View Full Version : Roleplaying A Question on The Arcane

Mellon Collie
2017-03-25, 08:44 PM
So part of a roleplay story arc has left my wizard wanting to attempt banishing all emotion from themselves, or at least seal them away where they can't interfere any more but so far I've been unable to locate anything that my wizard could use spell/ritual wise to accomplish this. Does anyone have any ideas?

2017-03-25, 08:58 PM
Are you playing PF, 3.5, or 3.PF?

2017-03-25, 08:59 PM
Well emotions could be debatably Mind affecting taking a logic point of view (Not RAW) so something like Mindblank maybe. Also Calm emotions spell can do that to a degree although you can't really do anything combat related while under Calm emotions

2017-03-25, 10:32 PM
You might be able to have someone programmed amnesia or mind rape you out of them. There is an ability from somewhere that makes you immune to emotion effects but I am not able to recall where its from.

2017-03-25, 10:49 PM
You might be able to have someone programmed amnesia or mind rape you out of them. There is an ability from somewhere that makes you immune to emotion effects but I am not able to recall where its from.

Not that I know of. Are you thinking of immunity to morale effects?

mechanus mind makes you marginally more like a vulcan, so this kind of does what you want. you could have a continuous item of it.

2017-03-25, 11:30 PM
Some of the corruptions in the Pathfinder Horror Adventures book grant immunity to morale, but they are meant to kill or permanently lose a PC if left unchecked.

2017-03-25, 11:40 PM
If it's 3.5, finding a joystealer to do this for you sounds like the perfect solution. They deal charisma damage with their touch attacks, and once they have reduced your charisma to 0, they can drain your emotions as a standard action. Having that done to you makes you unable to be affected by moral bonuses or penalties, you cannot rage, and you cannot recieve the benefits of any other ability derived through emotion or inspiration, however you also become immune to fear effects.

Once your emotions have been drained, the effect is permanent, and is not reversed once you regain your charisma, so you can simply have your charisma healed back up and resume adventuring, and should you decide you want to regain your emotions, you simply need to enter a hallowed area (most churches in large cities should be hallowed) and have a remove curse spell cast upon you.

Mellon Collie
2017-03-26, 03:52 AM
Are you playing PF, 3.5, or 3.PF?
I'm playing 3.5.

And thank you all for the replies so far!

2017-03-26, 05:04 AM
Tome and Blood has the 2nd-level Indifference spell, which lasts for hours/level and removes a large part of its target's emotions. It also has some fringe benefits against low-level Fear and Compulsion effects.

2017-03-26, 05:42 AM
If it doesn't have to be mystical or a ritual, you could do what they did in the movie Equilibrium. It was a potion they took. They had to take it every day, but I'm sure you could work something out. You also might want to consider how far your guy will go to get the desired effect. Would he be willing to do a ritual that suppressed emotion in a radius? Would he be willing to suppress everyone's emotions, just to escape his own?

2017-03-26, 04:25 PM
This seems similar to the Tranquil ritual of Dragon Age.