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View Full Version : 101 Atypical Abberations

2017-03-30, 03:13 AM
I wanted to hang with the popular kids, so I thought I'd kick one of these together too. But I didn't feel like stealing a whole Class from someone, so why not something different. Abberations practically define atypical. So how does one go about creating something new and varied from the traditional wackiness? See below for 101 Atypical Abberations! (Ok, gimme 20 at least)

1. The Blind

An Elder Orb of Godlike intelligence, and perhaps, more than it's fair share of wisdom too. The floating aberration, when come upon, does not see you. It sees nothing, in fact. No wounding explains its blindness. No disease is responsible. It could, if it wished, see you with eyes that have beheld far more wonders, and far more terrible horrors, then you will ever experience in a lifetime. But it chooses not to.
A Vow of Blindness. It was suffering to watch its fellow Beholders wage vicious war and murder upon another, based on xenophobia and racism. It could not bare the simpleminded stupidity its Brethren acted upon. So it chose not to see. Not to see the color of one's carapace, and thus judge one's worth. Not to see the number of one's eyes, and thereby assume one's perception. And it will tirelessly hold to its vow to never open its eyes until all Beholderkin live in peace.
The more liberated adventurers, upon hearing of this being, might see a useful ally. And indeed, the Beholder will assist most heroes, temporarily, on their adventures. Until their path no longer aligns with it's goals. At which point they die. After all; if you're not Beholder, you're merely a disposable tool.

2017-03-30, 01:03 PM
I'm pretty new to roleplaying and I'm not completely sure what an abberation is: some thing from or touched by a strange dimension, I think? Anyway, this seems to fit the bill.

2) The Secretary

A humanoid woman who helps manage the affairs of a local or great ruler. Her precise species is difficult to discern, although she would be considered reasonably attractive by a number of common beauty standards. She is entirely focussed on her job, and gives no hints as to her life away from work. Unless her job requires politeness and charm, she speaks bluntly but not rudely. In fact, she shows little emotion at all: threats that need to be made are delivered passionlessly but firmly, and if insulted she never responds other than sometimes pointing out where the aggressor is wrong.

However, once you've noticed it, nothing stands out like the sense of order. Physically, she's perfectly symmetrical: even her hair naturally parts in a mirror image, she frequently gestures with both hands in perfect sync and is capable of writing two seperate documents at the same time. No matter how long she's been working, her clothes are perfectly pressed and cleaned. Most notable of all, though, is a territory: a perfectly square area centred on her. Within the three square metres, everything is perfectly clean and arranged according to a three-dimensional grid, with objects being sometimes cut into a new shape to fit. The Secretary gives no sign of displeasure at accidental disruptions to her patterns, but calmly begins to reorder the area without saying a word about it. When unobserved, the reordering takes place at the pace of an extremely determined and hurried woman, but she will always be unruffled and at work when checked on.

Also, she doesn't seem to blink.

2017-03-31, 03:26 PM
3. The Mindwitness Flumph

Pay no attention to there being more than two eyestalks, or to the big central eye, or to the lamprey-like mouth amidst the tentacles. You are in the presence of a friendly neighborhood flumph.

Yes, this creature used to be a beholder, in what feels like a half-remembered dream, and then a servant of the mind flayers, in what feels like another life. But now it is a responsible member of a flumph cloister.

It has even learned to feed on excess psionic energy, with no harm at all to anyone, as flumphs do. No need to eat your brains, as succulent as they would certainly be.

What? You think flumphs are lame? You like to use them to cushion your fall? Well, the multiple eye rays are still working. Please do not invite any unflumphy behavior.

2017-03-31, 05:17 PM
a thousand tasks half finished lie in his wake, a tree half felled, a tent half pitched, anyone could come by to finish the job, but he doesn't finish things, he only starts them. Be it war or harvest, coup or coronation THE INITIATOR will begin them all, just don't expect him to stick around to finish the job.

2017-03-31, 08:14 PM
The Mind-Flayer

This illithid is a bit strange, it finds brains to be sexy. It loves a big lobe. It's a little kinky too, & prefers to lash the exposed brains of it's thralls with a whip.

2017-04-02, 12:58 AM
6.) The Environmentalist - A mindflayer druid who has adopted a human/elven/whatever city as his protected patch of wilderness

2017-04-02, 02:52 AM
6.) The Environmentalist - A mindflayer druid who has adopted a human/elven/whatever city as his protected patch of wilderness

"D'awwww, lookit the little top furred prey creatures...what with their hopelessly complicated verbal language, and their Euclidean dwellings..."

7. The Crutch

Well it's not Its fault the adventurer lost an arm. A Wooden Treasure Chest, just sitting at the end of a Dungeon offshoot? She should have known better. Still, her mewling whimpers -are- a little pathetic. Maybe if It just....maaaaybe...there! That went well. It's no fake door, but there is a certain...delight, to the new shape's slim silhouette. The glue was holding well. The blood flow is stemmed. And....that's a Drow stalking down the corridor, isn't it? Well, It didn't go through all this just to get her crying again. Time to try out these thin, short pseudopods, and wrap them around the hilt of her weapon. Let's see if It can mimic a hero.

2017-04-02, 06:10 PM
8.) The Idiot - This mindflayer has an intelligence score of 11 and is mocked by the other mindflayers for being intellectually disabled

9.) The Dining Room Set- These mimics are available for hire as better looking furniture than your actual furniture, for when you need to impress party guests

2017-04-02, 06:13 PM
10) The Fan-bberation

It wants H. P. Lovecraft's autograph.

2017-04-02, 07:43 PM
"D'awwww, lookit the little top furred prey creatures...what with their hopelessly complicated verbal language, and their Euclidean dwellings..."

7. The Crutch

Well it's not Its fault the adventurer lost an arm. A Wooden Treasure Chest, just sitting at the end of a Dungeon offshoot? She should have known better. Still, her mewling whimpers -are- a little pathetic. Maybe if It just....maaaaybe...there! That went well. It's no fake door, but there is a certain...delight, to the new shape's slim silhouette. The glue was holding well. The blood flow is stemmed. And....that's a Drow stalking down the corridor, isn't it? Well, It didn't go through all this just to get her crying again. Time to try out these thin, short pseudopods, and wrap them around the hilt of her weapon. Let's see if It can mimic a hero.
That would actually be quite cool. Imagine having mimic for an arm. It could morph into anything you want, and it'd have it's own intelligence and senses to aid you. That would be awesome. I want a mimic arm. Just as long as it's my left arm. I do things with my right hand that I'd rather not be done by a mimic.

2017-04-02, 10:53 PM
11. The Penman
This Mind Flayer found themselves in the midst of a bunch of bumpkins in the countryside when relocating after some spicy snacks (adventurers) kicked em right out. Seeing that their food source was paltry at best, they decided to improve it. Calling upon they vast reserves of knowledge, they organized a cult to them in the town, to have the villagers educate themselves then fall to them as sacrifice.

2017-04-02, 11:06 PM
12. The Puzzle Missing a Piece
Though an Elan, this individual is far from the perfect, cookie-cutter ones that it has been made to so resemble. Something went terribly wrong in the conversion process and the resultant creature is savage and crude, psychically screaming its prey into submission before ripping into soft, imperfect humanoid flesh like what it wants to be yet again. After all, you are what you eat, right?

2017-04-03, 12:21 AM
That would actually be quite cool. Imagine having mimic for an arm. It could morph into anything you want, and it'd have it's own intelligence and senses to aid you. That would be awesome. I want a mimic arm. Just as long as it's my left arm. I do things with my right hand that I'd rather not be done by a mimic.

Read the Goblins webcomic. It has a couple of characters like that

2017-04-03, 04:07 AM
13. The Collective of Eyes and Teeth: A gibbering mouther that has overcome the usual insanity plaguing its species. Its thousand voices no longer incoherently scream, but politely discuss the best course of action. Its fluid body no longer turbulently heaves, but calmly flows. Apart from its regular invitations to others to have their organs join the Collective, it is almost rational.

The Collective ended up becoming a cleric of Rao later in life.

2017-04-03, 08:28 AM
The Nearsighted Nothic

This nothic loves to read & do other indoor activities, eventually in needed corrective lenses, & now wears glasses/monocle that it hates wearing & continues to misplace.

2017-04-03, 01:10 PM

He looks human. Completely human. Smells human. Acts human. Eats human (well, like a human, as far as you know... you've never see him eat a human). Sleeps human. There's nothing to indicate any sort of abberation whatsoever. But, he swears he's a thing from the beyond and that this is just a disguise because your mind couldn't handle his true form. All magic detects him as human. Psionics reads a human mind. Again, he swears it's a disguise. The only odd thing that Norm does is that it's not so much that he eats things with ketchup is that he eats ketchup with things. You've never seen anyone use as much ketchup as Norm does. He says it contains a digestive.

2017-04-03, 04:56 PM
The only odd thing that Norm does is that it's not so much that he eats things with ketchup is that he eats ketchup with things. You've never seen anyone use as much ketchup as Norm does. He says it contains a digestive.

You're describing my daughter. :smalleek: Except that I don't think she knows the word "digestive". Yet.

The Toy (based on an old character of mine, whose "class" on his character sheet actually read "Abomination")

After a particularly blasphemous episode, this agent of chaos was cursed to take (perpetually, and only changeable for short periods) the form of a teddy bear. With a hat, a duffle coat and a suitcase full of marmalade sandwiches (the marmalade tends to get into his fur and whiskers). He has a button-eyed sense of wonder, a completely amoral attitude to fun, and his own bespoke spell list of mostly illusions and charms, which he sprays around with no regard to the comfort or sanity of those around him. His favourite spell, "Fashion Victim", is an illusion that makes the victims appear to be wearing completely inappropriate clothing. You'd be surprised how much damage it can do.

2017-04-05, 05:43 PM
That would actually be quite cool. Imagine having mimic for an arm. It could morph into anything you want, and it'd have it's own intelligence and senses to aid you. That would be awesome. I want a mimic arm. Just as long as it's my left arm. I do things with my right hand that I'd rather not be done by a mimic.

Yeah, I imagine a mimic's hand-writing would be rather sloppy.

The Pseudonatural Human

When the mad cultists tried to call forth a greater being of the Far Realms, they were a bit underwhelmed that they got this apparently normal human youth. Until he sprouted tentacles and dissolved one of them. They were once again nonplussed when he seemed to feel bad about that.

He likes this weird place, where things don't change every moment. So he explores, with some friends he's made who - this time - he knows better than to turn in non-Euclidean directions around, so they won't have to see the tentacles he keeps upside his nth-side. It's fun being a fighter!

2017-04-20, 12:46 AM
18.) Twenty-two eyes- A nearsighted beholder wearing a very complicated set of spectacles

2017-04-20, 03:58 AM
18.) Twenty-two eyes- A nearsighted beholder wearing a very complicated set of spectacles

Gods, how scary would that be? First you see the glitter of jewel like globe goggles in the darkness. Then, it opens its central eye, magnified twice as large by the huge monocle it wears. Somebody draw this.

....I really can't think of any more...I'm a failure.

2017-04-20, 09:47 AM
19) A gibbering mouther that is unusually self-collected, and acts more like a hyperactive spaz than an insane bit of goo. It has maximum ranks of Perform(Sing) and is trying to make a reputation for itself as a solo choir.

2017-04-21, 06:54 PM
20) Helpful Stranger

An average-looking, semi-familiar-faced girl wearing a frilly hat, lightly detailed pants, and a long-sleeved blouse. You're sure you know her, but you can't place from where. She appears when you're having a slight trouble- finding your keys, looking for where you placed your glasses, maybe your belt is snagged. She offers to help.
It really isn't much trouble you're having- so you decline. She says its okay, she doesn't mind. The snag doesn't come loose, it's more tangled now. You still don't know where your glasses are. Whatever the issue is. You let her know that you've almost got it, it's alright, you don't want to be a bother. She starts to insist. She isn't taking no for an answer.
You realize you don't really have a choice, but she's being generous, so you accept. With her help, the issue becomes resolved very quickly. She asks if there is anything else she can help with. You don't have any pressing concerns coming to mind. She insists you let her help.
You let her know there isn't anything you need help with. You start to get uncomfortable with her presence now. She insists you let her help. She won't take no for an answer.

You make up some story that calls you, and only you, away for whatever reason, just so you can get away from this woman, whoever she is. You are pretty sure you were just confused or something when you thought you knew her before.

She starts trying to invite herself into wherever your bull**** story was supposed to take you. You de-invite her to it, still being courteous. She doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer, but she seems to.

Once you get around 50 feet away or so (if you look back at her, she looks dejected, but hasn't moved from that spot), she looks like she's beginning to cry, and turns to walk away. That's when her arms and legs bend just above and below her elbows and knees, and the back of her head reveals itself as her true mouth, which is lined with oversized, sharp teeth. She wasn't crying. She was drooling! With her true mouth and joints revealed, she screams... growls... a combination... loudly and unnaturally and begins to run at you. You become terrified! The harder you try to get away, the faster you try to run- the slower all your movements become, and the faster hers are.

2017-05-02, 10:06 PM
21) The Overmind

An eldritch hypersentient entity from the far realms who was shunted into a mortal form with eight different mortal consciousnesses. It is forced to play an overmind to this collective and it hates every minute of it, in the way that cat herders hate every minute of their jobs. Each mortal is of a different alignment, so they constantly bicker and try to wrest control of the mortal form so they can muck around with it to push their agendas/beliefs, which means the Overmind, with a heavy sigh, must intervene for the nth time, no longer even bothering to try and instigate a peace between them. He's so resigned to his unending torment, he's satisfied with a mere cease-fire, however brief it may be.

'One day, all these villagers will be consumed by an infinite void tha-'
"Wha...? We have to save them!"
'Wait, no, let me-'
"Screw that, steal their stuff and pawn it!"
'None of that matters, everything will-'
"Death is an art, let me be the brush"
'Ok, you need to chill, we-'
'Your god is hollow, stop screaming, I-"
And so it goes.

2017-05-03, 06:25 AM
22. That Which Luvz

Okay, serious question about something hilarious. I keep coming across the information that Ghaunadaur, That Which Lurks, The Elder Eye, he who was old even before Ao's time, the god of aberrations, oozes, outcasts and all things that prowl in the Underdark, worshipped in certain cities of the aboleths and drow, perhaps the most common Lovecraftian option in Forgotten Realms... once had his romantic advances spurned by Lolth? I am a bit ashamed to admit that I adore the absurdity of it, and I would like to know where it came from.

2017-05-03, 10:20 AM
23: The Red Dot - most will o wisps take sadistic pleasure in luring people into swamps to watch them die. This one just likes annoying cats.

2017-05-03, 10:29 AM
That would actually be quite cool. Imagine having mimic for an arm. It could morph into anything you want, and it'd have it's own intelligence and senses to aid you. That would be awesome. I want a mimic arm. Just as long as it's my left arm. I do things with my right hand that I'd rather not be done by a mimic.

http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/11917882_885355038213290_272053084_n.jpg?ig_cache_ key=MTA1NDM1ODA2MTE5NTEyMjkxNQ%3D%3D.2

2017-05-08, 10:11 PM
24) That Damn Cat

An eldritch feline from the Far Realms who is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. It seems to exercise some measure of control over where and when its incarnations appear to mortals. This is known, because occasionally it will be seen on a shelf with its paw firmly placed on a vase or something, and looking directly in the eyes of its observer, the Cat will push the thing off and let it shatter or spill below. Then, as soon as no one is looking at it, the Cat will vanish.

TL;DR, Schrodinger's Cat teleports around being a nuisance.

2017-05-15, 05:25 PM
25) The Inn: This inn appeared seemingly overnight alongside a busy trade route. The food is bland, but filling, the staff seems lethargic, but somehow the rooms are always perfectly clean.

While the services are very welcome, the caravan horses dislike the place, nervous as if they could sense something the humans can't. And guests who cause trouble, and test the owner's patience... often turn out to have "checked out" without a trace during the night.

2017-05-16, 04:38 PM
26) The Big House on the Tall Hill at the end of the Long Road

Out in the far realms, there is a very very very long road. At the end of that road is a very very very tall hill. At the peak of that hill is a very very very large house. Inside the house is a very very very large family. They have been there for a very very very long time.

Inside the house, there are very very very few windows. From the hill, it is very very very hard to see the ground. On the path, there is a very very very long way back.

The House hopes you will stay for a very very very long time. It hopes you will be very very very happy being part of its very very very large family.

2017-05-17, 06:07 AM
27) The Collector.

He used to be a glorified magpy - pop between worlds, grab a shiny bauble, pop back. But some baubles are more useful than others. Like that headband taken off a dying wizard. It opened... new possibilities. New things to experience. New things to learn. Those bipeds are so amusing when one takes time to observe and listen.

The city has so much more to offer than those dank caves. So many new kinds of things to collect. Who says you have to be a humanoid to appreciate art?

2017-05-17, 11:11 AM
28) Headless Ghost - A Will O' Wisp partners with a Cloaker and hides in jack-o-lanterns to fake being a haunting of a ghost in the deep woods. The Wisp does its usual thing, luring travelers off the path, but then hides in carved trees and gourds to light up "spooky" faces, until the cloaker drifts through the dark lit only by the wisp's light through a carried gourd. They terrorize and split up parties of victims to isolate one to hunt down for the cloaker's meal.

2017-06-01, 08:15 AM
29) the spy. Who says you have to know how to read to be a spy? Or be able to see, for that matter. Even those who are wary of spies, rarely pay attention to furniture. The king pays well.

2017-06-01, 10:22 AM
23: The Red Dot - most will o wisps take sadistic pleasure in luring people into swamps to watch them die. This one just likes annoying cats.

I remember that thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?516228-What-would-a-cat-lord-want

2017-06-02, 05:03 AM
30) Singer in the darkness. A destrachan can modulate sound to break stone and metal, or to cause debilitating pain. But surely there is more that can be done with such a versatile tool. How about learning to mimic voices, repeating the words of former victims to lure new ones towards its lair? How about a haunting song to attract the curious to their death?

2017-06-02, 10:08 AM
I'm trying to come up with one atypical for each abberation I know of.

2017-06-02, 11:00 AM
31) The voice of many: The cult had a noble intent - to harness the power of a dead god and use it to stop a disaster that would strike their world. But the prophecy was misleading. It spoke of a horrible, insane monstrocity of great power, but not of where it would come from.

Then the ritual went wrong. Some power was absorbed, but the spell that was supposed to channel it safely by dividing the strain between everyone in the ritial, instead linked their life forces into one, melting bodies and minds into a single ball of fluid flesh. All hundred of them, from the proud leader to the lowest acolytes, became a single body filled with a cacophony of maddened voices.

They are trying to undo it. They have already learned to act in a semi-coordinated manner. But their search for a solution is hampered by the fact that even if they can stop everyone of themselves from lashing angrily at mortals, their mere proximity brings madness to all that would not flee. They might be forced to cause quite a lot of destruction to the world before they get close to fixing this...