View Full Version : Pimp My BBEG

2017-03-28, 12:41 PM
So one BBEG in my campaign is a Wizard 17 lich with a Cleric 15 lich cohort. I already know what I'm doing with their phylacteries, now I want to know how to optimize Koschei (the Wizard) for when the PCs try to attack him. I'm only using stuff from the SRD, except monsters can be anything I can find. Here's what I have so far:

He was once human but at Wizard 16, he used 2x PAO to become a Black Ethergaunt (INT 31 + item of Fox's Cunning +3 Wishes = 38).
To win initiative, he goes around as a Monstrous Humanoid with the Kelvezu stat block (my campaign only uses the original demons as Chaotic Outsiders), wearing an item of Cat's Grace.
At Wizard 15, the 3 PCs and their cohorts briefly invaded his castle.
Every 17th day, he can use the 3 Planar Binding spells to make 7 Succubi, 7 12 HD Outsiders and 4 Pit Fiends guard him, with an order to kiss/kill the heroes by name if anyone detects them.
The corridors on the first floor of his castle are a maze with a design trick for those who belong there to follow. Even if intruders figure out the trick or use Find the Path, the corridors can be trapped with pocket doors every X feet that, when opened, cause a section of ceiling to open. The second floor is packed with undead created but not actively controlled by the Cleric lich.
The inner sanctum is a 90 foot by 90 by 30 Permanent Private Sanctum. The central 20 foot radius is often under Dimensional Lock. The only entrance is in the castle's west wing, which fits inside a 17th level casting of M's Private Sanctum if he has time to prepare.
To frustrate scouting the castle with Prying Eyes, he uses... I dunno.
The Cleric lich's apartment in the inner sanctum opens on a 90 by 2 1/2 corridor that he'll cast Blade Barrier down when he sees enemies coming. If PCs sidle along a wall, they activate runes that screw them.
If Koschei himself encounters the PCs, he wins initiative and casts Time Stop, then uses the first round of subjective time to Shapechange into a Chronotyryn.

So what other tricks should he have? :)

2017-03-28, 01:36 PM
Heyyy there, buddy. How'd you like to spend a little time making magic with an undead overlord? Only 500 gold pieces and 4 souls per hour.

Okay, that aside, let's get to pimping this thing in the way you intended.

One thing I feel would be really useful is a method of negating or troubling those who use anti-magic fields to bypass your defenses. Maybe have the ceilings of the chamber suspended by immovable rods 9 feet above the ground, causing them to fall if their powers are ever shut off. With that out of the way, I would advise investing in something more dangerous than a succubus to subvert people. Advanced shadow demons could work, or sorrowsworn demons (monster manual 3) if you are feeling particularly hostile. Incorporeal minions in general will be great (given that a cleric can control them), so running interference with greater shadows similar monsters could make things difficult for the players.

Also, spell traps. They can be made self-resetting and have nigh-infinite utility.

2017-03-28, 02:06 PM
Tricks: zombie body double, while he casts from behind the wall/mirror

Frustrating prying eyes: twisting unlit hallways with touch traps of inflict minor wounds at every corner. Tiny things that deal 1 point of damage if one touches them...