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View Full Version : DM Help Reccomend me some modules for vampire campaigh

2017-03-27, 03:22 PM
Hey so I am using my own system which I made so can convert pretty much anything.

Now can you reccomend me some good modules to run my players through a gothic fantasy campaighn.

The party line up is going to be something like this: 1 or 2 vampires, a wererat and a tiefling (though possible be skinned as a full demon)

I dont plan on running this as a directly evil campaighn although the torture of having everything around you die does tend to make them cruel and vicious, also as they have few emotions human perceptions of right and wrong are different.

So can you reccomend me some modules, im thinking I may run the game in forgotten realms, I have looked at WOD but there is just a bit too much lore to get my head around let alone my players.
it needs to be a type of adventure that undead and vampires will be happy to run and make sense doing. Another note is that the wererat will probably be a slave to the vampires, not sure about the teifling.