View Full Version : Nautical Nonsense - The Life That's Ahead of Me

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2017-03-29, 06:30 PM
The ocean. A vast expanse of water home to tales of wonder and awe, of windfall and misfortune. Many have made a living or lost their lives on those waters, all searching for something that the ground could not provide.

Leviari is a bridge between the ocean and the countries to the north. An island that belongs to no specific country but a trading post for all. Captains who spend their entire lives on the ocean and its many islands will come here to sell their wares, while merchants from the mainland are happy to bring back these unique riches to their lands.

Leviari started as an island with a small outpost but its popularity grew when it became an in between for the civilized countries and more chaotic islands. The mainland was happy not to think about where the goods came from, or how they were procured. Though most merchants go through legal routes, one would not be surprised to see what may be a pirate ship sailing away from Leviari with more gold than when it arrived.

Despite the suspicion of illicit dealings, the Sea Hawks have a strong presence on the island. They are an organization funded by the countries of the mainland and comprised of soldiers from multiple nations. The Sea Hawks enforce law just as a city guard would. Of course, there are rumors that some within the Hawks are corrupt but on the whole, they are known for protecting the people as best they can.

Merchants set up shop on Leviari for a few months at a time, before returning to the mainland. Most of the island is covered in tents and stalls, rather than permanent buildings. A "street" is simply a wide dirt path, lined with shops on the side of the road that are easy to put up and take down on a moment's notice.

A melting pot, many different races mingle here with the sounds of every language as members of the Sea Hawks walk up and down the pathways. Anywhere you walk you can hear a deal happening and see unique wares. All in all, Leviari has a relaxing atmosphere where people from all ships can come to rest and resupply before returning to their home, be it the sea or the earth.

Though magical items are not typically sold here you can find everything from rations to silks, armor to books. One stall in particular has been rumored to barter in unique items, outright refusing gold pieces as payment.

You find yourself on Levari after your latest excursion, just before heading back out to the open ocean.

2017-03-29, 07:49 PM
Devlin heaved but managed not to throw up. His head pounded. Another night on the town, another hangover. Too many to count lately. After the success of the last voyage he had been less attentive than he should have to the madness. It was always like this when he was on land. The ocean helped that connection, helped steady his hand. Helped the madness seep in and empower him. He felt around for his jar. Ozzie would know what happened. Devlin opened his eyes and took stock of his surroundings.

carousing roll: [roll0]

2017-03-29, 09:22 PM

Devlin finds himself outside of the gaming hall, one of the few permanent buildings on the island. Inside people play cards, listen to bards, and most importantly drink brews from any corner of the earth. There is a strong presence of Sea Hawks nearby, mostly to keep an eye on rowdy patrons, but one does seem to show concern for him. The guard seems to step toward you when he sees you bend over, but stays where he is.

Despite the nauseous feeling, last night went fairly well. Devlin finds an extra five gold in his pockets, a whistle shaped like a whale, and a silver spoon with the letter J engraved on it.

He could wash up, there are public showers a few blocks down, and food stalls lining the path Devlin is on.

2017-03-29, 10:25 PM
Searil looks out over the city in the morning from the tallest point he could find, thinking to himself on the ships in port. Should I travel on a merchant vessel this time? Or maybe tag along with the Sea Hawks? So many possibilities, and yet no word from the Keepers. I guess I'll check in over at the game hall, maybe something exciting will be happening among the patrons of last night... With that thought, the aarakocra spreads out his wings to sun in the morning light before lazily gliding over to the tavern, beating his wings as little as possible.

Bounty Hunter
2017-03-29, 10:36 PM
Talia (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Hmmm" Says a young genasi woman as she passes from merchant stall to trader tent, making her way down what passed as one of the main roads in the bustling island of Leviari. It truly was one of the most unique places she'd ever been, which was saying something considering, and she enjoyed just exploring even if she didn't have a purpose. She didn't have any particular items in mind but recent ventures had left her with a bit of coin and sometimes facinating things turned up on the display tables... though it was best you didn't ask too many questions of their origins.

As the ocean breeze worked its way across the island her ragged and torn cloak fluttered occasionally revealing the chain and plate armor hidden beneath. At her side dangled a hefty warhammer with fine details along the sides of its faces and at her back was a packed traveling kit bulging with supplies. Alongside her pack were strapped a small short spear and a light steel shield which rattled against each other as she walked, their noise joining that of her jostling armor and heavy footfalls.


2017-03-30, 05:04 AM
You find yourself on Leviari after your latest excursion, just before heading back out to the open ocean.
It began as a small spec on the horizon, and finally Seagull saw the ship come to his island. The merchants came ashore in a small boat and Seagull helped their crew find the water and supplies they needed. "For your help", they said, "we can repay you with a journey on our ship. You'll get to travel to new lands." Seagull gladly agreed, keen to see the world.

When they reached Leviari, the merchants said "Well, I think this is time for our ways to part. The cities of the mainland are no place for one such as you. On Leviari you'll find a new start, I'm sure." Seagull helped the merchants with their cargo, and fare-welled them. "Take this!" they said, throwing a bag of gold, "And good luck!".

Seagull took his gold and equipped himself enough to find work as a guard. After a while he gained a good reputation for getting things done, and quietly, never drawing attention to himself. He had a certain code of honour that gained him trust with certain merchants. He began taking commissions to work on special jobs for merchants journeying to the surrounding islands where he could develop his skills learning how to read the signs of nature, and use the animals to his advantage. Anything from retrieving lost goods, or finding a safe drop off point, arranging the exchange of goods, rescuing someone from kidnappers. As long as the price was right, and the job was within the natural law of the sea and his own code of honour was alright for Seagull.

But it wasn't enough. Seagull was tired of always working alone, yet being at the beck and call of others, and he wanted something more. A team of adventurers was what he dreamed of. Together they could take on the world, they would be a family, and perhaps the riches of world would open up to them. The dreams of a better life!

But it was going to be tough for a loner, who wasn't so comfortable in public, who didn't take part in much conversation, to do this. So he set up a plan ...

At the tavern, Seagull sat in the shadows and watched the gamblers, patiently observing which ones seemed to be unattached to sponsors or employers. Those that seemed to have something special about them, that perhaps might be his equal, or might offer skills that he didn't have. But they would have to have a special quality ... a thirst for adventure ... a yearning for the limitless seas. And so he waited.

2017-03-30, 07:29 AM
Devlin grabs up his jar of sea water and backpack and stumbles down the road looking for the greasiest hot meal containing meat he can shove into his gob. Paying and devouring the food as hurriedly as possible, he sets about re-appearing Ozzie into the jar.

"There you are little mate. Any idea what went on last night?" The lack of response from the octopus, even when Devlin waggled the spoon in front of it's eye, either means he offended the little tyke or didn't have him summoned at the time. "or both." Devlin muttered hefting the jar and heading for the public showers. He would need to wash off this stink if he wanted any hope of getting passage on a ship.

Devlin washed thoroughly while Ozzie looked after the backpack, and now clean, fed and a little better for wear, headed back into the tavern to find a ship, or at least something of an idea as to what happened last night.

2017-03-30, 12:03 PM

Seagull looks around the the tavern, a diverse crowd but so far mostly merchants or those with obvious ties to trading companies.

He hears footsteps approach and a scratchy voice ask, "Is there anything I can get you dearie?" Turning, he sees that his server is an old woman, certainly not the usual type of waitress you would expect. Her scraggly hair falls in front of her face - comely is the nicest thing one could say about her looks, and that is being generous.


Devlin, freshened up and with food in his stomach, returns to the gaming tavern. People still play cards, listen to the bard, and drink but in a more muted tone - it is morning, after all.

He feels a hand pat his back in greeting and sees a Dwarven woman come up behind him. "Good to see you back!" Devlin remembers her as his drinking buddy from the night before, Nurgunn Hardstone. She seemed to be a good person, always having some story or other about growing up as a miner and setting out to travel. "Surprised I didn't scare you off!" She takes a bite of her meat pie and a swig of ale.


Searil gazes out from Lookout Point, a natural hill on the island meant for tourists. The telescopes there give views out onto the ocean and from there, you can spot any type of merchant you want.

Searil's glide would be met with shouts and fear, at least on the mainland. But here it is just another curiosity and nothing too far from what is expected.

He sees many types of merchant stalls as he glides, including one peculiar man that seems to be attracting a large crowd.


Talia sees a number of shops as she walks, the bakeries and other food stalls doing well at this hour. There is a large man buying silks at one stall, and a woman demanding a better price on armor from a frustrated merchant.

"Step right up, your money is NO GOOD HERE!" The odd pitch turns her head and she sees a skinny half elf man, a burst of red hair atop his head. He is certainly not the usual merchant, a tank top exposing his tattooed (and muscled) arms. "BARTERING IS MY TRADE, THE MORE ABSTRACT, THE BETTER!"

After a brief discussion he is given a spyglass, whose lens looks to be discolored. From the few items in his stall, he picks up a music box and gives it to his customer. The man nods appreciatively and walks away, muttering to himself. "I'd call it an old spyglass, but hey. If he says it's a 'promising horizon' I'll give it to him."

2017-03-30, 12:15 PM
As Searil passes over the strange merchant, he tucks his wings into a dive to alight right near the man. What small miracles could be in store here?

Bounty Hunter
2017-03-30, 06:37 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia was certainly intrigued by the strange man who refused coin in favor of only bartering. The island was sure to see its fair share of folks looking to part with abstract trinkets and other oddities that weren't necessarily sought after by merchants buying wares. The part that intrigued her most though is wondering what the man did with the items he acquired; did he simply hope to keep trading each until something with a more solid value came along or was there some market on the mainland for curios from the far corners of the world?

"Having luck in the trades today?" She asks the man with a small smile forming at the corner of her lips as she begins to browse the items in his stall. Shame she didn't have much to trade that he'd be interested in though; during her last voyage she'd mostly be compensated for her services in coinage rather than a share of trinkets and other items. Still... it couldn't hurt to look.

2017-03-30, 08:14 PM
Talia and Searil

The merchant smirks, glad to see an interested customer. "The trading has been good today. I've gotten a good night's sleep AND a thought about the future already." He walks to a trunk and places the spyglass in it, making sure the crowd can hear him.

"Now." He turns on his heel, eyes set on Talia. "I must have something you would like and you must have something interesting to give."

The stall is set up so that there is a front counter between the man and his customers - behind him is a set of shelves. There over a dozen items on the shelves:

A glass orb that reminds you of a snowglobe - inside is a swirling purple liquid.
A sandy bottle with a rolled up piece of paper in it.
A pair of boots that look waterlogged, though the wooden shelf underneath is dry.
A bag of saltwater taffy.
A blue/silver piece of sea glass on a string.
A pink sand dollar.
A wooden coin with a skull and crossbones on it.
A mechanical crab, about one inch tall.
A brooch in the shape of a tentacle.
An algae covered rock.
A set of ten eye patches, with decal of a pair of swords.
A string bracelet, with a dozen colored beads.
A yellow flag. On it, a darker yellow oval surrounding a sail.
A red flag. On it, a darker red oval surrounding a cannonball.
A blue flag. On it, a darker blue oval surrounding a swirl of mist.

2017-03-30, 09:41 PM
Searil begins rifling through his various pockets. Surely he had some odds and ends from his more... interesting forms that a trader of oddities like this might enjoy. Stench Kow oil (not quite as pungent as when fresh, but still unpleasant), a pen fashioned from the fang of a giant venomous snake, a scrap of hide and fur torn from his crag cat, a little webbing from a spider. Nothing that would sell for any useful sum, but they might just work on this odd merchant...

2017-03-30, 10:08 PM
"Nurgunn, how could a fine lass as yourself scare me off." Devlin pauses "No really how? I have very little memory of last night and no idea how I ended up with all my gear still intact, let alone some other peoples knickknacks." Devlin motions her to a free table and chair to sit and have a chat.

2017-03-31, 01:07 AM

Seagull looks around the the tavern, a diverse crowd but so far mostly merchants or those with obvious ties to trading companies.

He hears footsteps approach and a scratchy voice ask, "Is there anything I can get you dearie?" Turning, he sees that his server is an old woman, certainly not the usual type of waitress you would expect. Her scraggly hair falls in front of her face - comely is the nicest thing one could say about her looks, and that is being generous.

"Aye, m'lady ... bottle of something strong."

Seagull drops a handful of silver (5 sp) into her hand.

"How much would it be?"

Seagull drops the extra coins needed, and three more silver.

"And for you m'lady."

2017-03-31, 11:41 AM

Nurgunn chuckles. "I see, you can hold it down but yer mind isn't as strong." She sits down with you. "Oh, it was a riot last night. They do the same thing every week - dim the candles and have some wizards cast dancing lights, have a full band. After that we played some games..." looking around the room you see card tables, pool/billiards tables, and some tables with dice on them. "Bet on some games, and we make a good team, you and I. I get'm drunk enough to be overconfident, you play against them.

"Nothing illegal, of course, but we didn't lose anything on the night. Might have annoyed out last mark though." She knocks on the wooden table. "Hopefully Carson doesn't come back around."

"And waitress," She says to a woman who walks by. "Two spiced puddings please."

OOC: The exact details are up to you, don't know if Devlin would play blackjack, poker, or something else.


The old woman smiles at him, grinning wide and Seagull thinks that she may not be a fan of personal hygene. Clasping the money and his hand she says, "That'll do fine sir."

As she walks back, she hears Nurgunn's request and nods.

Seagull continues to look around the tavern as he waits. A minute or so later, a young messenger boy walks into the tavern with flyers. "Skilled adventurers wanted! Town looking for skilled persons to help with monster!"

Announcements such as this were common enough, especially on hub islands. Towns looking for someone to scare off giant scorpions or protect them from bandits. You know. The usual.

2017-03-31, 02:43 PM
Seagull continues to look around the tavern as he waits. A minute or so later, a young messenger boy walks into the tavern with flyers. "Skilled adventurers wanted! Town looking for skilled persons to help with monster!"

Seagull hears the boy's announcement and grabs his attention.

Boy, over here!

What is this offer you speak of. Tell me more and I will make it worth your while.

Who is making this offer?

What is the reward?

Where is he/she to be found?

When did he/she start looking for help?

Seagull will offer the boy a few copper in exchange for information. The more information he can give the more copper will be passed inro his little hands.

He thanks the boy and takes a flyer to read it.

Seagull notices the Dwarven woman and human male starting up a game. They seem to be different from the usual merchants. Stuffing the flyer into his shirt he wanders up to their table.

Need another?

Seagull sits at their table if offered a seat. Otherwise he returns to his own.

Bounty Hunter
2017-03-31, 04:53 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Oh you certainly have many interesting things, no denying that claim." The genasi woman says as she steps a bit closer and begins to look over the items layed out on display. She lingers longer than than one might expect on the collection of colored flags rather than on the shiny baubles and the necklaces and charms. She shifts her weight and eyes the cliche message in a bottle her eyes narrowing as she considers some of the possibilities. "I'm afraid I haven't much of interest to catch your attention though." She informs the man, a tone of sadness creeping in at the edge of her words. "I've been mostly traveling light these days. But with any luck I'll be off on new adventures soon and will certainly keep an eye out for things worthy of Mister..." She lets the last word draw out to signal she was asking the man his name.

Once he has given his name, or if he opts to avoid the question somehow, she will thank him for his time and ask if he's usually on the island or if this was a temporary stop en route to other places.

2017-03-31, 05:35 PM
Searil whispers gently to the unknown woman, Dear lady, you seem to have a better eye for these goods than I do. Think you can catch a good deal with some scraps from exotic animals? I've got a vial of the oil of a Stench Kow and a pen carved from the fang of a large venomous snake. Think you can get something good? He strikes his best smile, eager to see what she might pick out.

2017-03-31, 07:54 PM
Talia and Searil

The man smiles at Talia. "Honestly, names are overrated. But you can call me Portun." (Pronounced poor-toon)

He keeps a smile on his face as she offers nothing to trade, "I will be here all day love. If you can scrounge something up by then you're welcome to come by."

When Searil whispers to Talia, he nods appreciatively and waits for them to make a decision.

Seagull and Devlin

The boy shrugs at the questions, "I dunno mister, I just hand out the papers." He accepts the coins and runs off to continue shouting the news.

The paper gives an overview: The Mayor of Seraphemus is offering a reward of 4000 gp to the party of adventurers that can defeat a cyclops that lives on an island nearby. It has been attacking any ships that sail by it; so far nobody has come back from trying to slay it.

Serphemus is a small island south-east of Leviari, its coordinates are written on the flier. It is a good distance away from here, the journey would take a week or two, depending on the boat.

Nurgunn is surprised that Seagull approached them, but is happy to have another person to talk to. "Nurgunn, pleased to meet you..."

The old woman comes back, with a drink for Seagull and puddings for the other two. "Now, if need anything else, just let someone know." She pats Devlin on the shoulder before leaving.

2017-03-31, 10:23 PM
Nurgunn is surprised that Seagull approached them, but is happy to have another person to talk to. "Nurgunn, pleased to meet you..."

The old woman comes back, with a drink for Seagull and puddings for the other two. "Now, if need anything else, just let someone know." She pats Devlin on the shoulder before leaving.

Seagull grunts, and takes a seat after bowing to the dwarf.

"Its an honor to meet you ma'am. You may call me Seagull. I didn't mean to startle you, ma'am."

Seagull looks sheepishly at Nurgunn.

"You sir? Its also an honour to meet you."

Seagull glances at Devlin. Then looks between Nurgunn and Devlin.

"What's your game? Poker if its my choice. Straight is fine."

If that was a bottle, Seagull offers some to the other two, calling for extra glasses if needed.

"What trade are you both in? I'm looking for new business ... new partners actually. Tired of working alone."

Seagull sighs slightly and continues with the card game. He orders drinks if the others are finished theirs.

2017-04-01, 08:23 AM
Devlin gives Nurgunn a sly look, hoping she understands his intentions. She had last night hadn't she. "Sure, join us. We'll play low stakes." Devlin slides the card pack to Nurgunn and pulls out a few of the spare silver he won from last night and the two knick knacks. "Do you know anything about these Nurs?" Devlin holds them up and studies them while Nurgunn deals.

Arcane: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Religion: [roll2]
Investigation: [roll3]

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-01, 11:59 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"I dont know if I'd go so far as to claim I had a good eye." Talia responds to the comment from the newly arrived stranger, giving him a quick once over. "Mostly just a curious mind." She motions toward the stall's items in general, not any one particular item. "Don't each of these things just seem to have more of a story than any old sword or set of armor? Who wrote that letter and why? What craftsman fashioned the crab and what does it do? So many swirling questions with no way to know." She realizes she'd been caught up in her excitement and stops describing things and simply smiles slightly.

"Surely something caught your eye to have you drop in like that?"

2017-04-01, 12:20 PM
Sure something caught my eye, but not his wares. You don't seem to be an average pirate or merchant. I wanted to see what you were like.

2017-04-01, 02:02 PM
Devlin gives Nurgunn a sly look, hoping she understands his intentions. She had last night hadn't she. "Sure, join us. We'll play low stakes." Devlin slides the card pack to Nurgunn and pulls out a few of the spare silver he won from last night and the two knick knacks. "Do you know anything about these Nurs?" Devlin holds them up and studies them while Nurgunn deals
Seagull tries not to win the game. He wants to make a good impression rather than take their money. Without trying to deceive them he just avoids taking too many winning moves.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-01, 02:34 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Oh... well..." Talia shifts slightly and seems to search for what to say. She wasn't taken-aback or offended it had just caught her a little off guard; she'd certainly not expected folks to literally fall from the sky on her behalf. She turns to Portun and politely dismisses herself and her new conversation partner. "You're certainly an interesting man with even more interesting wares. We shall definitely seek you out when we've more to barter with." She nods to him in thanks and turns her attention back to Searil

"No no, you're correct, I'm neither a pirate nor a merchant... by the average meaning of the titles or any others." She says with a small smile, stepping further away from the merchant stall so that other patrons may approach being sure that her new conversation partner knew to follow suit. "Just a lover of the sea, the salty open air, and all the peoples that find themselves that find themselves truly at home in her embrace." She gives a wide swooping motion with one hand, starting from the blue horizon where the sky and water meet and moving in a semi circle all the way around to the shore and the bustling peoples clinging to it to carve out their own little slice of life. "You wont find life like this anywhere else."

2017-04-01, 04:45 PM
I understand that. I've been traveling as a doctor aboard various ships and I have been able to meet so many wonderful people while healing them.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-01, 05:11 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Doctor? Now there's a noble cause if there ever was one." The young genasi woman muses as she shifts the weight of her loaded backpack on her shoulders; the items inside jostle and rattle against each other as she adjusts the straps and re-straightens her posture under the load. "Ship life is wrought with peril even if you avoid the more... dangerous... lifestyles. Just attempting to get from one port to another on a simply merchant ship can be a challenge if you don't pay the sea, the ship, and each other the respect they deserve." She looks Searil over again, this time under a new light of respect. "With this life so prone to tearing things apart it's nice to see someone dedicated to putting them back together. Are you currently a crewmember of a particular vessel?"

2017-04-01, 05:54 PM
Seagull and Devlin

Nurgunn shuffles the cards and deals them out. Once they are dealt, she says, "Let's start with 5 cp each."

She shakes her head when shown the items. "Not familiar with them." She eats her spiced pudding as the two of you decide.

Devlin is sure that neither of the items is magical. Seagull recognizes the whistle, or at least the brand. The maker of the whistle has an entire line of similar ones, shaped like sea creatures. They are very well made, worth a silver or two, but that's all.

2017-04-01, 06:27 PM
Batal awakens from the broken, beached hull of a ship he has taken to calling home on a beach near Leviari. He kept notes of appearances, coordinates, and rumors of an organ at sea, seeking out that damned ship. However, if his throbbing headache was any indication, it was time for a bit more 'investigation' at the Casino.

2017-04-01, 08:22 PM
No, I am currently an independent medic. Lord Searil Huntinghawk, at your service milady. I am seeking to find a new ship, see new sights, and search for trouble that needs fixing. Funnily enough, I think that the most good I have done on any ships were those run by... disreputable crews. Searil chuckles as he thinks of the antics the various pirate crews he has been on have been through. Merchants avoided danger like the plague and naval vessels attacked the pirates rather than helping their victims. But a doctor on a pirate vessel must be in direct contact with their victims, and can save as many as possible. They will always exist and I think my counseling from their ships have done more for lives than I would hunting them.

2017-04-01, 08:55 PM

A man approaches Batal as he walks through the streets. The man wears armor with the symbol of the Sea Hawks on it. "Anything I can help you with sir? Are you feeling alright?"

2017-04-01, 09:15 PM
Seagull and Devlin

Nurgunn shuffles the cards and deals them out. Once they are dealt, she says, "Let's start with 5 cp each."

She shakes her head when shown the items. "Not familiar with them." She eats her spiced pudding as the two of you decide.

Devlin is sure that neither of the items is magical. Seagull recognizes the whistle, or at least the brand. The maker of the whistle has an entire line of similar ones, shaped like sea creatures. They are very well made, worth a silver or two, but that's all.
Seagull takes his cards nodding at them carefully. He stacks some coppers by his elbow and shifts five across to the middle. He nods to Devlin and talks slowly while eyeing both the cards and the trinkets.

"I'm in. You know that whistle. Seen em before. Round abouts Leviari parts. Different kinds. Kind of like em. A whale brings good luck. Pretty tune you can get from it. Can you play?

Seagull asks Devlin.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-01, 10:31 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia motions with a jerk of the head that the pair should walk and explore more of the stalls along the road as the talk rather than standing idle in front of the oddities vendor. "A pleasure to meet you Lord Searil." She says with an earnest smile as she eyes the different tents they pass on the way to nowhere in particular. "I'm Talia. Talia Kailani. A lover of the open see and adventurer on the wild tides of that thing we call life. Though I'm afraid I have no fancy titles like 'Lord'... where or what are you Lord of friend? No offense intended."

Once that inquiry had been answered she follows up on the other comments the man had made. "It would seem out paths were destined to cross then. I've recently set out to find another crew in need of able bodies and skilled adventurers; I've only been in town a few days but I've been keeping an ear out for promising ventures." She weighs how to respond to the man's comments about worry with ... less-than-law-abiding crews without outright mentioning mentioning pirates. "There's nothing wrong with being part of a colorful crew. Those are usually the best sorts; truly understand freedom, folks can be the folks they want to be, you earn your share for weight you pull not because of bloodline or title." She catches herself on the comment about titles and almost repeats 'no offense' but decides to leave it be and just sorta trails off instead.

2017-04-01, 11:35 PM
No offense at all, Lady Kailani. I come from a land where the title of "lord" does not signify respect due to lands or people under my domain, but for the responsibility we bear. We forswear holding lands and wealth to safeguard the balance of the elements in this world. I am a member of the Order of the Wave-Riders, those sent out from Kagrenac to find or fix disturbances across the world. Chuckling with a little bit of a sad look, Searil looks out to the sea.

My people call us Death-Seekers, adventurers who go out facing danger and daring, never to return unless in a casket. It isn't nearly so dramatic as all that, and most just end up settling down near sumfi, ruptures to the elemental planes that are not easily mended, to monitor them. Still, my people are bound to the land and rarely venture from its unusual weather conditions.

Smiling with his eyes (since beaks are not so conducive to it as lips) as he considers her offer, Searil gently pries into Talia. I appreciate your offer, but would you mind me asking why you set out? It is not a fickle whim that sets a heart to the sea.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-02, 11:24 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"I can honestly say I haven't had the privilege of meeting another of your kind prior." She says, thinking back to the myriad string of different peoples she'd encountered in her journeys but not recalling another among them. "Still, it's a noble mantle you've chosen to taken up, so I only suppose it's fitting you bear a noble title for undertaking it. Hopefully you've found our lands and lifestyles to your liking and worth it all."

When he makes a comment about her 'offer' a look of confusion passes across her face for a brief moment and then she chuckles lightly. "Oh, I've made no offers yet... I'm just seeking a new ship same as you and thought it coincidental that our paths should cross each other in such a way. But perhaps we'll find someone accommodating to both our tastes indeed eh?" She ponders how to best answer his final inquiry... wasn't that the question we must all ask ourselves eh? "I'ts just what I do... just who I am. The sea is every bit a part of me as I imagine the skies must be for you."

2017-04-02, 12:18 PM
Thinking about her final answer, Searil tilts his head a bit. The skies are a funny thing. The earth is boring, predictable, but fosters many creatures and little miracles that thrive on its stability. The sea is ever-churning, pitting prey against predator in a living stage, heat forming currents of escape and chase, earth providing shelter and surprise, air creating terrible waves that leave only the most capable swimming, and of course water providing the backdrop for all of this. It is dangerous, yet provides the ingredients for an amazing diversity of life. Talia can see Searil becoming worked up as he describes this, bunching up his body like a child awaiting the return of a parent before extending his wings fully and taking flight to burn off his extra energy. Alighting in embarassment, he continues. Compared to that, nothing exists in the skies. It is constantly in flow, but there is no stability, no places to hide and rest. No shelter. It is a place where some have the gift to visit and enjoy its thrills, but no creature may live there. It is the most exciting of all, but we must all return to the land or to the sea.

Searil looks at his environment. He hasn't been in port long and does not know his way about the town, so he is trying to get his bearings.

2017-04-02, 06:06 PM
Devlin checks moving 5 of his own coins into the pot. He nods for Nurgunn to go. "I can't play, but if it's part of a set than it would be a shame not to retrieve the others too." Devlin re-arranges his cards. "I'm looking to get out of this town, you know of a ship we can take Gull?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-02, 06:12 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"That is the strange irony of life though: You, at home in the sky, most return to the land. Me, at home on the sea, must return to the land." She chuckles slightly at the silly though, this conversation had suddenly become much more philosophical than just a random stroll through the market was intended to be. "But land isn't all that bad; It's where we find work... and food! I've been thinking it might be about time for a meal proper. If nothing else a tavern or inn might provide might provide leads on which ships are in need of my skills. Care to discuss things further over some breakfast Lord Searil?"

2017-04-02, 07:53 PM
Breakfast sounds wonderful, Talia! Before I spotted the merchant, I was actually flying to a tavern that makes a spiced pudding that I have actually seen men kill for. Unpleasant business, really, the two were fighting over a lady there. Tried to patch the one up, but he was too far gone. Didn't think one could could stab another with a belaying pin, so I took notes on the deceased's condition as well as the strength of the attacker. Interested? We could find some interesting characters there. Searil rapidly transitions between discussing the more gruesome affairs and food, unperturbed by the difference between the two.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-02, 08:55 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"If there's one thing I've learned of Leviari in the times I've spent here...it's to not be surprised by it." Talia says as the pair of them set off in whichever direction her new companion leads. "Men will literally kill each other over the simpliest of reasons or for none at all. It's just the nature of the free life many of them live out on the sea and the varied cultures and ideals suddenly having to fit into such a tiny strip of land. The Sea Hawks try to maintain order mind you, but they can't be everywhere at once and more so if they had more of a militaristic presence it'd be no better than some of those mainland cities. Better that she remain free... even if a little rough around the edges."

"Happen to know whats on the menu for breakfast?"

2017-04-02, 10:18 PM
Depends what you are in the mood for. If you want something sweet, the spiced pudding is the way to go. If savory is your thing, I'm sure they can accommodate that as well. My treat!

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-02, 10:23 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"You're not planning to attempt to pay in animal parts are ya?" Talia teases as they turn the corner and begin to head down one of the bigger roads of the market. "Suppose we'll just have to see what they've got cooking. Always try to enjoy at least one full meal while ashore because who knows when the next one could come out on the seas. You might spend the better part of a week chewing salted pork and sipping stew."

2017-04-02, 11:14 PM
Heathen! the bird joked, I try my hand at fishing when I'm on a vessel. Sometimes I can get a bite on my rod, but often I have to be more hands-on. Fixing the sails and patching up the wounded doesn't take up all my time, and I find that fresh fish or turtle does wonders for sailors' spirits. Also keeping the hardtack clear of weevils. For some reason that I cannot fathom, sailors don't seem to savor the little things in their crackers. More for me, I suppose, but why would they turn down such a delicious and nutritious option for their diet? Certainly the crunch of a good bug is preferable to crusty old hardtack?

And I have money, you know. Not a great amount, but enough to pay. Unless you think they would trade for the animal parts? Because I can get those fairly easily!

2017-04-03, 04:43 AM
Devlin checks moving 5 of his own coins into the pot. He nods for Nurgunn to go. "I can't play, but if it's part of a set than it would be a shame not to retrieve the others too." Devlin re-arranges his cards. "I'm looking to get out of this town, you know of a ship we can take Gull?"
Seagull nods at Devlin.

"Aye, it would be a sight to see the whole set of em whistles. Sure! A pretty sight indeed."

Seagull looks up carefully at Devlin when he talks about a ship.

"A ship are yer lookin for? Well, then where are yer headed? There will be captains at the docks and maybe they will have a ship for you. Pay em enough gold they'll takes you where you want. Or work for your passage. What calls you to the sea? For me, I ain't got nowhere to go, but I want out of this place. Too many people here. Folks looking for trouble, not minding their own business. No, I can't abide it here for much longer."

Seagull finishes his drink and plonks his it down on the table audibly.

2017-04-03, 11:30 AM

A man approaches Batal as he walks through the streets. The man wears armor with the symbol of the Sea Hawks on it. "Anything I can help you with sir? Are you feeling alright?"

"Quite alright, just point me to the casino, or the closest damned establishment where I can get a half decent pint." Batal massaged the top of his scalp, his alien eyes heavily lidded as his pupils adjusted to the light.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-03, 11:43 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Let's not sour my appetite with talks of weevils and bug crunches eh?" Talia comments as she focuses her mind on the warm meal ahead instead of dwelling on the sorts of things that happen out at see. "You patch sails as well as people eh? Quite the ever growing list of talents you have at your beck and call. Spend much time on ships growing up or is it more of a recent pasttime?"

2017-04-03, 11:59 AM
I have picked up skills as they were needed. It turns out that flight makes one quite adept at working on the sails! Most of my youth was training for the protector life, and I've just learned since. You?

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-03, 12:39 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"My youth was spent around the sea and around the people that dare to make her their home; whether aboard a ship or the strange life of a port city... those not out at sea yet not entirely a life on land you know?" She motions to the bustling townsfolk around them for emphasis to her point.

"Over the last few years I've been lucky enough to spend time aboard a magnificent vessel. Though admittedly my time and focus was on the sea and the crew. I've not been able to memorize too much about the ship itself sadly... so I wouldn't be much help when it came to sail repair and running lines. But... I've always known that it takes more than fit sails and tight rigging to keep a ship on course... and I'm more than glad to do my part."

2017-04-03, 07:20 PM
Seagull and Devlin

Nurgunn shakes her head. "Oh, I'm not in for this round. But I'll be happy to buy a refill for our new friend." She gets up and walks toward the bar.

OOC: Seagull knows that the whale is part of a set of 7. The set includes a whale, dolphin, manta ray, shark, squid, turtle, and seahorse.


"Quite alright, just point me to the casino, or the closest damned establishment where I can get a half decent pint." Batal massaged the top of his scalp, his alien eyes heavily lidded as his pupils adjusted to the light.

The man nods and gives the instructions. "A right, a left, and then another right. If you need anything, just ask us." He indicates the symbol on his armor before Batal leaves.

Batal eventually makes his way to the gaming hall, seeing all types of stalls on the way. By the time he reaches the gaming hall, he can see that people are properly awake for the day. The stalls are getting busier and people seem to be heading into the few buildings, rather than out of them.

As Batal steps through the doorway, someone bumps into him and mutters under their breath. But a moment later they are gone, lost in the crowds outside.

Inside the gaming hall many of the tables are filled, and the bar only has one or two stools still open. There is chatter among the people inside about nothing in particular - mostly the trade on island and weather nearby. Wide windows let in the natural sunlight, though you notice a few patrons squinting at the light as they have not fully recovered from their habits the night before.

In addition to the food there are card and pool tables open to anyone looking for a game. On one back wall is a bulletin board which often contains information about anything you could want including trade values of certain items, when ships are due in, and any other announcements the establishment sees fit to post.

Talia and Searil

OOC: You guys can get to the gaming hall whenever you want. When you do, you see the same as Batal.

2017-04-03, 09:26 PM
"I'm not headed anywhere, just out to the deep. Land is a bad influence on me if I stay to long, and I've definitely overstayed my welcome." Devlin joins Seagull in finishing his drink. "Perhaps we can find a ship together. Would be nice to know at least one familiar face. Maybe even the one in that flyer you've been hiding since you saw us."

2017-04-03, 10:03 PM
"I'm not headed anywhere, just out to the deep. Land is a bad influence on me if I stay to long, and I've definitely overstayed my welcome." Devlin joins Seagull in finishing his drink. "Perhaps we can find a ship together. Would be nice to know at least one familiar face. Maybe even the one in that flyer you've been hiding since you saw us."
Seagull keeps one eye on Nurgann at the bar, and the other on his cards.

He selects two cards and slides them into the middle, waiting for the dealer to return to his table.

"The deep calls me too. The sea and its creatures are the life for me. And I am more than ready to put some miles between me and this town. We may be able to come to an arrangement. If finding a ship is what you want, then I will be in on that deal. If there are others hereabouts who can enter into the same contract, then all the better. This flyer here will be a chance for us for some gold."

Seagull pats his shirt.

"And there'll be more up there. A partnership like ours could earn us more than we could dream of."

He waves at the bulletin board.

"If we have a deal, we can talk about it, and what more we need."

2017-04-03, 10:12 PM
Come on, Talia! Waitress! Two spiced puddings, and something savory and spicy for me and my aquamarine acquaintance. Oh, and a pint of that lovely fruit shandy. Anything else you can think of, Lady Kailani? Searil's eyes are sparkling. It was wonderful to chat so candidly with a kindred spirit like Talia, but there is something thrilling about the danger of the seedier people, and he loved it. He loved them, with all their flaws and problems because they are so real. He would rather get in a good bar brawl than talk with the stuffy intellectuals who tended the Hall of Records back home.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-04, 11:17 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"A pudding and a shandy sounds like a perfect start." says Talia as she looks over the place and takes in the ambiance. "Afterward if we need more we'll default to your recommendation." She nods toward the waitress and smiles warmly. She continues looking out over the peoples in the room; hangover bar flys, lazy patrons taking a rest from walking the market, and a nice mix of folks who were either fresh in from a ship or likely to be set leaving on one soon. Truly her sort of people.

"Back there seems to be a bulletin board." She points out. "Might be best to give it a gander afterwards to see if anything catches your fancy."

2017-04-04, 12:19 PM
I agree. Might even look out for any other patrons who are looking at the bulletins, see if they could be potential mates.

2017-04-04, 02:22 PM
"Do we have a deal?" Seagull asks Devlin.

Seagull notices the others in the tavern. A lizardman, a water genasi and an Aarakocra. He judges them to be a potential good fit for their group.

"Did you see three folk just walk in? They don't look like merchants. If we are looking for more, they might fit our plans."

Seagull keeps an eye on the new comers to the tavern. If they are nearby he asks them to come and join their game.

2017-04-04, 05:42 PM
"Sound good" Devlin offers up his hand to shake. "We could use some more muscle in case things go awry. Better a deal made in here than relying on strangers at sea."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-04, 05:57 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Likewise a good course of action." says Talia, working to remove her loaded adventuring pack and sliding it down one arm. She finds a place on the floor near her chair where she can wedge it without it interrupting the flow of foot traffic too much. "What would be your ideal conscription anyway? What sort of ship would you say you were looking to call home?" She thinks back to their conversations after the oddity merchant and clarifies her inquiry. "You mentioned your general preference of crew type before ... but are there things you'd shy away from or avoid outright? Or any must-haves to be considered in the running?"

"I don't mean to only discuss business mind you." She adds, visibly slightly embarrassed or a bit of shyness creeping in. "You're just quite a unique individual and it has my curiosity piqued at what you might consider a suitable arrangement with a captain."

2017-04-04, 06:14 PM
I don't really have much of a preference. Well, other than by-the-book merchants, whose voyages tend to be terribly uninteresting. Unsavory crews offer much excitement and can be persuaded to take great risks for the sake of treasure, exploratory crews can see new places. So long as it is exciting, I don't really have much of a preference. I seem to remember you treating the idea of the more... unsavory crews as undesirable, no?

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-04, 06:24 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia scruches her face slightly in a look of mild confusion as she things back to the earlier conversation. "No no. I'd said that they were usually the best sort; knew the true meaning of the word freedom and let you make your own way in life based on your contributions rather than on your bloodline and all that." She motions in an 'et cetera, et cetera' sort of motion but stops quickly if her companion makes obvious signs that he remembers. "Would be lying if I said most of my experience aboard vessels wasn't surrounded by the same sorts of peoples. It's not always a bad thing... it has a higher likelihood of becoming a bad thing,
but it's not forced to by any means. Plenty of mostly good, mostly honest folk do just as much good for the world on the fringe of the law than those what walk around with badges bound by a code of honor."

2017-04-04, 07:04 PM
True, true. That half-orc seems to be eyeing the two of us. Could be an opportunity, could be a guy wanting some gambling partners. Want to see which?

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-04, 07:22 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Could be he's never seen an Aven and a Genasi sharing breakfast." Talia teases with a small chuckle. "A lot of half-orcs aren't know for their tact, and not many around here have an abundance of social skills... though you'd be amazing how often you find someone with too many." She hazards a glance in the direction her companion was looking without trying to seem to obvious that they were noticing the man across the room.

"Still...certainly worth checking out after I've some food in me." Assuming that their meals had arrived at this point she scoops up another mouthful and savors the flavor while checking out some of the other local color in attendance this morning.

2017-04-04, 09:20 PM
Basically Everyone

Nurgunn comes back with another drink for Seagull and passes out the new cards. "Are we looking to make some more friends?" She glances over at the newcomers and a wave of surprise washes over her face. "Certainly would be a colorful group..."

"I'm so sorry," a waitress comes over, a human who seems to be exhausted. "I haven't even come by to take your... order..." She looks surprised as she sees Devlin's uneaten pudding and Nurgunn's empty bowl. "I would have sworn I was covering this table. Well, if you need anything else, just flag me down.

Talia and Searil have been able to order their meals and gotten the puddings and drinks quickly - Searil's chicken dish was still being prepared. As Talia eats her pudding, she recognizes some of the flavors but... it truly is different than anything she's had before. Her body swells with... vigor might be the best way to describe it. She feels like she is ready for anything.

OOC: Talia gains inspiration, as does anyone else who eats their pudding.

As Talia looks around the bar, though no one else seems to be the adventuring type. People here are looking for breakfast before opening their stalls, or taking some time on solid ground before returning to the sea. Certainly there is a mix of races, though for the most part they are relatively common - Human, Elf, Halfling, Gnome. Even a couple Dragonborn in the corner.

The only person of note is a cloaked figure. They (it's impossible to tell their gender) drop an odd looking coin on the bar next to their empty drink. Then, they quickly move to the bulletin board and pin up a note, before leaving the building.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-04, 10:08 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Did you see that?" Talia asks, being purposely vague in case the others nearby had not. She figured if Searil had, he'd know what she was referring to.

2017-04-04, 10:34 PM
"Sound good" Devlin offers up his hand to shake. "We could use some more muscle in case things go awry. Better a deal made in here than relying on strangers at sea."
Seagull grabs Devlin's hand.
"Its a deal. Now lets seal it with a drink. Ma'am!"

Seagull orders two more drinks or three of Nurgunn wants one.

Seagull indicates to the old lady, in the direction of Searil and Talia.

"Another round of drinks for us. And also a drink for those two over there. Tell em its from me."

Seagull drops some coins in her hand.

Returning to his cards, Seagull slides them to the table in front of him and looks up at Devlin.


2017-04-04, 10:53 PM
Yes, Lady Kailani. Here, Searil hands Talia a pouch with 10 gp worth of change, Use it if you have to pay. I'll follow our friend, the cloaked figure. You figure out what you can here. I'll meet you back here in an hour if not sooner, alright?

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-05, 07:54 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Shall I tell them to stop prepping your meal? Or..." Talia asks, hesitating to take the coins for a second but then grabbing the pouch and tucking it into a pocket. She shoots a glance back at the bulletin board to see if any interest had been drawn to it yet.

She leans back in her chair to lift the front two feet off the ground, reaches down to grab the shoulder strap of her pack, and loops it around the leg of the chair before sitting back down. It never hurt to be too careful after all. After her companion sets out, she takes the last few bites of her pudding and then another sip of her drink before walking across the room to the posting board.

2017-04-05, 09:41 AM
Nonono! I'll eat it when I get back! Searil heads out the door and, if the cloaked figure is visible will follow him. If not, he will gain some altitude and glide to follow from the air.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-05, 10:46 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Of course." Talia answers with a nod. "Good luck. And stay safe out there."

2017-04-05, 05:50 PM
"Raise." Devlin pushes 5 more coins into the middle of the table. Looking down at the pudding, glad that the waitress brought his attention to it. He definitely needed to eat more with how free Seagull was with his drink. Devlin digs in.

Seeing one of their potential allies depart, Delin waves Talia over to their table when her drink gets to her.

2017-04-05, 06:09 PM
"Raise." Devlin pushes 5 more coins into the middle of the table. Looking down at the pudding, glad that the waitress brought his attention to it. He definitely needed to eat more with how free Seagull was with his drink. Devlin digs in.

Seagull shifts 5 copper to the middle.

"I'll see your bet. Good pudding? Seems folks are takin a likin to it."

2017-04-05, 06:13 PM

Searil quickly follows the cloaked figure out into the streets and see them dart around a corner. Though he needs to weave around shoppers he is able to keep on the person's tail. They seem to be taking as many turns as possible, staying in the shadows when they can. Searil can catch up to them and confront them in public if he wants. Otherwise, they seem to be headed down less used streets.

Seagull and Devlin

Seagull calls for the older woman but she does not seem to be anywhere in the gaming hall. The exhausted waitress comes back instead, and takes your order.


OOC: Do you go to the posting board or their table first?

2017-04-05, 06:19 PM
Not wanting to attract too much attention, Searil Wild Shapes into the form of a cat and continues following the stranger. In case he ducks into a doorway, having a stronger sense of smell could be a useful trait.

2017-04-06, 06:04 AM
Seagull and Devlin

Seagull calls for the older woman but she does not seem to be anywhere in the gaming hall. The exhausted waitress comes back instead, and takes your order.

"Where's the old woman?" Seagull asks the exhausted waitress.

"Ah, well, thank you miss."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-06, 09:59 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia approaches the board to investigate the note left by the cloaked figure.

2017-04-06, 08:16 PM

As a cat, you can weave among people's feet easily and keep a close eye on the cloaked figure. After "chasing" them for five minutes, you find yourself in what would pass for a dark alley on Leviari. Little sun gets into this passage between two tents, but the person feels comfortable here. When she takes off her hood, it appears that the person is a regular humanoid... aside from her eyes. They are a yellow green color and, more interestingly, the pupils are thin and vertical, almost like a snake.

She notices you (in cat form) and smiles, relaxed. "Here kitty kitty!" The voice is almost unnaturally smooth, rolling her syllables together.

Seagull and Devlin

The waitress gets you your drinks, but is still confused about the older woman. "I don't know anyone here that I would classify as old... Well, we have a elf but she doesn't look old so I don't think you can mean her."


As she walks past the counter, Talia catches a glimpse of the coin but cannot place exactly where she remembers it from. It is not something common to lands she has visited before, of that she is sure.

The board is covered in many different fliers, some seems to stick out to Talia.

The note left by the cloaked figure is ripped and scrawled on parchment, it looks like it was made quickly.

Help Needed. Our people suffer and fear we are near extinction. Adventurers preferred. Must be willing to work with unfamiliar humanoids of any kind and willing to do any job. If interested, meet at Lookout Point at sunrise.

There is a cheesy looking advertisement next to this. On the advertisements are drawings of a volcano in the distance, a grassy plain stretching from it to the bottom of the page.


Ever wonder what the world was like before humanoids mastered their abilities?

When fearsome creatures ruled the earth?

On our island, you can take a guided tour and learn about the different species OR live like your ancestors did in our anti-magic dome!

Just come to [island name is smudged]!

Another poster nearly demands your attention, this one seems to have been around for some time. At the bottom of the sheet are tabs to rip off, with the location of the island mentioned.







Finally, Talia sees a list (dated this morning) of captains looking for crew members. THere is enough information about each to find where their ship is docked to apply as crewmembers.

Sea Hawks - Always recruiting. Inquire with any Sea Hawk officer, to be referred to Admiral Selbeniel.
Captain Jocose is looking for a full crew! 20 to 30 openings! As long as you can hold your own, you're welcome aboard our vessel!
The Tropical Paradise Ocean Liner is famous for their relaxing cruises! Looking for a set of adventurers to travel with the ship and give passengers added assurance in our travels. Seek Captain Smoothwater to apply.
Kallista Fezim, head of the Buccaneer Company, is looking for additional adventuring groups to head one of two ships. Inquire about arrangement.
The crew of the Dire Barracuda is short on crew after latest expedition. Minimum of 5 crew members needed.
I have only felt at home on the high seas! Looking for kindred spirits is, the only, Esvele Windriver. Looking for as many as are interested to join our family, so long as you are worthy.
Captain Ravojurn is looking for 5 to 10 members to join his crew. Must be able to follow rules of the ship and contribute to crew. Crew members seeking a meaningful purpose preferred.
Harbormaster Hildigrim has ships for sale.

2017-04-06, 09:04 PM
For all his wisdom and experience, Searil has a weakness for a good scratching behind the ears. Happily, he sidles up next to the woman and rubs his head against her. Meow!

2017-04-07, 12:22 AM
Devlin lays down his hand and smiles at seagull. He doesn't wait to see his opponents cards and instead pushes out his chair and starts to walk towards Talia. Come on Gull, if we sit around here waving at people all day we won't get anywhere. Lets go say hi.

Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, Jack of Hearts, 6 of Hearts, 5 of Hearts.

As he approaches the bulletin board and Talia, Devlin makes himself known. "Anything good on there today blue?" Devlin indicates to himself and Seagull before Talia can reply. "Devlin and my friend who just won at cards is Gull. So anything interesting?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-07, 01:23 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia reads the note from the cloaked figure first of course and makes a mental note of the sunrise meeting at Lookout Point. She skims a few of the other papers and nothing much catches her interest as this mysterious meeting. As she begins to read the list of crews and captains currently seeking to hire on extra hands, she is suddenly alerted by a voice from behind and is barely able to keep from jumping in surprise. A keen eye might pick up her sudden twitch and tensing up. She turns slightly to face the voice.

The genasi woman gives a small forced smile toward the man currently addressing her; more of a social politeness than any sort of indication of feeling. "Sorry? Oh!" She looks back at the board for a moment before turning to face the man properly. "Mostly the usual from the looks of it. Handful of advertisements and a list of captains and crew seeking hands. Was still working my way through that one..."

She drones off mid-sentence and instead straightens and introduces herself in kind. "Talia. Were you looking for something?" She asks and steps out of the way to make the passage to the board open if that had been their intent.

2017-04-07, 07:58 AM
Devlin lays down his hand and smiles at seagull. He doesn't wait to see his opponents cards and instead pushes out his chair and starts to walk towards Talia. Come on Gull, if we sit around here waving at people all day we won't get anywhere. Lets go say hi.

Seagull ignores the cards and glances up at Devlin, but he then just grunts in response and doesn't follow him to talk to Talia. The waitress has startled him with her response.

Seagull turns to Nurgunn.

"She just said no old woman works here ... so who was it that served me? Did you see the old woman Nurgunn?"

Seagull is determined to work out what is going on here. He follows the exhausted waitress to the bar to ask her again. Or another server if there is someone here.

He peers curiously into the staff area to see if anything unusual is going on. He starts to carefully observe the staff.

2017-04-07, 06:08 PM

The woman scratches behind your ears and after a few seconds, picks you up. "You're not scared of me at least, are you kitty? No, most people would see me and run scared, or attack. But you wouldn't do that, would you Kitty?" She rocks slowly back and forth while she holds you. No one else has come down the alley, and you doubt if anyone is in earshot.

"You don't mind that I'm a Yuan-Ti, do you Kitty? You wouldn't do anything to me. Worst of all is when they follow you when all you want is to be alone. When they won't take the hint and sometimes even try to trick you!" She holds you out in front of her, face to face. She keeps talking in a sing-song voice. "That would be so rude! Wouldn't it Kitty! Yes it would! Yes it would!"


Nurgunn nods in agreement. "Aye, I know the woman you mean. But come to think of it, I haven't seen her since."

As you walk up to the bar, you try to spot the older woman in the gaming hall but can't seem to find her. You peer through the kitchen door as it swings open but can't make out anyone back there. You check with another waitress at the bar and she confirms - there's no older woman working here, no one matching the woman who served you.

2017-04-07, 06:26 PM
Searil pulls the kitten eyes. He knows he has been caught, but he really wants the scritches. He reaches out his paw and puts it on her hand.

2017-04-08, 10:06 AM

The woman raises an eyebrow as Searil moves his paw and pets him one more time. "Well. The good news is that none of those Sssea Hawks have come after me and I'm apparently not in danger." She has not yet stopped talking as if you were actually a cat. "So I may as well talk to myself. My people have a bad rap for what our ancestors did. That's not something we can help, is it Kitty? No it'sss not."

She puts him down on the ground and looks into his eyes. "I was hoping to find someone sympathetic to me and my people help usss. We want to find a way to change back into humans but everyone we ask for help just tries to kill us. And that'sss terrible."

"If only I knew someone whose crew I could join, who would help my people. But all I have is you Kitty." She continues to look at Searil, but doesn't stop him if he tries to leave.

2017-04-08, 12:06 PM
Leaping onto the wall and then off onto her shoulder, Searil gently pulls her hood over her face and points with his paw, intending to lead her back to Talia.

2017-04-08, 08:39 PM

Nurgunn nods in agreement. "Aye, I know the woman you mean. But come to think of it, I haven't seen her since."

As you walk up to the bar, you try to spot the older woman in the gaming hall but can't seem to find her. You peer through the kitchen door as it swings open but can't make out anyone back there. You check with another waitress at the bar and she confirms - there's no older woman working here, no one matching the woman who served you.
Seagull asks the waitress for some pudding. Somehow he feels it wont be quite the same as the others. But he's curious to see what its like anyway.

Then he walks over to the noticeboard to greet Talia. Talia sees a swarthy half-orc with rough clothing crudely hand stitched. The half-orc stops to greet Talia in a clumsy kind of way. He feels uncomfortable to meet people but determined nonetheless.

Err hello miss. I am Seagull. I see you're peekin' in this noticeboard. Why don' you join us fer a drink? We mebbe have sommat in common. I hear the puddin is good and I'm to try some. Maybe have a drink too as I am thirsty.

Seagull gestures towards the table.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-09, 12:55 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia begins to scribble down the names of the captains and ships that draw her interest the most. Realizing that it might behoove her to note all of them for her companion, once he returns, she scribbles the other ships afterwards in a hasty fashion while listening to what Devlin has to say. She's so enthralled in jotting the notes and keeping a steady ear toward the man that she does not hear Seagull approach until he speaks.

"Oh? Indeed, just noting which ships are in port and hiring." She responds, folding the paper and slips it into a pocket on beneath her cloak. "I just had the pudding myself and would highly recommend it; its very..." She searches for the word for a split second. "...inspirational." She returns the ink and quill she'd been using to their proper spots on the small table below the crowded notice board. "I'm waiting on a friend to return but I'll gladly discuss things in the meantime, what did you have in mind?"

2017-04-09, 09:01 PM

The Yuan-Ti shakes her head. "That'sss called pushing your luck." She turns in the opposite direction. "But what am I saying, you're just a cat. Well, off to look for a crew..." She begins to walk back out into the market, unless you stop her.

Seagull, Devlin, and

OOC: I don't think I have anything in particular to respond to. Let me know when Seagull eats his pudding.

2017-04-09, 09:10 PM
Reverting, Searil speaks finally. Please, just meet with a friend of mine. She is a good person, and I think she can help. She's a genasi, water. I'm not much for a battle, but she is a powerful ally.

2017-04-10, 08:03 AM

The woman turns back toward Searil and he can just make out a smirk on her face. "So the Kitty finally speaksss. But it doesn't matter, I can't go out in public too often. Too much of a risssk. You sssurely understand that?"

She moves closer and puts her hand on Searil's. As she touches him something feels off, and cold. Looking down, Searil sees small patches of scales on her hand and wrist that would not go unnoticed in public.

"Bring her back here, if you feel your companion can help me."

2017-04-10, 08:28 AM
"Oh? Indeed, just noting which ships are in port and hiring." She responds, folding the paper and slips it into a pocket on beneath her cloak. "I just had the pudding myself and would highly recommend it; its very..." She searches for the word for a split second. "...inspirational." She returns the ink and quill she'd been using to their proper spots on the small table below the crowded notice board. "I'm waiting on a friend to return but I'll gladly discuss things in the meantime, what did you have in mind?"

"Aye, ships and hiring is it? ... then would it be adventure you are seekin? Me and the captain here -" Seagull nods at Devlin.

"Well, we might be interested in the same thing as you."

"And you and your bird friend ... I think the two of you could be just what we need."

"And we could be what you need." Seagull points to himself and Devlin.

"Together we would make a good company."

"A company of adventurers."

Seagull nods to himself feeling like his plan is coming together.

"Did you see an old woman serving here? Ah never mind me ..." Seagull feels a little foolish at saying this, and brushes this away with an invitation.

"Come, sit and talk more." Seagull gestures back to the table. "Let's see if we can come to an agreement."

Seagull returns to the table, as he can see his pudding waiting for him. He digs in and shovels a spoonful down. He absentmindedly turns over his poker cards and pushes the coins towards Devlin's side.

He glances at Nurgunn -
"Nurgunn, no sign of the old woman."

King of Spades
2 of Spades
Queen of Spades
8 of Spades
8 of Diamonds.

2017-04-10, 08:44 AM
OOC: Seagull gains inspiration.

2017-04-10, 09:44 AM
May I ask your name, lady of the beautiful scales?

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-10, 10:00 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia nods along with a small smile as the man explains their intentions. "Aye. I'm looking for work aboard a suitable vessel" She answers as the man continues to prattle along. She wondered what sort of work the pair of them was looking for and when he mentions the word captain her interests piques notably so. 'So this man was a captain then?' She thinks as she eyes Devlin under a bit of a different light. "What sort of adventures is it that you're looking for?" She inquires at the mention of forming a company.

"Old woman...?" Talia asks quizzically as the makes to move across the room and fetch her gear.

2017-04-10, 07:16 PM

"Nassirah," is her short answer. "And when you return, make sure no one but your friends follow. I don't imagine the Sea Hawks would be too pleased with me."

2017-04-10, 07:26 PM
Devlin nods at the cards. "Long odds, bad luck." He waves at for another round, spending the winnings and the difference to buy him and his two compatriots a drink. "Any work that is off this island. Sick of being land locked. I'd rather grab our own ship and head off, but i can work under another for a time."

2017-04-10, 08:33 PM
Nassirah... A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I'm Searil. I'll return as soon as I can!

And with that, Searil clambers up a wall to get enough room to fly out, headed straight for the tavern where Talia (and his delicious breakfast) were waiting.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-10, 09:09 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"So you're a captain?" the genasi woman asks Devlin once she'd gathered her belongings and joined them at their table. "What ship did you come in on and when do you plan to set out?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Grab your own ship...?" Talia asks in response to his latest comment; half confused if the man was imply that he had a vessel that wasn't ready or if he was implying they simply commandeer one.

2017-04-11, 06:55 AM
Seagull beckons to Nurgunn to deal up some cards. He nods to Talia, inviting her to play poker:

"Are you in?"

"You see, we be lookin for anything. But its got to be on our own terms, in no one's employ. We're looking for partners. Equal share. We band together, we roll together. We live, fight and die together. Or maybe we get rich."

Seagull grins broadly showing off his tusks.

"This here is another job for us."

Seagull pulls out the paper about the Cyclops from inside his shirt, and flattens it on the table for Talia and Devlin to read.

2017-04-11, 08:35 AM
Alighting in the doorway of the tavern, Searil pulls his hood over his face. He attempts to stealthily and mysteriously approach Talia, intending to let her handle whatever business dealings she had found before reporting his findings.


Bounty Hunter
2017-04-11, 09:14 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"No thank you, I uh... I actually don't know how to play. By all means though don't let that deter the pair of you; have fun!" Talia answers in response to the offer to be dealt into the card game. She'd always much preferred spectating when it came to cards, dice, bones, and other games of chance and bluffing. A part of her always reckoned she might be good at it though if she gave it a proper chance. She watches the pair of them as they continue with their game, trying to pick out any telling expressions or movements either might make.

"I can certainly see the desire to do things your own way; to sail the world without lords, masters, and the like." The genasi explains finding another spot to stuff her pack along side her chair as best she can, but keeping it ready to be snatched up at a moments notice. Her companion had been gone some time but it hadn't yet been an hour as they agreed, still, she worried. "What is it exactly the pair of you are proposing?" She presses, trying to get a straight up answer rather than continuing to edge around the subject at hand. She wanted to know what she was dealing with here.

Once the Cyclops paper is placed upon the table she will give it a proper read.

2017-04-11, 03:09 PM
"So here's the plan.

If we all agree to an equal partnership with a common goal that means we have formed a company and we have a contract to work together. Written or not this means we all understand to trust each other.

The first step then is to find out what opportunities lay open to us. So I say for today we split up. Today each of us goes to find out more about one thing. Then we meet here again tonight. We weigh up our options and make a plan.

When is your friend coming back?"

2017-04-11, 05:08 PM
Searil approaches behind Talia's companions and dramatically spreads his wings over their heads to cast shadows upon them. With every attempt to cast his face in shadow and appear more menacing (and failing), he speaks. Hi, my name is Searil, who are you fine gentlemen?

2017-04-11, 06:29 PM
Searil approaches behind Talia's companions and dramatically spreads his wings over their heads to cast shadows upon them. With every attempt to cast his face in shadow and appear more menacing (and failing), he speaks. Hi, my name is Searil, who are you fine gentlemen?

"Greetings Searil. I am Seagull. I have a bird's name but not his wings."

"This is Devlin."

"We have an offer to form a partnership of four with you and your friend to seek out adventure."

"We all have something in common, what do you say?"

2017-04-11, 06:48 PM
Sounds dandy to me! Hey Talia, do you happen to have my meal?

2017-04-11, 07:00 PM
Seagull glances at their table thinking its probably still over there.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-11, 07:05 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"So here's the plan.

If we all agree to an equal partnership with a common goal that means we have formed a company and we have a contract to work together. Written or not this means we all understand to trust each other.

The first step then is to find out what opportunities lay open to us. So I say for today we split up. Today each of us goes to find out more about one thing. Then we meet here again tonight. We weigh up our options and make a plan.

When is your friend coming back?" "Oh, I see. From the way you made it sound I had assumed you either already had a plan or already had a ship." Talia answers, biting the inside of her lip as she makes decisions about her options. "Well I had planned to touch base with some of the captains who'd posted on the board and see who were worthy of continued discussion. But that doesn't particularly fall into your plan of working under no one's employ. What sort of work was it you had in mind exactly and what sort of ship did you plan on doing it on?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-11, 07:31 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Ah! You've returned." Comes the response when Searil suddenly appears in a startling and overly dramatic appearance. She didn't know whether this was his attempt to be humors or it he were actually meaning to be imposing... but she figured it a line of questioning best meant for another time. She turns her attention to him and searches for some sort of indication as to how tailing the cloaked figure had went. "Any promising leads?" If he gives any sort of signal that it's best discussed in private she'll wait to follow that thread at another point.

"I haven't seen your meal come out yet, no." She glances to their old table and then, if needed, looks for the waitress.

2017-04-11, 08:13 PM
I found a woman named Nassirah. Looks to be trustworthy, but not exactly on the same page as the authorities. Could be quite the lucrative opportunity, and we wouldn't have any competition if we can get her notice from the board and meet with her. Since we don't have a vessel, a crew, or experience as a whole, this job could give us the luxury of time that we wouldn't get with the older postings. Seems like it would play well for more... independent-minded sailors. When Searil gets his food, he will carefully eat it, trying his best to have proper etiquette. Time to get a ship and put it into order. Sound good? He focuses his eyes on the newer companions. He figures that Talia may be game for this unusual job, but he knows he needs to sell it to these strangers.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-11, 09:04 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Hmm. Sounds promising." Talia muses as she sets to work on her own meal around the conversation that follows. "I know where and when to be. Did she elaborate any further on the nature of the job? The note was a little lacking in details."

"Ship and crew does appear to still be an issue mind you; unless our benefactors were providing such. Or we could always arrange to hire one or even loan the money to put in for shares on a worthy craft."

2017-04-11, 09:20 PM
She told me a bit about the job, but I think it would be better for you all to be there to ask questions yourself. The questions I asked were not exactly helpful for planning out a journey. Searil looks at the ground, embarrassed that he had spent his time being scratched by the client instead of investigating.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-11, 10:05 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Well the meeting time isn't until early tomorrow. That gives us the rest of the day today to do with as we please." Talia says, mostly thinking out loud. "We could investigate some of the ships from the notice board. Or I guess just simply enjoy a day about town."

2017-04-12, 07:00 AM
"So, Searil, you met with this Nassirah ... what instructions did she give?"

"I'm curious to find out what this is all about. It sounds like something we could cut our teeth on, this company of adventurers!"

2017-04-12, 08:13 AM
Nothing too demanding. She has a spot just off a thoroughfare that she is using as a meeting spot and wants to meet everyone at. Understandably, she wants to see whoever she hires to make sure they are on the up and up, as well as making sure we know everything we need. I can take us there when we are ready. Once we meet with her, we can decide whether it is something we want to do.

2017-04-12, 08:44 AM
"Well I'm ready Searil." Seagull looks around at the others.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-12, 11:09 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Ah. Well if she's willing to meet before the time mentioned on the note, I'm all for it." Talia responds. "Would save us from having to spend another day ashore at least. I'm ready to set out as soon as I finish my meal." She continues to munch on bites of her breakfast around the conversation as it unfolds, clearly excited that things were beginning to unfold and plans were in the works.

"Who's winning?" She interjects; pointing to the card game that was continuing to play out on the table before them.

Remind me of the cost of breakfast and I will adjust my sheet accordingly.

2017-04-12, 03:56 PM
"Well if we're all agreed lets go to meet her. Find out what we need to know. Then we can make plans. "

Seagull get up and pays any outstanding coins for his expenses.

"Nurgunn, thanks for your company. We take our leave, perhaps we'll meet you here later. "

He heads out the door with the others.

"Searil lead the way!"

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-12, 04:20 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

If the decision is agreed upon by all, the genasi woman will settle her tab, gather up her belongings, and head outside with the others once they're ready. She follows her companion's lead to their destination and thinks a few silent prayers that all goes well when it comes to meeting hooded figure in dark alleys.

2017-04-12, 04:28 PM
Happily! We should be discrete about this, however, as we don't want any other adventurous companies getting wind of this and competing against us. I propose we check out any ships that interest us, then we independently come to [Insert name of street here] in an hour or two. This way, we have an idea of what options we have when we talk with the client. When you finish with that and any supplies you think necessary, look for the alley that has a black cat with three bands of white on the tail at the entrance, as that will be the marker for the correct location. Sound good?

2017-04-12, 05:45 PM
Happily! We should be discrete about this, however, as we don't want any other adventurous companies getting wind of this and competing against us. I propose we check out any ships that interest us, then we independently come to [Insert name of street here] in an hour or two. This way, we have an idea of what options we have when we talk with the client. When you finish with that and any supplies you think necessary, look for the alley that has a black cat with three bands of white on the tail at the entrance, as that will be the marker for the correct location. Sound good?

"It is a good plan Searil. Hmmm ..."

Seagull contemplates for a moment.

"Esvele Windriver is the one that interests me."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-12, 06:20 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"I'll check out Kallista Fezim and see what sort of details their offer will entail and then rendezvous back in time."

2017-04-12, 06:29 PM
And I'll check with the harbormaster. Maybe we can find a nice deal on a small vessel, something that we can take anywhere we need it. Not every journey takes a galleon, after all, and it would be nice to have something we can pilot and actually take inland up a river, Searil cheerfully declares, putting his hands behind his head.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-12, 06:37 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"We might be able to scrape up the coin for something like that...especially with loans come into play. Depends on how folks feel about a little debt."

2017-04-12, 11:39 PM
"It's only a debt if your still alive to pay for it. I say we take what we can get now and worry about it when were rich." Devlin seems excited about having a ship to call their own. "Want some company 'ril. I tend to get a good bargin."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-13, 12:42 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"I fully intend to be alive to enjoy my rewards ... even if that means paying my debts."

2017-04-13, 02:32 AM
"Don't get me wrong Blue, I'm not ready to die yet. To much needs doing and I don't know what it even is yet. But if we take a gamble on a small debt, well when we hit it big it will seem like a trifling."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-13, 10:13 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

The true problem with the care-free lifestyle of many a sailor, Talia reckoned, was that some took it a step further and were almost fanatical in not caring about things. It was one of the things mainlanders didn't seem to understand about the freebooters, sellswords, and salty dogs of the archipelago; living life free from the law didn't have to mean that you intentionally did things the law forbade--some folks just did not enjoy the idea of having the law there to tell you not to do that thing in the first place. The best pirates had a sort of lose guidelines to follow anyway... so there was always that little fun tidbit of information. She sets out toward Kallista Fezim musings over a few things to include why folks were so boring as to call her 'blue'.

2017-04-13, 04:12 PM
Seagull also goes to seek out his captain as well.

2017-04-13, 04:17 PM
And Searil flies to meet with the Harbormaster!

2017-04-13, 08:55 PM
Talia / Kallista Fezim

At the docks, the Buccaneer Company seems to dominate, with six ships in the harbor. On each there are men and women moving crates from the pier to the vessels. The atmosphere of the docks is focused - everyone has a job and will surely get it done. Still, the sailors all seem to have smiles on their faces and from snippets of conversation, Talia learns that the ships expect to leave over the next few days.

Each of the ships flies a red flag, emblazoned with a bronze skull on it. Tow of them have an additional, smaller flag below those - one is a dark grey with the black silhouette of a dragonborn's head on it, the other a sea green with the image of a navy bird.

Though the bird may look common, Talia recognizes it as a symbol of a god, Habbakuk. Followers of Habbakuk revere nature and the sea - aside from paladins, many druids, rangers, and barbarians follow this god. On one of her travels, Talia met a follower of Habbakuk who explained that though the god is a patron of hunters, Habbakuk stresses to use all parts of an animal and not be wasteful - to respect nature.

After some asking around, Talia learns that each of the ships is to be given to an adventuring party to lead. The Buccaneer Company hires sailors of their own to man the ships and sail them. To earn profit, independent adventuring parties (4-6 members) join a ship and search for ruins or rewards. Any earnings are subject to a fee - every couple months they return to this port and give a percentage of their earnings to the Company.

Adventuring parties usually stay only until they have funds for their own ship - then they break from the company and the ship is rented to a new party. 99% of the time the agreements work out fine, but rarely an adventuring party will try to take the ship for themselves. A burly woman smiled to show off missing teeth as she told Talia of the time the party of her ship did not want to give up any of their loot.

The crew all knew how to handle themselves (it was covered in the training) and the rebellious party found themselves subdued before long. Kallista interviews prospective groups herself if they are interested.

Seagull / Esvele Windriver

Seagull searches the docs and soon enough finds Esvele's ship - it would be hard to miss. The ship itself, not only the flag, is painted blue with deep purple accents. The purple flag flies proudly, depicting a gold whirlpool in the center. Most of the ship is empty - the crew likely mingling around the town.

The few crew members on board sing loudly (and not unpleasantly) recounting tales of past voyages. The shanty gives the impression of far-reaching quests, daring escapes, and fallen friends. From what Seagull can tell, the crew gathered here is more of a family than business associates.

The people Seagull is able to talk to speak highly of Esvele, though mention she is on the quirky side. If her sailors have interest in exploring a nearby island she will almost never turn down the request - as such, the ship makes frequent stops but will eventually wander to farther reaches of the ocean.

Searil and Devlin/ Hildigrim

Harbormaster Hildigrim is a Halfling woman who seems to be getting on in age. She sits in a small building near the docks with a smile on her face, greeting anyone to come into port.

From investigating here, Searil and Devlin learn much of the rules behind buying a ship. Anyone can pay full price for a sailing ship (around 10,000 gp after bargaining) but more often, new crews will need to take out a loan. The specifics of the loan depend on how much of a down payment you provide, as expected.

To ensure the buyer will come back, they must willing become subject of a Geas spell, with the term lasting either 30 days or 1 year. The Geas drives the buyer to come back at the end of the term and pay back some of their debt, at which point the loan is either paid off or the Geas removed.

Most of what you hear indicates that Hildigrim is reasonable and anyone who tries to dodge the loan inevitably comes back one way or another to work off their debt.

2017-04-13, 11:56 PM
Seagull heads off to try and find the alley with the black cat.

2017-04-14, 12:21 AM
Searil will head to the street via some fancy flying to cut down on travel to a roof and then climbing down as a cat, then takes a nap near the entrance to the alley. 10,000 gp was steep though not unmanageable, but he would be happy to take that Geas for Talia and the others. Still, he is interested in what they find for their inquiries. But a quick cat nap never hurt anyone...

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-14, 12:29 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia was pretty well pleased with the way the Buccaneer Company had their operation set up. With half a dozen ships at harbor and who knows how many set to set they were clearly doing something right... well... perhaps not 'right' but at least profitable. She spends a moment watching the flapping red flag in the breeze and studies the other banners flown beneath it; she wasn't sure why she was so suddenly intrigued by the colored cloth and insignia people assigned themselves but something about the flags at the curio shop had struck an odd cord. 'Were I to have my own ship or even company someday, I wonder what mark I'd choose fly?' She thinks to herself, daydreaming as she walks along the docks and listens to the chatter and noise of the shipwork around her.

She doesn't make the move to seek out Kallista and start asking questions just yet. She's content to learn about the way of life these people have by actually discussing it with them. She keeps an eye peeled for any other apparently adventuring sorts making ready to be shipbound so that she might learn how well they're enjoying the employ. Elsewise she simply chatters with whoever is around for a bit before setting out to find the appropriate alley with her companions.

2017-04-14, 05:51 PM
Devin wouldn't agree to a geas easily. To be so restricted. Seeing his compatriot fly off he starts to wander. He looks for somewhere selling books. Specifically relating to the elder gods or in the likely case that isn't available, interesting stories or help with learning skills or languages. He also looks for the owner of the silver spoon he won last night or if he can't find the guy tries to trade it off to the knick knack man.

2017-04-17, 07:05 PM

Talia is able to speak with members of the Company, most of them have toured with multiple bands of adventurers before. Everyone she has talked to was skilled in one way or another - surely, even if the adventurers had no experience sailing, the crew would be able to tend to the ship.

Though she is not able to find the adventurers on the currently owned ship, Talia is told that the adventurers will be around over the next day or two.


Devlin takes his time at the stalls and, while he can't find anything about obscure gods, there are plenty of books on a range of subjects. (Talk to me in the OOC thread to buy books).

Not able to find the owner of the spoon, Devlin heads to the curious stall with the half-elf man, who is shouting just like he was this morning. The man calls anyone and everyone over to take a look at his wares. On the shelves Devlin can see an assortment of items:

A glass orb that reminds you of a snowglobe - inside is a swirling purple liquid.
A sandy bottle with a rolled up piece of paper in it.
A pair of boots that look waterlogged, though the wooden shelf underneath is dry.
A bag of saltwater taffy.
A blue/silver piece of sea glass on a string.
A pink sand dollar.
A wooden coin with a skull and crossbones on it.
A mechanical crab, about one inch tall.
A brooch in the shape of a tentacle.
An algae covered rock.
A set of ten eye patches, with decal of a pair of swords.
A string bracelet, with a dozen colored beads.
A yellow flag. On it, a darker yellow oval surrounding a sail.
A red flag. On it, a darker red oval surrounding a cannonball.
A blue flag. On it, a darker blue oval surrounding a swirl of mist.


Searil lays his cat head down for just a moment, figuring that he can get in a quick nap.

In what seems like no time at all he lazily awakens, feeling a cool hand between his ears. Looking up, he sees that Nassirah is petting him.


When Seagull enters the alley, he sees a hooded figure petting a black cat, with three bands of white on its tail.

2017-04-17, 07:42 PM
Meowing happily at Nassirah, Searil points to Seagull with his paw and nods.

2017-04-17, 09:53 PM
Meowing happily at Nassirah, Searil points to Seagull with his paw and nods.

Seagull approaches Nassirah:

"I'm looking for Nassirah would that be you?"

If you be lookin for help then I am here to offer my services.

My name is Seagull and I'm pleased to meet you.

There's four of us who can help. Can you tell me what is you need, and how we can do it? Then we'll know if we can do it. We have some experience between us but we're just starting out together as a joint venture. This will be our first opportunity.

I'm sure we can come to an agreement if your terms are acceptable to us.

Seagull looks at the cat and greets him with outstretched fingers.

2017-04-18, 07:22 PM
Searil and Seagull

"Yesss, that would be me." Nassirah pulls back her hood and offers the Kitty to Seagull. "What we will need, should I choossse to accept your offer, is on the island of my people. I can explain more once the others arrive. But tell me, do you have a ship?"

2017-04-18, 07:30 PM
Searil and Seagull

"Yesss, that would be me." Nassirah pulls back her hood and offers the Kitty to Seagull. "What we will need, should I choossse to accept your offer, is on the island of my people. I can explain more once the others arrive. But tell me, do you have a ship?"
Seagull accepts the cat with a smile. He puts the cat down beside him, and kneeling down, strokes his head.

"I understand what you mean. We are prepared to travel to your island, but we still need means to get there. Each of us has visited the docks today, and we are yet to choose a ship. Depending on the job, we will find the right ship for the purpose."

"Is it far to your island? What dangers lie there?"

Seagull looks about him for the others to arrive.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-19, 09:12 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

At this point in the conversation Talia rounds the corner into the alley and spots her companion. He smiles a warm smile toward the strange woman and approaches the pair of them (and kitty). "Fine weather we're having." She comments to fill the empty space as she closes the distance between herself and the stranger so that they could discuss more important matters at a lower volume. It was however sincere and quite true; the weather today was in fact more than fine.

"I trust Segull her has explained our situation; adventurers looking for work but currently hashing out the fiddly details of transportation. We're more than willing to help of course and eager to set off as soon as we've got things arranged. Are there any ... particular... skillsets or requirements that should be taken into account for this task?"

2017-04-19, 06:27 PM
Searil, Seagull, and Talia

"It would be a two week journey, to my home." The Yuan-Ti instinctively tenses when Talia enters the alley but calms as she realizes Talia is welcome.

"Once there, we will need to activate a magical protection of our island. There is a temple housing this magic - at its center is a device that will render the island invisible, unless you are wearing a specific ring. Long ago our people were attacked and those who attacked us took away this protection. They put traps in the temple so that we would not be able to return and reactivate them.

We did fine for years, but recently we were attacked by a band of pirates looking to exterminate us. We were able to subdue them but it is only a matter of time until more arrive. I honestly don't know what to expect in the temple, but one of my people may know more."

2017-04-20, 07:41 AM
At this point in the conversation Talia rounds the corner into the alley and spots her companion. He smiles a warm smile toward the strange woman and approaches the pair of them (and kitty). "Fine weather we're having." She comments to fill the empty space as she closes the distance between herself and the stranger so that they could discuss more important matters at a lower volume. It was however sincere and quite true; the weather today was in fact more than fine.

"I trust Segull her has explained our situation; adventurers looking for work but currently hashing out the fiddly details of transportation. We're more than willing to help of course and eager to set off as soon as we've got things arranged. Are there any ... particular... skillsets or requirements that should be taken into account for this task?"

Seagull beckons to Talia to meet Nassirah.

"Welcome friend! This is Talia, and now we are two. Nassirah is telling us of their island people in need of help, and perhaps we are the ones to do the job."

"It would be a two week journey, to my home." The Yuan-Ti instinctively tenses when Talia enters the alley but calms as she realizes Talia is welcome.

"Once there, we will need to activate a magical protection of our island. There is a temple housing this magic - at its center is a device that will render the island invisible, unless you are wearing a specific ring. Long ago our people were attacked and those who attacked us took away this protection. They put traps in the temple so that we would not be able to return and reactivate them.

We did fine for years, but recently we were attacked by a band of pirates looking to exterminate us. We were able to subdue them but it is only a matter of time until more arrive. I honestly don't know what to expect in the temple, but one of my people may know more."
"But Nassirah, if you don't mind, what are your terms? It sounds dangerous work to me. If we aid you in this task, what do we receive in return?"

2017-04-20, 07:51 AM
The cat will wind around Seagull's and Talia's legs, trying to get someone to pick him up. He is still in cuddles-and-naptime mode.

2017-04-20, 08:06 AM
The cat will wind around Seagull's and Talia's legs, trying to get someone to pick him up. He is still in cuddles-and-naptime mode.

Seagull bends down to pickup the cat again, lifting him up onto his arm and ruffling behind his ears.

2017-04-20, 12:33 PM
Batal would stir, leaving the casino in favor of finding a suitable ship off the mainland. Having had enough time on land, Batal would head toward the docks. Perhaps it's time to pull some strings, and pick up a job from the Buccaneer Company. After all, Batal was a sailor worth his salt, and that's generally enough for the Company.

2017-04-20, 08:09 PM
Searil, Seagull, and Talia

Nassirah nods. "I cannot esspect you to take on this work for free. My people are willing to pay you once the island is cloaked."

"When you go into the temple, you will find relics left behind by our ancestors - we ask that you also bring them out. Our leader will surely allow you to take some of what you find, as long as it does not have special significance to our people."

"And of course, you will be welcomed by our people. We can make sure that you have access to our island, regardless of its cloaking."


At the Buccaneer company you find the three open ships and few crew members walking around. From the crew around the docks, Batal learns that Kallista is not available for interviews today but she would be in tomorrow. Even so, it would be hard for a single person to be hired by the Company - a single adventurer would not bring in much income.

There had been a Water Gensai woman asking around not long ago, maybe she would be willing to take on another party member?

If you decide to stay around the docks and inquire more about the Company, you would surely find someone willing to have a longer conversation.

2017-04-21, 03:01 PM
Searil, Seagull, and Talia

Nassirah nods. "I cannot esspect you to take on this work for free. My people are willing to pay you once the island is cloaked."

"When you go into the temple, you will find relics left behind by our ancestors - we ask that you also bring them out. Our leader will surely allow you to take some of what you find, as long as it does not have special significance to our people."

"And of course, you will be welcomed by our people. We can make sure that you have access to our island, regardless of its cloaking."

Seagull seems to be considering the conditions carefully.
"And so you would give us this ring Nassirah? So that we can see the island ... After our work is done.

How is the cloaking activated? Can it simply be done with our bare hands?

And so remains the question about the journey there. Can you advise us on our choice of ship?"

Seagull rubs under the cat's chin.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-21, 03:15 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"But Nassirah, if you don't mind, what are your terms? It sounds dangerous work to me. If we aid you in this task, what do we receive in return?"

It didn't surprise Talia when others so quickly jumped to the matter of compensation. In her mind adventuring was more about the journey than the destination, the payout, or the glory. It was a terribly cliché way lens through which to view the world of course, but it was the easiest way she knew to classify her own feelings. That said, she withheld judgment which others in her line of work so quickly tabled the particulars of payment; after all coin made the world keep spinning and ships keep sailing. Ships needed repairs, crews needed food, and people expected compensation for their work. If you went to sea with a sail full of holes and a crew of half starved, unpaid, sailors ... well... all the love in the world wasn't going to keep you afloat.

"What sort of evil would attack a people and so callously cripple their means to defend themselves further?" She asks, half truly curious what sort of invader could have found a cloaked island, defeated it protects, and disabled it's defenses ... and half curious if she knew of this invading forces works from elsewhere so she might know what sort of traps and dangers lie ahead. A small part, deep down, wonders if the attack might have come from within or at least had assistance from a defector ... considering the islands considerable defenses.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-21, 03:46 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia attempts to empathize with the woman and coax her more to seeing herself and her allies in a more favorable light than just simply sellswords. A good rapport, especially with what could some day become a powerful ally, was certainly worth more than a little more coin in the pocket. "Of course, anything of importance to your people and your culture from the temple would clearly still belong to your people. We don't expect to have any claim to them simply for navigating around some traps." She gives an earnest nod of the head. "We'll be incurring a sizable debt to hire a proper vessel, crew, and supplies for such a mission of course but we aren't trying to gut your history for the sake of lessening it eh?"

"Obviously there will be things to discuss en route, and once we get to your island, but are there any items or equipment, spells or the like, that we might need from here to proper prepare ourselves for the danger to come?"

2017-04-21, 06:45 PM
Seagull seems to be considering the conditions carefully.
"And so you would give us this ring Nassirah? So that we can see the island ... After our work is done.

How is the cloaking activated? Can it simply be done with our bare hands?

And so remains the question about the journey there. Can you advise us on our choice of ship?"

Seagull rubs under the cat's chin.

Nassirah shakes her head. "I know not of the exact mechanisms, though I don't imagine that it would be difficult to navigate. You will more have to worry about any outsider traps along the way."

"I also do not know much of the different ship options here, I merely stowed away on aboard a merchant vessel to arrive here."

"What sort of evil would attack a people and so callously cripple their means to defend themselves further?" She asks, half truly curious what sort of invader could have found a cloaked island, defeated it protects, and disabled it's defenses ... and half curious if she knew of this invading forces works from elsewhere so she might know what sort of traps and dangers lie ahead. A small part, deep down, wonders if the attack might have come from within or at least had assistance from a defector ... considering the islands considerable defenses.

"I have spent mossst of my life with our island exposed, it was decades ago that our protections were ruined. My people must have driven those outsiders off, but now we find others who wish to do us harm. This time, simply pirates but we fear others will continue to come."

Talia attempts to empathize with the woman and coax her more to seeing herself and her allies in a more favorable light than just simply sellswords. A good rapport, especially with what could some day become a powerful ally, was certainly worth more than a little more coin in the pocket. "Of course, anything of importance to your people and your culture from the temple would clearly still belong to your people. We don't expect to have any claim to them simply for navigating around some traps." She gives an earnest nod of the head. "We'll be incurring a sizable debt to hire a proper vessel, crew, and supplies for such a mission of course but we aren't trying to gut your history for the sake of lessening it eh?"

"Obviously there will be things to discuss en route, and once we get to your island, but are there any items or equipment, spells or the like, that we might need from here to proper prepare ourselves for the danger to come?"

"I know not the nature of the traps brought into our temple, so I know not the specifics of what you will encounter. As long as you are skilled adventurers you should be able to hold your own. However, our homeland isss home to many snakes and some sort of anti-toxin may be helpful."

2017-04-22, 06:55 AM
Seagull nods thoughtfully at Talia's questions, and listens carefully to the answers.

"Thank you Nassirah, your advice will be very useful. I'm sorry you must hide from the Sea Hawks - they do not know the truth about your people."

2017-04-22, 10:39 AM
Searil, Seagull, and Talia

Nassirah gets a sour look on her face as Seagull mentions the Sea Hawks. "I know just what you mean."

"Now, unless you have any other questions I think I should take leave. Staying out in public too long is not comfortable to me. Once you have a ship, send your Kitty to find me - I'm sure he can track me down soon enough."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-22, 10:52 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia chuckles. "He does have a knack for that sort of stuff."

2017-04-22, 10:54 AM
Searil meows happily and jumps down to snuggle against Nassirah's leg as a sign for farewell before climbing back onto Talia's shoulder.

2017-04-22, 07:28 PM
Searil, Seagull, and Talia

Nassirah nods. "I cannot esspect you to take on this work for free. My people are willing to pay you once the island is cloaked."

"When you go into the temple, you will find relics left behind by our ancestors - we ask that you also bring them out. Our leader will surely allow you to take some of what you find, as long as it does not have special significance to our people."

"And of course, you will be welcomed by our people. We can make sure that you have access to our island, regardless of its cloaking."


At the Buccaneer company you find the three open ships and few crew members walking around. From the crew around the docks, Batal learns that Kallista is not available for interviews today but she would be in tomorrow. Even so, it would be hard for a single person to be hired by the Company - a single adventurer would not bring in much income.

There had been a Water Gensai woman asking around not long ago, maybe she would be willing to take on another party member?

If you decide to stay around the docks and inquire more about the Company, you would surely find someone willing to have a longer conversation.

Batal would decided to ask around to see if anyone knew where the Genesai had gone too, as water elementals bring good fortune on dark seas.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-24, 11:44 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia chuckles again and shakes her head slightly as the cat clambered atop her shoulder. "Having fun are we? What did you think about that task she's lain before us Mr Kitty?"

2017-04-24, 12:31 PM
Leaping off and resuming his normal shape, Searil responds, Considering that I pushed you and Seagull here into the meeting, I think my position is evident. I think we should help. We are just starting out, and we are likely going to have a relatively small vessel. We won't be carrying great shipments of spice and other trade goods and we don't have the connections to make such mercantile goods worth trading. This not only gives an direct prize if we succeed, but a long-term monopoly.

Lowering his voice so no one overhears, he says, Think about it, this is an island with its own unique spices, fabrics, and resources. We would have the blessing of the people not just to travel there, but likely to trade and we would be one of the few suppliers of their goods. From what I gleaned from Nassirah, the Sea Hawks are not exactly friends of her people, but we are afforded free travel. We would be potentially the only traders who can carry a civilization's works. We can offer more than fair prices to her people (OOC: do we know that they are called Yuan-Ti, or do they have some other name?) while selling at rather exorbitant prices in ports all over. This could be the start of a trade empire.

And if we ever have to turn to less savory pursuits, having a friendly port invisible to the authorities would be quite the advantage when evading capture. It would be an excellent staging area for raids of other ports or vessels.

2017-04-24, 04:27 PM
Devlin tries to trade the merchant his silver spoon for the tentacle brooch but doesn't batter too hard. He heads off quickly already very late for the meeting. Having got a bit lost he comes across the others after it seems to have finished. "Did I miss anything good. Do we have a job and a ship?"

2017-04-24, 04:33 PM
Having concluded his business there before they were properly introduced, Searil tilts his head quizzically at Devlin.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-24, 05:04 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Considering that I pushed you and Seagull here into the meeting, I think my position is evident."

Talia couldn't tell if this was supposed to be sarcasm or a statement in earnest so she takes it at face value. "I was simply ensuring that new information hadn't swayed you from that stand. An island temple full of snakes and traps is no place for a sleepy kitten after all." She wasn't sure yet whether their friendship allowed for proper teasing and the like but from what she'd gleaned so far he shouldn't be offended by a little jab. There were certainly opportunities to be had here and she was glad her aven friend was much in line of the same sorts of thinking she was; hopefully it was a common goal that her other new companions could get behind, she wouldn't want anyone feeling left out.

"I think this would be a great opportunity for sure. It'd put us on the map, so to speak, as a crew as well as the possibility of the financial benefits you mention. A steady flow of coin to put into the ship and crew would certainly allow us to take on bigger fish... no pun intended." She glances around and realizes there is only three of them in the alley now. "Though we may wish to find our missing fourth, and discuss things elsewhere besides lingering suspiciously in alleys."

2017-04-24, 05:59 PM
"I think this would be a great opportunity for sure. It'd put us on the map, so to speak, as a crew as well as the possibility of the financial benefits you mention. A steady flow of coin to put into the ship and crew would certainly allow us to take on bigger fish... no pun intended." She glances around and realizes there is only three of them in the alley now. "Though we may wish to find our missing fourth, and discuss things elsewhere besides lingering suspiciously in alleys."

"Yes I agree Talia, lets make our way down to the docks and see what ship will sail for us."

2017-04-24, 06:04 PM
Why would I be afraid of snakes? They are delicious things, and quite safe to eat so long as you don't let them bite you. You can even swallow their venom glands so long as you don't have scurvy! Better uses for those, of course, but it is an option.

Forward! Or upward, whatever is your personal preference!

2017-04-25, 07:49 PM

Batal is able to find out the general direction that Talia went, and after searching the area for some time finds the Water Gensai, talking to an equally interesting group of people.

As he meets the group, the afternoon drags on - there is certainly enough time to follow up with one of the companies before supper time. Everyone has been in port long enough to know that the docks are quieter during the evening, the only people near the boats at night are those with business on them.

2017-04-25, 08:04 PM
Upon meeting the odd mishmash of races that defines the city of this island, Batal would both feel somewhat at home, and out of place. However, rather than retreating into his thoughts, he would step forward, and try and strike up a conversation.
"So. You're the Genesai. I take it you have a job? I want in. Or rather. I want off the island, and you seem the most convenient means of getting off, without wandering."

2017-04-26, 06:33 AM
Seagull greets Batal welcoming him to the group. Seagull then goes to the ship he was at before, pointing out which one it was to the others. He looks about for Esvele Windriver. If she is not there, he asks where he can find her.

Seagull explains to Esvele that they are a group of five adventurers plus a sixth, the guide, looking for a ship to take them on a mercy mission which will take a few weeks. "Its a two week sail to a little known island." If Esvele and her crew are interested then Seagull mentions that the mission promises some reward. Seagull would confirm with the group first before revealing any more details.

Seagull adds "We'll do our fair share of work and we add .... security."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-26, 03:55 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"So. You're the Genesai. I take it you have a job? I want in. Or rather. I want off the island, and you seem the most convenient means of getting off, without wandering."

"'The' genasi?" Talia scoffs and eyes the newcomer, yellow eyes smoldering beneath her furrowed brow. "I wasn't aware that I'd made such an impression with someone... or do you mean to imply I'm the last one left?" Condescension drips from the words like salt water from beneath a dock after a large swell. She wasn't aiming to be overtly mean but it was the second time today someone had called on her in what was essentially a derogatory manner. Perhaps it was mostly just the way that Batal had strode up to the group, singled her out, and started essentially making demands. The people that made up this particular life style had always been a little rough around the edges but would it really kill some of them to have a bit of manners and tact?

"We..." she motions to the trio of her companions surrounding her for the newcomer. "...have a job offer and are looking for both ship and crew to complete it. Do you bring with you a skillset that makes you an asset aboard the vessel or have you simple sought us out based on ... convenience to get off the island?"

2017-04-26, 05:01 PM
"Now now blu.... Tals. No need to get upset. I'm sure this fellow was just about to introduce himself properly." Devin gives a smile as he attaches his new brooch on his chest. Trying to diffuse the situation. "so friend. You said you wanted off the island. Not trouble that will follow us I hope?"

2017-04-26, 05:04 PM
Sensing Talia's bitterness and wishing desperately to de-escalate the situation, Searil pipes in. Hi, my name is Searil. We can certainly consider you for a crew if we are assembling one, someone to help run the ship, but I don't think that is quite what you are seeking.

Looking intently at the new arrival, I'm sure you understand that a partner requires a bit more trust than a member of the crew. Greater responsibility, greater risk, greater reward and all that. So when you answer Lady Kailani's questions, please consider them as from someone who is rightly considering the danger that a new partner brings, and so that is the reason why she may seem... unkind. Not as a personal attack, but as a cautionary outlook.

Edit: To be cohesive with Devlin's comments.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-27, 11:11 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Not upset in the slightest." Talia with a smile though her eyes still studied the newcomer. "Just enforcing a bit of manners. Leviari can be a dangerous enough as it is and I wouldn't want anyone causing a fuss over a silly little misunderstanding." She motions outwardly to the streets and buildings surrounding them. "Not the sort of place where you walk up to a group in an alley and immediately start laying down demands." Part of her wonders how they had been followed here; or more specifically since it seemed she was singled out, how she had been followed here. She worries how long he'd been following her path and makes a mental note to hide her movements better in the future.

"With that out of the way... I believe we have some unsettled business about a ship. To the Harbormaster?"

2017-04-27, 11:58 AM
"I'm worth my salt at sea, and in a fight. Wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Call me Batal. Or Albihar, if formalities matter. Never found that they matter much, in my line of work. And I generally dislike batting around the point. Wastes time, yours and mine." Batal would continue to stare at Talia, his eyes betraying nothing, and his voice remaining monotonous. "If you all need a ship, I can get passage for fair labor."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-28, 11:43 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

As Seagull begins to press on Talia begins to follow and motions for the others to do the same. "We're still making inquiries with a few of the more promising captains in port, but current conversation leans toward simply acquiring our own ship and crew ... give us a bit more freedom in the matter than simply exchanging work for passage. Can't spend our whole lives coiling rope eh?" She pauses and turns to the newcomer. "Though that would mean incurring a debt and likely returning here to pay it off... any issues?"

2017-04-29, 01:06 AM
"Shackles and chains, but it is the most freedom we can afford for now." Devin shakes his head.

2017-04-29, 09:37 AM
I wouldn't call the Geas shackles! It is more like a leash that stretches over the entire world.

2017-04-29, 11:44 AM
"A spell that's apparently a leash, and debt. I know about debt, it doesn't trouble me terribly. And spells have their workarounds." Batal would follow the group, speaking on their way down the docks, "I have no issue with returning to this festering pile of sharkbait, and I assume the prize is worth both the debt and the spell."

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-29, 02:57 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"It's only shackles or chains if you don't intend to pay back what is owed...elsewise it has no power over you." Talia rummages around in her pockets for something while the walk but cannot seem to find it. She does appear to find a bit of sand and spends several moments raking it from her pockets and dusting off her fingers. Once finished she returns to the conversation at hand. "I always pay my debts, and I'd much prefer the freedom of sailing under my own flag. If you're still having doubts change how you see it... you're putting your future gold toward your own ship rather than toward renting time on someone else's"

The mention of her own flag had her suddenly excitedly thinking of what designs they might choose. She wondered what the others might prefer if they even cared at all. Hmmm

2017-04-29, 03:09 PM
Seagull greets Batal welcoming him to the group. Seagull then goes to the ship he was at before, pointing out which one it was to the others. He looks about for Esvele Windriver. If she is not there, he asks where he can find her.

Seagull explains to Esvele that they are a group of five adventurers plus a sixth, the guide, looking for a ship to take them on a mercy mission which will take a few weeks. "Its a two week sail to a little known island." If Esvele and her crew are interested then Seagull mentions that the mission promises some reward. Seagull would confirm with the group first before revealing any more details.

Seagull adds "We'll do our fair share of work and we add .... security."


As the group asks a dockworker about Esvele, the group hears a woman shout. The dockworker simply shakes his head and points. On one of the masts is a woman, cloaked in blue and wearing a very large hat. She shouts again and jumps into the air. Grabbing a rope she swings toward the party and jumps off, landing almost 30 feet away.

The woman sizes the group up and as she does, a wide grin comes across her face. The large brimmed hat is a brighter blue than you would think sensible, though this seems par for the course. From behind the hat you can see black hair with purple highlights, falling down her back. "So, you are the ones asking around this morning, eh?"

She listens to what you say of the mission, and does not press for more. "And what is it you plan to do after this excursion? Will this be a one way passage?"

2017-04-29, 03:21 PM
Batal would look over the extravagant woman,
with a much more dour face, staring her down."I cannot speak for my allies of few moments, but if you have some job you want done, say so. I have little patience for those who waste my time." Batal would gesture with his hand, motioning to expedite the conversation.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-29, 04:10 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Dont mind him ... he's not good with conversation... or people ... or conversations with people." Talia cuts in at the end of another glorious exchange of words from the ever charismatic Batal. The lizardfolk had never claimed to be able to convince someone to let him work she supposed only that he was good at doing work... and fighting. One had to wonder how he'd managed to find a job at all to get experience considering his way of introducing himself.

"We're still weighing our various options.." She says. "But whether we looked to stay on would depend on how long you'd be willing to wait in port. We've got a bit of work to do on the island and it could end up taking a couple of days or more. We're not really sure of the details just yet I'm afraid... we'd obviously be looking to compensate both ship and crew for any time stuck ashore."

"Where had you planned to sail next? Generally speaking..."

2017-04-29, 04:42 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Dont mind him ... he's not good with conversation... or people ... or conversations with people." Talia cuts in at the end of another glorious exchange of words from the ever charismatic Batal. The lizardfolk had never claimed to be able to convince someone to let him work she supposed only that he was good at doing work... and fighting. One had to wonder how he'd managed to find a job at all to get experience considering his way of introducing himself.

"We're still weighing our various options.." She says. "But whether we looked to stay on would depend on how long you'd be willing to wait in port. We've got a bit of work to do on the island and it could end up taking a couple of days or more. We're not really sure of the details just yet I'm afraid... we'd obviously be looking to compensate both ship and crew for any time stuck ashore."

"Where had you planned to sail next? Generally speaking..."

Seagull nods in agreement with Talia, adding:

"It is good to meet you Esvele.
I for one am seeking adventure and the freedom of the open seas. Wherever the winds should take me, there I should be happy. As for my partners, together we are united in this quest for now. If you take us we will answer your question in good time. Perhaps there is trade to be had with this island."

Seagul turns to Batal:

"Friend, we already have a mission but now we need the transport. This ship is likely to be able to help us on this unusual and private matter. On this decision my money is on this ship and her crew. I think they will best understand our situation."

2017-04-30, 02:12 PM
"I do not recall the... highborn offering us passage. Merely inquiring on our destination." Batal's eyes would flick over to the woman, looking her over, before quieting himself. He knew his strengths, and dealing with people certainly wasn't one of them.

2017-05-01, 06:16 AM
"I do not recall the... highborn offering us passage. Merely inquiring on our destination." Batal's eyes would flick over to the woman, looking her over, before quieting himself. He knew his strengths, and dealing with people certainly wasn't one of them.

Seagull grins at Batal, baring two long fangs. He grunts quietly to Batal:

"No, you are right, we need more details first, before coming to an agreement."

Turning to Esvele:

"Would you take our group on this journey? What would be your terms for our passage?"

"Tell us about your journeys, how well does your ship sail, and how good is your crew? How do you earn your living?"

2017-05-02, 08:22 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"We're still weighing our various options.." She says. "But whether we looked to stay on would depend on how long you'd be willing to wait in port. We've got a bit of work to do on the island and it could end up taking a couple of days or more. We're not really sure of the details just yet I'm afraid... we'd obviously be looking to compensate both ship and crew for any time stuck ashore."

"Where had you planned to sail next? Generally speaking..."

Esvele directs her attention to Talia first. "Well, if it turns out that your escapade would take more than a few days, we can always explore the nearby isles before returning to you.

Our crew has little in the way of plans! The further out to sea the better! I find that the best adventures are the ones that find you!"

"Would you take our group on this journey? What would be your terms for our passage?"

"Tell us about your journeys, how well does your ship sail, and how good is your crew? How do you earn your living?"

"Simply let us know when you need passage and we would be happy to provide. If you wish to stay on with us, know that we accommodate our crew as we would you - each of our crew has their own interests and agendas. Just as you are interested in destinations, so will your crewmates."

"We are explorers first, always searching for new seas and interesting ports. We will sometimes bring goods on for trade but excavations and excursions are where we find our gold! You would be amazed at how many ships sit on the ocean floor, unplundered. On this one trip..."

Esvele goes on about any and every story she can think of, mostly about exploring uncharted caves and islands, sometimes searching for wreckage and scavenging from it. From the stories, it seems that her crew is certainly able and while there are a few new faces, they are mostly seasoned members of the crew. In terms of how well it sails, you learn that Esvele has been using it for over a decade, she is its first and only owner.

2017-05-03, 04:19 AM
Seagull nods in appreciation at the stories of uncharted caves and islands and unexplored ship wrecks.

"Ahh if only I were out there now ... oh but I'm dreaming. You speak of trade, well that is what interests my friend Searil here."

"Searil, what say you about trade? You seem to know more of the merchant's trade than I. Hunting and exploring is more my game."

2017-05-03, 06:51 AM
I would say that friendships are important for trade. A trade partner bound by friendship reaps great profits for both parties. It could be quite useful to learn from someone who has more experience in this realm, though it can also make it difficult to make a name for Searil, Talia, Seagull, or Batal when they operate under the flag of a known entity like Esvele. It has advantages and disadvantages. It has security and comfort, but loses the enticement of shiny rewards at the end.

2017-05-03, 04:44 PM
Devlin turns to the others. "How are we to tell tales as good as hers, when they will all be under her name. I say we go to the harbour master. At least our bonds will be of our own making."

2017-05-03, 07:26 PM
Cocking an eyebrow, she looks over your crew again. "There is something to be said for making your own way. Should you find yourselves interested, you are welcome to join my crew. If not, may we meet again one day!" At this, Esvele returns to her ship.

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-03, 08:51 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"I like her." Talia says once the captain has departed to return to her ship. The genasi turns to her companions and continues: "...but I think she'd make a more fitting ally than boss considering our current situation. Based on the group of us, what everyone wants out of life and what everyone wants out of a ship, I think it's best we bear the burden up front and simply purchase our own. We'll each have equal shares in it and thus equal shares in where we go and what we do; we can discuss a system for voting or what have you at some point if need be. But ... I say we take shares of the loan, bear the geas, and hire a crew."

"Once our business on the island is done we should have a bit more funds but more importantly more allies and more jobs to further line our pockets."

She admires the strangely colored ship for one last time and then is ready to head to the harbormaster with the group.

2017-05-04, 04:57 AM
Cocking an eyebrow, she looks over your crew again. "There is something to be said for making your own way. Should you find yourselves interested, you are welcome to join my crew. If not, may we meet again one day!" At this, Esvele returns to her ship.

"Thank you Esvele, it was good to hear of your adventures. One day we will meet again!"

2017-05-04, 10:42 AM
Batal would bite his tongue, deciding not to voice his hopes that the woman would encounter the thing that destroyed his last ship. Or any of the other brutalities that can happen on a lawless ocean, and instead would nod at Talia's suggestion.

2017-05-04, 07:36 PM
OOC: The consensus was to check the Harbormaster next, I believe. If not, please correct me but figured I would post the introduction at least.

As it gets late, the group has just enough time to reach the harbormaster. The Harbormaster (Hildigrim) seems to be tidying up the small shack that she operates from. The Halfling woman seems to be talking to a colleague - a human in what looks like wizard's robes. They straighten out brochures and pamphlets as they seem to almost be done for the day.

The sun is setting and the water glows with warm colors. Any ships nearby are all empty, devoid of a proper owner. The only ship on the horizon is one that seems to be anchored a good distance from shore.

2017-05-04, 08:55 PM
Ahoy, harbormaster! Who is your friend?

2017-05-05, 05:43 AM
Seagull walks up alongside Searil, nodding respectfully to the harbormaster.

2017-05-05, 07:12 PM
Hildigrim gives a smile and waves at the party. "If it isn't the feathered lad from earlier! Everyone, this is my colleague Fridger..." He gives a small wave before stifling a yawn. "And friend from my younger days. And, if you all have decided you want a ship, the man you will be seeing an awful lot."

"So, have you come back in pursuit of ship owner...ship." She whispers to Fridger, "I should really think of a better line."

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-05, 08:27 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia steps forward and gives a respectful nod to the harbormaster and her companion. "Salutations." She gives a warm and friendly, genuine, smile. A lot of sailors put on the tough-guy, always business, hard as a coffin nail facade but she had always found that that was no way to go through life; one of the reasons she and enjoyed the conversation with the previous captain so much and the reason she always seemed to be in a good mood and enjoying life. "We have in fact come seeking a ship and wishing to discuss the details of splitting that debt five ways. We understand there are conditions that must be met..."

She shoots a glance at the sinking sun as it splays orange rays that send long shadows dancing over the waters in of the harbor. "Hopefully it's not too late today for such talks? If not we can be here first thing on the morrow when you're ready." But assuming she gets the go-ahead from the pair of them, the genasi eases into the 'business' chatter. She didn't want to come across as trying to lead the conversation on with the little info she had learned from her new friend so she lets things be brought up for discussion before she answers or allows air for her new business partners to chime in. She would completely agree to the debt and the application of the gaes and wouldn't pry too much into the details of the spell though a question or two might arise depending on the description thereof.

2017-05-06, 05:06 AM
Hildigrim gives a smile and waves at the party. "If it isn't the feathered lad from earlier! Everyone, this is my colleague Fridger..." He gives a small wave before stifling a yawn. "And friend from my younger days. And, if you all have decided you want a ship, the man you will be seeing an awful lot."

"So, have you come back in pursuit of ship owner...ship." She whispers to Fridger, "I should really think of a better line."

"Aye, well met, I am Seagull the Ranger. Fridger ... dare I ask ... what ships do you have for us?"

2017-05-06, 12:11 PM
Hildigrim gestures toward the docks with her arm. "There are a half dozen waiting beauties waiting for an owner. Mostly the same style, but you're welcome to investigate each and choose the one that best suits you." She talks about the carrying capacity of the boat and it's typical speed (around 3mph) depending on the weather. "Plenty of time to look at them if you'd like."

"The ones we have here are all 10,000 gold. If you don't have the money, you're welcome to take out a loan." She nods to the human, Fridger.

"If you need a loan, I'd take care of it for you." As he speaks, he continues working to clean up the shop. "You pay us as much as you can and I cast Geas on one of you. You can choose if you want a 3 month term or a yearlong term. When the term is up, you're compelled to come back and pay as much as you can. After that, if you still have an outstanding balance I cast another Geas."

Hildigrim agrees. "That's the short of it. When the term is up you'll be compelled to come back here... or you'll die."

The human calls out again. "There's interest, too, depending on how much you pay upfront. First time buyers can get 3 months no interest, if you choose the shorter term to start!"

2017-05-06, 03:43 PM
Sounds fair enough! Searil looks happy as a hawk with a half-eaten hedgehog in his talons. In the unlikely event that our company dissolves or we otherwise return the ship to your hands (in perfect condition, of course), what is your policy? Also, what is to stop other members of a ship from simply throwing the one member who has the Geas overboard and claiming it for themselves? Surely you have a safeguard so that you aren't swindled away without payment of your ships. Pleased as he was to hear of the ships, Searil asks these questions with intensity. When it comes to trade, this bird is all business.

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-06, 05:51 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"That's not too bad of an contract to agree to considering both the sum of the loan and." Talia says out loud, though she admittedly did not have the head for numbers; figuring out whether it was best to pay toward the loan now or have coin on them for their journey, knowing whether to do the monthly or yearly terms, or even how much it was going to cost them to find a worthy crew were all details she was horridly unprofficient with. She guessed it would cost less to do the shorter term with the special deal on no interest first and try to chip away as much as possible at the mountain of debt. "We'll certainly discuss our options and figure out what works best for everyone."

"Mind if some of us take a look at a few of the vessels while the loan details are clarified and agreed to?" She asks the harbormaster, not so much for herself but for those who didn't much care for the mercantile discussions. Best not to have a whole crowd standing around looking half bored anyway. If permission is granted she motions for anyone interested to follow her down the docks toward the vessels which seemed to be eagerly awaiting the group as much as they were a ship.

2017-05-06, 07:23 PM
"Certainly heard of worse prospects. How about we take the year long loan and you throw in the 3 months interest free. In return we do any repeat business with you if you have what we need."

Persuasion: [roll0]

2017-05-06, 08:36 PM
I think the idea, friend, is that we have three months to establish ourselves with our current funds and be confident in our abilities as seafarers before interest cuts into our dividends. Once we reach the end of that time, we can decide whether to take the more costly year-long payment that allows us to travel afar without risk of not meeting the deadline, or the less-expensive three months that mean we must remain close-by. Since we have a job offered nearby, I posit that locking into nine months of interest unnecessarily would be foolish. I also am not sure what further business our dear harbormaster will be providing in the near future, as he sells ships rather than goods and we need to make one ship profitable before courting a second. It seems a bad deal for both sides...

Searil seems surprisingly knowledgeable about this for a bird-brain.

2017-05-07, 05:00 PM
Batal's head was spinning, new people, words he understood, but didn't know the application of, exhaustion. Batal would grit his teeth, hoping his allies could just hurry along and pick a ship, He had enough of city life in the first few seconds aboard this damned dock, and he was eager to get back to his comfort zone.

2017-05-08, 07:02 PM
Sounds fair enough! Searil looks happy as a hawk with a half-eaten hedgehog in his talons. In the unlikely event that our company dissolves or we otherwise return the ship to your hands (in perfect condition, of course), what is your policy? Also, what is to stop other members of a ship from simply throwing the one member who has the Geas overboard and claiming it for themselves? Surely you have a safeguard so that you aren't swindled away without payment of your ships. Pleased as he was to hear of the ships, Searil asks these questions with intensity. When it comes to trade, this bird is all business.

Hildigrim chuckles. "Then you need better friends."

"Don't worry yourselves too much about that," Fridger adds. "In addition to the Geas you'll have to sign a form."

Hildigrim waits for Fridger to elaboate, but after a beat speaks. "There's a reason we're still in buisness. Just keep up on your payments and you won't need to worry about that."

Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Mind if some of us take a look at a few of the vessels while the loan details are clarified and agreed to?" She asks the harbormaster, not so much for herself but for those who didn't much care for the mercantile discussions. Best not to have a whole crowd standing around looking half bored anyway. If permission is granted she motions for anyone interested to follow her down the docks toward the vessels which seemed to be eagerly awaiting the group as much as they were a ship.

Hildigrim nods. "Of course you can! It will have to be quick though, as we are closing up for the day."

"Certainly heard of worse prospects. How about we take the year long loan and you throw in the 3 months interest free. In return we do any repeat business with you if you have what we need."

The Halfling consider's the proposition. "I'm not sure how I feel about the business. It's a very conditional offer and once you've paid in full, who is to say that will earn us any money?" She pauses for a bit. "Let me sleep on this, and we'll see what deal we can make tomorrow."

2017-05-15, 06:09 AM
Hildigrim nods. "Of course you can! It will have to be quick though, as we are closing up for the day."
"I'll be quick!" Seagull responds, eager to check out the vessels especially to see if any have possible leaks, weak points, or obviously patched up damage. He'll investigate, focusing on the integrity of the hulls, masts and rigging.

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-15, 07:54 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"We'll be quick; Just a little look around while you prepare to close things up and then we'll already have an idea of ships to talk about tomorrow when we get down to business. What time would you want us to arrive?"

2017-05-16, 10:06 AM
I hope it isn't early. Batal would state quietly, shivering just thinking about the cold, wet, salty morning air.

2017-05-16, 08:14 PM
"I'll be quick!" Seagull responds, eager to check out the vessels especially to see if any have possible leaks, weak points, or obviously patched up damage. He'll investigate, focusing on the integrity of the hulls, masts and rigging.

You choose to take a look at one of the ships in particular, though they all look the same. Upon quick inspection, everything seems to be in order - the ship seems ready to sail and has all of the needed equipment. However, very little is currently rigged, with the necessities currently in storage. Though it seems odd at first, it would be easy enough for a fully prepared ship to leave port before anyone could stop it.

Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"We'll be quick; Just a little look around while you prepare to close things up and then we'll already have an idea of ships to talk about tomorrow when we get down to business. What time would you want us to arrive?"

"We open at 8, though anytime tomorrow works for us!"

2017-05-18, 08:00 PM
Devlin heads for a tavern for a drink before bed. "See you all here tomorrow." He coo's at his Ozzie in his bottle as he leaves the dock.

2017-05-22, 07:28 AM
Seagull is satisfied with a brief inspection of the ship, in fact, it turns out to be far better than he expected. He bids farewell to Hildigrim and Fridger, and taking his leave, undertakes to see them in the morning. Hopefully the sun will come out for those who are not used to the cold of the morning.

Seagull smirks and says to the others as they walk back to the taven. "Perhaps they do intend us to return alive in this old barrel so that we can repay our debt!"

Back at the tavern, he looks about for well travelled merchants or others who might know something of the advertisements:

This land before magic, where is it exactly?

And this island with the labyrinth, is this real or some kind of trick?

What about the island of Seraphemus, is it true there are ships that go missing in those parts?

2017-05-22, 11:17 PM
Batal would leave with a nod, and a guttural grunt, before heading off to the wreck he called home.

2017-05-23, 07:25 PM
Devlin heads for a tavern for a drink before bed. "See you all here tomorrow." He coo's at his Ozzie in his bottle as he leaves the dock.

Devlin enters the tavern, now bustling with activity. There are plenty of opportunities to join any of the available games or simply find a table on his own. What would he like to do?

Seagull is satisfied with a brief inspection of the ship, in fact, it turns out to be far better than he expected. He bids farewell to Hildigrim and Fridger, and taking his leave, undertakes to see them in the morning. Hopefully the sun will come out for those who are not used to the cold of the morning.

Seagull smirks and says to the others as they walk back to the taven. "Perhaps they do intend us to return alive in this old barrel so that we can repay our debt!"

Back at the tavern, he looks about for well travelled merchants or others who might know something of the advertisements:

This land before magic, where is it exactly?

And this island with the labyrinth, is this real or some kind of trick?

What about the island of Seraphemus, is it true there are ships that go missing in those parts?

You find one sailor who seems to be particularly knowledgeable about the surrounding area. She finishes her ale before answering your questions.

"Land before magic? That tourist trap? It's a bunch o' anti magic fields on an island with a few endangered species there. Charge you a pretty copper to walk around some wildlife preserve for a few days." She marks it on your map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UclRFVsRRRXtA0q6FXMbPhN9nZafM7jvOgZTchsbE9I/edit?usp=sharing) (I 28).

"The Labyrinth? I've known a couple adventurers to go there and try to reach the bottom. A few turned around when they were on the third level, never known anyone to get the prize. I heard rumors that some party died in the there but I couldn't know if that's true or just meant to spook people." Marked on map (BO 33)

"Seraphemus... Seraphemus... that's far to the South. Yeah, I've heard reports of some ships sinking but it's not on any of my routes. You don't get too many merchants from these parts out there. But yeah, there are too many stories about it to be fake." Marked on map (Z 64)

Batal would leave with a nod, and a guttural grunt, before heading off to the wreck he called home.

Batal is largely ignored as he heads back to his shack. What does Batal do once he is there, and what does the place look like?

2017-05-23, 08:52 PM
Never one to let an opportunity like this pass, Devlin tries to find a game of dice he can join. Ordering a round for his temporary comrades he plonks himself down and rubs his hands together excitedly. "Lets see what the night brings boys."

2017-05-23, 09:59 PM
Searil is going to hunt across the bazaar, searching for any interesting trinkets. If he finds a parrot, raven, hawk, or other flying bird, he will try to obtain it. He would want a flying companion given that his new friends are rather bound to the land.

2017-05-24, 06:04 PM
Never one to let an opportunity like this pass, Devlin tries to find a game of dice he can join. Ordering a round for his temporary comrades he plonks himself down and rubs his hands together excitedly. "Lets see what the night brings boys."

Roll 10d10. Any matches between you and another player remove that number from both players dice list. Each player then totals up their score. P1 checks against P2. P2 checks against Devlin. Devlin checks against P1.

Highest +10 gp
Middle 0 gp
Lowest -10gp


7 1 3 9 7 4 2 9 4 2

Temp Score: 33


5 1 2 3 1 9 8 5 8 5

Temp Score: 32

Searil is going to hunt across the bazaar, searching for any interesting trinkets. If he finds a parrot, raven, hawk, or other flying bird, he will try to obtain it. He would want a flying companion given that his new friends are rather bound to the land.

Perception: [roll20]

While you're searching for anything interesting you find a plastic shovel laying in the middle of a path but when you pick it up, it feels as heavy as a regular shovel.

As for the animals, you're able to find a parrot (3gp) and a messenger hawk (25 gp) trained to carry messages.

2017-05-24, 07:06 PM
Devlin rolls the bones.


Not 100% I'm doing this correct. I rolled
2 5 8 7 2 8 3 6 7 2
and 1 2 3 4 7 and 9 dont count for me so i get
2 5 8 7 2 8 3 6 7 2 = 27 points?

2017-05-24, 07:23 PM
Searil eagerly buys both birds. The messenger hawk will be useful for relaying messages on the ship and at port, while the parrot will be an excellent companion with little to worry about for food. He casts Animal Friendship on both of them, trying to establish an initial connection.

He also picks up the shovel. He marvels at the material, never having seen anything made of this oddity.

2017-05-25, 08:05 PM


7 1 3 9 7 4 2 9 4 2

Score: 17


5 1 2 3 1 9 8 5 8 5

Score: 11


2 5 8 7 2 8 3 6 7 2

Score: 13

After the confusing dice game is finished, Devlin ends up leaving with nothing.

OOC: Everyone's score was a lot lower. The way I intended the rules was duplicates count separately and are removed separately. So one of your 2s is crossed out by P1, but the other stays. Not sure that the game was actually balanced since I came up with it in about 5 minutes. :smallredface:


The birds seem to take well to Searil, to start. Does Searil name them?

2017-05-25, 08:52 PM
Searil names the parrot "Mintzaira" and the hawk "Abiadura", Language and Speed in the ancient tongue of his people. He heads back to the tavern, expecting to catch up with the party.

2017-05-31, 05:28 AM
You find one sailor who seems to be particularly knowledgeable about the surrounding area. She finishes her ale before answering your questions.

"Land before magic? That tourist trap? It's a bunch o' anti magic fields on an island with a few endangered species there. Charge you a pretty copper to walk around some wildlife preserve for a few days." She marks it on your map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UclRFVsRRRXtA0q6FXMbPhN9nZafM7jvOgZTchsbE9I/edit?usp=sharing) (I 28).

"The Labyrinth? I've known a couple adventurers to go there and try to reach the bottom. A few turned around when they were on the third level, never known anyone to get the prize. I heard rumors that some party died in the there but I couldn't know if that's true or just meant to spook people." Marked on map (BO 33)

"Seraphemus... Seraphemus... that's far to the South. Yeah, I've heard reports of some ships sinking but it's not on any of my routes. You don't get too many merchants from these parts out there. But yeah, there are too many stories about it to be fake." Marked on map (Z 64)

Seagull thanks the sailor,

"Much appreciated, we may sail soon, your knowledge will come in handy. Are you looking for a voyage? It sounds like you have experience."

Seagull orders her another ale, and one for himself too.

"We need to hire a crew. Would you consider sailing with us? It'll be an all new crew and we'll be looking for adventure."

"Name's Seagull, what's yours?"

OOC: certainly happy to share all the info with the party!

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-31, 07:32 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia is quite pleased with the quick inspection of the ship and looks forward to a more though inspection and completed purchase that awaited them the next day. They were one step closer to taking to the open sees and from the look of it they'd be doing so under the freedom of their own banner; the thought of what their banner might be some day once again crosses her mind. Afterwards, she thanks the dockmaster and loan agent for their time and wishes them well until the next day. A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as the group makes their way off the docks and back into the town.

As the others split off into their separate ways she is content to simply enjoy a meal in the tavern and keep an ear out in the tavern and folks bustle around her.

2017-05-31, 08:18 PM

She thanks him for the additional ale and raises her glass. "The name is Therlynn Carter." After taking a drink, she leans closer to you. "I'm willing to sail but I'll need to make a stop fairly far away." She shows you the small silver necklace she is wearing, a small seahorse charm on the bottom. "I need to return this to its rightful owner."

As the party is doing their own activities, everyone turns to the horizon, a sudden light appearing against the dark sky. It is an obvious display of dancing lights, moving in the same pattern to make a sort of symbol. There is an outer ring along with a jagged inner ring. The inner ring zigzags back and forth, giving the impression of jagged teeth.

This symbol is, initially, unfamiliar to the entire party. Devlin, Seagull, and Batal look down to their hand and see that the same symbol seems to be tattooed on the back of their hand.

2017-05-31, 09:20 PM
Devlin tries to determine the nature of the mark on his hand before quickly covering it up. He waves one han over the mark and his skin darkens to look like a splodge birthmark.

He starts looking for his new compatriots, not bothering to hide his intent. Yelling their names loudly "Gull, Blue, Rill, Bats" round the bar, and if not finding anyone heading outside.

Arcana d20+2 to try find what the mark is
Casting prestidigitation to hide the mark.
Can't determine if we went to the same bar/tavern or not.

2017-06-01, 05:57 AM

She thanks him for the additional ale and raises her glass. "The name is Therlynn Carter." After taking a drink, she leans closer to you. "I'm willing to sail but I'll need to make a stop fairly far away." She shows you the small silver necklace she is wearing, a small seahorse charm on the bottom. "I need to return this to its rightful owner."
Seagull glances at the seahorse charm on the necklace.

"It shall be done Therlynn, on my honor.", says Seagull, clinking his glass with hers.

"We'd be glad to have you on our crew. Exactly how far away? I've been learning about some places we may sail to, and maybe we can a chart a course between them."

If the destination makes sense as somewhere they could realistically reach, Seagull closes the deal on a handshake with Therlynn.

As the party is doing their own activities, everyone turns to the horizon, a sudden light appearing against the dark sky. It is an obvious display of dancing lights, moving in the same pattern to make a sort of symbol. There is an outer ring along with a jagged inner ring. The inner ring zigzags back and forth, giving the impression of jagged teeth.

This symbol is, initially, unfamiliar to the entire party. Devlin, Seagull, and Batal look down to their hand and see that the same symbol seems to be tattooed on the back of their hand.

Seagull drops his glass as he notices the sudden light streaming into the tavern from outside. He gets up from the table and steps out the door towards the light, raising one arm above his eyes, as if to shield his face from danger. His jaw drops as the lights draw the pattern in the sky. The jagged lines seems to grate his teeth. As the light fades he lowers his arm, only to see the symbol on the back of his hand. He gazes in horror at the sight of the tattoo, grabbing his hand and trying to rub off the tattoo.

He turns to see Devlin staggering about and shouting crazily, and then muttering to his friend in a low voice, hides his hand:

"What's the meaning of this magic?"

2017-06-03, 10:03 PM
Devlin casts prestidigitation on Seagulls mark to cover it in the same manor, as he searches his memory for what might be going on.

2017-06-04, 09:15 PM
As you discuss this, Therlynn looks out the window and whistles. "Well, never thought that was one of the true legends."

She turns back to Seagull and Devlin. "So, when do you expect we will leave?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-04, 09:25 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia gets up from her table in the bar and tries to get a look at what seems to be drawing everyone's attention. She lets out a slight gasp when she sees the dancing lights display and tries to make sense of the strange symbol. Had she seen it somewhere? Was it a flag from some ship or a crest of some faction? Who was it directed toward and why? These questions and more spring to mind and yet she seemed to have no answers. As the symbol fades she seeks out the other members of her posse.

Feel free to roll Knowledge checks for me to tell me if I know the origin of the symbol.

2017-06-04, 09:34 PM
Eagerly heading into the tavern where he met his friends, new birdies in tow, Searil bursts in the doors. Ohmygoshdidyouseethelight?WhatdoyouthinkitwasIthin kitwassomethingmagicalanditwassocool! the avian rapidly churns out in a confusing mess.

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-04, 10:09 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Breathe. Put some air between your words!" Talia teases as she meets her companion near the door. "I take it you saw it too?"

2017-06-05, 06:54 AM
As you discuss this, Therlynn looks out the window and whistles. "Well, never thought that was one of the true legends."

She turns back to Seagull and Devlin. "So, when do you expect we will leave?"

"True legends, what do you mean?" Seagull asks Therlynn.

Seagull turns to Devlin at the question, and answers Thrylnn, "We are yet to begin our preparations. We're going to look at a ship tomorrow. Here are two more of our friends now." Seagull indicates to Searil and Talia.

"Searil and Talia, did you see the lights? I have never seen anything like it."

Seagull introduces them to Therlynn. "I believe we may have found the first of our first crew."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-05, 11:29 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Aye, I saw the lights but don't yet know what to make of it. First time I've seen something like that I'm afraid." She realizes Seagull has a newcomer beside him and gives a polite nod as he introduces everyone. "Hello there. Talia. It's a pleasure to meet you, thinking of joining us on our little journey?"

2017-06-05, 11:59 AM
Hi, I'm Lord Searil Huntinghawk, nice to meet you!

2017-06-05, 07:30 PM
Devlin grabs every hand with a symbol he can see, making them disappear under a blotch of skin colouring.

"No need to leave ourselves marked, whatever this is we don't want to be lynched for the wrong reason."

2017-06-06, 06:19 PM
"True legends, what do you mean?" Seagull asks Therlynn.

Therlynn points to the sky and outlines the shape. "Legends say that sailors who were cursed with that mark would attract Sea Spawn, people who lost their lives at sea for one reason or another. The mark meant that your soul belonged to the sea, or one of the sea gods, or a sea creature. Take your pick.

Those who were marked were supposed to live on the sea, only sending a small portion of the crew on land to get supplies. That way, if the Sea Spawn came they would attack the large group on the ship rather than those on land.

But those were only stories, meant to teach kids to be worried about strangers and sea creatures. Don't worship the sea too much, or you'll turn into an abomination. That sort of thing."

Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"Aye, I saw the lights but don't yet know what to make of it. First time I've seen something like that I'm afraid." She realizes Seagull has a newcomer beside him and gives a polite nod as he introduces everyone. "Hello there. Talia. It's a pleasure to meet you, thinking of joining us on our little journey?"

Hi, I'm Lord Searil Huntinghawk, nice to meet you!

She smiles at Talia and Searil. "So long as you'll have me, yes."

Devlin grabs every hand with a symbol he can see, making them disappear under a blotch of skin colouring.

"No need to leave ourselves marked, whatever this is we don't want to be lynched for the wrong reason."

OOC: It was only Devlin, Seagull, and Batal who were marked. Talia and Searil were not.

2017-06-07, 07:36 PM
"These Sea Spawn don't sound like the friendliest bunch." Devlin looks to his companions. "Something is coming for us, we don't have a ship to leave on yet, we need to be ready to fight. Let's hole up in the pub, bar the door, and ready ourselves for them. Hopefully its nothing and we leave tomorrow as planned feeling silly."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-12, 12:51 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

"That's quite the terrible fate to befall a sailor. I couldn't imagine spending all my time aboard a ship fearing I was being hunted." Talia says, a hint of sorrow creeping into the edges of her voice. "Who out there would be placing such a curse on people and what do they have to gain from doing it?" She asks, giving a look around the toom to see how others were reacting to these strange events, if anyone else had been marked, or if folks seemed to notice that members of her crew bore the mark.

She raises an eyebrow at the idea of barring the door and holding out for the night. It was just a legend right? And surely they were safe here on shore.

2017-06-12, 08:59 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

It was just a legend right? And surely they were safe here on shore.

Suddenly, the party hears screams coming from the docks and soon people are running past the pub. Looking out the door, you can see ten bodies shambling through town. Normally, they would be written off as a group of drunks walking down the street. But as you look closer you see parts of their bodies covered in tentacles, seaweed hanging off of their bodies.

You know there must be Sea Hawks somewhere, but more shouts indicate that this is not the only group of Sea Spawn.

Therlynn swings her crossbow into her hands and begins to walk out of the pub. "Let's see if bolts work on legends."

Therlynn Initiative: [roll0]

2017-06-12, 09:09 PM
"I really wish we ended up feeling silly." Devlin readies his magic.

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-06-12, 09:56 PM
Our first fight together as a team! Oh my gosh!


Bounty Hunter
2017-06-13, 11:00 AM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

In a classic case of speaking too soon, the woman's thoughts betray her as screams emanate from outside. Quickly reaching for her warhammer and shield from her pack nearby, she gets ready for the fight to come.

Initiative : [roll0]

2017-06-14, 07:16 PM
Devlin surrounds the first target with his dark magics, cursing them to feel the full extent of what was to come, then launches black bolts of eldritch magic at the tentacle covered man he hexed.

Bonus action: casting hex on the target as a 3rd level spell. disadvantage on dex checks.
Standard action: casting eldritch blast.
[roll0] for [roll1] + hex [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4] + hex [roll5]
if the first target dies after the first strike, attack a second with no hex damage.

2017-06-15, 09:53 PM
The Eldritch energy erupts from Devlin, both bolts striking the foremost Sea Spawn. The force bends it over backwards, the creature absorbing the damage.

Amazingly, the Sea Spawn is able to stand up again, though it looks like it is barely standing.

2017-06-16, 09:55 AM
Searil follows Therlynn out of the pub and takes to the skies! CawCAW! (Call Lightning)

Searil creates a storm cloud far above his head or takes control of one already there.
He may call down lightning from the cloud at any point within 120 feet. Any creature within 5 feet of that point (which would be three or four here, i think, unless they are REALLY massed together) takes 3d10 lightning damage, save on a DC 15 Dex save for half damage.
An action may be taken on subsequent rounds to call down lightning at the same point or a different one. Requires concentration.

[roll0] lightning damage, +[roll1] if the skies are already stormy.

2017-06-16, 08:53 PM
The Sea Spawn look to the newly formed clouds and Searil flying overhead. The thunder comes crashing down, crumpling the damaged Sea Spawn and striking three more nearby.

Therlynn loads her crossbow and takes aim at one of the weakened Spawn. At the crack of the thunder she lets the bolt fly... nearly missing Searil and nowhere near the Sea Spawn.

1d20+1 6
1d8-1 2

It is now Talia's turn

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-16, 11:14 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

Talia skirts out of the front door of the tavern and scans the scene before her: the approaching sea spawn, her ally calling lightning down from on high, and townsfolk scattering like ants. She steels herself and holds her shield high as she begins to utter the words for a spell. Suddenly a blue and black bolt streaks forth toward the nearest sea spawn creature.

Casting Eldritch Blast on closest Spawn
Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]

2017-06-17, 06:45 PM
The energy lands on the nearest Sea Spawn, black and blue illuminating the coral covered skin. It turns it's attention away from Searil overhead and it moves along with the rest toward Talia and co.

At this point, the Sea Spawn are 30 feet away - they will reach the party next turn.

It is now Devlin's turn. Since I do not act until Therlynn, Searil may also attack.

> 25 Devlin
17 Searil
11 Therlynn
10 Talia
03 Sea Spawn Hoard [9]

2017-06-17, 08:16 PM
Hey, follow me!! Searil sends a lightning bolt down and flies around behind the seas spawn but out of ground reach.

dc 15, [roll0] lightning.

2017-06-18, 06:51 AM
Devlin renews his curse on the spawn and strikes again.

Bonus action: Change who is hexed
Standard action: casting eldritch blast.
[roll0] for [roll1] + hex [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4] + hex [roll5]
if the first target dies after the first strike, attack a second with no hex damage.

2017-06-18, 08:41 PM
Devlin shoots another Eldritch blast, hitting and killing the foremost Sea Spawn, but the others simply walk over it as they continue to approach.

Searil's lightning fares better than his shouting, but the the lightning does not seem to harm anything enough to slow them down.

Therlynn curses as she reloads the crossbow and takes aim at another Sea Spawn.


The crossbow bolt narrowly misses... Searil again. Searil is able to barely dodge the bolt, but it causes him to plummet and the bird lands on the other side of the Sea Spawn, thirty feet away. They all stop and turn, looking at the lone person.

25 Devlin
17 Searil
11 Therlynn
> 10 Talia
03 Sea Spawn Hoard [8]

Talia's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-18, 10:42 PM
Talia Kailani (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=608811)

As the sea spawns begin to turn their attention to her ally on the far side, the genasi begins to quickly summon the magiks for another bolt of energy. Her robe flaps and moves across her armor hidden beneath, blown by wind only it seems to feel, as she releases another streaming channel of energy.

Casting Eldritch Blast on closest Spawn
Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]

2017-06-19, 07:11 PM
As Talia's Eldritch Blast misses wide, the Sea Spawn split into two groups - three attacking Searil while the rest continue to the party.

Spawn 6 (Searil)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Spawn 7 (Searil)
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Spawn 8 (Searil)
Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Spawn 1 (Talia)
Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]
Attack: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

Spawn 2 (Talia)
Attack: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]
Attack: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]

Spawn 3 (Devlin)
Attack: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]
Attack: [roll22]
Damage: [roll23]

Spawn 4 (Devlin)
Attack: [roll24]
Damage: [roll25]
Attack: [roll26]
Damage: [roll27]

Spawn 5 (Therlynn)
Attack: [roll28]
Damage: [roll29]
Attack: [roll30]
Damage: [roll31]

The Sea Spawn charge, violently flailing their webbed hands at whoever is in reach. They hit and miss in equal numbers but everyone seems to be hurting after this round of attacks.

Talia: 30 - 20 = 10 HP remaining
Devlin: 38 - 14 = 24 HP remaining
Therlynn: 28 - 6 = 22 HP remaining
Searil: 21 - 6 = 15 HP remaining

Devlin (and Searil) can go

> 25 Devlin
17 Searil
11 Therlynn
10 Talia
03 Sea Spawn Hoard [8]

2017-06-19, 08:13 PM
Devlin calls out to his old god, calling horror to fight horror. He places his hand on ozzies jar and one of the tiny octopuses tentacle glows blue. The void opens up in front of Devlin and he cackles madly.

Casting Hunger of Hadar, trying to get all 3 sea spawn and no allies if possible. If not possible, getting all 3 sea spawn is more of a priority.

Break down of Hunger
20-foot-radius. No light, magical or otherwise, can illuminate the area, and creatures fully within the area are blinded. Any creature that starts its turn in the area takes 2d6 cold damage. Any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 acid damage as milky, otherworldly tentacles rub against it.

DM's call if Devils sight pierces the Hungers darkness effect. I wouldn't if I was the DM.

2017-06-19, 08:45 PM
Dropping his Call Lightning thanks to the friendly fire of Therlynn, Searil is caught between several not-friendly Sea Spawn. Searil takes a deep breath...


A Giant Octopus!

Searil launches a tentacle towards one of the Sea Spawn!

Tentacle! [roll0] to hit, [roll1] bludgeoning damage, grappled on a hit (escape DC 16). If the attack hits, Searil will move the Sea Spawn 5 feet back using his movement so the creature is out of attack range (hooray, 15-foot reach!).

2017-06-20, 09:45 PM
Devlin's darkness is cast, enveloping the two Sea Spawn near him and one attacking Talia. Soft noises can be heard outside of the darkness, but as far as anyone outside can tell, there is a darkened dome enveloping where the Sea Spawn were.

Searil's tentacle lashes out against one of his attackers - the Sea Spawn sprawls backward from the hit, moaning in pain.

Therlynn drops her crossbow in disgust and takes out a dagger, slashing at the nearest Sea Spawn.


The Sea Spawn grabs her hand as she thrusts the dagger, knocking the weapon to the ground.

Talia's Turn

25 Devlin
17 Searil
11 Therlynn
> 10 Talia
03 Sea Spawn Hoard [8]