View Full Version : (IC) Festival of Heroes - Jousting Arena

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2017-03-25, 05:53 PM
This is where the posting in the Jousting Arena will occur.

2017-03-25, 05:59 PM

Andrew Markham
2017-03-25, 07:09 PM
At 9:30 am, Aurix arrives at the Pit. He waits for Gorrun and prepares to present his daggers to the Master of Arms. Aurix paces slightly, working off the nervous energy of anticipation.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-25, 07:41 PM
Gorrun walks around the corner only a minute after Aurix arrives. He had gotten there a bit faster and spent 10 minutes in the practice arena working through his routines. Nervous? Don't be. That bear showed me just how rusty I've gotten lately at depending on myself. They won't let me bring my unit in with me. He laughs heartily.

2017-03-25, 10:04 PM
Warrick greeted Aurix and Gorrun and inspected Aurix's daggers closely. "Eh, see, these have been enchanted, which would be unfair," he said. "You'll have to make do with just masterwork daggers." Warrick gestured for the aides to bring Aurix a set of mundane mithral daggers.

"Alright boys, we're going to walk out there and I'm going to bloviate for the audience while you two stand next to me in the middle. Then you're going to walk to the designated starting squares on either end and you'll have your preparation round. Remember, anything you do must effect only yourself. Now, who wants to be on what side of the arena?"

Andrew Markham
2017-03-25, 10:11 PM
"I yield to the General's preference."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-25, 10:57 PM
I'll take the Western side. Can't have our scaled Sorcerer fleeing for the exit just yet. Gorrun chides playfully.

2017-03-25, 11:50 PM
"Very well, then!" Warrick said, gesturing for Gorrun to take the lead. Gorrun, Warrick and Aurix walked out into the huge, muddy arena to an explosive roar of cheering.
Acrobatics DC checks increase by 5. Botching an acro check will cause you to slip and fall prone in the mud.Warrick raised his arms and the crowd gradually quieted.
"Welcome back, good people! For our first bout today, we have General Gorrun, the princess' own champion, representing our fair nation in this tournament!" Warrick paused to allow the renewed cheering to subside again.
"And his opponent today is the very fine Aurix Kornari, known to a great many as 'Erastil's Dragon', defender of the followers of Erastil!" Warrick waited for the cheering to die down again.
"They have come to participate in a knockout bout. The match will continue for as long as both are still standing. When one falls unconscious, the match ends, the winner the one still standing. The combatants are required to make nonlethal attacks during this match. Blows that violate this rule will net the perpetrator a penalty point. Three penalty points and the match is forfeit. Magic can be used freely, as our own court mage, Hervir, has renewed the coliseum's wardings to ensure all magic does nonlethal damage, no matter its source. Magic that kills outright without otherwise inflicting damage is negated entirely."
"The combatants were not allowed to bring their personal gear out onto the field today. As always, they have been permitted to select from a variety of tournament-issue equipment. So if they look mismatched, it's not their fashion sense that's the problem, I assure you," Warrick grinned at the crowd.
"The combatants will now step into the starting blocks," Warrick gestured for Gorrun and Aurix to go, "General Gorrun to the west, and Aurix Kornari to the east. They will be given one a very brief chance to prepare themselves for battle, and then the match will begin! During this preparation, they may only do things that effect themselves, and cannot step out of the starting blocks. After that, they are free to engage each other in combat to the best and fullest extent of their abilities! As the audience here today, your job is to let these fine gentleman know when you like them, when you love them, and when you don't! So without further ado, let's begin!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick flung his arms up and lifted into the air. He flew towards the pit and hovered between the two private boxes on either side of the doorway. He smiled and waved at Hervir and Geiravor before turning his attention back to the field, carefully watching the combat unfold.

Gorrun and Aurix have 1 round to perform maneuvers, cast spells, activate items, whatever, so long as they are the only ones affected. They may not leave their squares. Include your initiative roll at the end of your preparation post (in case what you do would impact that roll).

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 12:07 AM
Aurix bows towards Geiravor's private booth, then turns and bows towards Gorrun. "My Lady Princess, Sir Gorrun, you both do me great honor by allowing me here today! I will show you my prowess!"

Aurix casts a spell, creating a field around himself. The mythral daggers rise from their sheathes and begin to float around Aurix.
Wreath of Blades- anyone who begins their turn adjacent to me takes damage, prevents AoOs due to spellcasting

Aurix snaps his fingers. [roll0] (no more than 8) illusory versions of Aurix appear around him, all mimicking his actions.
Quickened Mirror Image

Aurix stays where he is and looks across the field to Gorrun.

Initiative: [roll1]

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 12:07 AM
Gorrun sloggs his way to the starting position and gives a bow to Aurix on the far end then waves to the gathered crowd. He holds his shield firmly in front of him. Lighter than he's used to, but it should do. He picks up his feet and shakes the mud free from his boots.

Turtle General's Stance, Activate winged boots for 5 minutes.
[roll0] initiative.

Gorrun lifts off the ground and moves forward to [K&L, 16&17] at a hight of 10'

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 12:47 AM
Aurix smiles knowingly. He snaps his fingers and fires 3 rays of heat at Gorrun!
Quickened Maximized Empowered Scorching Ray
Ray vs Touch AC
[roll0], does 4d6+8=32 x 1.5 = 48 non-lethal fire damage
[roll1], does 4d6+8=32 x 1.5 = 48 non-lethal fire damage
[roll2], does 4d6+8=32 x 1.5 = 48 non-lethal fire damage

Then he casts a spell and waves his hand.
Time Stop!
[roll3] rounds- if greater than 4 will edit additional turns in

Turn 1:
Quickened Mage Armor- +4 Armor AC
Moment of Prescience

Turn 2:
Quickened Shield- +4 Shield AC
Greater Heroism- +4 to rolls

Turn 3:
Quickened Greater False Life- gives [roll4] temp HP
Stoneskin- gives DR 10/Adamantine

Turn 4:
Quickened Displacement- 50% miss chance
Standard action, extends wings
Move Action, up 15', east 5' to K36

All at once, Aurix shifts. He is now flying 15' up and 5' east, surrounded by another image of himself, and his skin has become stone. He beckons Gorrun onward.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 01:13 AM
Gorrun ducks, weaves and lunges to avoid the incoming rays, then wraps the chain of his flying blade around his torso and moves forward 20' and rising an additional 10' while drawing a longbow.

Immediate action: Extended Defense- Unbreakable Panthera Guard 1 round.
[roll0] Survival DC 30. If successful, Dodge ray 1 add 20 temp hp.
[roll1] Survival DC 31. If successful, Dodge ray 2 add 20 temp hp.
[roll2] Survival DC 29. If successful, Dodge ray 3 add 20 temp hp.

Standard action: stow weapon.
Move action: move and draw weapon.

The first ray strikes its mark but a surge of adrenaline follows and the wound becomes barely noticable.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 07:44 AM
Aurix's eyebrows shoot up. "Interesting!"

Aurix once again snaps his fingers, producing three rays of fire.
[roll0], 4d6+8=32 nonlethal fire damage
[roll1], 4d6+8=32 nonlethal fire damage
[roll2], 4d6+8=32 nonlethal fire damage

Then he casts a spell normally, producing 5 purple missiles that unerringly seek out Gorrun!

Aurix rises 10', mirroring Gorrun's vertical movement.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 09:55 AM
Gorrun sets his shield against the rays of fire but the small missiles strike true. He relaxes his shield arm and sets in on Aruix. Gorrun Charges with a fury in his eyes first one attack then another...

[roll0] Shotel [roll1]+[roll2] ignore DR
[roll3] Shield [roll4]+[roll5] ignore DR
[roll6] Shotel [roll7]+[roll8] ignore DR
[roll9] Shield [roll10]+[roll11] ignore DR
[roll12] Shotel [roll13]+[roll14] ignore DR
[roll15] Shield [roll16]+[roll17] ignore DR +Shield Slam

[roll18] Long Bow [roll19]+[roll20] ignore DR
[roll21] Shotel [roll22]+[roll23] ignore DR

Immediate action: Extended Defense - Adamantine Shell.
[roll24] vs atk 1. If Successful negate attack, if failed gain DR 40/- for this attack.
[roll25] vs atk 2. If Successful negate attack, if failed gain DR 40/- for this attack.
[roll26] vs atk 3. If Successful negate attack, if failed gain DR 40/- for this attack.

Swift Action: Skirmisher's Stance
Wrath of the Primal Hunter

Gorrun utterly obliterated what he thought was Aurix, only to realized he had targeted an imaginary figment.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 11:59 AM
Aurix snaps his fingers, summoning another trio of orange rays.
[roll0], [roll1] nonlethal fire damage
[roll2], [roll3] nonlethal fire damage
[roll4], [roll5] nonlethal fire damage

Then Aurix looks Gorrun in the eye and says, "Remember this one?" Aurix inhales deeply, his chest begins to glow red, and he exhales a cone of flame!
[roll6] nonlethal fire damage, Reflex save DC 28 for half

At the beginning of Gorrun's turn, he takes [roll7] nonlethal damage from the spinning daggers.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 12:23 PM
As Aurix's body double vanished Gorrun knew he was in trouble. He immediately readied his shield at the first flicker of fire from Aurix and weathered the heat behind the thin sheet of steel.

He stepped back 5' and waited for the next attack.

Immediate Action, Invulnerable Shell of the Iron Tortoise. Take no dmg.
Defensive Focus, 30' difficult terrain all around me. Any AoOs provoked inside I may move to to take. At the end of the round, recover all spent Manuvers

Swift Action: Iron Hide Stance

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 01:02 PM
Aurix blinks rapidly in surprise. "Are you completely invulnerable back there? Okay." Aurix flourishes his cape and dashes forward to the northwest, leaving a host of after-images in his wake that attack Gorrun.

Bladed Dash (movement does not provoke AoO) vs AC
[roll0], [roll1] nonlethal damage

Aurix reappears at G32. Then he turns around and snaps his fingers, casting on himself. Then he moves rapidly to the west. (90' move action, ends at G14)
Quickened Haste

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 01:28 PM
Gorrun is struck by the after image and turns to see Aurix cast a spell [/roll]1d20+8[/ roll]22 . As the Sorcerer flees west Gorrun lunges north to bring him in reach. [H&I,33&34]

[roll0][roll1]AoO[roll2]1 misses.
[roll3][roll4]AoO moving through threatened area. [roll5]1 misses. Another false image disappers. He then follows the fleeing Aurix
[roll6][roll7]AoO leaving threat Area. [roll8]1 misses.

Gorrun then sets his eye and lobs a volley of arrows at Aurix
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]1 misses. A third mirror breaks.
[roll12] [roll13] [roll14]1 misses.
[roll15] [roll16] [roll17]1 misses.
[roll18] [roll19] [roll20]1 misses.

([roll21] 7 hits more mirrors will be rolled according to necessity.)
Lord of the Pride lands, +2 to Atk, Dmg, saves, and AC for 1 round.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 02:53 PM
Aurix looks around and forms a plan. He snaps his fingers and generates more magic missiles, then casts a single long blast of fire at Gorrun!
Quickened Maximized Magic Missile
Chains of Fire

Magic Missiles
1d4+2 = 6 nonlethal force damage
1d4+2 = 6 nonlethal force damage
1d4+2 = 6 nonlethal force damage
1d4+2 = 6 nonlethal force damage
1d4+2 = 6 nonlethal force damage

Fire deals [roll0] nonlethal fire damage, Reflex save DC 26 for half

Then Aurix does a slow descent as he moves 50' west, 15' north, and 15' down, to end up at D4 with an elevation of 10'. The pillar is now between himself and more arrows. Aurix smiles. This should result in something interesting one way or another.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 03:56 PM
As the first missile strikes Gorrun he laughs a guttural laugh as bruises mend beneath his armor. With the 5th missile he shouts It takes more than that pangolin! as more scrapes heal. Then when the flames strike him he dips quickly to the side, [roll0]. He fails to escape the fire, though the burns immediately begin to heal as well. By the end, he looks healthier than he did before the missile strikes.

He then moves 40' north and fires a single arrow at Aurix
[roll1] [roll2] [roll3]1 misses [roll4]5 hits

immediate action:Extended Defense 3/9-endurance of the Strong.
Heal 40 HP [roll5]Performance
Heal 40 HP [roll6]Performance
Heal 40 HP [roll7]Performance
Swift action: Primal Warrior Stance +10 move speed and Scent.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 04:46 PM
"Interesting choice, General!" Aurix calls. He quickly molds a ball of fire and tosses it towards the general, then zaps with another burst of flame!
Quickened Persistent Fireball
Chains of Fire

[roll0] non-lethal fire damage within a 20 foot radius, must make two DC 23 Reflex saves in a row for half
[roll1] non-lethal fire damage, DC 26 Reflex save for half

Aurix then moves 10 feet south to F4, once again putting the pillar between himself and Gorrun.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 08:44 PM
As the flames repeatedly crash into Gorrun obviously singeing his exposed flesh, what little there is, he tries to dodge the brunt of it but is still burned. He shouts. Now that's what I'm talking about! Ladies and gentlemen, the Dragon of Erastil! He climbs another 20' while moving 75' West. And manuvers his Shield between him and Aurix.

Swift Action: Turtle General's Stance.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 09:33 PM
Aurix casts one more quick spell.
Quickened Embrace Destiny[roll0] for later use

He then moves to the north and comes out from behind the pillar. He begins striding towards Gorrun, coming slightly closer to the ground. "Can you come down here, General? We need to talk." He finishes moving east to D17, at 5' elevation. Aurix Kornari peers up at the bottom of the general's feet and casts on the General's boots.
Greater Dispel Magic
[roll1], DC 11+item's CL, power of the boots is suppressed for [roll2] rounds

As the General begins to drift downwards, Aurix says, "See, I know what you feared from me. You prepared for battle at range because I'm a spellcaster, and it's true. But the blood of the golden dragons has been awakened in my veins, and not just the magic. I have their strength as well. So please, draw your weapons. I won't take advantage as you do so. I will run no longer, because you are the General of Juvelnord, and that is the respect you deserve. I will show you the strength of a dragon: sorcery and power combined."

(If Gorrun starts his turn within 5 feet of Aurix, he takes [roll3] nonlethal damage)

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-26, 10:53 PM
Gorrun's boots begin to falter and Aurix has moved to nearly below him. A grin crosses the General's face. He leans into his shield and plummets like a stone from the heavens. Paying no heed to the swirling daggers he takes a chance. He releases his bow.

[roll0] Shotel [roll1]+[roll2] dmg. [roll3] 1 misses
[roll4] Shield [roll5]+[roll6] dmg. [roll7] 1 misses
[roll8] Unarmed [roll9]+[roll10] dmg. [roll11] 1 misses
[roll12] Unarmed [roll13]+[roll14] dmg. [roll15] 1 misses
[roll16] Shotel [roll17]+[roll18] dmg. [roll19] 1 misses
[roll20] Shield [roll21]+[roll22] dmg. [roll23] 1 misses
[roll24] Unarmed [roll25]+[roll26] dmg. [roll27] 1 misses
[roll28] Unarmed [roll29]+[roll30] dmg. [roll31] 1 misses
[roll32] Shotel [roll33]+[roll34] dmg. [roll35] 1 misses
[roll36] Shield [roll37]+[roll38] dmg. [roll39] 1 misses
[roll40] Unarmed [roll41]+[roll42] dmg. [roll43] 1 misses
[roll44] Unarmed [roll45]+[roll46] dmg. [roll47] 1 misses
[roll48] Shotel [roll49]+[roll50] dmg. [roll51] 1 misses

All attacks ignore DR.
If one of the Unarmed Attacks hits add [roll52] frost
[roll53] 6 hits (mirror image, other rolls to follow as needed. )
Swift Action: Skirmisher's Stance
Free Action drop bow.
Wrath of the Primal Hunter (Strike)
First unarmed strike to hit activates armbands of frigid touch.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-26, 11:35 PM
Aurix sighs in relief as four of his illusions take hits intended for him. Only a single mirror and the displaced image remain around him, but Aurix is still untouched. As the General lands in the mud, he locks eyes with the four-armed man. Aurix's draconic green eyes are steady as he nods. Aurix's hands grow claws, and his teeth transform into draconic fangs. Aurix grips his stave with both hands. He waves his hands, quickly producing a trio of rays of fire, then lays in to the General with his quarterstaff and bite!

Quickened Maximized Empowered Scorching Ray
Ray vs Touch AC
[roll0], 4d6+8= 32 damage x 1.5 = 48 non-lethal fire damage
[roll1], 4d6+8= 32 damage x 1.5 = 48 non-lethal fire damage
[roll2], 4d6+8= 32 damage x 1.5 = 48 non-lethal fire damage

Full Attack Power Attack + Bite
I roll an 11 (previous buff) + 25 = 36 to hit, [roll3] nonlethal damage
[roll4], [roll5] nonlethal damage
[roll6], [roll7] nonlethal damage
[roll8], [roll9] nonlethal damage

[roll10], [roll11] nonlethal damage + [roll12] fire damage

The daggers continue to spin within the effects of Aurix's abjuration. The spell attacks Gorrun for [roll13] damage at the beginning of his turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-27, 12:11 AM
Gorrun knew he would be set upon in such manner and his years in the field had taught him how to survive even the toughest scrapes. He relied on these survival skills to aid him now.
Immediate action Extended Defense 4/9 - Unbreakable Panthera Guard
[roll0] vs Ray 1
[roll1] vs Ray 2
[roll2] vs Ray 3
[roll3] vs Bite
[roll4] vs attack 1
[roll5] vs attack 2
[roll6] vs attack 3
[roll7] vs attack 4
On a success, negate damage and gain 20 temp HP
Swift Action: Iron Tortoise Stance

The first Ray hits, but each time after, Gorrun is able to duck, dive, and dodge his way out of the way. With every near miss his adrenaline increases and his confidence grows stronger.

Gorrun shifts his stance moving 10ft back and drawing his Flying Blade. [C&D 20&21]
He attacks
1d20+26[roll][41][roll8][1d2][1] 1 hits [roll9] 1 hits (mirror roll)
[roll10] vs Atk roll. Success = negate attack and gain 20 temp hp

Andrew Markham
2017-03-27, 06:41 AM
Aurix moves to take advantage of Gorrun's movement when he sees him draw his backup weapon, and Aurix chooses not to counter.

Aurix takes a hit from the drawn weapon. It slides off his stony flesh, but still manages to impact him. A surge of magical energy absorbs the damage, but Aurix nods, acknowledging the hit. Then the onslaught continues. Aurix snaps his fingers, firing yet another trio of orange rays, then inhales deeply. His chest glows red, and he exhales dragon fire!

Ray vs Touch AC
[roll0], [roll1] nonlethal fire damage
[roll2], [roll3] nonlethal fire damage
[roll4], [roll5] nonlethal fire damage

Dragon Breath, 30 foot cone
[roll6] nonlethal fire damage, DC 28 Reflex save for half

Then Aurix surges forward 10 feet until he is once again in Gorrun's face, looking him in the eye. The field of spinning daggers spins rapidly, doing [roll7] nonlethal damage.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-27, 11:02 AM
Flames leap at Gorrun seeking out his already charred flesh. He buckles down behind his shield and leans into the attacks. As the daggers tink against his shield, he rises and takes a step back [C&D, 21&22] He smiles at Aurix. You're smart, you were paying attention. I like that. Now let's see which one of you is the real deal.

He then looses a flurry of attacks.
[roll0][roll1][roll2] 1 hits
[roll3][roll4][roll5] 1 hits
[roll6][roll7][roll8] 1 hits
[roll9][roll10][roll11] 1 hits
[roll12][roll13][roll14] 1 hits
[roll15][roll16][roll17] 1 hits
[roll18][roll19][roll20] 1 hits
[roll21][roll22][roll23] 1 hits
[roll24][roll25][roll26] 1 hits
[roll27][roll28][roll29] 1 hits

[roll30] Performance Check for Multiple Attacks
[roll31] 1 hits (mirror roll)
Immediate action: Extended Defense 5/9 - Invulnerable Shell of the Iron Tortoise

Gorrun over extends his shield arm and pulls a muscle in his side sending pain sweeping through him. The Other one He grumbles, after all of his best attacks swept harmlessly through a distorted image.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-27, 12:43 PM
Aurix once again steps in to Gorrun's space. "My illusions are a shield, just like yours...and they seem to be working with about the same effectiveness. And just like you, I have more than one type of weapon: staff, spells, and flames." Aurix generates a small orange orb and tosses it to his right. It explodes in mid-air, creating a wave of fire in all directions! Then Aurix spins his right hand in the air. The flames at the outer edge of the wave begin to spin until they create a ring of fire 20 feet high, encasing Aurix and Gorrun! Aurix smiles as the flames wash over him with no effect.
Delayed Blast Fireball
Wall of Fire

[roll0] nonlethal fire damage, DC 27 Reflex save for half
[roll1] nonlethal fire damage from the ring, no save
[roll2] nonlethal damage from the daggers

2017-03-27, 12:49 PM
Round 11 begins.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-27, 01:19 PM
Gorrun looked around at the people in the crowd. In a minutes time he had gone from home town hero to being jeered from the stands. How fickle and superficial these city folk were. He began to grow disheartened his morale sank at the booing of the crowds. And then he saw her, Princess Geiravore, sitting in the stands. He looked up at the Juvelnord crest above the royal box and he remembered that he had a purpose. Regardless of the crowd's shifting fancy, he was here for this city and her people. He planted his feet as the flames washed over him, and stared right into Aurix's burning Green eyes.

swift action Lord of the pride lands +2 to Atk, Dmg, saves, and AC for 1 round
Full round action: Defensive Focus, 40' difficult terrain and threat range.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-27, 02:16 PM
Aurix matches Gorrun's stare and thinks, Those are the eyes of a soldier who has been ordered to die, and still stands his ground."

Aurix's smile fades. He nods slightly to Gorrun. "You won't yield. Fine then." Aurix bellows in Draconic and leaps into the fray! As he makes contact with his melee attacks, another explosion of fire detonates!
Quickened Fireball

Full Attack + Bite
[roll0], [roll1] nonlethal damage
[roll2], [roll3] nonlethal damage
[roll4], [roll5] nonlethal damage
[roll6], [roll7] nonlethal damage

[roll8], [roll9] nonlethal damage + [roll10] nonlethal fire damage

[roll11] nonlethal fire damage, DC 23 Reflex save for half
[roll12] nonlethal fire damage from the wall
[roll13] nonlethal damage from the daggers

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-27, 04:04 PM
Gorrun Empowers his shield with a bit of his own stubborn will and blocks the incoming attacks with ease but the flames sweep past scorching the general a bit more. [roll0] (Ref save.) His eyes widen [roll1] (spellcraft) I thought I was used to the heat, but this in intense. Your Reputation is well earned.

The General steps 5ft SE and attacks once more, hoping for better judgement in targeting this time.

[roll2][roll3][roll4] 1 hits
[roll5][roll6][roll7] 1 hits Shatters last mirror image
[roll8][roll9][roll10] 1 hits
[roll11][roll12][roll13] 1 hits 20 Performance Check Gorrun Shifts 10' North passing through the wall of fire and taking 30 flame damage.
[roll14][roll15][roll16] 1 hits
[roll17][roll18][roll19] 1 hits
[roll20][roll21][roll22] 1 hits
[roll23][roll24][roll25] 1 hits
[roll26][roll27][roll28] 1 hits
[roll29][roll30][roll31] 1 hits Misroll Actual Attack Roll 27

[roll32] 1 hits (mirror roll)

Immediate Action: Extended defense 6/9 Adamantine Shell
[roll33] Success nullifies the attack, failure grants DR 40/- vs this attack
[roll34] Success nullifies the attack, failure grants DR 40/- vs this attack
[roll35] Success nullifies the attack, failure grants DR 40/- vs this attack
[roll36] Success nullifies the attack, failure grants DR 40/- vs this attack
[roll37] Success nullifies the attack, failure grants DR 40/- vs this attack
Swift Action: Lord of the Pridelands (+2 to atk, Dmg, Saves, AC for a full round)

Andrew Markham
2017-03-27, 05:25 PM
One of Gorrun's blows hits Aurix, but it bounces off of Aurix's stony skin.

Aurix slams the ground with his quarterstaff. A serpent of flame slides along the ground to singe Gorrun further, then turns and moves 50' east before dissipating.
Fire Snake
Aurix moves 5 feet northeast to C21, putting Gorrun's back against the wall.

[roll0] nonlethal fire damage, DC 25 Reflex save for half
[roll1] nonlethal fire damage from the wall
[roll2] nonlethal damage from daggers
Swift Action, Performance Check [roll3]

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-27, 08:06 PM
With fire blazing all around him, Gorrun's options narrowed he swung his shield wide, clearing a split second gap in the flames and claps the hilt of his Shotel on his breastplate and barrels through the fire, moving east 55'. Then he turns to watch the Sorcerer.

Immediate action: Invulnerable Shell of the Iron Tortoise.
Free action: Activate haste 1/5
Double move

Andrew Markham
2017-03-27, 08:46 PM
Aurix sighs and pants slightly. "I said I wouldn't run anymore...but apparently you're not done." Aurix casts, confident his motions can't be seen by Gorrun through the wall of flames. Aurix points, shooting out rays of fire, then spins his hand, creating another ring of fire around Gorrun! The heat crashes into the circle, bombarding Gorrun.
Wall of Fire
Quickened Scorching Ray

Ray vs Touch AC
[roll0], [roll1] nonlethal fire damage
[roll2], [roll3] nonlethal fire damage
[roll4], [roll5] nonlethal fire damage

Takes [roll6] nonlethal fire damage from the ring, no save

After the fire wall appears, Aurix moves 55 feet east, maintaining his elevation, passing through both walls of fire, and ending at C32.

Gorrun takes [roll7] nonlethal damage from the daggers.

2017-03-27, 08:53 PM

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-27, 09:42 PM
Can't get a moment to breathe Gorrun pants through the heat of yet more oncoming flame. He begins shouting at each hit... forcing himself to press on increasing his adrenaline output. Oddly some minor bruising begins to fade as the attacks land.

immediate action: Extended Defense 7/9 - Endurance of the Strong. All attacks will heal 40 HP.
[roll0] mandatory performance check
[roll1] mandatory performance check
[roll2] mandatory performance check
[roll3] mandatory performance check
[roll4] mandatory performance check

Gorrun takes a 5ft step SE [C&D, 34&35]

Once more, he tries desperately to land and attack on the displaced Aurix.

[roll5][roll6][roll7] 2 hits
[roll8][roll9][roll10] 2 hits
[roll11][roll12][roll13] 2 hits
[roll14][roll15][roll16] 2 hits
[roll17][roll18][roll19] 2 hits
[roll20][roll21][roll22] 2 hits
[roll23][roll24][roll25] 2 hits
[roll26][roll27][roll28] 2 hits
[roll29][roll30][roll31] 2 hits
[roll32][roll33][roll34] 2 hits

Andrew Markham
2017-03-27, 10:07 PM
Another of Gorrun's blows hits Aurix. It snaps against his stone skin. Small cracks begin to form, but Aurix is unharmed.

Aurix thinks, "Gotta keep pressing him..." He breathes in deeply and directs his dragon's breath to the southeast! Then he snaps out three more rays of fire and moves 5 feet east to C33, keeping Gorrun in reach of the spinning daggers.

Dragon's Breath!
[roll0] nonlethal fire damage, DC 28 Reflex save for half

Ray vs Touch AC
[roll1], 4d6+8 = 32 nonlethal fire damage
[roll2], 4d6+8 = 32 nonlethal fire damage
[roll3], 4d6+8 = 32 nonlethal fire damage

[roll4] nonlethal fire damage from the wall
[roll5] nonlethal damage from the daggers

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-27, 10:40 PM
Gorrun's skin blackens once more at the Dragon's breath. He tries to duck out of the way [roll0] (reflex save) but is unable to do so. He hoists his shield to block the rays while trying to survive at all costs, but the fire breaks through. He is defenseless against the daggers and the ambient heat of the ring of fire.

Immediate action: Extended Defense 8/9 - Unbreakable Panthera Guard
[roll1] vs Ray 1 success negates damage and adds 20 temp hp
[roll2] vs Ray 2 success negates damage and adds 20 temp hp
[roll3] vs Ray 3 success negates damage and adds 20 temp hp Edited due to crit results.

Expend two charges of Armiger's Mark to activate Deathless Defense.
Defensive Focus 40' threat range, considered difficult terrain

Gorrun plants his feet, his mind focused, just trying to hold it together. His flesh begins to boil and crack, his skin chars, steam rises from within his armored shell. And yet he stands, unwilling to fall. Unable to surrender. He can no longer hear the jeers and sneers of the ungrateful crowd. He perseveres on pure steadfastness alone.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-27, 11:35 PM
Aurix looks to Gorrun's deadening eyes and crackled skin and his eyes go wide. He immediately dispels his own Wall of Fire and flies up and back 10 feet. Even as he sees Warrick approaching, he shouts, "GORRUN!! Your Princess doesn't want you to die for this!! She wants you to LIVE, the same as you want your soldiers to live! Juvelnord is safe!! The PEOPLE are safe!! So PLEASE, by the gods of good...just STOP. Just...stop. She only wanted it to be a knockout match." Aurix trails off, staring at the steaming form of Gorrun.

2017-03-27, 11:59 PM
A hush fell over the crowd as the gravity of the situation became clear. A tension fell over the arena as people began whispering and murmuring.

Warrick gestured for Aurix to land as he approached, and touched down in front of Gorrun.
"Stand down, General," he said gruffly. "This isn't the war, and you're not being asked to die here. People didn't come to witness a hero's death, so let's not traumatize them while simultaneously breaking a hundred-year no-death streak, hey?"

When Aurix landed next to Warrick, the Master at Arms grabbed him by the wrist and yanked his hand up over their heads.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner!" he boomed. The audience started to applaud, slowly at first, but picking up speed and volume until the arena was practically shaking.
"You put on a good show," Warrick said quietly to Aurix, "and your sportsmanship at the end is to your credit. People will remember this moment for a long time."
Warrick let Aurix's hand dropped and grabbed his shoulder and gave him a light push towards the pit.
"Let's go, the aides are waiting," he said, flying up to put his arm across Gorrun's broad shoulders and guide him out of the arena.

Down in the pit, the aides were bustling about, and a gaggle of acolytes from various temples rushed forward and began bombarding the two heroes with cure spells until they were both restored to full health after a couple minutes of effort.

"Alright boys, let's go take your bows and say some words," Warrick said jovially.

The Master at Arms led them both back out into the arena and to the center where they'd stood for the start of the match.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I hope our dazzling heroes impressed you with their show of strength today! I know not all of you were pleased with how they chose to conduct themselves today, but you must remember: they are warriors, not performers. They fought this match as they would fight in the field of battle in a war. So take heart, and remember! Remember how valiantly they fought and how resilient they were in the face of heavy damage! These are men you want fighting for you. These are men you want protecting you. These are men who will stand and fight to their last breath even when they aren't required to do so! Ladies and gentlemen, please applaud for our own Princess' Champion, General Gorrun, who stood in this arena today as he would stand for any one of you!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick paused to allow the audience to applaud, which they did. There was plenty of cheering as well, and Warrick smiled.
"And now, I present to you, your victor for this opening bout: AURIX KORNARI!" Warrick raised his hand, indicating Aurix should fly up to be better visible to the audience. "Say something gallant," Warrick told Aurix, smiling. He clapped the Gorrun amicably on the shoulder with his other hand.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-28, 12:03 AM
A warrior never yields. Even when bested. You have earned your victory Gold Heart.

2017-03-28, 12:09 AM
"Nonsense. You yield when it is to the benefit of your men, your nation or your sovereign to do so. Refusing to yield is pride, not valor."Warrick chided the general lightly.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-28, 12:30 AM
Aurix begins slowly ascending until he is 50' in the air. He glances down at Gorrun, healed and whole, and lets out a breath of tension he had been holding since the end of the match. Finally coming to terms with the reality of his victory, Aurix begins to spin slowly in place, making eye contact with members of the audience. "I...am Aurix Kornari! Some say that I am strong because I bear the blood of the golden dragons in my veins, and it is true! I have sorcery and strength from that lineage! But I say that my strength comes from what is in my heart!" Aurix thumps his right fist against the left side of his chest to emphasize the point. "A love of life! A desire to safeguard ALL mortal life! A willingness to put my life on the line to protect any one of yours!"

Aurix pauses briefly, deliberately. "What you have just witnessed...is the most intense duel I have ever fought! And do you know why? Because my opponent had that same heart! He stood- and never wavered- to show his devotion to you, to your dear Princess, to Juvelnord! He has not the blood of dragons, but still he stood, the same as me!!" Aurix begins making deliberate eye contact with members of the audience. "He proved that heart of strength can live in any mortal! He matched my draconic power blow for blow, by the power of his conviction! And now I stand here to tell you all...that this conviction can be yours as well. Within each of you is the righteous fury of the golden dragon, if only there is someone you want to protect! So I beseech you to look into yourself, and be that better person," Aurix says with conviction. "Let each hero that fights today inspire you further. Find your greatest selves, and claim them, and our work is a success. Thank you all." Aurix bows deeply, then descends back to Warrick's side.

Performance check: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2017-03-28, 12:48 AM
Warrick grinned at Aurix and motioned for him to head for the open end of the arena on the west side. "Time for the meet-and-greet," he said. "You boys get to shake hands with people and maybe sign things for people if you want to. Either way, smile pretty and wink friendly and don't make lingering conversations; you don't wanna be here all day," he said in a slightly joking tone. He ushered the two heroes to the end of the arena so people could shake their hands.
"You can shake several people's hands at once!" Warrick joked at Gorrun.

The crowd began filing out of the arena, many heading for the smaller arena to watch the second match that was due to start soon. As people passed Aurix and Gorrun, they reached out to shake hands, many offering kind words and encouragements, especially to Aurix.
After a while, Warrick led them back down to the pit to divest themselves of the tourney gear.

Gorrun and Aurix are free to spend the rest of the day as they wish. They leave the jousting arena at about 10:20 am.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-28, 12:38 PM
Gorrun wades through the crowd, he will stop and speak with anyone who earnestly wants his attention. He will shake hands with anyone friendly and will ignore any snide remarks.

Andrew Markham
2017-03-28, 01:45 PM
Aurix smiles and greets the crowds for a few moments, then escapes into the pits. As he takes off his tournament gear, he looks at Gorrun, feeling awkward. Aurix nods and says simply, "General." He takes two steps to leave, then stops. Aurix turns around and takes a deep breath. "Gorrun. Would you like to go watch Umbear's match? It should be starting soon."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-03-28, 02:51 PM
Two arena aides are helping Gorrun out of his armor that still smells of roasted meats. He rubs his muscles to ease some of the soreness out. The attendees' healing had greatly helped but something about suffering that much damage seems to linger. When Aurix spoke, he snapped to attention. Oh, of course. Wouldn't miss it. And once again, congratulations on a victory well earned.

2017-03-29, 10:05 AM
Aurora arrived early and trotted over to pay her respects to Warrick and take a look at what the tourney gear was like this year.
"Ha, still no horseshoes or barding, huh? It's almost like you're biased or something!" Aurora said teasingly.

Warrick rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Right, we're going to tailor-make items for centaurs. That's not 'biased' at all!" he teased back gruffly.

Aurora chuckled and moved to stand near the entrance to wait for Markas' arrival.

2017-03-29, 11:10 AM
After stopping by his room to drop off his winnings, Markas arrived at the arena where Aurora and Warrick were already was waiting for him, "Greetings friends. So how do we want to pick out our gear?" He asked, wanting to get down to business.

2017-03-29, 11:12 AM
Aurora smiled. "We take turns," she said. "We just have to decide who goes first. Do we want to flip a coin?"

2017-03-29, 11:45 AM
"Sounds fair to me," Markas nodded, "Warrick, would you do the honors?"

2017-03-29, 11:55 AM
Warrick smiled. "Not a problem. Heads is Markas, tails is Aurora... because she has a tail!" he said, tone and expression indicating he thought it a grand joke. He tossed a coin in the air. [roll0] (1 is heads, 2 is tails).

Aurora rolled her eyes and shook her head at the joke, but still smiled.

2017-03-29, 01:14 PM
Markas was surprised at the quality of items available to them for this tournament. He found several good choices and geared up alternating with his opponent until they were both satisfied.

2017-03-29, 01:31 PM
Aurora tried to pick and choose the gear she thought would be most helpful, but felt very silly and mismatched when all was said and done. "I think we're ready," she said to Warrick. She reached out to clasp Markas' hand.
"I sincerely wish you well, and hope that no matter what happens, we can get to know each other better after this!" she said, smiling.

Warrick ushered Markas in front of him and walked out onto the field with Aurora following. He led them to the center of the now dry and cleaned arena while the crowd exploded into cheering.
Warrick raised his arms and the crowd gradually quieted.
"Welcome back, good people! For our next bout today, we have Markas Fletcher, Defender of the Land!" Warrick paused to allow the renewed cheering to subside again.
"And his opponent today is Aurora Centauroi, the Platinum Demonslayer!" Warrick waited for the cheering to die down again.
"They have come to participate in a knockout bout. The match will continue for as long as both are still standing. When one falls unconscious, the match ends, the winner the one still standing. The combatants are required to make nonlethal attacks during this match. Blows that violate this rule will net the perpetrator a penalty point. Three penalty points and the match is forfeit. Magic can be used freely, as our own court mage, Hervir, has renewed the coliseum's wardings to ensure all magic does nonlethal damage, no matter its source. Magic that kills outright without otherwise inflicting damage is negated entirely."
"The combatants were not allowed to bring their personal gear out onto the field today. As always, they have been permitted to select from a variety of tournament-issue equipment. So if they look mismatched, it's not their fashion sense that's the problem, I assure you," Warrick grinned at the crowd.
"The combatants will now step into the starting blocks," Warrick gestured for Markas and Aurora to go, "Sir Fletcher to the west, and Lady Aurora to the east. They will be given one a very brief chance to prepare themselves for battle, and then the match will begin! During this preparation, they may only do things that effect themselves, and cannot step out of the starting blocks. After that, they are free to engage each other in combat to the best and fullest extent of their abilities! As the audience here today, your job is to let these fine combatants know when you like them, when you love them, and when you don't! So without further ado, let's begin!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick flung his arms up and lifted into the air. He flew towards the pit and hovered between the two private boxes on either side of the doorway. He smiled and waved at Hervir and Geiravor before turning his attention back to the field, carefully watching the combat unfold.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17545210_10208989184148110_3981403531531421038_o.j pg?oh=d202df0c98ad99d96647dfd6d33dd387&oe=595A7023

2017-03-29, 01:48 PM
Markas returned Aurora's gesture of friendship, "I would like that as well. I feel you will be a most worthy opponent and let's make it a little more interesting, winnner buys loser dinner," he chuckled before entering the battlefield...

Once he was in his starting area, Markas moved to J6 while drawing his Comp. Longbow and assumed a Defensive Stance while activating his Full Plate's Haste ability!

Haste: round 1/5
Defensive Stance: Round 1/18

Initiatve: 6 (in dice roller)

2017-03-29, 02:17 PM
Aurora chuckled and gave Markas a sly look. "I'll take you up on that!" she said.

In the starting block, Aurora paused to wave at the crowd, and then looked straight at Markas, a broad smile on her tanned face.
Suddenly, a pair of enormous, translucent wings with wispy, cloud-like feathers sprouted from her withers. (Swift action, SU.)
With a few mighty flaps, she ascended at a 45 degree angle, 5' up and 5' west, while drawing her bow. (Move action.)
Then, the air seemed to gather around the centaur, but the effect was brief and there was no visible sign that anything had happened. (Standard action, EX. Incoming arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks requiring an attack roll against you to have a 50% miss chance.)
Initiative: [roll0]
Wings of Air, Air Barrier, Wind Oracle revelations.

Moving fast, Aurora flapped her cloud-like wings and tried to ascend to an elevation of 20', but in her rush, she lost some momentum and was only able to ascend to 10'. (Fly check 24 [botch] in dice roller.)
Then she lifted her hand and flung a small amount of fine sand in the air.
"Fire and wind of my desert home, descend and wear down my opponent!"
A blast of hot air descended on Markas in a 20' radius, in a cylinder that extended 60' in the air. The blast did [roll1] fire damage and was strong enough to knock Markas right off his feet! (DC 22 fortitude save to halve damage and negate being knocked prone.) The heat and pressure of the desert wind was exhausting. (If Markas takes damage from this spell, he becomes fatigued. A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.)
AoE duration: 13 rounds.
Sirocco's page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sirocco/)

Performance combat check: [roll2]

2017-03-29, 03:11 PM
Markas was definitely surprised to see Aurora take to the air instead of running along the ground, so he was even more surprised when she unleased a tornado of heat around him. Fortunately, despite the strong he stood his ground and was barely singed by it. (Fort Save 31 in dice roller, but exhaustion broke his defensive stance unfortunately). Not ready to throw in the towel so soon, he points his bow at Aurora and unleashes a hail of arrows, despite the distance, his confidence was increased from his earlier performance at the target shooting game

(1d20+18)[33] Miss on a 1(1d2)[1] Damage if hits: [roll0]
(1d20+18)[24] Miss on a 1(1d2)[1] Damage if hits: [roll1]
(1d20+13)[31] Miss on a 1(1d2)[2] Damage if hits: [roll2]
(1d20+8)[14] Miss on a 1(1d2)[1] Damage if hits: [roll3]
(1d20+3)[16] Miss on a 1(1d2)[2] Damage if hits: [roll4]

Performance combat check: [roll5]

2017-03-29, 03:34 PM
Most of Markas' arrows were deflected by an invisible barrier around Aurora. One got through, and nicked her slightly. Another got through, but bounced over her harmlessly.
Since Markas remained within the hot desert winds, they continued to blast down on him, doing [roll0] fire damage and bearing down on him with the force to knock him off his feet. (DC 22 fortitude save to halve damage and negate being knocked prone.) The heat and force was just as exhausting to deal with as before. (If Markas takes damage from this spell, his fatigue becomes exhaustion. An exhausted character moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.)
AoE duration: 12 rounds

Aurora lifted her arm and flourished her wrist.
"May the passion of the wind bless me with divine boons!"
Blessing of Fervor (13 rounds)
Choosing "Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves" for this round of Blessing of Fervor.
Aurora flew to J/K 26/27 while ascending at a 45 degree angle 40', so that she was at a total elevation of 40'. (~108' from Markas, accounting for elevation.)

2017-03-29, 04:39 PM
Markas once again endured the blistering winds from Aurora's attack, not expecting it to persist so long. He wasn't knocked down at all (Fort save 31 in Dice thread), but he was feeling parched and it was slowing him down significantly. Thankfully the power of Haste was still in effect and he managed to move out of the area relatively quickly to J16. "Okay...I'll admit, that was pretty annoying. I'm parched, a little woozy, but I am in no way ready to give up!" he announced. He certainly wasn't expecting Aurora to have the ability to fly. His only hope was to continue to endure until she exhausted her spellcasting abilities. Now that he was closer to her, he could still attempt to ping her with an arrow if nothing else.

[roll0] Miss on a 1 [roll1] damage if hits: [roll2]

Haste round 3/5

2017-03-29, 05:36 PM
"Good," Aurora said, smiling brightly. "I'd be crushingly disappointed if you gave up already!"

Aurora grunted softly as Markas' arrow found its mark.

The centaur smiled again, feeling bolstered by the cheering crowd.
"You like arrows, huh? Me too!"
Blessing of Fervor boon this round: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. 12 rounds remaining.
Aurora took aim with her bow and loosed a volley of arrows.

Attack 1: [roll0] The bowstring twanged back and cut Aurora's hand a little bit. (3 damage.)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] electric damage
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5] electric damage
Attack 3: [roll6] Something went wrong with the bow's enchantment, and the arrows temporarily faded out of existance. (5 rounds without ammo.)
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8] electric damage
Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + [roll11] electric damage
Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] + [roll14] electric damage

"Surprise!" Aurora said with a broad grin, knowing Markas wouldn't be expecting the electricity in her attacks.

2017-03-29, 06:05 PM
"More like I wasn't expecting you to be part Pegasus," Markas joked back, but when the volley of arrows reached him, most of them bounced harmlessly off his armor, however one hit its mark, and surprised him with a jolt, "And since I can't fly, well, do the best I can with what I have. And what I have is infinite ammo, and the stubborness of a Dwarven Stonelord!" he boasted before releasing another volley at his opponent...

[roll0] Miss on a 1 [roll1] Damage if hits: [roll2]
[roll3] Miss on a 1 [roll4] Damage if hits: [roll5]
[roll6] Miss on a 1 [roll7] Damage if hits: [roll8]
[roll9] Miss on a 1 [roll10] Damage if hits: [roll11]
[roll12] Miss on a 1 [roll13] Damage if hits: [roll14]

Haste 4/5

End Round 4

2017-03-29, 06:42 PM
All but one of Markas' arrows were deflected by the invisible barrier. The one that got through bounced harmlessly across her horsey rump.

"This bow is supposed to have infinite ammo, too," she said, giving the bow an aggravated shake. (4 rounds without ammo.) Aurora felt the crowd's disappointment in her screw-ups and felt a bit deflated.

Blessing of Fervor boon this round: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 11 rounds remaining.
Aurora descended to the ground and made a pushing gesture with a snap of her wrist.
"By the power of the tempest, I summon a great wind!"
A 5' diameter stream of wind blasted for 120' west of Aurora, striking Markas for [roll0] damage and enough force to knock him off his feet. (DC 20 for save for half damage and negate being knocked prone. A creature starting their turn within the effect of this spell must make a DC 20 fort save or be pushed 20' in the direction the wind is blowing, take 2d6 damage, and be knocked prone. A successful fort save means the creature only takes 1d6 damage.)
AoE duration 13 rounds.
River of Wind
River of Wind's page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/river-of-wind/)

(Other AoE duration 10 rounds.)

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17620558_10208990919431491_7666699466559714313_o.j pg?oh=645117f049ac99dd7a504a8d7f332392&oe=59582E60

2017-03-29, 08:35 PM
As the arrows missed their mark, Markas suddenly shouted an unspeakable curse in Giant (learned from Umbear of course) and dropped his bow as Aurora descended. The bowstring had cut into his thumb deeply, the pain making it feel useless for a moment, but before he could react further, Aurora's blast of wind pummeled into him, but his perserverance prevailed and he was barely touched by the strong gale. Now that his opponent was on the ground, it was time to go on the offensive Still under the power of Haste, Markas moved 45' to I 25, drawing his Halberd as he did so, and struck at the Centaur, playing close attention to her strong legs...

[roll0] Damage if hits: [roll1]
If hits, trip attempt (Feat: Tripping Strike, Feat Improved Trip [+2 CMB for Trip], Feat Greater Trip [Another +2 CMB for Trip, plus if successful, target triggers AoO, +2 CMB to tripfrom Boots of Trip +2) [roll2]

If Trip successful, AoO [roll3] Damage if hits: [roll4]

End Haste

End Round 5

2017-03-29, 09:13 PM
The halberd thwacked Aurora and tried to tangle in her legs, but she nimbly lifted her feet to let the halberd pass under her without dragging her down.

Blessing of Fervor this round: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 10 rounds remaining.
(Cylinder AoE duration: 9 rounds. Line AoE duration: 12 rounds.)
3 rounds without ammo.

Aurora reached out and touched Markas, sending a jolt of electricity into him.
Melee touch attack: [roll0]
Electric damage: [roll1]

Swift combat performance check: [roll2]

Then Aurora flapped her wings to ascend at a 45 degree angle while moving east (5' step).

2017-03-30, 05:07 PM
Markas was jolted a little from Aurora's attack, but thankfully she was still close enough for him to reach, he took a five foot step east, though she was floating above him, he knew he could press his attack, "I'll admit Aurora, you're full of surprises. I had no idea what to expect when fighting against you, but no matter who comes out on top, I want to make sure I gave it my all!" he announced as he pressed his attack...

[roll0] Damage if hits: (1d10+3)[9]
[roll1] Damage if hits: (1d10+3)[13]
[roll2] Damage if hits: (1d10+3)[12]
[roll3] Damage if hits: (1d10+3)[6]

After he swung his halberd, Markas noticed the bleeding in his thumb stopped...it still pained him severely and it would be harder to use a bow for a while, had he not dropped his bow earlier, "probably taken by that gust of wind and pushed into that cyclone anyway," he thought.

He finished with a flourish of his weapon.

Combat performance check (+2 bonus) (1d20+9)[22]

End Round 6

2017-03-30, 05:48 PM
Blessing of Fervor this round: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 9 rounds remaining.(Cylinder AoE duration: 8 rounds. Line AoE duration: 11 rounds.)
2 rounds without ammo.

The first swing was a glancing blow that didn't have any effect. The second found its mark and Aurora flinched. The other two blows couldn't penetrate the centaur's defenses.
"Aha, so what you're saying is, you were shocked!" Aurora joked, eyes sparkling. "Wanna know something else shocking?"

Aurora kicked down at him with her pale, shining hooves.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: (herpderp) 6 plus [roll1] electric damage

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: (herpderp) 7 plus [roll3] electric damage

Then the centaur ascended east at a 45 degree angle again (5' step) so that she was at a 10' elevation.

2017-03-30, 06:07 PM
Aurora's first attack glanced harmlessly off of his armor, but the second one knocked him in the head and sent another jolt through his body, "I think you'll earn a new nickname after this bout with all the wind and lightning you're using..." he muttered, "Oh no, you can still fly and I can't reach you and lost my bow...what ever shall I do?..SURPRISE!" he shouted as he picked a tanglefoot bag from his belt and tossed it at the Centaur!

Ranged touch attack: [roll0] If hits, target becomes Entangled (-2 on atk rolls, -4 to Dex, must make concentration check DC 15+Spell lvl to cast magic) for [roll1] rounds and make a DC 15 REF save or wings become unable to function, causing her to fall to the ground, even on successful save, can only move at half speed.

End Round 7

2017-03-30, 07:30 PM
Markas' discarded bow tumbled over the dirt, pushed by an unusually strong blast of air, all the way to J12.

2017-03-30, 08:10 PM
"Ugh!" Aurora said as the bag of goo exploded open on her. She laughed. "Alright, I'll admit it, I wasn't expecting that! I knew you picked them up, but I admit to being surprised that you used one now," she said, shaking her head and smiling. She remained aloft without difficulty.
Blessing of Fervor this round: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 8 rounds remaining.(Cylinder AoE duration: 7 rounds. Line AoE duration: 10 rounds.)
1 rounds without ammo.

Aurora flew easily 40' east while ascending at a 45-degree angle, to a total elevation of 50'.
Chameleon step: move up to twice your speed as a move action.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Markas, but even with this gunk slowing me down, I'm still faster than you!" she called out with a wink.
Aurora attempted to break out of the tanglefoot goop. DC 17 strength check: [roll0]
The tar and goop crumbled and flaked off the centaur.

"You should retrieve your bow, Markas," Aurora said. "I can 'dispel' the line of wind..." she offered, shrugging.

2017-03-31, 06:48 PM
Markas bowed in respect, "I shall take you up on that offer Aurora. Thank you. Otherwise this match would have had a boring ending." he quipped as he ran alongside the strong wind to attempt to retrieve his weapon (double move to I19)

End Round 8

2017-03-31, 07:18 PM
Blessing of Fervor this round: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 7 rounds remaining.(Cylinder AoE duration: 6 rounds.)
Aurora lifted her hand and snapped her wrist forward. "Dispel!" she said, and the 120' line of wind disappeared. The blunt ammo in the tourney-issue bow flickered back into existence. Aurora flew 20' west.

2017-03-31, 07:23 PM
Markas continued to move as fast as he could, though he thinks he looks ridiculous as slow as he's moving and makes it to I13, barely in arms reach of the bow...

End Round 9

2017-03-31, 07:28 PM
Blessing of Fervor this round: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 6 rounds remaining.(Cylinder AoE duration: 5 rounds.)

Aurora flourished her wrist and touched her bow.
"Let that which is drab be awe-inspiring like a thunderstorm!"
Weapon of Awe
The centaur flapped her translucent wings to maintain her altitude. Fly check: [roll0]

2017-03-31, 07:37 PM
Trying to get back some dignity, Markas attempted to show off a tumble while moving to retrieve his weapon...

Acrobatics: [roll0] to move to J12 and pick up his bow

End Round 10

2017-03-31, 07:50 PM
Aurora smiled. "Alright then Markas, here we go!"

Blessing of Fervor: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. 5 rounds remaining.(Cylinder AoE duration: 4 rounds.)

Aurora took aim with her bow, and fired! (Distance accounting for elevation: ~108'.)

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Attack 2: [roll3] The bowstring twanged alarmingly, and in concern that the ammunition was going to disappear again, Aurora stopped paying attention to Markas. (FF for 1 round.)
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

Attack 4: [roll9] <-- Crit. 25 to confirm, 25 additional damage if confirmed.
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electric damage

Aurora had trouble hovering, and lost 10' of altitude, putting her at 40' (~103' from Markas, accounting for altitude).

Swift action performance combat check (energy damage, multihit, max dmg): 30 (in dice roller).

2017-04-01, 09:13 PM
Right when Markas retrieved his bow, he heard Aurora shout at him almost cheerfully as she unleashed her attack. Although two of her arrows missed, the others hit him with near-perfect precision and they HURT! "Guess...that's why she sounded...so cheerful," he grumbled to himself, "well BACK AT YOU!" he shouted as he returned fire.

[roll0] Miss on a 1: [roll1] damage if hits: [roll2]
[roll3] Miss on a 1: [roll4] damage if hits: [roll5]
[roll6] Miss on a 1: [roll7] damage if hits: [roll8]
[roll9] Miss on a 1: [roll10] damage if hits: [roll11]

End Round 11

2017-04-01, 09:41 PM
Three of Markas' arrows made it through Aurora's invisible barrier, and two of them managed to hit Aurora while she was distracted with her bow.
"That stings," she said wryly, shaking her head and sending her mane-like platinum hair bouncing.

Blessing of Fervor: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. 4 rounds remaining.(Cylinder AoE duration: 3 rounds.)

Aurora took aim with her bow and fired back at Markas.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electric damage

The cremello centaur flapped her translucent wings to try and maintain her altitude. Fly check: [roll15] She faltered slightly, and lost 10' of altitude, dropping down to 30'.

2017-04-01, 10:00 PM
Once again Markas was pelted by Aurora's arrows. Fortunately not as bad as the previous attack, however the long battle was starting to show its toll on him. Not willing to give up he also returned fire...

[roll0] Miss on a 1 [roll1] Damage if hits [roll2]
[roll3] Miss on a 1 [roll4] Damage if hits [roll5]
[roll6] Miss on a 1 [roll7] Damage if hits [roll8]
[roll9] Miss on a 1 [roll10] Damage if hits [roll11]

End Round 12

2017-04-01, 10:23 PM
Most of Markas' shots bounced off Aurora's barrier. One pelted through and struck her squarely in the chest. Despite the flawless aim, it didn't hurt very much.
Aurora shook her head. "Time to try something different," she said.

Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 3 rounds remaining.(Cylinder AoE duration: 2 rounds.)

Aurora flew 10' forward while ascending at a 45-degree angle, regaining the 10' of altitude she lost a moment ago. (Total altitude 40' again, and ~94' from Markas.)
She flapped her wings and lashed out at the air with her hooves.
A 25' radius blast of wind roared down on Markas with a loud clap of thunder accompanying it. The blast did [roll0] bludgeoning damage, and the thunder was deafeningly loud. (DC 22 fortitude save for half damage and avoid being deafened for 1 hour.)
Thunderburst (Ex), Oracle revelation

2017-04-01, 11:45 PM
Markas shuddered for a moment when that loud thunderclap hit him. Fortunately it sounded worse than it felt (Fort Save 35 in dice roller) and he was still standing. "You made my ears ring! That wasn't very nice," he grinned at his opponent. He wished he had more up his sleeve but with her still in the air he was down to the one option. His stubbornness and pride wouldn't allow him to let up even if the audience may find this boring at this point...

[roll0] Miss on a 1 [roll1] Damage if hits: [roll2]
[roll3] Miss on a 1 [roll4] Damage if hits: [roll5]
[roll6] Miss on a 1 [roll7] Damage if hits: [roll8]
[roll9] Miss on a 1 [roll10] Damage if hits: [roll11]

End Round 13

2017-04-02, 08:54 AM
Aurora winced as one of Markas' shots left a new bruise. The accumulation of bruises was beginning to take a toll.
"Sorry about the thunder," she said sheepishly, "it's just a side-effect of that ability. It is useful against spellcasters though, sometimes!"

Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 2 rounds remaining.Cylinder AoE duration: 1 rounds.)

Aurora flapped her wings and descended to the ground again. She knew the desert winds she'd called forth would be fading soon, and decided to take one last shot at making it useful before it went. She made a pushing gesture with a snap of her wrist.
"By the power of the tempest, I summon a great wind!"
A 5' diameter stream of wind blasted for 120' west of Aurora, striking Markas for [roll0] damage and enough force to knock him off his feet. (DC 20 for save for half damage and negate being knocked prone. A creature starting their turn within the effect of this spell must make a DC 20 fort save or be pushed 20' in the direction the wind is blowing, take 2d6 damage, and be knocked prone. A successful fort save means the creature only takes 1d6 damage.)
AoE duration 13 rounds.River of wind.
River of wind's page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/river-of-wind/)

2017-04-02, 04:07 PM
"Not again!" Markas shouted as he braced himself against another blast of wind. Like before, it barely harmed him (fort save 32) and he stepped out of it's line of effect (5' step north). "The wind must LOVE you," he bantered as he returned fire.

[roll0] miss on a 1 [roll1]
Damage if hits: [roll2]
[roll3] miss on a 1 [roll4] damage if hits: [roll5]
[roll6] miss on a 1 [roll7] damage if hits: [roll8]
[roll9] miss on a 1 [roll10] damage if hits: [roll11]

End Round 14

2017-04-02, 07:11 PM
Aurora winced again as the Markas' last shot made it through her barrier and landed a direct hit. That shot had more power behind it than the previous one! The cylinder of hot air over the western starting block dissipated.

Blessing of Fervor: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. 1 round remaining.Line AoE duration: 12 rounds.

Aurora lifted into the air as she moved 5' west, to an altitude of 5'. (5' step.)
"Yes, the wind and I have come to an understanding," she said with a wink. "It blew me out of my homeland to chase demons! What called you from your home, Markas?"

She took aim with her own bow and fired at Markas again.

Attack 1: [roll0] <-- Crit, 40 to confirm, 28 additional damage.
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage.

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage.

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage.

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage.

Attack 5: [roll12] <--Crit, but botched the confirmation roll.
Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electric damage.

Swift performance combat check (multihit): 20 (DC 24, no victory point.)

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17620200_10209020005478624_5870759165189445424_o.j pg?oh=4cc1a86ba7058dbcfb7c724d1cf042ab&oe=595C1757

2017-04-02, 09:09 PM
Markas actually grunted in pain as he took severe impact from Aurora's arrows. He looked at the one that missed him with wide eyes, sure that if it had hit, this battle would have been over. Breathing hard he replied to his opponent, "What drives me...To battle? Nothing...So mystical...Like the wind...Just...The simple...Desire...to protect... Protect the ones....Who can't protect themselves!" With that he unleashed one last volley at the Centaur!

[roll0] miss on a 1 [roll1] damage if hits: [roll2]
[roll3] miss on a 1 [roll4] damage if hits: [roll5]
[roll6] miss on a 1 [roll7] damage if hits [roll8]
[roll9] miss on a 1 [roll10] damage if hits: [roll11]

"However...Even...The tallest mountain... Eventually... Must succumb...To the wind...Claim your victory Aurora!"

End Round 15

2017-04-02, 09:43 PM
Blunted arrows bounced off Aurora's barrier, except one, which simply tangled in the borrowed robe she wore.
"Ah, nobility. Nobility may be less mystical, but I would say it is far more voluntary. Not that I regret things or would choose anything else in hindsight, but even so!"

Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 0 rounds remaining.Line AoE duration: 11 rounds.

"If you are so close to defeat, I am concerned about continuing to use the bow, so I will instead do this," she said, lifting her hand to fling a small amount of fine sand into the air again.
"Fire and wind of my desert home, descend and wear down my opponent!"
A fresh blast of hot air descended on Markas in a 20' radius, in a cylinder that extended 60' in the air. The blast did [roll0] fire damage and was strong enough to knock Markas right off his feet! (DC 22 fortitude save to halve damage and negate being knocked prone.) The heat and pressure of the desert wind was every bit as exhausting as the first time (but Markas is already exhausted, so it doesn't matter).
AoE duration: 13 rounds.
Sirocco's page (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sirocco/)

2017-04-02, 10:41 PM
Markas tried to withstand the heat and wind of Aurora's attack, but even after successfully bracing against the wind, it was the heat that finally got him and he fell to the ground in the center of Aurora's maelstrom...

End Round 16

2017-04-02, 11:16 PM
Aurora quickly made a flicking motion, dismissing the cylinder of hot air.

Warrick flew down into the arena and nodded at Aurora, who cast 'Dispel' on the line of wind.
"Good job," he said as acolytes rushed into the arena to gather up Markas and take him down to the pit.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner!" he boomed.

The audience applauded and cheered while Aurora bent one foreleg and stretched the other forward so she could bow. Performance combat check (vanquish opponent): [roll0] Warrick patted her rump and pointed towards the pit, ignoring her disgruntled expression.

Down in the pit, the aides were bustling about, and a handful of acolytes surrounded Markas as they peppered him with healing spells. A few more came forward to bombard Aurora too, despite her protests that she could heal herself just fine.

"Alright you two," Warrick said, "it's time to go back out and take your bows and speak if you want."

The Master at Arms led them both back out into the arena and to the center where they'd stood for the start of the match.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I hope our dazzling heroes impressed you with their show of strength today! It was quite an interesting match-up, I'd say! I hope you all enjoyed the bout and the display of skill and tenacity both of these fine heroes showed. It was quite impressive how Aurora was able to gain control of her opponent's movement from the start, but it was equally impressive how Markas persisted in the face of that initial disadvantage! Truly, he is a hero we are blessed to have fighting to protect us!" Perform oratory: [roll1] Warrick paused to allow the audience to applaud and cheer some more, and after a moment when they'd quieted down, he lifted his arm on Aurora's side.
"And now, I present to you, your victor for this bout: AURORA CENTAUROI!" Warrick waggled his fingers slightly to indicate Aurora should fly up to be seen better, and clapped his other hand on Markas' shoulder.
"We should talk technique later," the half-elf murmured to the human fighter. "I have some pointers for you."

Aurora manifested her wings again and spiraled up to about a 30' altitude.
"Thank you, all of you, for coming out to see the match today," the centaur said, spreading her arms. "I had a very worthy opponent and found it to be a very enjoyable match. I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed participating! I am honored to be returning to this tournament for the second time, and my only goal is to make it further this year than I did last year."
"It is truly a blessing to be able to come here and stand amongst and against heroes of equal and greater caliber and be given the opportunity to test my strength and skill with them. I learn so much from this event, both in and out of the arena! That is, to me, far more valuable than even the prizes offered. And that is why, win or lose, I am content merely to be present for this and able to engage! Thank you all so much! May the winds blow ever in your favor!" Aurora's humanoid torso bent forward low, arms spread wide, as she bowed. Diplomacy: [roll2] Perform oratory: [roll3] The centaur descended to the ground once more and turned to smile brightly at Markas.

"Thank you for the excellent match! I was quite pleased, and I hope you also enjoyed it," she said, holding out her hand to him.

2017-04-03, 01:58 PM
Markas woke up suddenly from the multiple healing spells that Warrick's aides provided, "That's better," he said softly before Warrick led them back out. He appreciated the MC's speech praising both of them, but still felt a little down, "Pointers?" he asked at his offer, "I guess..." "A 40-year-old veteran being offered pointers...am I getting too old for this?" he thought. He did smile at Aurora's speech as well, her reasons for participating similar to his own. He then realized that the audience was awaiting his own words after Aurora was finished.

"Good people of Juvelnord!" Markas began, "I felt the greatest honor in being invited to this tournament for the first time. I have battled many strong monsters, stood alone against small armies, but never have I faced an adversary as tenacious as Aurora Centauroi. Her victory was well deserved. I too have learned from this bout and for that I will be forever grateful to my most worthy opponent. Wish her victory in her future matches!" He then took his own bow

Diplmocay check: [roll0]

He then took Aurora's hand and gave it a firm clasp, "Enjoy the rest of the tournament," he said before departing.

2017-04-03, 02:03 PM
Warrick nodded approvingly and gestured for the two heroes to head for the entrance to the arena on the west side. "Time to shake hands and greet your fans individually. Smile, and keep it polite and brief. Don't want to be stuck in the door the rest of the day!"

The crowd began filing out of the arena, many heading for the smaller arena to watch the second match that was due to start soon. As people passed Aurora and markas, they reached out to shake hands, many offering kind words and encouragements.
After a while, Warrick led them back down to the pit to divest themselves of the tourney gear.

Aurora and Markas are free to spend the rest of the day as they wish. They leave the jousting arena at about 2:20 pm.

2017-04-03, 04:02 PM
Between all the matches and the excitement of the day, Ainsley couldn't help his own excitement. When it was a half hour or so until the start of his own match, Ainsley arrived at the jousting arena to pick out his weapons and armaments.

2017-04-03, 04:10 PM
ZeetZeet arrives 20 minutes before his match is supposed to start, eager to have an actual one on one fight. He and Ainsley had a bit of history so this match would be good for them to air out their differences. He looked over the gear available to the fighters, seeing a couple of useful options.

2017-04-03, 07:13 PM
After testing a few items and weighing his options, both against Zeetzeet's familiar battle style and his own style, Ainsley picked out several items. The aids in the arena prep room assisted him in donning his armor and helped to ensure he was prepared with weapons, armor, and items. As he donned the pauldron in the spot his cloak usually sat, he missed the ever-present feeling of the cloak in his mind. He also hoped his dog wasn't getting into a fight with the cloak.

With a little sigh, he rolled his shoulders, stretched, then turned to face Zeetzeet.

"No hard feelings, whoever wins, yes? We may have been enemies once, but today we stand as champions of the realm. Protectors of the peace." He smiled and held out a hand for Zeetzeet to shake on the match.

2017-04-03, 07:20 PM
ZeetZeet picks out several items, looking at each suspiciously and knowing they didn't really measure up to Chaga or his RBBs. He was sad they didn't have anything to help with his bite, they knew he'd be coming but didn't accommodate for it. Ah well, it was to be expected by these civilized type with all their rules and traditions. He doesn't need much help donning his items and snaps at an aide that tries to help him without asking. After He is fully geared he runs to Ainsley, eyeing the paladins hand for a moment. He gives the widest, toothiest grin he can manage, licks his hand and takes the shake, gripping hard but giving a respectful shake. "Lets make it a fun one for the crowd, eh? May the best warrior win."

2017-04-03, 07:30 PM
Warrick's eyes narrowed at the goblin when he snapped at an aide. "Cool it," he warned gruffly, "or I'll give to you what you give to them." He then lifted his gaze to Ainsley.
"Former enemies, hm? So then this is a grudge match. The audience will probably get a big kick out of that!"

Warrick ushered Zeetzeet in front of him and walked out onto the field with Ainsley following. He led them to the center of the arena while the crowd exploded into cheering.
Warrick raised his arms and the crowd gradually quieted.
"Welcome back, good people! For our next bout today, we have Zeetzeet Heartchewer, feral goblin of the wolves!" Warrick paused to allow the renewed cheering to subside again.
"And his opponent today is Ainsley M'arete, noble paladin of Arete!" Warrick waited for the cheering to die down again.
"This afternoon's match is a particularly special one, as these two heroes are former enemies, come to settle their scores so they can leave their enmity fully behind them!" The crowd burst into extra loud, enthusiastic cheering.
"They have come to participate in a knockout bout. The match will continue for as long as both are still standing. When one falls unconscious, the match ends, the winner the one still standing. The combatants are required to make nonlethal attacks during this match. Blows that violate this rule will net the perpetrator a penalty point. Three penalty points and the match is forfeit. Magic can be used freely, as our own court mage, Hervir, has renewed the coliseum's wardings to ensure all magic does nonlethal damage, no matter its source. Magic that kills outright without otherwise inflicting damage is negated entirely."
"The combatants were not allowed to bring their personal gear out onto the field today. As always, they have been permitted to select from a variety of tournament-issue equipment. So if they look mismatched, it's not their fashion sense that's the problem, I assure you," Warrick grinned at the crowd.
"The combatants will now step into the starting blocks," Warrick gestured for Zeetzeet and Ainsley to go, "Zeetzeet to the west, and Sir Ainsley to the east. They will be given one a very brief chance to prepare themselves for battle, and then the match will begin! During this preparation, they may only do things that effect themselves, and cannot step out of the starting blocks. After that, they are free to engage each other in combat to the best and fullest extent of their abilities! As the audience here today, your job is to let these fine combatants know when you like them, when you love them, and when you don't! So without further ado, let's begin!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick flung his arms up and lifted into the air. He flew towards the pit and hovered between the two private boxes on either side of the doorway. He smiled and waved at Hervir and Geiravor before turning his attention back to the field, carefully watching the combat unfold.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17758559_10209027677030408_1860390824508604197_o.j pg?oh=3270c9d69a17483dfd959798599f7ffe&oe=59965139

2017-04-03, 07:52 PM
Init roll: [roll0]

After the speech, Ainsley went to his starting block. There, he breathed in, out, and cast Greater Angelic Aspect, giving himself wings and the bonuses of the spell.

You take on an aspect of an angelic being, including some of its physical characteristics. You gain low-light vision; darkvision 60 feet; DR 10/evil; immunity to acid, cold, and petrification; resistance to electricity and fire 10; a +4 racial bonus on saves against poison; and protective aura and truespeech as supernatural abilities for the duration of the spell. Also, your wings give you a fly speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability.

Protective aura provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures to anyone within 20 feet. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet.

Truespeech allows you to speak with any creature that has a language, as though using the tongues spell.

Then, he drew the longsword and hefted his shield, wings spread, prepared for battle.

2017-04-03, 07:53 PM
ZeetZeet goes to his spot and turns, looking across the field. He hefts one of the spears, checking it's weight as he taps his heels together, the winged boots activating. He rises up so he's just 5ft above the ground and locks his gaze upon Ainsley, eyes starting to glow red as his muscles begin to bulge and skin begins to grow thick matter fur like that of a wild wolf. His mouth twists back in a horrible smile and he lets out a loud howl.

Standard action: Activate winged boots (As Fly spell for 5 minutes, no concentration required. Gain a Fly speed fo 60ft at Good maneuverability)
Move action, ascend 5ft up and draw a shortspear in main hand.
Free Action, RAGE!
Rage bonuses: +8 Strength and Constitution - meaning he gains 80 hit points (current hp is 323) and +4 to Fort saves; -2 AC and Intelligence; +4 Will save, additional +4 Will save vs Enchantments, and +5 morale bonus on saves vs spells, spell-like and supernatural abilities; +5 Natural Armor; gain pounce ability; gain 2 claw attacks; Immune to Shaken and Fear conditions; DR 5/-

2017-04-03, 08:14 PM
Ainsley eyed the little goblin - nasty creature - and remembered briefly the wet handshake in the equipment area. Disgusting.

Without a word of warning, he trusted in his Goddess and brought forth glowing, golden chains of pure light. The chains shot forth, wrapping around Zeetzeet to bind him in place.

Cast Chains of Light.Chains of Light page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/chains-of-light/)
Saving throw: Reflex DC 25
Duration: 17 rounds

As the chains formed and tightened, Ainsley shot into the air on the pure white wings, his visage gleaming and angelic in the afternoon. He sent a silent prayer to Arete to hold the nasty little goblin in place for at least a little while as he climbed forty feet up in the air while backpeddling a good twenty feet. Best to keep his distance in case the chains didn't hold.

2017-04-03, 08:37 PM
As the chains begin to appear around ZeetZeet he roars in anger and slips right through them, the wings on his boots flapping as he takes off across the arena. He ascends to be level with Ainsley, covering a large distance very quickly as he moves forward, jaws open.

Round 1
Double move to k21, ascending to 40ft

2017-04-03, 09:02 PM
Seeing those nasty, sharpened teeth coming straight for him, Ainsley called upon his Goddess once more. Four shining bastard swords made of pure light suddenly appeared around him, rotating like a protective armory.

Hedging WeaponsHedging Weapons page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hedging-weapons/)

As soon as the swords of his Goddess came into being, Ainsley shot further into the air, this time going straight up, 60 feet above the little goblin. He didn't want the nasty little gremlin anywhere near him when the Paladin was well aware of what Zeetzeet did to his opponents.

A game of chase would wear the creature out. Effective battle earned praise; failure did not.

Fly check: [roll0] (morale bonus added this time)

2017-04-03, 09:14 PM
ZeetZeet's roars as the paladin flees, closing a bit of distance then with a bulging arm, hurling the spear at the shining figure.

Move action, move 30ft up and 30ft forward, to k27

Throw spear [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-04-03, 10:47 PM
As the spear slashed across him, the paladin feigned getting hurt, letting himself drop forty feet. Then, Ainsley pulled up suddenly, stretching his wings wide. With a flourish of his wings, he grabbed one of the bastard swords spinning around him and flung the shining sword at the goblin.

Ranged attack + morale bonus: [roll0]. If successful hit, force damage: [roll1]

2017-04-03, 11:01 PM
ZeetZeet snarls as the force weapon strike him, stinging even through his toughened hide. His winged boots beat hard as he flings himself towards the paladin, jaws snapping in the air.

Charge to L39, 60ft off the ground (-2 AC, +2 attacks)

Bite [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Bite [roll2] for [roll3] damage

Bite [roll4] for [roll5] damage
Grab for free grapple [roll6]

Grapple attempt on first bite (1d20+42)[56]

And two claw attacks
(1d20+31)[33] for (1d4+11)[14]
(1d20+31)[48] for (1d4+11)[12]

If successful, ZeetZeet chooses to not take the grapple condition, and gains cover against attacks, Ainsley is grappled

Kick to the stomach [roll7] for [roll8]

Combat Performance check is 16 (rolled a 12 in the dice thread, with +4 at Dave's request)

2017-04-04, 09:22 AM
Ainsley expected the attack - and subsequent grapple - as he knew the vile little creature. With a flex of his strength, he attempted to break free of the grapple, but was unable to wrench free of the goblin's hold.

"Get - off!"

2017-04-04, 03:41 PM
ZeetZeet simply give some out a growl and start moving around while maintaining his grip on Ainsley, trying to get a grip on Ainsley's throat and position him between ZeetZeet and the ground. With a free hand he tries to knock Ainsley's weapon away.

CMB check to start the choke hold (1d20+31)[40]

On success Ainsley is pinned and cannot breath or speak. He cannot cast spells with verbal components. Ainsley has to hold his breath or begin suffocating.

If chokehold fails, standard action to maintain grapple

On success the grapple is held, ZeetZeet chooses to do his bite damage as part of the grapple, doing (1d8+11)[19] damage, and Ainsley takes the prone condition.

If chokehold succeeds then ZeetZeet instead uses husband standard action to make a disarming cmb
(1d20+32)[34] to disarm his dispel burst sword

ZeetZeet doesn't manage to get a hold on Ainsley and the paladin slips from the raging goblin's grasp

2017-04-05, 08:46 AM
As soon as he was free of the goblin's grasp, he rounded on the vile thing and invoked power attack. He rained down blow after blow on the goblin.

[roll0] damage if hit: [roll1]
[roll2] damage if hit: [roll3]
[roll4] damage if hit: [roll5]
[roll6] damage if hit: [roll7]

Once he'd finished, he made sure to move away by five feet. (Five-step back)

2017-04-05, 10:02 AM
ZeetZeet lets out a howl of pain and the wings of his boots shrivel up as he start to involuntarily float downward. His body seems to relax and his muscles shrink as he closes his eyes. He let's out a sigh, looking a great deal more injured than he was before. "Just my luck.
You finally act like a real paladin and then you go after my boots. Still the same... COWARD!!!" With that his eyes flash open, once again glowing red as his muscles swell and he reaches onto his back, grabbing his other spear and hurling it up at Ainsley.

Drop rage for free, Then activate Rage
Performance check [roll0]
Shortspear [roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4]

2017-04-05, 10:49 AM
As the spear made contact, another scratch bloomed on his flesh. A frown tugged at the corners of his lips as he brushed off his armor from the vile creature's fingers.

"I am a Paladin of Arete - a Just and Fierce Goddess. If I were not acting as She expects, then I would not be a Paladin. Efficiency, power, and justice - not coddling."

Then he raises his longsword high in the air and calls upon a celestial spirit to imbue the weapon. "To end this fight, answer my call!"

Divine bond

As his weapon began to glow he leveled the sword at ZeetZeet. "You have no grounds to call any Paladin coward, you who fights with Rage in your heart."

Speed, Merciful, and Axiomatic with a +4 to attack. Adds 3d6+2 damage.

2017-04-05, 11:13 AM
ZeetZeet touches down finally and growls up at the Paladin. He pulls out one of the brown bag and paces a bit in his space, impatiently waiting for Ainsley to come down.

Still in same location, ground level now.

Readied action, throw tanglefoot bag when Ainsley gets within 20 ft
ranged touch attack [roll0]

2017-04-05, 11:37 AM
Watching the goblin pace on the ground, Ainsley finally had the opportunity to cast a spell he'd prepared specifically to slow down ZeetZeet.

"Stand still for me, Zeet. I'll be down in a sec."

Then, with the name of his Goddess in his heart, he dropped down ten feet and performed the spell.

Haze of DreamsHaze of Dreams page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/haze-of-dreams/)

Fly check

2017-04-05, 11:55 AM
ZeetZeet simply roars back in reply, he doesn't seem to even register that Ainsley had cast anything. He moves away from the paladin, back towards the center and pulls out the very large crossbow he picked up and tries to figure out loading it.

Then move to L34

2017-04-05, 12:46 PM
Watching the impatient goblin, Ainsley made one more enhancement to his armor. He hoped this one would grant him what he needs against the goblin.

With a prayer to his goddess, he cast the spell.

Magic Circle Against ChaosMagic Protection against Chaos functions like Protection From Evil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/protection-from-evil/) but lasts for 17 minutes with a ten foot radius.

Once the spell was in place he dropped another ten feet. (now at 50ft)

Fly check to remain aloft: [roll0]

2017-04-05, 12:51 PM
ZeetZeet narrows his eyes at the Paladin and cranks back the large crossbow, securing the bolt and hefting it as he steps a couple feet back.

Full round action to load Heavy Crossbow
5 ft step back, to L33

2017-04-05, 01:11 PM
With a chuckle, Ainlsey flew over and past Zeetzeet, descending as he goes. At 20 feet off the ground, and twenty feet past Zeetzeet, he prepared himself.

"Don't get too impatient, Zeet, you don't always know what you're doing when you rush..." Ainsley called.

fly check [roll0]

2017-04-05, 01:27 PM
ZeetZeet simply sneers and takes aim with his crossbow, firing off the heavy bolt.

[roll0] for [roll1]

confirm [roll2] for [roll3] exra
And dispelling burst on Ainsley: dispel check [roll4]

After that he ducks under the railing and moves a bit closer, keeping the railing between him and Ainsley.

Move to K32

2017-04-05, 01:36 PM
With a smile on his lips, Ainsley covered the remaining 20 feet as he dropped down to the ground. As he did, he powered himself up once more and swung the longsword, as hard as he could.

"For the glory of Arete!"

Power attack: [roll0]
Damage if hit: [roll1]

Greater Angelic Aspect,
Hedging Weapons (3 left), Magic Circle Against Chaos

2017-04-05, 01:47 PM
ZeetZeet grits his teeth as the sword bites into him, dropping the crossbow and balling up his fists. He roars and launches a series of punches and kick at the paladin, then he opens his hands and lashes out with his claws before finishing his attacks with a bite, trying to once more latch on.

Full attack!
4 Unarmed Strikes
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
2 Claw Attacks
[roll8] for [roll9]
[roll10] for [roll11]
Bite attack!
[roll12] for [roll13]
Grab attempt [roll14] with [roll15] damage on a confirm

ZeetZeet unleashes a flurry of attacks and all but one of his strikes landing! When he finishes up with his bite his teeth clamp down and he gets a strong hold.

2017-04-05, 01:56 PM
"This again?!" the paladin roared, doing his best to get out of the goblin's grasp. "Get off! Your breath is putrid!"

2017-04-05, 02:01 PM
ZeetZeet lets go on purpose, cackling, as he then proceeds to unleash another flurry of attacks, having figured out the best way to deal with the Paladin's magical defenses.

Full attack!
4 Unarmed Strikes
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
2 Claw Attacks
[roll8] for [roll9]
[roll10] for [roll11]
Bite attack!
[roll12] for [roll13]
Grab attempt [roll14] for [roll15] damage on a confirm

ZeetZeet lands all his attacks but his bite isn't as hard as he planned and he is not able to keep a hold on the paladin, but the crowd seems to be enjoying the show.

2017-04-05, 03:19 PM
This time, he was close enough to fully attack. He swung with his full might at the goblin, once again using power attack.

[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]
[roll4] dmg: [roll5][roll6] dmg: [roll7]

He took a five-step back, to force Zeetzeet to chase him.

Now at M32

2017-04-05, 03:26 PM
ZeetZeet snarls as the first two strikes leave deep bruises, but he blocks the third strike and completely avoids the fourth. He follows after Ainsley, eager to keep this melee going!

5-ft step to L32

Current Full attack (raging and getting morale bonuses from crowd)
4 Unarmed Strikes
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
2 Claw attacks
[roll8] for [roll9]
[roll10] for [roll11]
Bite Attack!
[roll12] for [roll13]
Grab [roll14] and do [roll15]

2017-04-05, 03:44 PM
Well, it actually hurt this time. Wincing, the paladin struggled in the goblin's grasp. He was quite tired at this point, and he couldn't break free.

"Get - off - of - me!"

2017-04-05, 03:45 PM
He nods and lets go, only to unleash another swarm of attacks.

Current Full attack (raging and getting morale bonuses from crowd)
4 Unarmed Strikes
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3] (Confirm crit (1d20+29)[30] for (1d3+11)[12] bonus damage
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
2 Claw attacks
[roll8] for [roll9]
[roll10] for [roll11]
Bite Attack!
[roll12] for [roll13]
Grab [roll14] for [roll15]

2017-04-05, 04:13 PM
As a swift action, he healed himself, placing a hand on his arm.

Lay on Hands [roll0]

Then he leveled his sword back at the goblin. "That stung."

He invoked another Power Attack.

[roll1] dmg [roll2]
[roll3] dmg [roll4]
[roll5] dmg [roll6]
[roll7] dmg [roll8]

2017-04-05, 04:27 PM
ZeetZeet growls as the paladin heals himself and winces at the pain as the first two strikes once again hit. He continues his assault of attacks, not letting up despite his injuries.

Current Full attack (raging and getting morale bonuses from crowd)
4 Unarmed Strikes
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
2 Claw attacks
[roll8] for [roll9]
[roll10] for [roll11]
Bite Attack!
[roll12] for [roll13]
Gab [roll14] and do [roll15] damage and start grapple

2017-04-05, 04:36 PM
Grappled, and definitely hurting, he struggled in the grapple, but refused to give up. He didn't care about the audience anymore. This was between him and Zeetzeet.

He healed himself again.

Performance check for the heal

"Would you stop grabbing me?"

As he said it, he attacked, once more invoking power attack.

(1d20+23)[24] dmg (3d6+24)[33]
(1d20+18)[33] dmg (3d6+24)[34]
(1d20+13)[32] dmg (3d6+24)[37]
(1d20+8)[13] dmg (3d6+24)[31]

2017-04-05, 05:20 PM
ZeetZeet actually catches the first swing and almost tears the sword free before Ainsley pulls it back and strikes true twice, then misses with the last swing. The goblin roars, releasing the paladin as he does so and unleashes another flurry of attacks, hoping they are enough to overcome the paladins healing.

Current Full attack (raging and getting morale bonuses from crowd)
4 Unarmed Strikes
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
2 Claw attacks
[roll8] for [roll9]
[roll10] for [roll11]
Bite Attack!
[roll12] for [roll13]
Grab (because I forgot it)
(1d20+34)[49] and does (1d8+16)[24] damage

And performance check because that's 7 hits (1d20+15)[17]

2017-04-05, 05:47 PM
With a hiss at the damage, Ainsley prepares another round of attacks and invokes Power Attack, hoping it's the last time.

Before the attack, however, he attempts another heal.

Performance checks [roll1]

[roll2] dmg [roll3]
[roll4] dmg [roll[3d6+24
dmg [roll[3d6+24
[roll6] dmg [roll7]

"Just - go - down!"

2017-04-05, 06:13 PM
ZeetZeet hold on tight, taking the first two blows and not giving up, he manages the avoid the second, but finally the last strike catches him across the temple and there's a spatter of blood as ZeetZeet drops. His muscles relax and several of the worse bruises actually tear and start to bleed as well.

KO'd, rage ends

2017-04-05, 06:23 PM
Huffing and puffing, Ainsley drove his sword into the dirt and leaned against it. After catching his breath, Ainsley straightened and spread his enchanted wings.

"With Arete's guidance, I claim victory in the name of Arete!"

Then he dismissed his wings and the hedging weapons.

2017-04-05, 07:17 PM
Warrick flew down into the arena and reached out to clasp arms with Ainsley, smiling.
"Good job," he said as acolytes rushed into the arena to gather up Zeetzeet and take him down to the pit.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner!" he boomed.

Down in the pit, the aides were bustling about, and a handful of acolytes circled Zeetzeet nervously as they tentatively cast cure spells on him. Other acolytes came forward to heal Ainsley, bowing respectfully to the paladin. Two of the acolytes were petite blonde teenagers, obviously in service to Arete.
Once both heroes were restored to full health, Warrick guided them back towards the door.
"Time to pay your respects to the crowd."

The Master at Arms led them both back out into the arena and to the center where they'd stood for the start of the match.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I hope our dazzling heroes impressed you with their show of strength today! This was a grudge match for the ages, wasn't it? I know there's mixed feelings aplenty after that! Zeetzeet is quite the impressive and tenacious goblin, isn't he? We should all remember him and what he represents: redemption! Just because he's a goblin doesn't mean he can't do good in the world! And he clearly captured a lot of hearts and imaginations today! Sir Ainsley's victory was hard fought and well-earned! He engaged his opponent directly and with honor and valor! He behaved in exactly the way a paladin should, and I am sure his deity is proud of him and honored by him this day! It is my sincere hope that this match has settled their differences and that these two have come to truly respect and appreciate each other's skill and ability!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick paused to allow the audience to applaud and cheer some more, and after a moment when they'd quieted down, he lifted his arm on Ainsley's side.
"And now, I present to you, your victor for this bout: AINSLEY M'ARETE!" Warrick gestured for Ainsley to fly up and be visible for the crowd to make his speech.

2017-04-05, 08:41 PM
Healed and feeling much better, Ainsley stepped forward after Warrick made his speech and gestured for Ainsley to come forward.


"Good people - I thank you for your cheers and your encouragement!" he bellowed, raising his voice so all could hear him. "You have witnessed a victory claimed in the name of Arete - I hope you will do Arete the honor of donating money in Her honor! I shall do my utmost to make the next fight just as entertaining for you and for Arete!"

2017-04-05, 08:58 PM
Warrick blinked and shook his head, chuckling at the paladin.
"Alright, you two head over to the entrance there," he said, pointing west, "and greet your fans. Shake hands, smile, try not to chit-chat too much. They'll keep you all day if you let them!" he warned.

As before, the crowd began moving out of the arena, many hurrying to find whatever seats were left in the dueling arena. As they passed Ainsley and Zeetzeet, they paused to shake hands, ask for autographs, or offer words of encouragement.

Ainsley and Zeetzeet are free to spend the rest of the day as they wish. They leave the jousting arena at about 4:20 pm.

2017-04-06, 11:09 PM
For the next battle, Ainsley picked out his items with Aurora, smiling as he did so. He had a good feeling about this match. Once the aids had helped him done the heavy armor, he turned to the centaur.

"Aurora, I wish you luck today. I will do my utmost to be a worthy match for you."

He then followed Warrick out to the field.

2017-04-06, 11:22 PM
Aurora grinned at Ainsley. "Good luck to you, too! I guess we'll see who's the better flyer," she said with a wink as she finished picking out her gear for the match.
"I look forward to facing you, and hope we can fully test each other's skills! That's how we learn from each other."

Warrick smiled at the two heroes. "Looks like it's no grudge match, this time! Hopefully you'll put on as good a show this time as you each did last time!"

Warrick ushered Ainsley in front of him and walked out onto the field with Aurora following. He led them to the center of the arena while the crowd exploded into cheering.
Warrick raised his arms and the crowd gradually quieted.
"Welcome back, good people! For our next bout today, we have Ainsley M'arete, noble paladin of Arete!" Warrick paused to allow the renewed cheering to subside again.
"And his opponent today is Aurora Centauroi, the Platinum Demonslayer!" Warrick waited for the cheering to die down again.
"They have come to participate in a knockout bout. The match will continue for as long as both are still standing. When one falls unconscious, the match ends, the winner the one still standing. The combatants are required to make nonlethal attacks during this match. Blows that violate this rule will net the perpetrator a penalty point. Three penalty points and the match is forfeit. Magic can be used freely, as our own court mage, Hervir, has renewed the coliseum's wardings to ensure all magic does nonlethal damage, no matter its source. Magic that kills outright without otherwise inflicting damage is negated entirely."
"The combatants were not allowed to bring their personal gear out onto the field today. As always, they have been permitted to select from a variety of tournament-issue equipment. So if they look mismatched, it's not their fashion sense that's the problem, I assure you," Warrick grinned at the crowd.
"The combatants will now step into the starting blocks," Warrick gestured for Ainsley and Aurora to go, "Sir Ainsley to the west, and Lady Aurora to the east. They will be given one a very brief chance to prepare themselves for battle, and then the match will begin! During this preparation, they may only do things that effect themselves, and cannot step out of the starting blocks. After that, they are free to engage each other in combat to the best and fullest extent of their abilities! As the audience here today, your job is to let these fine combatants know when you like them, when you love them, and when you don't! So without further ado, let's begin!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick flung his arms up and lifted into the air. He flew towards the pit and hovered between the two private boxes on either side of the doorway. He smiled and waved at Hervir and Geiravor before turning his attention back to the field, carefully watching the combat unfold.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17636814_10209057976147867_5303971705127751560_o.j pg?oh=7cc79148d38631497a9c38823aa2ff65&oe=595079A1

The arena floor is very wet, squishy, slippery mud. It counts as difficult terrain, and acrobatics checks DC's are increased by +2.

Aurora tread carefully on the mud as she made her way to the starting block. She waved cheerily to the audience and smiled at Ainsley. "You ready for this?"

Suddenly, a pair of enormous, translucent wings with wispy, cloud-like feathers sprouted from her withers. (Swift action, SU.)
With a few mighty flaps, she ascended at a 45 degree angle, 5' up and 5' west, while drawing her bow. (Move action.)
Then, the air seemed to gather around the centaur, but the effect was brief and there was no visible sign that anything had happened. (Standard action, EX. Incoming arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks requiring an attack roll against you to have a 50% miss chance.)
Wings of Air, Air Barrier, Wind Oracle revelations.
Initiative (favored urban terrain bonus): [roll1]

2017-04-06, 11:35 PM
Init roll: [roll0]

Ainsley laughed as he prepared himself. Yes, this would be a good fight. He stretched briefly, then drew his sword, slashing it one way, then the other. With a smile on his lips, he suddenly cast his first spell. Might white wings sprouted from his back, spreading wide and throwing off a glow of soft, pure light. With his wings in place, he ascended at a smooth angle, taking his time while staying within the starting box.

"For the Glory of Arete, and the Honor of our Families, let us have a fair fight!"

Greater Angelic AspectGreater Angelic Aspect page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/angelic-aspect)

2017-04-06, 11:58 PM
"This probably won't come as a surprise to you," Aurora said with an almost apologetic smile.
The centaur flapped her enormous wings and rapidly ascended 40' straight up, to an elevation of 45'. (Fly check crit in dice roller.)
Then Aurora lifted her hand and flung a small amount of fine sand into the air.
"Fire and wind of my desert home, descend and wear down my opponent!"
A blast of hot air descended on Ainsley in a 20' radius, in a cylinder that extended 60' in the air. The blast did [roll0] fire damage and was strong enough to knock Ainsley right out of the air and off his feet! (DC 22 fortitude save to halve damage and negate being knocked prone. Flying creatures forced into the ground by the powerful downdraft take damage as if they fell unless they make a DC 15 Fly check, in which case they remain at their original altitude.) The heat and pressure of the desert wind was exhausting. (If Ainsley takes damage from this spell, he becomes fatigued. A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.)
AoE duration: 13 rounds.
SiroccoSirocco's page (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sirocco/)

2017-04-07, 07:34 PM
The spell caused the Paladin to grunt, but no great discomfort. With a shake of his head, he disliked the distance between them. Very well. He would be the one to close the distance.

With a great flap of his wings, he sped off over the ground, not ascending but flying quickly over the muddy terrain.

End at K29

2017-04-07, 10:29 PM
AoE duration: 12 rounds.
Aurora eyed Ainsley as he approached and shook her head. She fired one shot at the paladin.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Then the centaur flew south and slightly east while descending to a 30' elevation, putting the south-east column between her and Ainsley.

2017-04-07, 10:45 PM
His fingers twitched at the electric shock. With a smile on his lips, he shrugged. Hovering where he was, he called out, "Aurora - I'd like you to taste Arete's divinity!"

Then, Ainsley called the spell down upon the centaur. From every pore, Holy Light began to radiate, filling a 30' radius with light.

Burst with LightBurst with Light page (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burst-with-light/)

Damage: [roll0]
Lasts: 5 rounds
Will save DC 25 halves damage and stops light. Will save can happen per round if fails the previous round.

2017-04-07, 10:57 PM
AoE duration: 11 rounds.
Aurora rolled her eyes. "No thanks, Ainsley, I'm not into women any more than you are!" she bantered back. The light tingled a little bit as it shone briefly before flickering out as she resisted its effects.
The centaur ascended at a 45-degree angle for 20', to an elevation of 50', and then continued west for another 140'.
Chameleon Step (move up to twice your speed as a move action).
Aurora flourished he wrist and touched her bow.
"Let that which is drab be awe-inspiring like a thunderstorm!"
Weapon of Awe
Weapon of Awe's page (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/weapon-of-awe/)

2017-04-07, 11:23 PM
The Sylvan words flickered over his ears and he rubbed at the back of his head absently. "What's that about a thunderstorm? Didn't we just have one? Please tell me you aren't trying to call another..."

He was teasing, of course. He could name the spell, but couldn't remember what it did. Something about weapons. Buffs, right, that's a thing. With a great shrug of his shoulders, the winged paladin sighed.

"You who helps those in need, I call upon you. Find a home within my blade and assist me in my holy task."

Divine Bond.

The sword in his hand began to glow with an inner, holy light. A smile on his lips, he motioned to her. "Why don't you come down? We should have this out like proper Champions for the People. Or shall I come to you?"

Attributes added to the weapon: Merciful, Speed, +1 bonus.
Merciful: extra 1d6 of damage, all damage nonlethal; Speed: extra attack at full base attack. +1 bonus brings weapon to +5.

2017-04-07, 11:46 PM
AoE duration: 10 rounds.
"I'm not a ranger for nothin', you know!" she said with a grin as she brandished her bow for emphasis. "And oh, my, Ainsley, the palace gossip suggested you were more interested in 'finding a home' for your 'blade' in places, rather than the other way around!"Aurora teased him, demonstrating he wasn't the only one who could understand the other's non-common speech.

The centaur circled around behind the cylinder of desert wind she'd called forth earlier and descended to an altitude of 40'.
"I'm going to say, you're definitely going to have to try and catch me, if you can!" she called.
Aurora threw another pinch of fine sand into the air.
"Fire and wind of my desert home, descend and block the path!"
A new cylinder of hot, desert wind descended on an area east of the south-west column.
2nd AoE duration: 13 rounds.

"In all seriousness, do be careful if you fly through my desert winds. The downdraft could well knock you out of the air, and I don't think the wardings would shield you from that," the centaur warned.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17492734_10209070376297863_910402108445641761_o.jp g?oh=5513913f3685dd129e0062c297862a19&oe=595AF329

2017-04-08, 12:02 PM
A dark flush heated his cheeks and he rubbed at the back of his neck again. "Man, I didn't think it would get all over the castle..."

Ainsley finally moved away from the ground, rising into the air and flying a bit further into position.

"Well, you know what would fix that danger? Not creating those cyclones!" Ainsley shot back with a laugh.

"I promise not to hit you too hard, Aurora! I"ll be gentle!"

End movement at G18 50' elevation

2017-04-08, 12:53 PM
1st AoE duration: 9 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 12 rounds.
Aurora laughed. "You should be glad they're not actually cyclones! I'm not powerful enough to do that, yet!"
Aurora lifted her bow and took aim at the paladin, firing a volley at him.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

Performance combat check (multihit): 24 in dice roller. Helpful crowd DC 24! +1 victory point.

2017-04-08, 01:52 PM
The arrows nicked him, giving him a few light shocks. Rubbing at the nicks, he sighed.

"Would you please come down so we can finish this like honorable warriors?" the Paladin called. "I'm sure the people would prefer a good fight over firing arrows, yes?"

Hoping to slow her down a little, he tried a spell - even though it failed on Zeet, he hoped it would work. He had to move closer, though, and flew closer, ascending another ten feet and flying a distance of 40 feet.

Haze of DreamsHaze of Dreams page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/haze-of-dreams/)

Will save: DC 22 negates
Success: 1/2 speed, as if seeing through a dream.
End at J11.

2017-04-08, 02:59 PM
1st AoE duration: 8 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 11 rounds.
Aurora tensed as Ainsley cast his spell, unsure what it was going to do, but it faded away without overcoming her.
"Come on, Ainsley, don't try to imply that being an archer is somehow 'less honorable' than fighting hand-to-hand," she said, sounding just slightly annoyed. "Manipulation isn't a good color on a paladin!"

Aurora flapped her wings and flew south while ascending another 20', then veered southeast and then east (fly check for 90 degree turn 38 in dice roller), flying over her second cylinder of wind and then descending 10' to an altitude of 50'. (U/T 12/13)
Chameleon step: move up to twice your speed as a move action. Horizontal distance: 85', vertical distance 50' (20'x2 ascending, 10' descending), 135' total, out of 180' max.
Aurora lifted her arm and flourished her wrist.
"May the passion of the wind bless me with divine boons!"Blessing of FervorBlessing of Fervor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blessing-of-fervor/)
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 13 rounds.

2017-04-08, 03:39 PM
"Not manipulation, just trying to slow you down a tad so I can catch you," Ainsley said with a laugh. He followed her movements and finally got close enough. With a grin on his lips, he invoked the name of his Goddess and power attacked. He only got in the one attack, but he hoped it was enough to pay her back a little.

[roll0] dmg: [roll1] + [roll2]

Fly check just in case: [roll3]

2017-04-08, 04:05 PM
Aurora blocked Ainsley's attack and shook her head. "I never meant to let you get this close," she admitted wryly.
Blessing of Fervor: +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 12 rounds.1st AoE duration: 7 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 10 rounds.

Aurora flapped her wings hard, and lashed out at the air with her hooves.
A 25' radius blast of wind roared down on Ainsley with a loud clap of thunder accompanying it. The blast did [roll0] bludgeoning damage, and the thunder was deafeningly loud. (DC 22 fortitude save for half damage and avoid being deafened for 1 hour.)

Then, accepting the risk that Ainsley might take a swing at her, Aurora darted 125' east (T/U 37/38). (Ainsley gets an AoO.)
Chameleon step. 3rd use out of 8.

2017-04-08, 04:26 PM
[roll0] dmg: [roll1] [roll2]

"Aurora! Running away again?" Ainsley called as the force buffeted him. He flapped his wings, staying aloft, and shook off much of the attack. "Very well... It seems I can't help but return the favor."

With his free hand, he called the weapons of his Goddess to him. Four bastard swords, glowing and floating around him, suddenly appeared, circling and creating a force to keep out more damage.

2017-04-08, 05:02 PM
Aurora flinched as Ainsley's blade smacked her flank as she passed.
Blessing of Fervor: +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 11 rounds.1st AoE duration: 6 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 9 rounds.

Aurora lifted her bow and fired a full volley at Ainsley.
(-2 range penalty.)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

(-2 range penalty.)
Attack 1: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage

(-2 range penalty.)
Attack 1: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

(-2 range penalty.)
Attack 1: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

"Running away, no, just keeping some distance between us because I'm not a big fan of getting thwacked with swords!" she called out, smiling.
Hover fly check: [roll12]

2017-04-08, 10:04 PM
"It could be worse," Ainsley called as he readied himself. With his free hand, he rubbed his neck as before, only this time, called upon the divinity of his position of his Goddess.

Lay on Hands (roll in dice roller) Remove fatigue.

With a grin on his lips, he flapped hard, harder than before, and charged. His great wings pumped as he charged, his weapon brandished, the name of Arete on his lips. Power filled his muscles as he made a power attack as he came within range.

[roll0] dmg: [roll1] + [roll2]

End at S36.

2017-04-08, 10:36 PM
Aurora let out a little huff of relief as Ainsley's attack missed, and shook her head as he became entangled in his own gear.
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. (So 90+30=120 for a single move.) 10 rounds.1st AoE duration: 5 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 8 rounds.

"Elegance of the wind!"Aurora said swiftly.
Grace (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/grace/)(Swift, does not provoke aoo.)

Then she took one shot at Ainsley (does not provoke aoo because of point blank mastery.)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Then Aurora was off again! (Spell prevents movement from provoking aoo.) She flew around the south-east column and darted north to the edge of the arena (B/C 29/30, fly check to turn in dice roller, 38.)

2017-04-09, 09:09 AM
With a shake of his head, Ainsley brushed off the nick from the arrow and untangled himself. Then, he stretched with a groan, his wings stretching wide before beginning to look around to check where the centaur had gone.

Ah, there.

"Come now, running away again?" Ainsley laughed. Before he moved, he sent a quick prayer to Arete to keep the centaur put. "Why don't you stay awhile there, hmm? We can have a party!"

Then he flew north, ending a G36.

2017-04-09, 09:31 AM
Aurora chuckled wryly. "I think we have vastly different ideas of what constitutes a 'party', Ainsley!"
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. (So 90+30=120 for a single move.) 9 rounds.1st AoE duration: 4 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 7 rounds.

Aurora made a pushing gesture with a snap of her wrist.
"By the power of the tempest, I summon a great wind!"
A 5' diameter stream of wind blasted southeast of Aurora for as far as it could go before hitting the barrier shielding the audience from spells cast within the arena, striking Ainsley for [roll0] damage and enough force to knock him off his feet, if he had been on the ground. (DC 20 fort save for half damage and negate being knocked prone ((flying creatures can't be knocked prone)). A creature starting their turn within the effect of this spell must make a DC 20 fort save or be pushed 20' in the direction the wind is blowing, take 2d6 damage, and be knocked prone. A successful fort save means the creature only takes 1d6 damage.)
AoE duration 13 rounds.
River of Wind
River of Wind (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/river-of-wind/)

Then the centaur flew rapidly 120' west (B/C 5/6).

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17854846_10209081981067975_6184308732829389532_o.j pg?oh=68c353e09bb3c017f6a0a611d056bff1&oe=5991E3B7

2017-04-09, 09:56 AM
Shaking off the wind force gale, Ainsley flapped hard and managed to escape the winds. Free of the winds, he sighed and started once more in Aurora's direction. There wasn't much he could do with her keeping so far away from him.

"Are we going to play a game of cat and mouse while you blow wind all over the arena?" Ainsley called.

End double movement at G12.

2017-04-09, 10:15 AM
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. (So 90+30=120 for a single move.) 8 rounds.1st AoE duration: 4 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 7 rounds. Line AoE duration: 12 rounds.

"Well that is largely my plan, yes," Aurora said wryly. "But if you're tired of wind, there is this..." She pointed at Ainsley.
"Radiance of the Divine Wind!"
A brilliant flash of shimmering light burst around Ainsley in a 10' radius. (Ainsley is blinded for [roll0] rounds. DC 18 reflex save to be dazzled for [roll1] rounds instead.)
Burst of Radiance
Burst of Radiance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burst-of-radiance/)
Then Aurora ascended at a 45-degree angle to a 60' elevation and flew south before veering slightly southwest (fly check 25 to turn, in dice roller) to a spot between her cylinders of desert air, and descended 20' to an elevation of 40'. (P/Q 3/4)

2017-04-09, 07:37 PM
The sudden burst of light blinded him momentarily, leaving a dazzling, dancing light over his eyes. Ainsley hissed and rubbed at his eyes. "Alright. Fine."

He moved then, ascending 10' and flying 60' towards her. Then, when he was in position at M6, he reached out his free hand and threw one of the bastard swords circling him.

[roll0] (normal is +25, -1 for dazzled condition) dmg: [roll1]

End movement at M6, 60' elevation.

2017-04-09, 08:33 PM
Aurora blocked the incoming flying sword. "Whew, close..." she muttered.
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 7 rounds.1st AoE duration: 3 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 6 rounds. Line AoE duration: 11 rounds.
She glanced around, frowning. Then she got an idea. Flapping her wings hard, she ascended rapidly straight up by 25' (fly check 26 to ascend straight up in dice roller), to a 65' elevation, and then flew southeast to the edge of the arena (U/V 8/9).
Aurora pawed the air while flapping her wings, and a 25' radius blast of wind roared down on Ainsley with a loud clap of thunder accompanying it. The blast did [roll0] bludgeoning damage, and the thunder was deafeningly loud. (DC 22 fortitude save for half damage and avoid being deafened for 1 hour.)

2017-04-10, 06:53 PM
A grunt left the paladin as he steadied himself and rubbed at his ears. "My, that was a loud blast... what did you eat?"

With a grin on his lips, the paladin flapped his wings hard to catch her off guard. He swung hard at her underbelly with a power attack.

[roll0] (usual +25, -1 for dazzled, +2 charge) dmg: [roll1] + [roll2]

End movement T7, elevation 60'

2017-04-10, 07:44 PM
Aurora grimaced as she realized she'd underestimated the distance when Ainsley struck her.

Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 6 rounds.1st AoE duration: 2 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 5 rounds. Line AoE duration: 10 rounds.

"Elegance of the wind!"Aurora said swiftly.
GraceGrace (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/grace/)(Swift, does not provoke aoo.)

Then Aurora shot northeast across the arena to the opposite edge (A/B 28/29). (Spell prevents movement from provoking aoo.)
Chameleon step. 4th use out of 8. (Traveled 155'.)
Aurora took a deep breath and looked at Ainsley with a critical eye. She made a flicking gesture with her index finger from her eye towards the paladin.
"Divine Wind reveal any weakness!"Find FaultFind Fault (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/find-fault/)

2017-04-11, 06:13 PM
Rolling his shoulders, he studied the centaur's movement. He judged, from this distance, he could not yet get to her. Again, Aurora runs.

"I suppose I should expect no less from a ranged and magical attacker..." he muttered to himself.

Ainsley waved to crowd as he took his time getting into position. "You're not giving them much of a show with all this running, Aurora!" he called to her, though his words he directed at the crowd. "Wouldn't you much rather see a real battle?!"

As he moved, he swiftly brushed away some of his wounds.
Lay on hands: [roll0]
Performance to heal: [roll1]

End movement at L15.

2017-04-11, 07:31 PM
Blessing of Fervor: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. 5 rounds.1st AoE duration: 1 rounds. 2nd AoE duration: 4 rounds. Line AoE duration: 9 rounds.

Aurora lifted her bow and took aim at Ainsley and let loose a full volley of arrows at him.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Attack 2: [roll3] <-- Botch. Used 2 arrows on this attack.
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage
Mandatory mitigating performance combat check: 29

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electric damage

2017-04-12, 10:27 PM
As soon as the last arrow whizzed past him, the Paladin started forward, his wings flapping furiously. As he closed in on the centaur, he swung his sword - briefly missing the weight of his bastard sword - in a power attack.

[roll0] (again, -1 for dazzled, +2 charge) dmg: [roll1] + [roll2]

[I]End movement at C27.[I]

2017-04-12, 10:56 PM
Aurora winced as the sword struck her and left a couple of decent welts. The first cylinder of desert air dissipated.

Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. 4 rounds.2nd AoE duration: 3 rounds. Line AoE duration: 8 rounds.

"Elegance of the wind!"Aurora said swiftly once again.Grace(Swift doesn't provoke.)

Aurora fired one arrow at the paladin before fleeing (does not provoke aoo because of point blank mastery).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage.

Then Aurora ascended (spell prevents movement from provoking aoo) 10' at a 45-degree angle, to an elevation of 75' before leveling out and continuing west (A/B 6/7).

"Do you prefer chasing your opponent around like this, or did you prefer Zeetzeet's hugs?" she joked.

2017-04-13, 10:12 PM
Though it would probably not help with the distance, Ainsely decided against ascending after Aurora. He did attempt to follow her, keeping at the same altitude as before. He flew to C15.

As he got within range, he began to chant.

Knight's CallingKnight's Calling page. (www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/k/knight-s-calling/)

Will negates: DC 22
If successful, target compelled to move toward caster on their turn.

2017-04-13, 10:22 PM
Aurora felt the tingle of magic across her skin and shook it off with an exertion of will. She was able to identify and recognize the spell. "Aha, ha... that would've been a good one!" she admitted wryly.
Blessing of Fervor: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. 3 rounds.2nd AoE duration: 2 rounds. Line AoE duration: 7 rounds.

Aurora decided to take advantage of the continued difference in altitude, and fired a volley of arrows at the paladin.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electric damage

2017-04-15, 03:59 PM
A laugh came from the paladin as he flew towards her, readying his swing. He could finally see without difficulty. "You should just face me and get this over with! I'm sure the crowd would prefer to see a good melee match than cat and mouse!"

When he got to her, ending at C8 at elevation 75', he swung, invoking another power attack to do the most damage with the one swing.

[roll0] dmg: [roll1] + [roll2]

2017-04-15, 04:45 PM
Air hissed through Aurora's teeth in pain as Ainsley's sword struck her. "Nonsense! The crowd seems perfectly excited by this match, and my hooves would hurt you even less than my bow!" she said wryly.
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. 2 rounds.2nd AoE duration: 1 rounds. Line AoE duration: 6 rounds.

"Elegance of the wind!"Aurora said swiftly.
Grace(Swift doesn't provoke.)

Aurora flew rapidly southeast and then veered east (fly check to turn: 42 in dice roller) while descending sharply to an elevation of 10'. (U/V 36/37, spell prevents movement from provoking AoO.)

2017-04-15, 09:38 PM
Greater Angelic Aspect (lasts 17 minutes), Hedging weapons (3 bastard swords remaining)

"Aurora!" Ainsley calls with a wide grin on his lips, "Come on back! I promise to be gentle!" He laughed as he turned, following her with his eyes. A shake of his head and he flapped his wings, moving to follow her.

As he moved, he took the time to catch his breath and try to think of a way to stop Aurora from moving so far from him. At the moment, there was no way for him to do so.

End movement at J15

2017-04-15, 09:56 PM
"You sound like a creep, Ainsley!" Aurora commented, shaking her head. The second cylinder of wind Aurora had called forth dissipated.

Blessing of Fervor: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. 1 rounds.Line AoE duration: 5 rounds.

Aurora lifted her bow and fired a volley at the flying paladin, despite the distance between them.
(-2 range penalty)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

(-2 range penalty)
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage

(-2 range penalty)
Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

(-2 range penalty)
Attack 4: [roll9] <-- Crit, 31 to confirm, 28 additional damage.
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

(-2 range penalty)
Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electric damage

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17966593_10209145063044985_1329084133402944404_o.j pg?oh=092966e8f5ec8ca84d6c5d09074d0e9b&oe=598E5C9C

2017-04-15, 11:16 PM
He found himself back at the same place as he was no too long ago. It was quite a bit like deja vu. He was hurting, certainly, but he could heal easily enough if it got too bad later.

"Really, Aurora, you should just fight me face to face!"

End movement at T27

2017-04-15, 11:29 PM
Aurora rolled her eyes. "Or maybe you should've had the foresight to pick up a bow! It's not my fault you came unprepared," she pointed out wryly.

Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet.Line AoE duration: 4 rounds.

She darted northeast before veering around the column to fly north (fly check to turn 43 in dice roller) until she reached the edge of the arena again (A/B 37/38).

Aurora lifted her arm and flourished her wrist.
"May the passion of the wind bless me with divine boons!"Blessing of Fervor
Blessing of Fervor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blessing-of-fervor/)
Blessing of Fervor: Duration 13 rounds.

2017-04-17, 08:49 AM
Ainsley shrugged and grinned. "Come now, you know I'm no good with a bow. I saw no reason to grab a weapon that would be quite useless to me..."

With a few flaps of his wings, he began his descent, traveling closer to her. Hoping to get close enough to do some damage, even in passing.

End movement at K29, elevation 10'.

2017-04-17, 12:11 PM
"Nonsense! I know for a fact paladins are trained in the use of a bow!" Aurora snorted.

Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. Duration 12 rounds.Line AoE duration: 3 rounds.

Aurora ascended 10' at a 45-degree angle before leveling out and flying west a ways (A/B 15/16, 20' elevation).
"We haven't had any fresh breezes in a while, have we?" Aurora asked with a smile. "Let's fix that! But when I say 'breeze', I'm really more thinking... hurricane!"
"I call upon the spirit of the Divine Wind; grant me dominion over thine element!"She cried, lifting one arm and then sharply flicking her wrist.
Control WindsControl Winds (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/control-winds/)

The wind whipped up in an 80' diameter with Ainsley nearly in the center, the full radius of the spell cutting off at the protective barrier. It blasted southeast with hurricane force, in a 40' vertical distance starting 5' above the ground. (Each round on [the caster's] turn, a creature in the wind must make a DC 21 fort save or suffer the effect of being in the windy area.) Hurricane force winds: "All flames are extinguished. Ranged attacks are impossible (except with siege weapons, which have a –8 penalty on attack rolls). Perception checks based on sound are impossible: all characters can hear is the roaring of the wind. Hurricane-force winds often fell trees." Large creatures are "checked" (unable to move forward against the force of the wind unless they succeed on a DC 20 Fly skill check if airborne) and medium creatures are "blown away" (Flying creatures are blown back 2d6*10 feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting, unless they succeed on a DC 25 Fly skill check).

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17990553_10209159645849546_6131076588643933332_o.j pg?oh=3d5226335478c10b8a37bf776b542bed&oe=59925283

2017-04-18, 11:33 AM
Fort save (dice roller) [38]

Ainsley grit his teeth against the hurricane winds. He could barely see - so instead of seeing, he relied upon his Goddess's guidance. "Arete, guide me to safety," he prayed quickly.

With great flaps of his wings, he flew quickly, heading in a straight line to K9. As soon as Ainsley burst through the wall of wind on the outside of the hurricane, he took great gulps of air in an attempt to catch his breath.

"What the Great Goddess are you thinking, Aurora?! A hurricane?" Ainsley shouted, brandishing his sword. "I'm pretty sure you gave me heart palpitations!"

Movement ends at K9, elevation 10'.

2017-04-18, 11:55 AM
Aurora flashed a really wide smile at the paladin. I was thinking it would give me an advantage and slow you down, and I'm not convinced yet that I'm wrong!"

Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. Duration 11 rounds.Line AoE duration: 2 rounds.

Aurora tied a small strip of leather around her wrist as she spoke.
"As the Divine Wind is free and unbound, so let it be for me!"
Freedom of MovementFreedom of Movement (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/freedom-of-movement/)

Then she waved to Ainsley and darted southeast, right into the middle of the hurricane-force winds! (Q/R 31/32, 20' elevation.)

2017-04-18, 12:04 PM
This is where the posting in the Jousting Arena will occur.

5e3 Episode 'The Liar' On OTSCI
www otsci org hdr Priso

2017-04-20, 09:03 AM
As Aurora again moved away from him - this time diving into the very storm she'd created - Ainsley shook his head. "Again, she runs. You'd think I have no luck with women."

Then he grinned and sent a prayer to Arete.

"Guide me through the storm and to my enemy."

Then he flew inside, ascending as he did. Movement ends at K21, elevation 45'. (Should be above the wind now)

Fly check (to go through the winds as he ascends): [roll0]

2017-04-20, 10:47 AM
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Duration 10 rounds. 11 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~12 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.Line AoE duration: 1 rounds.

Aurora lifted her arm and flourished her wrist.
"I call upon the strength of the Divine Wind!"Divine PowerDivine Power (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/divine-power/)

Then the centaur flapped her wings and sped northeast before turning (turn fly check 31 in dice roller) north at the edge of the arena. (D/E 39/40, 20' elevation.)

2017-04-20, 12:51 PM
Ainsley flew over the top of the winds, keeping his eyes on where Aurora hovered. It would be hard to get to her - but he needed to end this relatively soon.

As he maneuvered himself into position, he readied himself for hopefully an attack.

"Please stay put..." Ainsley muttered to himself.

Fly straight east to K32, then diagonal to F36.

2017-04-20, 01:24 PM
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. Duration 9 rounds. Divine Power duration 12 rounds. ~11 minutes left on Wings of Air, 11 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.The line of wind in the northeast corner of the arena faded away.

Aurora flew northwest to the northern edge of the arena and then turned (fly check 39) and flew west to the edge of her windstorm. (A/B 17/18, 20' elevation.)
Then Aurora focused her attention on the windstorm, and the direction of the wind changed. Instead of blasting southeast, it became an updraft, blowing from the outer edges towards the center while angling upward.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18055880_10209184340586899_7146656741821567597_o.j pg?oh=a5840d8f93ff511e7b9d6487361283d2&oe=59859583

2017-04-20, 09:03 PM
Fine, if she's gonna move all the time, then it's time for a new strategy. Ainsley wheeled about and followed Aurora, descending into the winds.

Fortitude check [roll0]
Fly check in case of fail [roll1] (+4 because of 'good' maneuverability because I forgot about that)

Fly to C33, then turn West and fly to C19.

Fly check for turning midair [roll2]

End movement at C19, elevation 20'.

2017-04-21, 10:45 AM
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Duration 8 rounds. Divine Power duration 11 rounds. ~11 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~11 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.

Aurora shook her head as Ainsley pulled up to her.
"Elegance of the wind!"She said swiftly.Grace(Swift doesn't provoke.)

She lashed out with her hooves before fleeing.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

She darted east around Ainsley and then turned (crit fly check in dice roller) and flew to the southeast corner of the arena, flying up at a 45-degree angle to pass over the pillar on the way before descending back down to a 30' elevation. (U/V 39/40)
Chameleon step 5/8

2017-04-21, 09:26 PM
A slight grunt left the paladin at the little scratch to his armor. He did not call after her, however, knowing she wouldn't hear him. Instead, he just followed after her, flying fast into the force of the wind while ascending to elevation 45'. He went above the pillar, and slightly to the side.

Fort save: [roll0]
Fly check in case of fail: [roll1]

End movement S35 elevation 45'.

2017-04-22, 09:46 AM
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Duration 7 rounds. Divine Power duration 10 rounds. ~11 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~11 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.

Aurora looked up at Ainsley above the pillar, above the wind. She lifted her bow and took a shot at him before fleeing again.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Aurora flew north, stopping partially under the princess' balcony. (C/D 39/40, 30' elevation)

2017-04-22, 10:32 PM
With a curse under his breath, Ainsley spun and chased after the centaur. He'd catch her this time for sure - just wouldn't be able to attack her just yet. With great flaps of his wings, he flew North quickly before wheeling to the Northeast toward Aurora. He descended into the winds at the same time.

Fort check for winds: [roll0]
Fly check in case of fail: [roll1]
Fly check for change in direction: [roll2]

End movement at E38, elevation 30'.

2017-04-22, 10:42 PM
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Duration 6 rounds. Divine Power duration 9 rounds. ~11 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~11 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.

Aurora kicked out with her hooves again.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage
(Max damage performance combat check: expend 1 victory point to autopass, bringing crowd back up to "helpful".)

Then she grimaced and fled west (C/D 3/4), bracing herself for the expected attack in passing. (Ainsley gets AoO.)
Chameleon Step 6/8

2017-04-23, 08:32 PM
[roll0] dmg: [roll1] [roll2]

~14 minutes on Greater Angelic Aspect; 3 Bastard Swords left on Hedging Weapons; Bonded Weapon (Constant)

"Aurora! Come back!" Ainsley called as she fled.

He followed her as quickly as he could, flying quickly.

Fort save: [roll3]
Fly check if fort fails: [roll4]

End movement at E15, elevation 30'

2017-04-23, 09:05 PM
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Duration 5 rounds. Divine Power duration 8 rounds. ~11 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~11 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.

Aurora made a pushing gesture with a snap of her wrist.
"By the power of the tempest, I summon a great wind!"
River of WindRiver of Wind (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/river-of-wind/)
A 5' diameter stream of wind blasted east-southest of Aurora for 120', striking Ainsley for [roll0] nonlethal damage and enough force to knock him off his feet, if he had been on the ground. (DC 20 fort save for half damage and negate being knocked prone ((flying creatures can't be knocked prone)). A creature starting their turn within the effect of this spell must make a DC 20 fort save or be pushed 20' in the direction the wind is blowing, take 2d6 damage, and be knocked prone. A successful fort save means the creature only takes 1d6 damage.)
AoE duration 13 rounds.

Then Aurora flew to the south edge of the arena.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17966329_10209213399313349_6283692846074566473_o.j pg?oh=89e9b3f7e8cbfc22d44eed8be37cea35&oe=5990EBE0

2017-04-23, 11:29 PM
Fort save for beginning in the wind [roll0]

"You think that's enough to make me stop?" Ainsley grinned and rushed forward, flying fast to get to her. He knew she would run again, but he would at least get another hit in.

End movement at T5.

2017-04-24, 10:25 AM
Blessing of Fervor: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Duration 4 rounds. Divine Power duration 7 rounds. ~11 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~11 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.Line AoE duration 12 rounds.

"Stop you? No, though I did hope it might slow you down a little!" Aurora said. The centaur kicked out at the aasimar again.
Attack: [roll0] (Botch) Aurora missed and almost hurt herself, but managed to avoid it.
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Then Aurora flew west, ascending 10' as she flew. (U/V 19/20, 40' elevation.)

2017-04-24, 04:52 PM
[roll0] dmg: [roll1] [roll2]

"Aurora!" he called after her, then followed behind her. "Face me!"

He followed her through the winds, rising in altitude as she did, right behind her. He was not letting her get away this time.

Fort save for going through the winds: [roll3]
Fly save in case of fail: [roll4]

End movement T18 elevation 40'.

2017-04-24, 05:12 PM
Aurora winced taking Ainsley's strike as she moved.
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. Duration 3 rounds. Divine Power duration 6 rounds. ~11 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~11 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~130 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.Line AoE duration 11 rounds.

Aurora kicked out at Ainsley again.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage.

Then Aurora flew west, to the corner of the arena, while ascending another 10'. (U/V 39/40, 50' elevation.)

2017-04-24, 05:32 PM
[roll0] dmg: [roll1] [roll2]

"Must I corner you?" the paladin growled out after his attack. Once more, he chased after her, ascending as he did.

Movement ends at T38, elevation 50'.

2017-04-24, 05:44 PM
Aurora winced again as she took the passing blow. She was breathing hard, and looked like she was feeling the accumulation of bruises, now.
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. Duration 2 rounds. Divine Power duration 5 rounds. ~10 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~10 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~129 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.Line AoE duration 10 rounds.

Aurora flashed a halfhearted smiled at the paladin. "What's the matter? Never tracked a stag through miles of forest over several days? Hunting is actually pretty fun, when you're not the prey!"
Out of the wind now, Aurora took the opportunity to fire a shot at the aasimar instead of relying on her hooves (does not provoke aoo because of point blank mastery).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

The Aurora took a deep breath and braced herself for Ainsley's strike as she moved again, zooming west to the far edge of the arena again, descending to an altitude of 10' as she flew. (U/V 1/2, 10' elevation.)
Chameleon Step 7/8

2017-04-24, 06:38 PM
[roll0] dmg: [roll1] [roll2]

Swift action Lay on Hands: [roll3]
Performance check for healing: [roll4]

The paladin shook himself and continued to chase after her.

End movement at T15, elevation 50'. Staying above the wind.

2017-04-24, 06:48 PM
Aurora grunted and ground her teeth when Ainsley struck her.
Aurora lifted her arm and flourished her wrist.
"May the passion of the wind bless me with divine boons!"Blessing of Fervor
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. Duration 13 rounds. Divine Power duration 4 rounds. ~10 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~10 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~129 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.
Aurora flew to the north edge of the arena. (A/B 1/2, 10' elevation.)

2017-04-25, 07:23 PM
Again, she flees. With a sigh, Ainsley followed once more, flying quickly after her. He could make no attack as she fled, but he hoped to make one if he could corner her. He descended as he flew, using the momentum to carry him down faster.

End movement at C3, elevation 10'.

2017-04-25, 08:35 PM
Blessing of Fervor: Increase its speed by 30 feet. Duration 12 rounds. Divine Power duration 3 rounds. ~10 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~10 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~129 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.Line AoE duration 8 rounds.

Aurora kicked out at Ainsley.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Then Aurora fled east, ascending another 10' as she flew. (A/B 23/24, 20' elevation.)

2017-04-26, 11:02 PM
[roll0] dmg: [roll1] [roll2]

After the quick attack, Ainsley had once again no other choice but to follow after Aurora. With great flaps of his wings, he followed, raising in the air as he did, doing his best not to get too close to that wind tunnel from earlier. Even if it had done no damage to him before, he wasn't going to tempt fate.

End movement at C22, elevation 20'.

2017-04-27, 10:50 AM
Aurora grunted, grinding her teeth to keep from reacting more obviously to Ainsley's well-placed blow. She was breathing hard when he caught up to her again, her flanks glistening with sweat now, flecks of foam at her hips and withers.
"Damn," she panted, "I should've... used my last chameleon step... to put a little more distance between us. Haaah... too late now. If I try it now, even a passing strike would probably put me out," she admitted.
"I hoped I might get farther this year, but I guess... I'll have to wait another two years... and try again." She shook her head. "Though I somewhat suspect... I could've successfully chipped away at your defenses... if you hadn't kept healing yourself," she said wryly.

Blessing of Fervor: Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus. Duration 11 rounds. Divine Power duration 2 rounds. ~10 minutes left on Wings of Air, ~10 minutes left on Weapon of Awe, ~129 minutes each for Control Winds and Freedom of Movement.
Aurora decided that if this was to be her last stand, she better make it a good one!
(Point blank mastery makes ranged not provoke.)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electric damage

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] electric damage

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] electric damage

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] electric damage

Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electric damage

Plus Hooves x2
Hooves 1: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] plus [roll17] electric damage

Hooves 2: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19] plus [roll20] electric damage

"Good match..." Aurora said breathlessly.
Fly check to hover: [roll21]

2017-04-27, 03:30 PM
"Then I shall strive to make this as quick as possible," the Paladin said. "You are a worthy opponent."

Full attack:

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] [roll5]

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] [roll8]

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] [roll11]

Fly check to hover: [roll12]

2017-04-27, 03:49 PM
Aurora rolled her eyes at the paladin's comment, and winced when his first two blows landed. She went limp, wings stilling, and started to drop.

Warrick was already in motion, and threw out his arm. The centaur's descent slowed, and she landed gently in the mud.
"Your Majesty," the Master at Arms said, turning to look at Geiravor as he hovered above Aurora's wind, "if you would please?" Warrick waved his arm at the wind while making a rather ornate bow, an amused smile playing across his lips.

2017-04-27, 04:02 PM
Geiravor stood from her seat in her private box. She stretched out her hand and spoke.

"Show's over."

Greater Dispel Magic


2017-04-27, 04:17 PM
Warrick smiled and offered a quick salute and descended to the muddy ground, next to the fallen centaur. "Good job, Sir Ainsley," he said as he descended past the paladin.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner!" he boomed, holding up his arm towards Ainsley.

With unexpectedly casual ease, the half-elf lifted the two-thousand pound centaur and hoisted her over his shoulder. "She's not going to appreciate the mud," he commented with wry humor as he strode towards the pit, waving for Ainsley to follow.

Inside the pit, Warrick set the muddy, cremello centaur on the ground while acolytes hurried over to tend to her. The two acolytes from the temple of Arete shyly approached Ainsley again and peppered him with cure spells to restore him.
When both heroes were fully restored, Warrick flung his arms towards the door.
"Well, you know the drill by now, right?" he asked cheerfully. The three of them strode back out to the center of the arena where they'd started.

"Ladies and gentlemen! That was quite the show, was it not? Our two heroes showed very different styles of combat today, both doing their best to adapt to the other. Aurora displayed a truly impressive mobility on the battlefield today, but Ainsley's defenses and damage output was just a bit more than she could overcome from a distance! This fight was truly one of stamina, lasting significantly longer than is normal for a battle outside of the arena. This was a match between a couple of fan favorites, and I hope you all found them entertaining enough to not be too disappointed if your personal favorite was not the victor!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick paused to allow the audience to applaud and cheer some more, and after a moment when they'd quieted down, he lifted his arm on Ainsley's side.
"And now, I present to you, your victor for this bout: AINSLEY M'ARETE!" Warrick gestured for Ainsley to fly up and be visible for the crowd to make his speech.

2017-04-27, 09:40 PM
As soon as the battle was over, the paladin dismissed his remaining bastard swords and hovered just a few feet above the mud. He didn't like mud. Then he followed Warrick into the pit. Ainsley made sure that Aurora was okay before allowing the acolytes to tend to him. He smiled at the temple acolytes as they tended his bruises, though he glanced over at Aurora several times to assure himself he hadn't seriously harmed her.

Once she got to her feet, Ainsley quickly went to her and clasped her hand. "It was a wonderful bout and you gave me an awful challenge. I am honored to have faced you in the arena."

Ainsley then followed Warrick out to the field, his head held high. Another speech for the spectators, another speech for the glory of Arete. A speech. Yes. He was not exactly prepared.

Then Warrick called his name and the Paladin puffed up his chest. He still wore his armor, and his wings remained on his back, so he used that to his advantage. Ainsley hopped up into the air and took himself to 20', hovering there.

"I thank you all for your kind support," the Paladin began, "and I dedicate this victory to the Glory of Arete! Her Just Guidance allowed me to aim true and granted me victory over my friend, Aurora. She fought well and hard. Had it been anyone but me, I am sure she would have won." He paused momentarily and smiled down at Aurora, then turned back to the crowd. "Once more, I ask that you aid your brothers and sisters at Arete's temple in their moral and virtuous fight against evil and wrongdoing. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any morality, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things... and give praise to Arete!"

Performance check: [roll0]
Fly check for hover: [roll1]

2017-04-27, 09:54 PM
"Alright," Warrick said, "go greet your fans and call it a day, then! Remember, don't let them bog you down!"

Aurora smiled at Ainsley. "It was a good fight! If you were evil, and I had my personal gear, it would've been a whole 'nother story!" she said, giving him a playful jab with her elbow as they made their way to the entrance.

Aurora greeted the spectators with a sunny smile, shaking hands and exchanging kind words with people until the crowds cleared enough for her to be able to make her exit.

Ainsley and Aurora are free to spend the rest of the day as they wish. They leave the jousting arena at about 1:30 pm.

2017-04-27, 10:15 PM
Jaylyn walks into the Jousting Arena, seeing Warrick and Umbear she waves then says, "Hello Warrick, hello Umbear."

looking around at the items selection nodding.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-27, 11:39 PM
Umbear looks to Jaylin as she finally arrives. He raises his eyebrow as she finally speaks to him.

"Hello Jaylyn. I look forward to our conversation Today. "

Umbear begins selecting his gear, going back an forth with Jaylyn, eventually even switching out what he had already picked for different selections, based on what Jaylyn had picked. Touching two Specific gear he speaks to himself.

"Fire.... Lightning"

He pops his neck as he looks to Warrick.

"any personal annoyances I should avoid when making requests General Warrick?"

2017-04-28, 07:24 AM
Jaylyn looks at Umbear with a puzzled look on her face, "Conversation?" she asked then continuing picking her collection of gear. After Jaylyn sees Umbear bear put back an item she was hoping to get, she does a couple swaps to make sure she has all of her bases covered.

Feeling good with her picks she walks up to Umbear and says "Let the best hero win, however like my match with Droktoktor I don't want you to hold anything back...well beyond the rules of the tournament."

Jaylyn then makes a deep bow toward Umbear.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 07:53 AM
Umbear gives a "Harumph" when Jaylyn speaks about not holding back.

"Then you are certainly going to have an interesting match today. May the most Clever Hero win today, yes?"

He gives a slightly lopsided Ogre Grin. He stops and goes back for a few extra Items, hanging them on his belt. He straps on the buckler and moves around in the Tournament gear to shake out any slack, and then readjusts straps before looking Back to Warrick.

2017-04-28, 09:26 AM
"I'm not a general, son," Warrick said with a smile and a shake of his head. "And I'm not sure what you're asking me." The half-elf crossed his arms and tilted his head slightly at the ogre.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 09:28 AM
Umbear made a gesture toward the Dueling arena.

"Other announcer at the other Arena had a displeasure of any adjustments to whom he was announcing, and for whom they fought. Wanted to know ahead of time if I had any of that to worry about. "

2017-04-28, 09:46 AM
Warrick straightened and chuckled. "Ignatius gave you a hard time, huh? Must be the orc in him," he said with a wink. "To be quite honest, I have a well-rehearsed opening speech for this tourney, and I pretty much only change the names. If you want to be introduced as something other than the title you're most commonly known by, say so now. Once I get going with the speech, I don't stop until it's done. If you're a member of a guild or temple, I can include that in your title, but I won't promote your personal enterprises. I'm not here to help you or your business associates get rich by taking advantage of my oration and the large crowd. If you want to do that yourself, that's fine; you'll have the opportunity to give a speech when the match is over."

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 09:49 AM
Umbear smiles as he scratches the back of his head.

"Self Anointed and Appointed Champion of Triple Cherries is a title Right?"

He knew that it wouldnt pass, so He shrugged as he looked back across the wall of equipment. Thinking. Double thinking, then shaking his head. He shouldnt over think this fight. He knew what he was going to do. It was going to be a fun Match. He would make sure of that.

2017-04-28, 09:50 AM
Warrick chuckled again and shook his head. "Nice try. You two ready to go now?"

2017-04-28, 09:56 AM
Jaylyn closed her eyes shifting her head side to side thinking, her golden tails swishing side to side almost matching her head movements. She nods, her black fox ears twitching breifly, opening her eyes looking at Warrick and says "'Jaylyn Lieutenant-Commander of Varrock' is enough of an introduction for me."

Jaylyn then shifts her gaze to Umbear, "Well you ready, cause I'm as ready as I'll ever be. All this waiting is going to start making me nervous."

Jaylyn flexes her wings making sure they are working and not stiff.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 10:02 AM
Umbear Nods.

"yea Im ready.... lets get this exchange going."

He flexes his muscles and pops a few joints in his fingers and neck.

2017-04-28, 10:31 AM
"Off we go, then!" Warrick said cheerfully.

Warrick ushered Umbear in front of him and walked out onto the field with Jaylyn following. He led them to the center of the arena while the crowd exploded into cheering.
Warrick raised his arms and the crowd gradually quieted.
"Welcome back, good people! For our next bout today, we have Umbear, Mighty Ogre of Darkness and Fire!" Warrick paused to allow the renewed cheering to subside again.
"And his opponent today is Jaylyn: Lieutenant-Commander of Varrock!" Warrick waited for the cheering to die down again.
"They have come to participate in a knockout bout. The match will continue for as long as both are still standing. When one falls unconscious, the match ends, the winner the one still standing. The combatants are required to make nonlethal attacks during this match. Blows that violate this rule will net the perpetrator a penalty point. Three penalty points and the match is forfeit. Magic can be used freely, as our own court mage, Hervir, has renewed the coliseum's wardings to ensure all magic does nonlethal damage, no matter its source. Magic that kills outright without otherwise inflicting damage is negated entirely."
"The combatants were not allowed to bring their personal gear out onto the field today. As always, they have been permitted to select from a variety of tournament-issue equipment. So if they look mismatched, it's not their fashion sense that's the problem, I assure you," Warrick grinned at the crowd.
"The combatants will now step into the starting blocks," Warrick gestured for Umbear and Jaylyn to go, "Sir Umbear to the west, and Lady Jaylyn to the east. They will be given one a very brief chance to prepare themselves for battle, and then the match will begin! During this preparation, they may only do things that effect themselves, and cannot step out of the starting blocks. After that, they are free to engage each other in combat to the best and fullest extent of their abilities! As the audience here today, your job is to let these fine combatants know when you like them, when you love them, and when you don't! So without further ado, let's begin!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick flung his arms up and lifted into the air. He flew towards the pit and hovered between the two private boxes on either side of the doorway. He smiled and waved at Hervir and Geiravor before turning his attention back to the field, carefully watching the combat unfold.

https://scontent.fcae1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18121641_10209248731116622_1110715820486211478_o.j pg?oh=16fed36d3eb68f64e2dd20f42cf2e825&oe=59BF8D1F

The arena floor is very wet, squishy, slippery mud. It counts as difficult terrain, and acrobatics checks DC's are increased by +2.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 10:56 AM
Umbear raises his hands to the Air, attempting to gain the attention of the Crowd. He roars out to the crowd.


He then turns and smiles to Jaylyn.

"Lets have a conversation, Shall we? where are you from? who are your parents?"

Umbear roars again as black flames suround him. (Move Action- Gather Energy, buffer vs 2 Burn)

Swap Fire Sculpter for Telekinetic Deflection.

Umbear Roars more as a feild of telekinetic Force appears around him.


No Burn This Round

Initiative [roll0]

2017-04-28, 12:25 PM
Jaylyn in Winged fox form walked to the eastern square, turned to face Umbear. Listen to his speech her facial expression went from neutral to slightly angered.


"Calm down and focus," Jaylyn thought to herself "he's just trying to ruffle your fur."

"Give me your best shot Umbear," Jaylyn said before switching to Draconic.

"Let those seen be unseen."

One of Jaylyn's tails glows for a brief moment before Jaylyn Vanishes.

Jaylyn moves up 5 feet in the air and over to M37

Initiative roll (taken from dice roller) roll (1d20+10)[11]

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 12:41 PM
Umbear activates his Glimpse of Truth Goggles and sees Jaylyn Floating above his square. He smiles and shakes his head. He Moves forward hovering from his mastery over gravity, moving 5 feet SE, then another 25 feet East, his feet mere inches off the ground.

Swapping From the Ashes for Touchite. Burn Negated by Buffer Reserve. Reserve now at 2/3.

Umbear extends his hand out as the energy around him turns clear with tinges of black and red on the edges of his Chroma.

Quickened Empowered Negative Energy Blast (TouchSite) +3 Burn to Umbear

Touch Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + 50% 72 Damage if Hit

Touchsite: Any time you damage a creature using your blast, as long as that creature doesn’t use a teleportation effect, you can see that creature at any distance as if using blindsight until the end of your next turn. Immediately after damaging a creature, You can accept 1 point of burn to strengthen the strands of aether attached to that creature, increasing the duration of the touchsight on that creature to 1 round per kineticist level.


2017-04-28, 12:59 PM

Jaylyn moves her hands over the sides of the head fingers spread wide, and eyes closed she then says in Draconic.


a globe of searing radiance to explode silently from M13 (80 feet radius burst), All creatures in the globe are blinded and take [roll0] points of non-lethal damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 28) negates the blindness and reduces the damage by half.

Jaylyn opens her eyes, then moves north 45 feet to D37 maintaining 5 foot elevation.


Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 01:15 PM
Umbear sheilds his eyes as the burst of light appears and burns his flesh. He was able to protect his eyes and prevent some of the lights damage as he looks around. He cannot see Jaylyn.... but his head swivles and he looks directly at the location Jaylyn is hovering... he can feel where she is. HE hovers 5 feet diagonally up in the direction of Jaylyn, then Using his mastery of Gravity, shifts the flow of gravity. He creates a tunnel of Gravity that flings him across the Stadium and deposits him in squares C20, C21, D20, D21, Hovering 5 feet off the ground.


HE begins to Gather Energy creating a Buffer of 2 Burn, he black flames return to normal as he hovers there, roaring

Swapping Fire Sight for Expanded Defense Air, Gives me "Enveloping Winds" And then Swapping Eyes of the Void Greater for Aerial Evasion, Would give me 3 Burn, but this is countered by the Gather Energy. AND 1 Burn from Reserve Reserve is Currently 1/3. THIS GIVES ME a 20% +5% per Point of Burn Miss Chance vs Ranged Attacks, and Gives me Evasion like a Rogue

He holds out his hand to Jaylyn


2017-04-28, 01:56 PM
Jaylyn says nothing to Umbear, she just moves her hands over the sides of the head fingers spread wide, and eyes closed she then says in Draconic.

"solar flare."

a globe of searing radiance to explode silently from E20 (80 feet radius burst), All creatures in the globe are blinded and take [roll0] points of non-lethal damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 28) negates the blindness and reduces the damage by half.

Jaylyn opens her eyes, then moves south 10 feet to F37 maintaining 5 foot elevation.


Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 02:10 PM
As the sphere of light burst again. This time Umbear twists his body and turns as he completely evades the Light, and the Damage as he seems to look to where Jaylyn had been the last moment. Staring hard he feels that she is no longer there. But then... a moment later feels she is just a few feet away from where she was.

He begins to Draw and gather energy (2 Burn Buffer) as he creates a new Gravity feild that sends him to C37 C38 D37 and D38.

Swap eyes of the Void for Suffocate, 1 Burn, countered by Gather Energy. No Increase in Burn

Looking Toward The Fox Umbear smiles, a Lobsided Ogre Grin. It is obvious he cants see where she is as he eyes look around in the empty space she occupies... but he feels she is there.

"Last chance. You could even lie to me. I probably wouldn't know the difference. Pleasant conversation. The weather of your homeland. Your favorite Toy as a child.... Ill even tell you something. Did you know... that a kineticist of my ability... is not limited by their element.... I am called Umbear of Darkness and Fire... because that is what I specialize in.... But.... I can access other elements... like Water...."

2017-04-28, 02:33 PM
Jaylyn Seeing how close Umbear is getting realized she needed to move as far from him as possible then something clicked in her head. The very first fight she had in the woods before the tournament, Jaylyn nods then thinking "If this doesn't work I'm finished"

Jaylyn moves 60 feet south to Q37, taps her golden fox emblem, then in Draconic she says,

"Give me resistance to Magic"

A magicial aura surrounds Jaylyn.

Spell Resistance

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 02:47 PM
Umbears eyes keep looking at the location she had been in for a few moments before his head jerks up and around until settling near where she had relocated to.

"Oh.... we are doing this now.... Well... like I said.... Water. "

Umbear hovers 15 feet south, and 15 ft SW. He holds out his hand as the energy around his becomes less like flames.... and more like.... aqueous black fluid.

"Since you prefer the silent treatment...."

Muddy murky brown mud water from the ground begins to gather beneath Jaylyn before it shoots upward toward her, Its course liquid flowing up her form and attempting to force its way into his nose and mouth.

[roll0] Spell Resistance.

You use aether to choke a creature within 120 feet, air to create an area of unbreathable air around it, or water to fill its throat with water. If your target needs to breathe, it must hold its breath for as long as you concentrate. On each of its turns, it can attempt a Fortitude save in order to speak, but it can breathe only if your concentration breaks, you leave the 120-foot range, or you break line of effect. You can accept 1 point of burn when activating this wild talent in order to expel the air from your target’s lungs. If you do so and the target fails its first Fortitude save, it becomes disabled and is reduced to 0 hit points, and on its second failed Fortitude save, it falls unconscious and is reduced to –1 hit points. I AM ACCEPTING THE 1 BURN

The Water pours into Jaylyns Lungs, forcing all the Air out of her Lungs.
DC 27 FORT save or be Disabled and reduced to 0 HP. 2nd Round of effect requires another Fort Save

Umbear holds his hand out struggling to push the water past her magical Defenses.

2017-04-28, 03:06 PM
Jaylyn seeing the muddy water attempting to choke her, sighs then thinks for a second. "that might just work, why not give it a try."

Jaylyn's tail glows briefly before going to a dull golden color. she then says in Draconic,

"what is seen is now unseen."

Jaylyn then Vanishes again.

Jaylyn moves south 5 feet, SW 5 feet, and lastly west 5 feet and up 5 making her 10 feet in the air ending in S35


Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 04:17 PM
Umbear moves 10 feet South, and 20 feet South West as he hovers along above the mud and muck. His eyes dart about until his head jerks towar the area Jaylyn is hiding In.

"Hiding Now?"

He Continues to Concentrate as Muddy water continues to jump up from the Muddy ground and attempt to force its way into Jaylyns Mouth and Nose.

[roll0] Spell Resistance

Water rushes into Jaylyns Lungs, pushing all the air out of her lungs. DC 28 Fort Save.
If failed Jaylyn is Disabled and at 0 HP.

Umbear holds up his other hand as a beam of Negative Energy flies toward Jaylyn. Quickened Empowered Negative Energy Blast
[roll1] Touch Attack
[roll2] Spell Resistance
[roll3] +50% Damage

2017-04-28, 05:01 PM
"What is he trying to do drown me," Jaylyn thought as the muddy water got passed her shield, "I need to get away and fast if he gets into melee range of me I'm finished!"

Jaylyn moves 120 feet west going another 5 feet up (currently 15 feet in the air) ending in S11.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 05:10 PM
Umbear watched the area around pillar for a moment after Jaylyn Moved, then his head jerked wide to the west as his eyes went wide.

"Someone wants to play fox and hound. "

He holds concentration on the effect as the water keeps hold on her. He moves 5 feet west as he makes his other hand into a fist as black negative energy surrounds his fist. he extends two fingers as two rays fly out toward the Fleeing Jaylyn.

Twinned Quickened Empower Negative Enegy Blast (+6 Burn) Buffer Reserve 0/3

[roll0] Spell Resistance
[roll1] Touch AC
[roll2] +50%

[roll3] Spell Resistance
[roll4] Touch AC
[roll5] +50% 85 Damage

2017-04-28, 05:28 PM
Jaylyn's shield absorbs the first spell but the second blast hit her, and she blacks outs and starts falling to the ground.

2017-04-28, 05:52 PM
Warrick was ready with featherfall, and Jaylyn landed softly.
"That was quick," Warrick commented wryly to Umbear as he passed the ogre.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner!" he boomed, holding up his arm towards Umbear.

Acolytes hurried onto the field to carry Jaylyn to the pit, Warrick leading Umbear after them.

Inside, the acolytes tended to the heroes, restoring them to full health once again.
Warrick gave the young kitsune a reassuring, paternal pat on the shoulder.
"Time to go make pretty faces at the audience," he told them both.

The half-elf led the kitsune and ogre back out into the center of the arena where they'd started.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I hope no one was surprised or disappointed by the speed of this match. It's the shortest one so far in the Jousting Arena, but both of these fine heroes had similar rapid fights in the Dueling Arena already, so it should be no shock that they both came out of the gate swinging, and swinging hard! It would certainly seem that Umbear has lived up to the hype and expectation, wouldn't you say? Jaylyn made a valiant showing against such a formidable foe. I'm sure this was a valuable learning experience! But don't underestimate this pretty little lady! She is a shining prodigy, to make it to this tourney at such a young age! I look forward to seeing her again in two years, stronger and more cunning than ever!!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick paused to allow the audience to applaud and cheer some more, and after a moment when they'd quieted down, he lifted his arm on Umbear's side.
"And now, I present to you, your victor for this bout: UMBEAR THE OGRE!" Warrick gestured for Umbear to fly up and be visible for the crowd to make his speech.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-04-28, 06:56 PM
Umbear hovers up for the crowd to veiw him.


He looks down to Jaylyn and frowns.


He lifts his hand up and puts out a 30 foot cone of Flame up toward the sky.


[roll0] Combat Performance
[roll1] Charisma Check

2017-05-15, 01:13 PM
11:36 am

The Paladin strode into the jousting arena's pit, now quite familiar with the place. He smiled at the attendants and greeted the staff. Then, he strode to the equipment rack and began to pick out equipment.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-05-15, 02:04 PM
11:59 AM

After Having Left Triple Cherries, Visited Peter for a Few Hours, and Left a Note for ZeetZeet. Umbear appears with a Minute to Spare.

ZeetZeet, time for a Caper. Go buy the two BEST SHEEP in the City. Paint them Gold. make em look like they are some sort of celestial Sheep. Use Magic, Ill pay you back. Show up at the end of my Match with them. We gonna make the city think we stole the Princesses Celestial Sheep for Delicious Mutton! ~Umbear
"Sorry Im late. Been... well.. yea, no excuses. "

He pats Ainsley on the Back with a Smile.

"As a apology for last night. I wont be taking any equipment. Take all the good stuff. Ill see you out there. "

He smiles and turns to Warrick.

"Im good, Im goin out Naked... Well... Equipment wise. I made this boy go round half naked to the Neath That was interesting. Standard names and Titles. Ill take the Upper, or More Right Box, Whichever. "

He smiles to Warrick as he makes his way to get ready to go outside.

2017-05-15, 07:53 PM
As Umbear said his apologies, Ainsley interrupted. "My friend, there is naught to apologize for. I had a wonderful time last night."

Then he turned to Warrick. "I am prepared when it is time."

2017-05-15, 08:33 PM
Warrick looked at Umbear askance. "Don't even know what arena you're in, huh?"
"Alright, let's go."

Warrick ushered Ainsley in front of him and walked out onto the field with Umbear following. He led them to the center of the arena while the crowd exploded into cheering.
Warrick raised his arms and the crowd gradually quieted.
"Welcome back, good people! Today is the SEMIFINALS! We're coming down to the wire, folks! Today we have Ainsley M'arete, noble paladin of Arete!" Warrick paused to allow the renewed cheering to subside again.
"And his opponent today is Umbear, Mighty Ogre of Darkness and Fire!" Warrick waited for the cheering to die down again.
"They have come to participate in a knockout bout. The match will continue for as long as both are still standing. When one falls unconscious, the match ends, the winner the one still standing. The combatants are required to make nonlethal attacks during this match. Blows that violate this rule will net the perpetrator a penalty point. Three penalty points and the match is forfeit. Magic can be used freely, as our own court mage, Hervir, has renewed the coliseum's wardings to ensure all magic does nonlethal damage, no matter its source. Magic that kills outright without otherwise inflicting damage is negated entirely."
"The combatants were not allowed to bring their personal gear out onto the field today. As always, they have been permitted to select from a variety of tournament-issue equipment. So if they look mismatched, it's not their fashion sense that's the problem, I assure you," Warrick grinned at the crowd.
"The combatants will now step into the starting blocks," Warrick gestured for Ainsley and Umbear to go, "Sir Ainsley to the west, and Sir Umbear to the east. They will be given one a very brief chance to prepare themselves for battle, and then the match will begin! During this preparation, they may only do things that effect themselves, and cannot step out of the starting blocks. After that, they are free to engage each other in combat to the best and fullest extent of their abilities! As the audience here today, your job is to let these fine combatants know when you like them, when you love them, and when you don't! So without further ado, let's begin!" Perform oratory: [roll0] Warrick flung his arms up and lifted into the air. He flew towards the pit and hovered between the two private boxes on either side of the doorway. He smiled and waved at Hervir and Geiravor before turning his attention back to the field, carefully watching the combat unfold.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18491757_10209392584512867_1047468333778338509_o.j pg?oh=cb3b95123e0ab83ad4d207ec893ad6b8&oe=59B1FE27

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-05-15, 08:45 PM
Umbear Smirked As he spit into his hand and raised it to the Air.

"I may have passed on the gear, but I am not unarmed, Did I ever tell you the story of when I spent a few seasons with frost giants and their pet White Dragon?"

He begins to yell as his body covers in frost. ((Gather Energy))
Suddenly the Frost hardens and grows around him, forming a suit of Armor made of Ice. (+9 AC)
From his hand a thin film of water forms, much like a sheild, but it seems to hold no sway.

"Im not done yet Ainsley. But When I am, you can bet, I wont run from you any longer."

Accept 2 Burn, Canceled by gather Energy,
Gain Expanded Defense: Water

You surround yourself with a shroud of water, ice, or both that protects you from harm. The shroud can either cover your body, functioning as armor, or float around you and block attacks, functioning as a shield. It grants either a +4 armor bonus to AC or a +2 shield bonus to AC, and you can change the type of bonus as a standard action. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 kineticist levels you possess beyond 2nd. By accepting 1 point of burn, You can increase the bonus by 1 until the next time your burn is removed. You can increase the bonus multiple times in this way, but it can’t be increased by more than 50% of its starting value.

When you change the shroud to grant a shield bonus, any bonus in excess of this limit doesn’t apply, but it remains if you change the shroud’s bonus type again. Whenever you accept burn while using a water wild talent, the water coalescing around you allows your shroud to grant both the armor bonus and the shield bonus for 1 round. You can dismiss or restore this effect as an immediate action.

2017-05-16, 11:17 AM
"I see... you have many tricks up your sleeve, my friend. Some time, you shall have to teach me a few." Ainsley smiled, drew his long sword, and held it up to the sky. "With the blessings of Just Arete, I shall fight you to my last. In Her eyes, we are both great champions, and no matter who wins, we are both Warriors of Renown. For Her, do I fight!"

For Her, do I invoke a spell I hoped to never use.

Though overlapped with the divine energy of Arete, a dark energy began to permeate the arena, until it solidified into an ethereal shield around the Paladin.

Death Ward Death Ward info (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/death-ward/)

Then, he leveled his weapon at Umbear, taking it with two hands. "Now, my friend... we shall determine a victor."

Init: [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-05-16, 11:28 AM
Umbear Begins to yell louder as his Ice armor seems to reshape into Full Plate with a Leaf and Tree Theme. A layer of BArk forms between Umbears Flesh and His Ice Armor. (Natural Armor + 7)

Gather Energy 2,
Expanded Defense Wood

Your skin toughens like timber, turning aside some blows. You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your existing natural armor bonus. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase this enhancement bonus by 1. For every 3 levels beyond 2nd, you can accept 1 additional point of burn to further increase this enhancement bonus by 1 (to a maximum of +7 at 20th level).

Umbear Then Increases his Ice armor 1 step further, 1 Burn. All Burn Countered by Gather Energy

"Thats new. Just stay there, And ill come to you soon, wouldn't wanna go off too soon."

2017-05-16, 01:52 PM
As Umbear charged himself up, the paladin breathed in, out, in, out - and called upon a celestial spirit, hoping the dark energy would not push the spirit away. "I call upon the Past Warriors of Arete, who have joined Her Halls and fight for Her, to imbue my sword with your might. Guide my strikes, lead me to victory."

The sword in his hand begins to glow with a holy light, as it had in his previous fights.

Celestial Bond: merciful, flaming, speed, +1 (now +5) enhancement bonus.

After his sword was imbued with the spirit, he moved, hustling toward Umbear.

End movement at K12.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-05-16, 03:01 PM
Umbear growls.

"Come on Ainsley! Cant you take a Hint!"

He Gathers energy once again, This time, Blue Flame Whipping about his form. He points his hand Toward Ainsley.


A Flaming Draconic Form Erupts from Umbears hand and lengthens much like an eastern dragon, extending from K33 to K12. The Serpent like dragon form snakes along the trail as Heat Erupts off its Form, ((9d6+28)[64]) /2 (32 Fire Damage)

Its claws reach out to grab Ainsley into a Grapple.
(1d20+34)[36] CMB vs Ainsley CMD

Weither or not the Dragon Is able to grab Ainsley with his Sharp Claws, he opens his Great Mouth as a Ray of Fire comes forth to Strike At Ainsley.
(1d20+19)[39] Touch
(9d6+28)[61] + 50% (91 Fire Damage)

You create a wall of churning elements, flensing debris, or roiling energy. The wall appears within 30 feet and can be either up to 10 feet high and up to 120 feet long or up to 20 feet high and up to 60 feet long. All creatures and objects in one of the wall’s squares when you create it take 1/4 the normal damage from your blast with no saving throw (or half the normal damage for an energy blast).

Anytime a creature crosses the wall, it takes half the normal damage from your blast (or full damage for an energy blast). The wall is not completely solid, but it does provide cover against attacks from the other side of the wall. The wall lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier or until you use a wall infusion again.

Your cloud, deadly earth, or wall blast grows tendrils that hold your enemies in place. Whenever a creature takes damage from the infused blast, you can attempt a combat maneuver check to have the blast grapple that opponent. Your bonus on this check is equal to 2 + your kineticist level + your Constitution modifier (treat the blast as a Huge creature). The blast only grapples opponents; it can’t perform other functions of grapple maneuvers such as pinning or moving the opponent. If the blast is already grappling an opponent, it receives a +5 bonus on its combat maneuver check to maintain the grapple, as normal. You can use this infusion only if you also use the cloud, deadly earth, or wall form infusion.

The Dragon Shape seems to just be Cosmetic from Umbears ability to Sculpt Fire.

You see Umbear Fire one of his Fire Blasts through the Dragon to make it appear as if the Dragon breathed on Ainsley

Okay. So. Gather Energy 2. Wall and grappling infusion Burn of 6 is Nullified by Infusion Specialist of 6. Then Quickened Empowered Fire Blast, That's a Burn of Three. reduced by 2 from the Gather Energy.
and take 1 Burn out of Burn Reserve. Leaving 2/3 In Burn Reserve.

2017-05-16, 09:24 PM
With the fire blasting over him, the paladin rocked back on his feet. There was no way to avoid the blast or the strange tendrils of energy that clutched at him. While he'd chosen an energy resistant item, it barely helped to mitigate the damage. Wincing, Ainsley shook his head and readjusted his grip on his weapon.

"Umbear, my friend, you should get that breath checked... you belched out fire. I think there might be a medical condition for that... and I think you have lost bits of yourself in the distance between us. I do not think of you that way, and it is certainly not in my list of desires."

Sucking on his lip, he moved one hand to his forearm and cast a lay on of hands.

Then, concentrating on his spell instead of the nasty tentacles of energy, he called forth the divinity of his Goddess.
Concentration check: [roll1] (vs DC 19)

Greater Angelic AspectGreater Angelic Aspect (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/angelic-aspect/)

Great white wings appear in a flash of divine light. The paladin takes on the appearance of his ancestors.

Then, he shot up into the air, doing his best to break free of the tendrils of energy.

End movement at H12, 15' elevation.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-05-16, 11:09 PM
Umbear Sighed watching Ainsly Move about. His armor suddenly shuddering. He frowned as the Ice surounding him creaked and squealed.

"Ainsley. im not Done over here. If you stay over there, We wont have any problems. "

He holds his hands up and gestured toward the Fire Dragon, and then pointed toward Ainsley.


The Fire Dragon looks North to where Ainsley had fled and takes off after him, his claws reaching out to attack him, The heat of the Dragon once again, pouring out and soaking into the Paladin. [roll0] /2 (27 Fire Damage)

[roll1] CMB Grapple vs Ainsleys CMD

Fire Sculptor
Element(s) fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can sculpt shapes out of flame or alter a fire’s spread. As a standard action, you can move one 5-foot square of an ongoing fire per kineticist level you possess to any square contiguous to that fire. For instance, a 4th-level kineticist could move 4 contiguous squares from the center of a 20-foot-by-20-foot fire to the fire’s edge in order to create a safe path to escape. The fire continues to spread normally after you sculpt it.

Okay, So what is actually Happening, is that I am taking all the Fire from K33 and Moving it to J12, Fire from K32 and moving it to i13, and then moving K31 to h13, all of this is on the ground, 10 feet up. Then lastly, taking fire from K30 and moving it to H12, with 5 feet between the ground and the bottom of the fire, the fire should envelop the square Ainsley is in.

This movement of fire is a single movement, as per the example of the fire sculpter, I am just describing where the fire moves from, and then to, through the Fire wall that already exists.

2017-05-17, 07:58 PM
As the dragon-like fire clutched around him and the heat permeated his armor, the paladin winced and attempted to break free.

CMB: [roll0]

If successful:
Ainsley breaks free of the dragon's claws and flies fast, high and away, ending at B6, elevation 60'. "Rix and I are going to have words after this!" the paladin said with a grin on his lips.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-05-17, 09:51 PM

The Fire Dragon works to keep Ainsley in his grasp as the Heat permiates into his armor. [roll0] / 2 Fire Damage (27 Fire Damage)

[roll1] CMB vs Ainsley CMD

As Umbear raised his hands his Ice Armor shattered and fell off of his body, and his Wooden Flesh splintered and crumbled into ash at his feet. Umbears eyes go wide as the cool flame around him decreased. He looks around... unsure of what happened. He frowned as he Spends a Moment, Yelling out as he gathers energy (2) and then Spends a Moment, Exchanging his Gravity Defense, for the Water Defense. As he Does so, Ice reforms around his body, (AC +10)

Okay, Switch Gravity Defense for Water Defense, and Pump it up 2 AC, so thats 3 Burn, -2 for gather energy, and -1 from Reserve, so thats zero'd out. 1/3 left in reserve.

Umbear shakes his head, Frowning as he then points his finger toward the Paladin, partially buried in the Fire Dragon.

"AURIX! See if you can give him a little Tongue."

[roll2] Touch vs Ainsley

[roll3] Fire damage

Quickened Fire Blast, +3 Burn. Burn Currently at 6