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2007-07-26, 10:06 PM
What is the general consensus about Nintendo's newest system? Thoughts, opinions, anything?

2007-07-26, 11:02 PM
The Wii is the best "next gen" console, because it's technical inferiority to the PS3 and 360 are forcing game designers to concentrate on aspects of game design besides graphics. This single fact alone may prove to save the video game industry from the dead end it was rapidly approaching.

The fact that it's incredibly fun and is selling better than the 360 - or any other console - ever has is just a bonus.

2007-07-27, 07:43 AM
It's fun. It's built with a pick up & play design. It's a casual gaming system not directed towards the hardcore gamer group really,more or less appeals to families with a lot of good kid's and adult's titles. It's a great system in my opinion. I have nothing but love for the Wii with stuff like Resident Evil IV: Wii Edition, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and Wii Sports providing endless hours of fun.

Also, with this (http://au.gamespot.com/wii/rpg/dragonquest/index.html?tag=result;img;0) showing up soon, along with Metroid Prime 3, well, yeah, it has nowhere to go but up.

2007-07-27, 10:50 AM
The fact that it's incredibly fun and is selling better than the 360 - or any other console - ever has is just a bonus.

I'm not sure it is selling better then any other console ever, but it probably depends on how you define that. Considering that right now the PS2 is only selling marginally less consoles per month and its considerably older it seems unlikely that the Wii will beat the PS2 in sales figures for some time to come. The sales reports in June showed that the PS2 sold about 75% as many consoles as the Wii, which really suprised me because I thoguht everyone already owned a PS2.

As for the "next gen" (which really is just current gen now) consoles the Wii is selling the best by far. But there is a lot more to how good a system is then how well it sells. From a theoretical standpoint it would seem that what is best is what sells the best, but it is clear that in entertainment that is often not the case. A lot of the best selling entertainment has been rather bad. Not saying that the Wii is bad, but that there is a lot more to how good something is then by sales alone. That is after all the entire point of marketting, to get someone to buy your product over someone elses no matter which one is better. That is of course a generalized statement and something every marketting company does.

Also because of the relatively low cost of the Wii it has a lot more impulse buyers, which tend to not be the sort of people that ensure solid longevity in a product.

Really it doesn't seem like any of the "next gen" consoles are worth purchasing at this time. Right now they area all lacking for a good game selection.

As it is, right now the only next gen system I've actually tried has been the Wii. I found the controllers to be somewhat annoying, they were pretty good in general but their lack of precision was very obvious. It seemed to require a bit of simplication on the game design since subtle movements weren't picked up very well the games defination between success and failure at movement was very generious. This may change from game to game, but the ones I played this seemed to be the case.
All of the games I've played and the ones I've heard the most about have all been "party" games that are best with 4 people. This is fine except that getting 4 controllers adds another $150 to the price of the system and that you need more people to play the game to full effect. While this is great if you have a lot of people around, its is more of a downfall then an advantage if you don't have several other people around that want to play the same games as you at the same time.
The party games where fun for a couple hours, but for me at least they held no long term interest. The time it took to go from "wow this is neat" to "meh" was amazingly short for me.

As for the PS3 and 360, it seems like the most popular games for them are games that I think play much better on a PC anyway. I never have, and probably never will, like playing shooter type games on a console controller. RPGs can go either way between console and PC, the biggest difference is usually the type of RPG since the companies that make them for consoles and the ones that make them for PC generally make completely different types of RPGs. But I haven't had any chance to play any of the games that really shine on a console, such as fighting games and action/adventure (not shooting), on either the PS3 or the 360 yet.

Overall the Wii is hightly dependant on your situation and what types of games you like playing. So far the games on the Wii I haven't found very interesting, but thats just my personal experience with a limited number of the games. I'm also not often in a situation where I would get much use out of the "party games" that seem to be the core of the Wii's appeal.

2007-07-27, 03:30 PM
Actually the Wii is good for more than party games, it is getting solid 1 person titles now, and will get games that are pretty anticipated like no more heroes.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-07-27, 03:37 PM
The Wii is great and only getting better as new titles come out. It's wonderful for party games and unlike the other next-gen consoles, it's actually aiming to bring non-gamers into its market.

2007-07-27, 03:39 PM
I'll tell you this: I waited outside with nothing more than 2 V8's, a cookie, a good friend, and a deck of Uno cards in the cold darkness for 6 hours for the Wii. And it was totally worth it.

2007-07-28, 05:22 AM
Oh, I have it, and it's a pretty good system. And it's only going up from here, since the actual good games other than Zelda have started to hit stores just now. Paper Mario, Resident Evil (I personally dislike shooters, but I've been told it is quite good), and the soon-to-come Metroid Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros and NIGHTS, to cite just my personal favorites among the next releases, start making for a pretty good lineup. I personally find it more apealing than X360, and both of these infinitely more interesting than PS3. I dunno, it looks like X360 is getting most of his really famous and good titles with shooters (GoW, Halo), and, as said, I dislike shooters. If Blue Dragon starts making a trend for more RPGs, however, I'd buy it. I need a machine for RPGs too, and the Wii seems to be sorely lacking in that respect. I will not speak of PS3 until it gets actual games. Up to now, the thing that has interested me most from the previews is Echocrome (which, to be fair, looks amazingly innovative and fun) so I think I'll pass up for now.

So, all in all, up to now, the new gen goes Wii>X360>PS3 for me. I'd certainly recommend the system to anyone who likes fun, not-really-that-realistic games (such as myself). And of course, multiplayer. Seriously, if you have a lot of people around, get a Wii. It's probably the best party system ever, bar none.

2007-07-28, 06:09 AM
No, the Wii just plain rules. Fun, and uncomplicated, I rather expect it to outsell even the NES. It has the potential to do the same thing, IE save the gaming industry from the flood of repeated under rated, unenjoyable titles, and the endless sports games.

Yes, RE4 is incredibly fun, but it's pretty hard. Wii sports is great as well, and something that can be played by four people just by passing the Wiimote around.

2007-07-28, 06:12 AM
The Wii is the bomb. All my friends thought that the Wiimote thing was gonna suck (like they did with the DS touch screen) but I kept the faith in Nintendo and it was worth it. It's probably the most ingenious thing ever. It provides exercise and fun, even my parents like it.

Another good thing is the way that publishers have to revamp the control system for every game. Take the Godfather for example, crap on 360 and Ps3 but the bomb on Wii all because of the new control system.

So baically with the best control system, a small but incredibaly solid games selection with more on the way and Nintendo's back catalogue of games for download (which lets face it, is pretty impressive) the Wii is probably gonna come out on top of both Sony's and Microsoft's crap bricks. Even Rare are starting to release games on it which is a definate first.

2007-07-28, 12:57 PM
Just for the record, Mistwalker studios is setting the precedent for several RPGs to be made exclusively for the Xbox 360.

IMHO, the Wii has yet to prove itself as a real console to me. So far, the most I've really gotten out of it is basically a very, very good party machine, made to look like a console. Nintendo took a leap with the Wii, and if they don't make the kind of games to support their attempt at revolutionizing the industry, then it'll flop after they stop selling consoles.

My buddy also waited 6 hours outside of a Wal-Mart waiting for his Wii, was ecstatic with it, and I went over and watched him play LoZ: TP- we also played Wii Sports, and I was impressed. And after a couple of days, Wii Sports got boring, and let's face it, there is no replay value for LoZ games. Maybe I'm speaking prematurely, but there is nothing that Nintendo has out right now that really "sells" the Wii to someone really serious about owning a console. Right now, it's just a flashy jukebox.

2007-07-28, 01:46 PM
I think it's a testament to the Wii's popularity that it's been out for several months, and I never saw one in a store until yesterday. Before that, they'd been sold out everywhere.

Of course, that's why I hang out with the people dedicated enough to wait outside for hours to get one when it came out... :smallbiggrin:

Chaos Perfected
2007-07-28, 03:33 PM
I waited outside the store with at least twenty others on the day the Wii was released and went in and stared at it. I just wish I had some money at the time, because I mainly just wanted to stand outside a place for once. >>

2007-07-28, 04:32 PM
I just wanted to pipe in and add that the Wii has been impressing me more every day. Excite truck is a riot, the most fun you can have driving drunk legally. I just started playing Alien Syndrome, a sci-fi action game that is mechanically very similay to the PS2 Baldur's Gate games. A lot of fun, and playable solo or co-op. The line up of holiday games looks strong, and the channels like Everybody votes, and internet browsing just add to its appeal. I still haven't finished collecting 'em all in Pokemon Diamond, but when I do I'm sure the Pokemon Battle Revolutions will be a blast. Two thumbs up, excepting when I'm holding the controller!

2007-07-29, 01:35 AM
I think it's a testament to the Wii's popularity that it's been out for several months, and I never saw one in a store until yesterday. Before that, they'd been sold out everywhere.

There are still places near me that have sold out.
It's impossible to get a new one from Game without ordering online.

2007-07-29, 06:34 AM
I picked up mine on a Friday morning at Wal-Mart. Last one they had.

Fuum Bango
2007-07-29, 07:55 AM
I don't play on getting on, or any of the other consoles. But I think it is the best one by far, its about time gaming was a little more interesting.

That said the console hardly matters in the long run, it wont matter which one has the best graphics or memory. It's the games; and to be honest if Mario Galaxy is as good as it looks Wii may well be the winner for years to come.

2007-07-29, 06:03 PM
What is the general consensus about Nintendo's newest system? Thoughts, opinions, anything?
Nintendo Wii=cheap!

I think that really says it all.

And Super Smash Brothers Brawl

I think it's a testament to the Wii's popularity that it's been out for several months, and I never saw one in a store until yesterday. Before that, they'd been sold out everywhere.
As for this, I wish I could agree, but I think it's much more a testament to Nintendo's ability to manage the market properly by keeping supply low and demand high, I can't deny that it seems to be working out very well for them.

This round of console wars goes to Nintendo.

2007-07-29, 06:34 PM
I think the Wii is very groovy, but I don't think it can keep up with 360 or PS3.

Because it is such an innovative and different console, developers will not want to port games to it. While most cross-console games aren't great, they'll still hurt the Wii's popularity. Comming up with new ways to use the nunchuck will be harder and harder, and silly peripherals will be released to cover that fact (seen the surf-board thing yet?)

Hopefully this won't happen, but I'm afraid it wil.

2007-07-29, 06:50 PM
The Wii is really cool, i have it. Motion control FTW!

2007-07-30, 01:18 AM
Because it is such an innovative and different console, developers will not want to port games to it.

This is a good thing though.
With the last generation, we had the same console except one had a smaller disc and another had a hard drive. Developers were lazy. They only had to make one game, and it didn't have to be that good as long as they could port it all three without problem.
Now, with the Wii, developers are forced to sit back and actually think for a second. Even if they didn't want to implement motion sensing, they can't do a straight port because the Wii doesn't have as many buttons.
All those crappy EA Sports games, all those unimaginative movie-games, they can't do it anymore. Developers can no longer be that lazy. They actually have to do what we've wanted for years. Innovation. Bringing us new experiences.
Look at Ubisoft, when they heard about the Wii they went at it full blast. They gave Red Steel, Rayman Raving Rabbids, a Monster Truck game. They saw what this console could do and they went for it. And it hasn't stopped there. Ubisoft, with this new burst of inspiration are then going on with Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell: Conviction.
The Wii isn't just benefiting Nintendo. As long as developers are forced to start considering new ways to play, it's going to affect the other two as well.

Ronald Bakbacon
2007-07-30, 02:30 AM
I myself have run into a bit of an issue with the Wii; the fact of the matter is, it is undoubtedly a great console. I believe it goes beyond a "OMG MOSHUN SENSUR!!1!1" kind of mentality, and enters the realm of true creativity (both from Nintendo and 3rd party developers).
Nonetheless, I am getting a 360. The real reason for this is simply that the kinds of games I play (mostly RPG's and the like) have a far greater presence on the 360 than the Wii, which is full of great party games (though not much else).
Thanks to friends I mooch off of, I have sampled many a taste from both consoles. I played Zelda, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Warioware, Rayman, and Oblivion. And in the end, I would much rather have a 360 as of now.
Though this may change once No More Heroes comes out. :smallwink:

2007-07-30, 04:31 AM
Nintendo Wii=cheap!

I think that really says it all.

Not quite: Wii = cheap and fun!

As for this, I wish I could agree, but I think it's much more a testament to Nintendo's ability to manage the market properly by keeping supply low and demand high, I can't deny that it seems to be working out very well for them.

I don't think Nintendo can be accused of keeping supplies low when they're supplying more than twice the number of consoles Sony and MS are combined. It's just that demand has been even higher than that!

Cheap and fun is a killer combination whereas the 360 & PS3 are just more of the same old same old yawn. Better graphics do not make a new game.

2007-07-30, 08:29 AM
Just for the record, Mistwalker studios is setting the precedent for several RPGs to be made exclusively for the Xbox 360.

Really? Mind sharing a few links? I might be interested in an X360 if it does get a good RPG library (seeing PS3 seems to be rather lacking in pretty much everything as of now). I had only heard of the upcoming Blue Dragon.

2007-07-30, 10:19 AM
I want to like Wii. I really do. But I just haven't seen enough games I want to play. Paper Mario is kinda cute and Zelda looks fun, but I can't justify a new console for two games.

2007-07-30, 10:21 AM
Yes, look up Lost Odyssey, the second MWS game that we're getting first, before Japan does. There are other tiles in the beginning phases at MWS, but none of them have names yet.

2007-07-30, 10:33 AM
This alone justifies getting a wii. :)
But it has tons of other great games too.

Yuki Akuma
2007-07-30, 10:56 AM
I want to like Wii. I really do. But I just haven't seen enough games I want to play. Paper Mario is kinda cute and Zelda looks fun, but I can't justify a new console for two games.

Really? I got a PS2 just so I could play Kingdom Hearts, and an Xbox 360 entirely for Kameo and Ninety-Nine Nights.

2007-07-30, 11:21 AM
Just a question. Is the Wii selling more units then the 360 did at its release, or is it selling more units then the 360 now? Also, there's just some games you're not going to find on a Wii. Shooters on the Wii seem kind of dubious, as do RPGs, they may be good, like Zelda, but methinks people will turn to things like the 360 and PC for RPGs, due to the superior graphics, which, let's face it, do make the game much more enjoyable.

2007-07-30, 11:23 AM
the Wii has, exactly, one game i'm interested in (Duck Hunt 2), none of the other games interest me. When it came out i thought it was a gimick, much like i thought the DS was jsut a gimick. Unfortunetly it hasn't proved me wrong. They keep putting out more and more "inovative" games, only replace inovative with "gimicks to make you want that next controler periferal" None of the games have managed to hold my attention except when drinking, and that hardly makes it worth my while.

Me, i have a PS3, and now that some good games are going to be released i'm happy, and will be purchasing a 360 after the price drop, though mostly for Catan, Gears of War and Halo 3. But mostly Catan. $500 just to play Catan online, god i'm a sad, sad man sometimes

2007-07-30, 11:25 AM
I actually don't like the controller that much. It doesn't make it easy to play games when you're tired.:smalltongue:

2007-07-30, 11:35 AM
[...]due to the superior graphics, which, let's face it, do make the game much more enjoyable.
Speak for yourself. Graphics mean exactly jack and <beep> to me. Final Fantasy 6 (3) is still the best RPG I've played, and it's got sprite graphics. I much prefer the earlier FFs to the later ones (4, 5 and 6 are better than 7, 8 and 9 in my estimation). "Superior graphics", in fact, often make a game less enjoyable for me. I may have enjoyed Morrowind more than I did (which was pretty much not at all) had it been more sprite-y. Focus on graphics takes development time and budget away from storyline and gameplay, and I can't think of a single game wherein better graphics made for a more enjoyable play experience.

Of course, I bought my PS2 about three years ago, have approximately 6 games (though one is a compilation of 30, so I'm not sure how that counts), and really have no interest in any game I've seen advertised for the PS3 or 360, while the Wii has released several things I've enjoyed playing (although admitably I don't own one; I drive out to visit my friends in the mountains and play Wii Sports or Mario Party with them.)

2007-07-30, 11:36 AM
I actually don't like the controller that much. It doesn't make it easy to play games when you're tired.:smalltongue:

Yeah, i recently got a wii, and wii-boxing tires you out. Good thing SSBB doesn't use the motion-sensing technology. :smalltongue:

2007-07-30, 04:38 PM
Speak for yourself. Graphics mean exactly jack and <beep> to me. Final Fantasy 6 (3) is still the best RPG I've played, and it's got sprite graphics. I much prefer the earlier FFs to the later ones (4, 5 and 6 are better than 7, 8 and 9 in my estimation). "Superior graphics", in fact, often make a game less enjoyable for me. I may have enjoyed Morrowind more than I did (which was pretty much not at all) had it been more sprite-y. Focus on graphics takes development time and budget away from storyline and gameplay, and I can't think of a single game wherein better graphics made for a more enjoyable play experience.

You are making connections that aren't connected at all though. If they took FF3 and completely remade the game with better graphics it wouldn't make the game worse, and if they took FF9 and changed all the graphics to sprits it wouldn't make the game any better.

If you have 2 games with just about the same story and same design then the one with better looks is going to be more enjoyable. That wouldn't make the less graphic one worse though.

With any decent sized development company the people writing the story and creating the game mechanics are completely different people then the ones making the visuals. You don't have the same guy writing story one day, coding the engine the next and then modeling characters the day after.

The decline of gameplay (which is only happening in some genres, its getting much better in others) just happens to coincide with increased development in graphics. They aren't directly tied to eachother, they aren't mutually exclusive.

The whole "as graphics increase story decreases" is a complete fallacy.

There is the fact that some companies don't go through the effort to make good stories and good gameplay but it is a situation completely up to the (usually management) of the companies and is not related to the graphic quality of the game.

There are some great gameplay types that have gone away and I really wish they hadn't, but it is in no way directly related to the increase in graphic quality.

One thing that people often forget when they think back to the "good old days of gaming" was the fact that there were lots and lots of bad games out then too. For every one amazing game there were 100 other games that weren't any good. The difference is that now years later you completely forget about those other 100 games and only remember the few good ones. Where as now when you look at games you see the 1 good one but you are also seeing the 100 bad games too, but now the 100 bad games are fresh in your memory where as the old games you only remember the good games.

2007-07-30, 06:20 PM
It isn't a coincidence. In any given industry, there are no coincidences. The decrease in game play quality is related to the increase in graphic quality, and it ultimately boils down to one thing: economics. Graphics take budget, and that budget in turn means less work on game play and storyline. While the graphics people don't work on game play, the money that pays them could.

It's not a coincidence. It's economics.

And yes, some of those game play styles are also directly related to graphics: platformers (Super Mario Bros, etc.) simply do not work very well in 3d engines, thus why you see less platformers. The same is true of the side-scrolling shooter, which has been replaced by the first-person (or sometimes third-person over-the-shoulder) shooter. But when you get right down to it, Megaman is a fundamentally different game from Halo, despite the basic idea being pretty much the same.

And yes, I do think a graphically upgraded FF4 or 6 would be worse than the original. A lot of the puzzles and hidden areas in the older FFs, for instance, can only exist in a sprite game, not a 3d-rendered one.

(Now, I'm one of the rare folks that despises FF7, and feel FF8 is just too weird for the series, thus making 9 the best of that set I mentioned, but that said, while I might not claim making FF9 a sprite game would make it better, it wouldn't make it worse - but a realistically 3d-rendered FF9, as opposed to the cartoony style it has, would be worse. Graphics can deter from game play. Compare WoW to EQ2, for instance; the game play isn't that different, but WoW is by far the more successful, popular, and entertaining game.)

2007-07-30, 08:43 PM
Yeah, it's too bad Gears sucks so much. Those graphics, they just slaughter the game.:smallannoyed:

2007-07-30, 10:07 PM
the 360 is nothing new, and the technology is already obsolete, but its a solid console with some happyness, its also made by the people who brought you vista, and windows 98... if

the PS3... its made by sony AND its the first implementation of new technology, ide be suprised if i saw someone take one out of the box without activating the self destruct, its a recipe for disaster, even more than nuclear weapon+insane religious fanatic who hates everyone(just on a smaller scale)

the wii.... well it adds some technology that has been out for some time (i remember shooting things on duck hunt) its made by a good company, and while it doesnt have many good games yet, neither does the PS3, and the 360 doesnt have THAT much, so the wii isnt too disadvantaged there, its focus isnt on graphics, which scares away the type of gamers who tend to be more assish (not saying if you love graphics your an ass, its just more likely, like people with aids being more likely to catch a cold, or fat people being more likely to eat more (which we generally do)) meaning fewer bad games and *******s on any online mode it might have (though no good games out so i havent had an opprotunity to test this) on the down side its trying to attract people who arent already big fans of video games, which means there will be more party game style games, and more sports games, but it has some kickass new things for video games and a gaurantee of at least 3 good games by the end of this year, it has a virtual console section, which is happy, and its the cheapest of this generation of consoles, and the only one i would even consider paying 250$ for, there are limits, and there are likely to be a LOT of novelty games, which will suck, but as long as you know the red flags for those your ok

and nintendo NEVER has a big list of good games early

2007-07-31, 01:59 AM
Just a question. Is the Wii selling more units then the 360 did at its release, or is it selling more units then the 360 now?

I believe it's selling more units overall than the 360 has.
And considering how long they've each been out, that's something.

Compare WoW to EQ2, for instance; the game play isn't that different, but WoW is by far the more successful, popular, and entertaining game.

But there's the setting as well.
EQ had nothing before. It came along and bam there was Everquest. They then brought on EQ2, and all they had was Everquest.
WoW had the Warcraft games, which already had millions of fans. So that's already millions of people who would want to play.
Then you have word of mouth. EQ2 players will tell their friends, and WoW players will tell theirs. But there's already more WoW players, so they're already going to tell more friends.
You can't say that WoW is just more popular because of graphics, when you haven't considered all the facts.

Yeah, i recently got a wii, and wii-boxing tires you out. Good thing SSBB doesn't use the motion-sensing technology. :smalltongue:

That we know off. Ya never know, if you're using the Wiimote by itself, you might have a couple moves.
Hey, good tip, never play more than 5 boughts of Wii-boxing at a time.
And never, ever do 13+. That will just kill you. I won all those boughts but the last by the way. Of course, my arms had just fallen off so it made playing difficult.

2007-07-31, 05:24 AM
The whole "as graphics increase story decreases" is a complete fallacy.

Not entirely. Both cost money and time and there is a finite amount of both in any real project, so more spent on one means less spent on the other. If you want more of both then you increase the budget and time allotted.

So, if you have deep pockets and are commited to quality, there is no reason why you can't have both a complex story and great graphics but if you're Electronic Arts, for example, and want every game written and released in about 12 weeks with most of the budget spent on licences, then there is going to be a trade-off.

2007-07-31, 06:12 AM
It isn't a coincidence. In any given industry, there are no coincidences. The decrease in game play quality is related to the increase in graphic quality, and it ultimately boils down to one thing: economics. Graphics take budget, and that budget in turn means less work on game play and storyline. While the graphics people don't work on game play, the money that pays them could.

I guaruntee you that when FF6 was made, the exact same amount of time was put into the graphics than was put into the storyline, and that hasn't changed today. What has changed is the industry. Some things just don't work anymore, and some do; the industry moves so fast these days that discovering what people like is like finding a proverbial needle in a haystack.

So the guys that are in charge of the graphics and design sections of your video game producing studio just have a much easier time doing their jobs than the guys in the gameplay development block.

The thing that sets Nintendo out from the rest is the fact that Nintendo almost never does anything new. They just think that recycling everything they've done in the past 20 years works, so that's half of the battle to them. Meanwhile, the rest of the industry is out trying to be creative, sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing. Everyone does it at some point.

2007-07-31, 06:24 AM
The thing that sets Nintendo out from the rest is the fact that Nintendo almost never does anything new.

Sorry, but how do you reach that exactly?
Considering Nintendo is responsible for much of the gaming industry, bringing it back with the Mario Bros, inventing the D Pad, analogue stick, setting 3D gaming as the norm, and then the Wii.
I know the Gamecube wasn't exactly the sensation people expected, but Nintendo is responsible for much of the innovation appearing.
It isn't until recently that developers even seem to be thinking that they can do new stuff with their games. Just look at EA and their years of producing new games each year, the horrible generic-ness of certain big hits, and the death of some of those first big titles that really stood out.
I put it to you that the gaming industry has been presenting the same games with different settings for years, steadily killing off innovation until recently, when developers have looked in their heads and realised they still have ideas.

2007-07-31, 06:49 AM
Okay, let me edit that statement then.

Nintendo hasn't done anything new with their games' concepts since the N64.

You still have that ___fecta- Zelda, Mario Party, Samus FPS, Super Smash Bros., one Mario game per console, and now Strikers. Sure they went and tried to revolutionize the gaming industry with the Wii, but now they're gonna have to back that up with what several others have said in this thread: game quality makes the game. Let's see if they can actually back that up or we'll get what I think will be happening, people judging the game because there is now a new, fun way to play it, on the WII! and not on actual game quality.

2007-07-31, 06:56 AM
Nintendo hasn't done anything new with their games' concepts since the N64.

Ah, now that I am willingly to give you.
Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption and whatever the next Zelda is should hopefully set new standards though. Mario Galaxy seems to be exploring whole new ways to make a platforming game, Corruption is certainly doing something brand new to FPS, and Zelda, well. Nothing about that.

2007-07-31, 07:04 AM
I don't know. Can it be said that a new way to play it isn't part of gameplay? What good is a fantastically designed game, if it's impossible to control?

But mentioning shooters on the Wii, I have to point at two very different, and similar games. RE4, and Red Steel. I haven't had a chance to play the latter, but what I've heard is that it's terrible. RE4, seems to have nailed the control scheme on the Wii. Perhaps it's not as pretty as it could be were it on the PS3, but it's still a great looking game. And more importantly, it works, and works well. Red Steel seems to have failed completely, though I suspect that it's more of a designer problem, than a flaw with the game.

2007-07-31, 08:28 AM
You can't say that WoW is just more popular because of graphics, when you haven't considered all the facts.
I'm not saying that. WoW has enough margin on EQ to have a lot of factors contributing that - and as an ex-WoW player who enjoyed reading through even the dreaded General forum on their boards, I can tell you that I know for a fact that the less-realistic, more cartoony graphics of WoW is one of those factors.

I guaruntee you that when FF6 was made, the exact same amount of time was put into the graphics than was put into the storyline, and that hasn't changed today.
Is this a "gut feeling", or do you have some facts to back this up? Because I've done programming and worked on a sprite game in my time, and I know the graphics didn't take as long as story design; it did take approximately as long as mechanics design (we were building our own system, rather than copying an existing system.)

2007-07-31, 01:43 PM
ok before this thread turns into a graphics VS gameplay VS story (they all have their place, obviously we would all love a game that had everything perfect on all 3, and a magical dragonicorn that craps ice cream that cures cancer)debate or a WoW VS EQ debate (both suck, and are overpriced, there, its settled)

with any innovation there will be novelty games, and the wii is a HUGE innovation, so there will be a few novelty games, most of the the party game style of thing, which is fine, because they are easy to identify, and yes, red steel is total crap (you walk into a room, with a sniper rifle on yuor back, holding a full automatic weapon, there is a man standing in the room, next to a table with every weapon in the game... he grabs a ****ing sword, and for some reason, you grab yours"

2007-07-31, 03:00 PM
debate or a WoW VS EQ debate (both suck, and are overpriced, there, its settled)

saying something is settled doens't mean it is. just because you don't like it, doesn't mean is true. Neither are over priced, and while i maynot like EQ, they both have their place. I rather find that paying $15/month for a game that changes and keeps me in touch with my friends is much cheeper than spending $50 to $60 per game that lasts, maybe, 10 hours. That could just be me though

with any innovation there will be novelty games, and the wii is a HUGE innovation, so there will be a few novelty games, most of the the party game style of thing, which is fine, because they are easy to identify, and yes, red steel is total crap (you walk into a room, with a sniper rifle on yuor back, holding a full automatic weapon, there is a man standing in the room, next to a table with every weapon in the game... he grabs a ****ing sword, and for some reason, you grab yours"

a motion sensitive controler is not an inovation, its a gimic to distract people from the fact that nintendo has given up on improving its technology and is pandering directly to the parents of young chidlren. none of the games mention for this system, Duck Hunt 2 being the exception because i'd mentioned it previously, hold no interest to me. Does this mean i'm right? Of course not, it means i have an opinion, something along the lines of "you spend $250 on something that will entertain you for a month before you get sick of it, and i'll spend $600 on something that plays 2 generations worht of the best games out there, and plays my BluRay DVDs" thats a bargin

2007-07-31, 03:48 PM
1. bluray is betamax 07
2. for the (there its settled) read the spoilered part of my sig
3. im sorry but 15$ a month is too much for a game, when WC SC and diablo were all free, as is civ4 ect, and they can get user made mods, o, and NWN, and if you need an online game to stay in touch with friends try an instant messenger, they work
4. sony products always fall apart(and they are just being careless with the PS3), and nintendo systems NEVER get all their good games in the first year, just be patient and dont buy a wii until something you want comes out, THEN get one,
5. i have pointed out that the wii didnt actually add any COMPLETELY new technology, they did something thats been around for a while, and added it in a new way that hasnt been used before
6. NOVELTY GAMES, any time anything new comes around there will be novelty items, thats what most of the wii games out right now are, but there are some good ones, just dont make the mistake of trying red steel, but good ones ARE COMING (www.smashbros.com) and i heard resident evil 4 wii edition is good
7. perhaps nintendo realizes that any processor they put in would either be untested or obsolete within 2 years, so they went for features that would allow something different gamewise, and please dont get me started on the PS3

2007-07-31, 03:57 PM
1. bluray is betamax 07

is that why BluRay has more support than HD-DVD?

3. im sorry but 15$ a month is too much for a game, when WC SC and diablo were all free, as is civ4 ect, and they can get user made mods, o, and NWN, and if you need an online game to stay in touch with friends try an instant messenger, they work

I'm not sure what WC/SC is so i'll pass on those, Diablo is years old, and never changes, its the same content since the release of the game. Its no longer entertaining to me, or any of the people i know. Civ4 is a great solo or hot seat game, it also requires a level of dedication that makes it intimidating for the casual gamer. I never liked NWN so thats not an option for me really, and not eveyone has an instant messenger you know.

4. sony products always fall apart(and they are just being careless with the PS3), and nintendo systems NEVER get all their good games in the first year, just be patient and dont buy a wii until something you want comes out, THEN get one,

i've never had a major issue with a sony product, so i'll take your word about them "always falling appart" And the PS3 is a fine system, i've had mine since launch and never had an issue. When i'm talking about the Wii, i'm talking about all of the games i've heard about, some still 8+ months out and they ust don't grab me, i'm sorry.

5. i have pointed out that the wii didnt actually add any COMPLETELY new technology, they did something thats been around for a while, and added it in a new way that hasnt been used before

this doesn't address my "gimick" statement

6. NOVELTY GAMES, any time anything new comes around there will be novelty items, thats what most of the wii games out right now are, but there are some good ones, just dont make the mistake of trying red steel, but good ones ARE COMING (www.smashbros.com) and i heard resident evil 4 wii edition is good

Its a problem when there are nothing bad games and gimicky games. Smash Brothers maybe a draw for you, but i can't name one person i know personaly who's been excited about that series pretty much ever. RE4 has been out forever, why would i want to play it yet again?

2007-07-31, 04:17 PM
I have still yet to actually pick up a Wiimote and give this console a spin myself, but it's the system that I am most likely to buy in the future. It's not too expensive (compared to the competition) and there will be a game series or two that I would seriously consider buying a console for. Such as SSBB and Mario Galaxy for instance, the same sort of reasons that I got a Gamecube really.

2007-07-31, 06:03 PM
@talsine: I rather think he meant the product lines. Like the walkman. It was great, then it just collapsed. PS3 is looking to do the same. On the other hand, it does have some impressive capabilities, if it can get the games going.

@BrokenButterfly(RE4 fan?): Yeah, it's great, and with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and No More Heroes coming out, along with SSBB, and SMG, the wii is shaping up to be the winner.

2007-08-01, 01:51 AM
i've never had a major issue with a sony product, so i'll take your word about them "always falling appart"

Aahhh, then allow me to weave a tale for you.
I got a PS2, a couple months after the main release. I loved this PS2, and I treated it dearly.
Save to say, it didn't even reach the end of the year before it was already having trouble. Certain games wouldn't load, save files wouldn't be recognised, and it also deleted a couple of my better files.
Then, all of a sudden, I can't play new games on it. This is not my fault though, no, this is because Sony has secretly changed the discs, and my PS2 is now missing the chip that would allow me to play them. Gasp shock and amazement, what has just come out? The slimline PS2.
It wasn't until about half a year later that I got a slimline PS2, and could finally play my games again without, and could buy new games.
Trust me senor, Sony is not one you want to trust when it comes to gaming.

Its a problem when there are nothing bad games and gimicky games. Smash Brothers maybe a draw for you, but i can't name one person i know personaly who's been excited about that series pretty much ever. RE4 has been out forever, why would i want to play it yet again?

I have an analogy for RE4. Imagine you've got a puppy. This puppy is brilliant. He does all sorts of puppy stuff and you love him dearly, no matter if he's at your house or your friends. All of a sudden though, you take him over to a new house, where there are lots of puppies, more appreciated puppies too. And something wonderful happens to your puppy. He becomes twice as puppylicious, shooting rainbows out his arse and barking I Love You. You realise that this house makes your puppy even better than before, and realise this is where your puppy was born to be.
On the subject of Smash Bros, have you and your friends ever played the games? I've got non-gamer friends who will happily sit down to play it, and these are the same kind of people who think those kids on TV that press random buttons and listen to explosions are actually doing something.

2007-08-01, 05:04 AM
Oooh! Oooh! A Wii thread! Wow. I'm amazed I've not hopped on this yet.

I'm a big Wii fan- I have Wii Sports, Far Cry (blech) and Zelda TP, which I don't need to tell you how awesome it is. I just borrowed Resi 4, which I never got the chance to play on the GameCube, and it is simply amazing. I love the storyline, the jokes (The. Same. Signpost.) and the voice acting, which is great. The graphics are above average and suit my needs perfectly.

And.... Jibar, Resi 4 is just like that. Just like that. I want more puppies. :smallwink:


*waves hands in the air* alright, I surrender. I'm a mad-as-a-hatter Marth user on SSB. Can't wait for Brawl. I'd shave my hair for it. Twice.

Also, on the topic of console wars.... yawn. You go your way, I go mine. It's all a matter of preference. You don't see people arguing whether Metal or Rap is better, do you? (Well, you do, but there's no valid argument.) If you like PS3, I'm not stopping you! I don't like it personally, but that's not going to make me jump in the way of your enjoyment. None is 'better'- they are all unique in their own way.

So, if you want to talk about the PS3, make a PS3 thread? For now, we're going to strictly keep this for people who like the Wii. :smallannoyed:

2007-08-05, 11:33 PM
Reasons I will never buy a Wii

1)Miamoto said I was too stupid to know what I like. I will not rant about how his no-talent ass hasn't had an origional thought since The Police had a full head of hair.

2) I hate platformers. We've all got genres we don't like, and mine happens to be the one that Nintendo loves.

3) I'm unimpressed with "party" games. Most of these are just retreads of games I played in arcades while they were pumping hair bands over the sound system. Not to mention most of them are free over the net (with a different skin, of course)

4) Nintendo doesn't offer anyone over the age of oh, 14 anything other than nostalgia. The only two games I played on the gay cube were Eternal Darkness and RE. Never played a single N64 game, and only played Duck Hunt and SMB. There's nothing there for me.

5)Unless we're talking Steel Battalion (http://www.golem.de/0212/23214-steel%20battalion%20controller.jpg) I'm unimpressed by hard ware gimmicks.

2007-08-06, 07:13 AM
Horseboy, I understand that's your oppinion and you're entitled to it, even if I disagree heavily. However, there are two things I feel I have to answer to, even if only for the sake of accuraccy. Or I'll try, at least. Lack of sleep is not good for one's ability to make sense :smallbiggrin:

Reasons I will never buy a Wii

1)Miamoto said I was too stupid to know what I like. I will not rant about how his no-talent ass hasn't had an origional thought since The Police had a full head of hair.

I'd like to see a source for that. It sounds extremely odd and out of character, given Miyamoto's tone in most of his declarations.

4) Nintendo doesn't offer anyone over the age of oh, 14 anything other than nostalgia. The only two games I played on the gay cube were Eternal Darkness and RE. Never played a single N64 game, and only played Duck Hunt and SMB. There's nothing there for me.

:smallconfused: *goes look at his family book to check his birthdate. Still 20 y/o*

Sorry, but that bolded statement, apart from being a projection of your own opinion in a rather large and diverse collective, is just wrong. I am 20 years old, and find Nintendo consoles have a lot of games for me. And some of them are new sagas, like Pikmin, and others I never played, like the upcoming new NIGHTS (which, after reading a bit on the original, looks amazing), so it can hardly be nostalgia. Could it be that maybe *gasp!* I like their style? That I prefer cartoony or unrealistic games to photorealistic gore-fests?

I assume you meant that at my age, I should like "mature games" more than "kiddy games" (let's put aside for the moment the fact that calling games "kiddy" due to cartoony style makes baby Pelor cry). That usually means shooters or shooty action games. Thing is, shooters bore me to tears. The only two I have managed to keep interested in for long enough to finish them were Half-Life and Perfect Dark (and Metroid Prime, but shooting is such a secondary part of the game compared to exploration that I'm not sure it'd clasify as "shooter" but as "1st person adventure". Whatever.). Same for sports titles. No, I'm a platformer/adventurer/roleplayer. Genres where "mature content" is largely unneccessary, you'll notice. So I don't feel too interested in supposedly mature titles.

I'm not bashing non-Nintendo consoles. Hell, I have a playstation 2, and love it. But I didn't get it for GTA or anything of the sort (le yawn). No, my selection of gems for the console is more like Disgaea 2, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Odin Sphere, Tales of X, etc.

So yeah, I'm past teenager, and I like Yoshi, Mario, and company. I play Pokémon. I find the upcoming titles for Wii extremely interesting. So, please, try to not make blanket statements about huge collectives. More likely than not, there'll be someone nearby to smack you upside the head for it :smalltongue: .

2007-08-06, 07:31 AM
I'd like to see a source for that. It sounds extremely odd and out of character, given Miyamoto's tone in most of his declarations.

I beleive he's referring to a point I made earlier on, that all Nintendo ever does is just recycle their old characters and concepts into a core 8-10 games, then when buyout interest has depleted, hang on by their chinny chin-chins for the next generation. I think that's what he's talking about when he says Miyamoto is unoriginal.

2007-08-06, 07:59 AM
I beleive he's referring to a point I made earlier on, that all Nintendo ever does is just recycle their old characters and concepts into a core 8-10 games, then when buyout interest has depleted, hang on by their chinny chin-chins for the next generation. I think that's what he's talking about when he says Miyamoto is unoriginal.

No, that I got, even if I do not agree that much. I mean the part of "Miyamoto said I am too stupid to know what I like". It just doesn't seem something that could be inferred from most of Miyamoto's interviews, at least not the ones I watched.

2007-08-06, 08:11 AM
Oh, well, I wasn't referring to that portion of his point then. Probably just overzealous opinionistness.

2007-08-06, 08:13 AM
That is very uncharacteristic of the man who makes his living making people happy.

And Horseboy, sorry but I'm just going to ignore that post. When you can't even name a console without reverting to a deragatory term, you're just not worth my time.
Hell, I hate the PS3 with all my might, but at least I'm civil about it.

2007-08-06, 08:21 AM
Indeed. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinion- but that was extremely low. And I'm 15 now. Do I love Nintendo's games still? Yes. I do like the nostalgia, but that isn't the primary reason I play the games. I play them because they're fun. Fun, fun, fun, fun! Extremely! Nintendo's games have more to offer me than the other consoles because all I see is:

1) A game I can get on the PC anyway

2) Another scary gore-fest FPS.

Well, no thanks. I like my Pikmin, I like my Mario. I like my Zelda, my Advance Wars, my Yoshi games.

And, come hell or high water, I will never give up on Nintendo.

2007-08-06, 08:48 AM
@Jibar: Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. It seems pretty out of a character for a guy who gets his pay by having people happy with what he does :smallconfused:

@Dragor: QFT, but without the quote. That is generally why I keep buying Nintendo consoles. Well, that and I go into withdrawal if I don't get enough Zelda, but that's beside the point :smalltongue:

2007-08-06, 09:48 AM
This seems to be becoming a Nintendo vs Sony, occasionally vs Microsoft Debate, so I'll reply in kind. Nintendo may not have come up with much new stuff in a while, but at least it's had good stuff to keep redoing. How many times have you remembered an old game, and wished there was a sequel? Legend of Dragoon, anyone? I like RPGs, and loved my PSone, though I never got around to upgrading to the PS2 (I know, I'm horrible,) but I like the 360 in part because of it's simularities to the PC. Mine isn't very good (I'm planning on upgrading it... eventually. (It looks like Spore may be what does it for me)) But the 360 lets me play Oblivion. And thats worth the whole price tag for me, but it has plenty of other great games (Dead rising, etc) as well. It also has the new and inproved Pikmin, in Overlord, which has similar gameplay, but is genuinly funny. And it's worth the whole price tag for me as well. Now maybe I'm free with my money, but nothing's made me want a PS3 yet.

Wow, that was a bit of a tangent.
As for the Wii, my brother has one, which I use as well, and it's true, there aren't that many good games out, but they're coming. the only question is if they come before or after everyone decides they aren't coming after all.

2007-08-06, 10:18 AM
The reason why Wii is better than Ps3 is because PS3 charges you about Ł200 for Blu Ray which is crappy. If I wanted to watch Blu Ray then I would get a Blu Ray DVD player. Unfortunately I don't. Nintendo concentrate on keeping their machines more about gaming and having fun then turning it into a multi media thing.

And if the Wiimote is a gimmick then why did Sony tack one onto their controllers (which have hardly been updated...ever and sucks arse. I mean no one else uses square, triangle, circle or cross).

2007-08-06, 10:49 AM
I've had a Wii for a few weeks now, and I love it. I bought Resident Evil 4 at the weekend and it's great - all the best bits of the old game but with better controls and more frantic scary bits which have you waving the Wii remote around trying to shake off non-zombies, alien doga and whatever else has hold of you.

Seems a bit easy so far, but then I've only been playing it for a coupla days.

Also, Wii sports + friends = awesome competition not always won by whoever's had the most practice.

2007-08-06, 11:09 AM
Horseboy, I understand that's your oppinion and you're entitled to it, even if I disagree heavily. However, there are two things I feel I have to answer to, even if only for the sake of accuraccy. Or I'll try, at least. Lack of sleep is not good for one's ability to make sense :smallbiggrin:

I'd like to see a source for that. It sounds extremely odd and out of character, given Miyamoto's tone in most of his declarations.

Sure, it shocked me too. It was in that article in Time when the Wii launched. He was berating Sony and Microsoft for listening to gamers, since gamers can't possibly know what they want. It was up to designers to tell them. Up until that I was Neutral Apathetic about Wii's and was interested in picking one up for a secondary console, since it was cheap and something I could let my 8 year old nephew play with. I read that and decided to never own anything Nintendo again. (Not that I ever did, but still.:smallmad:)

So yeah, I'm past teenager, and I like Yoshi, Mario, and company. I play Pokémon. I find the upcoming titles for Wii extremely interesting. So, please, try to not make blanket statements about huge collectives. More likely than not, there'll be someone nearby to smack you upside the head for it :smalltongue: .

Actually you just proved my point. You have nostalgia for those games. If I wasn't interested in a game about a fat plumber 20 years ago, why would I be interested in one now?

When they were talking about the controller shortly before the launch I sat down and try to think up a use for them. They would be PERFECT for an RTS game. Would Nintendo do and RTS? Not likely, as it's something outside their limited scope of games. If they did you'd just go around farming mushrooms and mining rupees, so it wouldn't be a game on it's own feet, it would be a game relying on nostalgia of the customers instead of it being something actually innovative.

2007-08-06, 11:15 AM
Just not my cup of tea. I'm really just not into the Animated Sports sort of games. Something that suits me better is something like Halo, Dragonfable, (fighting/Shooting Games).

2007-08-06, 11:36 AM
Fighting and shooting? Try RE4, or wait for SSBB.

2007-08-06, 12:13 PM
Personally beginning to hate the Wii-mote. Need to buy a different controller...

2007-08-06, 12:54 PM
When they were talking about the controller shortly before the launch I sat down and try to think up a use for them. They would be PERFECT for an RTS game. Would Nintendo do and RTS? Not likely, as it's something outside their limited scope of games. If they did you'd just go around farming mushrooms and mining rupees, so it wouldn't be a game on it's own feet, it would be a game relying on nostalgia of the customers instead of it being something actually innovative.

Why do you think it's up to Nintendo?
They can't make all the games ya know.
It's up to the developers to make good games too. Look at Ubisoft. They're in love with this console thanks to this controller.
Give it time, and look at other game studios. An RTS doesn't sound all that implausible. Hell, they put Battle for Middle-Earth II on the X Box.

2007-08-06, 03:27 PM
If you're worried about variety on the Wii, just look at the Pacman-shaped pie charts of weekly console sales in Japan. I'll see if I can dig one up later. The numbers aren't quite that skewed outside of Japan, but as far as I know, the Wii is selling far better than every other console everywhere. Developers are almost certainly paying attention, and they've already demonstrated with the PS2 that they'll support a console with weaker graphics but a larger base.

2007-08-06, 03:32 PM
Sure, it shocked me too. It was in that article in Time when the Wii launched. He was berating Sony and Microsoft for listening to gamers, since gamers can't possibly know what they want. It was up to designers to tell them. Up until that I was Neutral Apathetic about Wii's and was interested in picking one up for a secondary console, since it was cheap and something I could let my 8 year old nephew play with. I read that and decided to never own anything Nintendo again. (Not that I ever did, but still.)

That does sound pretty bad. I mean, I understand where he's coming from, it is true that there are a lot of gamers around asking for a thing and its contrary at the same time ("we want innovation! ...but don't mess with the pad! Or the physics! Or the controls! Or...) and that has to be irritating from his position, but that doesn't mean designers should tell them what to like. More like try to make a good game and they'll end up liking it even if it's not what they asked, because it is still a good game after all.

Actually you just proved my point. You have nostalgia for those games. If I wasn't interested in a game about a fat plumber 20 years ago, why would I be interested in one now?

Bwuh? Where did I state that? I merely said, I like the cartoony graphics and the games that those characters have. When you love platformers, you just don't get much better than Yoshi's Island, period.

I have nostalgia for Kid Icarus (yeah, I positively cheered when I saw Pit in the SSBB trailer. That is nostalgia). I have nostalgia for Snake Rattle and Roll. And I have positive fanboyism of some other sagas (Kirby or MMZ being the first to come to mind) I don't have nostalgia for Mario or Yoshi. I merely think their sagas are, consistently, the ones to bring better-quality plataformers around, which, given I love platformers, is a very good thing. If Sony now published an extremely good platformer ala Klonoa, you can be damn sure I'd buy it too, even if I didn't know the series. Just like you, as a shooter fan, are probably going to buy Haze, even if it's a new game you know nothing about, because it's a great-looking shooter (and then, you should notice that the people behind it participated in Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters, which probably means it is going to be good indeed). Mario characters are actually rather generic for the most part, you can't get really attached or nostalgic about them :smallwink: .

2007-08-06, 05:02 PM
That does sound pretty bad. I mean, I understand where he's coming from, it is true that there are a lot of gamers around asking for a thing and its contrary at the same time ("we want innovation! ...but don't mess with the pad! Or the physics! Or the controls! Or...) and that has to be irritating from his position, but that doesn't mean designers should tell them what to like. More like try to make a good game and they'll end up liking it even if it's not what they asked, because it is still a good game after all.
Yeah, a good game is a good game. The fans will like it. The pretentious snottiness from a hack I could have completely done without.

Bwuh? Where did I state that? I merely said, I like the cartoony graphics and the games that those characters have. When you love platformers, you just don't get much better than Yoshi's Island, period.

I have nostalgia for Kid Icarus (yeah, I positively cheered when I saw Pit in the SSBB trailer. That is nostalgia). I have nostalgia for Snake Rattle and Roll. And I have positive fanboyism of some other sagas (Kirby or MMZ being the first to come to mind) I don't have nostalgia for Mario or Yoshi. I merely think their sagas are, consistently, the ones to bring better-quality plataformers around, which, given I love platformers, is a very good thing. If Sony now published an extremely good platformer ala Klonoa, you can be damn sure I'd buy it too, even if I didn't know the series. Just like you, as a shooter fan, are probably going to buy Haze, even if it's a new game you know nothing about, because it's a great-looking shooter (and then, you should notice that the people behind it participated in Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters, which probably means it is going to be good indeed). Mario characters are actually rather generic for the most part, you can't get really attached or nostalgic about them :smallwink: .
Your "tone" does imply a great love of the Mario clan. Or if you want, let's turn this around. I don't like "Mario" games. (Let's exclude Mike Tyson and all the "Mario" cameo games.) If I don't like any of the "legacy" games from Nintendo, what's there for me? It's all just platformers and rehashings of games from the 80's. My nephew likes them. But they're marketed to him, so I expect that he would. Hence, nothing for someone over the age of 14 who doesn't have a sense of nostalgia for their earlier work.

I'm not really a "shooter" guy. I play them, but don't buy them. They're rentals only. Kinda like a Japanese RPG.

2007-08-06, 05:14 PM
Horesboy- just out of interest (and not trying to jibe you either, that would be rude), what preference for games do you have?

Rigel Cyrosea
2007-08-06, 05:20 PM
It's all just platformers and rehashings of games from the 80's. My nephew likes them. But they're marketed to him, so I expect that he would. Hence, nothing for someone over the age of 14 who doesn't have a sense of nostalgia for their earlier work.

Okay, that's just not true. I am over 14, I never played Nintendo much before a few years ago, and then only for SSBM. I never played the old Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, etc... games. I still think they're great. I even bought a Wii, despite previously being a Sony fan. I am looking forward to SSBB more than any other game. EVER.

2007-08-06, 05:26 PM
I am looking forward to SSBB more than any other game. EVER.

As well you should be.

2007-08-06, 05:42 PM
I really enjoy it, especially because it allows me to play video games with my parents and little brother.
The large ammount of interact-ivity is nice, and makes it fairly easy for videogame new-comers (like my parents) to understand how stuff works. Heck, I had my GRANDMA playing Wii Baseball within 5 minutes of setting the thing up at her house xD
However for some games, the controls just SUCK. For example, playing Sonic and the Secret Rings is a pain in the butt when you get to boss battles that require lots of jumping and precision. Makes me long for a good ol' joystick and buttons.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was AMAZING, however. The controls for it were beautiful (I especially love being able to aim my bow and arrow or clawshot(s) with the wiimote instead of using the clumsy joystick on GameCube/N64 controllers) and the graphics blew me away. I'd say the consol is worth at least renting/borrowing just for the experiance of playing Twilight Princess on it. Assuming you're into Zelda games, of course ;3

Over-all? Highly innovative and interactive, with a few short-comings in game selection and occasionally controls.

2007-08-06, 05:57 PM
Horesboy- just out of interest (and not trying to jibe you either, that would be rude), what preference for games do you have?
Fair question. There's not really a whole genre I prefer. I like the Japanese horror games. Fatal Frame was freakin' awesome. I played the last RE and while it was alright, I really don't like to think of it as a "horror" game. After all, how are you supposed to be afraid when you've got a rocket launcher in your inventory?

I don't like sports games, as I'm of the opinion that if you want to play a game, go play a game, not a game of a game.

Hate platformers

I've never gotten the hang of driving games. They never handle right.

Shooters are fun for a week, but since I'm not really into the whole "death match" thing once they're beaten I'm done with them.

I miss the aero-combat sims. Like X-wing/Tie-fighter or the early Wing Commanders. Heck even Battlecry wasn't that bad.

RPG's. I in general like RPGs. However, I don't think of the FF series when I think RPG's. I've only played 7 & 10. I picked up 1-4 in compilations, but never really got "into" them. The Japanese RPG's are just so railroad heavy that I miss free will. That and what's the point of having 15+ characters if you only can have 3 at a time? It's not like you ever really use all those other characters. (Note I have also played others, not just FF) I prefer ones like Elder Scrolls, & the old EGA tile dungeons from SSI. Less structured=more fun.

Adventure games(?) Is that what they're called. Stuff like X-men Legends, Ultimate Alliance, Stubbs the Zombie, Destroy all Humans. Especially if it's quirky. Like Mr. Mosquito.

And there's RTS, I like them, but based on DoW, I've been "left behind" in the genre. My old reflexes can't keep up with something designed for a twitchie.

2007-08-06, 06:17 PM
Fair question. There's not really a whole genre I prefer. I like the Japanese horror games. Fatal Frame was freakin' awesome. I played the last RE and while it was alright, I really don't like to think of it as a "horror" game. After all, how are you supposed to be afraid when you've got a rocket launcher in your inventory?

I don't like sports games, as I'm of the opinion that if you want to play a game, go play a game, not a game of a game.

Hate platformers

I've never gotten the hang of driving games. They never handle right.

Shooters are fun for a week, but since I'm not really into the whole "death match" thing once they're beaten I'm done with them.

I miss the aero-combat sims. Like X-wing/Tie-fighter or the early Wing Commanders. Heck even Battlecry wasn't that bad.

RPG's. I in general like RPGs. However, I don't think of the FF series when I think RPG's. I've only played 7 & 10. I picked up 1-4 in compilations, but never really got "into" them. The Japanese RPG's are just so railroad heavy that I miss free will. That and what's the point of having 15+ characters if you only can have 3 at a time? It's not like you ever really use all those other characters. (Note I have also played others, not just FF) I prefer ones like Elder Scrolls, & the old EGA tile dungeons from SSI. Less structured=more fun.

Adventure games(?) Is that what they're called. Stuff like X-men Legends, Ultimate Alliance, Stubbs the Zombie, Destroy all Humans. Especially if it's quirky. Like Mr. Mosquito.

And there's RTS, I like them, but based on DoW, I've been "left behind" in the genre. My old reflexes can't keep up with something designed for a twitchie.

not adventure games, those are action games. And the RPG's your talking about are just as railroad heavy as thier japanese counterparts, they just hide it better. Course, because of the way the main story is hidden in many american RPG's i find them less satisfying. Too each their own.

spent a couple of hours with my friends Wii this weekend, and i now hate it even more. Its just convinced me that the last good nintendo system was the SNES and i have one of those already, along with ZSNES and a gravis gamepad. I'm set as far as nintendo goes.

2007-08-07, 06:22 PM
If you're feeling under 'twitchie', you might like Supreme Commander or AOE3.


Back to Nintendo. While I have yet to play it, I've heard nothing but good reviews for Alien Syndrome, a 3/4 perspective shooter. There's also the significantly quirky No More Heroes coming.