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2017-03-24, 08:07 PM
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...



It has been one thousand years since the second Sith Empire returned from beyond the Unknown Regions and laid siege to the New Republic.

During the ensuing war, the Sith hunted down and destroyed the Jedi Order in the face of a far greater tragedy, the death of the Force. Without the protection of the Jedi, the Galaxy fell to darkness.

But time moves on, and in its ebbs and whorls, what was may yet be again, for a prophecy tells of the return of the Jedi. But it also warns against their return. For if they fall, they will forever extinguish the embers of hope in a galaxy in need of rescue....

The Variseel Starliner blows through space. Its hull gleams as it cruises past the majestic splendor of the Burgola system, where the gases from the three stars are slowly being siphoned away by the black hole in the center of their orbits. The gases mingle and coalesce, and where the streams collide, streams of rainbow color are created to create wondrous patterns in the blackness of space.

Aboard the starliner, life progresses. Credits are made, or lost, in the casinos. Dancers dance for their meals, traders make deals. Smugglers look for work. Food is prepared. Life.

In stark contradiction, life aboard the Star Destroyer Korut's Vengeance is very different. Troopers train rigorously in one of the many gyms, techs repair TIE fighters, walkers, and ground vehicles. Pilots fly simulated dogfights against each other. Officers generate reports, and a Dark Lord of the Sith stands at the front facing viewport looking past the pointed bow of his ship. An officer approaches him and bows when he reaches the Dark Lord's side.


"My lord. We have tracked the smuggler to this transport ship. According to its broadcast signal, it is the Variseel Starliner. A luxury vessel for some of the more upper class citizens of the Rim worlds."

"But we are sure that the smuggler came here?"

"We are, my lord."

"Very well. Get us in range, and board the vessel. Then bring me the smuggler. I will interrogate him. Personally."

"As you wish, my Lord."

The officer bows again, and goes off to issue the commands to the rest of the ship.

2017-03-24, 09:13 PM
Dave spends a lot of time in the gym of the Korut's Vengeance. This is not to get stronger - he's still got a lean, hard layer of muscle on from his time on Kashyyyk - it is more so that he has an excuse to spend several hours a day in the locker room. He found a secluded corner where he can fold a blanket over the locker door and work on his secret project.

In the top shelf of the locker, in a wide, low metal dish taken from a mess kit, Dave has a small shoot of a Wroshyr tree that he has been meticulously bonsai'ing. He pulled this Wroshyr from the shadowlands, so maybe it can survive without too much light, but he still has a glow rod calibrated as close as he could get it to Kashyyyk's sun taped to the edge of the shelf. The humidity of the locker room is the other ingredient. He hums tunelessly to himself and smiles as he sees the roots beginning to take hold.

He startles when the alarm sounds general quarters, and almost rips the roots free. His heart is beating fast as he tenderly repots the tree and slides it snugly back into place.

He hears the guffaws from a couple troops down the row. "Tree hugger over there forgot what an alarm sounds like. He's been sniffing the roses too long for real combat." Dave ignores it, grabs his helmet and tucks the towel in as he closes the locker door. He avoids eye contact as he walks out.

When one of the guffawing troopers smacks his ass as Dave walks out, Dave whips an elbow back before the trooper can even finish his insult; then follows it with a fist. He feels both connect with the man's jaw. As the other two swear and rush to stomp him, Dave bolts.

He calms down as he gets into the main hall. He grabs his rifle from the squad bay, then ambles his way into squad formation at one of the combat shuttles in the port hangar bay. The squad leader harangues him for taking so long, but Dave just stares past, mumbling an occasional, distracted, "yes, sergeant. Won't happen again."

His belly, usually in knots during a stand-to, starts to relax during the mission briefing. Boarding a star liner is easy. He will just hang back with the rifle, watching the crowds, while his squadmates do all the shouting and punching. Probably won't even have to stun anyone.

2017-03-25, 01:41 AM
Akkit, for it's part managed to get itself in a simple room despite it's family's connections. Although in reality it was probably the best a non-human could get considering the Empire and so it considered itself lucky. After a week of getting used to the new surroundings the jawa finally began to explore the ship at large. It settled on gambling away what money was saved after the whole hassle of getting off the planet, taking the opportunity to listen in on conversations it shouldn’t while setting a soft cap on what it could get away with losing. What money was earned was simply gambled away again, the rest of any given day spent tinkering with J2-3Z3 and it’s own cybernetics to help pass the time.
If it’s wanted then here’s… 6? 6 sets of gambling rolls on the ole Jubilee Table. Each day gambling 100 credits with the best hope being Winning 200 credits instead of losing it all.
[roll0] Break Even
[roll1] Lose 50
[roll2] Win 100
[roll3] Lose 50
[roll4] Lose 50
[roll5] Lose 100, -150 total.
Also a random Perception check in case I hear something interesting while I burn through some credits while I eavesdrop like a rude cyborg. [roll6] A reroll with Audio Enhancements: [roll7]

2017-03-25, 04:30 AM
"A corellian twister " Azur asks the bartender.

This cantina wasn't one of the best abord the linner, but that suited him. He wasn't used to luxurious environments and people with sticks up their arses gawking at him and his bulk and simpler ways.

But at this time, things were only starting. The dancers were putting make up and powders in the dressing room, the musicians checking their instruments and discussing what they would play. The Sabaac players already retreated to their rooms after loosing or winning, preparing for the next night, or for one of the big tournament aboard the ship.

He didn't need to get drunk early, no. But the day before, he almost lost the bout. The damage (all stunning, no real fighting as some places in Coruscant) had subsided and been healed, but the body gets tired of being hit in the same places, of repeated injuries and insults. He suspected his bruises had bruises themselves.

Either way he was winning and had 3 more fights till the end of the cruise. If he won, he would become rich, but some of the remaining arena fighters were good. Very good.

Last night he had lady luck on his side, as his opponent missed his head, and just stunned his left arm... but... Maybe he should stop drinking and start training... As he took the first sip he remembered what his mother used to tell him. "You are destined to bigger things.". Maybe she meant a fat lover, but the strength and ardor of her belief in him always made him a better person. Had she not died the way she did he might have turned an ok person, a good citizen of the galaxy.

Trying to take this image of his head he looks around at the other patrons.

taking 10 on perception check to see other patrons around the cantina, especially good looking females to chat up.

2017-03-25, 06:34 AM
Alara Maru walks around the starliner, taking in the sights and making merry. She had spent much of her time conversing and flirting with her fellow passenger, and enjoying the pleasurable company of some of them. She also watched some arena fights, which she found quite exciting. Additionally, Alara made sure to pick up whatever juicy news or rumor may be floating around, and verifying whether those were true or not.
Taking 10 on Gather Information (DC20 vs 21) to learn about any local news and rumors in as much detail as possible.
Taking 10 on Persuasion (DC? vs 26) to halve the cost of paying for said information. Should cost me 25 credits if that Persuasion check succeeded.

Today, Alara has spent some time watching the dancers with a grin on her face, until she sees one who reminds her of her mother. Her smile turns into a frown and she leaves. Next, the Twi'lek makes her way to one of the more seedy cantinas aboard the Variseel. She was very much in her element here, and played a game of Sabbacc with a fellow patron, cheating as much as she could get away with.
Alara gambles 100 credits against an unnamed NPC, NOT against the house. The first Deception roll below is for cheating, as per the rules of Scum and Villainy p19, while the second roll is a reroll in case the result of the first is 20 or lower (using my Deceptive species trait).
If this gets me into trouble, let me know and I'll edit the rest of my post accordingly.

Once the game has concluded, Alara notice one of the arena fighters sitting by the bar. She smiles slyly and makes her way to Azur, taking the seat next to him.
"Why hello, there.~" She greeted playfully as she checked him out. A male human with some nice facial scars, and quite handsome too. "Aren't you that arena fighter? Azur, wasn't it? I'm Alara, by the way." She extends her hand to him for a handshake.

2017-03-25, 06:57 AM
"Yes I am, pretty lady, Azur Nox for your needs" Replies Azur looking straight into her eyes. He grabs her hand, and even being careful, she can sense the muscular tension and power behind the soft grasp.

"Can I interest you in a drink Alara? And you can tell me more about yourself"

Without waiting for the answer he orders "a twister for the lady" to the bartender.

2017-03-25, 07:38 AM
"Ooh, such a strong hand.~" Alara giggles seductively. "I guess I shouldn't expect anything less, considering your occupation." She gives him a wink. "And I'd love a drink. Thank you.~"

She returns Azur's gaze and puffs out her chest. "I'm just an adventurous Twi'lek who grew up in the middle of nowhere, surviving off of my wits and making a living by..." There's a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Solving problems."

The bartender brings her drink and she picks up the glass. "Ah, a corellian twister!" The Twi'lek samples it sensually and appears to enjoy it far more than one reasonable should. "Mmmm~. My favorite."

She then returns her attention to her companion. "What about you, Azur Nox? What can you tell me about yourself?"

2017-03-25, 11:00 AM
"I was born and bred in Coruscant. The lower parts, if you know what that means. I had to fight my way out of it, or if you prefer to use my talents to pleasure others. The crowds." he looks Alara up and down checking her up. "What do you enjoy doing for fun?"

2017-03-25, 12:30 PM
"Oh, you know. Meeting new, interesting people and... finding out their talents to pleasure others.~" Alara gives him a playful smile as she echoes his words. She leans forward a bit. "Would you care to show me?"

2017-03-25, 07:58 PM
"Sure. It will be my pleasure. I have my room nearby, and a lot of time before my next bout."

He grabs her hand slowly and leads her to his place (If she follows, of course)

2017-03-26, 05:14 AM
"Good, I hate to stress." She gives Azur a sly smile and allows him to lead her to his room.

Inside, Alara removes her vest, at which point Azur should notice the heavy blaster pistol below her left armpit. She place the holster, with the weapon still in it, next to the bed. The Twi'lek approach the arena fighter, throws her arms around him, and kisses him passionately.
The two then make sweet love, with Alara taking charge at least half of the time.

Let me know if I'm stepping out of line or making assumptions about your character, protheuz, and I'll edit my post accordingly.

2017-03-26, 02:05 PM
Hearing the "To Stations" alert, Kira reluctantly logs out of her simulation and heads toward the lift to report to the starfighter briefing room. Arriving first (these new recruits have no hustle!) she slides into her flight leader chair at the front left of the room. No one's here but her Lieutenant Vox, shuffling charts on her viewscreen for the briefing. After sitting for a moment without being recognized, Kira pipes up, "What's the mission, Boss? More patrols of terrified yokels?"

2017-03-27, 03:19 PM
"Not quite," comes the reply to Kira's question.

"Intelligence has named this vessel, the..."

Vox consults his notes.

"The Variseel Starliner. Heh. Crap name. Must be Xeno. Anyway. This ship contains something of interest to our lord."

By now, Kira will have realized no one else seems to be coming.

"Today, you're on shuttle duty. Bay four. You're shipping a detachment of troopers to the starliner. We don't expect any trouble, so you have been authorized to participate in the search and seizure of materials deemed subversive or illegal. Any questions?"

2017-03-27, 04:15 PM
Akkit paused in it's general tinkering when the hum of the engine stopped. For a few seconds it thought it was imagining things before the silence finally started to bother the jawa. With a quick confirmation that everything was still in order with it's belongings safely tucked away in the former cavity used for it's intestines and other organs that didn't make the transition. Satisfied it gave J2-3Z3 a pat and a brief burst of beeps and whines before the duo left. Their journey was straight forward, relying on the maps it had created during previous explorations, as they made their way to the closest officer and said in it's slightly metallic basic "Why have the engines stopped?"

2017-03-27, 07:58 PM
Once the squad leader gives the command "at ease", Dave beckons his attention. "Can we draw some stun and gas grenades? Liner's gonna be full of civilians. Might stampede..." He sputters a moment as he waits for a response, then remembers protocol. "... umm, Sergeant."

Dave's gonna attempt an untrained persuasion check. Assuming the sergeant's indifferent (-2). Up to you if he gets a bonus for making a reasonable request. [roll0]

2017-03-28, 09:37 AM
"That was a rollercoster ride honey!" says Azur and as he pulls a cigarrete he adds "Do you fancy a deathstick?"

2017-03-28, 12:24 PM
Asuna kept her jacket closed tightly around her. She didn't want anyone seeing her extra arms. Her mother had tried to persuade her not to take it, but Asuna knew what could happen to her in Sith occupied space. To hide her pointed ears, she wore her hair down. There wasn't much she could do for her pale complexion. She had been sent to the Variseel Starliner by her parents to drum up interest for their courier business. A working vacation. She said rolling her eyes. She had gotten on at the last port, the big Sabbac tournament had already started. Not that she was interested in the gambling. She did catch at least a short glimpse of the fights before being told to leave. She had pretty much kept to herself when she wasn't in her room.

2017-03-28, 12:48 PM
"You weren't too bad yourself, baby.~" Alara quips, stroking one of Azur's muscular arms. "But I'm afraid that I'm going to have to decline your offer. I'm not too fond of death sticks."

2017-03-28, 02:21 PM
Akkit paused in it's general tinkering when the hum of the engine stopped. For a few seconds it thought it was imagining things before the silence finally started to bother the jawa. With a quick confirmation that everything was still in order with it's belongings safely tucked away in the former cavity used for it's intestines and other organs that didn't make the transition. Satisfied it gave J2-3Z3 a pat and a brief burst of beeps and whines before the duo left. Their journey was straight forward, relying on the maps it had created during previous explorations, as they made their way to the closest officer and said in it's slightly metallic basic "Why have the engines stopped?"

"Huh? They have? I don't know, but there must be a reason for it."

Just then the telltale screaming of TIE fighters shooting past the ship provide the answer.

Once the squad leader gives the command "at ease", Dave beckons his attention. "Can we draw some stun and gas grenades? Liner's gonna be full of civilians. Might stampede..." He sputters a moment as he waits for a response, then remembers protocol. "... umm, Sergeant."

Dave's gonna attempt an untrained persuasion check. Assuming the sergeant's indifferent (-2). Up to you if he gets a bonus for making a reasonable request. [roll0]

"Hah. No. We expect everyone here to be pretty docile. Besides. You're on duty on the upper decks. Humans only. No fun with the Xenos for you. Shuttle three. Move out."


The ships comm system whistles the attention signal.

Attention, all passengers and crew. We have been contacted by the Empire to heave to and prepare for a search. Their shuttles are already inbound. You have ten minutes before they arrive to make yourselves ready for their inspection. Everyone should have their documentation at hand before they arrive. Thank you.

The system squeals slightly as the message ends. And then a small panic breaks loose as everyone scrambles to their quarters to find their identification and travel visas.

2017-03-28, 02:35 PM
Akkit clicks at the scream of TIE fighters and said "There's an answer..." and clicked again when the captain announced what it already knew. A gloved hand reached into it's robes and got it's papers ready before it added "Where would be the closest airlock? I wish to return to that hum as soon as possible." There was no reason to panic when it was as confined as it was, it would be better to do what the people with the guns say.

2017-03-28, 07:56 PM
"Hah. No. We expect everyone here to be pretty docile. Besides. You're on duty on the upper decks. Humans only. No fun with the Xenos for you. Shuttle three. Move out."

Dave listens to the sergeant's excuse, thankful that the scout trooper helmet conceals his facial expression. When the sergeant finishes, Dave waves his hand in the general direction of his face in a pathetic attempt at a proper salute, and then follows the sergeant onboard.

Dave's the last one to board the shuttle, but this time it isn't sloth or general tardiness. As the section's designated marksman, he normally hangs out over the entrance ramp to provide covering fire as they land. As he boards he slams the ramp toggle, clips into the safety handle, and gives the thumbs-up from to the sergeant. Sergeant bangs on the pilot's compartment and yells "Squad ready for launch."

As the shuttle takes off, Dave sits down on the floor over the front of the ramp with his rifle between his legs and stares off into space. He sits still - motionless, even - but if anyone knew him well they'd know it was focus, not calm. His squadmates probably thought he was asleep.

2017-03-28, 11:26 PM

You get into your seat in the shuttle, start prepping for launch, and just as you finish the preflight, some jerk trooper in the back bangs on the wall behind your head and yells at you. As though you wouldn't know when you see the red warning light for the ramp being open switch to green as the ramp seals.

Less than ten minutes later, you have the shuttle landed and pop the seal on the rear hatch, releasing the crammed stormtroopers into the empty landing bay. A shuttle next to yours opens its hatches, releasing its complement of both seeker and combat droids. Apparently, this isn't just a routine shakedown of a ship on their patrol route...


You settle down and wait. Mentally preparing yourself for when you arrive at the starliner, not knowing what or who to expect. Sooner than you realize, the hatch pops open, and you watch as seeker droids whir past, their tiny repulsors humming as they seek out passages small enough for their tiny spherical bodies to fit into. Then you hear the hum of shields powering online, and you realize that one of the other shuttles has brought aboard a half battalion of battle droids.

Yup. Just another routine mission, all right.

The sergeant raps on your helmet. "What are you doing? Get out there and do your job. Get these people secured after we scan their identities. Lord Sela'at will have our heads if some random civvie screws this up for us. Watch the ones we clear until scan crews identify a room big enough for us to secure and contain this people in."

Aboard the Starliner

After a few more minutes have passed, the Imperials arrive. Humans get their identity cards checked first. As each person is processed, they are herded into a large common area they appropriated for holding, after clearing it out of everything, naturally.

Once the humans in your area are checked, they start checking the non-humans. The Imperials are not shy about using force, and one couple, a pair of Bothans get stunned when they don't follow instructions from the ensign checking their identity cards. The limp bodies get dragged away by troopers, and they get unceremoniously tossed into another, much smaller room they are pressing the aliens into.

More Imperials are going over everything on the starliner with portable scanners. Their instruments probe every nook and cranny they can find. The scanning crews take the equipment into rooms and search them. Troopers throw objects about, looking for something.

This isn't normal procedure.

The Imperials are looking for something.

2017-03-28, 11:42 PM
"Not quite," comes the reply to Kira's question.

"Intelligence has named this vessel, the..."

Vox consults his notes.

"The Variseel Starliner. Heh. Crap name. Must be Xeno. Anyway. This ship contains something of interest to our lord."

By now, Kira will have realized no one else seems to be coming.

"Today, you're on shuttle duty. Bay four. You're shipping a detachment of troopers to the starliner. We don't expect any trouble, so you have been authorized to participate in the search and seizure of materials deemed subversive or illegal. Any questions?"

"Fair 'nuff. Thanks, Lieutenant.

Kira will make a point of carrying her blaster carbine folded and openly visible and her holdout blaster tucked away and hidden. This is really a stormtrooper job; there must be something unusual going on to have her authorized to participate.

Kira will make a point of keeping her eyes open for navigation information, illicit small craft, smuggling compartments, and pilots on board, those being her areas of expertise.

2017-03-29, 12:49 AM
Akkit isn't stupid or a hero but a jawa who's had an odd case of luck. It waits patiently for it's turn to be checked, makes note of the odd procedure with the scanners, and promptly heads to the smaller room they're being corralled into. To the side of the jawa was it's droid, papers presented to confirm said fact, and the two found themselves a little corner to hole up in until this entire thing was over with. All of this under the assumption that no Imperial has too much time for what looks to them like a normal jawa unless their scanners pull up the extensive cybernetics that were done.

2017-03-29, 04:37 AM
The ships comm system whistles the attention signal.

Attention, all passengers and crew. We have been contacted by the Empire to heave to and prepare for a search. Their shuttles are already inbound. You have ten minutes before they arrive to make yourselves ready for their inspection. Everyone should have their documentation at hand before they arrive. Thank you.

The system squeals slightly as the message ends. And then a small panic breaks loose as everyone scrambles to their quarters to find their identification and travel visas.

"Sithspit, I don't have any identification!" Alara curses. She then turns to Azur and gives him a quick smooch. "Thanks, babe. I had a great time."

She gets herself clothed in a hurry and then sneaks out of the room, making every attempt to stay hidden and avoid the Imperials.
Stealth check: [roll0]

2017-03-29, 05:45 AM
"Hey wait!" Azur says, but not in time. She quickly leaves his sight, as he tries to put some clothes in his body. Still half dressed, he comes outside and see to where she went "Rollercoster girl"

He picks up his papers, his gear licenses and is processed by the imperials, with the other humans. Well this reminded him of the line ups he was subjected as a kid in Coruscant.

While he waits he smokes, keeping a calm and relaxed demeneour. Never submissive or weak, just relaxed.

2017-03-29, 09:29 AM
As they descend towards the landing deck, Dave shoulders his rifle. He's a bit surprised that the doors don't open until touchdown, but once they do he's leaning out on the safety harness, guns up and scanning. The landing zone is clear, and as the men file past him and the droids fan out nobody shoots at them.

Sergeant bangs him on the helmet and harangues him for something or another, but it doesn't really matter. Dave cuts the safety line and jogs out, an easy lope with his rifle shouldered and low. He follows the main body of his platoon as they file through a hallway; grabbing, tagging, and cuffing the civilians as they go. Front cuffs, and loose - just to keep them from resisting as they corral the group towards the main ballroom.

Dave's job is to overwatch the men, not to corral civvies. The humans are docile and cooperative, and there aren't many natural ambush points. He hangs back a respectful distance, with his eyes soft and scanning. Sergeant jogs in front of him, berating the detainees to keep moving. He can't help but notice how beautiful the ship is - wood paneling and brass fixtures, nice plants and potted Alderaani palms at corners. Windows and light, much nicer than the gray and confinement of the Korut's Vengeance.

The main ballroom is huge, with an entire wall open to a spectacular view of the star system. Dave looks around for a perch with good views, and finds a nice piece of sculpture on the gallery level to hide behind. After a quick rope up there, a bit of squirming, and a report to sergeant about his location, he settles in to watch the screening points and the movements.

Perception check for trouble on the approach to the ballroom: [roll0]. Note, Dave has acute senses that lets him reroll perception - if the roll is less than 10 (for a total of less than 20) he will take 10 on the reroll to bring it to 20.

Perception check for trouble in the ballroom: [roll1]. Again, if the roll is less than 10 (for a total of less than 20) he will take 10 on the reroll to bring it to 20.

Stealth roll to hide behind the décor: [roll2]

Climb roll to make it up there: Take 10 for a 19. With his grapple on the utility belt and climbing claws should be fine.

2017-03-29, 10:55 AM
Asuna knew that her mynock was cooked. She shrugged her coat off and stowed it in her bag. It wasn't going to do her any good now, her ID told whoever viewed it whatever they wanted to know. She just hoped that the small blaster she had with her would go unnoticed.

2017-03-29, 05:22 PM
"Sithspit, I don't have any identification!" Alara curses. She then turns to Azur and gives him a quick smooch. "Thanks, babe. I had a great time."

She gets herself clothed in a hurry and then sneaks out of the room, making every attempt to stay hidden and avoid the Imperials.
Stealth check: [roll0]

It doesn't take long. You hear a group of people come in, and begin searching the room. You hear the scanning equipment being used. You hear the crew pass by where you were currently hiding inside a closed room behind a wall plate, through a vent you were using to get past the imperials. The crew stops near you, and you hear the scanning equipment. Then it moves on, and you hear the sounds fade as the crew finishes, and you start making your way toward an exit, because the search seems to have gone past you. But then you hear a new sound. Boots. A lot of booted feet. Then you hear the cutting torches. You manage to avoid getting injured by the torches, before the troopers pull the wall away and pull you out of it. As long as you don't resist the troopers, they put you in binders as they haul you unceremoniously down the corridor.

"What we gonna do with this one?"

"No ID? Not sure. Probably sell her to a Hutt. Unless Lord Sela'at wants her. I hear he has some odd tastes."

"Yeah, I've heard that too. Anyway, we'll take her to the commander. He can sort it out."


As you are all herded or stationed in your assigned places, which have taken you all away from the docking bays, you are all waiting whatever fate is in front of you. The troopers are waiting to move on, and the passengers are getting worried that something else is going to happen to them.

Then, over the comms, the Imperials hear that they have found their target. The orders come through to release the passengers as a squad of troopers leads their target to the shuttles.

Another pair of troopers open up the door leading out of where Alara was being held, and they start hauling her down toward their shuttles as well.

During the inspection, several flights of TIEs make runs past the starliner, so it is not alarming when you hear the screaming of the engines again.

But what is new is the explosions of laser blasts against the hull!

The ship rocks with the impacts, and you hear from somewhere else in the ship, the distinctive clangs of emergency bulkheads slamming in place.

Without engines, or shields, this ship won't last long. You need to find an escape ship, and fast!

2017-03-29, 06:10 PM
Kira does a double take when she spots her old junk dealer Akkit among the xenos being processed. What are the odds?

She taps the sergeant on the shoulder. Sergeant, I'd like to interrogate that Xeno in the robes personally. I grew up around its kind. I'm going to pull it aside anything in particular we're looking for? Lieutenant Vox wasn't specific. (Gather Information roll, +3).

After pulling Akkit into an unused room, Kira peers into his hood. Akkit? That you? What's a scrap dealer doing way out here?

EDIT AFTER SEEING GM POST: I'm assuming that Kira has pulled Akkit aside shortly before the TIE attacks hit.

I don't know what's going on, buddy, but stick with me. I've got the only pilot authorization for the shuttle I rode in on.

2017-03-29, 07:18 PM
The first thump of lasers against the hull of the ship sends an immediate and visceral reaction through Dave, as if his whole body starts to scream NOT AGAIN!

Adrenaline shoots through him so hard his eyes blur. He doesn't even attempt to hide the agitation in his voice when he radios "What are we doing here? What's going on?" over the squad net.

In the meantime, the stormtroopers were releasing the sea of detainees in the ballroom. People were filing out through the exits. As soon as the laser blasts hit, a hush hits the crowd. In that moment, before the panic starts, it's about to get ugly.

He scans the crowd, waiting for the next shoe to fall - a scream, a stampede, or a stormtrooper who starts firing.

Let me know if you need another perception roll, or if the last one will do.

2017-03-29, 11:42 PM
Kira does a double take when she spots her old junk dealer Akkit among the xenos being processed. What are the odds?

She taps the sergeant on the shoulder. Sergeant, I'd like to interrogate that Xeno in the robes personally. I grew up around its kind. I'm going to pull it aside anything in particular we're looking for? Lieutenant Vox wasn't specific. (Gather Information roll, +3).

After pulling Akkit into an unused room, Kira peers into his hood. Akkit? That you? What's a scrap dealer doing way out here?

EDIT AFTER SEEING GM POST: I'm assuming that Kira has pulled Akkit aside shortly before the TIE attacks hit.

I don't know what's going on, buddy, but stick with me. I've got the only pilot authorization for the shuttle I rode in on.

A tilt of the head was Akkit's first answer before memory returned of the girl who it's seen before. The jawa remained silent as she spoke to her commanding officer, knowing well enough to not butt in when it's input wasn't needed and followed along after while confirming that J2-3Z3 was along for the ride. Before it could reply the ship rocked from the blows and it pulled back the hood to reveal the obviously false cybernetics that now made up the body, saying in a slightly metallic basic "Familial issues mainly. That and more connections is always good. We can catch up later though, I'll follow you." The hood came back up before they left the unused room since the last thing it needed was further confusion over the new body.

2017-03-30, 04:52 AM
It doesn't take long. You hear a group of people come in, and begin searching the room. You hear the scanning equipment being used. You hear the crew pass by where you were currently hiding inside a closed room behind a wall plate, through a vent you were using to get past the imperials. The crew stops near you, and you hear the scanning equipment. Then it moves on, and you hear the sounds fade as the crew finishes, and you start making your way toward an exit, because the search seems to have gone past you.

Alara let's out a quiet sigh of relief at having seemingly avoided getting caught.

But then you hear a new sound. Boots. A lot of booted feet. Then you hear the cutting torches.

Her eyes grow wide. Sithspit.

You manage to avoid getting injured by the torches, before the troopers pull the wall away and pull you out of it. As long as you don't resist the troopers, they put you in binders as they haul you unceremoniously down the corridor.

"What we gonna do with this one?"

"No ID? Not sure. Probably sell her to a Hutt. Unless Lord Sela'at wants her. I hear he has some odd tastes."

"Yeah, I've heard that too. Anyway, we'll take her to the commander. He can sort it out."
The Twi'lek smiles at the troopers sheepishly as they pull her out. She knows better than to resist as they put her in binders and take her with them, but once they speak of selling her or giving her to their Sith master, she speaks up.
"Whoa now, gentlemen," she begins, speaking with the confidence of a saleswoman. "Why don't we discuss this? I'm sure we can come to some sort of mutual agreement!"
The troopers, unfortunately, don't seem to keen on doing this.

Another pair of troopers open up the door leading out of where Alara was being held, and they start hauling her down toward their shuttles as well.

During the inspection, several flights of TIEs make runs past the starliner, so it is not alarming when you hear the screaming of the engines again.

But what is new is the explosions of laser blasts against the hull!

The ship rocks with the impacts, and you hear from somewhere else in the ship, the distinctive clangs of emergency bulkheads slamming in place.

Without engines, or shields, this ship won't last long. You need to find an escape ship, and fast!
Taking advantage of the situation, Alara puts on her most convincing panicked face, gestures towards the shuttlebay with her bound hands, and screams "Oh no, the shuttles!!!"
With the troopers (hopefully) distracted, she then bolts away from the shuttlebay and hides behind the first best thing. While a desperate move, Alara is counting on the probability that the troopers are going to want to save themselves more than pursue her.
Not sure if I get some circumstantial bonus due to the current situation, but here goes nothing.
Deception check: [roll0]
Deception reroll: [roll1] (Only if the first is 20 or lower)
Stealth check: [roll2]

2017-03-30, 05:41 AM
Azur quickly reacts to the bombardment "They found what they wanted. Now we're fodder."

He raises up, and goes to a nearby computer terminal (information stand or so). Knowing mobs, and how troops react to it - it doesn't end well for neither part. What was strange was that the troops weren't called back first....

He quickly downloads the map till the nearest hangar to his datapad, picks up his Shock stick and goes to that exit before panic leads to rash decisions.

Taking 10 on computer use (total 19) to have the map to the nearest hangar (Maybe even he already had the ships maps on his datapad).
Then follows to that exit. Is it open? Are troopers protecting it?

Take 10 on perception checks (for 17) to check the situation.

2017-03-30, 07:30 AM
Unless it's too late, I'd like to use Knack to reroll that crappy Deception check.
Deception reroll: [roll0]
... The RNG is not my friend today.

2017-03-30, 12:46 PM
The troopers didn't fall for it and now Alara was in deep trouble.
Before they have the time to react, the Twi'lek backs away from the nearest troopers and then runs, taking a right at the closest branching corridor.

Alara spends her move action to withdraw from the closest troopers and moves two squares towards the nearest branching corridor. She spends her standard action to move six squares down that corridor, moving a total of nine squares. If she can end her move behind anything that might be used as cover, she'll do it.

2017-03-30, 01:21 PM

You duck out behind the troopers as the ship rocks again, and bolt down the corridor. You see the trooper down the corridor raise his rifle to fire at you, but another jolt off balances him enough that he has to take a hand from his rifle to keep from falling down.

"Hey!" One of the troopers shout, and a scarlet bolt shoots down the corridor a split second after you duck down the side corridor.

"Idiot! Commander wants prisoners alive! Set for stun!"

As you start running down the corridor, you hear boots coming to a halt, and then you feel the stun bolts against your skin, but you are still on your feet, and still able to run.


Your comm is buzzing with traffic. Everyone is scrambling to get orders, or to send them, but finally, you hear the hard voice of Captain Greln.

"QUIET! Troopers, make your way back to the shuttles. The Vengeance is launching more fighters to cover our retreat. Dump any prisoners except our target down an airlock or garbage chute, and get your butts back here, NOW."

As you hasten to follow your orders, you head out into the corridor you came down to get here, only to find your way blocked by the emergency bulkheads.

Everyone else.

The ship is falling to pieces. Already, corridors are collapsing under the strain of explosions through the subsystems. You hear more bulkheads slamming shut, and you aren't sure if you will be able to make it to one of the docking bays before all the bulkheads slam shut.

2017-03-30, 01:42 PM
"Sithspit!" Alara curse as she is hit by the stun bolts.
Intent on maximizing the distance between herself and the troopers, she runs as fast and as far down the corridor as she can.

I run as a full-round action. Provided that nothing's in her way, this should put 24 squares of extra distance between Alara and her captors.

2017-03-30, 01:43 PM
Akkit does a quick confirmation on the maps it managed to passively gather during it's random explorations of the ship. At the same time the jawa scoots forward a bit and peers at the bulkhead, seeing if there's any way to tap into it from their current position. If it looks like there may be a chance then it will say "Let's see..." as it will begin to tinker with whatever console is present.

First, a stealth check if I have to get my security kit out for this: [roll0]
Second a Use Computer if applicable: [roll1]
Lastly a Mechanics check if applicable: [roll2] with a reroll, take the better of the two: [roll3]

2017-03-30, 02:22 PM
Akkit does a quick confirmation on the maps it managed to passively gather during it's random explorations of the ship. At the same time the jawa scoots forward a bit and peers at the bulkhead, seeing if there's any way to tap into it from their current position. If it looks like there may be a chance then it will say "Let's see..." as it will begin to tinker with whatever console is present.

First, a stealth check if I have to get my security kit out for this: [roll0]
Second a Use Computer if applicable: [roll1]
Lastly a Mechanics check if applicable: [roll2] with a reroll, take the better of the two: [roll3]

Akkit, stop screwing around. If you can fix this, do it fast and let's go. If you want to stay and get fried, that's your call.

2017-03-30, 02:33 PM
"QUIET! Troopers, make your way back to the shuttles. The Vengeance is launching more fighters to cover our retreat. Dump any prisoners except our target down an airlock or garbage chute, and get your butts back here, NOW."

As Dave starts to move, he hits the commlink - "WHAT ARE WE RETREATING FROM?"

2017-03-30, 03:07 PM
As Dave starts to move, he hits the commlink - "WHAT ARE WE RETREATING FROM?"

Kira snorts. She's met Dave- he's funny, but his sense of timing is going to keep him a private forever.

2017-03-30, 03:10 PM
"Sithspit!" Alara curse as she is hit by the stun bolts.
Intent on maximizing the distance between herself and the troopers, she runs as fast and as far down the corridor as she can.

I run as a full-round action. Provided that nothing's in her way, this should put 24 squares of extra distance between Alara and her captors.

You run down the corridor, and take a side passage, and then quickly turn down another corridor. At this point, you have no idea if the troopers are still following you or not, but if they have been keeping up, they'll be right behind you.

As Dave starts to move, he hits the commlink - "WHAT ARE WE RETREATING FROM?"

"This isn't the time, trooper. Quit wasting breath on stupid questions, and get your sorry ass BACK TO THE SHUTTLE!

The starliner rocks again under a new barrage of laser fire. This time, in addition to the blasts, you hear the squealing of metal twisting itself apart. The Variseel Starliner probably won't survive much longer.

2017-03-30, 03:22 PM
They'd be out of their minds to keep chasing me instead of escaping! Alara reasons to herself. While still moving away from the troopers, she slows down enough to be able to listen for boot steps or any other indication that they're still pursuing her.

Perception Roll: [roll0]

2017-03-30, 03:32 PM
Echoes of the Past IC for Now

2017-03-30, 04:54 PM
By the time Greln's idiotic response comes back, Dave's already moving. He climbed from his hiding spot to the gallery level balcony, and running through a set of upper penthouse levels that are largely free from the panicking mass of humanity stampeding from the ballroom.

"No Dave, you don't need any stun grenades. Nothing will go wrong. Idiots." The TIE fighters opened fire on an unarmed and surrendered ship without warning, without some other threat, with friendly troopers on board. When Greln launches his shuttles, the next wave of fighters are going to shoot them too.

Two years on Kashyyyk. Two years. All of his friends died, everything he had. Took him two years to get back. And then he was court martialed, demoted, and grudgingly allowed to live. Now they're going to kill him, and a couple thousand random vacationers.

Dave swears as he's forced to return to the docking bay level. Gonna be more people here. His only chance is to get a shuttle and persuade the pilot to jump them out of here.

Dave's rifle finds its way to his shoulder as he runs. He's not going to stop. All he can do is try to save as many people as possible. He hits the commlink one last time as he slams his way through a doorway. "Sir, just tell them to stop shooting at us!"

2017-03-30, 09:56 PM
Azur runs down the corridor that leads to the closest hangar, shock stick in hand. Hope that crazy girl is ok he thinks.

2017-03-30, 11:09 PM

"Tell you what, trooper. If you think you know so damn much, why don't y-"

The commlink squeals and squelches for a second, then pipes static into your ear.

At the same time, a massive explosion rocks the ship.



Making your way forward, toward whatever destination you have in mind after the destruction of the docking bay (any terminal will display a schematic of the damage, revealing just how badly wounded the ship is, i.e. very) you pass an observation lounge.

Through the large transparisteel windows, you see a massive battle taking place.

A second Star Destroyer has appeared, and is apparently engaged in combat with the other. They are exchanging broadsides of turbolaser fire, and smaller brief flashes of light in the space around and between them indicate ongoing starfighter dogfights.

You aren't sure of what is happening, or why, but you also see another group of TIE fighters looping around for another run against the Starliner.

2017-03-31, 12:18 AM
The second the bulkhead clicks the jawa is back to being along for the escort. After the first it knows the commands to help get them to the proper docking bay, unlocking as needed and redirecting if the schematics say otherwise. Questions of its loyalty is met with a quick "We talk later. Docking Bay #107 comes first. This way is safest for now."

A pause is spared for the battle outside the observation deck before the jawa is right back to doing its best to aid in leading the group of survivors. A tilt of the head and hushed whisper to Kira was spared in the bustle. "Is that normal? And which one are we going to?"

2017-03-31, 07:47 AM
When Greln's voice cuts off, Dave turns and runs the other way, since his destination just got destroyed.

Now he's speeding up, looking simply for the nearest escape vehicle of any sort. The lighted signs towards the escape pods glow continuously, but he passes two already-empty bays.

As he runs, he slams through a kitchen doorway into an observation lounge. Other parties are running through it, largely in the same direction as he is. Through the window, he sees the space battle outside.

When he sees the second star destroyer, he mutters an apology to the now-probably-dead captain, followed by a sotto voce "well, why didn't you just say so..."

But, none of that matters. He keeps running, looking for any escape pods or comrades among the others running.

Does he see anyone he knows?

2017-03-31, 08:40 AM
Unsure whether the troopers are still following her or not, Alara decides not to take any chances and keeps running down the corridor. Eventually she reaches an observation lounge and runs into a group of people desperate to get off the ship.
Upon spotting the two Imperials, her eyes go wide and she screams incoherently "Don'tShootMeI'mAPilotICanGetYouOffThisShip!!!"

2017-03-31, 09:21 AM
Arriving to the scene where Alara is pleading, he walks slowly and says "If I were you I wouldn't harm this girl." he first winks at her, then smiles at the others in the viewport and then adds "I would have to fight you" he says with a steady voice "and even if You won, we all would be dead. The ship's about to explode if I can read the information correctly. We have to find an escape if we want to survive. The Docking bay is that way."

2017-03-31, 09:55 AM
Alara's face brighten up substantially as Azur comes to her defense. It seems her romantic escapades have saved her hide yet again!
She smiles and winks back at Azur and then turns to the others. "If I were you, I'd listen to him!"

2017-03-31, 12:28 PM
Kira proceeds with all haste to the docking back where her shuttle is docked. Once there, she's taking off. Anyone who wants to come along can get on board, buckle in, and shut up.

2017-03-31, 01:39 PM
Kira heads in the direction of her shuttle. She knows the codes, she is the authorized pilot, she is going to get off this thing before it blows.

But as she rounds the final corner to the docking bay, the deck plates start to rend and buckle under your feet.

Then the hull breaches and the atmosphere begins to decompress into open space. The sudden pressure change yanks you off your feet and you start sliding down the hall before grabbing a doorframe to halt your uncontrolled flight down the empty corridor.

Then an emergency bulkhead slams into place, sealing the breached corridor, and you fall to the floor. Hard. Out a small viewport, you see the remains of the shuttle bay blowing out into space in a geyser of flame as the atmo in the bay ejects into open space.

2017-03-31, 05:16 PM
Dave notices Kira ahead of him, running for the passageway to one of the imperial-occupied docking bays, along with some tiny Xeno wearing a bag. And a droid.

"Kira! middle shuttle bay! We have to help these people! The troopers will kill your xeno!"

Dave's not sure if she hears him. She's pretty far away, as the observation deck is loud with the sounds of tortured metal and shouting people. He tries to sprint faster to catch up. As he moves past a side hallway, some screaming pink girl almost tackles him. He jukes to the side and stumbles, and hears her shouting about being a pilot.

As Dave picks himself up, and his gun instinctively comes up with him, another big civilian guy running behind interposes himself between Dave and the girl. He tells Dave something about fighting him for the girl, or something, and they share a moment. More importantly, though, he points at the docking bay. "Got it! Let's move!"

Dave continues on, running towards the corner Kira turned. "Kira! This way!"

Just then, a blast staggers the ship ahead. Dave's sucked towards the chamber, with his heart in his mouth due to the atmo ventilation and the thought of losing more people he knows. When he rounds the corner, he sees Kira down the hall, on the ground, staggered. The xeno is right by, and the flashing red lights of the emergency bulkhead are strobing the room. But, she's moving.

"Get up! This way! Come on!" Turning back to the civilians - the big guy, the pink girl, and a couple other folks, including some four-armed xeno lady - "Come on! Middle bay!"

2017-03-31, 07:13 PM
Dave notices Kira ahead of him, running for the passageway to one of the imperial-occupied docking bays, along with some tiny Xeno wearing a bag. And a droid.

"Kira! middle shuttle bay! We have to help these people! The troopers will kill your xeno!"

Dave's not sure if she hears him. She's pretty far away, as the observation deck is loud with the sounds of tortured metal and shouting people. He tries to sprint faster to catch up. As he moves past a side hallway, some screaming pink girl almost tackles him. He jukes to the side and stumbles, and hears her shouting about being a pilot.

As Dave picks himself up, and his gun instinctively comes up with him, another big civilian guy running behind interposes himself between Dave and the girl. He tells Dave something about fighting him for the girl, or something, and they share a moment. More importantly, though, he points at the docking bay. "Got it! Let's move!"

Dave continues on, running towards the corner Kira turned. "Kira! This way!"

Just then, a blast staggers the ship ahead. Dave's sucked towards the chamber, with his heart in his mouth due to the atmo ventilation and the thought of losing more people he knows. When he rounds the corner, he sees Kira down the corner, on the ground, staggered. The xeno is right by, and the flashing red lights of the emergency bulkhead tell him are strobing the room. But, she's moving.

"Get up! This way! Come on!" Turning back to the civilians - the big guy, the pink girl, and a couple other folks, including four-armed xeno lady - "Come on! Middle bay!"

Kira's bell got rung pretty good on that last one. She wrenches herself upright and staggers after Dave. She's getting to whatever flies and getting them out of here.

2017-03-31, 07:40 PM
Seeing Kira stagger, Dave offers her his gun shoulder to lean on and offers the other hand to the little xeno. Then they run.

2017-03-31, 11:09 PM
Akkit won't turn down help when it's offered, especially since there was that brief reminder that the lungs survived the procedure. A string of beeps insured that J2-3Z3 continued to follow the gaggle of survivors before the jawa looked up at the two imperials and said in it's metallic basic "Any chatter about other pick ups or survivors? I wouldn't know where to start for sending out distress calls in space."

2017-04-01, 04:37 AM
As Dave picks himself up, and his gun instinctively comes up with him, another big civilian guy running behind interposes himself between Dave and the girl. He tells Dave something about fighting him for the girl, or something, and they share a moment. More importantly, though, he points at the docking bay. "Got it! Let's move!"

Alara simply nods. They are all running out of time and she's not going to object to these Imperials' disinterest in killing her. This guy seems to know where he's going, so she's going to follow.

2017-04-01, 05:00 AM
Azur runs next to the others towards the bay, glad that his talk seemed to function. That or the explosions and falling debree.

Take 10 on a perception check when reaching the bay

2017-04-01, 11:43 AM
"Any chatter about other pick ups or survivors? I wouldn't know where to start for sending out distress calls in space."

"Survive first. Come on!"

2017-04-01, 03:13 PM
You reach the docking bay, and you manage to get through the door just in time to see the last of the Imperial shuttles clearing the mag field.

Looking around, you see a couple of other ships. One of which, a shining, chromium hulled skiff, has its ramp down. The body of a well dressed Bothan woman lies on the ramp. Her body is still smoking from the impact of several blaster bolts.

Another to the other side of the bay is a very different ship. This one is old and battered, and looks to be a relic from a long past age of starship construction. Its wings are folded up above its squat squarish body, and it looks like its seen its share of laser blasts over the years.

Both ships look to be large enough to carry all of you, but which one will it be?

2017-04-01, 10:48 PM
Dave's choice is made simply on the fact that one ship has an open ramp, and the starliner is about to explode. He beelines for the sleek space sloop. The decision is ultimately Kira's, though. "Kira, can you fly this? Do you want the other one?"

Dave waits at the bottom of the ramp as they assemble, checking off the little xeno, the big guy, the four armed lady, and the pink girl. He says "Someone start plotting a jump! We may need to get out of this system if they target us!"

2017-04-02, 12:03 AM
Akkit perked up and said from the group of survivors "I could plot a jump in a minute if there's data. Shouldn't be that hard, especially with a nav computer to aid us." The jawa took another look at the ships and gave a shrug at the choices presented since neither would matter at the current moment with all of the explosions.

Use Computer, without any additional modifiers: [roll0]

DC 10 if there's recent data, +5 for a nav computer, and all that other fun junk on page 237.

2017-04-02, 12:23 AM
Kira also prefers the sleek skiff. If its got engines, I can fly it. The ramp and the corpse mean maybe someone else is already on board.

Kira unshoulders her carbine and readies it. She takes a deep breath to steady herself, looks around at the motley crew who've gathered.

Boarding party, now! Dave, you're on the right. Arms, left. Muscles, right down the middle. I'm rear right, Pink rear left. Akkit, get behind me and slice the first computer you see. You're on dirty tricks duty. We talk our way on board if we can, but this is a show of strength either way. If things go to hell, Dave directs the fight. Take his orders or find another way out of here.

I'm flying. Pink, you're a pilot? Nav. Dave and Muscles, you're on turrets, guns, catapults, or throwing wrenches out the back, whatever you can find. Arms, comm. I'll give you my Imperial access; you talk us through if possible. Akkit, you're in the engine room.

First target is the bridge. I fly, Pink covers my back, everyone else clears the rest of the ship.

Kira meets Dave's eyes with a significant look. Legally, she's in charge because she outranks him, but he's got more experience with this. If he suggests anything at all, she'll back him.

Kira looks around. If her party fires on Imperials, that's it, she's cashiered at best and facing a firing squad at worst. But the Service hasn't done right by her, either.

Maybe this is what treason feels like. Feels better than death, that's for sure. She brings her carbine to her shoulder and steps forward, praying that the others follow.

2017-04-02, 03:35 AM
Alara raises her bound hands slightly to make sure that Kira sees them. "Sure thing, but I'm not going to be able to do any of that unless you cut these damn binds off first!"

2017-04-02, 07:51 AM
Dave shrugs, pops a climbing claw, and chops off pink girl's binds.

Dave nods at end of Kira's speech, rather pointedly shows everyone that he's switching his rifle to stun, and then checks to see if the civilians fall into line.

2017-04-02, 07:56 AM
A couple clicks and Akkit is armed with its own weapon, set to stun. A few beeps and J2-3Z3 steps in line a half dozen steps behind with an eye on the party's wellbeing. Finally the jawa prepared itself a half dozen steps behind the rest of the group.

2017-04-02, 09:15 AM
"Thank you, baby.~" Alara says as Dave cuts off her binds and then pulls out her heavy blaster from underneath her tiny vest.
Upon noticing that the other party members are setting their weapons to stun, she rolls her eyes and reluctantly does the same.

The Twi'lek takes her position on the rear left, as requested, and says "Alright then, shall we proceed?"
She follows as everyone boards the ship, keeping her eyes open for anyone or anything that might be within.

2017-04-02, 11:21 AM
The inside of the skiff is just as luxuriously decorated as the outside. The main room that you enter into is a very posh sitting area, with dark blues and greens dominating the color scheme. The side rooms are sleeping quarters, just enough space for four to be only just comfortable, with one larger chamber that appears to be two of the smaller ones without a dividing wall to create a larger bedroom with a higher quality furnishing.

The cockpit is already powered up, and the ship is ready to depart. Your sweep of the ship revealed no one on board, and as more of the docking bay collapses under laser blasts, you decide that it is time to get the feel off this dying ship.

2017-04-02, 12:52 PM
Azur relaxes , as good as he cans, that is not a lot as no one is inside the skif.

He immediately seeks the gunners place (near the cannon or upfront usually, depending on vessels).

If he finds it he seats and straps himself.

If he doesn't he seats and straps in some common area if there is one, or passengers room, or cockpit. But he straps himself. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

2017-04-02, 03:19 PM
They file rapidly into the ship, and clear it. The pilots take their stations, and Dave reminds the little xeno to keep working the jump calculation.

Then he moves back to the ramp, quickly inspects the remote and the body, and then kicks the poor woman's body off the ramp. Then he closes the ramp and shouts "We're good to go!"

Eyeball the remote to make sure that it's a remote, not a detonator. Mechanics at +9 = [roll0]
Search the body to make sure that she's dead, they didn't put a grenade under her, and see if she's carrying anything useful (especially registration papers or a wallet or something). Perception at +10, take 10 on the reroll: [roll1]

Note that he's moving as quickly as possible on these, not trying to delay the flight.

As they lift off, Dave keeps moving, rummaging around for a flight suit or a vacuum survival suit or something.

2017-04-02, 03:24 PM
They file rapidly into the ship, and clear it. The pilots take their stations, and Dave reminds the little xeno to keep working the jump calculation.

Then he moves back to the ramp, quickly inspects the remote and the body, and then kicks the poor woman's body off the ramp. Then he closes the ramp and shouts "We're good to go!"

Eyeball the remote to make sure that it's a remote, not a detonator. Mechanics at +9 = [roll0]
Search the body to make sure they didn't put a grenade under her, and see if she's carrying anything useful (especially registration papers or a wallet or something). Perception at +10, take 10 on the reroll: [roll1]

Note that he's moving as quickly as possible on these, not trying to delay the flight.

As they lift off, Dave keeps moving, rummaging around for a flight suit or a vacuum survival suit or something.

Hold up-- is she actually dead? Please check first.

2017-04-02, 04:16 PM
Once they reach the cockpit, Alara holsters her weapon, sits down in the copilot seat, and access navigational data.

She turns to Kira. "Shall we do this?"
Pilot check to Aid Kira's Pilot check: [roll0]

2017-04-02, 04:38 PM
As soon as Dave has either rescued the Bothan or dumped the body, Kira raises the ramp and requests Akkit to open the bay doors. She'll come out shields up, guns ready but not firing unless fired upon or unless she sees the right target.

Piloting roll: [roll0]

2017-04-02, 07:20 PM
Akkit makes itself comfortable in the engine room as best as it can, once it's done with setting the jump up. When the call for bay doors comes the jawa attempts to send the command so that they can get going as soon as possible. Otherwise it's getting used to what this ship could do while absentmindedly planning on improvements already.

Here's that: [roll0]

Alternatively Mechanics if it could apply (I don't think it does): [roll1] and reroll: [roll2] taking the better of the two.

2017-04-03, 10:05 AM
With only two chairs, and not much room for other crew, the group of people in the cockpit uncomfortably move about until everyone is seated. Powering the engines up, they hum to life and the ship slips gracefully into the black of space. And immediately comes under fire from several groups of TIE fighters that closed in to destroy the fleeing craft.

On the console before her, Alara sees that a hyperspace route has already been calculated. It reads as "Leg Three," but the coordinates do not seem to correspond to a system she knows.

There is no dedicated gunner console, which seems to leave everyone else without anything to do. There is, however a weapons section listed in Kira's controls.

Alara, meanwhile, finds that a screen in front of her is cheerfully informing her that a hyperspace route has already been charted. The jump coordinates are listed and display on the sensors as on the other side of the Starliner, pointed towards Galactic Core.

2017-04-03, 10:19 AM
"Turn the Damned shields on before we are destroyed." says Azur. Them he realizes that maybe the ship doesn't have one... Sithspit

2017-04-03, 11:09 AM
Akkit gave a shrug to the already present hyperspace route and said "I doubt the owner was going to some place dangerous. We can try some other place once we get out of here." The jawa got comfortable in it's spot as it prepared to get the heck out of here. With impact came the quick tapping of screens and flipping of switches to do...something.

Swift Action of the shields are, indeed, down still. Three swift to restore 5 points if they're down. Three swift to move the ship up a step up the condition track if necessary.

Mechanics for the last two possibilities: higher of [roll0] and [roll1]

Edit: Failed either way.

2017-04-03, 12:23 PM
Asuna thanked the maker that the questioning from the troopers didn't leave her with any bruises. She was also glad that they hadn't found her blaster. She knew that the license she had said it was legal, but the Imps wouldn't see it that way. She had been corralled into a room with all the other non-humans. It seemed that some of the others fared far worse than she had. There were some in cuffs, some not moving at all.

She had no idea how long she had been there when the ship started rocking. She was becoming scared. Someone approached, Asuna thought that it might be an Imperial officer, then began talking to a Jawa. She had a few dealing with Jawa's herself, but none that actually spoke basic. She watched them leave and decided to follow them, keeping a safe distance. It wasn't long until all hell was breaking loose and Asuna found herself on the floor. If it wasn't for the bulkhead closing, she was sure that she would of ended up dead.

The small group had grown on the journey to the nearest landing bay. One of the newcomers, an Imperial trooper, started barking out orders. Like the others, Asuna got out her blaster and took up the position the trooper had given her. They approached a ship with its ramp already down and a dead Bothan lying on it. She tried to not look at the body as she passed. Once they were on board the ship the female Imperial started giving out more orders, she even had the gall to call her arms. "I have a name you know." She said a little louder than she had intended.

2017-04-03, 12:40 PM
"It seems the previous owner already planned a route!" Alara informs everyone. "I don't recognize the system, but it's better than staying here! Besides the ship's ready to jump into hyperspace, we just need to get to the other side of the starliner and point the ship towards the galactic core!"

2017-04-03, 01:25 PM
Kira doesn't replot the jump; there's no time, and there is probably better than here.

Strap in! We're busting out of here.

2017-04-03, 01:26 PM
Asuna thanked the maker that the questioning from the troopers didn't leave her with any bruises. She was also glad that they hadn't found her blaster. She knew that the license she had said it was legal, but the Imps wouldn't see it that way. She had been corralled into a room with all the other non-humans. It seemed that some of the others fared far worse than she had. There were some in cuffs, some not moving at all.

She had no idea how long she had been there when the ship started rocking. She was becoming scared. Someone approached, Asuna thought that it might be an Imperial officer, then began talking to a Jawa. She had a few dealing with Jawa's herself, but none that actually spoke basic. She watched them leave and decided to follow them, keeping a safe distance. It wasn't long until all hell was breaking loose and Asuna found herself on the floor. If it wasn't for the bulkhead closing, she was sure that she would of ended up dead.

The small group had grown on the journey to the nearest landing bay. One of the newcomers, an Imperial trooper, started barking out orders. Like the others, Asuna got out her blaster and took up the position the trooper had given her. They approached a ship with its ramp already down and a dead Bothan lying on it. She tried to not look at the body as she passed. Once they were on board the ship the female Imperial started giving out more orders, she even had the gall to call her arms. "I have a name you know." She said a little louder than she had intended.

Great, I'll learn it later.

2017-04-03, 05:02 PM
Kira's hands dance along the controls, and she finds the skiff quite maneuverable. With a flip and a twist, she pilots the ship along and over the hull of the starliner as it begins to break apart. As you approach the coordinates for the jump, you see the Star Destroyers in the distance continuing their duel.

Then, there is a massive explosion from one of the Destroyers. Massive flames gout from multiple breaches in the hull. The destroyer begins to list. The second destroyer continues to pour fire into the hull of the first ship, and soon after, there is a blinding flash of white light, and when it clears, you see the first destroyer's hull break apart. Another series of secondary explosions are the last things you see as your skiff makes the jump to lightspeed.

2017-04-03, 06:38 PM
Even as the ship takes off and starts maneuvering, Dave doesn't. He slings his rifle over the front - still ready, but he can keep moving; and he scours the ship for basic necessities. He radiates tension. As Kira slides hard into evasive maneuvers Dave takes a slide or two, bounces off a few doorways, but keeps on.

First order of business, vacuum gear. There's gotta be a stash somewhere. Second, find out where they're going. Can't do that. Shout to the little xeno - "Can you figure out where we're headed?" Third, inventory water supplies. Fourth, food. Probably not gonna take more than a week; no need to worry about s**tter capacity. Fifth, figure out if any of these civilians are gonna try to kill him. Wait, maybe that's third.

Either way, he moves.

Searching the ship, looking for all the stuff above, and/or concealed compartments or supply lockers. Perception 1d20+10, take 10 on reroll = [roll0]

2017-04-04, 01:48 AM
Akkit didn't want to leave until the jawa was certain the ship was in a decent shape. Once satisfied it would finally leave to whatever served as a meeting room with J2-3Z3 and say "I knew I should've just stayed on Tatooine. Since we're a bunch of survivors we should probably introduce ourselves? My name is Akkit of the B'Omar Flats." The jawa tapped inside it's robes, causing a slight metallic tap with each touch, before it continued with it's explanation. "There's a reason I have that dull tone and speak basic. It's not a big concern, though."

Either [roll0] or [roll1]

Also a Galactic Lore if I notice the sector: [roll2]

2017-04-04, 03:57 PM
As soon as the stars blur into the hyperspace jump, Kira pulls the sweaty hair out of her face, breathes deeply, and sags into the chair.

Twitchy little ship. Responsive, I like it.

I'm Pilot Officer Kira Kelbier, off the Korut's Vengeance. Maybe formerly, depending on how that battle turned out. I know Akkit going way back, from the home settlement, and Dave there has been stationed on Korut's for almost as long as I have. Who are the rest of you?

2017-04-04, 05:11 PM
Knowledge (Galactic Lore) check for information about the empty portion of space we're jumping to:
Knowledge (Galactic Lore) check for New Alderaan to see what I know about that system:
Assist Other (Mechanics) check to assist Akkit in a full inventory and systems check of the ship:

Could I also get a response to the rolls in the OOC thread about whether Kira could tell if the Star Destroyer that was being destroyed as they jumped out was the Korut's Vengeance or not? Total with modifiers is 14.

2017-04-04, 06:52 PM
...and Dave there has been stationed on Korut's for almost as long as I have. Who are the rest of you?

Dave waves to all when he hears his name, then keeps fussing.

Once he's done his inspections, he pops his helmet off and hooks it to his belt, and sits down near the entrance to one of the bedrooms. Everyone else sees a gaunt man who looks older than he is, with bright green eyes and a 24-hour growth of ginger beard stubble. He looks like a cornered cat, still but coiled and nervous.

"Hi. I'm DV-2R7. I like 'Dave' more, though. I'm a scout. Hi Kira. Umm... ma'am. Hi Akkit."

Dave doesn't know what else to talk about, so he just stares off, fidgeting with his fingers. He misses his tree. A few minutes later, he awkwardly and abruptly says "there's some lockboxes. We should open them but I don't have a kit. We've got lots of food and stuff, so that's fine. If we decompress those field generators there will help."

A few minutes later he abruptly says "I don't know why they started shooting at us."

Akkit's the only one of our many mechanics with a security kit, so Gunhaven, up to you how to do it - but you can take 20. Dave will aid another, both on Kira & Akkit's ship search ([roll0]) and any attempt to pick the locks. ([roll1])

2017-04-05, 12:11 AM
A few minutes later he abruptly says "I don't know why they started shooting at us."

"That's the real question, isn't it. I was there at Taris when that corvette went rogue, and I heard about an entire frigate all the way across the galaxy that went pirate with three whole wings of fighters, but to have have two Star Destroyers slugging it out... I don't know. The ugly answer is civil war. If the Sith Lords have broken into open aggression against each other, entire systems could burn.

You and I both heard Greln over the comm. He said 'any prisoners except our target'. They were looking for someone in particular, and it sounded like they found 'em."

2017-04-05, 03:40 AM
"That was some very decent flying, Kira.~" Alara says playfully once the pilot has introduced herself.

"Alara Maru, reveler and professional ne'er-do-well," The Twi'lek introduces herself with a sheepish smile. "And if you are curious as to why my hands were bound -the binds of which I am quite grateful that you cut, cutey.~" She blows Dave a kiss before returning to her original subject. "It was because I lacked an ID. I'm just letting ya know in case you're worried that I'm some dangerous criminal.~"

2017-04-05, 06:31 AM
"That was a good tactical play of the attacker. It was like seeing one of the ancient holo-flicks of space engaments." Azur says to the others.

"I am Azur Nox, also known in some places as the "Hammer". I fight, I win. And that starliner that you" pointing at the imperials "destroyed was my chance to bigger things."

His voice starts to get lower and dangerous "What the wronsk idea was that to kill inocent civilians? Who was the leader of the ship ?"

2017-04-05, 12:37 PM
"That was a good tactical play of the attacker. It was like seeing one of the ancient holo-flicks of space engaments." Azur says to the others.

"I am Azur Nox, also known in some places as the "Hammer". I fight, I win. And that starliner that you" pointing at the imperials "destroyed was my chance to bigger things."

His voice starts to get lower and dangerous "What the wronsk idea was that to kill inocent civilians? Who was the leader of the ship ?"

Kira doesn't rise to the bait. "Sith Lord Sela'at, unless it was the commander of the other Star Destroyer. If you have a problem, take it up with him, unless he was on board that lost Star Destroyer. I sure won't stand in your way."

2017-04-06, 05:14 AM
"Sela'at it is!" says Azur "If he didn't die in this affair, he will pay." he adds, calming a bit, and taling a somber expression as if he was making a pledge to some forgoten entity or god, and going against a Sith lord was something normal.

2017-04-06, 08:13 AM
...She blows Dave a kiss before returning to her original subject

Dave looks utterly baffled by Alara's flirting. He turns and stares, confused; and fidgets his fingers a bit.

His voice starts to get lower and dangerous "What the wronsk idea was that to kill inocent civilians? Who was the leader of the ship ?"

When Azur points and his voice lowers, Dave stops fidgeting. He doesn't move much, but his hand moves toward the pistol grip of his rifle and his feet adjust slightly so he can stand quickly. And then he stares, utterly still.

After a few moments pass, and Azur seems to drop it, Dave starts to fidget again.

"If we're not going to New Alderaan, we're meeting something. Maybe this ship has some information about it. They told me all Bothans were spies. Maybe she was a spy."

2017-04-06, 09:09 AM
Akkit clapped its metallic gloved hands and rose back to its feat, idly droning "Never a dull moment. First will be the nooks of our home, then what exists tucked away, and finally if it needs doing a record search." The jawa will start at one lockbox, a click to get out its security kit just like back on the ship, before a slow circuit was made to the other lockbox and ending where it started.

Gonna let Asuna do the computer check.
Mechanics Check to check the crannies: [roll0] or 23 (unless I can't take 10 on the reroll, then: [roll1])

Mechanics Check to unlock the cockpit lockbox: [roll2] or 21 (unless I can't take 10 on the reroll, then: [roll3])

Mechanics Check to unlock the bedroom lockbox: [roll4] or 21 (unless I can't take 10 on the reroll, then: [roll5])

2017-04-06, 09:42 AM
Asuna looked around at each of the people as they introduced themselves. She was dreading her turn. When it finally was her turn, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "My name is Asuna, Asuna Obee. I was sent here by my adopti...parents. I was to meet with some potential clients for my families courier business, then get off the ship at the next stop." She let out a mournful sigh, "Looks like that won't be happening now. My mother is gonna have Bantha babies if I don't contact her soon." Then as an after though she added, "I'm...I'm from Nar Shadda, the uh famous Smugglers moon." She shook her head, almost as if she were chiding herself.

She looked on as the group was deciding what to do next. When someone had said something about finding information from the ships computer, Asuna smiled. "I might be able to help with that. I'm a bit of a slicer back home." She was smiling until she remembered that there were two Sith loving imperials on board.

2017-04-06, 02:49 PM
She looked on as the group was deciding what to do next. When someone had said something about finding information from the ships computer, Asuna smiled. "I might be able to help with that. I'm a bit of a slicer back home." She was smiling until she remembered that there were two Sith loving imperials on board.

Kira smiles wearily. "That would be wonderful. Thank you."

2017-04-07, 01:25 PM
Akkit begins disassembling the cargo bay, removing one panel after another in a systematic fashion. As each gets lifted away, what lies beyond gets revealed. But under a panel that was covered by the food rations, a hidden mystery is uncovered. As Akkit removes the deckplate, he just manages to spot several tripwires attached to the plate around its edges. When the tripwires were disabled, the plate could be removed and what lay beneath was uncovered.

First, a series of false wires and conduits designed to look as though the section of components was continuous and not interrupted by what lies in the actual center.

Inside the deckplate is a smuggler's compartment. This one appears to be wired for detonation should the box be tampered with. Fortunately for Akkit, the deigner of the trap had not planned on the box being accessed from its side, and the Jawa is able to disconnect the proper wiring and open the smuggler's compartment.

Inside the compartment is a small crystalline object, a dodecahedron roughly 15 cm by 15 cm by 15 cm. The object has a soft greenish color, and several of its faces are covered with some kind of leather.

2017-04-07, 10:03 PM
"Huh. Anyone ever see one of those before?

2017-04-08, 02:37 AM
Azur, being an action guy, approaches the dodecahedron and simply picks it. He brings it close to his eyes and watches closely searching for inscriptions, clues, mechanisms or something like that.

"Don't think I have..." he replies

Take 20 on perception if allowed, or 10 if not for 27/17

2017-04-08, 08:45 AM
Akkit will place what it finds in the other lockboxes on what amounts to the dining room table so that others can look over them before the jawa tackles the searching and eventual discovery a strange object. As others examine it, the jawa states in it's metallic drone "It's probably worth something with all those security measures. I bet we could find a buyer somewhere once we fuel up and get turned around." After a few seconds the jawa starts to pace around the cargo bay, returning the panels in reverse order, and making sure that the ship is otherwise how it was before they commandeered it.

2017-04-08, 09:36 AM
"It's probably worth something with all those security measures. I bet we could find a buyer somewhere once we fuel up and get turned around."

Dave listens to Akkit's analysis of the situation, but disagrees a bit. He butts in curtly, almost immediately after Akkit's stops talking. "We're going to an arranged drop off a normal route. Someone might be waiting for us, and they might kill us once they realize we're not the Bothan they were expecting. That's first concern."

Dave turns to Asuna and gestures to the card and datapad - "Can you break the crypto on that?"

2017-04-08, 10:03 AM
Strange markings cover the device. If they are a language, it is one you do not recognize. There is an odd sort of repition or pattern in the symbols. But, while you recognize that a pattern does exist, you have no idea of it actually means anything.

2017-04-08, 08:08 PM
Once Azur is done, Kira will also examine the object. She'll take special care to look for switches, buttons, or hidden compartments.

Taking 20 here.

2017-04-08, 08:26 PM
You don't find anything new. Just smooth edges and the odd symbols that have been etched into the crystal. Under the leather, you find more of the symbols, but nothing to give any indication as to what the object is.

For all you know it is some bizarre paperweight.

2017-04-09, 03:03 AM
Alara looks at the dodecahedron as Kira examines it. "You know, once we get back to civilization, I could ask around and find out what that thing actually is-" She gives Akkit a sly smile. "-and find out just how much it is worth.~" She turns back to look at the object. "I'm quite adept at finding the right kind of people to get good information from.~"

2017-04-09, 04:06 PM
Very strange. I'm really not sure what to make of this.

Well, we can't do much with this thing anyway. Let's split those credits evenly and called that dealt with. We're en route to a place that's got to be safer than where we came from. Once we get there, we can figure out what all just happened, and what to do about it.

I'm going to turn in for a few hours, catch some shut-eye.

I've got no more actions before we drop out of hyperspace (or whatever important game event happens first.

2017-04-10, 07:29 AM
Dave turns to Asuna and gestures to the card and datapad - "Can you break the crypto on that?"

Asuna takes the things from Dave and gives them a quick look over. "Sure, I'll see what I can do with it."

Use computer: [roll0]

2017-04-10, 07:48 PM
Azur when the Co pilots seat is empty, goes there and starts surveying the guns the ship has, familiarising with the controls.

After that he goes next to Alara and asks "Why did you run back in the ship? Before we could have talked it through?"

2017-04-11, 08:39 AM
Dave snatches the holdout blaster from the table as they move to start disassembling the ship. He gives Akkit as much help as he can with the panels, but generally lets the little xeno do its job.

He's not that curious about the thingy in the box - it doesn't look like its going to blow up or kill him, so he doesn't have that much time for it.

He grounds his armor in the side room closest to the exit and the vacuum-survival devices, and slings his rifle over his shoulder. And then he moves back into the common room, finds a comfy spot on the floor, sits, and waits. He's not sure how to make casual conversation, so he just says something the first thing that comes to mind - "Gonna be hard to get clean clothes. Might need to wash our undies in the sink. Don't wanna get a rash."

Barring any particular revelation about where we're going from the encrypted commo card, Dave's good to go.

2017-04-11, 09:29 AM
Asuna, after some tinkering with the pad, the card, and the help of her own data pad and some wiring, manages to start decrypting the datacard. It looks to be some kind of log, with names listed along one side of a table, with some numbers listed in the next two or three. Then there is some shorthand written in the next column. The entire data card is filled with this information, and without some kind of key or legend? It may as well be gibberish.

The pad, though, as it finally begins to display information, is much more interesting. This looks like a personal journal. A lot of the entries are still encrypted, but the most recent entry that is readable makes some sense.

Managed to recover the artifact, and got offworld in one piece. Jelum got eaten by one of those beasts. Never seen anything that nasty before, outside of rancors. This thing though, it was bigger and nastier, with spikes growing out of it. Ate Jelum in one go. More pay for me. Now I'm off to see Reyal. Supposed to meet him on some fancy starliner out in the Rim.

The next three entries list concerns about getting paid. Then:

Reyal gave me our cut of the job. Didn't seem pleased but he go out an airlock for all I care. If he didn't want his baby brother to die, he shouldn't have sent us to a graveyard world like that. Said he was done with his client, and I can take the crystal to her myself. Apparently, Reyal doesn't much care to live, because he is sending me to meet the Sith Lord instead of taking it himself. Idiot. If I get out of this one, I'll buy a bolt in his slimy human head myself. The drive is programming the jump course now. Just another couple days and it'll all be behind me.

And the last entry:

Imperials! They're going to board. I have to make sure the cargo is secure. Damnit! Why couldn't this job have just gone the way it was supposed to? Easy credits, that's what I was promised, and now I'm probably going to have my ship seized. Whatever this crystal is, I should make this damn Sith Lord pay me double. What did Reyal say her name was? Sara? Sela? Whatever. I'm not getting paid enough for this.

2017-04-11, 03:07 PM
Azur when the Co pilots seat is empty, goes there and starts surveying the guns the ship has, familiarising with the controls.

After that he goes next to Alara and asks "Why did you run back in the ship? Before we could have talked it through?"

Alara gives Azur a somber look. "Because I know from experience that rooms like that are a death trap when Imperials are searching a ship, and I had to act fast," she explains. "I know you're good, baby, -I've seen you fight- but had I remained, the two of us would not have been a match for them."

"I did appreciate you coming to my protection when we met up again, though." The Twi'lek gives him a warm smile.

He grounds his armor in the side room closest to the exit and the vacuum-survival devices, and slings his rifle over his shoulder. And then he moves back into the common room, finds a comfy spot on the floor, sits, and waits. He's not sure how to make casual conversation, so he just says something the first thing that comes to mind - "Gonna be hard to get clean clothes. Might need to wash our undies in the sink. Don't wanna get a rash."
Alara gives both Dave and Azur a playful smile. "I sure am glad that I'm not the only one with undies on my mind.~"

2017-04-11, 04:27 PM
Akkit for it's part simply mulls over the information presented to them before finally saying "Sith Lord sounds like one of you humans should deal with it eventually. Seems like xenos are welcomed at least so if things get dicey I could try to help talk our way out of it." When talk began about personal hygiene the jawa gave a stiff shrug of the shoulders and added "I'll do mine and J2-3Z3's cleaning in the engine room. Feels right. But before that happens, was anyone injured? It's good at it's job." The last bit was said with some amusement creeping into the otherwise dry tone.

2017-04-11, 05:03 PM
"Gonna be hard to get clean clothes. Might need to wash our undies in the sink. Don't wanna get a rash."

"I sure am glad that I'm not the only one with undies on my mind.~"

Dave's face radiates satisfaction that he was completely understood. "If you need to use it first you can have dibs."

2017-04-12, 12:17 PM
Whatever this crystal is, I should make this damn Sith Lord pay me double. What did Reyal say her name was? Sara? Sela? Whatever. I'm not getting paid enough for this.

"Huh... I don't know who that Sith Lord is. Korut's Vengeance was commanded by Darth Sela'at, and he was a guy."

Dave frets about the implications of a Sith lord at the other end of the hyperjump. If they surrender, they're powerless if the lord decides to kill them. If they run, the lord will definitely decide to kill them, but maybe they can escape.

2017-04-12, 12:45 PM
"It's what I do." Azur replies to Alara.

"About this Sela sith-girl-lordess, If she is waiting for us, we just have to sell her the artefact. She is expecting someone to do it. We deliver and receive payment for it. With luck We can start a new, better life"

2017-04-12, 05:20 PM
Sounds like a plan.

Asuna or Alara, I don't want my face attached to this if at all possible. Imperials who get caught between Sith Lords don't tend to come out unsquished. You two want to handle the negotiation?

2017-04-13, 03:20 AM
"It would be my pleasure to do it.~" Alara replies, she then turns to Asuna. "Unless you object, of course."

2017-04-13, 10:25 AM
Asuna shared the information with the others and listened closely to the discussion that followed. When the probability of her and one of the other non-imps go ahead with the delivery of the strange object, she had some objections. "Why us? Is it because they are already expecting xenos? Or is it because we're expendable? How would this she-Sith know you were with the empire?" She doesn't wait for the answers before answering the Twi'leks question. "I have no objections, but I don't think you should go it alone. So, I guess, I'll go with you."

2017-04-13, 04:19 PM
Akkit for it's part let the others talk before it said "I doubt that we will be far away during the entire transaction. At least we have time to come up with a story before we arrive. We just need to pretend to know the owner and that they sent us in their place. As for imperials versus non-imperials it doesn't matter. More likely than not we're going to be stuck together for the foreseeable future so we might as well get along for the time being."

2017-04-13, 05:03 PM
Dave is growing increasingly uncomfortable, but not in the normal way. He's not used to talking through things.

"Do we have to go at all? They killed thousands of people to get after some smuggler. This may be the ship, or the thing, they want. Why are we going to them at all? Why not drop out of hyperspace, recalculate, and get away?"

2017-04-13, 07:58 PM
Dave is growing increasingly uncomfortable, but not in the normal way. He's not used to talking through things.

"Do we have to go at all? They killed thousands of people to get after some smuggler. This may be the ship, or the thing, they want. Why are we going to them at all? Why not drop out of hyperspace, recalculate, and get away?"

There's another nasty option. Given the chaos back at the Starliner, we may not be given the chance to make an offer. The people waiting for us may not be the people our late courier expected to make his sale to. They may simply take the item, and beat us, kill us, or worse, capture us and torture us for information. I've heard of worse from commandos when they're drinking.

2017-04-14, 03:54 AM
"Wimp out if you want." Says Azur "I'll do it, even alone, if needed. This is a great chance of having a different life."

"Probably we won't even deal with sith-Sela-girl directly. Just an clerical or secretary worker, that has the credits ready for wiring. What could go wrong in a simple delivery and payment?

The meeting will happen in a secret place in mid space, so the only one that knows should be the one that ordered."

2017-04-14, 09:48 AM
"Bad idea to put yourself at Sith mercy. Don't know what we're jumping into, but I know they're more ready for us than we are for them. We should go somewhere else. If you guys don't do that, then we at least need to be ready to bug out as soon as we drop into realspace."

2017-04-14, 11:52 AM
"Wimp out if you want." Says Azur "I'll do it, even alone, if needed. This is a great chance of having a different life."

"Probably we won't even deal with sith-Sela-girl directly. Just an clerical or secretary worker, that has the credits ready for wiring. What could go wrong in a simple delivery and payment?

The meeting will happen in a secret place in mid space, so the only one that knows should be the one that ordered."

Maybe. But if we're talking about top-level Sith negotiations, well, they often don't keep their word among each other. Small-timers like us are a casualty. Trust me-- I've been a part of the machine. I don't think we can make any assumptions about who knows, given the mess we saw back at Burgola. At least two Sith Lords want this thing. Two can't keep a secret, not if other Sith Lords know very well that there's a secret to know.

If we can make a clean handoff, let's do it. But Akkit, I'd like you to plot an escape jump for us and have it ready before we drop into the system in case we need to bug out.

2017-04-16, 02:48 PM
"I have no objections, but I don't think you should go it alone. So, I guess, I'll go with you."
"As you wish," Alara replies and gives Asuna a mischievous smile. "Just let me do the talking."

If we can make a clean handoff, let's do it. But Akkit, I'd like you to plot an escape jump for us and have it ready before we drop into the system in case we need to bug out.
Alara shrugs. "Sounds like a decent plan to me."

The Twi'lek then waltz up next to the Jawa and its droid. "Hey Akkit, would you mind if J2-3Z3 gave me a check-up?~" she asks while placing her hand on the droid and stroking it affectionately. "Some troopers back on the starliner landed a few shots on me. Only stun bolts, thankfully, but I'd still like to get looked at if I may?"

2017-04-16, 09:34 PM
Akkit nodded along and said "Let's try to adjust the jump first, then I'll try and tackle the escape jump... It'll be difficult. And sure..." A brief burst of beeps and drones between the two and J2-3Z3 moved over to the twi'lek. Cold metal hands went over the patient, stored memory of humanoid bodies enabling it to find where damage was done and correct such spots. Time wasn't an issue since they'd have about a week to perform the necessary surgery. Akkit in the mean time wandered off from the main group and got to work on the navcomputer, saying "That's no good..." loud enough for the others to barely hear it.

J2-3Z3 will take 10 on the Treat Injury check to heal damage, getting 24. Heal Con Mod (Min 1) * Level damage and any persistent conditions.

Akkit gets that sweet, sweet 11 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21922323&postcount=134) to try and modify the jump midjump. Here's another check to try and fix it: [roll0] +5 probably for using a navcomputer.

Akkit will get a: [roll1] for setting up a new jump, despite the odds being against him. Here's that worst case scenario [roll2]

Also: It seems like I may have actually succeeding depending on if the data is applicable or not. Freaking DC 10 or DC 30 check.

2017-04-19, 12:01 AM
The Shadow reverts back to realspace with a soft whump.

Unsure of what exactly you will be expecting, you are surprised to find... Nothing. No ship, no Star Destroyer, nothing but the inky blackness of space.

Further decryption of data found on the ship finds that this is to be expected. Apparently, the former owner had some dealings with several Sith Lords and seemed to enjoy making her wait.

Goddess, but these Sith love making me wait. Almost as much as they love making an appearance. Shock and Awe. Standard Imperial drek...

Three hours later, a small craft drops out of hyperspace. Too small to be military. But then you receive a transmission. The voice on the other end of the transmission is cool and feminine, and the sound of it makes even Alara's silken voice a run for its credits.

The stars align, and within the swell of light, how many shadows are cast?

2017-04-19, 08:29 AM
It didn't take J2-3Z3 long to treat Alara's wounds, and once she was fully restored, she spent the rest of the travel time socializing and flirting with the others, and fooling around with Azur whenever possible.


Once they arrive to their destination, Alara is in the copilot seat in the cockpit. Upon receiving the transmission, she can't help but to admire the Sith Lady's voice and the way she speaks. Nevertheless, once the Twi'lek hear her obviously asking for a passphrase, she turns to her compatriots. "Okay, let me do the talking! Now, did the datapad mention anything about a passphrase?"

Alara waits for the others to give her a reply before proceeding, but she will stop anyone from hailing the Sith vessel.

2017-04-19, 08:52 AM
Upon receiving the transmission, she can't help but to admire the Sith Lady's voice and the way she speaks. Nevertheless, once the Twi'lek hear her obviously asking for a passphrase, she turns to her compatriots. "Okay, let me do the talking! Now, did the datapad mention anything about a passphrase?"

As they approach the end of the jump, Dave armors up and takes his habitual spot near the corner of the exit ramp. A couple of times he gets up and pokes Kira on the shoulder - "We could be followed. Ma'am. We've got an escape, right?" - then sits down again, waiting quietly.

When the sleek other ship warps in, Dave is immediately attentive. As the silken voice comes over the intercom, he mutters (in Alara's earshot) "Dunno a pass code. We've got their toy, that's probably passcode enough."

"Is somebody scanning that ship?"

2017-04-19, 10:24 AM
"The phrase, despite it's beauty, seems some kind of code. Or else it's the theatrical stuff it was refered in the text." says Azur intrigued "but coming in a small ship is something nice." pointing at the guns.

2017-04-19, 12:09 PM
When the sleek other ship warps in, Dave is immediately attentive. As the silken voice comes over the intercom, he mutters (in Alara's earshot) "Dunno a pass code. We've got their toy, that's probably passcode enough."

"Sure it is, but having said passcode always makes things easier," Alara replies before turning to the Pilot. "Kira, would you be a dear and scan that ship?~"

With that, the Twi'lek opens a channel to the other ship and transmits a response. "Twelve, madam. For that is how many sides your precious artifact possess. I'm afraid that Reyal couldn't make it, but fear not! For we have brought the very artifact you so desire!~"

Not sure if a Persuasion check is needed, but if so I'll take 10 for a result of 26.

2017-04-19, 09:02 PM
There is a momentary pause.

You hear what is obviously a hand being placed over the microphone.

There is a pause.

There is a very long pause.

You begin to wonder if they are going to blast you into shards of metal and gas.

Very well. Prepare to dock.

2017-04-19, 09:26 PM
Almost without thinking, Dave takes up his habitual spot, overwatching the entrance ramp, prone, bipod out, ready, still.

2017-04-20, 06:41 AM
"They are at least two there. Let's prepare for being boarded. Spread for diminishing the probability of being struck with grenades and keep clear line of fire." Azur says, using his tactical knowledge for directing a an unassuming but safer placement.

taking 10 on knowledge tactics for it if needed

2017-04-20, 07:08 AM
Alara was unfazed by the silence. There was no way the Sith Lady was going to destroy the ship if it meant losing her prize. No, if anything she would kill them after she had gotten her hands on it.

Very well. Prepare to dock.
"Excellent!" Alara responds. "May I and my associate come aboard?"

As she awaits a response, Alara grabs the dodecahedron, then pulls out her heavy blaster to make sure that it is not set on stun.

If they do not respond, the Twi'lek will make her way to the entrance ramp. There she waits while visibly holding the crystal in one hand and pointing her blaster at it with the other.

2017-04-20, 12:24 PM
Akkit for its part stuck to the engine room, finding a comfortable enough place to recharge and maintain the new body. The jawa didn't go out of its way to socialize, satisfied mostly with the hum of an engine. When questions of escape routes came up it responded with a somewhat exasperated "I've done what I could with what I have. Updated data will, of course, help get us to the correct destination." To the discussion of talking, Akkit responds with "Let me know if aid is needed there as well. My dad taught me some things before I left home."

2017-04-20, 12:31 PM
You will not. I will be boarding your vessel.

Meanwhile, a scan of the ship reveals three life readings. One is presumably the Sith Lord. The other two are likely guards of some sort.

Two and a half minutes later, you hear the hiss of air seeping into the docking collar joining your ship to the other. Then you hear a small thud followed by a beep.

Then a knock.

Upon opening the door, you are confronted by a soldier in red and black armor. The armor seems to have molded to the trooper so that it fit like a second skin. The woman has her rifle slung low, one hand still holding the grip. She looks to both Dave and Alara. Dave receives a scowl, Alara, holding the crystal hostage as she is, receives a smirk, as though daring her to try and shoot the crystal.

Her other hand extends to the side and waves forward, motioning a signal to someone still behind.

"We are clear, my Lady."

From behind the trooper, another figure strides forward, black robes barely fluttering as the figure glides forward.

Reaching the Shadow's common area, the Sith Lord reaches up and pulls back the robe's hood to reveal a strikingly beautiful woman. Snow white hair tumbles past a face so perfect, it looks to have been sculpted. Her blue eyes are so pale they are almost grey, and when she speaks... You realize that this woman could likely have had her choice in life, and she chose the path of the Sith.

"It would be foolish indeed to try and destroy that crystal. It would survive the attempt."

Her voice, so full of melody and vibrancy turns cold. "You would not."

She extends her hand out to Alara, palm up, providing Alara with the opportunity to give the woman the crystal.

2017-04-20, 03:19 PM
Upon opening the door, you are confronted by a soldier in red and black armor. The armor seems to have molded to the trooper so that it fit like a second skin. The woman has her rifle slung low, one hand still holding the grip. She looks to both Dave and Alara. Dave receives a scowl, Alara, holding the crystal hostage as she is, receives a smirk, as though daring her to try and shoot the crystal.
The Twi'lek responds with a smirk of her own.

From behind the trooper, another figure strides forward, black robes barely fluttering as the figure glides forward.

Reaching the Shadow's common area, the Sith Lord reaches up and pulls back the robe's hood to reveal a strikingly beautiful woman. Snow white hair tumbles past a face so perfect, it looks to have been sculpted. Her blue eyes are so pale they are almost grey, and when she speaks... You realize that this woman could likely have had her choice in life, and she chose the path of the Sith.
Alara had to fight the urge to stare at the Sith Lady in awe. She was gorgeous!

"It would be foolish indeed to try and destroy that crystal. It would survive the attempt."

Her voice, so full of melody and vibrancy turns cold. "You would not."

She extends her hand out to Alara, palm up, providing Alara with the opportunity to give the woman the crystal.
Alara's smirk turns into a sheepish smile. "My apologies, madam, but you can hardly blame a girl for attempting to gain some insurance."

With that, she lowers her weapon and reluctantly place the artifact in the Sith Lady's hand.

"And what of our payment?" Alara asks, making an effort to sound as cool, calm, and collected as possible.

This is probably futile, but I'm going to try and make a Persuasion check to change the Sith Lord's attitude:
[roll1] - This is a reroll using Knack, but I will only use it if the first roll results in 25 or lower.

2017-04-20, 03:29 PM
Her features turn from cold menace to something approaching neutrality as Alara places the object in her hand. "I was expecting a Bothan. You are obviously not she, and from what I understand of how she operated, the only reason all of you would be aboard this rather nice ship is if she were dead. That would make you the new owners of this ship, would it not? I would assume that allowing you to keep it would be payment enough, don't you think? Of course it is. Why, I may even let you keep your little trooper there by the door."

2017-04-20, 10:41 PM
Dave's rifle tracked the bodyguard as she entered the doorway, leveled center of mass. When the bodyguard waved the Sith lady in, though, habit took over. He lowered the muzzle and stood, leaving the rifle in an easy low-ready.

When the Sith lady mentioned him, he froze. He had no idea what she meant, but his freedom might have be in there somewhere. But, protocol is protocol. One doesn't respond to a Sith Lady unless directly addressed.

2017-04-21, 05:53 AM
Her features turn from cold menace to something approaching neutrality as Alara places the object in her hand. "I was expecting a Bothan. You are obviously not she, and from what I understand of how she operated, the only reason all of you would be aboard this rather nice ship is if she were dead. That would make you the new owners of this ship, would it not? I would assume that allowing you to keep it would be payment enough, don't you think? Of course it is. Why, I may even let you keep your little trooper there by the door."

"How generous," Alara replies without a hint of irony. "But seeing how faithfully we honored a deal not made between us, would a few measly credits be an unsuitable reward for our acquiescence and, perhaps, the possibility of future services? For what are a few credits for a lady of your considerable status and ability?"

2017-04-21, 02:14 PM
"My, aren't you bold." With just a step, the Sith Lord is close enough to tilt Alara's chin up using the tips of her fingers.

"I like that."

She removes her hand slowly, and gently slaps Alara across the face. Not hard, but just enough to know she is being rebuked.

"Remember your place, child. As you said, I don't know you." With her right hand, she gently brushed the back of her fingers down Alara's uninjured cheek. "You were kind enough to bring me my trinket, but I have already paid for this. You received some part of it from the one who owned this ship, yes?"

Suddenly, she turns to the room and settles into one of the chairs. As her robes open, you see the silver and gold hilt of her lightsaber.

"That said... As you said, you brought me my trinket. And I do have work that needs to be done. And you appear to be motivated. And bold. I don't suppose I could interest you in a little expedition? I would, of course, be willing to finance you."

2017-04-22, 05:28 AM
"My, aren't you bold." With just a step, the Sith Lord is close enough to tilt Alara's chin up using the tips of her fingers.

"I like that."
Alara looks more enticed than alarmed by the sudden physical proximity and contact.

She removes her hand slowly, and gently slaps Alara across the face. Not hard, but just enough to know she is being rebuked.
While the slap surprise the Twi'lek, it fails to quell her titillation; if anything, it made it worse. Still, she got the message.

"Remember your place, child. As you said, I don't know you." With her right hand, she gently brushed the back of her fingers down Alara's uninjured cheek. "You were kind enough to bring me my trinket, but I have already paid for this. You received some part of it from the one who owned this ship, yes?"
Alara, struggling to stay professional, clears her throat and simply replies "O-of course, madam."

Suddenly, she turns to the room and settles into one of the chairs. As her robes open, you see the silver and gold hilt of her lightsaber.

"That said... As you said, you brought me my trinket. And I do have work that needs to be done. And you appear to be motivated. And bold. I don't suppose I could interest you in a little expedition? I would, of course, be willing to finance you."
"How could we possibly refuse such an offer?" Alara responds -again, without a hint of irony- and smiles sheepishly. "What did you have in mind?"

2017-04-22, 05:52 AM
Azur tenses. Every muscle of his body is compressed, and the energy spent seems enormous.

From being in arena fight's Azur has gained a modicum of judgement when facing a new oponent. The dread he felt from the Sith lord was overwhelming. For all he knew she was a god.

But when affraid, Azur always did the same. Used it to fuel his movements, his strenght, his words.
He wasn't fearless, no. But he knew how to use the fear.

So he looks at the Sith and her bodyguard with a frozen face. No emotion. Nothing.

But then the offer. And it all shattered.

His mouth opened and words didn't come. Alara somehow replied. He closed his mouth, in a mix of fear and excitement.

So Azur did what he could. He Smiled his best smile, grasped hard the hilt of the shockstick and remained quiet, unless he would bring her atention to him.

2017-04-22, 10:39 AM
"One moment." She turns her gaze over to her bodyguard and gives a small nod. The armored woman, seeing the signal, turns and goes back through the docking collar.

After her guard leaves, the Sith Lord turns her attention back to you. "I am Selana, Dark Lord of the Sith. As you may have been able to figure out, I have... an affinity with the past. However, matters of governance keep me from pursuing this hobby. That is where entrepreneurial beings such as yourselves come in. You see, I am but one woman, and I cannot use the resources at my disposal to further my eccentricities. Therefore, I hire out small tasks to groups or individuals such as yourselves to do this work for me."

At this point, the guard returns, bearing a datapad for her mistress. Selana takes the pad, and again, returns her attention to all of you.

"Contained within this pad is the research I have managed to put together pointing to the tomb of an ancient Sith Lord. The few fragments I have pieced together tell of a treasure there. I do not know if it is still there, or what the treasure consists of, but I wish to acquire everythingof note from the tomb. As I said, I will be willing to finance your expedition, so all I need to know is if you will accept the job."

2017-04-22, 12:30 PM
Alara eyed Azur and David before responding to the Dark Lord's offer. "Would you permit me to convene with my associates in private to discuss your offer?"

2017-04-22, 01:51 PM
"Of course. I will return to my ship, when you are ready just call for Eyana here. She will let me know you are prepared for me to return."

With that, Serana stands, and departs, her robe flowing gracefully behind her.

2017-04-22, 02:09 PM
"Thank you, madam." Alara bows as the Dark Lord takes her leave.

She turns to Azur. "Get Akkit." Alara then turns to Dave. "Get Kira. We need to talk."

2017-04-22, 03:17 PM
Dave trundles up to the cockpit. "Sith lady just made us a job offer. Were you listening in on the intercom? Might be a chance to get a discharge..."

Dave gestures for Kira to accompany him to see the rest of the group.

2017-04-22, 09:03 PM

I'd take a discharge. My career has dead-ended, frankly, and I'm never going to be able to move above fighter jock. I'm through fighting the system. Time to get something for myself out of the work I do.

I'm in, if you guys are."

2017-04-23, 09:14 PM
"... My career has dead-ended ..."

"Huh. Career." Dave looks down at his stormtrooper armor as he turns and proceeds to the rendezvous. "Doesn't sound like m'lady knows about the battle we witnessed, or the Korut's Vengeance. Kira and I were sent to the starliner to find a smuggler. Maybe this one. Maybe you could sell her that. I'd take it - I'd take anything - if I don't have to do that stuff anymore."

2017-04-25, 09:34 AM
"I actually don't think we have a lot of choice in this. For defying her we might end destroyed here and now. Sith lords tend to be fickle, or so stories go." says Azur, looking at the Imperial for confirmation on the matter.

2017-04-25, 04:33 PM
Akkit for it's part remained in the engine bay, double checking the safety of the ship during the discussion. When it feels like things are settling down, the jawa calls out "If we're going to be moving then I'd like updated maps. I'm amazing but it's nearly impossible to plan a jump without updated hyperspace routes." Otherwise it stays where it is, prepared for the worst.

2017-04-26, 04:18 AM

I'd take a discharge. My career has dead-ended, frankly, and I'm never going to be able to move above fighter jock. I'm through fighting the system. Time to get something for myself out of the work I do.

I'm in, if you guys are."

"Huh. Career." Dave looks down at his stormtrooper armor as he turns and proceeds to the rendezvous. "Doesn't sound like m'lady knows about the battle we witnessed, or the Korut's Vengeance. Kira and I were sent to the starliner to find a smuggler. Maybe this one. Maybe you could sell her that. I'd take it - I'd take anything - if I don't have to do that stuff anymore."
Alara gives Kira and Dave a nod. "I'll see what I can do." She thinks for a moment and then asks "Who was commanding the Korut's Vengeance, again?"

She waits for Kira or Dave to answer before turning to Azur.

"I actually don't think we have a lot of choice in this. For defying her we might end destroyed here and now. Sith lords tend to be fickle, or so stories go." says Azur, looking at the Imperial for confirmation on the matter.
"We most certainly do not have a choice, no, but I'd still like everyone to be on the same page. Besides," Alara gives them all a sly smile. "just because we are without choice doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to gain the most out of this situation."

"That said, I need to check with Akkit to see if he's as favorable to this offer as the rest of you."

With that, the Twi'lek jogs off to the engine bay and poke her head through the door. "Hey, Akkit! The Dark Lord of the Sith wants to finance us to go on an expedition. Are you game?"

2017-04-26, 10:03 AM
"Of course. Gain the most of this situation. It's the best we can do." says Azur

2017-04-26, 06:02 PM
With that, the Twi'lek jogs off to the engine bay and poke her head through the door. "Hey, Akkit! The Dark Lord of the Sith wants to finance us to go on an expedition. Are you game?"

Akkit gave a nod and said "A job is a job. It'd be nice to get on someone's good side outside of Tatooine. Did you need help writing up the terms or are we going to do that after we prove our worth?"

2017-04-26, 06:02 PM
"Who was commanding the Korut's Vengeance, again?"

"Darth Sela'at." Dave smiles when Alara mentions wanting to help, and mumbles something that might sound like thank you.

2017-04-27, 07:15 AM
Akkit gave a nod and said "A job is a job. It'd be nice to get on someone's good side outside of Tatooine. Did you need help writing up the terms or are we going to do that after we prove our worth?"
"It would probably be better to write up terms after we have proven ourselves. Glad to have you on the same page.~" Alara says before returning to the main room.

The Twi'lek clears her throat and address Eyana. "Let your master know that I am ready to discuss her offer further."

2017-04-27, 02:35 PM
Eyana simply nods and presses a button on the wrist of her armor.

Moments later, Selana strides in and stands near the docking collar, Eyana standing alert nearby.

"Have you come to a decision?"

2017-04-27, 04:28 PM
"Certainly, madam." Alara responds with a bow. "My associates and I have all agreed to accept your generous offer. However, I would humbly request that those of us who were until recently part of the Imperial military be discharged, if that would be agreeable to you. Assuming that you wish to keep this expedition secret, I think you would agree that our capacity to serve you, o Dark Lord of the Sith, would improve greatly if there no longer was any risk of, say, encountering a subordinate of yours who could take command of them."

"Speaking of which, we do have some valuable information regarding said subordinates that we'd be willing to share with you in exchange for a modest sum of credits."

2017-04-27, 04:35 PM
"Certainly, madam." Alara responds with a bow. "My associates and I have all agreed to accept your generous offer. However, I would humbly request that those of us who were until recently part of the Imperial military be discharged, if that would be agreeable to you. Assuming that you wish to keep this expedition secret, I think you would agree that our capacity to serve you, o Dark Lord of the Sith, would improve greatly if there no longer was any risk of, say, encountering a subordinate of yours who could take command of them."

"Speaking of which, we do have some valuable information regarding said subordinates that we'd be willing to share with you in exchange for a modest sum of credits."

"No, that won't do. I much prefer to have those here whose loyalty is owed the Empire. Though I can arrange for them to be given a special clearance that places them firmly under my command."

"And as to this information you have, I should like to hear it before assigning it any value. After all, it would do me no good to pay you thousands of credits for what I would already know."

2017-04-28, 05:32 AM
"Special clearance of that nature for the both of them would certainly suffice."

"As for the information." Alara clears her throat. "My two Imperial associates, who served Darth Sela'at aboard the Korut's Vengeance, were sent along with numerous other Troopers to the Variseel Starliner to find a smuggler - possibly the former owner of this vessel. However, during this search a second Star Destroyer arrived and attacked the Vengeance. We do not know which side it was, but one of them were intent on destroying the Variseel. We found the Bothan who worked for you outside of this ship, shot to death by Troopers. Before we jumped into hyperspace, we witnessed the destruction of one of the Star Destroyers, but we know not if it was the Korut's Vengeance or its opponent."

2017-04-29, 09:25 AM
If Selana is surprised by this news, it does not show on her face.

"Interesting. Though I do not think that Sela'at was after the same things as I, the fact that he so nearly did is troubling indeed. And yet you do not know who the aggressor was or what became of either vessel. Yes, that will be worth some small compensation, I suppose. But now, we move on to more pressing issues."

Selana moves to the holoemitter in the center of the room, and inserts a datacard into the reader. Immediately, the image of a planet appears.

"This is Xua Hen. The planet does not appear in any star chart, because it has been erased from nearly every record. This world was the home of an ancient sect of Force users. I want you to find any of their texts or artifacts and bring them to me."

2017-04-30, 01:41 PM
"Interesting. Though I do not think that Sela'at was after the same things as I, the fact that he so nearly did is troubling indeed. And yet you do not know who the aggressor was or what became of either vessel. Yes, that will be worth some small compensation, I suppose. But now, we move on to more pressing issues."
"Of course.~"

"This is Xua Hen. The planet does not appear in any star chart, because it has been erased from nearly every record. This world was the home of an ancient sect of Force users. I want you to find any of their texts or artifacts and bring them to me."
Alara looks thoughtfully at the holographic image of the planet and asks "Have you been able to ascertain its location, madam? Or will that be part of our mission?"

2017-04-30, 01:54 PM
Selana reaches out to the hologram, as though she could reach out and pluck the planet from its place in the heavens.

"I have gathered a few pieces of data here and there. Whoever erased this planet from galactic lore did a very thorough job of it. But they did not get everything. I have the sector and parsec for the system, but not its exact location. But it shouldn't be too hard to find."

With her other hand, she reached beneath her robes, and withdrew a credstick. "The card in your holoprojector has everything I know of the planet. This credstick is programmed for ten thousand credits. I trust that will suffice for up front costs?"

2017-04-30, 03:07 PM
"I have gathered a few pieces of data here and there. Whoever erased this planet from galactic lore did a very thorough job of it. But they did not get everything. I have the sector and parsec for the system, but not its exact location. But it shouldn't be too hard to find."
Alara nods. "That surely provides a good place to start."

With her other hand, she reached beneath her robes, and withdrew a credstick. "The card in your holoprojector has everything I know of the planet. This credstick is programmed for ten thousand credits. I trust that will suffice for up front costs?"
"That will certainly suffice for the expedition." The Twi'lek gives the Dark Lord a sly smile. "And what of our compensation for providing you with information regarding the Korut's Vengeance?~"

2017-04-30, 07:51 PM
"Credits? Or information?"

2017-05-01, 08:44 AM
"I prefer credits.~" Alara replies.

2017-05-01, 10:04 AM
"And you're worth every decicredit, I'm sure," Selena says. She motions for Eyana to move to her, and the trooper does without hesitation, pulling several credsticks from a belt pouch. Selana looks them over, keeps several and places the rest back in Eyana's hand.

Placing the sticks down on the emitter's outer ring, Selana lays them out next to each other, pushing them forward one at a time to explain the value of each.

"Ten thousand for taking my little task."

She pushes the second credstick forward. "Twenty-five hundred for your information about the recent space battle."

And she pushes the third stick toward Alara. "Five thousand as a pay advance for your Imperial crew members now under my command."

The last stick she leaves a finger one as she slides it forward. "And another ten thousand credits if you agree to two small additional terms."

2017-05-01, 12:26 PM
Alara has to resist the urge to drool as Selena push each credstick forward.

"Ten thousand for taking my little task."
"Of course.~"

She pushes the second credstick forward. "Twenty-five hundred for your information about the recent space battle."
The Twi'lek nods in approval.

And she pushes the third stick toward Alara. "Five thousand as a pay advance for your Imperial crew members now under my command."
She nods again.

The last stick she leaves a finger one as she slides it forward. "And another ten thousand credits if you agree to two small additional terms."
"And those are?~" Alara asks with a playful expectancy.

2017-05-01, 12:51 PM
"This expedition you are undertaking for me. I take my research into the Force very seriously. Not all of my peers do, but there are one or two who have some... fervor... in this regard. As such, the first condition I have is total secrecy. My trooper, here," Selana looks over at Dave at this point, "Can be ordered to keep these to himself, and I can trust that he will. As for you, I will be willing to take your word, and offer you an additional fee to ensure your confidentiality in this regard."

"The second condition is this. And this one will likely be the most confusing for you to understand. If my assumptions are correct, you will be finding documents referring to an ancient sect of Force users known as the Jedi. Their teachings, while useful to scholars of the Force, will instill madness and insanity in those know nothing of the Force. My second condition is that when you locate these records and teachings that you do not read any of them to verify their authenticity. I can do that on my own, but I would like you intact for... other... uses. Do not read anything you find there. Do you understand?"

Selana locks gazes with Alara, and an eyebrow slowly lifts over one perfect blue eye.

"Do you agree?"

2017-05-01, 01:59 PM
Alara meets the Dark Lord's gaze with a confident smile.

"My associates and I agree to those terms.~" She responds so quickly that it doesn't seem like she has bothered to really think it through.

2017-05-01, 02:09 PM
"Excellent," the Sith Lord says as she releases her hold on the credstick. She then turns to leave, her robe billowing slightly as she departs.

Eyana steps over to Alara as drops a datapad on the table. It settles with a clatter as the image is disrupted by the interference with the emitter. Then she speaks with a heavy Core accent.

"This is the frequency my Lady will have you contact her on. She will expect timely reports on your progress. You have 10 standard days to prepare for your voyage."

At this point, Eyana leans down and glowers at the Twi'lek. "And if you think about taking my mistress's money and vanishing... You will find how effective a hunter I am. After that..."

The woman grins darkly as she finishes her sentence. "After that, you will find out from where my mistress truly derives her pleasure."

Eyana's boots thump on the floor plates as she marches from your ship.

As she departs, both hatches close behind her, and you hear the hissing of the docking collar releasing.

2017-05-01, 02:38 PM
"Excellent," the Sith Lord says as she releases her hold on the credstick. She then turns to leave, her robe billowing slightly as she departs.
Alara gives Selana a bow as she leaves.

Eyana steps over to Alara as drops a datapad on the table. It settles with a clatter as the image is disrupted by the interference with the emitter. Then she speaks with a heavy Core accent.

"This is the frequency my Lady will have you contact her on. She will expect timely reports on your progress. You have 10 standard days to prepare for your voyage."
"That will not be a problem." The Twi'lek responds with her utmost confidence.

At this point, Eyana leans down and glowers at the Twi'lek. "And if you think about taking my mistress's money and vanishing... You will find how effective a hunter I am. After that..."
Alara rolls her eyes while Eyana delivers her threat.

The woman grins darkly as she finishes her sentence. "After that, you will find out from where my mistress truly derives her pleasure."
The Twi'lek bites her lower lip and gives the woman a disturbingly perverted grin. "Oh, I'm sure I will, darling.~"

Once they have departed, Alara turns to those present and says. "Well, I didn't manage to get you-" she looks at Dave. "-or Kira discharged, but you two did basically get promoted, and we now have a ton of credits!~"

2017-05-01, 10:20 PM
Once they have departed, Alara turns to those present and says. "Well, I didn't manage to get you-" she looks at Dave. "-or Kira discharged, but you two did basically get promoted, and we now have a ton of credits!~"

"Hey, Kira! We're clear now!"

Dave waits a minute to let Kira come back in, then addresses his thoughts. "Thanks for that, Alara. Got another year of life, and who knows, the horse might sing." Dave's also can't help but think that there's now only two living people connecting him to the imperial service. Best not to think about the number of dead ones...

"We probably need to stop somewhere to get outfitted for an expedition, and we'll definitely need to drop Asuna here off. I don't need too much stuff, but we'll probably need some substantial kit for the team. Is Nar Shadda the right way?"

2017-05-02, 07:04 AM
"Maybe upgrade the ship or even change it for something more inconspicuous and adapted for our group." says Azur "How much did we get?"

2017-05-02, 10:02 AM
"Thanks for that, Alara. Got another year of life, and who knows, the horse might sing."
"I did what I could.~" Alara says while taking a theatrical bow.

"We probably need to stop somewhere to get outfitted for an expedition, and we'll definitely need to drop Asuna here off. I don't need too much stuff, but we'll probably need some substantial kit for the team. Is Nar Shadda the right way?"
"Oh we're going to need some supplies and some new clothes. I don't know about you guys, but one pair of clothes is definitely not cutting it for me." She chuckles. "Not sure what world is on the way, but we definitely need to go shopping!~"

"Maybe upgrade the ship or even change it for something more inconspicuous and adapted for our group." says Azur "How much did we get?"
"Eh, this ship's probably fine," Alara shrugs. "And we got twenty-two thousand five hundred credits. Kira and Dave-" She turns to both of them. "The Sith Lady gave you two an additional five thousand for your new position. Split that between you however you want." She explains and hands Kira the credstick containing that amount.

2017-05-04, 10:03 AM
"Well, if Nar Shadda's good we can go that way. I'm pretty good at scouting out new planets dirtside, since it's what I do for a living. I'll try and get a shopping list for us on Nar Shadda.

Does this ship have any sort of security system? If we land, can we safely leave it alone or do we need to past guards?"

Thinking primarily about basic group camping ad survival stuff. Will put together a list when I get back to my books. Individual characters can be responsible for their own essentials.

5 personal field shelters = 2,500
Camouflage netting to put the starship under = 5,000
5 pax rations for 30 days = 750
5 repulsor hitches = 500

Other ideas
- Plas tent (multi-person field shelter)
- Long-range commlink (if we want to protect the starship by orbiting it on autopilot)
- Sonar mapper
- Generator
- ???

2017-05-04, 10:43 AM
There's a moment of silence as Alara hands Kira the credstick, as if she's expecting her to respond.

"Oooookay... You're welcome, I guess?" She says awkwardly

"Well, if Nar Shadda's good we can go that way. I'm pretty good at scouting out new planets dirtside, since it's what I do for a living. I'll try and get a shopping list for us on Nar Shadda.

Does this ship have any sort of security system? If we land, can we safely leave it alone or do we need to past guards?"

"Well, I'm not sure yet if Nar Shadda is the right way, but other than that I'd say that it sounds like a good plan," Alara replies before turning towards the engine bay's general direction and yells "Hey, Akkit! Come join us in here!"

She then goes up to the table, moves the datapad away from the holoemitter so that it is no longer interfering with the image of the planet. Then, she uses the controls on the table to access more of the card's information.

"Well, what do you know! The system appears to be in Nar Shadda's general direction." She looks back at Dave with a smile. "So I guess that's where we're going."

2017-05-04, 10:53 AM
"Seems good. There we'll try to get maps and stuff. there is always stuff in Nar Shadaa!" says Azur

2017-05-04, 01:39 PM
"Well, if Nar Shadda's good we can go that way. I'm pretty good at scouting out new planets dirtside, since it's what I do for a living. I'll try and get a shopping list for us on Nar Shadda.

Does this ship have any sort of security system? If we land, can we safely leave it alone or do we need to past guards?"

Thinking primarily about basic group camping ad survival stuff. Will put together a list when I get back to my books. Individual characters can be responsible for their own essentials.

5 personal field shelters = 2,500
Camouflage netting to put the starship under = 5,000
5 pax rations for 30 days = 750
5 repulsor hitches = 500

Other ideas
- Plas tent (multi-person field shelter)
- Long-range commlink (if we want to protect the starship by orbiting it on autopilot)
- Sonar mapper
- Generator
- ???

Asuna pipes in from the corner.

"Look, I'm not going with you guys, but if you want, you can park your ship in my family's garage. We're safe and secure, and we won't overcharge you like near everyone else on the Smuggler's Moon."

2017-05-04, 06:17 PM
"Look, I'm not going with you guys, but if you want, you can park your ship in my family's garage. We're safe and secure, and we won't overcharge you like near everyone else on the Smuggler's Moon."

"Oops. Never thought of that. I guess this is the first time I've visited a planet on my own. I was thinking more about when we get to Xua Hen."

2017-05-04, 07:09 PM
Akkit, upon hearing its name, meanders away from the comforting hum of the engine and joins the group. The jawa looks about and says "This is a nice ship. Negotiations done and now we need a new jump prepared I take it?"

2017-05-05, 09:16 AM
"Oops. Never thought of that. I guess this is the first time I've visited a planet on my own. I was thinking more about when we get to Xua Hen."

"Oh, well, that I can't really help with."

2017-05-05, 11:10 AM
Akkit, upon hearing its name, meanders away from the comforting hum of the engine and joins the group. The jawa looks about and says "This is a nice ship. Negotiations done and now we need a new jump prepared I take it?"

"Well, first I need to let those of you who weren't here know about the Sith Lady's terms." Alara looks at Kira and Akkit. "She wants us to find a planet named Xua Hen that's been erased from virtually all records. Apparently, it was the home to some kind of sect of Force users, and she wants us to collect whatever texts and artifacts we find there and bring them to her. There are two caveats, though: firstly, we mustn't speak of any of this to anyone outside of this ship and secondly, we mustn't read anything we find on Xua Hen. Understand?"

She then focus her attention entirely on Akkit. "Akkit, we're going to make a stop at Nar Shadda to stock up, so if you could prepare a jump I'd really appreciate it. However, I'd also like to ask you to look at our employer's datacard -it's in the reader in the table- and see if you can't ascertain the most likely location of Xua Hen. The Sith Lady said that she had narrowed it down quite a bit, but we still don't have any exact coordinates."

2017-05-05, 06:46 PM
As to the conditions, fair enough. Thank you for handling the negotiations.

Dave, you've done more in the realm of outfitting this kind of expedition than I have in the past. I'll defer to you in purchasing.

2017-05-06, 09:20 AM
"I'm good with outfitting the crew. Since we don't know what Xua Hen's like on the ground, we'll have to over-prepare. Maybe we can find a Bothan or somebody on Nar Shadda who could decrypt the previous owner's data logs."

"Aside from that, I don't see any other reason to stay here."

2017-05-06, 09:29 PM
The jawa's robes gave a slight shrug at the stipulations before it nodded at the requests. He added "I'll do what I can with either jump and the information. Hopefully we can get it close enough that a jump will be possible since I doubt anyone wants to explore it in this" as the jawa waved a gloved hand away from the group to help indicate it meant the cold embrace of the void. The first place it meandered off to was the navcomputer as it checked the data and programmed the jump using the most up to date information possible. Once that was done it returned to the datacard and poked around on it as a distraction.
For the jump: [roll0]
I'm assuming for the datacard: [roll1]
Unless I can physically access the card by some tomfoolery like, I don't know, removing the hard drive and putting it in a separate casing that somehow bypasses the securities on it.
Galactic Lore if that's needed instead: [roll2]

2017-05-08, 04:49 AM
"If we find a good deal maybe one of those probe droids to scout the places ahead. But I will leave the planning for those more experienced in outdoor expeditions." adds Azur

2017-05-08, 09:32 PM
"If we find a good deal maybe one of those probe droids to scout the places ahead. But I will leave the planning for those more experienced in outdoor expeditions." adds Azur

"Definitely, if we can find an affordable one. I was also thinking a speeder bike for scouting or a multi-person speeder truck if we can fit in the ship - something that could help us move a lot of stuff and keep us off the ground. We'll have to make that call when we scope out prices.

I'm thinking that outfitting the team will probably cost half our payment."

2017-05-16, 05:27 AM
"If you wanna find good deals, I'm your girl!~" Alara points at herself. "I can haggle with the best of 'em!"

2017-05-16, 09:00 PM
Your ship drops out of hyperspace. As you proceed on your sunlight engines, you are greeted by a wonderfully awful orangish-brown planet. Fortunately, that world is not your destination. Rather it is the greyish lump that appears, at first glance to be in the process of falling apart. But as you near the small lump, you see it is actually a cloud of debris, satellites, and small space stations, that it appears to have a metallic cloud surrounding the world.

Fortunately, there are several lanes clear of debris, and you glide through one of them and make your way into the atmosphere. Under the direction of Asuna, you make your way through an elaborate maze of tight, constrictive buildings and skyways, through the traffic of a world that doesn't know whether to bustle or just strangle itself on its own. But eventually, you arrive in what appears to be a well maintained garage, complete with refueling and repair facilities.

You power your ship down, and head over to the ramp. Asuna, already there, is holding everyone back.

"Look. This will be rough for all of you, but at least hold your breath until you are off the ship. Nar Shadda is... well, its not the cleanest. We have some good air scrubbers, but its just not enough. And, well, I guess you'll see for yourself."

With that, she hits the release on the ships ramp, and is the first one out the door, greeted by two elderly humans, Asuna's mother and father. Well, adopted mother and father. It is apparently a long and complicated story.

And as you take your first breath of Nar Shadda...

You really want to vomit.

Because the planet smells like someone took the excrement from a Bantha, combined it with the sweat of a Talz, dumped the concoction into a trash compactor for a standard month and smeared the resulting (now likely living) mass onto a ronto. On a hot day. On Tatooine. During the Near cycle of the larger of the twin suns.

2017-05-17, 06:38 AM
"It has been a while since I smelled this air. Oh, the sweet memories." says Azur with a neutral voice, without letting go if he was speking ironcally or truthfully.

Turning to Asuna he adds "thanks for the place. Most of the ports are ruffian controlled, and we would had to spend some to have the ship secured."

2017-05-17, 09:10 AM
After they have landed, but before Asuna release the ramp, Alara takes Akkit aside and asks him, Akkit, baby, do you think you could hide the Sith Lady's datacard on your person? I don't trust this ship's security systems nor Asuna's folks enough to leave it here while we're gone, and I'm more confident in your ability to keep it safe. I hope you understand.~


The smell doesn't bother her. In fact, she's smelled it several times in her life. And as she walks down the extended ramp, Alara looks at her companions' reactions and laugh. "Don't let the smell fool you, this place is amazing! Just make sure to keep your valuables secure and your weapons within reach; you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy!~"

"You must be Asuna's parents," Alara says with a grin as she approach the two elderly humans, before giving both of them a peck on the cheek. "Thank you so much for having us.~"

Take 10 on a Persuasion check (26) to improve the attitudes of Asuna's parents.

2017-05-17, 10:52 AM
Kira gags on first tasting the air. She'll do her best to avoid making faces in front of Asuna's parents.

2017-05-17, 08:05 PM
"Don't let the smell fool you, this place is amazing! Just make sure to keep your valuables secure and your weapons within reach; you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy!~"

Dave nearly does vomit. He has a hard enough time keeping his gorge down after red-cycle operations on a star destroyer, where 38,000 people's worth of unsleeping, unshowered funk sits stewing in a big metal can. Here's like that, but without the military grade sterilizers, times twenty or so.

When he walks out, he says curtly, "So. Survival gear. Breath masks. Definitely first stop." Noticing Asuna's parents, he says in his best stormtrooper voice: "oh. Uhh.... Thanks. Citizen."

And then he tries to tug Alara's sleeve to get away to the outfitter. He has no idea how to even function in a city.

2017-05-18, 12:15 AM
The Obees smile politely at Alara's words. Her dad speaks first.

"Well, after saving our Asuna, letting y'all park in our garage is the least we can do. Course, I will need ya to pay for your fuel and the minor repairs, but I won't make you pay a decicred over the actual cost."

Then her mother joins in.

"And of course, you are all welcome to dinner as well. We're simple folks, but we'll take care of you best we can.

2017-05-18, 04:18 AM
And then he tries to tug Alara's sleeve to get away to the outfitter. He has no idea how to even function in a city.
"My, aren't you impatient.~" The Twi'lek says in jest. "We'll get going soon enough, relax."

"Well, after saving our Asuna, letting y'all park in our garage is the least we can do. Course, I will need ya to pay for your fuel and the minor repairs, but I won't make you pay a decicred over the actual cost."
"Thank you, we really appreciate it.~" Alara replies with a smile. "Just let me know how much you need."

"And of course, you are all welcome to dinner as well. We're simple folks, but we'll take care of you best we can."
"We wouldn't turn away a nice, home-cooked meal, right guys?~" She looks at her companions. "But for now, we need to go buy some supplies."

2017-05-18, 10:52 AM
"It is the best choice. A meal, after a shopping spree. I guess someone must be having the day of her life." Says Azur pointing at Alara.

2017-05-18, 11:20 AM
"Is it that obvious?" Alara asks Azur with a sheepish grin.

2017-05-18, 07:41 PM
Akkit takes the data pad with a nod and waits to hide it within it's body with the other random items the jawa has. A click followed the announcement that the planet was going to smell terrible. Slowly the sights were accepted, thankful on some level that it couldn't be caught staring at all the junk, before it finally decided to deal with it. Almost immediately the mistake was realized and it corrected it.

The jawa cleared it's throat before it called out from the relative safety of the ship "Where is the best place to shop that's nearby? Maybe a droid or starship shop as well." A quick glance at it's own droid and it added "What's the odds that mine will end up in a shop?

2017-05-18, 08:09 PM
Kira heartily thanks Asuna's parents for their hospitality, and as soon as she's out of sight she looks on her datapad for information about the local cuisine. She hopes it'll be very spicy. Anything to drown out this miasma.

Once we know what the remainder of the cash is after group purchases, Kira will make her personal buys.

2017-05-19, 07:43 PM
"Is there some guy here who sells, like, backpacks and rations and tents and patrolling supplies? Is that a thing? Because that's where we need to get some foot patrol gear.

After that, we'll need some powered camo-netting to hide the ship under and maybe we'll see if we can find a repulsor cart and some hitches to carry stuff."

2017-05-20, 10:35 PM
Akkit takes the data pad with a nod and waits to hide it within it's body with the other random items the jawa has. A click followed the announcement that the planet was going to smell terrible. Slowly the sights were accepted, thankful on some level that it couldn't be caught staring at all the junk, before it finally decided to deal with it. Almost immediately the mistake was realized and it corrected it.

The jawa cleared it's throat before it called out from the relative safety of the ship "Where is the best place to shop that's nearby? Maybe a droid or starship shop as well." A quick glance at it's own droid and it added "What's the odds that mine will end up in a shop?

"Your droid will be fine. We'll look after it like it was one of our own. You take him out on the street with you, and your guess is as good as ours what happens to it. And you."

"Is there some guy here who sells, like, backpacks and rations and tents and patrolling supplies? Is that a thing? Because that's where we need to get some foot patrol gear.

After that, we'll need some powered camo-netting to hide the ship under and maybe we'll see if we can find a repulsor cart and some hitches to carry stuff."

"Hmm, We don't know anywhere like that. But check around. I am sure someone will know. Just don't spread it too much, or your questions will get to ears, you get my meaning?"

2017-05-21, 10:25 AM
Alara shrugs. "I guess we'll just ask around, then."

As she heads towards the exit, the Twi'lek pats Dave on the back and says with a playful smile, "Come on, trooper, let's go buy some underwear."

I'm taking 10 on Gather Information checks (for a total of 21) to locate individuals who can sell us the stuff on robnar's list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22009517&postcount=204). If it's alright with you, Lentrax,
I'll leave it up to you determine how long this takes.

2017-05-21, 12:59 PM
It takes the better part of several hours to find most of what you are looking for. Salvage shops have been more than willing to sell to the Twi'lek who seemed all too eager to let them feast their lecherous eyes for a minute or two while they point her to shelf after shelf, getting her to, more or less, pose her for their favor.

However, it is finding the sled that is proving to be a challenge. So far, while you have found several models, none of them have been serviceable, or even in a few cases, in any kind of working order. Even the Jawa is having trouble thinking any of the things could be used for even their scrap metals.

But eventually you come across a hawker running a shopfront who seems to have just what you are looking for. But, as he says...

"I'd be a right fool to keep somethin' like that on the streets. But if you'd be willin' to accompany me back to my warehouse, you can see the merchandise for yerselves."

2017-05-21, 01:56 PM
Alara shrugs. "I guess we'll just ask around, then."

As she heads towards the exit, the Twi'lek pats Dave on the back and says with a playful smile, "Come on, trooper, let's go buy some underwear."

"Uh huh! I recommend getting some high-quality synthetic fiber undies for long foot patrols. Saves on chafing." Dave is glad to talk with someone like Alara who's genuinely interested in field hygiene like he is.

While Dave's at the various outfitters, he asks Alara to help him buy some other stuff with his stipend from the Sith lady for himself.

Electrobinoculars, 1,000 credits
Security Kit, 750 credits
Camouflage poncho, 125 credits
Sonar Mapper, 400 credits
Survival Knife, 100 credits
Entrenching Tool, 50 credits

Total is 2,525 credits. If Alara can't get him a discount, he'll drop the E-tool.

NOTE, I also added a portable generator (750 credits) to our team shopping list. Oversight to miss that one. We will need it for ammo.

But eventually you come across a hawker running a shopfront who seems to have just what you are looking for. But, as he says...

"I'd be a right fool to keep somethin' like that on the streets. But if you'd be willin' to accompany me back to my warehouse, you can see the merchandise for yerselves."

Dave decides, approximately 10 minutes into his first ever shopping trip, that he hates it. The rancid markets of Nar Shadda are like watching herbivores grazing in swamp trees, except the predators are mixed in among the herd. Fortunately, his beat-up scout trooper armor and air of tension give enough of a vibe that most people avoid. Dave spends the whole time talking with and through Alara; he has no idea how to deal with the locals.

The only moment he opens up is when they stop at a lunch stand and buy some local curry-ish food. The smells and tastes the boil the tension away from him.

When they finally get to the hawker who offers to sell them an air-sled, he's feeling good. As the hawker makes his pitch, Dave says "yeah, I'm good with that." As he turns to walk away, he has a smile in his eyes and a slightly predatory grin. He mutters to his friends "this guy's gonna try to rob us, right?"

2017-05-22, 11:08 AM
Like I mentioned in the OOC, I take 10 on Persuasion to haggle with everyone we buy things from. Since taking 10 on Persuasion gives Alara a 26, she automatically succeeds with everyone who do not have an attitude of unfriendly or worse and reduces the price of everything by 50%. I'm therefor going to assume that I successfully haggled with everyone we dealt with prior to meeting the "perfectly respectable businessman". Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, Lentrax.

It takes the better part of several hours to find most of what you are looking for. Salvage shops have been more than willing to sell to the Twi'lek who seemed all too eager to let them feast their lecherous eyes for a minute or two while they point her to shelf after shelf, getting her to, more or less, pose her for their favor.

Although she loved every minute of the attention she was getting, this was very much a part of her game, as this allure coupled with her charms and wit allow her to persuade the shopkeepers to sell the goods she and her friends want for a bargain. And whenever that failed, she use some old fashioned haggling until they relent.

While shopping, Alara asks Dave to help her pick out some clothes that are more suitable in the wilderness. Aside from that, she buys six other outfits, a lot of lingerie, a bottle of Corellian brandy, a bottle of Corellian rum, a cosmetics kit, and some gear.
Field Shelter. 250 credits.
Bandolier. 50 credits.
12 Power packs. 150 credits.
Repulsor hitch. 50 credits.
Field kit. 500 credits.
Outdoors outfit. ? credits.
2 High fashion outfits. ? credits.
Space pirate outfit. ? credits.
Everyday outfit. ? credits.
Bikini. ? credits.
Exercising outfit. ? credits.
3 Sets of practical lingerie. ? credits.
4 Sets of comfy lingerie. ? credits.
3 Sets of sexy lingerie. ? credits.
Cosmetics kit. ? credits.
Bottle of Corellian brandy. ? credits.
Bottle of Corellian rum. ? credits.

So there are several items here that are not exactly in the rules, so I'll leave it to you, Lentrax, to come up with appropriate costs. Don't forget that I get 50% off due to haggling. :smallbiggrin:

She had a blast shopping, to the point where she might have tested the patience of her companions.
Nevertheless, she helps them whenever possible to get the best prices possible and, if they ask, she offers some honest and supportive feedback on whatever they may be interested in buying.

When they stop for lunch, Alara happily talk about their purchases.

But eventually you come across a hawker running a shopfront who seems to have just what you are looking for. But, as he says...

"I'd be a right fool to keep somethin' like that on the streets. But if you'd be willin' to accompany me back to my warehouse, you can see the merchandise for yerselves."

Dave says "yeah, I'm good with that." As he turns to walk away, he has a smile in his eyes and a slightly predatory grin. He mutters to his friends "this guy's gonna try to rob us, right?"
"He absolutely is,"Alara whispers back with a sly smile. "Wanna follow him anyway?~"

2017-05-22, 11:25 AM
"He might try", says Azur "If he does so, this can end in a bit of a discount in the end.".

2017-05-22, 12:05 PM
"He absolutely is,"Alara whispers back with a sly smile. "Wanna follow him anyway?~"

"Yup. He might have a truck."

Dave wonders what would go through someone's mind to try to rob a stormtrooper. Like, how would that work out well?

2017-05-22, 12:16 PM
"He might have friends," Alara points out, but then shrugs. "But we can follow, if you want to. I'm sure all of us here know how to defend ourselves.~"

2017-05-22, 12:19 PM
"He might have friends," Alara points out, but then shrugs. "But we can follow, if you want to. I'm sure all of us here know how to defend ourselves.~"

"Just follow my lead. Not my first rodeo."

2017-05-22, 01:20 PM
"Alrighty then.~"

2017-05-22, 02:16 PM
OK. Let's do this.

Kira pats her holdout blaster (concealed in her boot) for comfort and shifts her openly carried carbine to a less comfortable position.

2017-05-22, 03:51 PM
Akkit for it's part simply wanders behind the rest of the group, making it known in advance that the jawa is purposefully avoiding any of the objects. It dealt with enough racism from the people of Tatooine to know that their kind was labelled a bunch of thieves and it wasn't about to ruin any sort of experience by ending up with something they didn't purchase. When it came time to look over the trucks and other vehicles the jawa became more alive as it poked about, removed and reattached an odd thing here or there, and helped confirm that this planet was a terrible junkyard. When there was mention of a potential vehicle the jawa added "It'd be helpful for all the things we've gotten so far" without any indication that it cared if it was a trap or not.

2017-05-24, 10:50 PM
The man closes his shop. He pulls down a light security mesh, and locks it in place, then using a remote, a heavier security door closes over his shop.

"Right," He points down a smaller side street. "This way, my friends! This way."

As he leads you down the street, he can't seem but to help pointing out various businesses, and some information about them. Just idle gossip about people who frequent the places, or some peculiar practices to follow in some places.

As you start to get the feeling that the guy knows more than he should, he suddenly turns back to all of you.

"So. This is where I ask to have a friendly chat with ya'."

Alara notices three more people with their hands in very conspicuous positions to the sides.

2017-05-25, 06:30 AM
Looking unconcerned, Alara eyes the three and says, "They don't look too friendly to me."

2017-05-25, 11:03 AM
"So. This is where I ask to have a friendly chat with ya'."

Dave's angry with himself for having missed the cues as the guy turns. Didn't even think that he might try to do something around bystanders. If Dave lives through this, well, we'll chalk it up as a learning point.

"I don't see an air-sled anywhere. This the warehouse?"

In the mean time, Dave walks up close enough to the guy that it might compromise others' lines of fire. Hopefully this guy is paying attention to Dave's right hand near the pistol grip of his big rifle, because his left hand palms the holdout blaster.

Dave's stealth check for sleight of hand to conceal his holdout blaster pistol in his other hand, opposed by our man's perception check. [roll0]

Dave expects the other guy to see him advancing as confrontational, which is fine. If the other guy looks like he's going to react violently to it, then Dave will stop.

2017-05-25, 02:35 PM
As soon as Dave starts to walk forward, the man in the hat holds his hand in front of him in a stopping motion.

"Prob'ly best if you don't do that mate. Even if you were a buckethead, which you probably aren't, since you're working with an alien, we've taken care of our fair share of 'em in the past. So, just put your hands out nice and easy where I can see 'em, and we all go home at the end of the day. You got my word on that."

His last sentence is said with a lopsided grin.

"What do you say?"

2017-05-25, 06:23 PM
Akkit was busy playing the tourist, listening to the various businesses, and nearly ran into the back of Azur when they stopped. The jawa quickly recovered and seemed to almost sigh as it said in a somewhat friendly drone "Come now, friend. There's no need for any of this." The jawa steps out from behind Azur and reveals it's gloved hands, as requested, before it continues speaking. "Surely you and your associates" with a wave to the general group of people Alara eyed "don't wish to start something that could end poorly for any of us. Why don't we go back to that lovely sounding cantina...the Salted Slug if I remember correctly and discuss this over some Tatooine Sunset, my treat of course?" The robes hid the jawa's features but it seemed friendly enough and willing to negotiate someplace out of the way where innocents would hopefully not get caught up if things go south.

Look at me being a chatty kathy. [roll0]

I doubt it matters mechanically but I do have friends in low places as a feat, so in theory I've dealt with his kind in the past.

2017-05-25, 07:36 PM
"Prob'ly best if you don't do that mate. Even if you were a buckethead, which you probably aren't, since you're working with an alien, we've taken care of our fair share of 'em in the past. So, just put your hands out nice and easy where I can see 'em, and we all go home at the end of the day. You got my word on that."

"What do you say?"

Dave listens to Akkit, but keeps his eyes on the shyster in front of him. He acknowledges Akkit's wave, but can't spot the other goons in his peripheral vision.

"This guy just threatened us. We don't have anything to talk about." Turning to the shyster - "You wanna go home at the end of the day? Just walk away. We're done."

Dave turns his back on the man and starts walking, waiting for the goon who's gonna block their exit. He keeps his hand resting on the big rifle and slips his holdout into his palm. While he does, he whispers to Kira "watch my back, please."

2017-05-25, 08:47 PM
Kira says nothing, but stares dead-eyed at the gang leader. Her fingers twitch like a gunfighter's, but she doesn't otherwise move a muscle as Dave .

If the guy fires or charges or otherwise actually attacks, Kira will nail him with her carbine, then back up to be among her friends. If he alone draws but doesn't fire, she won't draw. If everyone draws, she will too.

2017-05-25, 10:09 PM
"Right. Well, in that case, now I'm no longer asking, I'm tellin'. You try and leave this alley and no one will find your bodies. And no one 'round 'ere will even blink. Now why don't you just play nice, and we go do some business. Shall we?"

2017-05-26, 03:23 AM
"And, just clarify, what business would that be?" Alara asks with a coy smile.

2017-05-26, 03:55 AM
Azur keeps his face hard. His muscles tensioning. His hand away from his weapon, still.

2017-05-26, 04:31 PM
Dave keeps walking away, ignoring the request to stand still and talk.

As if on cue, several figures all around you suddenly pull blaster rifles out and fire. Blue bolts of sizzling energy shoot out into the street. Bystanders don't even have a chance to scream as the shooting starts.

One of the bolts catches Dave the Stormtrooper in the chest, and he feels the impact of the stun bolt, but it doesn't seem to affect him the way they hoped. Perhaps if one of them had actually managed to draw his rifle in time, another bolt would would have brought him down. Alara, on the other hand, has it worse. Two bolts strike her, one on each side, but she is still standing.

Kira, on the other hand, knowing that the thugs were probably going to draw on them, easily sidesteps the shot coming towards her.

Kira still has a surprise round action to take, and then we will see what exactly happens...

2017-05-26, 08:36 PM
Kira twists to the side to avoid the blaster bolt that tears past her gut, and as she does, she tips her carbine upward in its holster and shoots directly out the open tip at the leader. After shooting, she scurries backwards, trying to get herself in between Dave and Azur for protection, and scanning the rooftops and other high places for snipers.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
Perception to spot snipers: [roll2]

EDIT: It's a crying shame to have a Damage roll that good with a miss that bad. At least I oughta spot any snipers. I'd swap that Nat20 for that Nat1 if I could, though.

2017-05-30, 01:19 PM
Kira swivels the blaster up, and depresses the stud but nothing happens. A quick feel of her finger shows that the safety is still somehow engaged.

2017-05-30, 04:53 PM
Kira curses, flips the safety off, and fires again at the leader. After that, she backpedals, trying to get herself between Dave and Azure if possible.

2017-06-01, 07:33 AM
"Sithspit!" Alara curse as the thugs open fire and she then cries out in pain as the two stun bolts hit her.

She then draws her heavy blaster pistol and fires on one of the thugs who shot her.

I'm attacking Thug 5.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2017-06-01, 10:23 AM
Azur draws his vibroax, thinking there was no chance for subtlety now.

He then changes his pace and says to the gang members "Come at me".

Move: draw axe
Standard: Fight defensively
Free: speak

2017-06-02, 05:43 PM
Akkit audibly sighs as a gloved hand quickly enters the brown robes, a click is heard, and it emerges once more with the second most prized possession the jawa possess: it's blaster. It leveled the weapon at the man who decided communications had to go and break down like a fool, flicked it to stun, and pulled the trigger.

Shooting at the scoundrel who is holding out on our truck using stun and the pistol.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Gonna go double check that Point Blank Range does nothing for me real quick, will adjust total accordingly if it does (I don't think it will).
Edit: Nope, Move to get out the pistol, Swift to change to Stun, Standard to shoot. Probably miss anyway.

2017-06-02, 10:07 PM
The crowd begins to dissipate as bolts continue to fly. But this time, you all return the fire you have been getting.

First, Dave, with the reflexes and muscle memory of years of Imperial training, lifts his rifle up to his shoulder and has a blue bolt of his own on its way in the span of a few heartbeats. The bolt strikes the scoundrel gentleman in his abdomen, doubling him over, but doesn't knock him out, enabling him the opportunity to run down the street, flinging civilians behind him to try and confuse any further attempts to target him.

Kira, now with her safety off, fires at the gentleman as well, but she misses him and the scarlet bolt sizzles into a low hanging fruit on a street vendor's stand, causing it to burst and rain juice and pulp onto the scared vendor cowering behind his stall.

The thugs continue to pour bolts at you, but most of them miss, and those that do hit you seem to have no effect.

But one thug, in a flash of insight, drops his rifle, letting the sling keep it handy for easy requipping. instead, he pulls a large cylinder from his belt, pulls a pin off it, and lets it cook for a moment before hurling it toward the huge man challenging them all with a giant axe. The grenade, instead of exploding after striking the ground, bursts open right at Azur's gut level. The arcing blue energy grabs ahold of Azur, Akkit and Alara, and arcs through their nervous systems, dealing an incredible amount of punishment to the three.

Alara, even with the pulsing energy of the grenade coursing through her arm, manages to shoot one of her assailants, the bolt catching the man in his throat, felling him to the ground.

2017-06-03, 09:15 PM
Akkit takes the brunt of the grenade and realizes that maybe the bystanders have the right idea as the jawa starts to scamper away from the shootout in all the confusion, taking a few deep breaths as it tries to recover from the grenade affecting what biological systems it still has.

Akkit will move to H11, trying to put the bystanders between the thug and itself.
Then spend 2 out of 3 swift actions to Recover in an attempt to move back up the condition track.

2017-06-03, 11:01 PM
Dave moves smoothly and calmly forward, keeping pressure on the guy who started this fight. As he does, he keeps shouting, trying to get the bystanders to duck down and the enemies to drop their weapons. "Get down! Drop your weapons! Get down and get out of here!" is his constant refrain.

NB: Kira seems to have disappeared from the map.

Free action: Speak
Move action: Move 5 squares to E23.
Standard action: Shoot the guy again with a stun bolt.
Swift action: Switch to autofire.

Attack roll is 1d20+5 (base)+1(point blank)-2(intervening bystander) [roll0]
Damage roll is 3d12+2: [roll1]

Edit: Well, that's unlikely to hit anything unless his reflex defense was a 12.

2017-06-04, 08:02 PM
Kira whirls, sights in on the grenadier, and blasts away. If she takes him out, she'll try to find cover against the wall behind him. If not, she'll move to stay near Dave.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Dodge bonus on the grenadier.

2017-06-05, 05:26 AM
Alara collapse onto the ground and lose consciousness.

That stun grenade lowered her HP to 0, so yeah, she's out.

2017-06-06, 07:03 AM
Azur grits his teeth, as the waves of blue energy, pass his body. Luckily his body is somewhat used to stun in his arena fights and he screams and charges one of the assailants, ax striking in a wide arc.

Two swifts: 2 towards recovery
Standard: Charge Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

He charges one of the attackers that's still up (he is last in the heroes initiative). The boss first, grenadier second. Other one third.

2017-06-08, 11:42 PM
The thugs continue to fire, but before he can grab his rifle and fire, Kira takes the thug who threw the grenade down with a bolt just above the Twi'lek's heart. But there are still four thugs firing. Three of them, realizing they may have a better chance at taking the stormtrooper down if they work together, begin concentrating their fire at the trooper. Two of them miss their target, but one of them manages to get a decent shot that gets through Dave's armor just enough to cause a nasty reaction with his nervous system.

This has the effect of causing Dave's barrage of bolts to go wide, not only missing the scurrilous gentleman he was aiming for, but the crowd in general as well.

Azur meanwhile, realizing that an enemy with a rifle isn't going to charge at a man with an axe, charges toward the nearest thug, axe raised high. But with a deft sidestep, the wild swing goes wide.

2017-06-10, 12:37 PM
Dave centers, despite the arc of twitching pain up his right side and the annoying coppery taste that stun bolts always put in the back of his mouth. He lines up on the villain standing behind a bystander, and in the pause after one of his shouts he squeezes off another stun bolt. "Drop your weapons and surrender! This isn't worth your lives!" is his constant refrain.

At least while they're shooting at him the rest of his crew can keep at work.

Did not see any action for the boss. Assuming he is keeping cover behind a bystander.

Free action: Speak
Swift action: Swift action to aim.
Move action: Swift action to aim.
Standard action: Shoot the guy again with a stun bolt.

Attack roll is 1d20+5 (base)+1(point blank)-2(condition track): [roll0]
Damage roll is 3d12+2: [roll1]

EDIT: The 13 actually has a good chance to hit, since the boss is at -5 to reflex defense. HOWEVER, that is the most pathetic damage roll off 3D12 I've ever seen.

2017-06-10, 02:29 PM
Akkit took several deep breaths in before it gripped it's pistol. It was likely a terrible idea but still the jawa decided to loose another blue bolt at the thug Azur was going to potentially hack to bits. The bystanders would hopefully be safe as they scattered, a silent thanks that the thugs didn't want collateral damage.

Swift, Move: Recover 3/3, move up to only -2!
Standard: Shoot Thug 3 with Pistol still on Stun.
Attack: [roll0] (included the -2 already)
Damage: [roll1]

2017-06-10, 11:41 PM
Pleased at finally hitting a target, Kira takes aim at another attacker targeting Dave (whoever's closest) and blasts away.

2017-06-12, 07:02 AM
"Dang!" Azur exclaims as he takes another breath and swings his axe again!

Swift: recover (only -1 on the track now)
Swift recover 1/3
Standard: attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2017-06-14, 11:27 PM
Kira, her aim not affected by arcing pules of energy shooting through her body, catches another thug in the gut, dropping him.

Dave continues to fire after the gentleman, who, after a blue bolt of energy arcs just over his body as he stumbles over one of the bystanders in his way, continues to run away down the street, but this time, he whirls around in the middle of his run, and shoots a bolt of stunning blue energy toward the stormtrooper, but the shot merely sizzles against his armor before grounding out. But more curious is that he only fired with one of the two blasters he now has in his hands.

Akkit fires at one of the thugs, but his blaster seems to be merely inconvenient to the thug he fires at, as the bolt hits the thug, but seems to do little.

Azur has finally had it with these idiots, and with a mighty swing, cleaves the guy in front of him in half. Almost. It's like he has a meat hinge, just over his hips.

The thugs who are left, seem to be getting the idea that this is not the way things were supposed to go down, and they start backing away from the group of people they were supposed to be easily handling with the latest in stun tech.

2017-06-16, 11:24 AM
Kira continues to follow Dave. She'll cover his back, shooting back at any remaining thugs who don't run away. Thugs who run away get to live; there's no reason to pursue them. If there are no remaining thugs who don't run (and aren't already engaged by Azur), Kira will shoot at The Gentleman.

2017-06-17, 09:48 PM
Akkit for it's part felt that it had one last chance to get the gentleman before he ran away too far. The jawa lined up it's pistol and pulled the trigger, loosing another blue bolt.

2 Swifts: Either Aim if the Gentleman has cover or Recover some more.
Standard: Attack Gentleman while he's at the edge of Point Blank.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-06-23, 09:20 AM
Dave and Kira continue to advance, firing after the now retreating thugs, but their shots go far off course.

Azur charges down the street, his axe coming down with a mighty chop that cuts into the shoulder of the thug nearest to him.

The thugs, seeing their boss running, turn and do the same, hoping they can escape before their boss disappears.

Meanwhile, the gentleman turns his head to Dave.

"Well, looks like this is my cue to leave. I'll see you again, you can count on that."

And with that, he leaps over the edge of the street beyond.

Dave and Kira, reaching the edge, see no trace of the gentleman.

Combat is over. 500 XP for everyone.