View Full Version : Pathfinder Pathfinder Wizard in Real (Lovecraft) Life.

Xar Zarath
2017-03-25, 04:03 AM
So one day by pure happenstance or by act of ROB, you have become a Level 1 Pathfinder Wizard (build as you like it). However as you achieve your little step into wondrous magic, you sense something that is undeniable. Our world, our universe is exactly as the Lovecraft Mythos, with ancient beings ready to herald the time of madness and disdain.

So now that you are a Wizard 1 (remember you can specialise/generalise as you see fit, your build is up to you) how will you fare in the coming years ahead? Oh and remember that as you progress further up the power ladder, you might just attract the notice of some random ancient Great Old One. Remember, totally random.

2017-03-25, 04:36 AM
ROB? Random Old Biddy?

Do I have some percentage chance of ceasing to be human gradually as I gain power, too? Or is it guaranteed as I level?

Is the power level of the mythos more d20 Call of Cthulhu or printed versions in Pathfinder? Because if the former, well, Crafter's Fortune can help make a lot of explosives.

Do I get access to spells from the mythos and Call of Cthulhu? If not, does that sort of magic exist and it's largely a matter of doing the right rituals correctly?

Do I have access to the planes for summoning purposes? Could I Planar Bind a Succubus?

2017-03-25, 05:19 AM
Get a clandestine wizard school going ASAP and train an organized resistance.

e: Also work on inventing Agent Orange Golems to deal with Mi-go

2017-03-25, 05:22 AM
Since Knowing Magic is bound to drive me insane anyway I'd probably attempt to craft a Scroll of Disintigrate to use on myself as soon as I could.

2017-03-25, 05:26 AM
Ah. This is easy and I can answer it for everyone. Ahem.

We all suffer horrable insanity, join cults, and get ate by shoggoths. The end.


2017-03-25, 01:45 PM

You say Pathfinder Wizard, which does not per se include the maddening effects of The Mythos, yet You say our world is exactly like it.

I see that as meaning there exist Pathfinder Wizardry (at the very least proven by our existence) but there is ALSO Chtuloid Magic that drives you mad.

In that case I would stay clear of old Tomes and such, and develop my spells myself. Limits versatility, but keeps sanity intact.

Once I were around say Level 6, I would start a School (after Despelling any candidates, to prevent infiltration), teach them what I know, make 2-3 of them Crafting focussed to get a buckload of aniu-Shoggoth-wards and such, and try to keep a low profile until the following is achieved: me reaching Level 20, at least 30 of my pupils reaching level 15ish, at least 200 Wizards in Total.

And then I would start fighting back. :D

2017-03-25, 01:48 PM
It just so happens there's an archetype (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/classes/core-classes/wizard/archetypes/paizo---wizard-archetypes/elder-mythos-scholar-wizard-archetype) pretty much purpose-built for this thread

Xar Zarath
2017-03-26, 01:49 AM
ROB? Random Old Biddy?

Random Omnipotent Being.

Do I have some percentage chance of ceasing to be human gradually as I gain power, too? Or is it guaranteed as I level?

No, you stay human

Is the power level of the mythos more d20 Call of Cthulhu or printed versions in Pathfinder? Because if the former, well, Crafter's Fortune can help make a lot of explosives.

Hmm, for this scenario would be Pathfinder.

Do I get access to spells from the mythos and Call of Cthulhu? If not, does that sort of magic exist and it's largely a matter of doing the right rituals correctly?

You are able to seek out magic of the mythos if you want to. Practicing it would yield results but madness and other generally mythos "effects" would bring insanity/mythos beings calling as appropriate.

PF magic cannot be found naturally in our world and must be gained as Levels and XP but can be created by you. Performing PF magic will not draw mythos beings, or at least as much.

You could take this as a scale. Mythos magic would have a cumulative chance of drawing mythos beings 1d100 everytime you practice their brand of magic.

PF magic would have a non-cumulative chance of drawing attention.

Do I have access to the planes for summoning purposes? Could I Planar Bind a Succubus?

Planar beings outside of our universe do exist but must be summoned, called into our world of course.

2017-03-26, 03:05 PM
It seems like the thing to do is to minimize spellcasting until one can get access to Planar travel and risk the journey to another campaign setting/multiverse, and then do the standard adventurer thing there before amassing an army and sending it back to eliminate the jerks that made you flee your home reality.