View Full Version : Fallen Aasimar/Halfling Warlock Bounty hunter or charlaton?

2017-03-24, 03:26 PM
I've got an idea for an Aasimar or halfling Warlock of the Tome who poses as a wizard tutor to nobles as to not get harassed by guards and peasents. I'm having trouble picking between Charlaton and Bounty hunter.

They both give deception, but BH gets persuasion as an option where C gives Slight of Hand. The C's ability to have an already made identity is fairly handy on all levels but so is the BY Ear to the Ground feature.

I would love some opinions from all you lovely people :D Thanks in advance!

Honest Tiefling
2017-03-24, 03:37 PM
Sounds like you'd rather have the Bounty Hunter background mechanically. Perhaps while they initially posed as a magely tutor to get money and avoid mobs with pitchforks. But one day, they found a noble family a bit down on their luck...But one that earnestly took care of their people. Only to have this family die in a fire likely started by an enemy or two.

So now the character continues their 'work' in teaching snotty little brats that aren't worthy of their titles to both support themselves as well as find the people who killed the noble family the character began to respect.

2017-03-24, 03:53 PM
I've used them both, never actually ever used the Charlatans fake identity in a game before. I was a Zhent Spy with Cult of the Dragon Infiltrator for HotDQ/RoT but that barely came too. It's going to come down to the campaign and your DM how useful the Background Features are. Most of the time they aren't.

Also Lightfoot Tomelock Bounty Hunters are Awesome. Mine was basically Batman. Went Fey and chose the Night & Bat themed Archfey. His eldritch blasts looked suspiciously like batarangs.

2017-03-25, 07:44 PM
Just from a mechanical standpoint, which of the two races are 'better?' I've also been debating Changeling... but that class doesn't have all the bells and whistles like the other two.

Comparing the three any opinions?