View Full Version : Character development - Finding the proper deity to worship.

2017-03-20, 08:43 PM
Hello peeps of this esteemed community.

I have a player in my group whos character is a level 9 (in total) Chaotic Neutral cleric of Tempus.
The player has recently realized something about his character, namely that worshipping Tempus isn't a sufficient justification for going into battle or war with whoever his character wants to.

He's been playing a very ill-tempered and short-fused individual, who has been using Tempus as sufficient justification for his violent outbursts and actions. However he has just realized that worshipping Tempus may not really be the best fit for his character.

The situation he realized this in was during a battle that he decided to start recklessly.. (which Tempus says one shall not do).

The scene:
On Day 1
The party had been given safe refuge by a half-orc who was also a leader of a small warband (who also happened to be worshipping Toldoth).
Both groups were recovering from being ambushed, but the warband had arrived prior to the party and was reinforcing their encampment with some simple pallisade walls.
They were building it towards becoming a base of operations of sorts. The warband was also significantly larger in numbers than the party. One of the party member found that
she resonated a lot with Toldoths teachings as was thus converted as a follower of Toldoth. The Tempus Cleric saw this as a big issue, and was ready to bash her skull in for that "transgression".
However she was able to talk her way out of that one. Later that day, two of the party members wanted to leave the encampment and basically said that they were leaving at dawn and those that didn't follow would be left behind. So the party decided to rest as much as possible, pack their stuff silently during the night and then leave at dawn.

On Day 2 - At Night
The Cleric was having a nightmare or in his interpretation - a vision about the future. He dreamt that he was in the encampment, in his tent resting. Then followers came and took him against
his will, he was fighting to get free from their strong grip. He was carried to the temple that now stood in its full glory, it was filled with ornamental decorations. It was a temple of Toldoth, where he was
being dragged to the altar to be sacrificed. He saw the leader of the warband in her fine lavish occult vestments, as she slit his throat she whispered to him - "This is for Toldoth, this is for your transgressions against Toldoth and his followers, this is the only way it can be". And then he awoke. The other party member who wanted to leave the encampment had, the same dream, but only here he was a bystander who could do nothing than witness it. When the leader slit the cleric's throat he heard "For Toldoth - You are all bearing witness to this sacrifice and atonement." Then the character awoke as well.

Both awoke to see & hear that a chant was going on in the encampment - it was for Toldoth. The cleric told the other partymember about "the vision" and the cleric told the other partymember that he was feeling and itch in his hands and that he needed to find his battlegear as could not let this vision become a reality so he decided to strike, with or without the party.

Half-way through the battle..!
He suddenly realized that maybe he was being tested by his god for all the other times where he had recklessly brought the battle to others because he wanted to fight, not because he needed to fight. Which was the same here, he didn't need to fight, he didn't have to fight, he had made a choice to bring the battle because of fear, hate and his own ego.

At this point it was already late and we decided to halt the "encounter". But me and the cleric player decided to discuss what this realization meant for the character and if the character should
try and atone for his previous "transgressions" and begin to try and deal with his character's ill-temper and short fuse.. OR... Should he begin to find a different deity that would be a much better fit for his personality...

So what do you guys think the player should do?
- my advice to the player was that he should give it some thought before deciding.
- if he decided to try and find a different deity it would most likely mean that he would be without the support and divine connection to Tempus - making him an ex-cleric (a less capable fighter), and quite possibly he would have to start over as a new cleric for the chosen deity. But when he had proved his worth and devotion for the chosen deity he could possibly convert his previous cleric levels into the chosen one cleric levels. Or if he was clever about it, he could possibly make a more smooth change without losing the ability to cast divine spells.

What war-god would be a good fit for such an ill-tempered individual?
- just so you know it's in Forgotten Realms.

// Inc.

2017-03-26, 03:08 PM
I don't know he sounds pretty evil to me. Making excuses to do harm/kill others in the name of a neutral deity that he worships, knowing well enough its against the dogma.. Perhaps Bane. You said fear hate and ego. Bane is the god of fear hate and tyranny, you need not be completely lawful. "Serve no one but Bane. Fear him always and make others fear him even more than you do. The Black Hand always strikes down those who stand against it in the end. Defy Bane and die - or in death find loyalty to him, for he shall compel it. Submit to the word of Bane as uttered by his ranking clergy, since true power can only be gained through service to him. Spread the dark fear of Bane. It is the doom of those who do not follow him to let power slip through their hands. Those who cross the Black Hand meet their dooms earlier and more harshly than those who worship other deities."

Since he likes to make excuses for fighting people spreading Bane's dogma gives him an excuse as all who do not submit to the will of Bane deserve death. I think your character might not even see Bane as evil at all either, since he gets to do what he likes right. Worshipping a Lawful Tyrant just as an excuse to do battle and harm and kill others sounds like what a truly chaotic character might do. Sucks you had to wait 6 days for a response that took me 5 minutes of research to do.

Honest Tiefling
2017-03-26, 03:27 PM
What war-god would be a good fit for such an ill-tempered individual?
- just so you know it's in Forgotten Realms.

Uhhh...Garagos, god of bloodlust, fury and slaughter, who even Tempus thinks is waaaaay too out of control when it comes to unrestrained violence? I'm curious why he didn't just start off as a cleric of this god.

Darth Ultron
2017-03-26, 03:37 PM
What war-god would be a good fit for such an ill-tempered individual?
- just so you know it's in Forgotten Realms.

Bane or Malar fit, as does an feind lord like Baphomet.

But a really good choice is: Garagos ! The God of Destructive War!

Try: Garagos is associated with the rampaging destruction and plundering of war than tactics, strategies, or armies. The Reaver is linked with the mad bloodlust that overtakes some warriors, resulting in horrifying carnage. Garagos himself scorns the use of armor (though he does not care if his priests wear it) and admires those who give in to battle-lust and merciless destruction in conflict, destroying all that lies in their path and taking no prisoners.

Priests of Garagos spend their days formenting strife wherever they go in Faerūn, seeking to cause battle so that bloodlust (the Sacred Goal) is born and wanton destruction begins. Some of them are sly manipulators who deal in intrigue, thievery, and subtle diplomacies to ensure their own enrichment and continued anonymity or at least lack of public connection between them and the troubles they instigate. Others are unsubtle, violent brigands who start tavern brawls and use very public marketplace assassinations and similar crude means to spread Holy Reaving throughout the lands.

Honest Tiefling
2017-03-26, 04:46 PM
Actually, if we open things up to fiends, Pazuzu has a knack of helping people NOW to screw them over later. Through he might decide to favor a cleric to further convince people to call upon his aid, and never screw them over. But immediately granting cleric levels as one of his clerics suits his M.O. of offering free help quickly if you don't want the PC to suffer from the slog of being a fighter with no feats and bad BAB.

Bane is a horrible choice, actually. He has an emphasis on not just brute strength, but tactical planning, sabotage, and cunning. I really cannot see a man who starts fights recklessly doing well in a very orderly and potentially law-abiding organization, especially when he has to take orders from a higher up.

But still, seriously, Garagos.

2017-03-27, 03:58 AM
Garagos is %100 the guy for bloodthirsty psychos who get their jollies from pointless slaughter. But if your player doesn't actually want to be a murderous ****bag, Garagos prolly won't want him and trying to atone in Tempus's eyes is better.

Or you can contrive something (assuming he's some regular flavor of humanoid) to send him to Gruumsh, Maglubiyet, Vaprak or Hruggek instead. They're not nearly as nuts as Garg. While there's no shortage of destructive gods like Bane/Malar/Talos, they don't really fit here.

2017-03-27, 05:07 PM
Just make up a god.

2017-04-04, 03:54 PM
I don't know he sounds pretty evil to me. Making excuses to do harm/kill others in the name of a neutral deity that he worships, knowing well enough its against the dogma.. Perhaps Bane. You said fear hate and ego. Bane is the god of fear hate and tyranny, you need not be completely lawful. "Serve no one but Bane. Fear him always and make others fear him even more than you do. The Black Hand always strikes down those who stand against it in the end. Defy Bane and die - or in death find loyalty to him, for he shall compel it. Submit to the word of Bane as uttered by his ranking clergy, since true power can only be gained through service to him. Spread the dark fear of Bane. It is the doom of those who do not follow him to let power slip through their hands. Those who cross the Black Hand meet their dooms earlier and more harshly than those who worship other deities."

Since he likes to make excuses for fighting people spreading Bane's dogma gives him an excuse as all who do not submit to the will of Bane deserve death. I think your character might not even see Bane as evil at all either, since he gets to do what he likes right. Worshipping a Lawful Tyrant just as an excuse to do battle and harm and kill others sounds like what a truly chaotic character might do. Sucks you had to wait 6 days for a response that took me 5 minutes of research to do.

No worries with the amount of time I had to wait, I rather wait for a proper response than one that has either no thought or research or neither behind.

I agree, it does seem like and evil thing to do, and Bane might be a good fit. Also to consider he is in a party of consisting of mostly evil characters, however they're not playing them "stupid evil".
Heck, some of them seem to have a streak of good in them, well that is when it benefits or pleases them or even both. Also one thing to note here, is that there is a second cleric in the party who's a Cleric of Gruumsh, but hasn't exactly expressed that is what he is, at least not to the party that is.

Currently the party setup (yes I know its quite "unique"):

A male Human Cleric of Tempus (the player in question)
A female Half-Drow/Half-Devil Warlock/Demonbinder.
A male Half-Human/Half-Devil Swordsage(unnarmed monk variant)/Warlock
a male Half-Human/Half-Devil Deathmaster/Duskblade
a male Grey Orc Barbarian/Cleric of Gruumsh/Orc Warlord
+ a female Grey Orc - A Rogue-ish Cohorte.

A solution I think there could be quite plausible - have the player in question convert to Gruumsh with assistance from the grey orc player as that could open up some interesting rp.
One thing that definitely would make it exceptionally interesting, is that the human cleric has been on the battlefield with many orcs, so they aren't exactly best buds as you can imagine, and vice versa.
So there is a lot of tension between those two characters, but could be quite interesting to see them suddenly unite under a common banner - Gruumsh. ;)