View Full Version : Need a new character.

2017-03-30, 05:10 PM
Hi all!

In two game my current character will quit the party (dm is tired of the character and want me to change it)

So here the setting

Eberron campaign
Lvl 10
No template
Can only have 2 class max (including prestige)
Eberron core race only.
No flaw
No trait
All book are allowed but no dragon magazine.

So i wanted to try a dancer style character

So what would be better a caster dancer or a rogueish dancer.

I want to dance and distract my opponent and strike them while they are defenseless.

What do you guy suggest or have you try it already.

Caster dancer was thinking of spellthief as base

2017-03-30, 06:48 PM
I want to dance and distract my opponent and strike them while they are defenseless.

If this can be interpreted as, "I want dancing to have an actual mechanical effect, I want that effect to be related to physical melee combat, and I want my character to fit the "agile or clever fighter" instead of "strong fighter" archetype"...

Then it's probably going to come down to Snowflake Wardance (feat), Dervish (prestige class), Paimon (vestige) as something to "build around".

Forget dervish - its combat dancing stinks, and it doesn't give you anything else fun.

Paimon as your core means you're a binder (straight or multi-class), which means more flexibility for how you want to build your character. You could adapt something like this to your needs (source (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2942.0)):
True Neutral or Neutral Evil
Barbarian (Whirling Frenzy, Wolf Totem) 2 / Binder 13 / KoSS 5 (Paimon)

Sample Feats: Favored Vestige (Paimon), Rapid Recovery (Paimon), Dodge, Elusive Target, Weapon Focus (Any), Improved Binding (If playing this character from a level below 17), Improved Trip (Granted by Barbarian)

Get a Mithril Breastplate with Mobility on it and dance past people. When you provoke AoO's use your buffed AC to make them miss and then trip them on the way by. Once per day use your KoSS ability to dance back and hit them all again. The alignment allows both Barbarian and Knight of the Sacred Seal and also leaves Rebuking with Tenebrous open as an off day possibility. Weapon Finesse with some weapons is granted by Paimon but the real thing might be a bit better so you can use a real weapon. Balam gives the real feat and lets you reroll a d20 once every 5 rounds. Finally, use one of your other vestige slots to get concealment. Either Haures or Orthos can give it to you which helps your miss chance and helps trigger your Elusive Target.

I think your best choice is going with Snowflake Wardance. You could honestly slap that on a straight bard and be good to go, since you already have so many fun toys for in and out of combat. Or multiclass with warblade or crusader (many maneuvers and stances refluff quite well into dance moves/styles/techniques. Or head into one of a million prestige classes for which you can qualify. For some inspiration or a good jumping off point, see Captain Charisma (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?471370-Weekly-Optimization-Showcase-Captain-Charisma-(Andarious-Rosethorn)), a formidable dancing bard that easily meets all your crunch restrictions while even distracting stunning her enemies and striking them while distracted stunned. Then set your sights on some Slippers of Battledancing.

Oh, and if you really want to play a spellthief, I would go with the Trickster variant (Dragon 353), take the Apprentice (Entertainer) feat (or some other method of gaining perform as a class skill), head into Prestige Bard, and pick up Snowflake Wardance and some Inspire Courage boosters.

2017-03-30, 06:50 PM
I want to dance and distract my opponent and strike them while they are defenseless.

Literally shadow dancer. Complete Scoundrel is you best friend.

2017-03-30, 06:56 PM
Literally shadow dancer. Complete Scoundrel is you best friend.

>< I completely forgot about shadow dancer. Probably because I have not played in a group where someone had a core PrC since 3.0 - not that there's anything wrong with that; shadow dancer is cool.

2017-03-30, 07:47 PM
For some reason I find the idea of a warforged shadowdancer to be hilarious. So I recommend a warforged shadowdancer. :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-30, 07:51 PM
Funny you mention warforged.

I was thinking of a female frame warforged that disguise (human skin) making a female terminator dancer xD

2017-03-30, 10:14 PM
Shadow dancer has one of the best/quickest accesses to a good version of hide in plain sight, just a 1 level dip. You can get mobility and combat reflexes via items, so it's really only a single feat to get into, dodge.

2017-03-31, 01:04 AM
Shadow dancer has one of the best/quickest accesses to a good version of hide in plain sight, just a 1 level dip. You can get mobility and combat reflexes via items, so it's really only a single feat to get into, dodge.

while shadowdancer's hips don't lie, it's likely of limited use if that'd be the only prc he could take.

Since you're playing eberron, had you thought about dark lantern? it's another roguish class and is comparatively easier to qualify for. while its hips doesn't come online til later, it's actually even better than shadowdancer's.