View Full Version : Describe what sort of movie remakes/sequels YOU want

2017-04-02, 08:16 PM
Its an interesting thought experiment. Take any film, tv show, book or whatever that you enjoyed and would really like to see a sequel or even a reboot for, and tell us what you had in mind. I will start to give an idea of what I mean.

The new Ghostbusters movie. The ideal version would have been setup like this. The original cast are back, its current times, so they arent hiding the fact that they are like, 30 years older than they were in gb2. After the events of the second film, there was no hiding reality. Ghosts are real, these guys are the only ones who know how to contain them. Obviously they strike it rich. Ghostbusters Inc is now a franchise, with branches opening up all over the US. The old timers are retired from active busting but they need to setup a new crew to handle new york city. This brings in the new busters. The old crew act as mentors, teaching them to tricks of the trade, and are mainly in the film to let us enjoy their talents as actors in one last hurrah. The idea is to setup the new crew and, in wrestling parlance, get them over with the audience. The story outside of what I stated could be just about anything, rival firm trying to sabotage them, corporate espionage attempt (think willy wonka and the chocolate factory where the candy owner tried to get charlie to steal secrets for him) or even some new big threat, an easy excuse being there is more to the spirit world than we know, and this wholesale capturing of ghosts is causing a response from the other side. Either way, I think it would work pretty well. Just need to find the right group of actors/actresses that can make as good a team as the originals. If the idea takes off there is now an entire new group of actors to fill the slots, and the old guys can either vanish or be the occasional cameo for whatever reason. Egon: "I invented this new proton pack that works way better, try it out."

Indiana Jones is a similar theme. I want a passing of the torch. For all I care, you can create someone new, or bring back short round, only now he is an adult, (It might be a nice tie in joke where indiana hated being called junior, so he called himself indiana, now short round hates that name which is all his mentor calls him and insists his name is actually whatever) and indiana is the crotchety old man who tells him what to do as he/they go on adventures. Think Last Crusade, if Sean Connery was teaching his son how to be an archaeologist. The new guy is the young adventure guy who does all the crazy things, harrison ford is the research guy who generally solves the clues or at least helps do it. The goal, once again, being a way to bridge the series into a new actor who is young enough to last a few more films himself by bringing in the old popular actor to draw in the audience. There are hundreds of ancient legendary artifacts to be found, traps to get through, mysteries to solve, etc etc etc. So long as the type of movie holds up, it could continue for a long time.

So what sort of sequels or reboots have you seen and wished were done better, or that you wish had been made but werent?

2017-04-02, 09:04 PM
Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'd watch them be grownups dealing with grownup issues (like Don's insistence on making weird technomagic stuff for his kid's school science project or Ralph's anger management counseling or Mike's endless failures to hold a steady job) while still fighting Foot ninjas and aliens and robots and alien ninja robots. I might even go to the cinema for that, which I almost never do.

2017-04-03, 10:56 AM
Ghostbusters where the villain deliberately sent back in time and caused the downfall of the original franchise in an effort to steal the patents for their tech.
He ends up imprisoned after killing one member causing the group to disband as his trip through time exhausted the ghost energy leaving them without work.
In the movie he disappears and the new female ghostbusters who were tricked into helping him learn from the one former member who gave them the Ectomobile about what happened which is when the newly released aged bad guy turns up and we learn he plans on repeating his scheme!

Star Trek
The Romulaan modified Borgship suffers a power failure meaning Kirk's dad doesn't die stopping it but the Klingons seize it and he's blacklisted even though there was nothing he could have done except rescue the surviving crew.
Section 31 help break out the Borgship's crew who turn on them leading to them attacking Vulcan to draw out the Federation forces allowing a few of them to return to Romulus with Spock's ship.
They successfully blow up Vulcan but whilst they head for Earth Kirk information is picked up Kirk End to go after Spock's ship thanks to Ambassador Spock.
They manage to recover the ship using it to disable the Borgship's planet drill infuriating Nero into pursuing them resulting in a fight between it, the Enterprise, the Farragut (Kirk's dad's ship) and Spock's ship.
By end of movie Kirk into transfers from security to helm, his dad introduces him to Pike as Kirk Into earns his Lt jg rank at the end of his cadet cruise...

So what happened makes sense!

Magnificent Seven set in the future!

2017-04-03, 11:33 AM
I still want a Willow prequel about the adventures of Madmartigan, his history with General Airk, and how he ultimately wound up in that cage. Val Kilmer is too old to reprise the role now, but I could see Chris Hemsworth hamming it up for the part like he did in The Hunstman.

2017-04-03, 12:09 PM
How about a remake of the first d&d movie but done properly!

Use the setting from the 2nd movie have Profion seeking to usurp the throne after poisoning the king with the heroes sent to rescue his kidnapped daughter being held by Damodar.

Turns out Profion is seeking the location of an ancient artefact which shows the original movie version of Izmer before it was devastated and abandoned as a result of the gods reacting to the use of the Rod of Dragon Control!

They rescue the princess only to lose the flighty rogue who dies recovering an ancient scroll which holds the only means to reach the shattered remains of ancient Izmer in the Shadowfell.

Turns out Profion assumed he needed the princess thinking her family are the rightful heir to Izmer's throne but it's actually the son of the merchant Profion had killed for inventing a flying machine.

He's the only one permitted to enter the crypt recovering the rod learning its history and why Izmer was trapped in the Shadowfell.

Damodar steals the rod upon his return but he's cursed by Profion because he can't use the rod.

The princess is kidnapped again but the heroes manage to sneak in thanks to one of them posing as a guard.

He recovers the rod after the princess is unable to use the rod and Profion stares in shock unaware the rod is divine in origin not arcane unable to accept this after the hero summons a dragon Profion is swallowed whole along with the rod before the dragon promptly leaves.

Damodar escapes being thought dead from the fall, now undead he will eventually return once he fully understands his new state as the princess becomes the new Queen.

Sorry got a little long winded there!

2017-04-03, 12:43 PM
What I am interested in is good stories being told in a new way, with alternative interpretations of characters and events. Nobody needs to watch a movie they've already seen before.

But perhaps most importantly the creators have to understand what made the story compelling in the first place and take their own movie as seriously as the first one. Almost all remakes that I can think of look like cheap cash grabs to make easy money for the lowest possible effort. Why work hard to make a good movie if you can have a movie whose name is already famous?

A good remake would be A Fistful of Dollars. It's a nice recreation of Yojimbo in a different setting with the same commitment to make something great.

Does The Thing count as a remake? It certainly is not a remake of The Thing From Another World, but another adaptation of Who Goes There? It's a case of the same source material being adapted multiple times, and the second time it was very different, and a lot better.

2017-04-03, 12:53 PM
Star Wars Prequels

First off, NO to the first movie. We start off with anakin the learner or maybe padawan just starting out. He isnt just proclaimed "the chosen one" no, he gets his start by standing out as exceptional as a student. He learns quick, he grows quickly in skill, his connection to the force is truly phenomenal. But he is also a young teenager and arrogance is an issue which obi wan is trying to drum out of him. It mostly works but it leaves that little kernel of dislike in the back of his mind. Second half of the film is the very start of the clone wars with anakin as basically a secondary character and obiwan as the main. We get some adventure, some lightsaber fights, some of the philosophy of what it means to be a jedi fleshed out.

Second film starts with anakin is a jedi knight now, he earned his promotion in the intervening years. He is a dashing hero in the clone wars, well known by the people, the whole "hero without fear" thing. This is when he meets padme. He is roughly 16 years old, Padme is around 20. He gets assigned to be her bodyguard and thats where the romance starts to bloom. Yes he is young, but lets face it, being a jedi and a warrior tends to mature you rapidly. So you have the beautiful senator, the handsome jedi warrior, both are young and still hormonal, both in close quarters for extended time, of course a relationship develops. (do a better job developing it please) On the clone war front, have this be the start of anakins downfall. Basically, he is buying into his own hype, he thinks he should be able to save everyone, and he does a great job, but its just not possible to always save every life, and that eats away at him. Its why he is so strong, he keeps training and throwing himself into missions all in an attempt to grow strong enough to save everyone. And every time he fails to save someone, that fear, self loathing, desire for more power to do better next time, it grows. He sometimes gets emotional and lashes out verbally and acts recklessly. The order is trying to rein him in, but they cant remove him from the front lines for long, he is a figurehead, a popular name and face, and his record speaks for itself (even if its never good enough for him) Thats why the bodyguard mission happens in the first place. Its an attempt to give him a break. To let him get off the battlefield for a time. Basically, we see hints of the problem developing, but its not a huge deal yet.

Third film, he and padme have gotten married and she is secretly pregnant. The war has gotten progressively more and more brutal, and no matter how hard he tries, anakin just keeps taking losses, even though the missions are pretty much all successes. This is of course all being carefully arranged by palpatine from the shadows. Eventually he approaches Anakin and says, "I can help you get stronger. Its obvious jedi teachings arent good enough, you need more. Of course you can handle it, you are anakin! You wont fall from learning a few techniques here and there. You will be a true hero, and keep everyone safe! From here its palpatine leading him down the garden path. Baby steps along the dark side. "You cant tell anyone, they wouldnt understand." This creates friction between himself, the order and even padme. He learns to use sith techniques first by channeling his frustration into them. "There, you see? You can use them just fine and there are no problems. Now, while you can use these emotions to power the techniques, they arent nearly as strong as they could be. Try using your righteous anger when you see bad things happening to fuel the skills." And step by step he goes further down the path. Eventually leading to the moral event horizon.

The jedi order can feel that something very wrong is going on, and they basically oppose anakin in some way, which is making the now much easier to anger anakin feel like they are betraying him. "Why dont they want me to save lives? Why are they so against me growing strong enough to protect the republic? Why are they so jealous of me?!" Leading to him snapping and attacking them in some way. (NOT the younglings) "Oh anakin, what have you done? Now there is no turning back, they will hunt you down and kill you for this. Here, these techniques, fueled by your justifiable anger at their betrayal will allow you to defeat them." Have some events take place, a few clashes with the order where anakin still thinks of himself as the good guy they turned on while he keeps getting angrier, then we can get to the whole padme showing up with obi wan type scene where he flips out thinking she betrayed him too. He lashes out, wounding her badly and its at this point he loses himself to his rage, his self loathing, his hate. Padme doesnt die of a broken heart or some such drek. She dies from delivering her twins while badly wounded. And now Vader decides its all the fault of the jedi, if they hadnt driven him to this point, none of it would have happened, so they need to be destroyed for their crimes.

2017-04-03, 12:58 PM
I'd dearly love to see a Nine Princes in Amber miniseries.

2017-04-03, 01:40 PM
Live Action remake of Treasure Planet.

2017-04-03, 02:29 PM
Star Wars Prequels:

Episode 1: Yeah, I'd have a version of this, but not at the same point in-universe. Anakin is in his late teens or early adulthood and is already a pilot/smuggler/whatever with surprisingly strong latent force abilities. When these awaken at some point he has to go to the Jedi for training, them having an effective monopoly on Force-abilities, or risk accidentally killing his friends through unconscious use. I'd have had the main universe really play up the science fiction aesthetic, with some characters having cybernetic limbs and having holographic interfaces everywhere, possibly intentionally more advanced than the Original Trilogy, with the high tech being lost or suppressed as the films go on, and then play up the fact that the Jedi are essentially an order of wizards and have their technology and structures feel much more fantasy-esque, even if they use most of the same technology.

The early part of the film focuses on Anakin and his attempts to gain training while building up the Jedi as this intentionally neutral party, the second half would have had the start of the Clone Wars happen in the background and focus on disagreement in the Jedi Order as to whether or not they should get involved. I'd have Obi Wan as essentially a young Jedi assigned to test and train Anakin.

Episode 2: Here we have Anakin as a fully trained Jedi, but still not respected. I'd likely bring in the early part of his 'actual Episode 3' arc here, in that most of the order distrusts him, and the Galaxy's conflict against an invading clone army is the key idea here, with the Jedi splitting into a group remaining neutral and one that Anakin has convinced to join the conflict, including Obi Wan. Have the start of Anakin's relationship with Padme the young idealistic politician in here as a running subplot, and actually play with the idea of the spirit and letter of the Jedi code. Have the reality of the war start to wear on the participating Jedi, and have some of them actually fall to the dark side including Jedi Master Palpatine, although for the moment Anakin and Obi Wan are definitively still part of the light side. The film ends with the war grinding to a stalemate, with Anakin fighting on the front lines and Padme in government to try and end the war one way or another.

Episode 3: this is where it all pays off. Palpatine and the other Dark Jedi form the Sith Order as a counterpart to the Jedi Order that has cast them out. Obi Wan starts having serious psychological problems and goes back to the Jedi Order to try and regain his peace, but the war is going badly. Much worse than before, partially due to politics and partially due to the Republic running out of resources. Anakin, now a well renowned war hero, is shuttled off from one theatre to another as fast as the politicians can decide where he should be, rarely seeing his girlfriend/wife Padme and not even knowing she's pregnant. Eventually Palpatine convinces Anakin to start using the Dark Side for more power and to help him with his plans to turn the Republic into a Galactic Empire that can more efficiently use it's resources to destroy the forces behind the invading clone army. Slowly, as Palpatine gains more support and Anakin turns the tide the Republic does reform into an autocratic state. Then, as the war is nearing it's end Anakin receives life-threatening wounds, and is listed as Killed in Action while being rebuilt as Darth Vader. Obi Wan returns at this point and learns what has happened from Padme (who he knows is Anakin's girlfriend, and was trying for years to sort this mess out before he left), before she ends up killed by one of Palpatine's assassins, although her and Anakin's children are saved. Obi Wan and the seeds of rebellion make a plan to hide the children and eventually train them as the founders of a new Jedi Order as Palpatine and Darth Vader start an assault on the Jedi and wipe most of them out. The Episode ends like the actual Episode 3 does, although the Death Star is not planned yet.

2017-04-03, 03:04 PM
But perhaps most importantly the creators have to understand what made the story compelling in the first place and take their own movie as seriously as the first one.

The problem with this is that audiences change. I think if you ask people a list of the movies they like best, a lot of those would be movies from their childhood. If you make a sequel (or a reboot) a few years later, your original audience has changed a lot. Children grow up very quick, and if you have to wait a decade (or two) before being able to make the sequel, suddenly you're facing an audience of adults.
So then the creators have to somehow make a movie that stays true to the original - a movie that the audience possibly wouldn't like if they hadn't loved it as kids already - while still appealing to the original audience.

2017-04-03, 06:21 PM
The problem with this is that audiences change. I think if you ask people a list of the movies they like best, a lot of those would be movies from their childhood. If you make a sequel (or a reboot) a few years later, your original audience has changed a lot. Children grow up very quick, and if you have to wait a decade (or two) before being able to make the sequel, suddenly you're facing an audience of adults.
So then the creators have to somehow make a movie that stays true to the original - a movie that the audience possibly wouldn't like if they hadn't loved it as kids already - while still appealing to the original audience.

Not really.

What they actually have to do is make something that appeals to the same market segment as the original show. If you made a show for eight year olds and those eight year old have all grown up now, make a show for eight year olds because it turns out eight year olds are a renewable resource and if you make the show good then the new crop will still like it.

See also: Why Super Sentai/Power Rangers has been going for approximately a million years (well, 40 or so), because they don't try and retain the audience that watched Gorenger back in 1975 and are staring down the barrel of their 50th birthday, they make a show for those people's children or grandchildren (depending how eager they were).

2017-04-04, 04:44 AM
Regarding the Star Wars Prequels

The first movie would involve showing how Palpatine got where he is.
Have the Republic but reveal they remained in power due to the Jedi Families who secretly use the long extinct Sith as an excuse to eliminate any threats to their rule or the Republic.

Palpatine is assigned as an advisor by the Jedi Family leader Count Dooku to the current head of their black ops unit.

Seeing a way to assume the Supreme Chancellor role Palpatine arranges the death of an important Jedi Family but is unaware the wife of one of them is spared being deliberately mind wiped and sold into slavery.

The siege of Naboo was set up to make his rise to power look completely innocent but when Republic Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi stumbles across Anakin whose marked resemblance to an old friend of his charge Qui-Gon Jinn a former Republic Knight himself who chose to train as a Jedi until his former Master Count Dooku asked for his help with the situation on Naboo.

A simple blood check reveals his ancestry so naturally Qui-Gon wants to do right for his long dead friend, the Sith starts off only wanting to eliminate Anakin and his mother because it's an unexpected discrepancy done as a failsafe in case Palpatine oversteps his authority.

Qui-Gon is killed protecting Anakin, Darth Maul is slain by Obi-Wan revealing he possesses powerful telepathic abilities whilst Anakin has powerful telekinetic potential.

Maul is cloned but Palpatine sees a chance to corrupt Anakin which he eventually does after Obi-Wan leaves the Knights to train as a Jedi.

Anakin is trained to join the Sith whilst seemingly being trained as a Republic Knight.

Palpatine organises the Separatists as the means Dooku can eliminate the Jedi he blames for corrupting his former student and at the critical point reveals to Anakin he was responsible for his mother's death and why he ended up born in slavery.

He kills Dooku, Palpatine ends the war turning his clone forces on the Jedi Families and turns the Republic into the Empire.

The closing scene reveals the Shrine beneath the Jedi Temple where we learn Palpatine and everyone before him were merely puppets to an ancient Sith entity responsible for the founding of the Republic now freed by the destruction of the offworld Jedi Temples that kept it sealed away the true reason for Palpatine's mock war...

2017-04-04, 06:09 AM
star wars movie were hiding jedi part handled with proper care

2017-04-04, 06:37 AM
Not really.

What they actually have to do is make something that appeals to the same market segment as the original show. If you made a show for eight year olds and those eight year old have all grown up now, make a show for eight year olds because it turns out eight year olds are a renewable resource and if you make the show good then the new crop will still like it.

See also: Why Super Sentai/Power Rangers has been going for approximately a million years (well, 40 or so), because they don't try and retain the audience that watched Gorenger back in 1975 and are staring down the barrel of their 50th birthday, they make a show for those people's children or grandchildren (depending how eager they were).

Ah, yes, but if you decide to make a show/movie for the modern day 8-year olds, there really isn't much reason to make a sequel to something that came out two decades ago (they can't remember, after all) - except to lure in their parents (in which case, marketing wise, the parents are still the target audience, you just hide it behind their kids).

2017-04-04, 09:17 AM
It's sadly too late for it now, but I wanted a Back to the Future reboot released on the day of The Future (which is now amusingly in the past).

Marty (or whoever would be the main character) would travel back to 1985 and we'd have a glorious 80s period piece hailing the best and weirdest of the 80s. Then for the sequel, we'd have 2045, pulling in our current ideas for what the world will look like in 30 years, which would of course be equally amusing when we actually get there. And then cap it off with 1915... World War One. And yes, Marty will accidentally call it that, much to everyone's confusion.

The windows for hitting World War One, and also World War Two with a third wave, are closed now, sadly. Also, I have no idea what they'd use instead of a Delorian for the car. That really was a magnificent casting to use that car as the time machine in the original. But what would it be now? An electric car? That would certainly make the World War One film amusing. Nowhere to plug it in.

2017-04-04, 09:45 AM
I want a remake of Evil Dead 2 called Evil Dead 3. Still staring Bruce Campbell.

2017-04-04, 11:26 AM
Star Trek

The alternative timeline is irrelevant and doesn't count for anything.

Make a Deep Space Nine/Voyager movie. The Borg are invading the Gamma Quadrant threatening the Dominion. The Founders seek help from the Federation who are the only ones they know who knows anything about the Borg and even defeated them. The Founders are immune to Borg assimilation like Species 8472, but the Vorta, Jem'hadar, etc. are not.

2017-04-04, 11:41 AM

Maybe not set in the current MCU but whenever that reboots. It feels a little late to suddenly introduce mutants in that universe.

Only focus on the original five plus Professor X. Everyone gets screentime but Scott and Jean are the focus. They don't even consider superheroics until mutant extremist Magneto and his Brotherhood force them to, and Scott steps up a strong leader and is actually a likeable character. Most importantly, absolutely no Phoenix Force, no hinting towards Phoenix or Dark Phoenix, and the absolute maximum screentime for Wolverine is a blurry post-credits cameo of three metal claws stabbing a giant robot knots terminator-vision, setting up for a sequel. And as for any sequels, Wolverine is always at most a side character, never the main attraction, and absolutely no Scott/Jean/Logan triangle bs.

Aotrs Commander
2017-04-04, 12:36 PM
A couple of obvious ones for me, both cartoon based, from the best and among the worst of the 80's.

I'd really like to see that get a revival. In my perfect world, it'd be a good decade or two later. The Centurions are getting on a bit, bit grey haired, but with plenty of old age and trechery winning out over them being slghtly slower. Rex Changer would have been killed in some explosion-y thing some time ago, and recently, John Thunder would have suffered a stroke (brought on by some malfunction doc Terror dohickey. Now, I would do this not out of spite, but for actual plot reasons - John would be recovering, and his first bit would be him being on the mend. (Rex's body would never have been recovered and eventully, it would transpire that he wasn't dead, just Somewhere Else or something.) But both events would be good to allow the Max, Jake and Ace to have some character moments and interaction. (And provide a bit of an arc to an otherwise very episodic show.)

Being down two members, the World President says "look guys. You're getting on a bit, and Doc Terror is still around. We're concerned. We're not going to say it's time to retire, because you have saved the world so often you've earned the right to decide that only if you want. But we would like you to have some extra support." Which would be an excuse to bring some new characters in - John' daughter (who is half-Atlantian, her parents having met during the battle in te Hole in the Ocean episodes of the original series), one would be the daughter of Cassandra the wizard (because if magic exists, frack it, let's use it) and the other one (probably also female) would be entirely unrelated to any one main cast because of avoiding too much neatness (though you could also make an arguement for her being Doc Terro's grandaughter as an altenatuve). That's bring a bit more gender balance to the roster WITHOUT replacing anyone, as well as some interesting character dynamics. And by the end of "season one," John and Rex would be back and then Doc Terror has EIGHT Centurions kicking his metal-arse.

Obviously, the beaming-down sequences would be made EVEN better, because they honestly NEVER got old, not matter hoiw many times you watch them.

And, from the opposite end of the scale, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. (As I've said before.) I watched it through a year or so ago. It... REALLY does not hold up. But the most frustrating thing about it (probably because MJS wrote it) there are flashes, kernals of good ideas that would have worked, were the show not mired in the worst 1980s guff. (It's not the absolte worst - that unfortunate honour falls to MASK, but it's only just floating above that level.)

The show needs Babylon 5ing. Unlike Centruions, whoich you could spin out for a while, Wheeled Warriors needs to be a single arc, with a start, middle and end - the endless quest bit needs to go and die. Oon needs to go or be COMPLETELY redesigned (both physically and mentally), because he was fracking terrible. Best solution if you kepot him would be to totally switch gears and make him the exact opposite of the young naive idiot, but the cynical snarker. Who is using the snark to cover up that he's getting older and isn't as powerful as he used to be, and increasingly feels outdated. And that he failed Audric, his master, at the most crucial time, giving him a powerful driving urge to make sure i doesn't happen again.

Probably my most contraversial change would be to get rid of Jayce completely (or maybe part-way through). He was a very flat and uninteresting Generic Protagonist character. I would actually pass the main protagonist role to Flora. Yes, Flora. If you read between the lines (and by the latter half of the series, dear FRAG did you need to do that while the show dragged on), she actually had the most character development - and certainly, you could get the most out of it. Stick a year or few on her - or have a mid-arc time-skip, perhaps after Jayce dies (heroically), just after finding and freeing his father in a big status quo change.

Gillian was... alright, and Herc had a character (even though it was mostly just Han Solo-light). One of the points I screamed at the screen was when they met someone called Swamp Witch, who offered to train Flora (of course, they declined). I bring her on board as a full-time character (again, even the gender balance a bit) and use that for more character development.

Jayce - assuming Flora just didn't kill him and steal his stuff, as it were, or he didn't knobbled in a Surprise Twist part-way through, giving Flora the motivation to continue (possibly helped by his greiving father) - would have to largely revised such that he HAD a character, that was not Generic 1980s Protagonist nor the equally tired Generic Everyman Troubled Youth Protagonist. I'm really not sure what you could do with him. Maybe Shikamaru Nara him up a bit (it's be different) - and at the very least, milk for humour all the princesses practically throwing themselves at him or something. (Actually, Shikamaru!Jayce and CynicalSnarker! Oon might make for some entertainment.)

A third one occurs, as I finish up - restarting W.i.t.c.h. where season two left off - or a few years down the line with them a bit older, just as Cornelia's sister is coming into her role as Guardian of Earth, because that would be fracking awesome.

I realise there is a lot of "make people older and/or cynical" in that. Partly it's because I'm older - but mostly it's because I like to see development and continuity - and what happens later. One of the reasons I rate LEGO Ninjago so highly is I don't think I've ever seen a show that smacks the status quo so hard and so often as that does, to the point you can tell what season it is just by looking at where the protagonists are - and it is awesome!

2017-04-04, 01:04 PM
I want a fourth Gamers movie ASAP.

2017-04-04, 01:19 PM
I want:

*a prequel to Big Trouble in Little China dealing with Lo Pan's clash with Emperor Qin Shi Huang

*a second Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. I have no idea what the plot would be.

*A Star Trek film set in the evil alternate universe from the episode Mirror Mirror

*A Star Trek movie set in the past. Specifically in Star Trek's alternate 1990's where there was a third world war or something. Khan Noonien Singh's origin story.

It's sadly too late for it now, but I wanted a Back to the Future reboot released on the day of The Future (which is now amusingly in the past).

What I would have liked to have seen would be version of Back to the Future 2 with the scenes with old Marty, old Biff, etc reshot in 2016 with the actors actually old

How about a remake of the first d&d movie but done properly!

Use the setting from the 2nd movie have Profion seeking to usurp the throne after poisoning the king with the heroes sent to rescue his kidnapped daughter being held by Damodar.

Turns out Profion is seeking the location of an ancient artefact which shows the original movie version of Izmer before it was devastated and abandoned as a result of the gods reacting to the use of the Rod of Dragon Control!

They rescue the princess only to lose the flighty rogue who dies recovering an ancient scroll which holds the only means to reach the shattered remains of ancient Izmer in the Shadowfell.

Turns out Profion assumed he needed the princess thinking her family are the rightful heir to Izmer's throne but it's actually the son of the merchant Profion had killed for inventing a flying machine.

He's the only one permitted to enter the crypt recovering the rod learning its history and why Izmer was trapped in the Shadowfell.

Damodar steals the rod upon his return but he's cursed by Profion because he can't use the rod.

The princess is kidnapped again but the heroes manage to sneak in thanks to one of them posing as a guard.

He recovers the rod after the princess is unable to use the rod and Profion stares in shock unaware the rod is divine in origin not arcane unable to accept this after the hero summons a dragon Profion is swallowed whole along with the rod before the dragon promptly leaves.

Damodar escapes being thought dead from the fall, now undead he will eventually return once he fully understands his new state as the princess becomes the new Queen.

Sorry got a little long winded there!

More importantly the rod of dragon control does the same thing as an orb of dragonkind, so just make it an orb of dragonkind

2017-04-05, 09:50 PM
after the first trek movie, i had this to say

You are all completely missing the point. The next movie/episode whatever obviously has to do with bringing back Vulcan from some time-space-plot-rift. It would never even occur to the Vulcans, but its exactly the kind of thing the human-led federation would jump at, particularly if it is a human starship captain driven by love of a dead Vulcan who never so much as shook his hand. The crew witnesses some 'event' whereby they can see Vulcan-beta through a time-space-plot-rift-window, and the love struck ensign jumps into the command and sends the ship through the rift. They find vulcan-beta in some kind of collapsing miniuniverse where other sapients never existed and then risk structure of the entire space-time continuum to hurl it back into their universe, all while the vulcans are like "uh, well, no, could you please not do that????". Then there's a huge, eyeburning amount of special effects, and the lovelost ensign is united with his vulcan-beta non-mate who gives him the old vulcan hard to get cold shoulder routine designed to drive any redblooded space adventurer mad with desire. the end.

That was kind of a rant, but I'm actually seeing a plot. The ship would pick up 'unusual energy reading' from Vulcan space, where they find a window to other universes where Vulcan is being destroyed over and over again, as the red matter falls through the multiverse.

2017-04-05, 10:21 PM
A mirror universe star trek film would be great, I'm trying to remember how ds9 left the universe. Wasn't evil worf a prisoner of the Terran rebellion?

How about a complete redo of the dark Crystal? I always thought that movie had a lot of great potential, but it failed to deliver it. Not saying it wasn't good, just it could have been so much better. Maybe all live action with just a puppet or two, like farscape.

I wonder also, how good could labyrinth be without Bowie.

2017-04-06, 07:08 AM
A couple of obvious ones for me, both cartoon based, from the best and among the worst of the 80's.

I'd really like to see that get a revival. In my perfect world, it'd be a good decade or two later. The Centurions are getting on a bit, bit grey haired, but with plenty of old age and trechery winning out over them being slghtly slower. Rex Changer would have been killed in some explosion-y thing some time ago, and recently, John Thunder would have suffered a stroke (brought on by some malfunction doc Terror dohickey. Now, I would do this not out of spite, but for actual plot reasons - John would be recovering, and his first bit would be him being on the mend. (Rex's body would never have been recovered and eventully, it would transpire that he wasn't dead, just Somewhere Else or something.) But both events would be good to allow the Max, Jake and Ace to have some character moments and interaction. (And provide a bit of an arc to an otherwise very episodic show.)

Being down two members, the World President says "look guys. You're getting on a bit, and Doc Terror is still around. We're concerned. We're not going to say it's time to retire, because you have saved the world so often you've earned the right to decide that only if you want. But we would like you to have some extra support." Which would be an excuse to bring some new characters in - John' daughter (who is half-Atlantian, her parents having met during the battle in te Hole in the Ocean episodes of the original series), one would be the daughter of Cassandra the wizard (because if magic exists, frack it, let's use it) and the other one (probably also female) would be entirely unrelated to any one main cast because of avoiding too much neatness (though you could also make an arguement for her being Doc Terro's grandaughter as an altenatuve). That's bring a bit more gender balance to the roster WITHOUT replacing anyone, as well as some interesting character dynamics. And by the end of "season one," John and Rex would be back and then Doc Terror has EIGHT Centurions kicking his metal-arse.

Obviously, the beaming-down sequences would be made EVEN better, because they honestly NEVER got old, not matter hoiw many times you watch them.
Yes. This is good. That was a fun show back then. They even barely got away with using "Power X-Treme!" as their catchphrase, and really... That's just so very cheesy and 90s.

I actually thought of Centurions a few days ago, too, but I think I'd want them in video game form. Look at Transformers Devastation. No, seriously, look at it (https://youtu.be/rCJJYMsgSsk). That's in-game! Sure, it's just a run of the mill Platinum Games action game with a Transformers (G1) skin and a transformation gimmick, but honestly... what more would you need for a Centurions game? The gimmick, of course, would be to customize your weapon systems, and hotswap between them while fighting. Especially Ace, Jake, and Max have enough parts that you could make your own weapon systems out of them. The show (and toys) had them combine weapon systems before. Of course, the UI for doing this would be an interactive version of the beam down sequence. Because of course it would, it is pretty awesome.

Centurions also has the advantage that it already comes with an army of disposable exploding enemies. Only problem would be finding suitably epic bosses. I mean, if you get Platinum making it, you need those. Would be a waste of talent not to.

2017-04-06, 07:57 AM
I want:

More importantly the rod of dragon control does the same thing as an orb of dragonkind, so just make it an orb of dragonkind

Orb of Dragonkind should be treated the same way as in Dragonlance where they can subvert the will of the user!

The Rod becoming divine in origin explains why the gods got involved and makes it clear it's an artefact of Tiamat's that was modified to keep it from falling into the wrong hands and who doesn't love seeing a mage realise they can't use that artefact but someone they'd consider irrelevant can just to really P&&s them off!!!😉

2017-04-08, 08:18 PM
Leaving specific works out of it, just looking at the question in general:

IMO, it's a different discussion when discussing sequels than it is for discussing remakes.

For sequels, I want two things basically. First, don't undo the happy ending of the original move (if it had a happy ending). So don't do what Men in Black II did, and break up Tommy Lee Jones and his wife.

Second, take the characters and/or the setting and do something different, not just a re-hash of the original.

With remakes, my basic stance is don't remake good movies; instead, remake movies that had good or interesting ideas/characters/settings, but the execution wasn't up to snuff.

2017-04-08, 08:50 PM
Has no one posted this image yet?


2017-04-08, 08:56 PM
Movie-making (and the audience has changed). One of the best gunfights I've seen - the one at the end of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly - has around four minutes of set-up and tension for less than 10 seconds of shooting.

These days, that's 20% of a 30-minute TV show episode after you take out ads! Most modern movies seem to be blam-blam-action-break-action chained together very quickly. Classic movies are not likely to translate well.

2017-04-08, 10:49 PM
Pretty much the only way Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind could have been more perfectly targeted at me as a viewer (non-linear, journey into the mind, stories within stories) is if it had been about two guys. So, why not? I'm gonna hard pass on either character being closeted and jettison anyone who suggest that one of them erases their memories in a fit of internalized homophobia into the sun.

2017-04-09, 04:53 AM
I want a sequel to the campy 1990's Super Mario Bros movie, because I want to see how they shoehorn the various Super Mario Bros videogame subfranchises into the already radically different from the games settig of the film. I see the lumas reimagined as brightly glowing ignis fatuus-esque energy creatures, smash bros being turned into mario and/or luigi having a background in ultimate fighting and the mario & sonic at the olympic games series being alluded to in a briefly visible background easter egg type snippet of the paranormal investigation show that Luigi was into in the movie, in which the words "hedgehog-like space alien" are briefly audible or appear as part of a headline

Also because the DEVO song "Human Rocket" would be perfect for the soundtrack of an adaptation of Super Mario Galaxy into the film's setting

2017-04-09, 10:29 AM
Remake the Resident Evil movie Franchise. Just... just all of it. Stick closer to the games. The first film is all about the couple of agents, jill and chris sticking together, none of this lets split up garbage, trying to figure out the mystery of this mansion. Solving the puzzles, fighting an ever escalating mix of zombie creatures, and eventually making their way to the science labs underneath and learning the horrifying truth. Go on from there and work on the other films if it works out well. It could create an entire subgenre of horror films if it works. Traps and puzzles that arent a SAW creation, while dealing with monster attacks and slowly solving a mystery.

Sapphire Guard
2017-04-10, 07:13 PM
Remake the Resident Evil movie Franchise. Just... just all of it. Stick closer to the games. The first film is all about the couple of agents, jill and chris sticking together, none of this lets split up garbage, trying to figure out the mystery of this mansion. Solving the puzzles, fighting an ever escalating mix of zombie creatures, and eventually making their way to the science labs underneath and learning the horrifying truth. Go on from there and work on the other films if it works out well. It could create an entire subgenre of horror films if it works. Traps and puzzles that arent a SAW creation, while dealing with monster attacks and slowly solving a mystery.

I'd pay a lot to see that.