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View Full Version : Pathfinder Deadpool, How would you stat him up?

2017-04-02, 04:58 PM
I am curious how the playground would stat-up this MCU cinematic character. Below is my attempt at the task (using Spheres of Might and two templates).

CR 4
Male human cursed lord (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/cursed-lord-cr-2/) mutant (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/mutant-cr-1/) striker 2
CN Medium aberration (augmented human)
Init +2; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, -2 berserking)
hp 31 (2d10+14+2 FCB)
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +1
Defensive Abilities fast healing 5, immortal curse; Immune radiation; Weaknesses fractured mind, trapped
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 +1 wakizashi +3 (1d6+2/18-20)
Ranged 2 revolver +2 touch (1d8/x4, capacity 6)
Tradition Akimbo (Drawbacks: Ineffectual Attacks (Berserking); PAB Con
Berserking sphere – DC 18, Talents Deathless
- deathless (while dedicated, does not die until at negative hit points equal to 2x Constitution score)
- dedicate (-2 penalty to AC and +5 temp hit points each round)
Dual Wielding sphere – DC 18, Talents Impossible Reload
- impossible reload (reload without a free hand, ranged weapons are considered light weapons for the purpose of dual wielding)
- dedicate (dual wielding weapons bestow half the normal penalties)
Equipment sphere – DC 18, Talents Custom Training, Finesse Fighting
- custom training (pistol proficiency, revolver proficiency, wakizashi proficiency)
- finesse fighting (use Dex instead of Str when making melee attacks with light or unarmed attacks, add +½ HD to damage with such attacks)
Open Hand sphere – DC 18
- versatile fist (unarmed strikes deal choice of bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage)
- dedicate (successful unarmed strike gives hit creature a -1 penalty to CMD)
Sniping sphere – DC 18, Talents Piercing Shot
- deadly shot (martial focus, roll damage dice twice and combine)
- snipe (piercing shot)
- dedicate (roll twice vs miss chance using either roll)
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 24, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Extra Combat Talent, Gunsmithing
Skills Acrobatics +7, Escape Artist +7, Perception +5, Perform (comedy) +4, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +7
Languages Common, Undercommon
Combat Gear metal cartridges (30); Other Gear +1 studded leather, 2 revolvers, 2 +1 wakizashi, vest of resistance +1, gunsmith’s kit
Tension: Deadpool begins the first round of each combat with 1 tension. Throughout combat Deadpool may gain upto his Con mod in tension in a variety of ways which include:

Offensive Pressure: Whenever Deadpool successfully damages a creature with an unarmed strike, he gains 1 tension.
Defensive Determination: Whenever Deadpool takes damage from an attack originating from a creature (including spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities), he gains 1 tension. Deadpool does not gain tension from attacks made against him while he is flat-footed or unaware.
Maneuvering Momentum: Whenever Deadpool moves 10 ft. or more during his turn (this cannot be forced movement), he gains 1 tension.
Tension Techniques: Deadpool may spend tension with any of the following ways:
1 Tension

Expert Guard: For each tension a striker spends on this tension technique, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on all saves until the beginning of her next turn (1 tension)
Fiery Offense: For each tension a striker spends on this tension technique, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes until the beginning of her next turn (1 tension)
Light Step: The striker spends a swift action and selects a single creature, all movement she makes until the beginning of her next turn does not provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature (1 tension)
Stalwart Form: For each tension a striker spends on this tension technique, she gains DR 1/- until the beginning of her next turn; this damage reduction stacks with similar damage reduction (1 tension)
Timely Dodge: For each tension a striker spends on this tension technique, she gains a +1 dodge bonus her armor class until the beginning of her next turn (1 tension)
Critical Knuckle: The striker increases the critical threat range of her unarmed strikes by 1 until the beginning of her next turn; this bonus stacks with other increases to the striker’s unarmed strikes critical threat range, but is applied last. (2 tension)
Perfect Offensive: The striker automatically confirms a critical threat made with an unarmed strike. (2 tension)
Rapid Pummel: Whenever a striker makes an attack action, she can spend a swift action to make an additional attack with an unarmed strike with a -2 penalty (she can wait until the results of the attack roll before deciding to use this tension technique) once per turn; if she spends an additional 2 tension, she can instead make two additional attacks, each with a -4 penalty. (2 tension)
Swift Focus: The striker spends a swift action to regain martial focus. (2 tension)
Second Chance: The striker can reroll a saving throw after the result has been revealed, although she must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse. (3 tension)
Speed Step: The striker can spend a swift action to move up to the striker’s speed with whatever methods of moment she possesses. (3 tension)
Combo Rhythm: Every successful attack with an unarmed strike grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage until the beginning of his next round, while every missed attack roll decreases the bonus by 1.
Favored Weapon (Wakizashi): Deadpool treats all wakizashi he uses as unarmed strikes for the purposes of gaining tension and using tension techniques.
Immortal Curse: Even death can’t free Deadpool from his domain, and if Deadpool is killed he returns to life 24 hours later.
Trapped: Deadpool’s domain is the Material Plane. As a cursed lord, Deadpool is unable to leave his domain by any means, and effects such as plane shift, shadow walk, teleport, and even wish fail.
Fractured Mind: When Deadpool fails a Will save, he is confused for 1 round.
Deadpool is immortal and with his fast healing and deathless abilities he is not one to normally shirk from a fight. Deadpool normally begins combat with his two revolvers but will immediately switch to his twin wakizashi should enemies come within melee range. Stat-block assumes that Deadpool has his focus dedicated to the Berserking sphere.

I am also curious as to what you think about the build, and how you would improve it.

2017-04-02, 09:08 PM
He dies real easy.

2017-04-02, 09:18 PM
Is there a reason you gave him Wakizashi instead of actual Katanas? Because he uses Katanas.

2017-04-02, 09:32 PM
Is there a reason you gave him Wakizashi instead of actual Katanas? Because he uses Katanas.

1) the swords that Deadpool uses in the movie are actually shorter than what I consider to be katanas.
2) By using light weapons, the wakizashi qualify for using the Favored Weapon striker talent.

2017-04-02, 09:42 PM
Is there a reason you gave him Wakizashi instead of actual Katanas? Because he uses Katanas.

It's because katanas are underpowered of course. (https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Katanas_are_Underpowered_in_d20#Original_Post) Okay, I'm a little sorry for that.

2017-04-02, 09:55 PM
1) the swords that Deadpool uses in the movie are actually shorter than what I consider to be katanas.
2) By using light weapons, the wakizashi qualify for using the Favored Weapon striker talent.

okay just curious just weird imagining him doing a katana-rama with Wakizashi's

2017-04-02, 11:36 PM
Well, he´s "created" by torture, so male human with the apostle kyton template. Samurai 3 (Ronin)/Ninja 5/Fighter (Trench Fighter) 3, usual TWF, WepFoc/WepSpec feats, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses.

Edit. To model his special kind of insanity, he´s got the psychometabloic corruption, stage 3, Defy Gravity (Gift), Endless Echoes (Gift, Stain) and psychometabolic jaunt (Gift, Stain).

2017-04-02, 11:43 PM
I kinda want to make him a DSP Wilder with a lot of self-healing powers, and maybe inevitable strike to simulate the crazy ability to use those katanas. Then pump all feats towards using the katanas and you're golden.

2017-04-03, 12:12 AM
Well, he´s "created" by torture, so male human with the apostle kyton template. Samurai 3 (Ronin)/Ninja 5/Fighter (Trench Fighter) 3, usual TWF, WepFoc/WepSpec feats, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses.

Edit. To model his special kind of insanity, he´s got the psychometabloic corruption, stage 3, Defy Gravity (Gift), Endless Echoes (Gift, Stain) and psychometabolic jaunt (Gift, Stain).

If you have time, I would like to see an actual stat-block.

I kinda want to make him a DSP Wilder with a lot of self-healing powers, and maybe inevitable strike to simulate the crazy ability to use those katanas. Then pump all feats towards using the katanas and you're golden.

This is an interesting take on the character, and I also would like to see a possible stat-block.

2017-04-03, 12:23 AM
Just a nitpick but Deadpool isn't in the MCU. Nothing tied to Xmen or Fox is MCU. Beyond that even movie Deadpool has full blown legit Regen and not just fast healing. Fast Healing (or healing powers) don't justify him regrowing limbs like he did. And obviously fire isn't a weakness for him so classic Troll style regen is out.

2017-04-03, 12:26 AM
Just a nitpick but Deadpool isn't in the MCU. Nothing tied to Xmen or Fox is MCU. Beyond that even movie Deadpool has full blown legit Regen and not just fast healing. Fast Healing (or healing powers) don't justify him regrowing limbs like he did. And obviously fire isn't a weakness for him so classic Troll style regen is out.

Yeah he has like Tarrasque regen.

2017-04-03, 12:35 AM
Deadpool has full blown legit Regen and not just fast healing. Fast Healing (or healing powers) don't justify him regrowing limbs like he did. And obviously fire isn't a weakness for him so classic Troll style regen is out.

Yeah, but getting Regen (with a decent number on it) on a low/mid level char is quite difficult, especially in Pathfinder. Fast Healing does -most- of what you want.
And to be honest, there really aren't all that many ways to actually remove limbs in the game.

2017-04-03, 12:42 AM
Yeah he has like Tarrasque regen.

Comic Deadpool has Tarrasque like Regen. Even without help from his curse he's still regen'd from a puddle of mush formerly known as Deadpool. Movie Deadpool not so much since it still took a few days to get his arm back. For a lot of his smaller wounds it even looked like he healed slower than Wolverine. this may change in later movies but so far he doesn't have great showings.

Yeah, but getting Regen (with a decent number on it) on a low/mid level char is quite difficult, especially in Pathfinder. Fast Healing does -most- of what you want.
And to be honest, there really aren't all that many ways to actually remove limbs in the game.

True. I just brought it up for the sake of accuracy.

2017-04-03, 12:55 AM
Troll style regen is out.

I´ve picked the luton apostle template as it provides good and silver regen, which shouldn't´t come up too much against bad guys. Fitting, tho, as guys like Cable and Colossus always manage to whack him good.

2017-04-03, 03:14 AM
Hmmm.....Deadpool is white hot **** at the Special Agent tier. He tends to lose out at the Actual Superpowers tier, though. So no more than level 6, 7 at the outside.

2017-04-03, 03:49 AM
Hmmm.....Deadpool is white hot **** at the Special Agent tier. He tends to lose out at the Actual Superpowers tier, though. So no more than level 6, 7 at the outside.

I think that depends a bit on which Deadpool series we´er basing it on. "Cable & Deadpool" uses a lot of high-tech gadgets and gizmos, from mini-teleporters to holographic devises, which I feel could be done quite well when using the Occultist class as a base.

2017-04-03, 09:23 AM
This is an interesting take on the character, and I also would like to see a possible stat-block.

Sure, I may work on it throughout the day. It'd be a little rough and wonky, but certainly fun to play.

I'm going to make him level 13, since that's when I can get Restore Extremity on a Wilder (I think), and then just to be a bit weird, I want to make his Surge Type be Rage, as his healing factor is cancerous and doesn't always work the way he quite wants it too (which is why his surge would hurt him if he overexerts himself) but it also allows him to be capable of great strength and resilience, which is golden.

2017-04-03, 10:09 AM
Just a nitpick but Deadpool isn't in the MCU. Nothing tied to Xmen or Fox is MCU.

*facepalm* I actually disappointed that I messed that up, I had in-fact just read a couple articles not a couple hours earlier stating that Deadpool wasn't in-fact part of the MCU. Fixed.

Beyond that even movie Deadpool has full blown legit Regen and not just fast healing. Fast Healing (or healing powers) don't justify him regrowing limbs like he did. And obviously fire isn't a weakness for him so classic Troll style regen is out.

Yeah he has like Tarrasque regen.

Yeah, but getting Regen (with a decent number on it) on a low/mid level char is quite difficult, especially in Pathfinder. Fast Healing does -most- of what you want.
And to be honest, there really aren't all that many ways to actually remove limbs in the game.

I looked through a bunch of templates, but was having trouble finding one that granted decent Regen (and appropriate counter). I also try to keep all of my character conversions as no higher than 5HD or CR 4. So I figured: fast healing 5 + berserking (5 temp hp that refreshes each round) + deathless (stays alive and conscious until -48 HP) + immortal curse (if dies, comes back to life 24 hours later) = good enough for me.