View Full Version : DM Help Princes of the Athasian Apocalypse.

2017-04-04, 10:59 AM
Yup. Just what it looks like. I plan to spend some time putting together the Princes of the Apocalypse as an adventure in Athas. The locations and names will change, but the core adventure/individual encounters won't.

Currently I plan to use some of the content from the 5e Darksun conversion by Gabriel Zenon Wach found here: http://archive.4plebs.org/dl/tg/image/1428/84/1428844188113.pdf I'll go ahead and spoiler this massive wall of text.

The races are pretty nice as presented. The Half Elf is really strong but... hey... what else is new? I do plan to use Low-Light vision and Darkvision as two separate things. I know 5e tried to simplify it, but I feel like Low-Light vision has a place in Athas.

The Aarakockra will come from the EEPG rather than this document, same with Goliath compared to Half Giant. Though I will add to powerful build that they can gain the benefit of a versatile weapon one handed. It's an extra point of damage in melee for a sword and board or dual-wielder, so it's not -too- huge to give to people who are meant to be giant-like. Especially since their stat mods will be the same as Mul. Should I give them the ability to get a natural strength of 22? I'm thinking about it.

For Thri Kreen I've got this in mind:

+1 Dex, +1 Con
Speed: 40ft
Standing Leap: Thri Kreen do not need a running start to make running jumps, and double all jump distances.
Athletic: Thri Kreen gain proficiency in Athletics.
Carapace: While unarmored their base AC is 13+Dex
Sleepless: Immune to Sleep Effects, does not need any sleep. One short rest per 24 hours gets designated a "Long Rest" for the purpose of recovering abilities, hit dice, and recovery from effects.
Bite: As an action on your turn you may make a special bite attack. This melee weapon attack deals 1 point of damage and injects poison into your target. The DC to save against this poison is 8+Con+Prof. On a failed save your target becomes poisoned for one minute.
Extra Limbs: Thri Kreen have a second set of slightly smaller arms located on their abdomen. You can use these arms to manipulate objects or hold items, but not to make individual attacks. If you are holding a weapon or a shield in your lower hands, you can ready that weapon without expending an action by trading objects held in your various hands.
Kreen Weapons Training: Proficiency in the Gythka and Chatkcha.

I'm almost worried they're overloaded with goodness. Their Carapace and Speed, alone, are fairly strong. So I did my best to limit other shenanigans. Hopefully it'll prove wrong.

Most of the weapons in the book are fine as is, but I do plan to explicitly bring back double weapons as they were in 3e, essentially. The ability to dual-wield d8s is strong, but the setting is meant to be harsh and impressive so the Gythka stays as is. Of course I'll ignore all the 3e speak on "This reach weapon can hit melee characters" or "Bonus to Trip Attacks" and such. Instead I will allow tripping/disarming weapons to specifically access the 5e rules for doing so in the DMG while other weapons cannot. I always hated the idea of tripping someone with a longsword, anyway.

For the Classes...

I plan to use this document's version of the Bard with two important differences: Valor and Whisper Bards are the Subclasses and the class will advance their number of Bardic Inspirations at 5 and every 3 levels after that by 1 per long rest. A second pool, essentially, to help offset the versatility lost from spells. Eventually they'll get 6/long rest and (Cha Mod) per short rest by level 20.

The Clerics will need a revamp in their domains. I'll probably use Tempest for Air, of course, but Fire, Water, and Earth all need their own domains.

The Druid options from the book are the fine (A few new weapon proficiencies and a listing of available animals for wild shape). Land and Moon both work just fine.

Fighters really don't need any kind of changes, though the removal of the Eldritch Knight is... sad..? Not really. The biggest problem with fighters is the issue of wearing heavy armor in Athas sucking hard. My current thought is that Medium armor will make you use two water rations while heavy armor will make you use four. To offset the fighter's need to wear heavy armor, I plan to make a feat that allows a character with heavy armor proficiency to use half rations (In light or no armor the person is halving their water rationing, while in medium they use as much as another character in light, and in heavy they use as much as someone in medium). Hopefully that will appease the one or two players that might choose to use it.

Monks work just fine as they are, though I'll take away the Shadowsteppers and have the Elemental Monks defile like Arcane Casters.

Paladins will be Oathbreakers and Vengeance and all of them will be Templars getting their power from the Sorceror Kings!

I plan do a splitting off Psionicist/Psychic Warrior out of Mystic. The Psionicists will get a d6 hit die and most of the same features otherwise (Some more power points), while Psychic Warriors will retain the d8 and still have the option of going Immortal to give them about the same HP as any fighter type. That way I can have them do Soul Knives with Rogue HP and Immortals with Fighter HP using the same core class.

Rangers will be Revised, but otherwise unchanged? Not really much they need, there, to be honest. Their animal companions will have to be Athasian, for Beastmasters, but that's mostly a fluff-change.

I plan to allow Sorcerers as they are, essentially. They'll defile like all the other arcane casters, but I'll be letting them defile for Sorcery Points as well. A nice tempting thing that makes them stronger so long as they're willing to destroy the land around themselves. Skip the "This is your Bloodline" fluff, while retaining the abilities. You're not the child of a Dragon: You're progressing toward becoming one. They'll be Intelligence casters rather than Charisma.

Warlocks I love and plan to keep. Instead of having Pacts with Demon Lords and Fey, however, Warlocks will gain power by stealing it from Sorcerer Kings or other powerful entities. What they draw at any moment might be small, but they constantly risk retribution to go along with their defiling of the world around them.

Wizards are gone. Sorcerers replace them.

Wild Talents are all well and good and I'll probably lob a few of them at the party...

So. With all that important setting up information out of the way:

Do you folks think it's a good idea? Do you have any suggestions? Have any of you attempted to move things into Athas from the current crop of 5e adventures?

Right now I'm mostly choosing where the various elemental temples will be in the world, thinking of different names for some of the smaller communities (Red Larch becomes Redstone, things like that). I know that the Elemental Evil will not be what it is in the original path. My current idea is a ploy by one or more of the Sorcerer Kings to corrupt the Elements as a way of improving their power to their own wicked goals while weakening the various elemental cults across Athas by corrupting some portion of them and defiling the very elements they hold so dearly...

Alternatively I might make it a tendril of Rajaat's power reaching out from his prison. Not 100% sure.

I'm currently planning to put the campaign between Nibenay and Gulg near the Great Ivory Plain and the Crescent Forest. The issue is that it's the most heavily watered area in the entire Tyr region. It kind of undercuts some of the feeling of the setting, traveling through trackless wastes with dwindling supplies and debating between betrayal and banditry because survival is all that matters...

There are a couple hundred miles between Altaruk and Gulg, though, and I could use the People's Road as a center of the problem with Redstone being a village somewhere along it. That way the things happening in the forested and wet region (Rivergard keep and such) can happen in the Crescent Forest while the players spend more of their time in a dry and sandy sort of region that fosters the cruelty of Athas...

What do you folks think?

2017-04-04, 01:42 PM
I'm not a fan of penalizing Fighters (and others) who wear heavy armor. Feat taxing them to work better again impresses me not. It's just unfair to those classes. I'm not sure about sorceres instead of wizards, arcane magic in athas is (i might remember it wrong) something that needs to be studied, right? Were not basically all the people with magic in their blood hunted down and killed (by the sorcere kings and their forces)? Clerics do not even exist anymore as well, caused by the lack of deities.

The tri-keen seem okay, to me. But i always liked them, so I might be biased.

Warlocks seem to be fitting more as templars. If they need to be Paladins, I think conquest and betrayal from ua might fit better.

2017-04-04, 01:46 PM
Yeah, Thri-Keen are too damn good.

2017-04-04, 02:17 PM
clerics exist in athas. they just worship elements instead of gods.

2017-04-04, 02:22 PM
I'm not a fan of penalizing Fighters (and others) who wear heavy armor. Feat taxing them to work better again impresses me not. It's just unfair to those classes. I'm not sure about sorceres instead of wizards, arcane magic in athas is (i might remember it wrong) something that needs to be studied, right? Were not basically all the people with magic in their blood hunted down and killed (by the sorcere kings and their forces)? Clerics do not even exist anymore as well, caused by the lack of deities.

The tri-keen seem okay, to me. But i always liked them, so I might be biased.

Warlocks seem to be fitting more as templars. If they need to be Paladins, I think conquest and betrayal from ua might fit better.

The Clerics that exist are servants of the elements. Fire, Earth, Water, or Air. They're devotees to the power of those elements, rather than gods.

It does suck that heavier armors increase your water rationing, but it's also always been a part of Athas. I'm doing away with the heat exhaustion issue and such, though... I really don't see a way around it, which is why I made the feat for Heavy Armor characters to be able to slip past the issue (More or less). No issue with the penalty on Medium Armor characters?

Some Templars will almost certainly be Warlocks. Others will be Paladins. The core thrust is that there are no PC Paladins since all of the paladins get their power from oaths to the Sorcerer Kings.

And yeah. Magic users in Athas are usually described as Wizards. Which is why I specified that the Sorcerer Bloodlines aren't "Bloodlines" in the OP. They're what magic is doing to you (or what you're doing to magic in the case of the Wild Mage). You aren't the descendant of a Dragon: You're becoming more like one. They're also Int casters in this homebrew ruleset.

I chose Sorcs over Wizards for Metamagic and Sorcery Points. I plan to let defiling grant sorc points to Sorcerers as a way to tempt them into giving in and destroying the world. Wizards don't have a similar mechanic.

Yeah, Thri-Keen are too damn good.

Any suggestions on how to reign them in?

The powers that jump out at me as Ribbonlike are Sleepless and Standing Leap. Sleepless -seems- powerful, but unless the whole party is made up of Kreen they'll all still need to take long rests and Tkchktak will just wind up taking all of the Watches. Meanwhile Standing Leap looks strong, but doubling jump distances really doesn't impact much... at str 10 (They get no bonuses) they can leap a 20ft ravine rather than 10ft one and don't need a run to do it. The 6ft vertical is nice, but I don't really see it being super important.

The two that kind of get me are their speed and armor class (Both of which are per the MM) I could lower the AC bonus to 12+Dex, but it doesn't really seem fair. Neither does lowering their movement. Particularly in a campaign where NPC Thri Kreen will likely be around.

What if I made the Multiple limbs able to ready weapons and objects independent of the upper arms (But not make a separate set of attacks) or make a "Use Object" check once per round as a bonus action? It kind of steps on the Thief Rogue's toes... But it would let a Kreen Fighter throw 4 Chatkcha in a round (Ready one in each hand, throw 'em all!)

2017-04-04, 10:31 PM
I chose Sorcs over Wizards for Metamagic and Sorcery Points. I plan to let defiling grant sorc points to Sorcerers as a way to tempt them into giving in and destroying the world. Wizards don't have a similar mechanic.

You could keep Wizards and let them use defiling to fuel additional Arcane Recovery if you want to keep the two options.

2017-04-04, 10:57 PM
Stepping away from Player Character options...

What do you all think of the setting swap from the Dessarin Valley to Athasian Deserts?

About using the Elemental Cleric Cults of Athas as the antagonists, corrupted by either Rajaat's influence or the attempted Dragotheosis of the Sorcerer Kings?

Do you have any suggested areas where it might be better to place the adventure than between Altaruk and Gulg?

Is this a good idea or am I wasting my time even thinking of the conversion?

2017-04-05, 10:37 AM
Just one thing, Princes of the Apocalypse has the Appendix C: Adapting to Other Worlds and Dark Sun is the first one mentioned.

2017-04-05, 10:52 AM
Whether it is worthy to adapt it, I can not tell. Depends on you and your group.

I had not noted the increased use of water of medium armor use for whatever reasons... Will the spells that create water be able to be used by the group? In other terms will the whole survival in the wilderness stuff be an actual issue? If so penalizing some players for their choice should also get them a reward (to balance things out). If it's just fluff: no problem.

Still on clerics: Don not druids make better 'elemental-clerics'? Their spell list seems to fit better. Land druids could easily be described as elemental clerics, or do i miss something?

For rangers: You might want to look into an old UA about spell less rangers. They work with the revised ranger as well, i think. It was called class variants or something.

2017-04-05, 10:55 AM
Someone needed a Water Domain? (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2016/05/water-domain.html)

2017-04-05, 11:21 AM
Whether it is worthy to adapt it, I can not tell. Depends on you and your group.

I had not noted the increased use of water of medium armor use for whatever reasons... Will the spells that create water be able to be used by the group? In other terms will the whole survival in the wilderness stuff be an actual issue? If so penalizing some players for their choice should also get them a reward (to balance things out). If it's just fluff: no problem.

Still on clerics: Don not druids make better 'elemental-clerics'? Their spell list seems to fit better. Land druids could easily be described as elemental clerics, or do i miss something?

For rangers: You might want to look into an old UA about spell less rangers. They work with the revised ranger as well, i think. It was called class variants or something.

druids are already druids in dark sun :P

but in earlier editions they were also limited by elements based on the particular part of the land they were protecting :)

2017-04-05, 11:46 AM
Just one thing, Princes of the Apocalypse has the Appendix C: Adapting to Other Worlds and Dark Sun is the first one mentioned.

... holy **** how did I not notice that?!

Thank you!

And yeah, Dracul. I will be doing survival bits. Every character class is gonna have benefits and penalties to their abilities.

I'm also doing the original Dark Sun rolling method: 4d4+4!

It looks like my players are going to be -strong-. They're also super interested in the game, even though it won't happen 'til after I'm done running Tyranny of Dragons.

2017-04-05, 12:51 PM
Someone needed a Water Domain? (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2016/05/water-domain.html)

.... this is awesome and I'm using it.

Two down! Two to go.

2017-04-05, 02:30 PM
Regarding the heavy armor: the 5e conversion of Al Qadim, also a desert setting, has the following rule on this:

"A Note about heavy armor: While not unheard of in the Land of Fate, heavy armor is usually impractical due to the extreme desert heat and the swashbuckling nature of adventures. Plate and half-plate are completely unavailable. Zakharan scale armor is called "lamellar" and is lighter (30 lbs. instead of 45). To compensate for this, any Zakharan character with heavy armor proficiency who is wearing medium, light, or no armor gains a +1 AC bonus."


2017-04-05, 03:46 PM
.... this is awesome and I'm using it.

Two down! Two to go.

I'm assuming that the Light Domain can't stand in for Fire?

EDIT: I've got nothing to do at the moment, I think imma go write up a Fire Domain! ^_^

M Placeholder
2017-04-05, 05:01 PM
There were also clerics for Sun, Rain, Silt and Magma in the original Dark Sun campaign, and in the DS3 3.5 conversion (http://www.athas.org/products/ds3), there were a number of different domains for Clerics to choose, all with very emotive names.

2017-04-05, 07:59 PM
in the original, there were only the 4 main elements actually. the additional 4 were added in revised and expanded.

(revised and expanded was not very popular, but paraelemental clerics was probably not to blame for that).

2017-04-06, 01:17 AM
When everyone talks about an Earth Domain, are you talking Stone, or plants, etc. too? Because if it's the latter, the Nature Domain could work. If the former, I can get to writing that Domain up too, Steampunkette ^_^

2017-04-06, 01:31 AM
When everyone talks about an Earth Domain, are you talking Stone, or plants, etc. too? Because if it's the latter, the Nature Domain could work. If the former, I can get to writing that Domain up too, Steampunkette ^_^

Entirely Stone, I'm afraid.

Though it's awesome that you're writing these up! Thank you!

M Placeholder
2017-04-06, 07:24 AM
in the original, there were only the 4 main elements actually. the additional 4 were added in revised and expanded.

(revised and expanded was not very popular, but paraelemental clerics was probably not to blame for that).

The additional 4 were described in the Earth, Air, Fire and Water, which came out in 1993, two years before the revised campaign setting.