View Full Version : Bard/pirate the whirling buffer!

2017-03-22, 02:45 PM
Hi guys,

We started up a new dnd campaign up after a year and for the first time in 5-6 years I am not the DM! so its time to have some fun!

So I thought my return to game, should require a post on this forum :)

Our Dm is my brother so I taught him well regarding balance, we decide to play with always receiving max health, because this makes the melee classes better!

My thought on my class was a bard/honorable pirate I would prefer to be chaotic good.

I wan't my guy to be able to unload as many buffs as fast as possible, each time we will be 3-6 players, and the only info I have is one person is rolling a sorc. So I figured an expert buffer with high initiativ is always useful, power and destruction is not the most important others can do that better, than this dude. The plan was to go Silverbrow human and unlock dragonfire inspiration, combined with two-weapon fighting from pirate and buffs (haste maybe?) the damage would be okay I assume. we will play rather regular. The other players are less experience than me, so it would also be smart if I was the leader sorta face guy.

We have a nice 40 point buy and we will start in level 2.

So my thoughts were
Str 10 Dex 16 Con 14 Int14 Wis 8 Cha 18, so if i use 1 point on intelligence I could get words of creation.

lvl1: bard and pick dragonfire+smelodic casting
lvl 2: swashbuckler, for weapen finesse (for pirate and 16 dex)

Now here are my ideas,
I like the following classes in the build bard/honorable pirate, I thought swashi also made sense atleast for 1 level. I also figured swiftblade could be useful for spells advancing (more buffs) and the extra speed combined with pirate charge= fastest man alive I assume? I also thought about War-chanter, because he can make a standard action shout and gain 4 strenght+ 2 songs as I understand it?

So my song will do the following
4d6 (2 from bard 2 from pirate 8d6 with words) 10+5+ charisma hp from rally the crew+ charisma to ac from crew+ 4 strength from warchanter, song would be an free action from pirate as well. Can we make this stronger, faster, better? do we have the technology? always more buffs!

anything els you could add? and are swiftblade or chanter worth it later? because I like those as well

question, I can only use the improved pirate version song tweice a day it seems, but I loose spellcasting and other things which seems like a rought trade. Would it really be op to rule that it can be used the amount of bardic music I have like regular songs? I mean compared to sorcs and other classes, which people will pick is this guy really that insanely op? imo no, but might be biased.

Any advice would be appreciated guys :D and sorry in advance my english have become a bit rusty.