View Full Version : DM Help What Monsters Plane Shift Their Prey?

2017-03-22, 11:00 PM
As the title says, I'm trying to figure out if there are any monsters that can force an unwilling creature to come with them to another plane (even if it's only temporarily). I'd prefer a demon or devil but I'm open to other creatures. No upper or lower limit to CR.
Trying to prepare for a vengeance/retribution event since one of my players is doing some things that could get him in trouble.

Current List:
Bar-Lgura (Fiendish Codex) (Demon, teleports self and target to well known area on same plane)
Dimensional Shamblers (PF) (Outsider, grabs prey and Plane Shifts with them)
Teratomorph (MM2) (Ooze, plane shifts others)
Xill (MM) (Outsider, paralyzes prey and can take willing or helpless creature to Ethereal Plane)

Demonbear (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19662108&postcount=63) (Doesn't actually teleport or plane shift someone, follows quarry through dreams and kills them in Dream Plane)

Alert Bebilith (BoVD) (Summon a Bebelith that grabs a random creature or Demon and Plane Shifts with it, Bebilith cannot normally do this)
Baleful Transposition (Miniatures Handbook) (Swap position with target)
Bind to Hell (Fiendish Codex 2) (Enchant weapon to send a creature's soul to a no-resurrection area upon killing said creature with enchanted weapon, usable only by Divine Casters who worship Levistus)
Desert Diversion (Sandstorm) (Redirects teleportation and plane shift type spells to a wasteland for a short duration)
G'Elsewhere Chant (SpC) (Short distance teleport on unwilling target to safe location)
Nybor's Joyful Voyage (Forgotten Realms) (Randomly teleports subject miles away, might be up or down which could cause instant death)
Plane Shift (PHB) (Plane shift 1 target as touch attack or a bunch of willing creatures, Will negates)
Teleportation Circle (PHB) (Area on ground teleports people who walk on it, difficult to notice)
Trobriand's Baleful Teleport (City of Splendors: Waterdeep) (As teleport but can be used on unwilling subject)

2017-03-22, 11:13 PM
The teratomorph (MM2) forcibly plane shifts you, but it stays put rather than following behind.

2017-03-22, 11:16 PM
It isn't plane shift, but a Bar Igura demon can kidnap people with its greater teleport if they fail the will save.

Altenatively, anything with 9 levels in cleric or 13 in wizard. Most outsiders don't have the ability to enter the material plane naturally, which is why they try to get called.

2017-03-22, 11:26 PM
Wait, there are spells that allow you to forcibly teleport an unwilling subject with you? Could you list a few of those?
I might need to expand what I'm looking for then.

2017-03-22, 11:32 PM
It won't send you with the person, but plane shift can be used on unwilling targets with a touch attack. They get a will save to negate. I believe greater plane shift has no inaccuracy if you know the location, although that's cleric 7 wiz 8.

2017-03-23, 12:35 AM
Wait, there are spells that allow you to forcibly teleport an unwilling subject with you? Could you list a few of those?
I might need to expand what I'm looking for then.

Baleful Transposition, for a certain value of "with you"

2017-03-23, 01:53 AM
Not a demon or devil, but the evil subtype outsider Xill can do this, i believe.

2017-03-23, 10:36 AM
As the title says, I'm trying to figure out if there are any monsters that can force an unwilling creature to come with them to another plane (even if it's only temporarily). I'd prefer a demon or devil but I'm open to other creatures. No upper or lower limit to CR.
Trying to prepare for a vengeance/retribution event since one of my players is doing some things that could get him in trouble.


2017-03-23, 10:43 AM
The Alert Bebilith spell calls a demon that can plane shift creatures it grapples.

Stealth Marmot
2017-03-23, 10:51 AM

Different PLANE, not different TIME. Anyway don't you know the dangers of posting picture of Weeping An

2017-03-23, 11:28 AM
Wait, there are spells that allow you to forcibly teleport an unwilling subject with you? Could you list a few of those?
I might need to expand what I'm looking for then.

There's Trobriand's Baleful Teleport in City of Splendors: Waterdeep.
G'Elsewhere Chant (SpC) teleports unwilling targets, but only up to 100ft.
Bind to Hell (FC2) teleports the soul of a creature you slay with the enchanted weapon to hell.
Teleportation Circle teleports anyone who steps into it.
Plane Shift can be used as a touch attack.

Also Desert Diversion which diverts the target to a predetermined or random desert location when they use any teleport spell.

Baleful Transposition just switches the location of two creatures.

2017-03-23, 11:56 AM
There's Trobriand's Baleful Teleport in City of Splendors: Waterdeep.
G'Elsewhere Chant (SpC) teleports unwilling targets, but only up to 100ft.
Bind to Hell (FC2) teleports the soul of a creature you slay with the enchanted weapon to hell.
Teleportation Circle teleports anyone who steps into it.
Plane Shift can be used as a touch attack.

Also Desert Diversion which diverts the target to a predetermined or random desert location when they use any teleport spell.

Baleful Transposition just switches the location of two creatures.

Don't forget Nybor's Joyful Voyage (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20041215a).

2017-03-23, 12:11 PM
Dimensional Shamblers:


2017-03-23, 12:59 PM
Wow, I wasn't expecting so much interest in this but it really does help.
As a note that I forgot to mention, I am looking into D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder options. Homebrew could work too. I think I'll edit the first post so that anyone wanting a similar list can have it.

2017-03-23, 01:22 PM
It's all a little wonky, but my much reviled demonbear from the villainous competition does something like a placeshift: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19662108&postcount=63

Chokehold your opponent to sleep. Astral track and planeshift to their dream plane, use lucid dreaming to kill them in the dream heart.

disregard the judges, they were particularly harsh on splat diving and variant rules and read the templates in the exact wrong order.

2017-03-23, 01:35 PM
It's all a little wonky, but my much reviled demonbear from the villainous competition does something like a placeshift: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19662108&postcount=63

Chokehold your opponent to sleep. Astral track and planeshift to their dream plane, use lucid dreaming to kill them in the dream heart.

disregard the judges, they were particularly harsh on splat diving and variant rules and read the templates in the exact wrong order.

Don't forget the part where it was pointed out choking someone into unconsciousness is not the same as rendering them asleep, and most definitely not the same as immediately causing someone to start dreaming.

2017-03-23, 01:55 PM
I think I'll add Demonbear to the list but I'm not sure I want to go THAT far. Maybe I'll add a dream-killer into the campaign one of these days but this thread is looking specifically for possible ways of sending/bringing creatures to a different place. Teleportation works to some extent and is thus included in the list despite not being Plane Shift.

2017-03-23, 02:59 PM
Don't forget the part where it was pointed out choking someone into unconsciousness is not the same as rendering them asleep, and most definitely not the same as immediately causing someone to start dreaming.

You salty.

Rilkan psywar into jaunter with the body cavity feat from serpent kingdoms and expansion can grapple and planeshift

2017-03-23, 06:40 PM
The Ethereal Filcher steals items from people and absconds to the Ethereal plane with them. It has a bigger brother known as the Ethereal Killer, which I believe grabs victims to drag back to the Ethereal with it.

There's also the Phase Spider, which might be capable of dragging victims to the Ethereal when it phases out.

2017-03-23, 07:05 PM
Ethereal Doppleganger likes to kidnap you, take you to ethereal, wipe your mind, steal your memories, then rejoin the party before anybody notices. MM2.

Shadow Spider grabs people and casts shadow walk to eat in peace. MM2.

When in doubt, ooze them out: Living Spell (Plane Shift). MM3.

2017-03-23, 07:15 PM
The Ethereal Ooze (Fiend Folio) does exactly that, it grapples its opponents and them shifts to the Ethereal, forcibly driving along any creature inside it.