man can work out. Trying his best to stay quiet through all this since the things he usually says make prices go the opposite direction.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-14, 03:04 PM
Roland nods. "It's a bit steep... but I accept. If only because it's better than lugging around a cart. My associate here has the rest of our party funds." He nods to Griffin.

An Amy
2017-04-14, 03:52 PM
Roland and Shadowspawn

You are down six trips in coin and various gems handed over to the proprietor of the shop for an oddly stamped and sewn magic bag of some sort. Its demonstration was enough to prove that it really was a bag of holding of some type. Unsure as to what exactly. Popular believe among adventurers holds that bags of holding cannot be punctured, so seeing one sewn together seems odd... but some superstitions may not actually be true and it may not matter if the bag were sewn prior to being made magical... neither of you are crafters of magical items.

With a bag in hand, you lighten you load by testing it out and putting some of your gear in it. Its opening able to fit something roughly the size of a human leg in girth. It can be stretched a little, but it feels a touch like the seams might come apart if you pull to hard. You don't test it. Not with 6,000 gold in your hands. Off on Ezzy's back, you three make your way west for two days. You pass over a group of four adventurers, one being a half-orc leading the group. They look up as you pass over but otherwise do nothing. The road is surprisingly absent of all other travelers. That may not be surprising given that the villages is three days out from its next neighbor. Small farms dot the landscape on the way out to Tolbthaim. Men and boys are seen working in fields. Some spot Ezzy and her riders and point to the sky. Nothing but fingers and gazes are raised to the dragonnel.

Landing on the second day to walk the remainder, you are not far from the village. Up ahead, coming your direction on the road is a young man. Running. It's easy to tell he's running from something. The night's light rainfall has left the road a touch tacky. So when three men on horseback, armored men, ride up behind him, it's not surprising you didn't see a rise of dust over the hill. The men are chasing the young man, though they do so leisurely as if taking their time and laughing about it. The boy spots you and shouts for help. The men also spot you and change their demeanor.

You're going to be "surprised" by them regardless. Ezzy can't fly all day and has to spend some of it walking on the ground. You can stop and do things like put on armor and such from the bag, not a problem. There were orcs mentioned previously. Or was it goblins... or was it bugbears... It definitely wasn't armed men on horseback. From a village that, by all accounts you've heard, does not have a militia beyond a few retired guards from larger towns and some strapping young men with farm equipment.

They are all four about 150 ft out.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-16, 06:23 PM
"What is that mess all about?!" Roland groans, squinting at the three lawmen-looking folks chasing down the boy. "Shady, get ready: this might turn violent real quick. I'll see if I an figure out what's going on..."

"(Draconic) Ezzy, get us in closer... and give them a nice roar, maybe spook their horses so we can fight them on our terms. If it comes to that, of course."

Roland flies forward on Ezzy's back, drawing his lance and stopping to land about twenty feet in front of the horsemen. "What's going on here? Since when does Esterhaze have the authority to harass free citizens like this?" he asks, trying to keep calm. He scans the boy and three riders (OOC: with Detect Evil).

Ezzy lets out a loud roar, as if to warn the horsemen to stop.

"Now, state your business!" the paladin commands, "Why are you harassing this poor boy?!"

Roar: DC 16 or be shaken
Using Intimidate.

2017-04-17, 08:01 AM
Just as Roland takes flight Griffin starts to protest but is cut short, "But wait, they are...." he just sighs as the paladin closes the distance to the little group.

An Amy
2017-04-18, 01:03 PM
Soldiers! [roll0]+secrets
Soldiers! [roll1]+secrets
Soldiers! [roll2]+secrets
Boy [roll3]+nothing special
... do their mounts have to save? I think they do...
[secret rolls]
[more secret rolls]

As Roland and Griffin move closer on a flying mount, the soldiers pull to a stop. Their weapons, all three having long halberds, ready but expressions apprehensive. The boy does not let this opportunity pass and takes a turn from the road and runs toward the nearby wooded area. The Esterhaze heraldry becomes more and more apparent and genuine, even down to the chain barding on the horses. Roland picks up that two are evil while one is... evil by association. And nationality, probably. But as the dragonnel lands and lets out a roar, the two outer soldiers seem to shudder slightly, holding their weapons in more determined yet unsteady grips. The center soldier, with the glow of evil about him in the paladin's eyes, barks back a response. Or, rather, a command.

"I'll be the one to ask the questions!" the center soldier calls out while nudging his mount closer. "After you've thrown down your weapons and calmed your beast!"

2017-04-18, 01:15 PM
Griffin chuckles at that, deliberately appearing to ignore the soldier as he watches the boy retreat to the woods.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-18, 01:34 PM
"Ah, my sincerest apologies, sir, I didn't realize we were in Esterhaze," Roland replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

He turns to Shadowspawn as he catches up and smiles, outright ignoring the three Esterhaze horsemen. "Come on, I think it'd be best if we gave that boy an escort back to town. After all, there are plenty of bandits along these roads," he says. Though he's not fond of the soldiers, a confrontation might give Esterhaze some contrived excuse to invade, or result in Ezzy getting hurt.

If the horsemen do not object, Roland steers his mount towards where the boy disappeared into the treeline, allowing Shadowspawn to mount if he so desires. He keeps one eye on the horsemen, though, prepared to counterattack if they try anything funny...

An Amy
2017-04-18, 01:45 PM
"It don't matter where you are, woodling," the middle soldier bellows out. Woodling must be... some sort of insult. Somehow. But it's lost on those who apparently weren't there or didn't grow up on the wrong side of the river. Or the wrong side of a particular river in Esterhaze, perhaps. "Don't let them leave!"

Soldier [roll0]
Soldier [roll1]
Soldier [roll2]

Roland [roll3]
Shadowspawn [roll4]
Ezzy goes on Roland's turn unless unmounted, then she can delay to change her place in the order.

Boy is continuing to flee the area and is out of the immediate combat.

An Amy
2017-04-18, 01:52 PM
Combat Round 1: Roland & Shadowspawn

The center Esterhaze horseman lowers his weapon and moves up 10 feet for a charge, ending with an attack against Roland directly with the long polearm's spiked tip.
Attack[roll0] [roll1]

The soldier on the left raises up a crossbow and fires it at the second rider on the... is that a dragonnel? Oh, by the goddess, he hopes this works...
Attack, Shaken... [roll2] [roll3]

Griffin finally sees an opportunity to respond...

Initiative order
Center Soldier (evil) halberd
Left Soldier (non-evil) light crossbow, shaken
Right Soldier (evil) halberd, shaken

2017-04-18, 02:21 PM
Peeling off a couple of daggers Griffin takes aim and throws them at the soldier on the right. :smallwink:




SA on each attack that hits, right?

An Amy
2017-04-18, 04:22 PM
Shadowspawn's daggers soar across the space between the dragonnel and the guard who had yet to move. The two blades either find chinks or gaps or make their own as they fully hilt into the man's flesh, bringing about a groan as he slumps in the saddle. Immediately, the trained warhorse upon which he now slumps, turns and begins fleeing from the combat back toward the village further up the road in what appears to be practiced. At least in Roland's eyes. Horses trained to take fallen riders out of combat situations and back to camp are common. The soldier is at least unconscious if not worse. Halberd dropped. A coughing of blood that ended the croaking groan.

Roland then responds to the aggression...

Roland's turn.
Initiative order
Center Soldier (evil) halberd
Left Soldier (non-evil) light crossbow, shaken
Right Soldier (evil) halberd, shaken(horse retreating at an x4 run).
Roland/Ezzy <--------

Also, Lioslaith, Shadow takes a total -4 on his roles. He's throwing across a soft target (though not obvious since we're abstract on the combat) and his target is 20 feet away, 2 range increments for daggers (10' range).
Regardless, he hit, and hit hard. I'm not going to roll the critical. It's moot.

And Shadowspawn gets an award! First Kill!
Bonus: After dropping an opponent, you can grant you and your allies a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage for the rest of the combat
Usable only once. Void where prohibited. See reverse side for details.

Lightning Fast
2017-04-18, 05:02 PM
The leader’s lance makes its mark on Roland, piercing through his plate armour and inflicting a grievous wound. He grunts, angrily wielding his own lance in two hands as he prepares his counter-attack. “If you scum think you’re strong enough to fight us, so be it! MAY THE GODDESS SMITE THEE!” The holy champion thrusts his weapon forth, imbued with the power of law, order, and holy justice... backed by raw muscle, of course.

Swift Action: Law Devotion, to give +3 on attack rolls for one minute (ten rounds), can be reallocated
Using Smite Evil on first attack, along with Power Attack 5
Attack 1 (Smite): [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

When Roland has made his attacks, Ezzy flaps her mighty wings, kicking her front claws forward, and attempting to rake and bite the rider.

Bite: [roll4]
Bite Damage: [roll5]
Claw 1: [roll6]
Claw 1 Damage: [roll7]
Claw 2: [roll8]
Claw 2 Damage: [roll9]

If the rider is already dead by this point (thus making Ezzy's attacks useless, that's fine, just make them not happen: it might be worth it to see if we can talk down the last, non-evil one from fighting.

An Amy
2017-04-18, 06:32 PM
Combat Round 2: Center soldier, with halberd, known to have taken seemingly severe injury

Both Roland and Ezzy mar the surface of the Esterhaze horseman's armor and tabbard, but the man stays in the saddle, upright, with his hands on his halberd. A grunt goes across his face along with a scowl and a growl and the chain cowl of his armor rattles as he bellows. "You, die!"

The soldier pulls back on his halberd for closer quarters combat as he maneuvers as to strike at Roland. Two hands to the haft of his weapons with a powerful blow...
Attack [roll0] [roll1]
...that misses the paladin's finer crafted and imbued armor.

Center Soldier (evil) halberd <----
Left Soldier (non-evil) light crossbow, shaken
Right Soldier(horse retreating at an x4 run).

An Amy
2017-04-18, 07:09 PM
Combat Round 2, Left Soldier Shaken for 2 of 3 rounds, no known injuries

The second of the three, now two, Esterhaze horsemen throws down his crossbow and moves forward, lowering his halberd for a charge against Shadowspawn, emboldened somewhat by his leader stepping up and taking on the two interlopers directly, but... that dragonnel. Is that creature supporting two full-grown men, one in full armor, while also attacking and striking at his spearlead?
Charging Attack [roll0] [roll]1d8+3[roll]
The soldier's unsteady hands earned him only a glancing blow that was ineffective at best...

Center Soldier (evil) halberd
Left Soldier (non-evil) light crossbow, shaken
Shadowspawn <-----
Right Soldier(horse retreating at an x4 run).

2017-04-19, 06:21 AM
Shadowspan takes his turn to get down off the dragonnel.

An Amy
2017-04-19, 12:50 PM
Roland's turn.

Center Soldier (evil) halberd
Left Soldier (non-evil) light crossbow, shaken

Lightning Fast
2017-04-21, 11:17 PM
“Come on then, you slaver bastard!” Roland proclaims. With another yell, he thrusts his lance forward once again, channeling the power of the goddess.

Using Smite Evil on attack, along with Power Attack 5 (I think this is my last attempt for the day)
Attack 1 (Smite): [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Law Devotion, to give +3 on attack rolls (Round 2/10)

Once again, Ezzy follows up with her own barrage of attacks against the evil cavalier, letting out some combination of a roar and a neigh.

Bite: [roll4]
Bite Damage: [roll5]
Claw 1: [roll6]
Claw 1 Damage: [roll7]
Claw 2: [roll8]
Claw 2 Damage: [roll9]

An Amy
2017-04-22, 12:19 AM
Roland's smite forces its way between the pauldron and the gorget, cutting across the man's collar and driving him down and slumping off the right side of his saddle. Just as the first of the soldiers, he too is tied into the saddle and the horse begins to turn and dart away. The third man curses and pulls on his horse to turn and flee as well.

"Burn you!" he cries out as he pulls the reins hard and kicks his horse into a full sprint.

The first horse is a couple hundred feet off. The recent horse to flee with rider is only one hundred feet off. The other soldier, however, is already one hundred fifty feet away.

Left Soldier (non-evil) light crossbow, shaken

2017-04-24, 06:13 AM
Griffin watches them go thinking to himself this wont be good. "Shall we see if we can find the boy?"

Lightning Fast
2017-04-26, 09:32 AM
"Aye," Roland replies, "And I wouldn't worry about that last cavalier. My word is better than his."

Patting Ezzy on the back of the head, Roland steers her towards where the young man fled, trotting alongside Shadowspawn.

An Amy
2017-04-26, 09:51 AM
The young man moved toward the wooded area just twenty yards from the road. He's stopped and peeks out from around a tree with wide eyes and a gaping mouth still breathing heavily.

"Y-you're n-not with them?" he asks with a shaking hand pointing back toward the one fleeing Esterhaze soldier and the two fleeing mounts. He's a tall young man with curling brown hair, a long face and awkwardly lanky limbs probably good for running. He's in a tattered woolen tunic of dark earthy tones, stained as well, with trousers torn off at the knees held up by two loops of rope around his waste. His shoes are surprisingly study looking and well made after he steps out from around the tree.

2017-05-01, 06:52 AM
Griffin gives the boy a sideways look and a snarky smile, "Of course we are, that's why I stuck the daggers in them." Shaking his head he looks to Roland and then back to the boy, "Why are they after you, boy?" He keeps a small emphasis on the word boy, hoping the kid will give up his name or at least launch into a story.

An Amy
2017-05-01, 07:33 AM
The young man bristles slightly at the emphasis on the use of boy as he answers. This words carry some bitterness to them along with a bit of sadness...

"These outsiders, they came. Adventurers not unlike yourselves, I presume, taking anything they wanted as long as they feel they paid for it. Even if wasn't for sell or ever would be. Horses, cattle, weapons, rooms... women. Dozens of them. Then we thought we were saved. These soldiers from Esterhaze showed up a couple weeks later and rounded all the crimin- all the adventurers up. But they turned out to be worse. They took without paying. Kept us all held prisoners in our own homes. They didn't... hurt us, unless we tried to flee or didn't obey their orders. They would send the adventurer's off west to the mountains..."

The boy points west, and just over the forest canopy are the faint blue outline of mountains still about three or four days off. Ezzy days, that is.

"... and we'd never see them again. I ran to get help, but they caught up to me and have been chasing me like that, not letting me rest. I'm used to running like that. I ran messages to Hershkmire all the time. So if you're looking to help us... well, I don't know. But if you're looking to claim your prize or whats'a'gain, you'll be turning back."

2017-05-01, 09:26 AM
Griffin smiles a the young man's backbone, "You can call them criminals, it's what they are." Sighing to himself for he knew once Roland weighed in on this matter they would more than likely be helping him.

Griffin extends his hand to the young man, "They call me Shadowspawn and you are welcome to do the same."

Lightning Fast
2017-05-01, 10:50 AM
"I am Sir Roland Silvershield, of the Grey Guards," the paladin says proudly, gesturing to the emblem on his right breastplate, "And it is my duty to help those in need." Looking back towards the path, Roland frowns. "These adventurers... including the rioters and thieves among them, they're likely here on the same mission that we are. Some wealthy aristocrat's been offering a massive reward for those willing to brave his ancestral tomb. We can hardly stay here and drive them off for you, but we can certainly deal with Esterhaze's goons. Do you know what they were doing with the adventurers? Or were they just escorted west?"

An Amy
2017-05-01, 12:23 PM
The young man doesn't seem to recognize the symbol, though he seems to ease a bit.

"I don't know what they're doing with them. Adventurers were heading west already, some of them talking about the goblins in the mountains. Some of them coming back here and trying to work together to figure out how to deal with the goblins. A couple others from a while back never came back. But now... those soldiers are here and making the adventurers head west. Not sure what they're doing about the goblins or graves or tombs. Just that the adventurers aren't coming back..."

2017-05-01, 01:10 PM
"How many soldiers are there? Anyone else in town willing to help throw the bastards out?" Griffin realizes he's starting to rapid fire questions at the lad and stops abruptly.

An Amy
2017-05-02, 08:32 AM
The boy stammers as he answers. "Several dozen... I think. Uh, yes, there's those adventurers I'm sure that would help if you offered to pay them first, I'm sure. We have hunters for the nearby forests. They took all our weapons, those that they could find. But many of the old guards from Lendport or Herkshmire live around the village. I'm sure they'd help."

The young man's opinion of the adventurer's is clear in the way he speaks about it. The bushel for an apple.

"I could take you to the village... I know where the adventurer's are being kept. It's several hours back up the road."

2017-05-02, 08:55 AM
Griffin shrugs and waits for Roland to decide, though he was pretty sure what they were going to do next. "They have a couple of my daggers I need to get back."

Lightning Fast
2017-05-06, 11:52 AM
"That'd be very helpful of you," Roland says, nodding, "And once we get there, we'll see if we can't take care of your little problem."

An Amy
2017-06-06, 09:06 AM
Roland and Shadowspawn

The boy leads the two of you further west along the road, though through the woods just off the road given that the horses ran back and perhaps alerted the Esterhaze soldiers already. The path is easy going, though Ezzy complains occasionally of the problems moving through under brush with wings. The large creature prefers to fly, but the boy does mention something about a large eagle in the area. Such is not a common sight at all, and the villagers believe the eagle is with the Esterhaze soldiers and scouts for them. So… thick canopies and underbrush to hide from the large sentry are necessary.

The three of you spot the eagle in the distance as you approach the village. It is making a broad circle around the village. The boy indicates that it showed up several days ago after several villagers attempted an escape.

The both of you know that dire eagles like this one are rare in the western area near Dwinaddare and Naa’Yander mountains. Dires in general are, eagles more so. They originate from the Bourbaq as well as from Ottonaga and even across the seas in the Annexes, though eagles typically don’t. You both also specifically know that Bourbaq is the next best place to find a dire eagle given involvement with one of Fir’s friends, a druid who acquired a dire eagle chick a few years back.

As you approach Tolbthaim, the village comes into view and is obviously under some sort of military occupation. The front of the village’s entrance is framed in by the dense forest that surrounds the two dozen or so structures. Just beyond that, however, are multiple Esterhaze soldiers in their typical colors. A whole camp of them is setup in what seems to be one of two streets running through the village. There seems perhaps a hundred or more of the soldiers given the number of tents; however, visual counts put their number somewhere around a couple dozen.

The village’s carved out area of the forest is beat down upon by the noon-day sun. A line of people in manacles and ropes is being escorted from the only two-story structure in the village, and the largest. They are five individuals being led by seven of the soldiers. They are mixed of races and attire, and the young man identifies them as some of the adventurers that came into the village. These are another group being led elsewhere to the west toward the mountains.

An Amy
2017-06-06, 09:34 AM

You’ve been staying in the village inn for several days now. Your weapons were taken away, though you were allowed your gear still. Razor, your dire eagle companion, remained nearby but ventured further and further west in order to hunt for food, most likely. Early in your captivity, Razor attacked a few of the local livestock and even attacked some of the Esterhaze soldiers that shot at him, but without clear direction, the eagle really just kept his distance and hoped to see you. However, you’ve been confined entirely to a single room with just a Halfling for company.

That changed today when you were roped up and escorted out of the building. Manacled and bound to four others, you were walked out of the building and across the village. All the while, an officer with the occupying force briefed you on what was going on and constantly reiterated that your cooperation is a requirement for your survival.

“You’re going to go into a cave… a crypt. And you’ll secure the crypt. Once your reach the burial chamber, you’ll report back and we’ll take over from there. If you succeed, you get to live and you’ll be rewarded. Now, there are goblins in the area… and they’ve solicited some help from a few giants and hobgoblins. We hold the entrance to the crypt but will need to fight to get you there. We’re holding them off, so that’s why you’re going in. You’ll get your weapons when we reach the mountains… they’re a couple days further. And you’ll be walking.”

2017-06-06, 10:59 AM
As a child Entenial had spent time with a pack of wolves, learning the ways of a hunter his mentor had called it. And through this lesson he had learned that nothing was more important in life then ones pack. So when one of the contacts he had made with the outside world had contacted him, asking for help finding the man’s son Entenial did not even think twice about the request. Thorin had been a kind dwarf at least in Entenial’s eyes, and had helped the young druid find a safe place for all the dire eagle eggs after dealing with the poachers so it was only right he repay the debt by finding his friends own family, his blood.
Sadly that had led Entenial into the predicament he was in now. Entenial had let his guard down when he had arrived in the small village, not expecting any sort of military with only six buildings making up the place. It seemed however the men who were lying in wait were using just that sense of calm to their advantage because before the capable druid knew what was going on he could feel his daily protections vanish right before one of the biggest of the group tackled him to the ground. Not wanting Razor to be hurt, as the mighty eagle clawed and pecked at one of the attackers, the young druid called out in the language of the fey, as well as through their link telling him to flee for now. Once Razor was safely out of harm’s way Entenial stooped resisting, and allowed the guards to take him as their prisoner. At least until they tried to take his sacred staff. To take his armor was one thing, however for an outsider to touch the gift he had received from Lady Autumn, a wise and kind old dryad who had allowed the young killoren to use a fallen branch from her tree as his staff, that he would not allow as he tried to shift his form into that of a wolf or an ape. However before he was able to, he was quickly knocked upside the back of his head, and lost consciousness.
When Entenlai awoke, he was immediately on the defensive, thinking the small person in the room with him was one of the soldiers that had attacked him. However after a long period of the other person talking, Tid as he liked to call himself, the druid came to the realization that this Halfling was not a threat to him. But also another victim of this bizarre attack. “If all they want is to send us on our way to this tomb then why attack us instead of simply making us leave? It makes no sense, espically given they keep us locked up like this. It would be smarter to send us all at once if they really wanted what was in this vault. Though I find it rather odd one of the humanoid races made a tomb in fey lands without our knowing.” Entenlai explained, not denying that he was here for the same thing the others were, after all it seemed easier then admitting he was looking for a dwarf, and would no doubt draw far less suspicion.
“It’s Tiddles right, perhaps we could help each other out. You see one of my friends came here ahead of me as well, and I suspect he got caught up in this as well. I say the next time they want to send people out the two of us go together, I doubt my friend is dead, and when we find your friend that will make a total of five of us. If you know anyone trustworthy in camp, perhaps we could all come back once we find our friends and free everyone, after all it is not natural to keep any creature in a cage.” The druid offered the much younger race, trying to make an ally in this strange place so that when the time came, he knew at least one person he could rely on to keep him safe while he waited for Razor to show up. In truth he doubted Tid could help him in any significant way, however even a distraction was worth it to get revenge on the man who had taken his sacred staff from him by force.

Each day had been the same dreary sights, with his magic suppressed, Entenlai had to rely on others for information about his task. And even that seemed hard to come by given he was mostly confined to his room. This did not stop the young Killoren from praying to Tae each day though, communing with the natural world around him and focusing on its destructive powers. Listening to what his kaptives had to say the druid gave a toothy smile, his jet black eyes, and hair giving an unnatural like appearance to a humanoid.

"And what happens should one of the giants get lucky and kill you all with one of its rocks? You are making us walk defenseless up a mountain you know their are threats on. As you can see their are more of you then us, and if what you say is true the entire path will have more of your men. This means if we tried to betray you on the walk and kill you with the weapons you give us we would only die from your friends. It would be safer for us to have our weapons and able to defend ourselves as well as you should we be attacked. But thats only my point of view." the killoren points out to the man who seems to be in charge, as he looks around for his sacred staff.

2017-06-06, 12:23 PM
Griffin bumps Roalnd's arm, "There's a a group of 5 for the cause right there..." as he points to the group of 5 being led away. "You're the tactician though, I don't know if we should try and gather people and storm the village or try and sneak in and work on it from the inside."

An Amy
2017-06-07, 01:46 PM

"You'll get your weapons before we get close to the giants," the rough looking human says, more scars on his face than hairs on his head. And he isn't entirely bald either. "If a giant hits us with a rock, I don't think a sword or two more would make a difference."

Your gear, gathered in crates, is loaded on a small cart being pulled by a horse. Several of the other men get on horseback as well while the remaining two stand on the cart with bows at the ready, one of them eyeing the five of you. Your quarterstaff of livewood is among the adventurers' gear loaded onto the cart, though they seem to be mixed together among four crates. Many more arrows and bolts are loaded as well along with some supplies.

Lightning Fast
2017-06-07, 02:05 PM
Griffin bumps Roalnd's arm, "There's a a group of 5 for the cause right there..." as he points to the group of 5 being led away. "You're the tactician though, I don't know if we should try and gather people and storm the village or try and sneak in and work on it from the inside."

Roland shakes his head. "I would need a small army to defeat a garrison of that size. Esterhaze has a full occupation force here, and we need to find out why."

"Perhaps we should follow the folks in chains, ambush their captors while they're being led away from the main group, then free them. We need to figure out what's going on here... The paladin turns to the young man who is with them. "How does one enter or leave this town without being taken into custody?"

An Amy
2017-06-07, 09:36 PM
Roland and Shadowspawn

"Entering? I don't know... leaving, I just ran. On the other side of town there are some thickets that are difficult for their horses to run through. We used to run through there as children to escape Mistress Nolims when we stole sweet rolls. You can get a good headstart, but unless you intend to go through the woods entirely to Hershkmire, you'll have to get on the road eventually. I guess... if you wanted to get into it, you could go up behind Mura Dronmire's house and Sedwin's shop from the north west of town. The woods back up near her house and the woodworker's."

2017-06-07, 11:51 PM

"You'll get your weapons before we get close to the giants," the rough looking human says, more scars on his face than hairs on his head. And he isn't entirely bald either. "If a giant hits us with a rock, I don't think a sword or two more would make a difference."

Your gear, gathered in crates, is loaded on a small cart being pulled by a horse. Several of the other men get on horseback as well while the remaining two stand on the cart with bows at the ready, one of them eyeing the five of you. Your quarterstaff of livewood is among the adventurers' gear loaded onto the cart, though they seem to be mixed together among four crates. Many more arrows and bolts are loaded as well along with some supplies.

"Of course you wouldn't, you would no doubt be dead. I on the other hand do not plan on being killed by such a simply thing. And if you cared about living long enough to return to kidnapping people and forcing them to do what you want, I would suggest you listen to someone who knows how to actually track in the wilderness. Because even a dumb animal knows the trails its prey takes. And giants are not dumb animals." the killoren points out to all those assembled, though he continues to keep walking, not making a play for his gear just yet.

2017-06-08, 07:20 AM
Roland shakes his head. "I would need a small army to defeat a garrison of that size. Esterhaze has a full occupation force here, and we need to find out why."

"Perhaps we should follow the folks in chains, ambush their captors while they're being led away from the main group, then free them. We need to figure out what's going on here... The paladin turns to the young man who is with them. "How does one enter or leave this town without being taken into custody?"

Griffin rolls his eyes at the paladin, "Only you would think we needed to take on a garrison. I meant start by trying to free them in small batches. Build our own army from loyal people rescued."

An Amy
2017-06-08, 07:20 AM

"You seem to think this is the first time we've done something like this," the man says as he mounts a dark mare with white feet. She seems to be very familiar with the rider. "I assure you it is not. We've lost no men to the giants or the goblins or the crypt. Now, no more words out of you or I'll have you gagged with a sour sock that missed last week's wash."

2017-06-08, 08:57 PM
Of course you haven't, you keep sending others in to die for you, hoping eventually you will get what you need without having to lift a finger. If you think I am going to lay down like a dog like the others though, you clearly have never meet a fey before. Entenlai thinks to himself as he follows the others, not doubting for a second that Razor could already see the group moving, and was following closely.

Lightning Fast
2017-06-14, 01:18 PM
Roland scratches his chin. "I vote we follow the group as they lead the adventurers out, and cut off their escape route. I would sooner not confront that group while it's still all together. Best to see if we can be sneaky and take them out one-by-one..." This wasn't exactly paladin-like, of course, but Roland didn't much care: he was a man on a mission.

2017-06-14, 02:04 PM
Griffin smiled at the suggested course of action, he liked it when Roland went off script. Nodding he turns to the kid with them, "You've got your help boy, stay hidden, stay safe. We will be back for you."

An Amy
2017-06-14, 02:41 PM
Shadowspawn and Roland
The group of seven guards escorting the five bound adventurers makes its way from the village through a wooded area. The path seems recently beaten down but wide enough for the narrow cart and horses. Two men are mounted and up front, side by side. Two follow the line of adventurers. Two are archers standing on the small cart full of supplies and the seventh guard drives the horse pulling it all. The five adventurers appear to be a large human, whose manacles seem diminutive by comparison, a half-ling, a green-ish elf known as killoren, an elven female another human with finer clothes and graying hair despite not showing other signs of age. The path is new with obvious foliage having been cut back in recent times. Around the path, the forest and underbrush are thick. Hills roll up and down making the path somewhat arduous as it winds away from the village and out of sight of the other men stationed therein.

Though the underbrush has been cut back, the canopy is dense and thick and would make Razor's assistance difficult to obtain. The archers also look as if they are wary and seem to be looking for something to come from the sky through the trees.

2017-06-15, 12:20 AM
Noting the Archers looking up at the trees Entenlai could not help but smile at the thought of them being so afraid of Razor. Good thing they do not know he no doubt would not be able to break through the canopy. the killoren druid thinks to himself as he begins looking around, and idea springing to mind. "I don't want to alarm anyone but well as you may know I am a hunter of sorts and I can't help but notice you all keep looking to the tree canopy. Is their something besides what you already told us we should be worried about, like I don't know giant spiders, birds, a possible goblin ambush? You really can't think having us all without any way to defend ourselves is a bright idea. We are adventures here to do a job and get paid. We are used to this kind of thing, and it helps no one if we die here, so just untie us and let us help. Or at least give us our weapons, this way if we are attacked we can defend ourselves. Because looking at your two archer friends over their, if I had to guess if they saw an actual enemy they would run in the other direction after missing their shots. Thats just my opinion however, what do I know." the fey said with a smile as he looks at the archers and lets out the noise of a wild cat to spook them.

Lightning Fast
2017-06-18, 08:27 AM
Roland whispers to Shadowspawn: "How many of them do you think you can take out without them detecting us? The fewer we have to fight, the better. Or perhaps we wait until the lot get their weapons back...?"

2017-06-19, 07:49 AM
Roland whispers to Shadowspawn: "How many of them do you think you can take out without them detecting us? The fewer we have to fight, the better. Or perhaps we wait until the lot get their weapons back...?"

"A few maybe? Not sure how far it is they are going or how much time we have. I would bet there are either more guards once they get to where ever it is they are going or they wont get weapons at all." He pauses thinking about the situation, "What if we attacked from each end, possibly confusing them? I'm no tactician though."

An Amy
2017-07-05, 08:15 AM
The pathway is narrow for the occupants being only 15 feet wide at the most. There are 4 men on horse back, two leading, two trailing, two men with bows on the card, one man driving the cart. The two pairs of horses are squeezing on the narrow road, riding within 5 feet of each other as is actually common in such spaces. The five without bows have crossbows at their hips but not at the ready. The armors are all the same, but the men are wielding somewhat different weaponry. No one appears to have reach weapons except front man on the left. He has a lance on the side of his mount but not in hand. The two front have large shields while the two in the back have no shields. Otherwise, they each appear to either be human or close enough to human that their helmets obscure other identifying traits, especially at the distance. Esterhaze is known to be fairly racist.

Behind the cart there are the five adventurers in manacles, a thick rope leading from the back of the cart to link together each of them. They all occupy the same 10-foot line walking very close to each other. Ten feet in front of the cart and ten feet behind the last adventurer are the two pairs of riders.

The forest surrounding them is somewhat thick in this particular part. The group just finishes climbing a short rise in the path that flattens out and ends in a turn some fifty feet further down. They all had their eyes ahead watching the rise.

Roland and Shadowspawn
You two can easily position yourselves as the cart has difficulty moving through the wooded area and is moving at a slow and cautious pace. If Roland is taking up a higher position, he'll maybe cause some commotion with armor. Shadowspawn can easily approach from behind or at least appear behind the group out from the wooded area.

You are fourth in the line with the half-ling behind you. The rope is liped around your manacles and twisted off but without a knot. The line connecting all of you five seems to be the same length of rope and is only knotted at the half-ling's end and at the cart, though the twisting and the loop do not easily move, so you are effectively stuck at your rope position, not that it matters terribly much. Everyone has the rope going under their left arm, save for the half-ling at the end.

OOC: Q2 is OVER! Yay!
Spot/Listen check for Entenlai
Move Silent/Hide for Shadow and Roland
Initiatives otherwise. Surprise round may be spoiled by poor move/hides or may just involve more than the two PCs. Entenlai can participate in the surprise if checks are good.

2017-07-05, 09:06 AM
Griffin crouches in the shadows of some trees and shrubs, awaiting the caravan to pass before slipping out behind them.



Lightning Fast
2017-07-05, 03:31 PM
Before Shadowspawn goes off, Roland tells him that he'll charge in as soon as Shadowspawn attacks, so as to get the drop on them.

Not wanting to alert his enemies to the clanking of his armour, Roland waits on Ezzy's back with his lance drawn. Any second now... As he tightens his grip and leans forward on his horse, he whispers to Ezzy: "When Shadowspawn attacks, we charge in. And remember, we can't let any of them get away alive to alert their superiors."

2017-07-05, 10:10 PM
Keep in mind he is using his Killoren hunter feat meaning anything within 30ft. he is automatically aware of and can pinpoint exactly where they are, though does not know if it is friend or foe.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

As the group continues to walk, the young Killoren begins to notice the slight incline to their path, and suspects that Razor would be close to them by now, though given how thick the canopy was, doubted his friend would be able to maneuver as well as he normally would be able to. All the while he remains silent and ready, his features much like a wolf's as he channels the primal aspects of the hunter through his body as he had prepared this morning.

2017-07-06, 07:23 AM
Griffin moves in behind the guards in the rear and attacks the closest one. Keeping somewhat to the side to try and keep the rider and horse between himself and the other guard.

