View Full Version : Battle of Vertgobyfith Square

2017-04-01, 04:16 PM
How about some great music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiNGYnjHAw4)?

From the Book of Expirations, chapter 24, verse 1.

And the Bull shall crawl forth from the depths of the earth, concealed by shadow, and it will do battle with the Purifier from the heavens above, which is surrounded by light...

The two most powerful beings on this island meet eyes.

Standing in a great tunnel barely large enough to hold its massive bulk is a twenty feet tall beast best described as an ice-covered, horned humanoid (http://orig09.deviantart.net/61c5/f/2011/206/8/0/god_of_war_ice_minotaur_by_nichtelf-d41mao7.jpg). Its eyes are red with fury, its form shadowy. At its feet lay the bones of a creature almost as big, with large claws.

Floating a short distance away is a shining humanoid figure (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/39/66/1e/39661e61f02538bb33f90ab274ff98f1.jpg), surrounded by radiance. One of its four hands holds a letter, one a candle, and two a large clump of earth. Resting at its feet is a cloth-wrapped box.

The confrontation between godlings begins.

One: [roll0]
Perditor: [roll1]
People: [roll2]
One's ace: [roll3]
Perditor's ace: [roll4]

At the moment, Perditor and One are about 40 feet from each other, with One floating at ground level.

Oh, this is going to be good. *grabs popcorn*

By the way, it's Perditor's turn now.

2017-04-02, 09:51 AM
Perditor rears up out of the hole and takes a good look at One. Ya, this was his sibling, no doubt. The disappearance of the little Half Elf however had set his suspicion on edge and so Perditor does something odd for him. He doesnt charge in.

Inseatd, he leans back a bit and sizes up One, "I am Perditor, son of the Storm Caller, i take it you are One? I was asked to come here and battle you by a strange little Half Elf. Im not sure why i did it, probably curiosity, but now that i'm here i have the strangest feeling that im getting played. What do you think?"

Perditor is holding his action to cast Obscuring Snow if One looks like shes going to do something hostile.

2017-04-02, 10:14 AM
It's now One's turn. I've seen people wait for me to respond to the 'GM only' text before, so I figured I'd eliminate any chance of that happening.

Don nadie
2017-04-03, 01:14 AM
One is staggered, surprised by the sudden appearance of Perditor from nowhere. The monster, however, is not attacking the angelic being... Rather, it has begun to talk. It would seem that Bercu was far too willing to believe he'd be violent. That is convenient.

Ones eyes dart through the square and, if there are any wounded, moves towards them as it talks. People of the city, seek refuge! it says first. The ghostly being has a beautiful voice, clear like the sound of a trumphet. Its tone somehow conveys motherly love and worry, and it seems entirely sincere. As for you, the one called Perditor... It adds turning to the monster. You are being used. In my hand I hold the proof, read it if such is your wish. One extends a hand and lets the letter fall to the monster's feet.

If afterwards you still desire to harm this city, know that I shall face you. For this people shall soon Submit to the Light. Thus, it is the Will of the True Divine that they receive Its Protection. If, however, you desire to hunt the one called Maximillian Bercu and leave this city unharmed... Your escape shall be unimpended.

It looks at the monster critically, as if measuring it and finding it lacking. At least for today, Son of the Storm. One is all too willing to let the monster go if that can lead to a dead Bercu.

It speaks with Perditor while tending the wounded, slowly herding them out of the inmediacy. The angel moves without touching the floor, softly sliding through air as if the normal rules of space did not apply to it. A wind not of this world ruffles its veils, under which a heavenly beauty can be guessed or perhaps merely imagined.

Once it is clear most of the inhabitants of the city are either gone or able to move on their own, One shall be back, before the monster.

So... one drops the letter (free action), moves to the wounded and heals them (if there are any).

2017-04-03, 03:38 AM
Some people back off in terror at Perditor's appearance, but its lack of aggression and One's lack of fright calm them down somewhat.

None are wounded so far.

Also, it's Perditor's turn now.

A whispered, magically projected voice suddenly sounds in Perditor's ears.

You fool! This thing only hasn't attacked yet because of my magic. You'll have to fight it eventually, why not now? These spells aren't permanent!

2017-04-03, 05:49 AM
Perditor snorts at the, rather annoying and unwelcome, mental message as he stoops to pick up the letter. He unfolds it and reads it quickly.

2017-04-03, 06:25 AM
The letter has been written mostly in black ink, but with sentences in a different color inbetween.

It reads as follows:

Dear sir or madam One,

I hope you have not forgotten about me since we last met, though I feel certain you have not. Also, please excuse me from using a medium as impersonal as this letter to contact you: I just happen to feel that personally delivering this message would have ended in my death.
Not to mention that concealing this second message in it would have been most difficult.
With the formalities out of the way, I shall now announce my reason for writing this letter: I am leaving. Where before I was of the opinion that quick action could stop the danger you pose to me and my faith, I suppose that by now your beliefs have entrenched themselves in this civilization already, to remain until its end.
Which, contrary to what you might think, isn’t enough reason for me to stop trying to remove them. Fortunately, the one I have with me is more than capable of ending civilizations. Say goodbye to your religion.
As a result, I feel like I no longer have a place in this kingdom. I shall leave to other lands shortly; perhaps the gnomes or halflings will be more accepting.
Besides, this kingdom is about to get vastly less pleasant.
I feel like this is fairest for both of us, with you getting your precious peace and me getting my freedom.
That is, you'll get your peace in death.
Of course, the journey to the gnomish lands is long indeed, and one can hardly expect someone to leave for a foreign (and apparently monster-plagued) land without helping him on his way, can't they?
Although I suppose one of the monsters in question is on my side, for however brief it may be.
The small sum of a hundred thousand gold pieces (preferably in gems) ought to be sufficient.
If you have brought it, that’d be a nice bonus. I didn’t expect you to, but you’ve done the thing I didn’t expect more often. It must have something to do with having light for brains.
As I find the notion of you willingly granting me such wealth difficult to conceive, I have seen fit to implement a slight incentive for you to do so.
Because I suppose even you would be suspicious if I revealed my location without ensuring my own safety in some way.
As you are reading this letter, a number of corpses I have animated wait patiently in hidden locales across the city. Should I not receive the requested money before sunset, I will release them from my control. Should I be killed, they will be freed as well. Should any of them be destroyed, I will know, and I will release control of all other ones. Not only that, once I have the slightest indication my creations are being tampered with I will leave immediately, eliminating your last chance of stopping me.
It’s an elegant plan, isn’t it? I considered actually executing it, but figured the lack of undead for you to find would only increase the pressure on you. That, or you’d figure out it was a lie and be even more careless in approaching the meeting place.
I guarantee, should my demands not be met, hundreds will die, killed by the 'unnatural abominations' serving me.
Of course, the same will happen if you do meet them. Hard to keep an untamed engine of soldified apocalypse in check.
Three hours past noon, I will be at Vertgobyfith Square, located to the west of town, to receive the jewels. I will then disappear without raising a hand against the people of this kingdom.
Someone else is going to do enough hand-raising for both of us.
Never will we see each other again, as it should be.
After all, you will be dead.
Now, I suggest you get to work. Assuming the one I paid to deliver this letter to you isn't too slow, you should have a little over six hours to gather the money.
And say goodbye to the ones you love. Oops, too late for that.
With an utmost lack of love, and impatient anticipation of your death

Maximilian Bercu, [COLOR="#FF0000"]who does not take kindly to self-proclaimed messiahs ruining decades of dedicated work.

PS: For a thing able to float through walls, you sure didn’t plan for an attack from below.

PPS: Perditor, assuming you’re reading (can you even read?) this after killing One, consider our alliance over. I’ll be coming for you eventually as well: a world with beings like you in it is one I’ll have a lot of difficulty controlling. Until then, have fun mindlessly smashing away at the humans’ civilization, as you do best.

2017-04-03, 05:00 PM
It took every ounce of self control for Perditor to slowly fold up the paper and to toss it back towards One. He thought about shouting at Bercu, as he was sure he was listening, but decided against it. "It would seem that my suspicions where correct, i am being played. Know One that i have no actual problem with you, i came primarily out of curiosity which started as pride, but now it has turned to annoyance at this Bercu. Now with that out of the way i am curious, what lands do you claim as your own? I ask so that i may avoid them. I claim all of the former halfing lands if you are curious."

There, Bercu will try to use him will he?

Don nadie
2017-04-03, 06:28 PM
One tilts its head to its left side, its lips curving into a thin smile. It seems a motherly expression, as if the Son of the Storm had said something amusing.

I claim no land as mine, it states calmly. It speaks almost in a whisper. Sooner or later, the sun raises over all. Sooner or later, all sin must be Purified. The world shall bathe in the Joy and Oblivion of the Will.

It pauses, staring at the minotaur's eyes. All life must know the True Divine, it says. This sunrise, however, is the Time of Judgement. Maximillian Bercu has sinned more than can be measured and has toyed with the actions of others through falsehood. Let us bring him down, if he's still within the bounds of this city. Then, we can part ways for this day, Son of the Storm... if that's your wish.

2017-04-03, 07:49 PM
Perditor chuckles, it sounds like the rumble of distant thunder. "Sounds fine with me, i didnt really like the priest anyway."

Don nadie
2017-04-04, 06:40 AM
One nods slowly, the three triangles continue their orbit behind its head. Radiance glows out of One's expression. Perhaps it is the satisfaction of revenge?

Let's seek him out, then. Where was the last place you saw him, creature, and what did he do?

2017-04-04, 09:00 AM
From an alley, an elvish female appears and moves towards One.

"One! What's going on? Why did a giant... icy... cow... monster something burst out of the ground just now?"

The elf studies Perditor for a moment with an interested look on her face, mumbling in her own language.

Meanwhile, a scratching sound is audible in the hole behind Perditor.

2017-04-04, 04:46 PM
"Firstly, if anyone calls me a cow again, there will be problems. Secondly, i saw him down there with his undead Bullete." he growls pointing at the hole. "Which i believe is trying to crawl out now."

Don nadie
2017-04-04, 06:55 PM
One turns to Bycema. Seer, alert the guard: the undead were a ruse. This creature, the Son of the Storm, has agreed to turn against Maximillian Bercu. We shall end that criminal. Then, One turns once again to the minotaur. Let's chase him.

The angelic being grabs the bundle of cloth back from the floor and then, like a gust of wind, goes into the hole.

2017-04-05, 04:54 AM
Bynema runs off rapidly.

Inside the hole, a long tunnel leads westward, filled with darkness. The bulette skeleton is gone, but further down the tunnel the sound of claws hitting rock can be heard, moving away from the godlings.

Initiative is back on! First is Perditor, then One, then the bulette.

2017-04-05, 05:51 AM
Perditor charges down the tunnel he made, hoping to catch the Bullete, and eventually, the Half Elf.

2017-04-06, 05:42 AM
Perditor rampages through the tunnel, and at the edge of his darkvision the bullette skeleton appears, running swiftly.

It is now One's turn.

Don nadie
2017-04-06, 07:45 AM
The angel quickly surpasses Perditor, advancing through the cavern like a gust of brigth wind.

Move action and Standard action to move. My movement is 100', flight, perfect. And going through walls is an option. If One sees anything weird, he may act differently but...

(Also something tells me Bercu will be hidden XD)

2017-04-08, 03:18 PM
One spots the rapidly running bulette charging down the tunnel, though Bercu is nowhere to be seen near it.

Something seems off about the bulette's posture and movement, though what is hard to see.

It is now Perditor's turn. Note that he is not faster than the bulette and won't be able to catch up with it.

Also, One isn't fast enough to move, than standard, though it can get past the bulette and wait for it further down the tunnel.

If both of you just want to keep chasing it, tell me and I'll fast forward to the next interesting thing to happen.

2017-04-10, 06:55 PM
Im fine with just chasing the thing

Don nadie
2017-04-11, 04:47 AM
One advances fast, but hesitates when coming closer to the undead. Its movements seem strange... Could it be that Bercu has released it? Or perhaps ordered it to go a direction opposite of his? As he goes through the tunnel, one makes a decision and raises two of its hands to the ceiling, asking the True Divine for inspiration. For a moment, One's eyes lit with the brightness of the sun...

Ok, One is using Search to see if there are any footsteps or signs of where did Bercu go. For that, he'll be spending its Divine Insight. [roll0]. If One finds nothing/finds that the direction is ahead,
he'll just follow and we can go forth :)

2017-04-13, 02:32 PM
The mad chase continues, with an end to the tunnel becoming visible.

One spots no tracks of Bercu.

As Perditor is still giving chase and the bulette is only running, One can take their turn once more. After it, the bulette will have reached the tunnel's end.

Don nadie
2017-04-13, 08:11 PM
On seeing no tracks, one moves forth flying as fast as it can. It is still uncertain as to where Bercu might be, but they have no better guess... And at least One knows the city guard is looking for Bercu above.

2017-04-15, 02:09 AM
Chased by Perditor and taken over by One, the bulette smashes through the thin layer of earth separating the tunnel from outside, then continues running towards the ocean.

Same as always: Perditor can act or just keep running, One can act.

2017-04-15, 10:10 PM
Perditor shifts into his flight form and continues his pursuit

Don nadie
2017-04-16, 01:01 AM
While flying, One lets the light of the True Divine emanate from its fingers to hit the undead. The angel is still worrying about the whereabouts of Bercu...

Ok, so... light attack!

Attack vs Touch AC [roll0]
Positive energy damage: [roll1]

2017-04-21, 12:35 PM
As Perditor, now in his winged form, emerges from the tunnel and One's attack misses, the undead charges into the ocean.

Somewhat hard to notice, yet visible beneath the water's surface, a strange thing can be seen. Just above the bulette, there is an area apparently free of water, even though it is surrounded by the sea on all sides. No clear reason for its presence can be seen.

Don nadie
2017-04-21, 08:25 PM
One frowns. Might that be... Might that be an invisible Bercu? The idea sounds somewhat absurd, and also problematic. One needs to reach him, to see more clearly. He flies forth as fast as he can. He must reach the Bulette!

Ok... so flying onwards! I hope the bulette is not faster than One is. I so want to murder this guy ¬¬

2017-04-21, 09:38 PM
Perditor isn't sure what that bubble is, so he decides to be safe and just blast it with boreal wind.

Fort save or be pushed back 30 ft


2017-04-22, 12:25 AM
A gush of frigid wind bursts forth, stirring up the water and forming small shards of ice on it. The bulette seems unaffected, but the strange, water-less area is blown away from it.

Slowly, it moves towards the surface. As it does so, a human shape becomes visible, that of Bercu. The cleric, his robes soaked and skin frostbitten, turns around with a somewhat nervous expression and speaks:

"Perditor, don't let that thing kill me! You need me! You don't have a reason to trust this thing: it'll kill you next!"

Don nadie
2017-04-22, 01:04 AM
One's expression is severe as it flies forth. It's voice rings above the waves:

This man has already attempted to cheat me more times that I care to forgive. He's tried to cheat you too, you've read his letter. I have only been forthcoming with you, Son of the Storm. I now swear by the Glory of the True Divine: you shall leave this land in peace, for today only Maximillian Bercu is an enemy of the Light. I want his body, dead or alive, to show the Faithful what befalls criminals and heretics.

This is the Will.

I'm presuming answering that is a free action XD I'll wait for for Perditor to act before I try to murder/knock Bercu, but quick question: how far is One from Bercu? Can it reach him in one move action? Is he in range of spells?

2017-04-22, 03:14 PM
"I have no reason to trust you either Bercu, and i particularly don't like being manipulated. One can do with you as she likes."

Don nadie
2017-04-22, 08:45 PM
One nods. I appreciate it, Son of the Storm. It turns towards Maximillian Bercu. One of its hands still holds the cloth-wrapped box, another reaches for the sun.

Praise the Light! Praise the Grace of the Uncorrupted! One's hand shines as if gathering the sunlight arround it. Praise the Glory and the Joy! The light shines further, most creatures would need to avert their eyes. Let the Truth smite the sinner! As it cries this phrase one extends its hand towards Bercu and the light begins to sizzle. Let the Will be realized! With the prayer's end, a gust of otherworldly wind shakes One's veil and the sizzling light flies towards Bercu.

Hammer of righteousness! One sacrifices [roll0] CHA points. And deals [roll1] (let's assume Bercu counts as evil this time) :P Fort DC 21 for half.

One has the option to choose between lethal and nonlethal with this spell. It chooses lethal ¬¬

It also moves closer to Bercu. The aim is to grab the body asap rather than letting it sink.

2017-04-25, 04:48 AM

As One prepares the killing blow, Maximilian's calm demeanor gives way to true panic. Water splashes around him as he tries to move out of the way. As the hammer of pure energy forms, the man stammers:

"One! Don..."

Then the weapon strikes him square. There is a sickening crunch, followed by silence. The water around Maximilian slowly colors red.

Don nadie
2017-04-25, 06:52 PM
One seems shaken. What goes through the angel's mind, only its Creator may know. This is, after all, the first time that One has shed blood.

The angelic being seems to hesitate for a moment. Then, it raises hands again asking the True Divine to enact its power over all living things. The water raises and eebs forming several humanoid figures, to which One orders to carry the body of Bercu and all of its belongings.

One turns to the bull-like monster next to him.

-Son of the Storm, I thank you for your help. If you ever want to listen to the Light and learn the way of the True Divine, you shall be welcome to my side. Today, you may go with falsehood in your chest, for you have been helpful. You are now invited to go in peace. I promise you that if ever we need fight, I shall confront you directly... Unlike our machinating enemy here.

Btw: was Bulette a made undead (and hence is it wild and ravid now) or was it summoned? Because I see a "One is calmly chatting to Minotaur-man when the undead jumps on its neck".

Also, summon creature IV to summon [roll0] water elementals. Carry the body boys!

2017-04-25, 07:19 PM
Perditor nods to the strange creature, "I take the gift in the spirit it is given. I bid you farewell." Perditor then wings ff towards the land he had come from.

2017-04-30, 06:49 AM
Encounter concluded: thread abandoned. You can return to your own threads.