View Full Version : Playing a Factotum and need to make a decision.

Stealth Marmot
2017-03-23, 09:02 AM
This weekend I'll be premiering a character I have been wanting to play for a while, a Factotum.

I need some advice however, concerning my feat choices.

We will be starting at level 3 and the DM has informed me that we will not be geared, likely an "escape from a prison" sort of setup so we will be getting gear as we escape, so all gear will be incidental for a little while. I'm not concerned too much about it since I'm sure we'll have chances to gear up afterwards. (I trust this DM and am familiar with how he operates)

That said, I'm building myself a Factotum. The group has a duskblade with an archer specialization, a halfling rogue, a wizard of unknown race, and me, Human Factotum.

(Yes I know we don't have a healer, just roll with it)

My Stats are:

Strength: 16
Constitution: 15
Dexterity: 17
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 14

I already have chosen a wide range of skills and am set as far as that goes.

I just have one real question, and that is concerning 2 of the 3 feats.

I know definitely I'm taking Knowledge Devotion (I also took the skill trick collector of stories so I'm getting between +10 and +14 on the knowledge checks)

But I am wondering whether I should take Font of Inspiration for the other 2 feats, or go with my original plan of taking Combat Expertise and Improved Trip.

I figured out that since Enlarge Person is a first level spell I could end up with a +16 on trip checks if I have Improved Trip when I am in large size, which is amazing. I would eventually also be taking combat expertise so I could trip tons of people as attacks of opportunity. Improved Trip will remove the possibility of an AoO, will make the trip checks go from +12 in large size and +7 in regular size to +16 and +11 respectively, but most importantly allow me a free attack after they are tripped.

Thing is, I'm wondering if FoI would be more useful, especially later at level 8 when I have the option of tons of extra standard actions if I take Font of Inspiration. Plus, taking it would ensure that I could add INT attack and damage to basically every hit, saving throw, and to my AC.

I'm sort of afraid of ending up as a gimmick if I take the tripping build, but it would make me a pretty darn good melee combatant since I could basically immobilize most opponents, and if I use a guisarm I would be able to avoid even being in range while they are tripped, which is nice since technically that means the archer wont even have to worry about shooting into melee. Immobilized melee combatants cant run and attack the wizard or archer and would be a lot easier for the rogue to attack if flanked.

Plus the DM has been known to do the occasional "Revenge encounter" (His words, not mine, he admitted it). Last time I had a character curb stomp what should have been a rough encounter I ended with an OP combo, he sent some creatures that all happened to be exactly what was needed to bypass that combo, So I get the feeling that he would likely be willing to start throwing flying creatures or oozes at us if I trip everything.

Any thoughts on this? The game is Saturday and I'll have to make the decision by then.

2017-03-23, 09:19 AM
You need FoI to actually do stuff in combat, so take FoI. The class is exceptionally stingy if you don't take it, especially in high levels, where you'll struggle to do stuff if you don't have enough IP. However if your game is gonna end around early levels, go for the tripping build.

2017-03-23, 10:19 AM
Does your DM allow retraining? Because font of inspiration will only truly shine later on. And the exact opposite can be said of a trip build, you'll only enjoy improved trip early and it'll be nigh useless later on.

Normally I'd recommend archery for a factotum at early levels, with rapid shot and knowledge devotion you'd do more damage that way, especially with insane stats like yours.

Stealth Marmot
2017-03-23, 10:49 AM
Does your DM allow retraining? Because font of inspiration will only truly shine later on. And the exact opposite can be said of a trip build, you'll only enjoy improved trip early and it'll be nigh useless later on.

Normally I'd recommend archery for a factotum at early levels, with rapid shot and knowledge devotion you'd do more damage that way, especially with insane stats like yours.

I'll have to ask about retraining.

I'm not interested in an archery build mainly because the rest of the party is ranged or casters. The Duskblade is an archer build, although Ive seen the character before do SOME damage in melee, she has like a 12 in strength and wont have that great an AC. The rogue is a halfling so it will only do any good damage if he sneak attacks. Basically, I need to make my Factotum good for melee.

Edit: For the record, I DO plan to get myself a nice composite longbow as soon as possible. Being a Factotum is nice since you get all Martial Weapons, aso I'll be able to swap to ranged against flying or far away creatures.

2017-03-23, 10:54 AM
How useful a tripper is, is very DM dependent. With some it can stay very viable into even epic levels.

Stealth Marmot
2017-03-24, 07:59 AM
Talked to the DM.

He's allowing retraining, but he is going to make it so you can only retrain your feats at levels 3, 6, and 9, and they cost 100 gp, 500 gp, and 1,000 gp in training costs respectively. After that I would need to seek out special or psionic help to reprogram my brain like that.

Since I pretty much planned to retrain it around level 6 anyway, I agreed that would work and I'm keeping the tripping feats until then.

At level 6 however, I switch to Fonts all around (Except the 1 knowledge devotion). 10-11 inspiration points per combat should be sufficient.