View Full Version : Thoughts on improved shield bash and animated shields

2017-03-31, 01:19 PM
So I was tinkering around with simple core builds the other day, and I realized something that I've never seen suggested (or don't remember): using improved shield bash on a rogue with twf. A one-level dip into fighter gets you shield proficiency, a feat (improved shield bash), a boost to fort and a likely small boost to hp. The most consistent way for a rogue to get sneak attacks on an enemy with every attack is through flanking, but flanking leaves you vulnerable to full-attacks and whatnot on the enemy's next turn. So for a 2-10thish rogue who isn't going to have an animated shield (or a worthwhile one: +3 shield vs +1 animated shield), it's basically a +1-3 boost to AC for a feat, at the expense of having a ranged weapon for your off-hand. Light shields are light, so there's no extra twf penalty. You can still throw or shoot with your main hand, and if you're wearing a spiked gauntlet or armor spikes, you'll still have a melee attack available.

Related subject: Animated shields; too good? They completely invalidate the improved shield bash feat, and frankly sword & board in general. I wouldn't want to ban them, because having a floating shield should be a pretty simple thing in a D&D world. What would you consider a reasonable nerf? -4 penalty to attack while using one?

2017-03-31, 01:31 PM
I don't really think it's worth spending a level on fighter just to get a shield and Improved Shield Bash, delaying your SA progression and skills to do so.
Not to mention that carrying a shield is also likely to push most rogues from a light to a medium load, which most people try to avoid.

And no, Animated Shields aren't too good. Frankly they're a little underwhelming for the price. Sword & Board is simply that bad.
If you want to fiddle with it i'd suggest buffing S&B instead of nerfing or banning the Animated property.
You could try giving people Shield Ward as a bonus feat for actually wielding a shield in their off-hand, or something along those lines. It's a start at least.