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View Full Version : Let loose the dogs of Woah!

2007-07-27, 10:12 AM
I've read about Supermount (http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=382372).

What I'm thinking of is more interesting. Instead of having a companion who gets benefits from the master's "effective level", how about one with multiple templates?:smallbiggrin:

So far:

Arcane Heirophant+Fiend-Blooded 1=Familiar Companion with Fiendish Template.

Talontar Blightlord 2=Animal Companion with Blightspawned Template(turns plant-ish, with a bite that can disease foes. I guess it's not supposed to die like a regular blightspawned creature, but hard to say for sure. AC can be resummoned within 24 hours though, unlike Familiar)

Feral Animal Companion=Augmented Summoning for your AC+near impossible for others to turn it against you(-10 Handle Animal checks for non-you people).

Demonologist from BoVD has a Quasit come and eat your previous Familiar. Doesn't play nice with AH though, since AH specifies that your Familiar disappears and your AC gets the bennies.

Any other Feats/PrC dips(as opposed to taking stuff like Halfling/Wildplains Outrider, which only increase your effective levels in your base classes) that will "bling up"(more specifically, templates/stuff that doesn't change with your level or require massive level investments to make effective) your Mount/Familiar/Companion? I'm thinking at least 1 of the "Thrall of X" PrCs in Dragon might do this. Might also be some "Wintry Companion" Feat in Frostburn that might work.

Comments? Suggestions?

Edit: Wintry Mount is from Frostburn, adds 2 Con and Cold Subtype to Paladin's Mount. Not really great if it dies and becomes Juju though, unless you can find a way to grant it the Fire Subtype at the same time.

Stitched Flesh Familiar(LM) looked good on the surface, then I realised it would basically become undead with the JJZ template anyway, so that's out.

However, Libris Mortis did yield the "Necromantic ____" series of feats, which grant "Undead you control" various benefits(stronger, turn resistance, etc.) Arguably, you do "control" your familiar/companion, so combined with Ilmaster(Talontar Blightlord 2), you should be able to apply those Feats to it/them.

Vermin Lord from BoVD gets a Vermin as his Familiar or Companion, or something like that. Might also co-exist with the original one you have. Will need more checking.

Edit 2: Vermin Keeper from Underdark gets a Vermin Companion which replaces the regular one. Might have to see how that stacks up as well.

Edit 3: Fleshwarper would almost certainly be another good one to add into the mix. Levels stack for Familiar, and you can graft stuff onto the Familiar(in addition to the levels granting it weird graft-based powers).