View Full Version : The Order of Orion: Crash Site

Lord Sidereal
2007-07-27, 05:12 AM
A spec. Dark against the cool blue of the morning sky.
Growing. A gentle whilsting sound crescendos to a roar.
The air beneath it melts.
Impact. Like a battering ram to a glass butterfly, the earth shatters.
The dust settles.

The craft is a black-body entity, about 100 meters in circumference. Looking at it is disconcerting; as it relfect no light, it appears as a hole within reality. It rests for a second, the air around ti cooling quikcly as its energy is pulled into the ship. The a circle appears on it, about 5 meters wide, and shimmers. A hatch appears, and from it step The Order of Orion.

"Rough landing"
"Yes. Everything appears unharmed, however"
"Fortunate. Set up a defensive perimeter. We will explore in due course. First we must ensure our own safety"

And with that, the group disperse, setting up magical and technological defense in a perimeter around the ship.

The Order of Orion

Lord Orion XII
Some call him an adventurer, some a pirate. Some a king, some a tyrant. Whatever he truly is, Orion travels the stars seeking out the wonders of the multiverse. Gifted with the black-body craft Starkiller, he is a master of stratergy and diplomacy, as well as a keen student of both the blade and the book.

Profet wears a hood to hide his face, and he body is covered in tatoos. Little is known of this man, besides that he appears young and speaks little. His power, Orion reasons, is limitless, though he is yet to demonstrate anything more than simple magic.

Grandfather Clock
A demigod, Clock has temporal powers unrivalled by most arcane students. Travelling with Orion in an attempt to better understand who he is, Clock's amnesia is a difficult subject both for him and the rest of the Order.

Tinks and X1
Tinks is an expert mechanic and pilot, and is always accompanied by her drone/battlesuit X1. A keen lover of technology, she loathes magic and that which she cannot explain by technical diagrams. Somewhat boisterous, she often conflicts with Orion over the treatment of the ship

Protean is Lord Orion's right hand man and the muscle of the order. Standing at just under 6 foot 2, he is almost as broad as he is high and carries a Tamarillion Warmance and K'Run Neutrino Blaster. Despite emergent anger problems, Protean tries his best to be kind and gentle to all he meets. However, his checkered past means the others have had issues learning to trust him.