View Full Version : Is there a way to extent a PC's lifespan?

2017-03-30, 05:52 PM
Within a campaign I'm a part of we have a lizardfolk who, according to the race info, probably won't live more than 40 years more at a max.

Is there a way to make him live longer? Most of the other characters will outlive him by quite a bit and some of us (maybe me) aren't happy with that as there may be long term plans in place. Long term as in multiple years.

If anyone knows, it'd be much appreciated!

Edit : Looking at the replies I feel I should give some details. The lizardman in question is not my PC, he is another players. He is a fighter and doesn't seem to have any plans to multiclass.

2017-03-30, 05:58 PM
Hmm... I think there's some spells. The Wish spell in particular, but that's a 9th level spell. Archdruids age incredibly slowly, too. Again, that's a long way off.

....Contract a 'curse', like Vampirism or Lycanthropy?

Homebrew a Were-Lizard and see if anyone even notices! :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-30, 06:06 PM
Apart from above, the Clone spell, or become a Lich.

2017-03-30, 06:14 PM
Could try being polymorphed into another race or re-incarnation. Talk to your DM about your concerns.

2017-03-30, 06:23 PM
I would correct what is causing the problem in the first place: plans that somehow require PCs to live for more than 40 more years.

2017-03-30, 06:32 PM
Craft or otherwise acquire Potions of Longevity.

2017-03-30, 06:42 PM
Reincarnate might work, but it requires dying in the first place.

2017-03-30, 06:48 PM
Hang on.

The AVERAGE life span of a Lizardfolk is like 40 years, right?

Well the AVERAGE Lizardfolk doesn't go adventuring, hunt dragons, save towns, become a lv14 Cleric, etc.

You are, by definition, not average. You're a PC. You're the exception.

2017-03-30, 07:03 PM
I would correct what is causing the problem in the first place: plans that somehow require PCs to live for more than 40 more years.

The problem may or may not be a certain character being in love with said lizardfolk and being scared about outliving them...

2017-03-30, 07:06 PM
Isn't there a UA spell that can do this? I think I might be remembering wrong

2017-03-30, 07:13 PM
Isn't there a UA spell that can do this? I think I might be remembering wrong

The only UA spells I know of are the ones involving the ability to summon fiends, only available to Wizards and Warlocks, and are available in That Old Black Magic UA article.

2017-03-30, 07:20 PM
The problem may or may not be a certain character being in love with said lizardfolk and being scared about outliving them...

Let em die anyway. Good character growth. There's always the option of homebrewing some longevity talisman or potion and giving it at the end of an arduous journey. Either way, character development!

2017-03-30, 07:30 PM
Is there a way to make him live longer?

If anyone knows, it'd be much appreciated!

While it's not exactly cheap (3,000 gold, 1 K diamond, 2k on the 'urn' materials.) Clone seems to be the thing your looking for. In particular the portion where it discusses allowing the clone (of you) to age only to a specific point (Let's say 10 yrs) and then leaving it in the prime of life until your primary bites the big one.

The only issues I can forsee are; getting your hands on a 1,000 gp diamond, having a saife place to store the new body and of course knowing a wizard willing to do the spell for you.


2017-03-30, 07:37 PM
Hang on.

The AVERAGE life span of a Lizardfolk is like 40 years, right?

Well the AVERAGE Lizardfolk doesn't go adventuring, hunt dragons, save towns, become a lv14 Cleric, etc.

You are, by definition, not average. You're a PC. You're the exception.

I feel like the life of an adventurer is far far more likely to shorten your lifespan than increase it. My advice is retire :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-30, 07:46 PM
I feel like the life of an adventurer is far far more likely to shorten your lifespan than increase it. My advice is retire :smallbiggrin:

I spent five minutes staring at this trying to find a counterpoint and I just can't. :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-30, 08:00 PM
Be a High Level Druid.

2017-03-30, 08:15 PM
Start DMing.

Seriously, like the DM's old characters are almost GUARANTEED to not only reach max level and get decked out in magic items but also be the leaders of kingdoms,guilds or even to become Gods.

So grab a Dungeon Masters Guide and start world building and enjoy the ride!

Before you know it that character will be showing off for low level player characters and sending them out on quests that he just couldn't be bothered with!

2017-03-30, 10:14 PM
Start DMing.

Seriously, like the DM's old characters are almost GUARANTEED to not only reach max level and get decked out in magic items but also be the leaders of kingdoms,guilds or even to become Gods.

So grab a Dungeon Masters Guide and start world building and enjoy the ride!

Before you know it that character will be showing off for low level player characters and sending them out on quests that he just couldn't be bothered with!

Go home Forgotten Realms, you're drunk. :smalltongue:

2017-03-30, 11:37 PM
I feel like the life of an adventurer is far far more likely to shorten your lifespan than increase it. My advice is retire :smallbiggrin:

Quoting Redcloak from SoD: "What about our lifestyle makes you think we'll live to see age 20, much less age 50?"

2017-03-30, 11:57 PM
Ignore the aging rules, you're a PC, the special snowflake in the gaming world.

In all seriousness, ask your DM if its ok if your guy just lives that long, i mean what does it matter, really?

2017-03-31, 12:04 AM
Have children. Play one of the kids with the big boys.

Put your soul/essence into a Warforged.


Petition your nature Goddess to Reincarnate you while you're still alive.

Become a Lich.

Die and become a Revenant.

Or a Ghost. ^_^

2017-03-31, 09:04 AM
Have children. Play one of the kids with the big boys.

Put your soul/essence into a Warforged.


Petition your nature Goddess to Reincarnate you while you're still alive.

Become a Lich.

Die and become a Revenant.

Or a Ghost. ^_^

Or Become a Half-Dragon (Putting your life over the 100s) -This one IMHO is the easiest one, mainly because you are bound to fight a dragon eventually, just get its blood and look for info of the ritual.

True Polymorph (Need a high lvl Wizard)

2017-03-31, 09:10 AM
Be a warlock with Undying patron. At lvl 10 you effectively increase your maximum age by a factor of 10.

Edit: didn't se the edit in the OP so my post is quite moot.

2017-03-31, 09:27 AM
Doesn't Paladin of the Ancients have a high level feature where you stop aging? (AFB at the moment).

2017-03-31, 09:32 AM
That's no way to be in love, particularly in a fantasy world. :smallsmile: Love while you can, and then become dramatic if the life span differences actually come into play. As has been pointed out, you're likely to be dead, mad or have your soul banished to Gehenna long before you have time to die of old age.

2017-03-31, 09:39 AM
I'm sure I might get some hate for knowing this, but in the Drizzt series, a foe of his gets his life extend by using a dagger that drains the life essence out of his enemies. He kills a Shadovar with it and becomes part Shadovar.

Quest to find a dagger or something like that. Stab and long living evil race, assuming you are the good guys, and gain some traits. It could also make for some interesting character development.

Or you could make a pact with a devil...

Ursus the Grim
2017-03-31, 10:24 AM
Hmm... I think there's some spells. The Wish spell in particular, but that's a 9th level spell. Archdruids age incredibly slowly, too. Again, that's a long way off.

To be more specific, the slow age comes from Timeless Body, not Archdruid. A level 18 druid ages at 1/10 the rate of his mundane kin.

2017-03-31, 10:33 AM
Within a campaign I'm a part of we have a lizardfolk who, according to the race info, probably won't live more than 40 years more at a max.

Is there a way to make him live longer? Most of the other characters will outlive him by quite a bit and some of us (maybe me) aren't happy with that as there may be long term plans in place. Long term as in multiple years.

If anyone knows, it'd be much appreciated!

Edit : Looking at the replies I feel I should give some details. The lizardman in question is not my PC, he is another players. He is a fighter and doesn't seem to have any plans to multiclass.

Boon of Immortality, DMG p. 232

That's it.

2017-03-31, 03:31 PM
There's such a thing in the DMG as a potion of Longevity which reduces a PC's age by up to 20 years from what I recall.

2017-03-31, 03:38 PM
Mechanically? Potion of Longevity, Boon of Immortality.

What you should do? Talk to the DM, figure out a good quest for them to help make their lives match.

Here's an idea-make it so they can perform some sort of ritual that will entwine their lives, making it so that way the longer-lived person trades their years to the shorter-lived person.

For instance, if he was gonna live till 50, and his partner was going to live to 400, the partner could trade 175 years to him, making them both live to 225.

Armored Walrus
2017-03-31, 03:49 PM
For instance, if he was gonna live till 50, and his partner was going to live to 400, the partner could trade 175 years to him, making them both live to 225.

Maybe it's just the Tolkien fan in me, but I'd make it a bigger trade off than that. They both get to live to 60. Even that is better than the deal Arwen got.

2017-03-31, 03:50 PM
Maybe a 2 to 1 trade? So 50 and 400 normally becomes 250 (down to 125), for 175 and 150?

I could do the math to figure out the exact number, but eh, don't feel like it.

2017-04-01, 02:58 AM
Maybe it's just the Tolkien fan in me, but I'd make it a bigger trade off than that. They both get to live to 60. Even that is better than the deal Arwen got.

Also better than the deal Lúthien got. Though it's worth mentioning that the real tragedies there are that Men and Elves don't seem to share their afterlife. Lúthien and Arwen were lost to the Elves even in death because they became mortal.

2017-04-01, 09:32 AM
Maybe it's just the Tolkien fan in me, but I'd make it a bigger trade off than that. They both get to live to 60. Even that is better than the deal Arwen got.

What do you mean? Arwen lived for centuries.

M Placeholder
2017-04-01, 09:50 AM
Live on the Astral Plane, where there is no time. Find a nice corpse of a dead god that has zero chance of making a comeback (so try and avoid any that come from Toril), build a nice house, and live the simple life fighting off Githyanki.

2017-04-01, 01:39 PM
Be a High Level Druid.

Or monk of the long death.

2017-04-01, 01:58 PM
Become a half-dragon!

2017-04-02, 01:23 AM
What do you mean? Arwen lived for centuries.

Indeed, but only a small fraction of that time was spent with her husband. And then there's the whole dying of despair and being sundered for eternity from her parents and siblings.

2017-04-02, 01:44 AM
Indeed, but only a small fraction of that time was spent with her husband. And then there's the whole dying of despair and being sundered for eternity from her parents and siblings.

Which really makes it a bad example to try to model anything off of for anything but an NPC in a horror game.