View Full Version : Rules Q&A 3.5 - Dead Warforged Juggernaut

2017-03-24, 11:09 PM
My Warforged Juggernaut took 255 damage in one round. Ouch. He's dead.

The party would like to bring him back. But he's immune to all spells with the healing subschool.

Is he gone for good? Is there a way?

2017-03-24, 11:15 PM
The Wish spell?

2017-03-24, 11:15 PM
Reincarnate + Wish. Technically just Reincarnate works, but then you stop being a Warforged, which I imagine could cause some Problems. Wish alone doesn't work because it explicitly recreates the Resurrection spell, which has the Healing subschool.

2017-03-24, 11:15 PM
Reincarnate isn't in the Healing subschool. It probably wouldn't help him much, though.

2017-03-24, 11:42 PM
My Warforged Juggernaut took 255 damage in one round. Ouch. He's dead.

The party would like to bring him back. But he's immune to all spells with the healing subschool.

Is he gone for good? Is there a way?

ask your gm to allow your friends to either research (or hire someone to cast) a "revive construct" spell, like revive undead. by all accounts, it should exist to patch this hole.

if for whatever reason he can't abide this, you actually have a more elegant solution.

since you are dead, your corpse is an object, and no longer a creature. you no longer have any of your class features, including your construct perfection. so you're not immune to healing spells and can be raised or resurrected normally.

2017-03-25, 01:01 AM
Polymorph Any Object, followed by Rez and another PAO?

2017-03-25, 01:02 AM
Polymorph Any Object, followed by Rez and another PAO?

if the gm rules corpses keep their class features, that's really clever. since you'd want him to turn back into a warforged, you could just transform him into something dissimilar enough for the duration to be temporary and wait for it to wear off, contrary to how pao is normally used.

2017-03-25, 03:11 AM
The warforged doesn't have the 13 strength necessary for its feats right now (being an unmoving corpse and all), and therefore fails to qualify for Warforged Juggernaut. Until it meets the prerequisites again (such as by being resurrected), it'll be affected by healing spells normally.

2017-03-25, 08:04 AM
I could have sworn there was a "Revive Construct" spell like there's Revive Undead and Revive Outsider, but I may have been mistaken.

As a more roleplay-based solution, I would recommend having the party return to the creation forges where your Warforged was originally created and have a new body forged. If your old character had his body destroyed but not his head you could have the party bring the dead Warforged's head to see if the tinkers and crafters can extract its brain (Warforgeds do have brains, the Wakeful Mind graft in Faiths of Eberron references it) to place in the new body and carry on as normal (with one lost character level, etc). If that doesn't work, you can roleplay having a Warforged with the very same soul and personality as the dead one (having been made as the same model and from the same blueprints) but lacking all the memories of the dead one, which the party can fill in as they please. Maybe they're honest, maybe they change some things, and the truth would be something your character would have to determine themselves.

2017-03-25, 09:54 AM
I could have sworn there was a "Revive Construct" spell like there's Revive Undead and Revive Outsider, but I may have been mistaken.

Are you thinking of this?
