View Full Version : The Hand of Vigilance

Darth Ultron
2017-04-05, 07:18 PM
The Dragon Coast is a collection of independent citystates along the southwest coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars, ranging from Proskur in the west to Starmantle in the east. The region is lawless and piratical— commerce is king, and graft is queen.

Teziir is the largest free city on the coast of the Dragonmere. Teziir is an independent trade city, attempting to displace Westgate as the principal trade city for goods traveling from the Sword Coast to the Inner Sea.

Garrett Cole approach the city of his birth for the first time in years.

Just a bit to get things rolling. Vaguely this is starting at ''retired and coming home''...

2017-04-05, 09:22 PM
Garrett walks back into Teezir for the first time in years. He breaths in deeply and exhales slowly. Home... or as close as I have to one. Even though he hasn't been back for nearly six years, he still remembers every street and every seedy bar. Garrett grew up on the streets, then joined the militia. Saw some action, came home and worked before getting called back into action. It was that second time when Morgan was hurt so badly. Garrett came back and got Morgan set up before leaving. He blamed himself for Morgan getting maimed. Not that it was his fault, but he was there, and felt that somehow, he should have protected his friend. Garrett worked as a bounty hunter and made a bit of a name, and money for himself.

Morgan wrote plenty of letters, telling him how bad things were getting in Teezir. Garrett decided it was time to retire and come home, and see if there was anything he could do to help.

Well, guess my first stop should be Morgan. His last letter said he still lives above his shop on Cutter Street Garrett pulls up his hood and tries to make his way to Cutter Street without calling attention to himself.

OOC:Do we want an OOC thread, or just use spoiler's. I'll put them here for now. So, I can do a bit more backstory if you wish. Also, how much leeway do I have in creating places, people, etc for said backstory. Additionally, I never made a choice for my Hunter's Bond and am currently leaning towards an animal companion. Of course, another option, would be to exchange it for say, Leadership, and have Morgan be my cohort, who doesn't follow me into battle and essentially a behind the scene guy who keeps me outfitted and maybe helps in finding new targets, etc.

Darth Ultron
2017-04-06, 07:11 AM
Teziir has changed a lot. It is a new city, only a couple of decades old. The edge of the city grows all the time, and seems to have grown a lot. New buildings and new roads and a few spots of construction. The city is all dirt roads, some packed down and some covered with gravel, but most just dust or mud traps. Cutter Street has not moved, but it is much more in the middle of the city now, as things have been built ''behind'' the street.

You don't really need a whole OOC thread just for two people, you can just do boxes like this. Create what you want for the next like 25 posts or so, but keep the 'open' part where your character might not know everything...more so after the passage of time. And no ''oh my dad left 100,00,000 gold coins for me in a box'' :smile:

Make your character as you wish.

2017-04-06, 09:43 PM
Garrett is surprised to see how much Teezir has changed... at least initially. Then he remembers it has always been like this. He continues on to Morgan's humble shop, eager to see his old friend. Once he arrives, he knocks on the door and waits to be greeted.

Know, I won't do that, but I have favored terrain Teezir, and a light knowledge local so figured I would try to replay it. Don't worry, I won't abuse it lol. Also, feel free to RP Morgan any way you like. He is a human male who was horrifically injured in the war, so that he lost a leg. He is now a very solid to above average smithy.

Darth Ultron
2017-04-07, 07:15 AM
The Half-Smith Shop has not changed too much, other then it looks a bit older...wood more weather beat, couple more cracks here and there. Inside the shop is warm with the large fires going in the back. A couple workers move around doing tasks.

Morgan stands near the middle of the shop carefully cooling some pieces of hot metal in three iron buckets.

2017-04-08, 01:51 AM
Garrett enters the Half-Smith and can barely contain his excitement at seeing his old friend. He begins jokingly, "To worthless, good for nothing, sheep loving, sit, get over here and hug me!"

Once the joking subsides he answers the question he knows Morgan will have. "I am back... for good. Yes, what our letters back and foe talked about."

The letters had discussed how things in Teezir had gotten bad, with some unsavory folks, criminals, politicians, and businessmen alike, who the city would be better without. Morgan brought his concerns to Garrett... Garrett was going to do his best to take care of them, with Morgan's help.

Darth Ultron
2017-04-08, 09:48 PM
Morgan "Dark I tell you, things have turned so dark. Once Teziir was a thriving boom city...and now, dark serpents have coiled around everything. People say I'm just seeing shadows, but I know I'm right. Once we attracted people from all across the lands that wanted to come here and make a better life for themselves. You know the right way, by honest hard work. But now...now that we have done the clearing away of the wilderness the snakes and vermin come out. Right now they are talking about forcing us to buy cleric care...but it is just a scam to get our gold. Do I look like I need a cleric? I'm as healthy as a dire ox!"

2017-04-09, 06:46 AM
"Who is forcing this? What is their agenda? Give me the details and I will see what can be done." Garrett waits to hear the details and then winks to his friend. "Also, you care if I pay to stay here until I find a slightly more... permanent place?"

Darth Ultron
2017-04-09, 01:31 PM
Morgan "I'm not too sure. How does one tell friend from foe from folks just trying to make a living? It is so much simpler when a foe has a weapon in their hand and just attacks you in the open, you know?

The agenda? Well, I'd guess to make money is part of it...but who knows what else.

I was thinking a bit more like you being the one that lifts up the rock to find all the bugs under it, you know?

And your welcome to stay here."

2017-04-10, 05:30 AM
Garrett embraces his friend again and smiles. "Fair enough, fair enough. I'll set out and see what I can learn, hopefully be back in time for supper... or breakfast at least." Edward decides to go take a listen at the local market. Terrible prices, but always good for the best gossip. He would begin by listening, then once he got an idea of what the general consensus was, he would start striking up more conversations, playing to his crowd. If they seemed excited, so would he, if they were angry or apprehensive, he would develop that voice as well. All of this would be a way to gather information, find out who is behind the monetization of clerical healing.

Perception: [roll0]
Diplomacy (Gather Information): [roll1]

OOC: Also, I have been thinking about what I want to adopt for my animal companion. I am leaning towards using a wolf stat's but fluffing it as a large dog, say either a Malinios or Mastiff type? If not, I will have to come up with something else.

Darth Ultron
2017-04-10, 07:07 AM
The mood and perception of the market is mostly depressed. People are not chatting much and things are bought and sold with simple grunts. Even when asked questions people give short answers of a couple words, or simply say they don't know or care.

Noble Ruling Council member Viscount Vosper who just married Mellyn Vosper and her brother Maban Tangye and his wife Belja Tangye, are the ones behind the cleric care act.

Noble Ruling Council member Talek Annear also supports the cleric act.

2017-04-11, 12:33 PM
Garret knows it has been a while, but he tries to remember if any of those names ring any bells. If they do, he will try to know if they are good people making bad decisions or, and the more likely of the two, bad people making decisions that put their only profits before the well-being of others. If he does not recall them, or know anything about them, he will try to find out where they live.

Knowledge Local: [roll0]

Darth Ultron
2017-04-11, 07:47 PM
Both Noble Ruling Council Member's have names known to you...they have both been on the council for years. The other names are unknown and new. Both council members are mostly good, but have some bad sides, so could go either way....

2017-04-14, 05:34 AM
That they seem to be good people making poor decisions, at least on first glance, cause Garrett to pause. He will instead focus his attention on Maban Tangye and his wife. Perhaps they were the driving force behind this. As inconspicuously as possible, Garrett will attempt to find out what kind of things Maban has his hands in, and see what kind of light he can shed on the man. If this means buying several rounds of drinks for patrons as some of the local bars, then that is what he will do.

Darth Ultron
2017-04-14, 02:32 PM
A large dog or wolf is fine fluffwise.

Teziir has plenty of taverns. Several along the docks for sailors, several by the edges of the city for travelers and traders, a couple on main street for the common working folk, a couple for the more classy folk, and a couple dark and dangerous ones.

2017-04-15, 06:03 AM
If we run upon a big dog at some point, just let me know and we can make him my animal companion. Preferably a Malinois.

As for the bar, I know I shouldn't but...

Garrett decides to try his lucky at one of the seedier... day he even say, dangerous bars. He had a bit of coin and could loosen the lips of some of the people there... assuming of course, they didn't just try to kill him for it.

Darth Ultron
2017-04-15, 09:12 PM
The Creepy Caterpillar is a below ground tavern that is dark and smoky. The place is full of people in dark clothing and dark cloaks and ready weapons.

2017-04-15, 09:55 PM
Garrett makes his way to the bar. He keeps his hood pulled up and his weapons visible. He will go toothed bar and order a whiskey. He will then survey the crowd and bartender and see who is most likely to have dealt with Mayan. He is hoping that he would have been one who would have employed some unsavory characters such as would stay here for his operations.

If not, perhaps someone at least knows of the guy and he can get some information.

Darth Ultron
2017-04-16, 10:57 AM
No one on the main floor of The Creepy Caterpillar stands out. Everyone blends together, but then your sure people are doing that on purpose. No flashy colors or eye catching things, just blacks and grays and browns.

Did you want to roll a check to gather information or where you looking to role play it out in the long version?