View Full Version : The OTHER Weapon of Legacy...?

2017-03-23, 03:51 PM
Hi folks.

I was thinking about Roy losing his legendary, multi-generational heirloom of a sword, and I've realized that there was another weapon that could maybe qualify for Weapon of Legacy, even if of a lesser pedigree:

Namely, Elan's rapier, given to him by Julio as part of him becoming the bard's mentor/paternal figure, and which the sky pirate presumably acquired in an impressive fashion and went with him on numbers of adventures.

Now, it's not a +5 Starmetal greatsword, true, and Roy has no attachement to it, but would it be possible that this rapier could have a use in the battle Roy is currently in, given that revealing its power at a climactic moment, when everything else has failed, saving the ship like its previous owner did so many time, would be dramatically appropriate?

2017-03-23, 04:46 PM
This isn't about Thog's greataxe? How disappointing.

But seriously, Julio's given Elan two rapiers (assuming a Chaos Sabre is mechanically a rapier). The one he gave Elan when he became Elan's mentor got broken (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0934.html), in response to which Elan appears to have forgotten that rapier entirely as soon as Julio gave him a new one. This seems entirely antithetical to Roy's fixation on ONE WEAPON ONLY ONE WEAPON IF IT GETS BROKEN I CARRY ITS HILT UNTIL IT CAN BE FIXED IF I NEED A RANGED WEAPON I SOMEHOW MAKE IT RANGED: Elan always uses rapiers because his prestige class abilities require it, but he's no more averse to trading up to a more powerful rapier than Belkar is to a more powerful dagger, or Haley to a more powerful bow.

2017-03-23, 05:03 PM
I don't really see it.
„A friend’s weapon that was gifted to him by his mentor and the he borrowed you for a moment” doesn't carry the same weight as „The legendary ancestral sword your family was named after that was reforged with a incredibly powerful ore after your father's archenemy broke it”
Both legacy and mentally wise.

It might work for Elan, but I don't think he s that attached to his sword.
More importantly, it would cheapen both his pun-fighting thing and Roy’s efforts to get this far.
They both put quite a bit of training into their thing.
One of them stealing the others trick would ruin that.

2017-03-23, 06:46 PM
If there's another item then you'd think it would be Durkon's. His shield (or is it his hammer?) has been in his family for generations. I suppose it might be the Thunder Shield after which his family is named.

2017-03-23, 07:44 PM
Yes, I too thought this was about Durkon's weapon.

But Roys sword has demonstrated the green glow long before he knew what a Weapon of Legacy even was, and there's been no indication that either Elan's or Durkon's weapons have any special property.

2017-03-24, 01:36 AM
Yes, I too thought this was about Durkon's weapon.

But Roys sword has demonstrated the green glow long before he knew what a Weapon of Legacy even was, and there's been no indication that either Elan's or Durkon's weapons have any special property.

If I recall correctly, it didn't do the green glowy thing until after it was reforged either, and the blacksmith even said it might do that. I'm not entirely sure that's part of the weapon of legacy thing, or if it being a weapon of legacy can utilize it somehow.

2017-03-24, 04:19 AM
The green glow is due to the Starmetal.

As for Durkon, I doubt the weapons he have with him are the legendary ones, because he was literally thrown away from his home without being able to grab anything. Would be weird if they let him take a priceless relic but not say "goodbye" to his mother.

2017-03-24, 06:54 AM
The green glow is due to the Starmetal.

As for Durkon, I doubt the weapons he have with him are the legendary ones, because he was literally thrown away from his home without being able to grab anything. Would be weird if they let him take a priceless relic but not say "goodbye" to his mother.
OtOoPC actually shows how the guards who kicked him out threw away his weapons and armour too.

2017-03-24, 07:20 AM
OtOoPC actually shows how the guards who kicked him out threw away his weapons and armour too.
AFTER he specifically asks them for the equipement.

-"Hey, I had stuff too you know"

2017-03-24, 08:44 AM
They didn't let him go home to say goodbye to his mother because the prophecy said when he next returned home he would bring death and destruction upon them all. He even unknowingly echoed the prophecy's terms in his request. It wasn't about contempt for Durkon, though of course Durkon couldn't know that.

Beyond that, now I'm puzzled by what you're getting at: the power level of the weapon matters more than it being the only rather than the third weapon the character has used since the story began? That doesn't seem to jibe with what Wrecan said. "Would you say you had a deep personal connection to your sword?" "[A Weapon of Legacy is] a kind of very powerful magic item that can arise naturally when a warrior has poured his heart and soul into a single cause, as symbolized by a specific blade."

Rogar Demonblud
2017-03-24, 09:56 AM
Fourth. Elan's on his fourth (at least) weapon.

2017-03-24, 01:56 PM
But seriously, Julio's given Elan two rapiers (assuming a Chaos Sabre is mechanically a rapier).

That would probably be a bad assumption. Rapiers are long, straight, and thin and have always been represented in the strip by a one-pixel-wide line. Julio's sabre, as seen here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0931.html), is a wider sword.

Originally sabres were highly curved (like this one here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_1796_light_cavalry_sabre)) and meant for cavalry to make slashing attacks with. But the most recent military sabres (British (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_1908_and_1912_cavalry_swords) and American (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_1913_Cavalry_Saber)) are straight swords meant more for thrusting. Julio's Chaos Sabre looks more like the recent ones.

2017-03-24, 04:19 PM
They didn't let him go home to say goodbye to his mother because the prophecy said when he next returned home he would bring death and destruction upon them all. He even unknowingly echoed the prophecy's terms in his request. It wasn't about contempt for Durkon, though of course Durkon couldn't know that.

Beyond that, now I'm puzzled by what you're getting at: the power level of the weapon matters more than it being the only rather than the third weapon the character has used since the story began? That doesn't seem to jibe with what Wrecan said. "Would you say you had a deep personal connection to your sword?" "[A Weapon of Legacy is] a kind of very powerful magic item that can arise naturally when a warrior has poured his heart and soul into a single cause, as symbolized by a specific blade."

I was just wondering if Julio leaving his weapon to Elan was a Chekov's Gun for the current situation.

It's more unlikely that I thought at first. Thanks for answering my questions.

2017-03-25, 05:52 AM
That would probably be a bad assumption. Rapiers are long, straight, and thin and have always been represented in the strip by a one-pixel-wide line. Julio's sabre, as seen here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0931.html), is a wider sword.

Originally sabres were highly curved (like this one here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_1796_light_cavalry_sabre)) and meant for cavalry to make slashing attacks with. But the most recent military sabres (British (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_1908_and_1912_cavalry_swords) and American (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_1913_Cavalry_Saber)) are straight swords meant more for thrusting. Julio's Chaos Sabre looks more like the recent ones.
"Among other abilities, it will allow you to substitute your Charisma bonus for your Strength bonus to damage when using a rapier - as long as you can make a witty pun" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0390.html)

And here Julio is using the Chaos Sabre for exactly that, pun-dueling. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0932.html)

So it would seem, it counts as a Rapier enough for Elan to use it.

Also there's the sabre used in fencing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabre_(fencing))

2017-03-25, 12:27 PM
So it would seem, it counts as a Rapier enough for Elan to use it.

I never meant to imply that DS's don't get their class attack bonuses when using a sabre. I suspect that they would get the bonuses using many different one-handed weapons, including some improvised ones. After all, Taquin pun-dueled with a knife. (Of course, he's not a DS, but he's probably the Evil Equivalent, whatever that class is.) I'm going to guess that as long as the DS looks cool using the weapon, he gets the bonus.

Although with some types of improvised weapons, DS's may get a negative bonus. For instance, breaking a bottle and using the stub end of it would definitely give a negative bonus. Only the bad guys do that, and DS's are not bad guys. Some other weapons may also give negative bonuses. Nunchaku, perhaps.

2017-03-30, 03:57 AM
Although with some types of improvised weapons, DS's may get a negative bonus. For instance, breaking a bottle and using the stub end of it would definitely give a negative bonus. Only the bad guys do that, and DS's are not bad guys.

Counterpoint: Roy fighting Thog he was still the good guy there

2017-03-30, 05:43 AM
OtOoPC actually shows how the guards who kicked him out threw away his weapons and armour too.

They also be heirlooms. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0237.html) And Belkar wasn't shown rescuing the stuff after the battle between Malack and Durkon, so they were probably blown in the desert wind.

But seriously, I'd rather expect that Roy can summon his ancestral sword into his hands again. That needs lots of concentration (he doesn't own a two-handed missile sword of returning!) but he can't lose it just like that. I predict that summoning to happen between 1070 and 1080.

2017-03-30, 12:42 PM
Counterpoint: Roy fighting Thog he was still the good guy there

Yes, but it was a single use weapon. Bad Guy's continue to use their broken bottles as an improvised knife.

ETA: I agree with Onyavar that Roy is going to discover how to get it to return soon. But only after being thrashed by the frost giant and getting desperate (and very low on HP). At least that's the usual pattern.

Rogar Demonblud
2017-03-30, 04:23 PM
Let's also add Roy isn't a DS--he's pure meat shield fighter.

2017-03-31, 06:53 AM
Counterpoint: Roy fighting Thog he was still the good guy there

Also, Roy used a whole bottle. It was only broken afterwards and he didn't use it then.

2017-04-05, 09:10 AM
I'm guessing a "Chaos Sabre" won't react well to being wielded by somebody Lawful, just like a Holy weapon wouldn't be thrilled at an Evil user. So while Elan could certainly toss his weapon to Roy, it might not improve his situation much.

Now that Elan is done fixing the balloon though, maybe he can drop down into a flanking position.

Simetra Irertne
2017-04-06, 07:31 AM
I would assume a weapon of legacy would only work for a particular wielder. Elan might be able to use his rapier as a weapon of legacy, but Roy certainly wouldn't be. Roy has no "deep, personal connection" with Elan's rapier. It would, of course, serve as a better weapon than an unarmed attack, but that's about it.

2017-04-06, 01:31 PM
This is just re: Roy getting his weapon back, but I'd been kind of expecting that V, Belkar, and Haley would pass it while pursuing the ship and have the sense to pick it up. I didn't even think of summoning it, though; that would be cool.