View Full Version : Pathfinder Can this be tweaked for better survival capability?

2017-03-21, 07:49 AM
I'm looking for a build with high survival capability; ideally a melee combatant.
I'm not the main tank, but tank like defenses may not hurt.

We're playing with a lockout mechanic, so some of my choices are limited.

In our last session, two of the casters failed (Will) saves, and suddenly wanted to kill anything alive; one killed the other, but they also dropped another PC in that time.
The one to die, did most of the damage with Range Touch attacks; the survivor did a lot of 'Fireball' like ranged AoE attacks.
They were both flying and invisible during the assaults.

Throughout, a Fortitude save has been important.

So ideally, no weaknesses or as few as possible.

I've got a 20-point buy, and have to pick between an Elf and a Half-Orc for race (alternate traits, from Advanced Race Guide are okay).

My final build can have three classes, with up to one archetype per class.
We're using 'Paizo' Pathfinder books, 'Drop Dead Studios' Spheres of Power as the magic system, and 'Dreamscarred Press's' Ultimate Psionics & Path of War (but not Expanded).

The synthesist summoner archetype is blocked, as is Leadership or any similar effect.

I went with Half-Orc.

Str 16
Dex 08
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 19 (Including +2 Racial, and +1 at LV 04)

(Sphere) Paladin 2, Warlord 2, (Sphere) Oracle 2.

The Oracle has Lore as their mystery, and Sidestep secret as their Revelation.
I'm thinking Powerless Prophecy, for Uncanny Dodge.
Sidestep Secret allows for CHA in the place of DEX for AC and Reflex saves.

As the Paladin, CHA goes to all saves.

My armor is a Mithral Shirt, which will allow up to +6 of my CHA to apply to armor.

Spheres of Power get me...
- Transformation into an Elemental or a Plant Man.
- Passively add resist 4 to a specific element or +2 Nat Armor, to any form.
- The Elemental is for mobility, if I need to fly or swim; the +2 Nat Armor is my primary use.
- A fireball like spell, either a 2x2 area (unlimited uses) or a 6x6 area using a spell point per casting (I have 12, but my buff and transformation use them too).
- Foreshadow +1 AC, +2 Reflex/Initiative.

I'm not married to Warlord, but would prefer to be a melee, and have locked out the Warder class already (and Elementalist, Fey Adept, Incanter, Inquisitor, Monk, Symbiat, and Wizard.)

HP: 60

AC 28 = 10 (base) + 6 (Mithral Shirt +1), +3 (Light Mithral Shield +1), +5 Dex (Cha actually... Lore Oracle), +2 Natural (Plant Transformation's passive), +1 Foreshadow (Dodge bonus)... Hero Lab says I have +2 dodge but cannot find the other +1 Dodge bonus.
(17 Touch, 21 Flat Footed).

Fort +12 = 3 Paladin, 3 Warlord, 5 Charisma (Paladin), 1 Constitution
Ref +10 = 5 Charisma (in place of Dex), 5 Charisma (Paladin)
Will +11 = 3 Oracle, 3 Paladin, 5 Charisma (Paladin)

I get a +2 weapon (free), and an 8k buy in (Up to 4k on one item, then a 2k max per piece).
The party has some loot they may share.

Any suggestions to improve the build, or in the place of Warlord?

2017-03-21, 09:10 AM
Looks pretty solid. With the spare coins, you should buy a headband of charisma +2, then a ring of protection and cloak of resistance(although you might see if you can nab one of the latter out of the party loot). Since you get CHA to AC and saves, plus being a casting stat, that is the best bang for your buck. Going first is a way to not die, so get a cracked dusty rose prism for +1 to initiative for only 500gp. Once you can get the 5000gp one it gets +1 insight to AC for a good price.

A mithral chain shirt +1 only gives 5 to AC, and a light mithral shield +1 only gives 2 to AC. I agree powerless prophecy is good for uncanny dodge and probably the best curse for your build(since you can't add CHA to saves a second time). On that note, I don't know if you can add charisma twice to reflex saves from sidestep and being a paladin...I know there is an FAQ somewhere that says no adding an ability score to the same thing twice. Don't forget +2 reflex from your warlord forshadowing.

You could get endurance as a bonus feat from shaman's apprentice, trading out the +2 intimidate racial trait. It is not a great feat, but if your not focused on intimidation it is a good upgrade. It adds to a few saves, but it unlocks diehard/the deathless tree. If you take diehard you don't need orc ferocity, which you can swap out for sacred tattoo, getting a +1 luck bonus to all saves. So at 6th level you could have endurance, diehard and deathless initiate plus another feat.

What feats did you take? You could always take iron will/great fortitude/ etc to boost your saves even more. Eventually you want to be immune to as much as possible, or have a re roll as failing a will save is, as you have seen, death. A 3rd level in paladin gives immunity to fear and disease; disease is not really threatening at higher levels, but fear spells come up from time to time(phantasmal killer comes to mind). I would suggest paladin 3/oracle 1/warlord 2; the 2nd level of oracle is not getting you much of anything.

Toughness is not great but it is more HP. I assume if leadership is banned eldritch heritage to get a familiar is also frowned on?

2017-03-24, 05:08 PM
I assume if leadership is banned eldritch heritage to get a familiar is also frowned on?
Why would that be banned? There is a very big difference between having one small magical creature and the dozens of followers + a cohort with class levels leadership gives you.
:smallconfused: Also why are you limited to only one archetype per class? Your DM does know that archetypes can stack if they replace or modify different abilities right?