View Full Version : Rogue Sneak attacks

2017-03-26, 08:53 AM
Using only the feats from the players handbook 1, what feats for the rogue would buff and or allow for more sneak attacks to be executed, are there also any other ways to execute more sneak attacks such as items ect...

Thanks in advance!

2017-03-26, 09:12 AM
I'm pretty sure there are no feats in the PHB that improve sneak attacks directly. Your best bet would be to get into a flanking position more often. You could take the leadership feat to have another flanking buddy. But then again you could use the cohort to attract a wizard who could make you invisible, silent, give you darkvision and can summon monsters to act as flanking buddies.

As for items, the Sword of Subtlety (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#swordofSubtlety) gives an attack bonus on sneak attacks, other items at best improve sneak attacks indirectly (better hide checks etc.). The ring of invisibility unfortunately works like the invisibility spell, meaning you appear after a sneak attack and you have to spend a standard action to become invisible again

2017-03-26, 09:15 AM
Using only the feats from the players handbook 1, what feats for the rogue would buff and or allow for more sneak attacks to be executed, are there also any other ways to execute more sneak attacks such as items ect...

Thanks in advance!

Wow, with only PHB 1, your options are gonna be quite limited. You have the feats that give you more attacks (TWF, combat reflexes) and... that's about it I guess. Maybe Improved initiative, in order to go first and catch enemies flat-footed at the beginning of combat.
As for items, there are loads, but they are scattered throughout the books. What sources are available for them? If it's only core, it will be pretty hard to find a lot of them.

2017-03-26, 09:29 AM
Weapon Finesse makes it more likely your sneak attacks will connect.

If you are mentioning items anyhow, are DMG prestige classes allowed? Because getting a level of assassin can increase your SA progression by half a level, if you time it right (5 levels of rogue + 1 level of assassin has 4d6 SA compared to 6 levels of rogue having 3d6).

Something that transformed you into a creature with multiple natural attacks might work.

Ring of Blinking can work sometimes?

2017-03-26, 11:39 AM
You can take TWFing, Rapid Shot, and throw flasks, this gives you more attacks, and more attacks means more SA.

You can buy the Boots of Haste, they give you another attack, that's more SA.

You can use a variety of methods for getting SA, you basically want to get them flat-footed, since flanking is pretty limited in the PHB, you can get grease effects, and then glitterdust effects, and then stunning effects, and you being Greater Invisible, and take improved init, and attack in the first round before the enemy more often. Also you can blink.

Another good one, is that if an enemy is grappled, you can attack them and they don't get dex. That's convenient for a lot of reasons. The problem is you might need to attack in melee, depending on how your DM rules the whole attacking into a grapple thing.

Arguably, you can attack a square that a large creature is in, but a medium isn't, and not hit the medium. Some DMs may not let that happen.

2017-03-26, 12:37 PM
The Two Weapon Fighting line is the easiest way to make additional attacks per round.

Having a reach weapon, coupled with Combat Reflexes, gives you the chance to make attacks of opportunity as the enemy approaches.
So, for example, you could take Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the spiked chain + Combat Reflexes.

You could couple TWF and the spiked chain taking, for example, Improved Unarmed Strike or Martial Weapon Proficiency in armor spikes (yay, more spikes!).
This way you could full attack adiacent foes, while making AoOs against moving targets, or you could use the reach property in a tactical way to stay away from hard hitting enemies.

The Viscount
2017-03-26, 12:59 PM
Improved feint would let you feint as a move action then SA for a standard, but it's not exactly optimal.

In terms of items, good old bag of marbles forces enemies to balance, and if they don't have 5 ranks they're vulnerable to SA.

2017-03-26, 02:53 PM
Having a reach weapon, coupled with Combat Reflexes, gives you the chance to make attacks of opportunity as the enemy approaches.
So, for example, you could take Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the spiked chain + Combat Reflexes.
Please note that this fighting style would require a high STR score in order to hit reliably.While combat Reflexes gives additional AoOs, it does not do anything to satisgfy the sneak attack conditions. so you would have to take care of them separately.

TWF and Haste and Rapid Shot only give extra attacks on a Full Attack.

2017-03-26, 03:12 PM
So, for example, you could take Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the spiked chain + Combat Reflexes.
Please note that this fighting style would require a high STR score in order to hit reliably.

Spiked Chain is a finessable weapon, so you don't really need a high Strength to hit.

2017-03-26, 09:06 PM
Two weapon fighting or the archery tree.

Non feats?
Magic. Polymorph. Become a monster with lots of attacks. I suggest a hydra.

2017-03-26, 09:47 PM
If you can convince your DM to expand the sources to include freely available SRD information, there's also Deadly Precision (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#deadlyPrecision), but it's generally considered a very under-powered feat.

At epic levels, there's also Improved Sneak Attack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#improvedSneakAttack) and Sneak Attack Of Opportunity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#sneakAttackOfOpportunity)

2017-03-27, 08:05 AM
Using only the feats from the players handbook 1, what feats for the rogue would buff and or allow for more sneak attacks to be executed, are there also any other ways to execute more sneak attacks such as items ect...

Thanks in advance!

As for feats, you're going to want combat reflexes, improved initiative, two weapon fighting, improved two weapon fighting, greater two weapon fighting, point blank shot, rapid shot, precise shot, and improved precise shot. Take a level of monk and use shuriken and unarmed strikes. You threaten squares with your unarmed strikes, which, if an enemy is vulnerable to sneak attacks, you can get with attacks of opportunity (you get more with combat reflexes); combine this with the opportunist rogue special ability. Otherwise you're going to use flurry of blows combined with greater two weapon fighting and rapid shot (and haste, if you can get it) for a maximal number of attacks in a full-attack. Improved precise shot helps get rid of enemy concealment. Improved initiative helps you go first, to catch an enemy flat-footed.

You can also take combat expertise and improved feint to allow you to make sneak attacks when you otherwise wouldn't be able to, but this isn't a good option.

You could take exotic weapon proficiency (spiked chain) and dodge/mobility/spring attack/combat expertise to get whirlwind attack, which, if you were enlarged, would allow you to threaten and target hundreds of squares (if you count vertically as well). If you did a whirlwind attack when surrounded by enemies who were vulnerable to sneak attacks, it's hard to imagine a way to get more sneak attacks in one round; but this requires you to be fighting a TON of enemies at once.

Anything that gets you more attacks is good, as does anything that makes an enemy vulnerable (like greater invisibility, blink, grease, blindness, etc).