View Full Version : Player Help i can't remember the name of this feat

Baby Gary
2017-03-22, 10:19 PM
I know that there is a feat that allows you to hide you alignment from detect spells, what is it called again

2017-03-22, 10:20 PM
there are several that do this as a side effect (such as persona immersion) but I"m reasonably sure you're thinking of mask of gentility.

Baby Gary
2017-03-22, 10:28 PM
do you know anything like that that doesn't need those skills, after all the character that I am planing to us this on doesn't have any free skill points, and the skills that I am using are not bluff or disguise. I need those skills for PrCs so I might be able to get that feat but I will be at least 4 levels higher than I am right now.

2017-03-22, 10:32 PM
do you know anything like that that doesn't need those skills, after all the character that I am planing to us this on doesn't have any free skill points, and the skills that I am using are not bluff or disguise. I need those skills for PrCs so I might be able to get that feat but I will be at least 4 levels higher than I am right now.

so are you looking for a feat that you remember existing that allows you to hide your alignment without any skillreq and isn't either of those two that you remember seeing somewhere?

I gather you're thinking of mind mask, which has no prerequisites at all

tell me what your build stub is and all restrictions in place and I'll be able to help you better. what is your eventual character trajectory?

Baby Gary
2017-03-22, 10:40 PM
it is 1-4 cloistered cleric 5-6 ordained champion 7-16 bone knight 17-19 ordained champion 20 cloistered cleric. I am going for undead minions, a lot of them, and being able to buff them and my party and being able to debuff the enemies. I am NE and I have a paladin in my party so that is why I need that feat, but do you think that I could still do all that undead summoning and still be Neutral? if so I don't need that feat. My skills are max spellcraft, concentration, knowledge religion, ride, craft armor, craft wepons. the one remaing skill point will go to evening out other skills like spot and listen and some of the other knowledges

Baby Gary
2017-03-22, 10:42 PM
also my DM allows anything, just not cheese (im looking at you pun pun and d2 crusader) and no home brew unless he specifically states otherwise

2017-03-22, 11:26 PM
it is 1-4 cloistered cleric 5-6 ordained champion 7-16 bone knight 17-19 ordained champion 20 cloistered cleric. I am going for undead minions, a lot of them, and being able to buff them and my party and being able to debuff the enemies. I am NE and I have a paladin in my party so that is why I need that feat, but do you think that I could still do all that undead summoning and still be Neutral? if so I don't need that feat. My skills are max spellcraft, concentration, knowledge religion, ride, craft armor, craft wepons. the one remaing skill point will go to evening out other skills like spot and listen and some of the other knowledges

in that case just go neutral. undead are tools. it's what you do with them that makes you good or evil. their creation is a morally neutral act. especially if you're playing in eberron. if your gm tries to stick you with an evil alignment anyway, just use misrepresent alignment, it's on your list.

2017-03-23, 11:05 PM
Ordered Chaos from Fiendish Codex 1 might do it on the law-chaos axis