View Full Version : How Do You Make Ability Rip Permanent?

2017-03-21, 11:56 AM
See title. I want to steal abilities FOREVER.

2017-03-21, 12:22 PM
See title. I want to steal abilities FOREVER.

just manifest astral seed once you have the powers you want and kill yourself. your new body will have all the powers you had when you manifested the power, so that includes whatever you steal via ability rip. make sure you load up with a bunch of junk su abilities beforehand so you don't actually pay for anything.

Doctor Despair
2017-03-21, 01:32 PM
Also of note is that you maintain the benefits of fusion via an astral seed.

2017-03-21, 01:43 PM
Also of note is that you maintain the benefits of fusion via an astral seed.

yeah, so have a bunch of yourself get a lot of powers from ability rip and then fuse with them to collect more than one more efficiently, so you won't have to manifest astral seed a bunch of times.

2017-03-21, 05:31 PM
Note that if you go by this version of Astral Seed - that it "launders" temporary buffs into being inherent abilities - then it becomes insanely strong, like Persistent Spell on crack. For that reason, most people would read it as maintaining the limited duration, if it even carries the buff over at all.

Fusion is a more unusual case, and arguably works even if buffs aren't carried over at all, since it temporarily creates a new creature (the fused one), and it's that creature who manifests Astral Seed. So in a way, more like the fact that if you Wish for a pile of gold while using Astral Projection, the pile of gold remains when AP ends.

However, Fusion/Astral Seed does have one big weakness that's not often mentioned - given that the original PC exists again (albeit dead) when Fusion ends, and doesn't stop existing when the Astral Seed hatches, there's nothing saying that the new Fused creature is a PC. You might have just created a new NPC with your personality and memories - hope you're the type to cooperate with yourself.