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2017-04-02, 10:04 PM

Big Cuda the rustic basterd, who grins and shows off that unsanitary hand, so I just salute him and leave him staring at his own right hand as he walks away. Backwater animal. Who knows what manner of insanity he's been into.

Nobody can make out what Sharra's driving at, or why she’s making such a fuss with meeting everybody, but it’s better’n mixing water'd down drinks. She keeps saying it’s a necessary thing to get around and meet the crew I'll be dealing with. Part of an assassin's job I suppose. But she must know she ain’t going to be dealing with no eighty-year-old organic who couldn’t do any more with a playing card than put it in his mouth and gum it awhile. Damn it. She looks like he’s enjoying herself, like she’s the sort of gal that gets a laugh out of people.

Then there's Walker. Get a load of this guy. He walks around with this huge blade, right. He does this thing where he closes one eye and tips his head back and looks down across that wine-colored scar on his nose, laughing at me. I thought at first that he was laughing because of how funny it looked, this face and black, oily hair on somebody like me. I thought maybe he was laughing at how weak I looked. But then’s when I remember thinking that he was laughing because he wasn’t fooled. He knew I had the take on this crew. He knew the rest of'em would be losing their shares tonight.

Happy Mack Black. Gentleman Gambler. Assassin.

Sentenced to 100 years Cryo. Gorgon-Weimar Penal Colony.

2017-04-02, 11:28 PM
Nine months. It's been nine months since the crew took a tour of the Weimar Interstellar Fabrication Facility on Devar and flew off with a Luxury Personal Explorer, Class 2, Archon Series starship. New. Mint. Whomever this ship was built for has some serious clout, likely an officer at Weimar or someone with strings, graphene strings.

What are you doing right now on the ship?

2017-04-03, 12:08 AM
Character sheet (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i3VUjVB0R1fTtrCPPTeDbUD7SnNGfCB8DBgqZt-RvlA/edit?usp=sharing)

[Vincent, it is my prerogative to inform you that the budgetary requirements of a ship and crew of this size necessitates-]

"Yes, thank you Cassandra, for reminding me how broke we are. We need another job, I get it."

Vincent sets Annie back in its carrying case and steps out of his little cubbyhole.

"Well, gentlemen? If nothing's coming across the scanners, I say we hit up the trade consortium for another gig. Less paste and more steak."

2017-04-03, 07:05 AM
Samuel Aranis (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16UcXpB3mQ_gSqcmM0Ad3T9uJoV-sUu3Prpjaokl403c/edit?usp=sharing)

In the modified cargo launch bay, mumbled curses and insults directed at the mother of a specific vehicle designer quietly echo between the walls. Two feet stick out from the undercarriage of the Heimdall G-47 All Terrain Transport, with a wide array of tools arrayed in a semicircle radiating out. "Whoever's smart idea who hook up the [techo-mumbo-jumbo] to the [techno-babble] was a bloody moron. Needs realignment every gods-damn drop" Samuel complains...to the car apparently. He slides out, laying on a hovering creeper seat, and groans as he sits up. He pats his jumpsuit, wiping an excessive amount of grease off his hands. He sweeps up all the tools and haphazardly stuffs them back into his engineering kit, before heading out to the crew quarters for a bite to eat.

2017-04-03, 07:07 AM
He responds while analyzing the nearby information so they are n't attacked without knowing about it.Hey cool Vincent that sound's great actually. Don't get over your head I would hate anything happening to you Don't worry Hover I won't He sees a blip and realizes it's an asteroid.

2017-04-03, 09:32 AM
Rick had begrudgingly left his home with a bunch of newcomers. Really it was Alan's idea who assured the borderline hermit that it would be good to leave his home planet and explore the stars and Rick had agreed like an idiot. The highlight since then was a brief scare of being spaced a few months back before the whippersnappers got the hunk of junk fixed up. Otherwise Rick had come to the relatively silent conclusion that ships sucked and kept himself busy building up defenses here and there with metal Alan insured him they wouldn't really need using fancier tools than he was comfortable with. If there was going to be a worse case scenario Rick wanted to be prepared for it, after all.

Alan at least seemed to better interact with the younger crew. He'd make the odd joke here and there about their time on Cardia and the "good ole days" that people romanticize; even if the stories seem to focus on near death experiences that just make the planet sound even worse to the youngins used to such luxuries like heat/AC or running water. He'd inform the helm if whatever Rick was messing with would impact them in any way and how it would do so or the overall state of the engineering bay if adjustments weren't being made. In fact it was him who would suggest rather frequently that "We could always use some salvage to improve the ship."

Space Lawyer
2017-04-03, 10:08 AM

Otto ceases his personal net surfing to turn his attention to findsing something a little more profitable. "Gimme a minute. I think I can find us something, preferably with someone that we don't owe money or blood to. Say, isn't there a dark station somewhere around here?" Dark stations were havens for the less-reputable elements of society. They continued to exist because it would simply be too costly to find them all and wipe them out, and because they provided useful services for the more-legal players in the galaxy. "We should be able to find something there. Certainly more interesting than what I've got coming up here." Plus, the ship would take much more kindly to it as well.

Scarlet Lenoir wasn't a hauler. No, she was built for speed, cruising through the black with grace and dignity. She should be carrying gold and jewels, not grain and constrution supplies. The last time they'd tried to make her carry something so base, she'd shuddered and groaned the whole trip. She wanted excitement and adventure, not backbreaking labor and plodding along. After all, that was why she'd let them steal her in the first place. She was tired of being some exec's pleasure boat; she wanted to have some fun.

2017-04-03, 11:12 AM
Samuel walks in as the rest of the crew discuss new jobs. He's not in any particular need of cash, but, he doubts the rest of them would be willing to spend a few weeks at a scavenge yard, finding all the pieces he needs to upgrade The Star. Guess he'll just have to buy the stuff. "I could check with my contacts in Kiar'an. Might have a run for us."

2017-04-03, 11:22 AM
Vincent didn't notice it until now, but there it is, a small scroll of type rolling on the secondary monitor like the food options at Vega's All You Can Eat. It's a beacon signal that was missed. Roll + Interface to shut it down.
What's your move?

Samuel gets just enough of a break in his dirty job to hear the chime on his holotab (holographic tablet). You know, that thin piece of tech you can't live without but can never find. Answer the email or blow it off?
Where'd you lay it down this time?

Chuck's checking the scanners with Vincent when he notices an asteroid on the main monitor. Roll + Interface to get a good look at that rocky body.

Rick. This guy is thinking ahead. Big Picture. Salvage. Roll + Expertise to recall where the good stuff can be found.

Otto is on the same wave length with Rick. Assets. Dark Stations. Avenues to get things done. Roll + Interface to find that smugglers haven in The Galaxy. Scarlet Lenoir; has a nice ring to it.

2017-04-03, 11:50 AM
Rick may not be used to this whole cold void of space but salvage is salvage, no matter where it's at. [roll0]

2017-04-03, 12:03 PM
Vincent glances over at the monitor and narrows his eyes.


[Already on it, Vincent.]

I assume the AI works off my own interface roll, so here it is.


Space Lawyer
2017-04-03, 12:20 PM
Ah, yeah, there was definitely a dark station around here. Went by the name Sootball. Old joke from the comet miners, who always hateed thinking they'd found a nice metallic body they could sell off to retire in luxury, only to discover it was just another dirty snowball of bad water and assorted hydrocarbons.

Now, the trick would be to find the damn thing. They didn't exactly broadcast their presence, but you had to get a lock on them before trying to make the approach. Sootball was situated in the middle of a field of asteroids, many tugged in to make the cloud far denser than it would be naturally. Trying to get through it without a nav beacon was near-sucide, and even if you did, showing up unnanounced was a good way to make the vicious and paranoid people that inhabited the station trigger-happy. Otto sets in, lookingmore for what was suspiciouly free of interference than anything else.

Interface: [roll0]

Absolutely nothing. Damn computers. "Hey, can one of you give me a hand with this?"

2017-04-03, 01:22 PM
Samuel hears the chime and curses under his breath once again. He starts patting down each of the seemingly thousands of pockets on his jumpsuit. After testing each pocket and failing to find, he starts looking around. He checks his work bench - nothing. Locker - nothing. Could he have left in inside the ATT? Nah, he wouldn't have heard it from inside. He starts to get a little frantic when the beep returns, closer. He drops to his knees and glances under the ATT. He sees the very faint led flashing, next to a spanner he forgot as well. "There ya are, you little bastard." He grabs the spanner and tab, retreats from under the Heimdall, tosses the tool on his bench and opens up the message.

2017-04-03, 01:27 PM
Rick recalls a Junker within this system, the Zhyen Chi system. He doesn't remember the name or any contacts there, but it's a Class 4 salvage heap. Newer salvage. The good stuff. What's your next move?

Cassandra takes care of Vincent's issue with the beacon signal. Hopefully, no one picked up the signal. It's likely that it's been broadcasting intermittently for the past nine months. The odds. (Earn 1 Data Point). What's next for Vincent?

Otto finds a bit of info on Sootball. It's not what he had hoped. It seems the station suffered critical life support failure a couple of years ago. It's still there. In the AB114 asteroid belt. But the chances of finding it operable, with warm bodies, is slim to none. What's Otto's next move?

2017-04-03, 01:33 PM
Samuel hears the chime and takes the email. The text is from one of his contacts within The Kiar'an TC. Who is the contact and is this soul anything more than a contact to Samuel? The message indicates that a Class 3 Weimar Cargo ship went cold on the dark side of the planet Moxana, within the Zhyen Chi system. Your current location. If anyone can get there first. It's your team. What's your move?

2017-04-03, 01:47 PM
"Well, I'll be damned. We've been broadcasting a beacon for months. I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so."

Vincent had not, in fact, told anyone so.

"It's one way, though. Can't tell you if anyone picked up on it. Actually... hey Otto, what's that about computers? You want Cassandra to take a look while I stand around looking pretty?"

Vincent doesn't turn around to face Otto, instead approaching the monitor himself and trying to look at the beacon data for anything out of the ordinary.

Expertise or interface? Same roll for me, and adding the data point:


2017-04-03, 03:38 PM
Rick finds his way to a comm system and holds down the button, waiting a few seconds after he hears the crackle of the PA system. "Instead of floatin' about how 'bout we get some salvage? Y'all would've recognized it if you looked out the window instead of your damn gadgets and dohickies. Looked newer to me, could have somethin. Maybe even somethin for you kids!" His chuckle, dry as it was, was heard before he let go of the button and prepared to potentially board the ship.

2017-04-03, 07:09 PM
Hey would you mind checking it's trajectory while I investigate is contents of Course not what do you think I've been doing?


Space Lawyer
2017-04-03, 10:33 PM
"Eh, don't worry about it. Seems like what I'm looking for isn't out there to be found anymore."

It sounds like Rick found something a lot more promising anyways. "Salvage job? Always worth it to do those. Get in, take the good stuff, let the scrappers fight over the rest."

2017-04-04, 07:33 AM
Samuel checks the email and it's a job alert from his contact, Jackson Thames. Samuel smiles as he thinks back. Jackson was a young man that Samuel rescued from some slavers a few years back. Turns out, Jackson was the son of someone high up in the ranks of Kiar'an. As thanks for rescuing him, Jackson's father gifted Samuel The Star of Troi, his transport shuttle. Jackson decided he didn't want to travel the galaxy anymore and settled down into a safe desk job at Kiar'an as a communications specialist. Anytime he saw a job that knew Samuel would want, he'd give Sam a heads up a few hours before posting it to the rest of the freelancers, giving him a head start. It's good to have friends in high places.

Samuel sends a quick reply to Jackson and heads to meet up with the rest of the crew. "Hey guys, got a hit on the Kiar'an front. Cargo ship went dark in the Zhyen Chi. Investigation and potential rescue operation. Good for rewards and karma."

2017-04-04, 06:48 PM
Vincent fumbles around on Otto's keyboard and accidentally sets off the ships fire suppression systems in the Cargo bay. Anhydrous sulfur dioxide floods the area in a dense baby blue foam. That'll take days to clean up. What's next for Vincent?

Rick pumps his case for salvage. What's the next move ole' timer?

Chuck realizes that the asteroid is not a rock, but a ship with some advanced cloaking tech. What's your move Chuck? Do you tell the crew or keep this as Chuck's little secret?
(What's that yellow type? If Chuck's talking to himself, italics would be much easier to read.)

Otto seems to be on page with Rick. Then, Vincent fumbles his board. Yikes. Otto's assessment of profitable endeavors in this system include connecting with a Tinkerers' Operative on the planet Wyrd (Who is this Operative and how does Otto know them?) AND/OR running cargo for a lesser Faction; a small guild of smugglers. (What is the Guild and who is Otto's contact with them?)
What does Otto do now?

Samuel gets the hot email from his Kiar'an contact, Jackson Thames. The crew is now in-the-know. Samuel then realizes that Mr. Vincent Thumbs has doused his Cargo bay with fire suppression chemicals. The Star of Troi will need a thorough systems check, as will anything currently in the Cargo area. What does Samuel do?

(Everyone, please link your Character sheet w/ Name in your posts. Thanks.)

2017-04-04, 10:30 PM
(That is hover. And I don't know how to do italics on mobile and it is on the main thing.I'll change the signature when I am back on a computer) I think you guys might want to know about this that asteroid I though I was was actually a ship with advanced cloaking technology nearby.

2017-04-04, 10:52 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Alan was the first one to react to the news, blurting out "Dammit, they're gonna get the salvage first! Rick finally ambles his way up out of his hidey hole with solar powered eighteen inch chainsaw in one hand and scattershot strapped to the outer side of his armored left thigh. He takes a look out the window before he says "First thing's gotta be that cloaked or whatchamacallit ship. Then that cargo ship. Then the salvage operation. One of you whippersnappers find something about the rock, I'll be at the airlock waitin'." True to his word he didn't even bother waiting for a confirmation that his way was the best way and instead clanked through the ship as he prepared for potential boarding action(s). Alan at least stays within earshot of all the youngins, shaking his head at the old bear that was Rick.

2017-04-05, 12:23 AM
Character sheet (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i3VUjVB0R1fTtrCPPTeDbUD7SnNGfCB8DBgqZt-RvlA/edit?usp=sharing)

[Vincent, please allow me to be your intermediary in future electronic system interfacing]

Vincent sighs, rubbing his forehead.

"I knew we should have installed an electronic cleaning system. Now I have to clean all this gunk up myself. Alright, it's going to have to wait... ugh. Not long, though - we need that cargo bay now. Okay, okay, think... Alright boys, we can still get this salvage. We just have to get there first, and get me setup in a vantage point."

2017-04-05, 08:53 AM
Samuel Aranis (https://docs.google.com/a/umich.edu/document/d/16UcXpB3mQ_gSqcmM0Ad3T9uJoV-sUu3Prpjaokl403c/edit?usp=sharing)

Samuel instantly recognizes the sound of the fire suppression system going off. His eyes go wide, and he dashes towards the cargo bay, spewing a wave of vitriol at no one and everyone. As he enters the bay, a loud "Noooooooooo" echoes throughout the ship. He ignores the rest of the crew while he runs to The Star to give her a look over. She's more important than any job or salvage.

Space Lawyer
2017-04-06, 03:43 PM

The Tinkerers always had good work, depending on one's moral latitude. Luckily, one of the better job-offering Operatives in this sector was Qan, no last name. Ambiguously gendered and cold as ice, but as professional as they came. If you did the job right, Qan would pay exactly as promised with no backstabbing or other shenanigans. Otto had earned their respect on a discrete package delivery run. Drop the box off, don't look inside or ask questions, get paid. Qan had been up front about the risk and challenge, which was the only reason Otto had made it through.

Or they could smuggle for the LaSalle family. A prolific, cutthroat, and sleazy bunch, they had the money and muscle to back up their threats in the neighborhood. Johan would be the closest rep. A meathead, but with a quality supply of black-market firearms. Last time a client had needed a very particular boomstick, Johan had been the supplier.

Otto relates this all to the rest of the crew.

2017-04-06, 04:32 PM
I would rather have someone trustworthy be my employer He says offhandedly.

2017-04-10, 01:39 PM
Vincent activates the ship's com, hesitating a moment after pressing the button. The wince before he speaks makes it seem like the prospect of cleaning actually causes him physical pain.

"Hey, uh... Hey Sammy? I'll..."

Vincent sighs heavily and rolls his eyes.

"I'll clean it up. I made the mess, after all. Just tell me if you want me to cover you for this job first."

2017-04-10, 05:52 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

After a few moments of calm Rick ambles himself back through the halls, a step faster after the intercom. Once he was close enough he called out "Damn straight you will, you damn whippersnapper! Some physical work is good for the body. Especially when it comes to you kids these days." His voice echoes through the ship slightly, followed by the clanking of his heavy armor, before he gets back to the deck and looks out a window. More to himself he adds "Looks like we got ourselves a coward. Let's go get that cargo ship then."

Space Lawyer
2017-04-11, 04:09 PM

"Alright then, I think we're decided." Otto says, pulling out the ludicrously ostentatious hat of a fleet admiral from some backwater system and settling it precariously on his head. "We'll go strip the cargo ship, and haul what we can back to whatever planet Qan says they're on at the time. It'll give time for Qan to set up a job for us and to prearrange delivery on the planet for the scrap. We'll give Weimar right of first refusal on the cargo, then claim salvage rights on whatever is left."

2017-04-12, 07:08 AM
Samuel yells up at the intercom, "Yeh bastard! You'll be cleaning it alright, but I need to make sure shes not hurt!" Sam will be spending some time running diagnostics on the Star, and then the Heimdall if there's time. If he even heard Otto, he just makes a grunt of acknowledgement. "Aye, whatever."

2017-04-12, 06:44 PM
The Scarlet Lenoir rockets further out within the Zhyen Chi system to the planet Moxana.
Moxana is a rare example of a tidally locked planet. Gravitational forces of its star and its moon, MX1, caused one side of the planet to permanently face its sun while the opposite side of the planet was stuck in perpetual darkness. As a result, the hemisphere of Moxana that baked in constant daylight experienced temperatures hot enough to melt mechs. Only the humid night side of the planet is habitable. The planet suffers from constant groundquakes due to its strange gravitational state.

The Class 3 Weimar Cargo Ship appears on your monitors and visible to the eye from the helm. Without closer inspection, the ship simply appears dark but intact. No damage is readily visible. What do you do?

2017-04-13, 08:01 AM
I wait for the captain take initiative and then assist him as I am able.

Space Lawyer
2017-04-13, 10:50 AM

"Alright, lets get to looting. Chuck, see if you can get a remote connection, tell us what is going on over there before we see it. Vince, you and I will go ahead with Rick in the suits. No telling if the air is still good in there, or if there is air at all. Rick and I can take the salvage gear, you cover us until we're sure there's no nasty surprises lurking. In the meantime, Sammy, take us around for an inspection. Low and slow, all the sensors on bright."

Otto keeps his eyes fixed to the dark ship and the sensor readouts, hoping for a clue as to what fate befell the ship. There was little he hated more than jumping into a situation without information.

Assessment (Expertise): [roll0]

2017-04-13, 11:05 AM
With a wave of my hand and admirable skill I try to contact the other ship and learn what is going on their ship. Cool Got it. I loved doing things like this and everyone knew it. These are the times that I truly felt alive and happy. It was obvious and n his face and his body language and he didn't care.


2017-04-13, 11:21 AM
"Right, looks like it's that time again."

Vincent heads back to his quarters and puts on the chameleon suit, then grabs Annie. The suit wouldn't help much under the environmental suit, but he could shimmy out of the bulky one and go dark if worse came to worse. He comes out and looks at the sensor data for a moment, then moves toward the airlock to get the environmental suit.

"Cassandra, I need scope calibrations: Moxana's gravitational acceleration, and indoor environment distance variables."

[At Annie's muzzle velocity, point of aim is point of impact at that range. By 500 meters, there's 100cm of drop, due to excessive humidity and abnormal gravitational pulls].

"Then let's hope they don't take this outside."

2017-04-16, 01:46 PM
Otto draws blank. There's is nothing on his monitor. Nothing on the sensors. No indication of why this ship went dark. Chuck gets to work trying to access the ships systems. Success. He gains access to the main data logs. The ship is named Reefclaw, a Class 3 Weimar Cargo Ship, Nova Series. It's an older cargo ship but one that is general considered reliable. The last data log dates to four days ago and was entered by the ships Security Office. The audio file downloads in seconds. The voice sounds panicked, out of breath; This is E7 CPO ... Durant ... Reefclaw ... the crew is compromised ... say again; crew is compromised ... ship's Captain and Analyst ... they (a small explosion is heard in the background) ... holy sh*t ... I'm going to ... blow the ship. CPO out.

Cassandra informs Vincent that the gravity of Moxana is not an issue as the ship's current location is too far from the tidal locked orbit of Moxana. Sammy flies the Lenoir closer to the Reefclaw. Weimar ships are equipped with sibling sensors. As the ships draw closer the docking bay of the Reefclaw opens.

Each crew member, please outline your next move.

2017-04-16, 09:57 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

The second Rick overhears the audio log he's double checking the suit. Sounds like air may be a luxury on the other ship and he, for one, is dealing with none of that business. As the docking bay doors open he double checks his scattergun and chainsaw, insuring both won't run out halfway though the boarding action, before he gets almost right next to the airlock door. He waits patiently for work to begin, saying over the suit's comlink "I'll go in first, see what the hooligans did, and give the all clear. You kids give me some support and Alan? You stay here and get us ready for a possible extraction, got it?" Alan for his part replies with a "Roger that. I'll make sure we can go when you get back."[/b]

2017-04-16, 11:07 PM
There was some sort of disaster Though I hate to do this I might be able to get more Information from the other ship and ask you guys to get any of the computers surveillance tapes or tablets you can so I can piece this together. and May you have great luck in this adventure.

Hover starts speaking Hi you might want to see if any of the systems are operational to make it easier for your teammates to find the Items you requested thanks I'll get right on it
I then start trying to see if I can activate any of the systems such as life support or lights.


2017-04-16, 11:59 PM
"Uh... the crew is compromised? That's... yeah, okay. Lovely. I was just saying my life didn't have enough biological weapons in it. Hey Cassandra-"

[Unless we find a system with biological scanning capabilities that I can tap into, I won't be able to run any scans. This platform does not have the requisite hardware to accommodate that request.]

"Awesome. Well, I'm as ready as I'm going to be, then. Let's get to work, gentlemen. The ladies have been ready from the word 'go'."

Space Lawyer
2017-04-17, 02:04 PM

"Just fine and dandy then. Sammy, link us up." Otto gets himself ready at the airlock. His little gun might not be able to tear a man in half at a hundred meters like the cannons the big boys were carrying, but he'd give good accont of himself if anything stepped off the cargo ship and tried to break on to Lenoir.

2017-04-19, 07:04 AM
Samuel (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16UcXpB3mQ_gSqcmM0Ad3T9uJoV-sUu3Prpjaokl403c/edit)deftly lines up the airlocks on both ships, and extends the boarding connector. A solid thunk and a slight hissing sound are heard along the ship. He presses the intercom button. "Linked up. Hit the red button when you're ready."

2017-04-19, 09:56 PM
The Lenoir passes both the active, outer shield and the interior bio-shield as it eases into the bay landing on Dock 2. Normally, there would be ship handlers in dark grey coveralls with orange vests and orange helmets to assist your ship with its docking clamps, refueling, quality issues, and minor repairs. However, the Reefclaw is eerily silent and with the exception of your own lights, its pitched in darkness. Within moments, Chuck is able to activate the lights which illuminate the whole of the bay. There are four docks total. Dock's 1 and 3 are occupied by Weimar Class 1, Fey Series ships. Dock 4 is occupied by the Reefclaw's own shuttle; which is obviously damaged. Knowing that the bio-shield is active, the air quality should be good to great. The Lenoir will need to be properly docked by one of you; Roll + Expertise.

If the Reeflclaw Shuttle is of interest; Roll Assessment + Expertise. On a 10+, you decide what type of damage the shuttle has sustained. On anything less, I'll reveal it to you. No human presence is visible. The Lenoir's cargo bay still has 3 hours of toil remaining before it can be of use.

What do you do?

2017-04-19, 10:23 PM
With my hacking abilities pretty much depleted on this task. I decide to play music and relax. https://m.youtube.com/?reload=7&rdm=2j2lsp3h9#/watch?v=4TzVOLOROkM to be precise. I keep an eye on this ship just to be safe.

2017-04-20, 06:56 AM
Samuel attempts to carefully dock with the Reefclaw.

I messed up the roller, re-rolling in OOC

2017-04-20, 01:55 PM
Vincent lowers his voice slightly, despite it being an exercise in futility at the moment.

"Alright, gentlemen. If anyone's in there already, they know we're here. However, they might be waiting to jump us elsewhere. If we trust the bio-shield, I can go scout the area first in the chameleon suit. If not, we can skip down the corridor arm in arm and hope for the best. Thoughts?"

Space Lawyer
2017-04-20, 05:35 PM
"All signs point to the bioshield being fine, so I'm willing to put a little more value on speed. We'll just go with breather masks in case we run into anything - should give us enough time to get out and somewhere safe. First thing, lets get the power core restarted. It'll be a lot easier to move around in here with operational systems." As they move in, Otto gives a look at the damaged shuttle. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to go inside it to figure out exactly what was going on.

Asessment + Expertise: [roll0]

2017-04-20, 06:42 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick sighs deeply as all this talk about scouting begins. Slowly, as if he was explaining the basics of foraging to a kid, he said "The crew has been compromised. We heard it already. Don't worry about the other ships yet, that can wait until We. Take. Care. Of. The. Crew." Before one of the kids does something stupid like get shot, Rick hits the button and loads his scattershot before stepping out of their ship and into the other one. He keeps his suit on, not caring if the bioshield is working since computers can fail. He is slow and steady in his movement, making a circle around the ship before he gives the all clear through the commlink. From there it was a slow spiral to insure the docking bay is clear before he lets any of the other squishier kids get out of the general area.

2017-04-23, 06:11 PM
Chuck decides to chill, staying on the ship. Samuel hears the locking sound of the landing gear. Success. Otto ventures out with a rebreather mask to inspect the damage of the Reefclaw shuttle. It appears as though the inside of the shuttle has been torched with a flamethrower. Rick goes out in a full suit, does a sweep of the ship and then wanders about the docking bay looking for signs of trouble. Vincent remains aboard the ship, for now.

There are two, reinforced double doors leaving the bay into the main portion of the Reefclaw. These doors are shut and locked. Roll + Interface to open them. There is also a standard door in the far corner of the bay, to the right of these double doors. This door is shut but unlocked. A substance resembling blood is smeared on the handle and frame of this door. Scattered around the bay are various tool boxes, hoses, and utility equipment for working on a variety of vessels.

What do you do?

2017-04-23, 10:32 PM
Chuck keeps on sitting down waiting to hear reports from the crew.

2017-04-23, 11:18 PM
Character sheet (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i3VUjVB0R1fTtrCPPTeDbUD7SnNGfCB8DBgqZt-RvlA/edit?usp=sharing)

Vincent sighs, but waits for Rick's signal before venturing out, in the environmental suit. He approaches the double doors, and sends in Cassandra to open them.

Interfacing: [roll0]

2017-04-24, 02:30 AM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick calls out over the comlink"Docking bay is clear. Got a locked door here and an unlocked one that has blood or some such on it. I'll remain close by while one of you opens this locked door." For his part, Rick will ignore the blood smeared door on the off chance someone wants to check it before he goes about messing around with dangerous rooms.

2017-04-24, 06:57 AM
After docking, Samuel (https://docs.google.com/a/umich.edu/document/d/16UcXpB3mQ_gSqcmM0Ad3T9uJoV-sUu3Prpjaokl403c/edit?usp=sharing) heads over to his locker and glances at his EVA suit. He considers donning it to explore the ship faster, but decides against it, since gravity it still fine. He double checks his holster to make sure hes still got his recoiless pistol and heads out into the bay. He attempts to recall this model of ship to identify where the bridge is. The bridge should have the answers as to what happened here.

Space Lawyer
2017-04-24, 10:15 AM

"This shuttle is done for. Somebody really didn't want it being serviceable; took a flamethrower to the inside of it or something." The report from Rick was equally ominous. Otto was liking the idea of sticking around on this ship less and less. "I'll tell you what - while you two gunluggers see what is going on up front,
I'm going to start breaking down the Reefclaw. If we have to make a fast escape, I'd like to have at least made our stopover worth it. Don't want to have wasted all that fuel and delta-v to come up empty handed."

Otto heads back into Lenoir, and returns with a set of demolition and ship-breaking tools. Saws, blowtorches, acids, and other odds and ends. It wouldn't be quick work with just him going at it, but the salavgae could still be valuable. "Chuck, see if you can get a schematic of this ship class, preferably with an AR overlay. I don't want to cut into the wrong line and space us all." Meanwhile, Otto starts cutting into the bits he knows are valuable but non-critical, but staying away from the computer systems. Anything with heavy metals made for good scrap.

Expertise: [roll0]

2017-04-24, 11:21 AM
Chuck replies Knew there was something I forgot to do. I'll get right on it. He then gets right on it.

Not sure if necessary but better safe than sorry
[roll0]+2 forgot about it. So 9 awesome full site on mobile shows roll results.

2017-04-26, 11:31 PM
Cassandra runs into one error after another trying to open the large double doors which lead further into the Reefclaw. It's seems as though there is some type of manual lock with the docking bay mechanical room. That's right. It's accessed through the room with the bloody door handle. Rick holds steady. Blood and doors are not giddy-up material for the old timer. Samuel thinks back to a time when he had a thing for cargo ships and their layouts. A boy can dream, can't he? It worked. Sam recalls that the Reefclaw, a Nova Series, is based on the 3-1-3 design. For those not in the know; the helm is at the front and the docking bay is at the back, flanked by engineering. Moving forward from the docking bay are 3 bays of cargo, next is the ships quarters in the middle, followed by 3 more bays of cargo and then the helm. Cargo bays are side loaded; loading and unloading from either side on large internal conveyors. End of lesson. In the meantime, Otto exits Lenoir ready to kick ass and take names...on the Reefclaw shuttle. He doesn't even need the overlay. Like a big boy on a cheeseburger, this burner is cut down with precision and ready for loading (1 unit of Class 0 cargo). Yeehaw, your first haul. Chuck comes up with the data but finds Otto in the zone.

Rick may have seen something move past the window, adjacent to the door where he is standing. Did Rick see something? If so, what does he think he saw?
Otto sees a small, shiny object as he's cutting up the shuttle. What does Otto find?

What the next move for everyone?

2017-04-27, 12:33 AM
Chuck waits for someone to come back into the ship and listens to music.

2017-04-27, 04:39 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick lets out just the longest sigh. He gets out his chainsaw, revs it up, and over the comlink says "We got a live one here!" He takes a couple deep breaths to steady himself before he brings revving teeth to door frame, cutting clean through what was once the lock mechanisms for the door. Over the roar of the weapon he yells out into the now freely swinging door "I'm coming in. Will I be using this on you or are you going to make me hack you up like a log?"

2017-04-27, 08:21 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick lets out just the longest sigh. He gets out his chainsaw, revs it up, and over the comlink says "We got a live one here!" He takes a couple deep breaths to steady himself before he brings revving teeth to door frame, cutting clean through what was once the lock mechanisms for the door. Over the roar of the weapon he yells out into the now freely swinging door "I'm coming in. Will I be using this on you or are you going to make me hack you up like a log?"What does Rick think he saw?

2017-04-27, 09:18 PM
What does Rick think he saw?

A humanoid shape, unfortunately due to the only illumination of the room being a flickering overhead light he can't confirm if it was indeed such. Rick being a practical man is assuming it is human and that the reason it was lurching around was because of injuries that have the crew member on the brink of death, the reason it lurched into a darker corner leading deeper into the ship was because of blood loss.

2017-04-28, 01:04 PM
Vincent turns to Rick to suggest busting through, but this guy is already way ahead of him. Shouting over the chainsaw, he calls out to Rick.

"Hey, let me know if whoever you're threatening outruns you! I got range for days!"

2017-04-29, 10:02 PM
With sparks blazing and metal shards flying, Rick successfully cuts through the door while making the most noise humanly possible. The door opens inward. Blood on the floor. The room appears to be a small control room leading to a larger communications room with various cable groups and power lines crisscrossing the floor and ceiling. Rick sees a shape move toward the entrance of this larger room. What does Rick see?

2017-04-29, 10:57 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick kicks open the door since he's gone a bit deaf from all the racket. He left the chainsaw idling as he stepped into the room and let his eyes adjust to the light. A quick glance confirms it's a control room, then the trail of blood leading to some movement from a form. Slowly his eyes followed the blood and he could've sworn that the form was the source of it all. Once that clicked in place he shouted back "Looks like we got a live one, barely! Don't worry friend, we're here to help."
He hustled toward the stumbling man, chainsaw still humming in his left hand. He briefly stumbled over an upturned chair, let out a couple choice curse words as it banged against his heavy suit, and closed the distance faster than someone wearing such a bulky suit of armor should've been able to. It was only when he was right upon the man, for that was ultimately what he was dealing with, that he realized just how bad of a shape the stranger was in. The former uniform of the Reefclaw was dirtied with his blood and torn to form an impromptu bandage for a borderline life threatening gash to the right arm. What medical treatment he received simply delayed such a death and now he was stumbling toward the cargo bay in a daze, investigating the ruckus.

2017-05-04, 06:48 AM
As Rick inspects the injured man, he notices the crewman's teeth begin to chatter rapidly as his eyes turn a milky white. What does Rick do?

What does everyone else do, or is Rick the sole survivor of Lenior?

2017-05-04, 08:18 AM
Vincent backs up, looking for a place to prop up Annie. No dice, and no time to setup a tripod. Instead, he takes a knee and aims.

"Hey, Rick! Hop to your right!"

He expels the last of the air from his lungs, and squeezes the trigger.

Mettle to fire: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2017-05-04, 09:14 AM

Otto turns off the cutting torch, sure he saw something glitter in the depths of the ship. He reaches in, digging his way through mangled wiring, eventually reaching . . . some sort of cubbyhole? Ah, whoever had this shuttle was smart enough to have kept one or two spots off the official blueprints. Otto leans in a bt more, and comes up with a small personal device, gilded and top-of-the-line, judging from the design. It looked like a comms device, but it was much bigger than necessary, around the size of a fist. Whoever owned it was clearly of extravagant wealth; maybe the extra size was for range-boosting and security doohickeys? Not being an expert on such matters, Otto resolves to let the more technically-inclined crewmembers have a look at the device.

2017-05-05, 11:00 PM
"Hey, Rick! Hop to your right!"
He expels the last of the air from his lungs, and squeezes the trigger.
Vincent and Annie are off the mark. The silent projectile strikes Rick, piercing his suit and causing Major trauma (normally Severe).

Rick, describe the damage and where it was sustained.

Otto takes the gilded gadget toward Vincent when he sees the Sniper take a shot.

The affected crew member of the Reefclaw attacks Rick by trying to claw and bite. [roll0]
Rick suffers Minor injuries from the attack. Rick, describe the damage and where it was sustained.

(with both Major and Minor trauma sustained, Rick is now up to Severe damage)

2017-05-06, 09:09 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick revs up the chainsaw just in time for his back, more like his left kidney, to get punctured by the gun of his supposed teammate. He turns to yell something back just in time to get said gunshot wound to get bitten by the crewmate. Thankfully his attention was fully on the infected human as he took the opportunity to attempt to introduce the creature's neck to his sawblade while yelling something that can barely be heard over the commotion of battle "You thrice damned kids and your %*^&ing guns! And you, with your $*#(ing teeth! Ain't dying here though, dammit!"

[roll0] because Physical, yes?
And do I get two advancements for two injuries?
And it all stacks despite Toughness, yes?

2017-05-08, 03:25 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick revs up the chainsaw just in time for his back, more like his left kidney, to get punctured by the gun of his supposed teammate. He turns to yell something back just in time to get said gunshot wound to get bitten by the crewmate. Thankfully his attention was fully on the infected human as he took the opportunity to attempt to introduce the creature's neck to his sawblade while yelling something that can barely be heard over the commotion of battle "You thrice damned kids and your %*^&ing guns! And you, with your $*#(ing teeth! Ain't dying here though, dammit!"

Rick's saw blade rips and chokes through the flesh of the Reefclaw crewman, cutting its head clean off. Dead.
XP: Rick has triggered advancement for himself and the crew. Everyone take 1 XP.
Each player's advancement can only be triggered once per session. I'll let everyone know when the session has expired. Toughness allows Rick to endure two injuries of the same severity, like two Major trauma's from Vincent's gun. The advancement does not stack during a session. Rick can be injured until dead and will not trigger further advancement in this specific session. Rick does, however, need someone to PATCH UP (Roll+Expertise, using proper medical supplies) the old man.

2017-05-08, 06:21 PM
Rick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-T46J0__LUlMKQ0TnHke2OE0RtM7Z-0XcHD7aPu2tns/edit?usp=sharing) / Alan

Rick hacks up some blood as he grabs the head of the crewmember and comes back out. He dropped the head and turned off the chainsaw before he called out "I could use a medikit over here!" Even as he waited for one of the damn whippersnappers to get to him he poked around in a vague attempt to find proper materials for said medical kit.
I guess I'd like to try and use Survival to find some aforementioned medicines to help with the patching up. I doubt I could use Construction to make the place Defensible while I'm at it.

2017-05-17, 01:21 AM
Vincent grimaces, suddenly remembering why he wanted to find a place to prop Annie up before firing. Not seeing anything resembling a medkit nearby, he heads back to the panel where Cassandra previously failed, and pops the panel open with his knife.

Expertise, attempting to hard wire the door open and bypass software security/glitches entirely: [roll0]

2017-05-19, 09:39 AM
Rick continues to bleed as he limps out of the control room. Vincent attempts to hotwire the door. With a humming sound and a quick SNAP, the door opens just wide enough for one person to enter.

What's next?

Space Lawyer
2017-05-19, 10:28 AM

Otto radios over to Rick. "Get yourself laying down. I'll get to you in a sec." Otto checks the salvage kit for medical supplies. It looked like there was a basic first aid kit in there. It wasn't sufficient, judging from the sounds he had been hearing of the action. It would, however, be enough to keep Rick alive while they moved him back to Lenoir and got some real medical kit. And if it was even more severe than anticipated, well, they had a cutting torch for some emergency cauterizing.

Otto rushes to Rick's side. He was no doctor, but his years of misadeventure had given him plenty of experience patching up bullet wounds. "Ok, first step, I'm gonna try to keep all the vital bits inside of you. Then we'll move you over."
