View Full Version : Beyond: Two D's

2017-03-20, 05:33 PM
Punny Title... :P and it looks like I'm the first!


D&D Beyond beta phase 1 is live now! It is basically the most amazing D&D all in one tool I've seen for 5e (and actually does stuff for Adamantine gear like we've been wondering for a bajillion years! :D)

EDIT: aaand I realized I goofed. DX The title was supposed to be Beyond: Two D's... For D&D... damn

2017-03-20, 06:11 PM
So far I really like it, it seems like this will go places and do things!

2017-03-20, 06:21 PM
Punny Title... :P and it looks like I'm the first!


D&D Beyond beta phase 1 is live now! It is basically the most amazing D&D all in one tool I've seen for 5e (and actually does stuff for Adamantine gear like we've been wondering for a bajillion years! :D)

EDIT: aaand I realized I goofed. DX The title was supposed to be Beyond: Two D's... For D&D... damn

You can still change the thread title by editing it.

Prince Zahn
2017-03-20, 07:16 PM
Where was this Beta two days ago when I needed it?:smalltongue:

My initial impression of it is incredibly positive. looking at the monster section, it is SO much easier than browsing the SRD document for the monster I want to use!

the only thing that I can say bothers me with the app is the streamlined images: most humanoid NPCs use the goblin's picture, which I find rather jarring, the spells use steamlined magic rune symbols by school that I Simply don't understand, and magic items are also streamlined in a weird fashion. but I can see the justification behind it - art is expensive, license for DMG art, it's still an early Beta, and who knows what else.

but overall I am very impressed. before you mentioned it I didn't notice all the new adamantine stuff!