View Full Version : The offical week start.

2007-07-28, 12:28 AM
People asked me when is the start of the oots week saturday, monday, or even sunday. Because most countries have different week starts that actually had me wondering. Great comic was that final comic on the plot arc because it seemed like end.

2007-07-28, 12:40 AM
:thog:? Is that you?

Great Dane
2007-07-28, 12:46 AM
Arc can't be over though -- Redcloak's going to Hinjo's Junk as we speak..

2007-07-28, 01:02 AM
I think thats just a disguised complaint of having no updates =p

2007-07-28, 01:07 AM
People asked me when is the start of the oots week saturday, monday, or even sunday. Because most countries have different week starts that actually had me wondering. Great comic was that final comic on the plot arc because it seemed like end.

Translation: People have asked me, "For Rich Burlew, does the week start on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday?". This is because some countries have different calendars and thus the week starts on different days. I too am curious about the answer to this question. On an unrelated note, the most recent comic was great! I wonder if this was the last comic of the story arc, because it seemed like it had a sense of finality to it. I'd like to know all of your thoughts on this matter.

Thog. I mean, Tharr.

Note: The above was not intended to be a joke at Tharr's expense, I just enjoy doing translations and figured that since it was a hard-to-read post... why not? (Okay, the Thog part was a bit of a joke, but meant harmlessly and light-heartedly.)


I don't think the arc is over, but I do agree that it COULD be an ending. If the strip number was a little more significant (compare 477 to 120 and 300) then I might be swayed to believe otherwise.

2007-07-28, 01:23 AM
There wasn't the splash panel for the back cover it can't be the end


2007-07-28, 01:32 AM
I'm going to have to suggest that Tharr is either not a native speaker of English or was very tired when he wrote that.

I'm also guessing that Rich has developed a taste for round numbers, seeing as the lawst two arcs ended at 300 and 400, so I'm guessing that we're going to have another 23 strips on this topic. I'm not sure what about, because a whole lot can happen in 23 strips. But I don't see this arc wrapping in 3 strips, and I'm assuming Rich will end at the rounder 500 rather than 490.

Actually, I'm pretty sure the arc will end at whatever round number is closest to the point that Rich has finished up everything he wanted to do with this part of the plotline, making the rest of this post a complete waste of space.

David Argall
2007-07-28, 02:25 AM
As I [mis?]understand it, the ends of the previous volumes were #120 and #300, and so I predicted 480, but I too fail to see how we can get the loose ends taken care of by then. So 490 or 500 do seem the more likely figures.

2007-07-28, 02:38 AM
As I [mis?]understand it, the ends of the previous volumes were #120 and #300, and so I predicted 480, but I too fail to see how we can get the loose ends taken care of by then. So 490 or 500 do seem the more likely figures.

Well I suppose if we had 3 more strips the length of the one we just had, that would be like 9 more strips of regular size, which could possibly tie up the loose ends in question. But I'm doubting it.

2007-07-28, 02:54 AM
Dunno, I think he could tie up the loose ends in 3 strips no problem:

478: Redcloak attacks the boat and Hinjo is forced to leave.
479: Haley and Belkar reach a vantage point where they can see the boat leaving. Cue much sadness, alloyed with a little joy when V joins them.
480: Haley, Belkar, V, and Roy's corpse head away from Azure City to escape the hobgoblin army. Elan cries in his bunk on the junk. Hinjo decides to sail for Cliffport to try and meet up with the others.

Once we're past that, the battle for Azure City is over and we're into the next arc, which is presumably Girard's Gate. (Redcloak and Xykon searching Azure City for information about that would be part of that arc, not this one, and it's possible O-Chul relates to that arc too).