View Full Version : Justice for All: The new League for America

2017-03-27, 02:46 AM
So the new trailer dropped for Justice League. What do people think about it. I am still sad the dude from the flash t.v. show isn't in it. Dispite the repetitive nature of the show. I think he is a perfect Berry. I wish the movie flash was someone different. The rest look good.

Let the hate commence.

Blue Lantern
2017-03-27, 07:25 AM
The fact that I loved the trailer made me scared ****less about the movie, because I know Snyder is the one in charge, and I know he is going to disappoint me again and ruin it.

2017-03-27, 08:02 AM
I think it were an awesome trailer, and has no complaints to point towards it. I love the new and seemingly smarter flash we get here in the JLA movie, and dont even mind the changes to Cyborg since its rather sensible.

Lacuna Caster
2017-03-27, 08:51 AM
I just wish people would stop feeding the hype engine. The last thing hollywood needs as incentive to fix itself is more irrational bloviating over superficial production values. Stop talking about these films until you see it yourself or at least actual reviews come out.

2017-03-27, 12:31 PM
I like the look of it.

2017-03-27, 12:34 PM
I didn't immediately hate it, but it's still Zack Snyder, so I'm not preparing to be blown away.

2017-03-27, 04:05 PM
I didn't immediately hate it, but it's still Zack Snyder, so I'm not preparing to be blown away.

Is hating Zack Snyder something that's relatively new? I'm just wondering because I was hating him ever since 2009 when I saw Watchmen. I'm just curious if I was doing it before it was cool, and you all are just posers.

2017-03-27, 05:00 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but Zack Snyder did one thing once which was 300 and that was only really cool visually because that's all he can do.

I haven't liked anything else he's done (and refused to watch Watchmen on principle no matter who it was), so it's not new to me.

2017-03-27, 05:37 PM
I swear that Geoff Johns should replace Goyer* as script writer, other than reducing executive mandate. I mean the cast was based on his idea (https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11119/111193741/4734103-8005792411-434928.jpeg) after all.
On the other hand, consider what he did to Captain Marvel.
* Whatever happen to the one who wrote the best JSA runs, which is actually more optimistic and well-researched than the current movie writer?

2017-03-27, 06:01 PM
Honestly, I sort of suspect Aquman is going to be this films "Wonder Woman"; people aren't going to be impressed with it, but they'll agree Aquaman was cool.

The Glyphstone
2017-03-27, 06:05 PM
Honestly, I sort of suspect Aquman is going to be this films "Wonder Woman"; people aren't going to be impressed with it, but they'll agree Aquaman was cool.

That in itself would be a miracle. Poor Aquaman has waited 44 years for his popular image to be redeemed from the Superfriends portrayal.

Rogar Demonblud
2017-03-27, 06:16 PM
Is hating Zack Snyder something that's relatively new? I'm just wondering because I was hating him ever since 2009 when I saw Watchmen. I'm just curious if I was doing it before it was cool, and you all are just posers.

I can't think of a single thing he's made that impressed me when I watched it. Frankly, he's probably best suited to music videos, given his visual style.

2017-03-27, 06:17 PM
That in itself would be a miracle. Poor Aquaman has waited 44 years for his popular image to be redeemed from the Superfriends portrayal.

Which is weird, considering how often he's been rehabilitated.

I'm not talking about the comics here -though they certainly feel a need to reminds us how badass Arthur is on a fairly regular basis; I'm talking about the fact that Aquaman has been the ensemble darkhorse of at least two television shows and a video game in fairly recent years.

And, sure, part of Aquaman's status in Brave and the Bold comes from playing into his goofy pop culture image... but the Justice League cartoon and Injustice game play him much more directly as "hardened, possibly Viking, badass". It's kind of funny how those images of the character never really stick in the public conscious; it seems like there is an opinion that Aquaman is a joke, and those instances are the exception rather than the rule.

(Personally, I think Aquman is awesome, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is he actually has a really unique playground. I mean... how many other heroes actually delve the ocean deeps? There's all kind sof cool stuff down there, and plot hooks waiting to be explored... but nine tenths of heroes just go for bank heists in Fictional City #736)

Legato Endless
2017-03-27, 07:25 PM
I just wish people would stop feeding the hype engine. The last thing hollywood needs as incentive to fix itself is more irrational bloviating over superficial production values. Stop talking about these films until you see it yourself or at least actual reviews come out.

Pfft. Anticipation is a big deal for people. That's been around for much longer and influences every entertainment industry, many of whom don't bear Hollywood's sins. Nor is a forum the typical demographic population of kept viewers that really drive film sales. People can talk fine before making up their collective minds.

All of which pales in comparison considering several dozens of people who will comment in a typical media thread and at best a couple thousand passive views, not taking into account bots. Facebook likes, twitter, and Reddit mass hype drive this engine by several orders of magnitude. The Playground has maybe a negligible share in the tiny niche market of geeky gaming. We don't effectively exist in terms of blockbusters, and we're spared much of the ills of micro targeting the rest of one's social presence online isn't.

Your sermon is all well and accurate, but you're preaching it in the wrong avenue.

Edit: Oh right. Trailer. It's Snyder. Until I get verification from someone here, critically, or in meat space this doesn't suck, I'm probably going to ignore it barring free tickets.

2017-03-27, 08:45 PM
Which is weird, considering how often he's been rehabilitated.

I'm not talking about the comics here -though they certainly feel a need to reminds us how badass Arthur is on a fairly regular basis; I'm talking about the fact that Aquaman has been the ensemble darkhorse of at least two television shows and a video game in fairly recent years.

And, sure, part of Aquaman's status in Brave and the Bold comes from playing into his goofy pop culture image... but the Justice League cartoon and Injustice game play him much more directly as "hardened, possibly Viking, badass". It's kind of funny how those images of the character never really stick in the public conscious; it seems like there is an opinion that Aquaman is a joke, and those instances are the exception rather than the rule.

(Personally, I think Aquman is awesome, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is he actually has a really unique playground. I mean... how many other heroes actually delve the ocean deeps? There's all kind sof cool stuff down there, and plot hooks waiting to be explored... but nine tenths of heroes just go for bank heists in Fictional City #736)
Ummm, not many people watched Justice League cartoon and Brave and The Bold.
Plus, Superfriends version get cheap jokes.
And definitely not possible Hook arm variant.

2017-03-28, 06:15 AM
Ummm, not many people watched Justice League cartoon and Brave and The Bold.
Plus, Superfriends version get cheap jokes.
And definitely not possible Hook arm variant.

But Justice League was awesome.

Maybe there's just a generational gap at work, since I grew up watching the DCAU, but Justice League was amazing. I didn't even like DC at the time, and I still made a point to watch that show. Heck, it and the Brave and the Bold still get re-runs sometimes...

... but I have never seen an episode of Superfriends. I mean, the nearest point of comparision I can think of would be Batman, and how it took until the 70's/80's for public perception of Batman to move past the Adam West "Bam! Pow! Good chum!" era. Maybe Aquaman just waited too long to get his awesome on-screen portrayals, so Superfriends stuck?

2017-03-28, 07:15 AM
So the new trailer dropped for Justice League. What do people think about it. I am still sad the dude from the flash t.v. show isn't in it. Dispite the repetitive nature of the show. I think he is a perfect Berry. I wish the movie flash was someone different. The rest look good.

Let the hate commence.

Saw the trailer, had a flicker of emotion, then realized that this is just like every other trailer DC has made for us since Man of Steel.

It looks cool, it gets the fanboys and girls in a tizzy, and then fails to actually deliver on the promise of the trailer. So, yeah, unless this thing gets amazing reviews, will not watch.

Oh, and re: Aquaman. I am pretty sure that no matter what DC tries to do for him, no one will ever get over the fact that his first girlfriend was a dolphin. I just don't think that's something anyone gets to live down, even with a hook hand.

2017-03-28, 09:49 AM
Is hating Zack Snyder something that's relatively new? I'm just wondering because I was hating him ever since 2009 when I saw Watchmen. I'm just curious if I was doing it before it was cool, and you all are just posers.

300 is the only thing he's ever done that I thought was any good, and that was in a "turn your brain off and enjoy the nonsensical fun" kind of way. He just isn't a good story teller. As for the trailer, Sucker Punch would have made 3 awesome music videos. As a movie, it was total garbage, so I'll remain skeptical until people I trust say it's good.

2017-03-28, 09:56 AM
That in itself would be a miracle. Poor Aquaman has waited 44 years for his popular image to be redeemed from the Superfriends portrayal.

I actually really enjoyed what Bruce Timm did with the character in his run on Justice League.

Edit: Okay, from now on I'm just going to go ahead and read the whole thread before posting, so I don't just parrot what people above me have said.

2017-03-28, 10:14 AM
300 is the only thing he's ever done that I thought was any good, and that was in a "turn your brain off and enjoy the nonsensical fun" kind of way. He just isn't a good story teller. As for the trailer, Sucker Punch would have made 3 awesome music videos. As a movie, it was total garbage, so I'll remain skeptical until people I trust say it's good.

And I thought 300 was meh but liked Suckerpunch. I liked MoS better than most Marvel movies. As long as they can prevent the worst bits of BvS I'll probably like this movie.

Lacuna Caster
2017-03-28, 10:14 AM
All of which pales in comparison considering several dozens of people who will comment in a typical media thread and at best a couple thousand passive views, not taking into account bots. Facebook likes, twitter, and Reddit mass hype drive this engine by several orders of magnitude...
...What is this "faehs-pook" you speak of?

I mean, hypothetically, I could have already plastered my sermon all over teh interwebs at other venues. But I guess I'm cool as long as the discussion is wholly tangential.

That in itself would be a miracle. Poor Aquaman has waited 44 years for his popular image to be redeemed from the Superfriends portrayal.

(Personally, I think Aquman is awesome, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is he actually has a really unique playground. I mean... how many other heroes actually delve the ocean deeps? There's all kind sof cool stuff down there, and plot hooks waiting to be explored... but nine tenths of heroes just go for bank heists in Fictional City #736)
I'm with Chris Sims on this one (http://comicsalliance.com/ask-chris-137-aquaman-super-friends-justice-league/), which is to say that Aquaman is belittled and reviled for entirely understandable reasons independent of being in Super Friends. And, like Hawkman, while independent undersea adventures could be fabulous in a solo setting, in terms of powers and abilities he isn't really bringing much that stands out to the League as a whole. (I remember the recent DCU atlantis movie had GL, Supes, Cyborg, and WW all just casually diving to the marianas trench, or something, because it's not like they even need to breathe.) But then I'm one of those people who get ornery about the continued absence of Ra'as al Ghul from the Phantom Zone, despite all the obvious meta reasons why it doesn't happen.

2017-03-28, 11:22 AM
But then I'm one of those people who get ornery about the continued absence of Ra'as al Ghul from the Phantom Zone, despite all the obvious meta reasons why it doesn't happen.

The Phantom zone is for kryptonian/marsian level threats, i cant really see how a normal human like Ra'as al Ghul fits in there.

Lacuna Caster
2017-03-29, 07:20 AM
Yeah, but that's not why he isn't there. The reason is that he's a Batman villain, and having Superman swoop in to deal with the majority of his rogue's gallery overnight would make the latter's crusade look petty and pointless. (Because any guy capable of handling Metallo and Brainiac is going to have no discernible trouble with Toyman or Clayface.)

To be fair, the phantom zone's track record of keeping inmates under lock and key isn't much superior to arkham's, but even in-universe the GCPD will kvetch about super-recidivism to the point where you have to wonder why they haven't contracted Big Blue for containment services.

EDIT: I will say I'm quite fond of the Young Justice version of Aqualad, so I see no reason, in principle, why an undersea adventurer torn between competing loyalties couldn't work like gangbusters. But outside BATB, Arthur has never clicked for me.

2017-03-29, 09:29 AM
The trailer is definitely interesting. I'm looking forward to see this new DC showcase, as always. Hopefully they don't mess this great source material like they did with The Killing Joke.

Wait, y'all are talking about Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, right?

No? Oh.

Legato Endless
2017-03-29, 02:35 PM
So the subtitle removal isn't just marketing. DC has scaled back their plans and now this film is a streamlined standalone. Hurrah for conventional marketing?

...What is this "faehs-pook" you speak of?

It's like a gaunt flooded hallway with many doors. Some of which have spooky agitprop names and strange beasts like Cambridge Analytica.

2017-03-29, 02:53 PM
Is hating Zack Snyder something that's relatively new? I'm just wondering because I was hating him ever since 2009 when I saw Watchmen. I'm just curious if I was doing it before it was cool, and you all are just posers.
No lol. People have been hating him since 300, when he was being called "visionary" and we all were scratching our heads like "wut??". (And by "we all" I mean other people, because I was definitely drinking the Snyder kool-aid at the time. Now I watch 300 and just get bored.)

There is nothing in this trailer that has me hyped. I didn't like Man of Steel, BvS, or Suicide Squad, and I see no reason to think this is going to be much better. I don't particularly care for this incarnation of Batman or Superman, and the trailer makes it seem like the humor is forced (between the Flash's "I need friends" joke and Batman's smarmy face when he says "I hear you can talk to fish..."). As someone else in this thread predicted, they will make Aquaman a badass because they know he's a mainstream joke and making him a badass will get people talking about the movie, even though the movie will likely be mediocre. Which is fine if Aquaman is a badass, who doesn't want to see that? But as the only highlight of the movie?

Maybe the CGI isn't done, but Cyborg looks like crap. The Flash's suit looks AWFUL! Everything will be dark and hard to see.

Anyways, at least I have an open mind about it.


2017-03-29, 03:52 PM
Yeah, I see nothing in this trailer that makes me think this will be better than Man of Steel or BvS: DoJ.

But then, I'm not holding out much hope for Wonder Woman either. DC has an inherent problem at the moment in their "Dark and Gritty" mindset, and I haven't seen anything to make me think that this is going to change even if Snyder isn't directing. It's a problem at the core.

Rogar Demonblud
2017-03-29, 04:47 PM
To be fair, Wonder Woman is set during WWI. Dark and gritty would fit then and there.

2017-03-29, 05:12 PM
To be fair, Wonder Woman is set during WWI. Dark and gritty would fit then and there.
I am still siding by the fact that modern version is actually her great grand daughter.
Like Fury in Infinite Inc.

2017-03-29, 05:33 PM
Yeah, but that's not why he isn't there. The reason is that he's a Batman villain, and having Superman swoop in to deal with the majority of his rogue's gallery overnight would make the latter's crusade look petty and pointless. (Because any guy capable of handling Metallo and Brainiac is going to have no discernible trouble with Toyman or Clayface.)

To be fair, the phantom zone's track record of keeping inmates under lock and key isn't much superior to arkham's, but even in-universe the GCPD will kvetch about super-recidivism to the point where you have to wonder why they haven't contracted Big Blue for containment services.

EDIT: I will say I'm quite fond of the Young Justice version of Aqualad, so I see no reason, in principle, why an undersea adventurer torn between competing loyalties couldn't work like gangbusters. But outside BATB, Arthur has never clicked for me.

Hold your horses there. Toyman is terrifying. He zapped Superman into an alternate universe, creates explosions that break physics, and made Killer Frost look like a wimp throwing snowballs.

Toyman (surprisingly) is one of the sleeper ridiculously overpowered villains in Superman's rogues gallery.

Unless you're just referring to the interpretation of the character where he's literally just a creepy possible pedophile with some shoe-string gadgets. Then yeah, that guy would be crushed.