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2017-04-06, 10:06 AM

The Undead War

The darkest hour... If I hear that damnable maniac preach his end of the world bull**** again I swear I would burn him alive... Too bad, I know not to kill a holy man, even if his faith is destroyed. The poor fool's churches were desecrated, his family killed and reanimated. This war was long since lost, luckily we don't lose easily. We may have started out as a rag tag and helpless militia... but now...

Deotrix, the current commander of the resistance army stands atop the hill. Before him is a scene of absolute chaos, but it is beautiful chaos. The undead legions march north on the final bastions of living life, other than those selfish sorcerers and scientists. That won't matter... we have just the thing planned for those back stabbing bastards. Deotrix trots down the hill, the undead fight endlessly, but our giants, half dragons, goliaths... We have fighters that they could never have. He unlatches a massive maul. He looks human... but that maul looks too heavy for a human. He charges forth, back into the fray.

The Undead Lord

"A minor Lich's minion you say? Interesting... That....could work, atleast capitalize on our successes, minimize losses... I like the idea. I will have to stop my plague less that alone kills our plans before they begin. Send him in."

Ashes Lucien stands up from his chair, his advisors had mentioned that he use a throne to give the outward appearance of the undead ruler. He wasn't wasting his time on minor appearances. What made him look like the true ruler...was conquest. Ashes walks towards the meeting room as a cloud of black and red mist follows him. The mist abruptly stops as he reaches the door. With a smile, the monster reaches out and grabs the door handle, to greet his next agent.

Odal's Greed

The filth, the scum, the black bile and the plague of man, these are the residents of Odal... There were so many hidden agendas and back stabbing polotics, Odal had a new ruler nearly for every season. Assassinations, slander and political destruction paved the path to Odal's leadership. The cancerous human's never seeking to rule Odal FOR Odal... only for themselves, this is their downfall, for they are not the only ones to play this game. The rest of us? Well, we are just only trying to survive this hell hole. We are going to take Odal back... For the peope are destined to rule the city state for the people. But we are not strong enough yet. We have many tools to accomplish this however. The power and status to get our foot in the door, the mind defy that which we cannot overcome.... and in every war, the righeous must have their own demon in order to stop evil. But first we must find these people...

"Do you have the Cantidates?"

A tan woman with dyed dark blue colorful hair (like many people in Odal her hair is dyed a wild color) speaks tapping her fingers on the table imptiently. A mountain of paperwork stacked at her desk. She sits at the bottom of a cellar. She looks up at a dwarf man with a missing eye and a face so badly scarred it seemed like he lost a fight with a meat grinder. He nos curtly and tosses the dossiers onto her desk. She sifts through them and through her annoyed and stern demeanor flashes a slight grin. That is all the confirmation the Dwarf needs as he nods, turns on his heels and heads for the door. They have a city to save.

The Northern Crisis

"What do you mean we lost the mountain keep? The east has never been able to take the keep from us! Never even close. No.... no no no No! This is all wrong... Take the forward detatchment and RETAKE the keep!"

The messenger kneels at the Southern King's feet. He is shaken and stained with dried old blood. The guards said the messenger nearly ran himself to death from the keep... He was there when it got taken and he is too terrified and shaken to speak. He only presented the letter that informs the keep has been taken almost a month ago. The messenger gaasps for air but shows no fear towards the king... he shakes his head, his fear is from.... something else. He tries to speak, he opens his mouth to form words but no sounds follow. He weeps quietly at his horror. It has been a month and the messenger is still frozen with silence...he took out a letter and wrote down a message... it was short and then the messenger collapses, either dead or unconscious.

"Monsters took the keep...not humans."

A guard bursts through the door dragging a frail old man along beside him. The king bellows in anger.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion!?"

The guard tosses the old man forward as he drops to his knees pleading for mercy to the king. The king silences him with an annoyed wave, urging him to speak. The an speaks quickly and panicky.

"My King, I'm just a simple traveling merchant... but....the eastern kingdom...I just returned from there...I'm not sure who or what did it but....the eastern kingdom has fallen."

The Kings eyes widen at the news and he stand up. He rubs the beard at his chin, he waves the guard away.

"I thank you merchant for telling me this, i will see to it that you are handsomely rewarded..."

he waves the merchant away and the guards take him to be rewarded. The king turns to his steward.

"Get me a scout... the absolutely best there is...i want to know what is happening, who is doing this and how much time we have in order to prepare for them... Now!"

The Steward runs out of the main hall.

Inndigo Coluber

The stone door scratches the floor as it it opens. The underground temple on the southern edge of the continent. The guide waits on the outside of the temple. Guides were required going this far into the desert, however he knew you could handle yourself inside the temple. The tome you were looking for was just beyond these doors. The door finally swings open leading to a large chamber, the chamber seemed much bigger than it should have been. There was a pedestal at the center of the chamber, there are pressed in pressure plates all around the floors and dead bodies everywhere with darts stuck in them, cut open bodies and one body at the end limp at the feet of the tome, so close but so...far away. You know that all the traps here already were triggered and you effortlessly walk in and up to the tome, with a grin you snatch it up and move to put it in your bag but something's wrong... its....its light. Too light, you open it up and discover that it is hollowed out with a note inside. The note reads...

"Apologies for this, but we have a proposition for you. All we ask is that you hear us out, regardless of your answer we will give you the book. Meet us at the Grey Cannon Tavern in the southern side of Odal. You will be speaking with the woman with blue hair."

The note has a layer of dust... but only from the old hollowed out tome, this... this note is relatively new....Somehow, someone knew you would be here...Now they have your book.


The pouch of coins weighs heavily in your hand... 200 gold coins!!! the steward came straight to this tavern looking for you specifically. The bartender pointed him your way and before the steward ven spoke he dropped the coin pouch in your hands. He sits down infront of you and speaks.

"Deaganus needs you. Your country needs you., this payment here is only a fraction of what you will receive when you return... We need you to scout something else... The Mountain keep was taken and the eastern kingdom... is destroyed... They didn't take our keep and we didn't destroy their kingdom, we need you to go in and gather information about what is doing this and what is coming. We will provide you with the equipment and the personnel you need, you leave tomorrow... This isn't a matter of consent either but we will at least pay you. Let me know what you need and I'll have it delivered it here before you leave."

The Royal Stewart sits there, waiting for your response. he was hooded to conceal his identity.


The Chapel was a vast and beautiful structure. The people swarm around you as you walk up the chapel steps. You open the double doors to find the chapel empty save for one lone hooded figure towards the podium. He is kneeling at the podium as he stands up and faces you. He walks towards you and lowers his hood. He speaks after revealing himself to be the royal steward of Deaganus.

"We have an important mission for you. One of our scouts are going into investigate, the happenings at the mountain keep and the eastern kingdom. The scout's name is Brum and he will fill you in on the details. He will be at the staggering Ox tavern. Your group will most likely head out tomorrow. Your people need you, there is a scourge running rampant here... We need to know what it is and how to fight it."

The steward steps around you to leave put he stops and places a hand on your shoulder.

"May your faith see us through this turmoil."

He quietly leave afterwards, leaving you in silence.

Nalla Two-Weapon Katho-Olavi

The blood drips from your axe, the lesser necromancer drops to the ground as his head rolls away. Several skeletons and walking corpses drop to the ground, cold and lifeless. Will this war ever end? There are no victories... only losses. Atleast you resistance stopped losing ground. This battle was the first major battle in months. This battle will determine the fate of the living world. A freshly made young vampire rushes at you but is cut short as his upper torso explodes, it is replaced with a massive maul. The general removes the maul and kicks over the body.

"Come sister! our war has only just begun! W most stop their invasion!"

Another necromancer with six skellitons and four zombies rushes the two of you.

Roll for your fight.

Lady Karash Mortaesun

Your estate in Odal isn't as luxurious as the greater rulers of Odal, but all things considered, the estate is large, it is clean and it suits every one of your needs perfectly. You are currently in your study when you hear a knock on your door, the butler walks in and bows a low and respectful bow, the fear ever present in his voice.

"My lady, you have a guest from the Odal citizen's government. Shall I see the-"

You interrupt him with a wave. He silences himself as he leaves and you see a woman walk in. She is wearing black leather clothes like a rogue. She has dark blue hair, she pushes past the butler and walks towards you. She does not show the fear like the others do... She doesn't seem worried at all. She pulls out a folder and leans forward, placing it on your desk in front of you. She flashes a slight grin but then the grin disappears. Her voice is smooth but strong, like dark chocolate. Her skin is very dark and her blue hair somehow matches the skin tone.

"Lady Mortaesun, what I have just laid down upon your desk is a line of succession tor Odal's citizen's government... You are within this line of succession, you are not bought by the current corrupted rulers of Odal so I come to you with a proposition. We need to establish a new but solid government within Odal before the corrupted officials collapse this city, trying to drain it of it's wealth. Usually this wouldn't be your isue, however the issue it.... You are not stuck underr your thumb, it they seize total power... you may or may not remain the lady of this estate. I'm here to try to appeal to a... like minded individual, however we need connected individual who isn't... under their thumb. So... what do you say?"

She stands there, awaiting your answer or concern.

Agatha Spinegrinder of Gracklstughout

"Agatha....What the **** did you get us in?!"

Your old friend Taybath Vilestone of Odal stands next to you with a large war hammer in his hands. You are the only one who knows him by his real name. Everyone else just calls him Shank. It seems he spends most of his operations with an ice-pick lodged into someones kidney. You two are trapped in an alleyway with three cutpurses blocking your way. one with a longsword and two with daggers. Shank was talking to you about a job in order to help the Odal's citizen's government. You two were discussing payment when you two were ambushed in the alley. The three muggers charge you!

Fight time!

2017-04-06, 01:27 PM
"Well that'ssss worrying." Indigo says to herself and puts the book back and tucks the note away in case she forgets the name or location of the tavern. There are just so many in Odal.

She returns to the guide and instructs them that they will be returning to Odal now.

2017-04-06, 01:50 PM
Nalla watches the necromancer as he runs towards them with his minions, Nalla knows that the necromancer will fight from a distance and the fastest way to dispatch the skellitons and zombies is to kill the one who controls them. She smiles as she goes to meet the new threat head on.

How many have you killed so far? This will be a fun battle and by the end of today there will be much blood spilled on the floor.

Nalla laughs heartily as she prepares for battle.


2017-04-06, 02:19 PM
Karash glances the foreign woman up and down. At first glance a real Odal native, her looks and demeanor seemed fitting for this unruly place. But her words... they make Karash's mouth twist. Not an unusual look for the lady of the house.

"And who are you that you come into my house and make such claims? I have little interest in making deals with nameless strangers. Explain yourself," she replies harshly, her usual tone of voice. She has so little interest in dealing with people if she's busy with her studies. But, as impressed as she is with the woman's bold approach, Karash tries not to show on her features that those words have hit a nerve.

Still, with two fingers Karash drags the folder towards her and magically flips it open with a flick of her wrist.

2017-04-06, 03:38 PM
Brum stared at the steward... 'Explore... I like explore!' said looking at the gold coins. 'I would need a map of the Mountain, food and water and all the things you can bring me' said that Brum took his cup of spiced wine and rase it up. 'Well... if you want to make a deal with me you should show me your face first and... and drink with me, of curse...'

2017-04-06, 05:08 PM
Namfrug nods quietly to himself and mutters, "Olladra be with us, this time."

He sweeps his gaze across the chapel, absorbing its decor, its history, will he grace it again?

Namfrug turns and creaks open the ageing doors, then sets out towards the ruccus of the old Staggering Ox.

2017-04-06, 07:28 PM
It'd be funny, the clumsy human's charge, if it hadn't annoyed the piss out of Agatha. They were discussing gold, nothing would stand between her and gold. The grey skin on her forehead wrinkled as it twisted into a frown, she let out a low grumble. Filthy humans... She'd teach them their last lesson: choosing your battlefield. Any other would be 'trapped' in this alley, their backs against the wall. Agatha, however, was right at home. "They ain't mine, but I mop 'em up fo' ya anyway."

Initiative - [roll0]
TUNNEL FIGHTER ACTIVE - You excel at defending narrow passages, doorways, and other tight spaces. As a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within your reach.

2017-04-06, 08:25 PM

The guide nods with a smile on his face, as if he knew this would be the result. But you can only speculate, he begins to guide you back once the two of you mount the camels. The trip is of moderate length but very quiet. You make it back to Odal before sundown. Once the two of you return he continues to guide you. He motions you to follow him and he only leads you in about 5 or six blocks before he points towards a dig in. It leads downstairs and there is a sign that reads "Grey Cannon". The man dismounts and he walks down the stairs int the tavern basement with a chuckle. The man stops half way and turns towards you.

"Come on missy, the boss is waiting. It should only take a moment of your time."

He quietly tips his hat and enters the tavern.


The Stewart smiles and lowers his hood, he is a rather young looking man with a full black beard and short cropped hair. He has a warriors face, scarrs and burns.. but they are old. He has a gentle smile and orders the highest quality spiced wine for you and him to toast too.

"I'm the Stewart of this nation. My name is Baal. I will have everything you need here by tomorrow morning. I'll have the people you need here by tomorrow at the latest. One of the personnel will bring the equipment for you. A map of the mountain, and the maps of the eastern kingdom, food and water and a few other things. For all of our sakes... I wish you all luck... To the survival of our kingdom."

The steward toasts to you and downs his drink. He gets up, tosses up his hood and leaves.


The Staggering Ox was easy enough to get to once you asked someone how t get there. The trip there was uneventful other than the crowded streets. Nothing out of the order. Once you get into the Staggering ox you see the bartender who takes one look at you and immediately points you to a man with a pitcher of spiced wine that looked... very expensive. He is quietly drinking his wine, there is another cup in front of him as if someone else way there. No one sits there now. There is a woman on the far side of the bar and a cloaked man On the far side of the tavern, away from everyone else. The tavern seems deserted for a reason. Maybe someone here will have some answers, but then again, the bartender pointed you to the man with the wine.


The man lets out a hearty war cry... it didn't sound human... but he looks human. A tall monster of a man in black plate armor with no helmet. He is bald carrying a massive hammer. He grins at you when you speak.

"There will be more blood to follow, this has only just begun.... How many have I killed? I lost count. Come sister, the coward necromancer will soon leave this life!"

He leaps towards the skeleton and zombies and lands before them before swinging in a massive horizontal swipe. The hammer decimates three skeletons and lodges into one of the other zombies. The hammer gets stuck in the dead zombie goup. three skeletons and two zombies are left. They charge in to fight while the necromancer prepares for a spell.

Enemy Initiative

Skeleton 1 [roll0]

Skeleton 2[roll1]

Skeleton 3[roll2]

Zombie 1[roll3]

Zombie 2[roll4]





everyone else. :P



"My name is Beatrice Tagalug, head of the Odal private justice department. Also currently the leader of the Odal People's revolution. This might be a particular... topic you may find of interest. We are compiling up a team of individuals to destroy Odal's current government and establish a stable government with representatives from the people. One of the members you might know... perhaps she has run a few jobs for you... A Dwarf named Agatha."

You can make lore checks in order to recall information about who this Beatrice is, anything about her justice department, anything about the resistance or anything about Agatha.

Beatrice is standing there with her arms crossed, her eyes are hard and cruel, but her demeanor and her face are a picture of professionalism. She looks very calm, awaiting further questions.


Shank takes the same exact fighting stance as you. The humans get closer as he speaks.

"Then they will soon belong to the earth."

Shank: [roll6]

Mugger 1: [roll7]

Mugger 2: [roll8]

Mugger 3: [roll9]







2017-04-06, 08:47 PM
The tavern was as Namfrug expected, the boastful roars of patrons exchanging no doubt heavily embelished stories and the smell of stale ale assaulted his nose.
He noted a cloaked man standing alone. "Hmphr, well, every tavern needs one."

He chooses to ignore the man and approach the person indicated to by the bartender instead.

"Brum I assume? Namfrug. That's some damned fine looking wine you've got yerself there. Mind if I join you?"

2017-04-06, 09:59 PM
Indigo raises an eyebrow when the guide starts leading her through the streets. When he speaks she comes to the conclusion that someone in this organization, whoever they are, has an over-pronounced flare for the dramatic considering they could have saved her two treks through the desert and several lives if they'd just approached her before she made the journey.

Still she follows after him. Upon entering the first thing she does is subtly scan the room for exits aside from the way she's entering.

2017-04-06, 11:00 PM
While the humans charged down the alley, Agatha simply waited with her maul in hand.

Ready action: strike the first enemy that enters Agatha's range.
Defensive Stance [Tunnel Fighter] - Once the enemy moves 5 ft. within Agatha's reach, she gets an attack of opportunity that does not consume reaction action. Active until her next turn.

I suggest we start a dice roll thread.

2017-04-07, 08:07 AM
"I see," Karash replies, impressed by the like-minded individual, "interesting. Well, where are my manners. Please, take a seat," she offers with a wave of her hand to a chair beside the filled table she's working on, but in a tone of voice that obviously tells she couldn't care less about her image.

"So I admit you have my curiosity. I may be Odal royalty in a way that I would prefer wasn't so, but I am as close as an outcast as one can be in these circles. And look at me, a Drow, and tell me how anyone have the slightest interest in working together when they could watch me burn with the rest of Odal's corrupt finest." She bares her teeth at that a little. She hated them, the whole false-smiling, disgusting, back-stabbing lot that played at leading this chaos.

"And what makes you think this rebellion of yours has a chance of succeeding? We have uprisings in the street every day, if not hourly. What makes you think you can establish order when all others failed? I need a little more incentive than 'you'll be out of a home'."

2017-04-07, 09:08 AM
Nalla laughs heartily as she Wade's into battle swinging one axe then the other aiming to take down the skeleton and zombie that's between her and the necromancer.

2017-04-07, 10:59 AM
Brum had a glance at the gnome... 'Well... if you want to join me you have to pay for the next round...' they emptied their cups in one gulp.

'Who are you Namfrug? Don´t tell me you have a mission for me...I´ve had enough about that tonight...'

2017-04-07, 05:29 PM

As you enter the Tavern, you discover that the only "exists" are windows on top of the walls used mostly for ventilation. They are one foot tall by three feet wide. It may be possible to squeeze on through them, but at that point it might be wiser just to go through the door. The windows are small and it would take precious time forcing you to be exposed and helpless for the most part, trying to get through. You do see a set of stairs leading upwards on the far side. Under the stairs, there is another set of stairs leading even further downward. The Tavern smells dusty, old and abandoned. As if it hasn't been used for a tavern in quite a long time. The guide walks towards the stairs and calls up.

"Shank! .... Shank? Huh..."

He then side steps and kind of awkwardly steps towards the downward stairs, he didn't expect this to happen, it was rather obvious. He looks down the stairs.

"Beatrice! .... Hello? Seriously?"

The man looks at you aghast, and he shakes his confusion off. Then he heads behind the bar, pulls out two glasses, and an old dusty bottle of spirits. he fills them both up and slides one opposite to you and motions you to sit in front of him. He speaks.

"I apologize for that, I wasn't supposed to make it here before them. Maybe something is holding them up... It is Odal after all. Anyway, I would rather not leave you in the dark, getting more irritated by the second. Please, sit down and have a drink with me. I'll tell you everything you want to know; that I can answer, while we wait for the others. My name is Nanman by the way."

The man smiles and takes a swig of the spirits, biting back the strength and then relaxing as it burns down smoothly now. He reaches over and grabs one of the adjacent stools and swings it over the bar, sitting on it.

Brum and Namfrun

The two of you sit down together, as you two begin talking, the other two patrons; the hooded man and the woman, lean in seeming to be interested. Onc they hear any mention of the Stewart, they both relax and head on over. The hooded man, drops his hood, revealing a handsome but rugged human. He has short cropped black hair, you notice he has a bow on his back. The man is obviously a ranger. The woman walks closer, it was hard to see her from the bar but you notice that she has a spear and shield n her back. She wears a breast plate. She had long blond hair tied in a long braided pony tail. She wears a horned helmet atop her head. The man speaks first.

"It seems that this is the group going out on the kingdom's scouting mission it seems. Interesting. My name is reks."

The viking like woman speaks as well, even her voice sounds foreign.

"Aye, I'm from the tribes to the south, in the Ukpik. I heard they needed a warrior to protect the scouting party so I'm here."

She grins and smashes her fist onto the table waving around several coins to the bartender. He sends a serving wench to bring over a pitcher of ale, which she then proceeds to pours everyone a glass. She pats the cleric and the monk on the back heartily motioning for everyone to drink up.

"To new beginnings and incredible adventures."

The ranger, smirks and takes the glass and toasts as well.

"To survival. Also...There is another member... He is... the one bringing up our gear..."

The two toast their drinks, waiting for you two to do the same and then they will converse with you.


One of your axes, buries itself in a zombie's head, nearly cleaving it in two, it gargles and drops. Gravity alone allows you to effortlessly pull the axe out of it's weak decaying body. The second one misses a nearby skeleton that back steps when it saw what you did to the zombie. You hear a berserker's, unholy roar as the general charges past, the other zombie moves to intercept, but the man crouches low and springs up, flipping the zombie over his body and leaping to the air towards the necromancer as he was about to let loose a spell that is bellowing black smoke from his hands and mouth. You worry that he may not be fast enough until you hear a satisfying but mushy crunch. The warhammer makes the necromancer practically explode as the ma puts nearly all his strength into the blow. This man is not what he seems. No human should be able to do that, move as he should. But he looks human. Several undead around him drop dead. The men and women around you take heed to the general's war cry and begin ignoring the undead, felling the necromancers. Hopeless defeat that pressed down against you nearly an hour ago, completely turned into a heartening victory. The undead forces broke contact and fled, their invasion had failed this day. The war was not won, but the day was yours.

The general stops and orders his troops to hold. No, not yet. This day has prove something significant. Finally in this long war filled with death and loss, victory was finally possible. The living kind had won it's first major victory against the undead. It would be foolish to over extend, currently the army was only prepared to defend as a bastion. They were not prepared for an assault. Soon....Now that victory was attainable, the general knew that he would know that would be the time to press their advantage. The general turned to face his army as he raided his hammer and cried out with a low booming voice.

"Now they will know fear! now they will see hopelessness! Now they will know that we are not their cattle!"

He walks towards his men as the army begins pulling back away from the large corpse filled field. The dead caretakers, scoured the battle field and took account for the dead on both sides (if they could recognize any reanimated dead as their own). The general walks straight up to you as his heavy hand pats into your back, you felt the jolt and knew if you were human, that may have knocked you on your face. Luckily as a Goliath, it felt like any other Goliath pat on your back.

"Wonderful fighting Sister, that was magnificent! I wasn't aware I have any warriors that were as psychotic as I was."

For some reason, it donned on you that the Necromancer formations were fairly far behind the front likes, you realized that you were knee deep in enemy bull****. It didn't seem to bother you though, you just got caught up into the fight so much. That seems to be what caused the army to take heart, once they saw you and the general kill some necromancers and drop several waves of undead, it gave the rest hope. Why deal with the endless hordes when you can cut off the source.

"Anyway, sister. Tonight, we all celebrate, come to my camp later this night. I have a matter I wish to discuss with you. It is of the utmost importance. I need good warriors like you."

He doesn't even wait for a response, he peels off and lets out a roar as he is greeted with pounding fists to his chest and howls of victory. Given the best several battles, it was good to finally not see your comrades cut down in front of you, then get up and turn against you. Sometimes that wears against a warriors spirit. Its bad enough to watch your comrade die, but being forced back up only to fight you. That type of cowardice from the enemies could make your blood boil. You return to your camp, there are several Goliath, there are a few that are no longer there... War always has it's cost, regardless if you win or not.


You don't recall anything about her. Nothing Solid, only vague rumors, she may look harmless, but the rumors say completely otherwise. Nothing solid though. As for your insight, you can tell she likes you. Or atleast she has a mutual respect for you. A respect that she seems to have for VERY few people. She definitely knows what she is talking about, and she doesn't seem to have a hidden agenda here. She is genuinely here to help create a better Odal. Maybe she got tired of watching innocent children butchered and executed for stealing food and medicine that they were going to die without anyway. You get a feeling that she may not be from Odal originally, she knows about the unknown world, she may have come from there.

Beatrice quickly sat down and faces you. Her finger tips tapping on the chair out of habit. It didn't seem to be a nervous habit, just a boredom habit or a busy habit. She nods her head at your first concern and he grind at your second concern. You could already tell she had answers to both of those questions, she was just waiting for you to ask them.

"The funny thing about interests in working together... They both kind of blur, and working with someone you may not have liked before becomes easier once you realize one major similarity that you both have. You answered your own question with one word... "Outcasts" Humans are the dominant race here, in fact most of the ignorant think that non-humans are just humans with disgusting mutations. They have never been to the unknown worlds, the eastern continents, they don't know what really exists out there. But what would the general population have in common with Drow loyalty? In this government? both are considered and treated outcasts and downtrodden. They wouldn't follow a highborn human who they know may be in the pocket of the Suzerain; whoever the **** he or she happens to be this month. But Drow royalty? They know you couldn't give two ****s about what the corrupted officials could ever want. They know that even though they are human, they are being treated with almost the same as a Drow royal. Except, you aren't exactly being mugged or murdered like most of the humans here. But they will see you as a rebellious figure to follow. the nonhumans here will flock to you in droves. The humans? well, they will get tired enough of starving and getting murdered to actually back a true candidate.

Now, how would we make this all happen where so many others have failed? Well lets look at the themes in the past attempts. What do they all have in common. They are all through sheer force, corruption and illegal means. None of them had the backing of the people. They all used fear and force to push their agendas. I'm not saying there will be no blood shed, but we will not assassinate, we will not slander and we will gain the backing of the people. By law and by right, you have the power to become a temporary suzerain, and then establish a people's government and either step down from government or become a part of that government. We will be organized unlike our brutish predecessors. Will we kill people? Yes we will. But that will only be because, men and women will try to kill you..... So? I know the importance of what I'm am asking you, so please... Address all of your concerns. The rest of our people will be waiting at our headquarters."

Beatrice is no longer smiling. Her face is intense as she maintains eye contact with you, She really is like-minded! you get the feeling a lesser man would have melted under her gaze. Beatrice grins very slightly, she may share a mutual impression.


Two humans come at you first, the third human coming in behind the other two. The narrow alleyway only allowing for two people to enter at a time. They come within reach, but have not attacked yet. It seems they want to fully back into a corner or get you to relent. Poor bastards, have no idea who they just ran into. They are within range. Shank grunts at you and nods. he seems keen on taking the preemptive strike with you.

2017-04-07, 06:04 PM
Agatha grinned, it's like they want to be hit. The duergar woman exploded into action the moment they came close enough, years of experience fighting in the cramp tunnels of the underdark made this alley feel like a wide-open field to her. The walls and ally beside her did nothing to restrict her movements and maneuvering of her large weapon, as the thieves would soon find out.

Readied action triggered: attack (reaction used)
Hit - (1d20+5)[21]
Dmg - (2d6+3)[10] bludgeoning

Defensive stance active

2017-04-07, 06:16 PM

Your weapon comes barreling down hard on the first man's head. They weren't prepared for you two to attack so soon. A dull crack sounds off and the man drops to the ground, blood pooling from his head. His body siezes up as his lungs let out the last bit of air he took in when he gasped from the hit. You hear a monotone "uhhhh" coming from the man as it assures you that the man is dead and his now mushy brain sent out all the signals it could in a vain attempt to accomplish absolutely nothing. The man still seizes up from the blow.


The other man screams out loud and panics, You see Shank wind up for a massive bone shattering swing as the man tackles Shank, his hammer lodges into the stone wall and gets stuck. They both struggle on the ground. The man has a knife and you see it in shanks gut. He grunts in pain but you know it's not lethal. Not yet anyway, but unfortunately you have your own problems. A sword gets thrusted towards you. The man's reach is longer than it seems. But the young and equally scared human stumbles slightly and you easily swat the blade aside, unharmed.

You launch your weapon upwards in a devastating arc that catches the sword wielding man in his jaw. His weak bone structure holds as tried and as true as a pot against an elephant. His face deforms against your hammer as his head snaps backwards. His neck easily snaps as you see one of his eyeballs detatch and fly off down the alleyway. You send your hammer into the side of the attacking man. It doesn't kill him, but you know bones are broken. Shank quickly proves his name as he takes a random piece of broken glass he found and lodges it in the mans eye. Then he grabs his head and with his strength cracks it open against the wall. Grey matter and a large ammount of blood pour quickly on shank before he tosses the man off of him. He gets up and looks at the knife stuck in his gut. He looks at you and shrugs.

"Shall we get going?"

2017-04-07, 07:43 PM
Indigo lets out a short laugh and just says, "Odal." She doesn't really care if Nanman understand her or not, but what she means by it is that this situation is just perfectly like this city. An overdramatic plan carrier out by disorganized people seeking to impress even though the resources they actually have are shabby.

She takes the drink and drinks. Neither gently sipping at it or swallowing it in one go, just drinking it like a normal person. After the first swallow has lubricated her parched throat, she asks, "I don't suppose my tome is here already is it?" Fully expecting the answer to be "no". But she had to ask.

While she waits for an answer she removes her armor and puts on her less obvious and yet better protection for nine times out of ten Odal is more dangerous than a trek through the desert.

Unequipping Studded leather armor and using 2 psi points to activate Inertial Armor increasing AC to 18 and giving force damage resistance for the next 8 hours.

2017-04-07, 08:32 PM

"Nah, definitely not. No idea what your talking about... No book here......"

The man, stares at you like a smart ass as he reaches under the bar and pulls out a tome... the tome you were looking for.

"Here ya go."

2017-04-07, 09:06 PM
Agatha starts wiping off her maul on one of the dead human's clothes, then stands to face Shank. "Wasn't even a bit o' fun..." She looks at him up and down and starts laughing loudly, as dwarves tend to. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ya look like a newborn Rothé! Did tha big bad mugger hurt ya, boy?" Agatha pulled the knife from Shank's gut and looked it over. She cleaned it off on one of the dead men's clothes and put it back into Shank's belt, "There ya go, this'll remind you ta keep yer damn footing square next time some pink flabby monkey comes at ya! BWAHAHAH!!!" Agatha looked over the bodies for anything of interest or value. Once that was over with, she elbowed Shank, "Right then, lets be off."

2017-04-07, 09:54 PM
Nalla reaches for the robe of the fallen necromancer and rip a piece off and began to clean the blood and guts off her weapons. Today was a good battle, but to raise the dead to fight your battles is unfair and demeaning to a warrior like her. It angered her to no means and all that she wants is to rid the world of these cowards.

Nalla walks back to camp and goes to work on sharpening her axes until it was time to see the general. After she gets to the tent she waits to be seen in.

You asked to see me General, something about having something to discuss with me?

2017-04-07, 10:35 PM
Indigo rolls her eyes and checks that the book is the one she was indeed looking for. Or at least one of similar value to her. Once she confirms this she begins reading and doesn't stop, basically just ignoring that Nanman is there. He's clearly not the one in charge of whatever this is so there's no point in wasting her time asking him questions that some other party won't know she already got the answers to.

2017-04-08, 04:07 AM
Brum was observing slowly every face he had in front. All of them seemed happy, even him... It had been a long time since his last adventure and he couldn't wait.

'God ... this is going to be a great adventure ...' He thought, and after winking at Namfrun, Brum took his pitcher and drank it all.

2017-04-08, 06:01 AM
"Miss Tagalug, I cannot deny you have awakened my interest and that is something few people manage to do. A coming revolution would be a... hassle for my studies, not to mention that the current state of government, or lack thereof, places stones into my way whenever they feel like it. It's not like I'm afraid to get my hands dirty, as much of a bother as it is."

Karash crosses her legs and leans back a little, gaze carefully traveling over Beatrice and the folder. "However... I am not a leader and I'm certainly no fool. If I help, I want a solid government established that keeps their fingers out of my business as I keep mine out of theirs. I want my peace and my privacy after that, no further backstabbing bastards who get rid of me the first moment it seems convenient. I don't who dies and who doesn't if you have ways to guarantee me that." Karash's red eyes pierce those of Beatrice, waiting, testing.

"Do you have that?"

2017-04-08, 05:14 PM
Namfrug throws the entire mug of ale back in toast with Brum.

2017-04-09, 09:24 AM
Indigo and Agatha

The man rambles about some sort of plan or something of the sort, but you are nearly positive you are going to hear it all again once whoever is in charge gets here. You open the book to it's first pages and your heart sinks. There is a note in the book. it reads...

"I got you a second time."

A cold calculated rage washes over you. You quickly turn the page to find the actual truely written tome. On the back sid of the note is another message.

"Annd a third time, it's too easy"

This man.... is an ass hole. You can hear him giggle to himself but it all washes away as you tear out the useless note and bathe in the gold that is the information that this book has to offer. You wonder what secrets it will reveal.... Upon reading the first few pages you discern that there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that this book holds no mystic or mental secrets. The good news is that is still holds secrets. These secrets are worrisome however... darker. It seems to describe biological experiments that went on in Ymra at the college. The author was... Bruxis Faelon... that is the current head master of the college. How could a book that was written not even a life time ago be lost to an ancient temple? That didn't make any sense. You see the first passage of the tom, it describes a particular creature that Bruxis actually oversaw the creation of before he was the head master.

The creature's diagram was fairly terrifying. Something like this couldn't possibly exist. These "Phantoms" as the diagram has names them were massive creatures with eight spider like legs with the head of a wolf. There was no fur, it looked like the creature was made of obsidian. There were even passages describing the carapace. The carapace, was made of a certain type of mineral. It was sharp like obsidian but durable and gritty like iron. The next part of the diagram you see is directed towards the creatures brain. The studies describe the creature as "terrifyingly intelligent" When it was in it's firs stages of development before the "aggression stage" set in, it displayed cognitive faculties that not only surpasses humans, but just about every other race. This... can't possibly be real, these things would be a huge problem. The only major world problem that you can think of is the undead invasion in the eastern continent. That isn't anyone heres problem though. These things may only be theoretical or perhaps the experiments were never finished. There is a very large section in the book describing these creatures. You still have much to read about these creatures.

Then a loud bang interrupts your train of thought. You are brought back to the real world as you see two dwarfs walk into the tavern. Both of them are ugly and both of them look very mean. They are both covered in bile, blood and grey matter. They are joking and **** talking each other constantly however. The male dwarf looks at you and shakes his head. He talks first to the man and then to you.

"Nanman, your an *******. Thy did you waste all of our time, just to pull a ****ing joke. I swear to god, I'm going to dance on your grave one day. Anyway, lady... I'm Shank You will mostly be operating with and or through me. Beatrice will be here shortly with the rest of the team. This here is Agatha, she is a member of the team."

Nanman seems to leave it at that as he punches Agatha in the shoulder and lets her know that he will be cleaning up his armory upstairs if she wants to wash off the blood and bile. All things considered, this actually seems the most organized thing you have ever seen in Odal, but the bar was never really set very high to begin with. This book however... it raises more questions than it answered. Who could have put it in that ancient temple and for what purpose?


Shank takes the dagger from you with a grin as he looks down at his wound. It was not a threat and would easily heal. He laughed just as loudly and heavily pats your back.

"Hahahaa, Bah! if you didn't send that tiny meat puppet flying towards me with that blow of yours I would have never been in that problem. Ah, ****e, pretty soon I'll start looking as ugly as you. Bahahaha!"

You search the bodies and find 6 gold pieces, Shank lets you keep whatever you find as he is perfectly happy with relieving himself on the corpses. The two muggers have daggers and the other one has a long sword. None of them have any armor or anything else of real use. Just another day in Odal. He takes his hammer that was lodged into the wall and puts it away. The walk back to the tavern was exremely peaceful. As it turns out, when you and your weapons are covered in gore, everyone things twice about ****ing with you. Once you get into the bar Shank puts one foot up and kicks the door open, breaking yet another latch on this very same door. It seems that he just loved pissing off his boss with replacing the door latch. There is a man at the bar talking to a clearly uninterested woman, who blatantly ignored him reading her book until shank blasts the door open. Shank says something to the woman and punches you in the arm. He is going to wash his weapons and gear if you want to as well. He starts heading upstairs.

Brum and Namfrung

The group heartily toasts and drinks everything they have as the rest of the evening goes very well. You all learn that the woman's name is Falixus. Reks mentions that everyone should get some rest and that we will meet the final member tomorrow when we leave. The ranger and the Viking lady both each go into their separate rooms. Brum goes into his own room (paid for by the stewart) The night was quiet and the room ;though not very fancy or clean, was very good considering the price. As for Namfrung, sleep does not come as peacefully for you. You open the doors and you see a scene of horror before you. three dead people. One a dead woman you thinl, it is hard to tell. She was horribly torn in half, then the other two were men. One was a heavily armored man and the other a lightly armored man wearing a cloak. The scene disappears as quickly as it appears as you see a regular room infront of you... Perhaps it was just the ale playing tricks on your mind. Sleep did not come easy and when you closed your eyes, the creatures you saw were not pleasant.

Yeah, will save.


As you enter his campsite, he walks out of the tent with another...statue? It must have been. A large person wearing stone armor. There is a massive tower shield laid down against some crates with a large heavy mace. You couldn't tell if the statue person was a man or a woman. The General walks towards you and pats your shoulder.

"Sister, good of you to come. This here is Daelath. Another sister in our fight. She too, just like you and me lacks any rational sense that led us to our first victory. We have two more coming our way. One of them is from the college as well. not much of a fighter but they will be of use to you. Look, I need trusted warriors and capable magic wielders. I have an important mission for you and it will determine not only our next battle... but return to the land that is rightfully ours. They took our first bastion of Baglestash... That keep is on the narrwpoint where the main central continent and the north east continent meet. With a massive stone wall going to each sides into the ocean... We need to take it back in order to reclaim most of our land here. There are other bastions that were lost to us but that one will ensure that we can get the rest without them sending reinforcements. I'm sending you and a few others to infiltrate that area and open the gates for a small contingent of able bodied warriors to help you take the keep AND the walls. Once you accomplish that... you need only survive while we barrel down on the rest of the undead here and fully reclaim our homes. Then we can truly and fully rid our land of these... abominations."

As far as plans go, it seemed decent, aside from how risky it was. Daelath seems to voice her concerns.

"Bagamnan... how do you suppose we get past the mountains of undead? How do we sneak a small army of warriors passed that? Just the few of us getting through will be nearly impossible but a force big enough to take and maintain the keep? How?"

Bagamnan... so thats his name. He raises his hand with a calm smile. He nods his understanding and speaks.

"Daelath, I may not look it but I have... dabbled in some magic. I know a spell that will get the few of you through the armies... but once I cast the spell, it will be up to you to reach the keep and find a way inside. As for the army..."

He looks and stares off into the fire. His face is one of regret and sadness.

"I will get them through... you don't worry about that, just get the doors open for them."

Then his tired and sad expression disappear as he laughs heartily. He grabs a jug of wine and three cups, holding them out for the both of you. She takes her cup and he fills them up.

"For now, let us celebrate and await the rest of our team."

Several moments pass before he randomly yells out.

"There we are! We have our whole team! Nalla, Daelath! These will be our magical assistance from the college. They will be joining you on your mission."

He waves his hand as ou turn to see a small bard and a cat like wizard.

"Nalla and Daelath can inform you more about the mission when you all head out tomorrow. I'll let you all make instructions. Bruxis, never told me the names of who you two are. Come, we must celebrate our first victory!"

He howls out into the sky and you hear a thousand voices join him all around, in the many camps that surrounded you.


Beatrice's face is a picture of stone. She smirks slightly at your request.

"Luckily you won't have to lead. That is after all, my job. Atleast until we can establish the government and then the people will rule. The individuals rights will be protected so no one will bother you without probable cause. As for the back stabbers, my dear. There will never be a world or an Odal without those, it is best to just always look over your shoulder no matter how safe the world becomes. I also have ways to guarantee you anything you want. But what good are words? Just because I guarantee you safety does not mean you will be safe. I will do what I can to ensure people stay out of your business but remember that will also fall on you. I would rather not make promisses that I cannot keep, but what i know we will succeed in is changing the world For Odal. We could use your help. The rest of the team is likely waiting for us, if you accept then please, let us leave and I will apologize in advance for the lack of amenities at our head quarters. We are a resistance after all."

She chuckles to herself a little about that as if that issue may have pertained to her at one point. She does seem as if she wasn't just some sort of commoner. She has the air of authority about her Like she used to rule something. She got up and held her hand out respectfully, you aren't sure if it is to help you up or for you to return the folder. She doesn't exactly offer an answer within her eyes.

The College of Imra

"Those desperate barbarians, still press down hard on or land bridge. Our borders strain more and more as we speak. Pretty soon, the only scientific and magical break through that we will be focusing on will be military! We shouldn't have to live like this Bruxis! We need to stop them, but not by sacrificing who we are in the process! We are pioneers of magic and science. We will pave the path to a more glorious world. It was our inventions that turned the northern king in the Human's land into a technological marvel. but they lack our insight and wisdom, so they use it to go to war. These barbarians are no different..."

Bruxis raises his hand to silence his second. He respected her oppinion and she was wise and well traveled. She knew much and he would be a fool to ignore her council. He nodded and spoke with a tired old voice. It wasn't as strong as it used to be.

"I know I know dear Reason. I have just the plan. I have sent an... envoy to the barbarians to show them, that though we will not share our break through just yet, we are willing to work with them. We must see if there is any hope that they can one day become a civilized society. Would we be any different from them if we had an army of undead killing and stealing our loved ones?"

His second lowered her head. Her argument had the wind taken out of it. He was right, they weren't bad people... they were only desperate. Bruxis continued.

"I have a wizard going to the people as well as a bard. They are going together and maybe pave the path to workable relations. They are going to help them take back their land and the we will see about civilizing them. They will be easier than the humans... Humans are... never civil. My people are already on their way."

His second bows and takes her leave, Bruxis bows his head and rubs his eyes in frustration.

"I only pray that this is the worst of it, but I feel s if this is all only the beginning."

Erica Softpaws and Zemzellet Gemblossum

Erica, having spent most of her time helping the college creating magical wonders to effectively be merged with technology wasn't sure whether to be honored that Bruxis entrusted her with tis task, or to be insulted that he had sent her on an insane mission into a world filled with war torn barbarians. At least she had the bard with her, so things weren't completely horrible. The both walked through the forward camp of their undead war. The entire place looked undead, you couldn't remember the last time you saw any sunlight since stepping onto this continent. It was always, dark disgusting and filled with corpses everywhere. Not in the camps though. The camps were well maintained and the troops moving around in a beautifuly chaotic manner. Like a well oiled machine... What kind o machine was this? Zemzellet, the only thing that would be passing by your head is, how you ended up in place like this. Working for the college after your troupe disbanded. Now you are on the front lines against undead country. It couldn't be worse however. You see the booze and the spirits flow freely, so good. This isn't a dry battle field. Erica lead you into the main camp, the general's camp. You three people. You can only assume which one is the general but you would have to choose between the large human looking man in black armor, or the statue looking person. The thirsd was a Goliath. She looked positively rabid. They all towered over you. I suppose that is no new feeling however. The general reveals himself to be the man in black armor. He heartily cries out when he sees you.

"There we are! We have our whole team! Nalla, Daelath! These will be our magical assistance from the college. They will be joining you on your mission."

The man looks at both of you.

"Nalla and Daelath can inform you more about the mission when you all head out tomorrow. I'll let you all make instructions. Bruxis, never told me the names of who you two are. Come, we must celebrate our first victory!"

He howls out into the sky and you hear a thousand voices join him all around, in the many camps that surrounded you.

2017-04-09, 12:54 PM
Considered all in all, if she survived the ordeal, it looked to be a good future prospect to invest in. Beatrice Tagalug was a woman she could respect, as long as they stood on the same side, and Agatha was a capable hireling if her memory didn't fail her. It would not be easy, but when was handling a revolution ever easy...
"Fine. I can deal with being ordered around if it's by my own choosing. And I'm under no illusions that Odal will not be a cesspool after this, no matter if we have a tyranny or an anarchy, the filth is ingrained into the very fundament of this city. Still. I'd prefer not to have to get used to another home."

Karash purses her lips, tilting her head. "Of course you won't be able to guarantee my safety to the full degree, but you seem like a capable... well, ally to have and that raises all sorts of chances. Very well, Miss Tagalug. Consider myself to be on 'your team'." The drow takes a moment to look down at the folder, carefully going through it for a few seconds and ignoring the outstretched hand. Then she snaps it shut and slaps it into Beatrice's hand, red eyes ice-cold as they stare at her. "Let's hope there is no regret on either side."

With that she fluidly gets up and with a twist of her hand and a word muttered from her lips, magical energy settles around her body, before she walks out into the hallway. "My cloak and things," she commands at her servant and once dressed in it, hood up and face slightly shadowed, she glances back at the other woman, giving an almost respectful nod. "Then let us leave for your so-called headquarters."

Activating Mage Armor as her At Will spell.

2017-04-09, 12:55 PM
"And what about this introduction makes anyone think I'm going to want to join thisss.... team?" Indigo says, "team" clearly not being the word she was actually thinking.

2017-04-09, 12:56 PM
Nalla steps forward with what looks like could be a smile, to those who are not used to her, that smile looks more menacing than it really is. Sticking her huge hand out she introduces herself.

Well met. My name is Nalla Two-Weapon Katho-Olavi, but you may call me Nalla. Come and I'll fill you in the General's....Plan and get you something to drink.

As they walk to get their drinks and find a place for them to settle down, Nalla tells the two of the plan.

2017-04-09, 06:47 PM
Agatha trips and pushes Shank into a table, giggling. Paying no mind to the skinny little thing and Nanman, she helps herself to the largest tankard available and pours her own drinks. Agatha sits and waits, not mindful of anyone around her.

2017-04-09, 06:59 PM
Namfrug struggled with the visions, he rolled out of bed and pulled out an old chair and sat at the nearby table.
In the dim candle light, he poured over the journal he keeps attached to his side. It is the most ordinary looking book in Namfrugs collection. Kettle stitched and bound in an old black leather, while unassuming in appearance it was by far Namfrugs most valued manuscript. It was his wife journal. The demons he had seen made him think of her mad ramblings before she passed. Were they related? He doubted it, still, reading the early entries always relaxed him. The entries long before her mind began to fray.

He closed the book and lay back in bed.


2017-04-09, 08:53 PM
Nalla steps forward with what looks like could be a smile, to those who are not used to her, that smile looks more menacing than it really is. Sticking her huge hand out she introduces herself.

Well met. My name is Nalla Two-Weapon Katho-Olavi, but you may call me Nalla. Come and I'll fill you in the General's....Plan and get you something to drink.

As they walk to get their drinks and find a place for them to settle down, Nalla tells the two of the plan.

Erica is a tabaxi with a nice figure by humanoid standards, amber eyes, and a grey tiger-patterned coat. She is tiny by Tabaxi standards and looks to be on the weak side, but then again her strength is supposed to be with magic as opposed to the martial.

Erica takes Nalla's hand when she offers it. "Hello Nala, my name is Softpaws but I also have a human name... you can call me Erica. I don't suppose they have anything laced with catnip?" Erica listens to the plan "That is very interesting" she starts to purr "This sounds like quite the spell he plans to conceal us with, I wonder if he would teach it to me after this mission"

2017-04-10, 07:55 PM
"I am Zemzelett Gemblossom. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

The bard extends a slender hand towards whoever appears to be the highest ranked among Nalla and Daelath.

2017-04-12, 06:04 AM
Indigo, Agatha and Karash

Shank braces himself for Agatha's ploy. He manages to recover without crashing into the table oddly enough, he ignore the woman as Nanman sighs, evidently he was going to answer the question. Shank goes to clean himself up but more importantly his weapons. Maintenance was key. Nanman chuckles and answer's Indigo's question.

"We want scholars, we know you are one, and as for this team? This isn't the team. We are just a bunch of ass holes trying to gather everyone up. I don't know what you think you are doing desperately trying to look for professionalism, organization and timeliness in ODAL honey. You act as if this is beneath you, so kindly take a step off that horse waaaay up there little lady. We are here to offer you an opportunity to actually turn Odal into something beyond this....constant **** show you see every day. You would have known that if you actually paid attention. The brains and professionalism to this whole damn thing is Beatrice. She was supposed to be here first but, surprise surprise, we live in Odal. On the other hand, if you want motivation, our leader Beatrice is kind of a scholar herself. A collector as well, she is very good at finding... works...before everyone. If this fails, I guess she will fully commit herself to her collections. I guess it will be difficult to find anything then."

Nanman smiles as he takes another drink from his cup. Then he reaches out and pulls out a pipe and a box of some type of plant and packs it into his pipe before lighting it and taking as few puffs out of it. He turns his head to blow smoke. He is at least courteous enough not to blow smoke in your face. It seems he has some restraint on being an ass hole. You hear an irritated grumble as a woman with blue hair walks through the doorway, taking a look at the broken door kicked off its hinges. She growls to herself.


The woman walks in with a frightening drow noble woman. You have heard of her before, one of the only nonhuman nobles in all of Odal. You have also heard some... dangerous things about her. Both her and the blue haired woman look rather frightening. Or atleast very intense.

"Lady Karash, these our some of our people, pay no mind to the degenerate behind the bar or the degenerate dwarf who kicked the door down. Our team will be with this scholar woman and with that Dwarf over there. Nanman, did you properly explain to this woman who we are and what we are offering her?"

Nanman nods looking away as Beatrice sighs knowing he is full of ****.

"Very well, before we head to my office to discuss the plan and everyone role, ms. Indigo? direct your questions and concerns toward me and I will address them."

She looks to Karash

"Would you like a drink?"

Agatha recognizes the drow woman who walks in. You have done a few jobs for her and she paid very well. You get the feeling that this Nanman fellow must not like the indigo lady but then you question why you care and if any of this is your business. This drink in your hand however, this you care about and this is your business.


Beatrice nods in agreement about the cesspool.

"Odal is always the birthplace of filth, there is no changing that, but atleast this way, people will be able to defend themselves against those who have absolute power. I would rather not have to leave either. Odal may be poison but... it has it's charms and I am rather tired of moving around constantly. If anyone comes to attack you, I will be able to kill them. They don't realize it yet but they are... very out numbered. There will be no regret here, but there will be death. Many of them will be innocent, but it is necessary to make great change."

Beatrice takes the lead as we leave your estate. The walk back starts out crowded until people start seeing who you both are. After that everyone starts giving you both a wide berth and the trip to the headquarters is surprisingly uneventful for Odal. As you arrive at the tavern you see the door knocked off it's hinges. She growls and you hear her grumble "shank" under her breath. She guides you into the tavern and you see a smug looking human man, a sly looking woman holding a tome and you see Agatha drinking herself under the table. Beatrice speaks.

"Lady Karash, these our some of our people, pay no mind to the degenerate behind the bar or the degenerate dwarf who kicked the door down. Our team will be with this scholar woman and with that Dwarf over there. Nanman, did you properly explain to this woman who we are and what we are offering her?"

Nanman nods looking away as Beatrice sighs knowing he is full of ****.

"Very well, before we head to my office to discuss the plan and everyone role, ms. Indigo? direct your questions and concerns toward me and I will address them."

She looks to you.

"Would you like a drink?"

All thing's considered, the bar wasn't that terrible. It wasn't high end but you were expecting something far more rundown and desolate. It was a clean working bar that still seemed fairly large for being a basement tavern. The bar had an impressive stock of spirits and other types of alcohol.


The visions flashed away as you pushed them from your mind. You heard a voice in your head but pushed it our quickly before hearing what it had to say. You wondered what it could have been, but once you felt it in your mind you knew that it had to get out immedietly. No visions or voices bothered you the rest of the night.

Namfrung and Brum

Morning comes as the two of you get up. You hear sounds of conversation coming from the main tavern room. Two of them are familiar, being the ranger and the viking woman and the other is unfamiliar being a very deep voice. As you two both head out into the area you see everyone and then you see a large paladin. He had dark ebony like skin and you could hardly see his face covered in his helmet. He had a heavy mace in one hand and a shield with a holy symbol. The man bows his head towards the two of you.

"Hello, I am Nuban. I am one of a Paladin and I come with our supplies. I also bring us horses so we make must make haste in order to understand what it is we are dealing with. But first, let us eat a warm mean and drink fine spirits before we don't have the chance to for a while."

Nalla Erica and Zemzelett

Erica and Zem, you remember the headmaster tasking you both with trying to collect on these barbarians in order to provide early warnings incase they planned on attacking the college again. Everyone exchanged hand shakes and greetings. Bagamnan grins from ear to ear and he speaks.

"This plan is the very reason why I needed people with guts and balls of steel. I cannot have fearful people doing this or it will be doomed to fail. It will be difficult but if you all stick together and push through the hard times you will get to the keep and you will take it. Get your things together and meet back here tomorrow morning. Then leave from here."

Bagamnan leaves you all to your own devices and allows you all to speak to each other.

2017-04-12, 08:13 AM
Karash says nothing as her cold eyes travel around the room. She is not hesitant to seek eye contact, but nothing holds her intense gaze and interest for long, except for the book that lies open in front of the slim woman's seat, then there is a flicker of interest for the first time. The duergar, Agatha, receives an acknowledging nod if she happens to look up, then the drow folds her arms and stands in a way that conveys both languidity and readiness.

Trained eyes see that the noble woman is no fool though. She stands with her back towards a wall, in a good position to have the whole room in her view and to keep anyone from attacking her in her blind spot. One hand is casually resting near a hilt sticking out of her robe.

"No, thank you," she answers Beatrice's question. "I'd rather get down to business sooner than later." The bar might be less of a shack than expected, but drinking anything not filled from her own supply... call her paranoid, but the people in here might potentially have a same goal, but any other allegiance had yet to be determined.

2017-04-12, 09:17 AM
Nalla turns to Erica and Zemzelett.

Come let us get to know each other. I like to know those I will go into battle with. But first I want see how you enjoy yourselves. Do either of you drink?

Nalla leads Erica and Zemzelett to a tent put up to be like an inn for food and drink.

Barkeep bring us a round of ale and your best meal.

2017-04-12, 11:40 AM
That is a most kind invitation, Milady. It is not everyday a lowly bard has the pleasure of such esteemed company!

After a fashion, the bard takes out his pan flute and begins a musical serenade.
Performance Roll: [roll0]
Constitution Save to avoid a hangover: [roll1]

2017-04-12, 12:19 PM
Brum felt fully rested. He slept all night long dreaming with the upcoming adventure. He was yawning when he met Nuban. "P...lease to meet you Nuban, I´m Brum. Thanks for the supplies and the horses".

Brum ordered some bread and roasted meat to the innkeeper and he sat down next to the paladin. 'Tell me Nuban... tell me something about the mountain... I want to hear everything...'

2017-04-12, 12:25 PM
Indigo recognizes Lady Karash immediately. Hard not to recognize a drow with red hair, but she would have anyway. In fact the lady is one of the few beings in the city she doesn't personally know but views with favor, given their shared social role of unloved races and despite that having maintained the status she holds. She smiles seeing Karash, as this means there might actually be some value to allying herself with these people and it's not just another way of getting yourself arms chopped off by trying to reach for the stars from the gutter.

She notes Karash look at the book and thinks of Karash's own collection which she has so far not been desperate enough to try and steal from. She thinks that perhaps this could be an avenue of access to that collection. So she stands up and walks over and introduces herself, "Greetings Lady Karash. I am Indigo Coluber. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard you have quite the fine collection." and she extends a hand for shaking.

2017-04-12, 03:24 PM
Agatha raises her tankard when Karash looks her way, speaking only one word, "Fridish"​, before returning to the business of emptying said tankard and refilling it. Her maul rested on the table in front of her, caked in dirt and gore. Her armor showed signs of a very recent fight, some of the blood had not yet dried. Agatha mindlessly picked a skull fragment from the caked gore on her maul and flung it across the room, away from everyone.


2017-04-12, 04:21 PM
Karash tilts her head a little at the foreign woman, but doesn't offer her hand in return. Her voice is a little less icy though, as she answers. "Miss Coluber. I see that we share an interest in the fine arts of the written word. Depending on how this venture unfolds, I would not mind exchanging a few thoughts about your knowledge and the content of my carefully collected material." She gives a cool smile. "Though I choose very carefully who may enter my library." Only then she offers her hand and it seems as much as a welcome as a threat.

Her gaze wanders over to Agatha and then is followed quickly by an eyeroll. She remembers now. Karash had told the duergar repeatedly that, yes, she was a drow, but no, she did not speak a word of Undercommon without preparation. Agatha had either forgotten repeatedly or not cared, up to the point that Karash had prepared the language magically whenever she knew she would hire the dwarf. Still, Karash cared about skill, not manners, and their deals had always ended satisfactory for all sides. "Agatha, as proficient as always, I see."

2017-04-12, 07:25 PM
Namfrug looks surprised when he lays eyes on Nuban.

"Why do the gods need men like me, when they have men like you. Your mace is the size of me head!"

Namfrug lowers his voice to do his best impression of the burly paladin.

"My names Nuban and I drink spirits at the crack of dawn." He raises an eyebrow at Nuban.
"I'll skip the spirits, a warm meal does sound good though. Your shout, right?"

2017-04-12, 07:41 PM
Nalla turns to Erica and Zemzelett.

[Come let us get to know each other. I like to know those I will go into battle with. But first I want see how you enjoy yourselves. Do either of you drink?[/b]

Nalla leads Erica and Zemzelett to a tent put up to be like an inn for food and drink.

Barkeep bring us a round of ale and your best meal.

"I drink, either with or without catnip distilled into the liquor." Erica continues to purr as she heads for the tent with Nala and Zemzelett to eat and drink. Erica takes a sip of the Ale and says "Not bad, I brew myself and this is some decent Ale"

Erica listens to Zemzelett play and inquires "That was quite nice, where did you learn to play? At the college?

2017-04-12, 11:58 PM
Indigo nods in understanding of what Lady Karash means and the handshake is pretty standard on her part. Neither especially firm or limp or quick or drawn out, nor does is seem rough or overly practiced. Just "normal". She toys with the mask in her other hand, a white and blue affair, as she looks to the dwarf and the drow wondering how they know each other. She notes the dwarf's name, but doesn't see the point in a more formal introduction. The sort of shared drink at the bar would suffice for now.

She moves to follow after the other blue haired woman and asks, "Ok, so what is this all about?"

2017-04-13, 06:29 AM
Agatha smiled a wide toothy grin, she loved this drow. So haughty, with her nose turned so high in the sky, a perfect marriage of her arrogant drow heritage and that petulant human charm. It was wonderful and it made her heart sing to mess with the creature. She chucked, deep and throaty, envisioning what the true drow would do confronted with such a thing as Karash. "Karash, ears still dark n' pointy, I see", Agatha tried her very hardest not to bust out in laughter. She meant not harm, Karash probably knew that, maybe. She'd given her work and paid well in the past, no funny business about their dealings and Agatha had respect for that.

2017-04-13, 07:00 AM
Erica listens to Zemzelett play and inquires "That was quite nice, where did you learn to play? At the college?

A shadow of melancholy momentarily clouds the bard's face, but he recovers quickly.

I'm feeling fine, really. Nothing to see here.

Can your Insight beat my Performance? [roll0]

"Oh, I grew up in a circus. You can't help but pick up a few performance tricks here and there!" he says with a chuckle. But levity turns to seriousness as Zem's mind flashes forward to the task at hand. "Lady Nalla, I can't help but notice that the situation on our way here looks dire outside the camp. What would you know about the challenges we might face tomorrow?"

2017-04-13, 08:26 AM
Indigo, Agatha and Karash

Beatrice nods at the conversation going on. She sits calmly and then begins directing her words towards Indigo.

" Alright, now that we have everyone here, we can get down to business. Quick version is that we are effectively staging a legal coup. Instead of establishing a false government we are establishing a government for the people. So we can finally put an end to the unlimited power of the Suzerain... whoever it so happens to be at this moment. "

She motions everyone to follow her as she starts walking towards the downward stairs to her office. There is a surprising amount of room here as you all walk down the stairs. One would have expected a cramped basement. Once she opens her study door, everyone expected a dull and dusty cellar. Once you walked in you swore that you walked into a library/study. There...there was some type of sorcery at work here, because there was more room than there should have been. The first half of the chamber were nothing but large bookshelves. They stood 12 feet tall all the way to the roof. They were all immaculately maintained. There was no dust to be found. The walls and ceiling were made of stone with a crystal chandelier hanging at the center of the entire chamber. At the end of the long chamber there was a large wooden desk. Behind her desk are two widows that show nothing but sky. It looks like this room was in a tower... Beatrice walks up to her desk and hangs a right. She grabs a few books and files as she returns to her study. She waves her hands out in front of her motioning everyone to sit down. There was only one chair but once she waved her hands, you saw two more slowly phase into existence in front of you. She placed the books down and began opening up some of her files on the desk including the folder she showed to Karash showing lines of succession and legal chain of command. The other folders she has are dossiers on the Current Suzerain, the past two Suzerains that survived and a royal human woman that is rising to power. Beatrice sits down and rubs the bridge of her nose.

" Alright. The key issue to all of this is the current and oppressive and unstable government. The Suzerain-ship switches either weekly or monthly. Whoever has the majority of the support of the noble hierarchy here. All of which could be bought and sold respectfully. Our goal is to have Lady Karash here rise up in those ranks. She actually has legitimate claim to Suzerain-ship. She however, will not have the support of the nobility. However, written in Odal's laws the Original Nobility Lineage have precedence over what the nobility want. Karash can establish control of Odal legally however, it will not last long. naturally the nobility will try to have her assassinated. They will also try to smear her image to get the people to hate her and attempt to overthrow her in an anarchistic fit. So, we have several advantages here. #1. They will not expect a Drow noble to overthrow them and rise to suzerain. #2. They will actually believe that we are stupid enough to try and keep Karash as Suzerain without severing the power of the strong centralized government and #3. they think they have the people on their side.

Naturally once Karash obtains Suzerain, we will have to act quickly. Karash, you myself and some of our other... diplomatic allies will all work together about establishing policies that will sever the centralized power and establish the power to a group of representatives chosen by the people. Then we will sign all of the policies and solidify the hold of the people effectively taking power from any future Suzerains and nobles. Then we focus on stability operations, returning order and protecting the government we currently have in place. Mostly just thwarting assassinations. Then Agatha will reccieve her payment, Indigo... you will... "

Beatrice waves her hand at her library... You have never seen so many tomes and books before.

"Take your pick... and Karash, you will be left in peace once the government has been established. Along with your own personal guard, I will have some other... additional security to help prevent any future assassination attempts. And I will be able to return to my research. Now, that is the general overview of my plan. There still lies the issue with getting Karash up to Suzerain ALIVE. Establishing the legal contracts under the nose of the nobility and current suzerain. If they discover this, everything will become alot harder. Seeing as we aren't breaking laws while doing this, they will also try to defeat us in the legal side of things. I'll handle that, but our job will be to protect Karash, they will use assassins, magic and traps. All of us will take park in this. Nanman...he will handle other aspects of our mission, Shank and I will help in the protection efforts. We have other agents throughout the city that will egg on the populace and first get them to rise up verbally and publicly with nonviolent protests in order to discredit the current leadership in case he responds with violent means, that will assist in us gaining public support. Once we gain support... the nobility will most likely catch on to our plans. Things will get difficult by then.... Questions thus far?

Beatrice takes a ceramic cup from under her desk with a hot steaming pot as she pours herself some hot tea. She takes out three more cups and places them in-front of the three of you and offers.

Brum and Namfrung

Nuban gives a deep chuckle at Namfrung's joke as he removes his helmet and places it on the table. He has shining blue eyes that pierce through the air with his gaze. He has a calm tired smile as he takes bread, stew and some ale and drinks some.

"The Gods need their devou. They need others to see their light and they need them protected. We work as a team, for you to show them the light and I to protect them from evil. But I still show as many as I can the light of truth just as you too can protect them. "

Nuban nudges Namfrung and hilariously fails at his impression of you. his voice only going slightly higher than his deep powerful voice.

" I am the holy man who is too pure to drink in the morning. Your mace is so large!"

Nuban laughs loudly as he raises his tankard.

"Its evening somewhere. As for the mountain, that will be our first destination. It is a fair distance away from here but our horses should cut down on the trip considerably. Once we get there we will have to dismount about a mile out so we are not spotted. We don't know who or what has taken the keep. The keep is built on a saddle between two massive mountains. Heavily protected, there is however a back way in through the sewer/irrigation system. Depending on what we find there, we will head as close to the eastern kingdom as we can to investigate... what happened there. Some darkness is taking root here... but my faith tells me to air on caution. I see visions of death and destruction and something... far...worse than we thing. but I don''t know if my faith shows me these visions or if these are mere stress induced dreams. Lets get ready to leave. The trip will take about a week or two on horse back."

Nubanan the rest eat quickly and drink whatever they chose to drink and prepare to depart the tavern.

Nalla, Erica and Gemzelett

Gemzelett's performance, caught several ears as people happily listened. There were not a whole lot of bards around or any performers, everyone in the camp clapped happily with the song and cheered the bard. This being the first type of entertainment or peace they were able to experience in a long time. The men can almost believe that they weren't in a losing war against their dead comrades. Daelath brought everyone drinks and took off her stone helmet She... she was a stone child. That explained a lot. She took a deep gulp from her tankard.

"Yeah, the drink is all we have to help us forget everything we have to face every day. We have a pretty good mastery for a bunch of barbarians in a camp."

Daelath grinned at the Bard playing his music.

"Well played bard. This is good for our brothers and sisters before we leave. "

Daelath sits quietly and drinks whilst listening to everyone's conversation.

2017-04-13, 08:51 AM
A huge cloud flows over Nalla's face at the question. She doesn't bother to try and hide it she knows what some of the perils will be and she doesn't look forward to facing them.

We will face a legion of undead and their unholy masters the necromancers​. They will raise those of us that dies to fight against us...they should all be destroyed, but I am looking for one in particular. There is a Goliath that fights like a storm blowing over a mountain that was overwhelmed and killed, be very wary of that one he was the weapons master and trainer for my clan...

She says that last part very sadly.

2017-04-13, 11:50 AM
"I am sorry to hear that," Zemzelett says softly. "I can only pray that you will be able to find succor and closure if, no, once we succeed."

"Now then, we are facing legions of undead and their necromancer masters. Unfortunately I fear my performance will be of limited use as opposed to, say, a cleric or paladin. I promise you that I shall try my best to insult them to their second death!

I do have two questions though.

First, Lady Erika, would you happen to have any fire spells in your magical arsenal? It would be helpful in eliminating weaker undead.

Finally, Lady Nalla, do you consider the use of flammable substances, such as Alchemists' Fire, or even cooking oil, against creatures vulnerable to fire such as the undead, to still fall within the purview of fair play?"

2017-04-13, 12:06 PM
Indigo takes a while to sit down as she's busy staring at all the books with naked lust. She even licks her lips with her forked tongue. After a moment she snaps out of it and actually takes and seat. She takes one of the cups of tea and takes a sip and then asks, "Will any of the policies you establish ensure safety for my kind as well?"

2017-04-13, 12:45 PM
Nalla laughs heartily at the question of fair play.

Yes, anyway to destroy the undead is in fact fair play. I only believe it to be unfair to raise the undead to begin with. As for your bardic abilities, I think it'll be more usable than you think. If you kill the necromancer controlling the undead you destroy the undead. Of course no matter how many undead you destroy in this matter it still only counts as one kill.

Nalla a piece of torn cloak that is stained in blood and holds it tightly.
Just one request, when we destroy the Goliath weapons trainer, see to it that there is something that we can properly bury. He is...He is my father.

2017-04-13, 01:16 PM
Agatha's comment earns little more than a soft huff before Karash follows after the blue-haired woman, marveling for a short moment at the span of the library before taking a seat. Magic? Most likely. Then, after listening, Karash rubs her temple with two fingers and makes an offhand gesture at the teacup. Considering it was obvious now that killing her was the least thing they planned on here, a few sips of tea wouldn't kill her. Suzerain then. Talk about plans she had run from as soon as she knew the meaning of the word.

"First I try not to get killed by my family for decades, so why then not poke the hornet's nest and make it all of Odal. I must have been mad to agree to this." She then sits upright again, straightening, all the regal countenance again that was instilled in her from childhood.

"Fine then. The theory sounds solid, but we will hardly know if the stone rolls as we planned once we kicked it down the hill. I certainly do not mind throwing a few of those phony swines that call themselves nobility under the waggon wheel if it earns me some peace and quiet. What would be our first step at this point?"

Her eyes snap over to Indigo and the non-human traits she seems to keep hidden under a mask normally. "And what would be your role in this? I certainly know Agatha's qualities and they are very..." she raises her eyebrow at the duergar, "...blunt. So to speak."

Arcana for the library [roll0]

2017-04-13, 04:14 PM
Indigo shrugs and replies, "I am unsure what is intended, but I have a good number of useful skills and a fairly wide breadth of knowledge. It sounded like she is expecting us to safeguard you? But I would not be surprised if we were called on to do a variety of tasks in this endeavor."

Knowledge check (they're all +6 aside from Investigation): [roll0]

2017-04-13, 08:14 PM
The charismatic sixteen year old can only nod, and give the Goliath a small hug, before taking his leave. Now that he knows what is in store, it is imperative to secure the following weapons, which he will attempt to do so from the commander:

1. Flasks of Alchemists' Fire. If none are available, he will substitute flasks of used oil from the kitchen
2. Bludgeoning weapons such as a flail, maul, or Warhammer. As far as he could tell, the Goliath fighter was wielding a sword and an axe, both of which not very effective against skeletal undead
3. A set of manacles to restrain prisoners with, assuming of course there will be prisoners. It is hard to gauge how zealously the Goliath will fight, considering that this is a personal matter for her.

2017-04-13, 11:54 PM
"I am sorry to hear that," Zemzelett says softly. "I can only pray that you will be able to find succor and closure if, no, once we succeed."

"Now then, we are facing legions of undead and their necromancer masters. Unfortunately I fear my performance will be of limited use as opposed to, say, a cleric or paladin. I promise you that I shall try my best to insult them to their second death!

I do have two questions though.

First, Lady Erika, would you happen to have any fire spells in your magical arsenal? It would be helpful in eliminating weaker undead.

Finally, Lady Nalla, do you consider the use of flammable substances, such as Alchemists' Fire, or even cooking oil, against creatures vulnerable to fire such as the undead, to still fall within the purview of fair play?"

"Indeed I am capable of throwing fire bolts, and it's my preferred method of attack. Against undead I'm not sure if fair play counts, since they aren't alive. If we have flammable substances available that would be a godsend as long as we deploy them properly"

2017-04-14, 06:06 AM
Mostly uninterested in their schemes and plots, Agatha was motivated by one thing and one things only: sweet, sweet gold. Not that she wouldn't mind a nice trinket or two, but glittering gold is what made her happy. "Talk to me about payment. Lass gets a city, what does Agatha get? Way I see it, city will owe us too fer bringin' such a benevolent ruler to them." Agatha emphasises 'benevolent' with a mock bow, but there is no mirth in it. The duergar woman is actually quite somber, her tone become laced with warning, "This here ain't some smash n' grab, this here is gonna require blood, and an ocean of it to boot. Good chance we all die, better chance I get killed meself. Yer askin' me to pave the way with me hammer for a coup, that theres a tall, tall order. Even with witchery at me back, and no priest mind ye, this'll be messy, long, and complicated. Ocean of blood equals mountains of gold, me services this time are gonna require a down payment. Agatha rubs her bald head and smooth face (save the scars), contemplating the tremendous task ahead of her. Sure, most of the thinking and back-stabbing will go to the intellectuals, but it'll always be the likes of Agatha that enacts the plan and does the actual stabbing of backs.

2017-04-14, 05:26 PM
Numfrug chuckles heartily.
"I can't argue with that," he buys some ale and food.

"It seems we're all facing demons, It is time to cleanse them in Ollandras name."

He finishes his ale and joins the other in preparing for travel.

2017-04-16, 03:42 PM
Indigo, Agatha and Karash

Before Agatha can even finish her sentence Beatrice lets out a sharp, ear piercing whistle. It catches everyone by surprise as she fixes Agatha with her gaze, it wasn't threatening in anyway but neither was it soft. She seemed to be waiting for something. As if on cue, the door you guys came in through opens. Nanman walks up to Agatha hefting four bags of 200 gold pieces and drops them at her feet. Totaling up to 800 gold pieces. She calmly waits for Agatha to count enough for her to be somewhat satisfied with the starting gold. Agatha could count it later to see what she has been currently paid, but she knows that she sees at least 800 gold.

"This will be a very small percentage, the total will be 2000 platinum pieces. Or 20,000 gold, but I figured platinum would be easier to carry around. This offer for payment is also extended to you Lady Karash and Ms. Indigo... However I do believe you'r motivations are not entirely money related. Still the offer is up there."

The tea that you drink is fantastic. It isn't natural tea... Whatever made this... For a moment, Karash and Indigo fear it was poison. Then it dawned on them... it was more like the opposite. Indigo felt as if her mind had just broken free of another shackle, unlocking more potential within her own mind. Karash felt her lungs filled with large amounts of oxygen, as if her body was taking in more than it used to. She felt energetic and healthy, she did not feel jittery. Everything slowed down slightly it seemed when she wanted it to.

Beatrice looks at Indigo at her question and shrugs.

"It will be about as safe as it will be for the rest of us. Mind you, safe is a very unwise term to use in Odal seeing as safety doesn't exactly exist. I cannot promise no one will attack them, they will be targets for muggings just as anyone else, but with out new government, your people will actually have representation.

INT + 2

DEX + 2

You didn't drink any of the tea soooo....No bonus. :P

Brum and Namfrung

The morning is uneventful and everyone finishes getting ready to travel. Once everyone exits the tavern Nuban leads everyone to the city stables after dividing out the supplies. Everyone received three health potions, an explorers pack, an extra 7 days rations thieves tools and clerical tools. Once everyone reaches the city stables, Nuban directs everyone to their horses. These seem to be the finest horses in the kingdom. Nuban's horse is a monster of a horse. The powerful horse dwarfs the other horses and needs it's own special stable just to fit it. This is the top horse for their heavy cavalry. Nuban places his saddle on his horse and gets the horse ready to ride. He motions towards a set of finely crafted saddles. Once he gets ready he hops on his horse and it barely even notices the man. The horse looked like a giant could ride it if it allowed one on. Nuban began to slowly trot his horse towards the front gate.

"Take your time here, find a horse that will accept you and get a saddle that fits well. Never neglect the respect of your horse or a well fitted saddle. I'll be out by the front gate when you are ready."

Nuban heads to the gate. The ranger picks a deep chestnut colored horse that seems far more nimble and quick than the others. He puts on a seemingly basic leader saddle however it fits both him and the horse perfectly. He gets on and heads out. The viking woman, with a grin walks to the defiant grey horse that tries to rear up at her defiantly. She grabs the reins and pulls the horse back down. Locking a fierce gaze with the horse. The horse then happily whinnies and lets her on. She grabs a matching grey saddle with many holsters for her many spears.

Choose your horses, There are many horses in the stables. The stabes are actually very large, you are currently in the Royal section of the stables. Does not mean they are the best horses, they are just believed to be. You can look for a specific horse you want or you can go custom and describe your own. That being said, nothing magical and unreasonable. If you want, you can even get one of the heay cavalry stock horses but uhhh...Nuban NEEDS that kind of horse. If you do want a custom horse, send me a message describing it and I'l approve/disapprove based on that.

Nalla, Gemzelett and Erica

Bagamnan laughs at the request. He takes out one vial of Alchemist fire and hands it to him. Then he points to a large storage tent that you simply cannot miss.

"I made the fire myself. You can find about everything you need in that tent. You wont find oil in there, but I will get to work on more achemist fire for you before you all leave. "

He opens his tent and you saw what looked like a makeshift laboratory in there as he grabbed a couple of vials and the tent flap closed. You head over towards the storage tend and walk inside. You had no trouble fining the bludgeoning weapons. You get to work trying to find something that wasn't rusted and caked in dried blood.

Roll to find bludgeoning weapons and roll again for shackles.

Every one has split up and shall depart in the morning. The stone woman goes to her tent to rest up.

2017-04-16, 03:48 PM
Thank you Erica purrs. She stops purring when she sees how disgusting everything is with all the rust and blood.

She'll also take a look to see if anything else of use is in the storage tent.


2017-04-16, 05:47 PM
Agatha held one of the pouches in her hand, weighing it carefully. "Gold ain't no good if I'm dead. Probably help if I had somethin' to look forward to, like 35,000 gold, you know? Those are the kind of numbers that'll get this girl's blood boilin' fer a good coup. I'd even settle fer some titles, land, and such. Big ol' statue of Agatha the revolutionary in the square, waddaya say?"

2017-04-16, 07:11 PM
Indigo raises an eyebrow at that last bit but doesn't say anything in response to it.

"Well, I cannot sssay coin holds no value to me, but if it's a choice between that and access to the kinds of knowledge you possess... well that'sss no choice at all."

When Indigo said "you" she telepathically projected the words "Phaelusaes Sheevaras" to Beatrice as if they'd been part of her spoken sentence.

((Note for anyone not the GM reading this, it was projected only to Beatrice.))

2017-04-16, 07:44 PM
The young Bard hands over the bludgeoning weapon to the Goliath and stuffs the Alchemists' Fire and manacles into his pack, before retiring to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

The most unrusted and pristine weapons he could find to give to the fighter are:


Bludgeoning Weapon:
1: Two clubs
2: Greatclub
3: Mace
4: 4x Light Hammers
5: Quarterstaff
6: Flail
7: Maul
8: Warhammer

2017-04-16, 07:56 PM
Nalla swings the Warhammer feeling the weight and balance. It's not like her father's Warhammer but she likes it and smiles fiercely.

Thank you, I will put this to good use on the morrow.

With that she takes it to her tent where she takes some oil to it to polish the hammer up and get it and her trusted axes and swords ready for what tomorrow will bring before she turns in to bed.

2017-04-17, 09:16 AM
Karash's eyes widen and she stares at the cup, then slams it back down in the table. The feeling induced by the liquid may have been good, spectacular even, but she knows very well that the best poisons can be the sweetest.

"What have you given to me? I can feel there is untruth in the air, Beatrice," she snaps the name, unable to grasp fully what was irking her in the room, leaning forward in her seat with eyes full of cold, cold fire, everyone in the room for her an enemy in this second. "I will not be played with. Explain yourself, this room, this tea, now."

I'm pretty sure that it will do ****-all against anyone in the room, but Karash has a paranoid knee-jerk reaction.
Wisdom Save for anyone against 14 or frightened for 6 seconds.

2017-04-18, 04:47 PM
Brum was full after his breakfast and after that all seemed to be wonderful for him. When they went out of the tavern he looked up toward the sun feeling the fresh air of the morning in his face, Brum loves that moment of the day.

In his way to the stables he was putting all the equipment Nuban gave him in his backpack and when they arrive he went directly to the smallest horse in the stables. It was almost like a pony but stronger with a very shiny black hair with a big white spot on his head. When Brum touched him the horse lowered his head. It was a signal...

2017-04-18, 07:26 PM
Indigo stands up sharply and hisses in alarm and mentally prepares to fight the sudden hostile in the room with her until a few seconds later she calms down and glares at Karash for a bit.

2017-04-18, 08:41 PM
Namfrug saunters over to an old gray pack mule. "You look old and wise, I'm sure you'' keep these safe", he puts an ordinary saddle with an extraordinary amount of straps hanging off it onto the mule. He then begins to strap books to the saddle.

A nearby stable hand chuckles under his breath. "Wise? He's in for a shock."

2017-04-18, 08:43 PM
Agatha took a few steps back from the suddenly volatile women, maul in hand. "Someone better make with some answers."

2017-04-18, 09:31 PM
Indigo, Karash and Agatha

Beatrice's patience ran out very quickly. Though she barely showed it. If she was affected by the fey presence, she showed absolutely no sign of it. She stays sitting looking at Karash.

"I gave you tea. It's effect is different on everyone. It has helped me control my particular gift. To... extraordinary results, but then again. I drink it every day. Of course there is untruth in the air. Welcome to Odal, I take it by that bite on my name, you know that Beatrice isn't my real name. That is fine and changes nothing. funny thing about fake names, it means I don't want my real one getting out."

She shoots Indigo a glance before fixing her gaze back onto Karash.

"The tea is tea, just made very well with very top quality ingredients that... don't exist in this time period. This room is my study. It is well hidden and only allowed access to those that I allow. These precautions, if you stop and think about them, are fully justified and understandable when you are single highhandedly overseeing the overthrowing of a corrupt and powerful government. Or did you think that you were going to be the only target here? They know you may be the legitimate face of the rebellion, but I am the head. They will want to cut off the head, and they have tried already."

She chuckles at that.

"Now, will you regain your composure? All of you."

Brumand and Namfrung

Everyone has everything ready to go and everyone groups up at the outskirts of the city. Once everyone is gathered, Nuban nods at the ranger as he takes lead. He is the local and the guide through the mountains. The rising run covering the right side of your face as you head north towards the mountain keep. You have no Idea what you will run into. But you feel good about this group. With any luck, whatever you are scouting for either left of has retreated. Who knows, based on the reports. Whatever it was had to be nasty. They single handedly won the kingdom's war for them.

Marching order and formation is The ranger upfront and guiding, Nuban close behind in order to take point in case of an ambush. Namfrung is in the middle of the formation and the viking woman and Brum hang back unless Namfrung and Brum choose to be elsewhere in the formation.

Both roll 1 d4

Nalla, Gemzelett and Erica

Erica searches the armory before going to bed. She finds average restraints and shackles. She searches for decent blunt weapons and cannot seem to find anything. You feel like giving up and grabbing one of the run down ones but a flash catches your eye. You look over to see way in the back, two one handed war hammers, They look like smaller mauls. The Goliath may be able to make use of them but they are too big for something that isn't large. You discover a morning star and a flail. These weapons are obviously different from the rest of the weapons. The two war hammers, you can tell as you move them... the chain extends and shrinks, it seems to have a mind of it's own. You believe these would be perfect for Nalla. The hammers are a deep grey color with black trimmings. There seems to be something else different with the hammers but you can't quite put your finger on it. You know these weapons are not normal and you can't even begin to think why they would be lost and forgotten in an old armory tent.

Go ahead and give it a go.

The morning star is black and heavier at the end than a regular morning star, when you pick it up, it feels light. You give it a few practice swings, at the peak of your swing, the weight throws itself forward and nearly out of your hand. It goes back to being light. What sorcery is this? You look at the flail and you aren't quite sure what it does either. But you get the same vibe from it as you do the rest of the weapons. You take all three sets of weapons and distribute them how you see fit.

The hammers of the Berserker. When attacking, increase hit and damage by two. Once weapons are equipped, anytime something happens that is not planned, PC must make a will save at a disadvantage. If test fails, you go berserk and fight your way out. Chains, extend or shorten at will, can be used as throwing weapon and returned to thrower.

Special: Allows PC to rage as if PC was a barbarian. Rest period is two days before reuse.
???: additional effect, unknown.

Black Star. Black star locks the hand down at will with seemingly superhuman strength, keeping weapon from being thrown or knocked from grasp. Weapon is very light until swung, due to light weight, weapon and e drawn and attacked with as a reaction (separate from the actual attack. I.E. if weapon is sheathed, you can draw, attack and then make another attack.

Special: Weight of the world, at the peak of the swing, the weapon's weight, momentum and velocity increase exponentially. This increases the damage by three, but decreases the hit by 2 due to difficulty in handling. (Unless proficient with exotic weapons)
???: additional effecy, unknown.

Demension door. This flail can be used as a ranged weapon. If swung once, it will open a tear in front of User and near target. Swing once more at the tear and strike the target from up to 100 feet away. first strike with weapon automatically acts as a surprise attack and will be rolled with advantage.

Special: Demension door, mentioned above.
???: additional effect, unknown


The sun does not rise here. It hasn't since this war first started. But somehow, you can tell by the dew and the smell, that it is morning. It is time to set out on your journey. Bagamnan is there waiting for everyone he smiles until you all draw near. his smile drains from his face.

"Those weapons...I had forgotten about them. No... they will be of use to you... keep them. You will need their power. Now onto the matter at hand. I told you that I had a spell to get you to the bastion safely. Or as safely as I can at least. This will allow you to sneak past most of the undead forces. Higher undead will be able to see past it so do try to stay away from the larger gatherings. Don't go waltzing through encampments. Now for the spell."

He takes out a black skull from his hand and smashes it into his hands, crumbling it into a black dust, he mutters several incantations... They sounded dark...this was not good magic. but it surrounded you all with a grey shimmering field. The feeling of dark magic washed away. This magic felt protective now. He nods to you, he seemed prepared to explain the magic.

"I had to learn a few things I'm not happy with in order to better fight our enemy. Now go. make haste and be careful. Our future rests on your shoulders.

2017-04-18, 09:58 PM

Nalla, Gemzelett and Erica

Erica searches the armory before going to bed. She finds average restraints and shackles. She searches for decent blunt weapons and cannot seem to find anything. You feel like giving up and grabbing one of the run down ones but a flash catches your eye. You look over to see way in the back, two one handed war hammers, They look like smaller mauls. The goliath may be able to make use of them but they are too big for something that isn't large. You discover a morning star and a flail. These weapons are obviously different from the rest of the weapons. The two warhammers, you can tell as you move them... the chain extends and shrinks, it seems to have a mind of it's own. You believe these would be perfect for Nalla. The hammers are a deep grey color with black trimmings. There seems to be something else different with the hammers but you can't quite put your finger on it.

Go ahead and give it a go.

The morning star is black and heavier at the end than a regular morning star, when you pick it up, it feels light. You give it a few practice swings, at the peak of your swing, the weight throws itself forward and nearly out of your hand. It goes back to being light. What sorcery is this? You look at the flail and you aren't quite sure what it does either. But you get the same vibe from it as you do the rest of the weapons. You take all three sets of weapons and distribute them how you see fit.

You may even choose, to hide their existence and keep them for yourself. :3


Erica thinks the weapons are cool, and she regrets being so small for a Tabaxi, she'd get clobbered trying to use any of these in hand to hand combat. These discoveries convince her to try and find something she can use since he walking stick (quarterstaff) isn't a great weapon for her and her claws are week. She is going to try and find a dagger (a normal one is fine).

She will slide her manacles into her pack andl go and find Nalia and Gemzelett to share her discovery, since such weapons will probably be very useful to them... and after all having those weapons between her and the bad guys will increase her odds of survival.

(assuming they are getting ready for bed or sleeping): "Wake up, I found special weapons in the storage tent, I figure you'd want to check them out. I found some warhammers, a flail, and a morning star. They look better than anything else that was in there and behave oddly, in ways I believe would be advantageous to skilled warriors"

2017-04-18, 10:10 PM
Still awake, when Erica walks in she warmly invites her in and sees the warhammers. Nalla smiles big as she sees the craftmanship of these hammers.

These warhammers are beautiful, and wonderful, where did you find them?

Nalla takes a couple of practice swings with each hammer.

On the morrow, these will be put to great use.

As the magic washed over Nalla she convulses involuntarily for a moment but regains her bearings. She keeps in mind what is said about the greater dead and waits for the rest before leading the way.

I'm not opposed to magic, as long as it's not used on me. Come let us go.

2017-04-18, 10:17 PM
Still awake, when Erica walks in she warmly invites her in and sees the warhammers. Nalla smiles big as she sees the craftmanship of these hammers.

These warhammers are beautiful, and wonderful, where did you find them?

Nalla takes a couple of practice swings with each hammer.

On the morrow, these will be put to great use.

"They were in the storage tent, I almost gave up looking but then I found these hidden in the back. I suspect they were forgotten since it's such a mess in there. Check out how the weight shifts on these chained weapons, I'd probably kill myself trying to use something like this, but they are pretty cool Erica purrs with excitement and can barely contain herself from jumping all over the place. Erica will also convey what she was able to deduce about the weapons and their functions.

2017-04-18, 10:33 PM


The sun does not rise here. It hasn't since this war first started. But somehow, you can tell by the dew and the smell, that it is morning. It is time to set out on your journey. Bagamnan is there waiting for everyone he smiles until you all draw near. his smile drains from his face.

"Those weapons...I had forgotten about them. No... they will be of use to you... keep them. You will need their power. Now onto the matter at hand. I told you that I had a spell to get you to the bastion safely. Or as safely as I can at least. This will allow you to sneak past most of the undead forces. Higher undead will be able to see past it so do try to stay away from the larger gatherings. Don't go waltzing through encampments. Now for the spell."

He takes out a black skull from his hand and smashes it into his hands, crumbling it into a black dust, he mutters several incantations... They sounded dark...this was not good magic. but it surrounded you all with a grey shimmering field. The feeling of dark magic washed away. This magic felt protective now. He nods to you, he seemed prepared to explain the magic.

"I had to learn a few things I'm not happy with in order to better fight our enemy. Now go. make haste and be careful. Our future rests on your shoulders.

Erica stops purring as she feels the dark magic wash over her "Dark magic, but I still think I would like to learn this type of protective magic some day if you are willing to teach it"

She will go silently into a very carlike stalking pose and fall in behind the others with utmost stealth and head in the direction of the bastion . Trying to cover the distance as if she wasn't protected by magic in hopes that her natural stealth skills will add another layer of protection. Or at least cause the size of the group to be misjudged if the magic fails.

2017-04-18, 11:46 PM
Zemzelett looks interestedly at the magical weapons. He hasn't really seen much in the way of magic weapons, but every little bit helps. As far as weapons are concerned, he has little aptitude for martial weapons; in truth he was a little disappointed at being unable to secure a couple of hand crossbows, but the half elf also understands that such equipment was frowned upon by most military personnel due to the lack of need to be skilled in its use.

The teenaged bard compliments the Goliath and the Tabaxi on their new gear, as he examines the magic aura now suffusing him with a practiced eye. No doubt, based on the spell color, that this was necromantic in nature.

Without the customary song on his lips, Zemzelett tries his best to keep up with the physical fighters. It wouldn't do at all for them to leave him behind in a wasteland crawling with undead!

2017-04-19, 02:11 AM
"Never lost it lass," Agatha lowered her maul, "no thanks to the indiscriminate spellery being throw about. I felt that tickle, I did. First and only warning to any who'd listen: keep yer tricks and witchcraft focused elsewhere. Battle-magicks is one thing, but keep out of me head, and I'll keep out of yers." The dwarf woman did nothing to hide her violent intentions should that line be crossed again, but she didn't speak in an angry tone. Agatha was more insulted than anything, hurt even, not something she often felt. Duergar hated and sometimes still feared the Illithids for what they had done to them as a people. Every duergar knew the stories, and only hoped that if they crossed paths with a mind flayer, that they'd get the first shot in. Magic that affected the mind was a sore spot for all Duergar, everywhere.

Agatha pulled her chair a bit further from the rest and sat back down, pouting.

2017-04-19, 02:05 PM
Karash clenches her fists above the armrest and slowly sinks back into her chair, breathing deeply in and out. Years of panic and terror at her family's hands whisper inside of her mind and she fights it back, inhale by inhale, until she hides her eyes for a moment behind a trembling hand.

"Forgive me," Karash says towards the ones seated next to her with honest shame in her voice, but not towards Beatrice. "There are things that have me... nervous. You should have had no part in this and I apologize."

Her gaze falls back to Beatrice, face utterly expressionless. "Fine then. Keep your small and your big secrets that I touch but not grasp. Treat me as your pawn then, it's not like I am not used to it. We'll see who has claim to my life and soul once this 'plan' is over," she says dryly, thinking of the fey creature she is bound to. God, she hates Odal's two-faced character. Sometimes she feels like the only person in the city with her secrets laid bare so that no one could take her by surprise with any of them. No more touching any food and drink that wasn't her own. "Now, once more. What is our first step in this endeavor?"

2017-04-19, 04:12 PM
Indigo gives a little sigh and takes her seat again. She looks to Agatha and says, "I suppose now would be a good time to mention I can communicate telepathically. Are you saying you'd prefer I not do so with you? I find it can be quiet useful if you don't wish to be overheard."

2017-04-21, 06:30 PM
Brum was happy observing the trees, birds and everything around him. His horse wasn´t as fast as the others but he didn´t care about that...

´Tell me Nuban... how far we are?´He shouted. 'I´m anxious...'


2017-04-22, 08:25 AM
Agatha clicks her tongue while thinking over Indigo's question, she points a stern finger her way, "I git what yer sayin'... But only if absolutely necessary, no pokin' around in me head. If we can make due without it, I'd thank ye and be a happier lady fer it..."

Agatha sits quietly, waiting to hear her bloody part in all this.

2017-04-23, 12:38 PM
Indigo gives an affirmative nod in response to Agatha's words.

2017-04-23, 01:46 PM
Indigo, Karash and Agatha

Beatrice, clearly irritated puts pressure on the bridge of her nose as she mutters. loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"You talk as if you are the only pawn... Again, I have my secrets for a reason. We are all pawns in this ****ing plan."

Beatrice waits for everyone to finish their conversation once everyone is finished and awaiting Beatrice she hands Karash a form. It was already filled out, all that was needed was Karash's signature. It was a formal declaration of legitimacy. It read;

"Be-gifted by the land and precious waters within the Sand of Odal, the ancient ancestry hereby grants Lady Karash legitimacy to act as a potential for a true Heir to the throne of Odal. The line of Lineage is proof that Odal must comply with the potential heir. Any and all heirs take utmost precedence including over that of the current temporary suzerain. The heir is to be placed within the palace until the day that a proper coronation is complete. Once residing, preparations are to be immediately completed as soon as possible for the true heir to take her rightful place. Complete and total power will them be transferred to the heir who will then become Guardian/Suzerain/Queen/Ruler by right. The leader of Odal will have full justification to convert Odal into a different government if so chosen.


Lady Karash True Heir

X Beatrice Gabriel________

Beatrice, Official Notary and Witness"

Beatrice then quickly hands over the large file that she previously presented to Karash that proved her to be an Heir. Within the file had the line of succession and a few memos signed by some minor nobles that vouch for you as well.

"Make sure you sign that document and take all of that and present it to the Palace secratary. Luckily the palace is pretty much open to the public so you wont have difficulty getting in. The difficulties will begin after you present... that."

She points to the paper work. Then she Holds out two filled contracts to Indigo and Agatha. They mostly talk about being under contractual obligations and are officially declared royal guard to the True Heir.

"This will legally prevent them from separating you, Isolating Karash and killing her. That being said, they will try illegal means. That is where things will get bloody. Here, seal those contrasts in these..."

She pulls out golden trimmed enveloped and takes a royal candle wax seal from her desk. She heats up the wax, folds the contracts and seals them in the envelopes, handing them back.

"The seal alone will make them comply. Escort Lady Karash to the palace and Do NOT let her out of your sight... Lady Karash? I will immedietly begin making preperations and I only ask that you just... survive until I can contact you all. The True Heir legitemacy can still be revoked if you do not have the support of the people and that is what I will secure. For now, just go to the palace. If I require any assistance or if I catch wind of an assassination attempt, I'll send Nanman of Shank. Now, do you need anything before you leave.... Some... tea perhaps?"

She motions towards the tea with a grin on her face. It was obvious she was trying to make a joke in order to lighten up an already dark situation.

"Good luck. All of you."

Brum and Namfrung

You make it about a week out with absolutely no incidents. The ranger has little trouble hunting for food so no one even has to go into their rations. As everyone sets out after about a week and a half, you all know that you are almost there. Nuban faces towards Brum with a small grin on his face.

"Nearly there. I would say about another day or so and we will be at the keep. Once we are a few miles out we will dismount our horses in order to not draw unnecessary attention. We are only scouting and investigating. But if ev-"

He cuts himself short as everyone easily hears a cry for help in the distance down the road. Everyone rides off towards the cry, it was the voice of a woman. You see the distress in sight. It wasn't as serious as you thought but there is no one else out here and being stranded in the wilderness is dangerous. There is a young woman and an old man on the side of the road with their carriage. The carriage has a broken wheel.The woman lights up... She is genuinely happy to see you all.

Two perception checks, one for riding up to the scene and another for when you get there.

One last check if you so choose, go ahead and make an insight check towards the woman

Nalla, Gemzelett and Erica

The weapons hum with power, a great power along with something sinister. It is no doubt simply an effect from marching through lands of the dead. These weapons seem to react to the undead nearby. It helpfully enough, gives you some kind of forewarning if you draw too close to any hoards. Bagamnan sent you off with a dark expression on his demeanor, maybe he was worried that you all may fail, maybe he was worried that HE would fail. Who knows what was going through his mind. It was rather difficult to sneak past the undead. They had no camps and it was very dark out and anyone without low light or night vision had difficulty seeing. The stone statue woman, marched out front, She seemed to see just fine, the rest of the marching order is up to you guys.

Roll 1d100, curently at the begining of your trek ther is approximately a 20% chance that you will encounter something by accident. So beat 20. You will make 3 more checks each increasing the difficulty by 10% so 30, 40 and 50 % will be the next rols, unless you fail this roll. Then the next encounter stays at 20%

2017-04-23, 03:01 PM
Agatha made her mark on any paperwork that came her way, she didn't worry about loopholes or technicalities that may be used against her later. She would do the job to the best of her ability and honestly. Well, honesty towards the client at least, she didn't mind getting her hands dirty. If anyone pulled some legal crap later, she'd just kill them.

Agatha chuckled, "Royal guard, eh? Been many things, none of 'em royal. I suppose I've been a royal pain in the arse! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She laughs heartily, from the belly at her own joke. "But to be serious, I know how I'd want things handled, but I wanna hear what yer highness and the dragon lady have in mind. Speakin' of which, I know my place in a fight, what's yers? I want to assume snake-pants has some psionic power, but I never assume with you witchery types." The emphasis Agatha placed on 'psionic' dripped with disgust and venom.

2017-04-23, 06:35 PM
Namfrug gallops up to the woman, tucking away a book that now had a bite mark on the cover where Namfrugs mule attacked it.
"Ay friends! A little cart trouble?"

Sorry I've been AFK guys! Back now.



2017-04-23, 06:48 PM
Zemzelett brings up the rear.


2017-04-23, 07:19 PM
Nalla walks behind the big Stone female keeping both hammers in hand feeling the hum as it detects the undead and alerting us to stay away.

(1)[roll0] (2) [roll1] (3)[roll2] (4)[roll3]

(1)[roll4] (2) [roll5] (3)[roll6] (4)[roll7]

2017-04-23, 09:10 PM
As they set out Erica casts her "Mage Armor" spell to have to have it active in case the group finds anything. She's content to march in the center of the group, being as stealthy as possible (previous post).

encounter roll: [roll0]

2017-04-24, 01:04 AM
Indigo makes a face at "snake-pants". The other two got "highness" and "dragon lady", but all she gets is snake-pants? Really?

Brushing that aside she replies, "Yes psionics. I'm surprised you know that term....." then a lightbulb goes off in her head and she connects the dots. "...Oh."

She carefully examines the papers for any magic before she signs anything or such. ((Arcana: [roll0]))

2017-04-24, 06:45 AM
Karash does not make any comment at all while grabbing the folder and the contract and taking her time to go through it in detail. She raises an unamused eyebrow at Beatrice at the joke, then glances at Agatha with a furrowed brow and a slight touch of annoyance at the loud dwarf interrupting her focus.

Then, with a touch of suffering acceptance, she grabs a pen. "Well. Interesting. Let's set the time clock ticking then," she mutters and sets her name down with a flourish. She could literally feel her father smirking at the back of her neck while she did so.

"Since we all seem to be on board to keep me alive and healthy from now on... we should indeed make sure to know who is capable of what." Karash places the materials back in the table, then folds her legs the other way and turns so she can look at her new guardians. "So far my arcane studies have led me to magic of curses and control. Give it a little time and I speak any language known to mankind for a while. I have not yet had any contact with... psionics you say?" Red eyes take in Indigo with renewed interest. "I also don't think I can place your heritage, Miss Coluber."

2017-04-24, 09:43 AM
Brum and Namfrung

Namfrung immediately sees that this is a trap. As you ride along, he can see people taking positions on moth sides of the road. Reks appears to be able to see this as well. You cannot quite count how many there are or what race, but you know that you may either be even in numbers or slightly outnumbered. As for the woman, she is terrified. Plain and simple, she is shaking still and her lips are quivering, she may not be a willing constituent to this trap. Unfortunately when you ride up, you have lost track of the ambushers. Reks, however has not as he doesn't hesitate to launch two arrows into the woods. Cries in pain and one panicky and desperate choking gurgle sound indicate that he hit whatever he was aiming for. You hear grunts and cries as the ambushers spring their trap, but fortunately they were not able to catch you off guard. One half orc with an arrow in his chest lumbers out of the woods, obviously quite damaged, three humans one being an archer and an elf dual wielding blades emerge from the woods. The woman runs towards all of you crying and panicking. She is trying to hide from them, knowing she is no longer of use to them. Nuban quickly picks her up and places her in the middle of the formation. Then he reveals that massive weapon of his, staying on his horse.Only the half orc doesn't seem to hesitate at that sight.

Nuban: [roll0]


Faliixus: [roll2]

Half Orc (Disadvantage): [roll3] [roll4]

Elf: [roll5]

Human 1:[roll6]

Human 2:[roll7]

Human 3:[roll8]

Nalla, Erica and Gemzelett

The march through the dark and disgusting lands that once belonged to you was almost heart breaking. The whole trek was uneventful. It seems Bagamnan's spell worked very well. Along with everyone's teamwork. It left everyone alone to their thoughts, back when Nalla remembered when this land had day time, when it had sunlight and fertile farmlands and beautiful green field. Everything is black, dead and coated in all manner of bile and decay. You all manage to avoid the marches and the dying woods. The main keep is within sight. It seems now the real challenge is to begin. Somehow you must infiltrate it and open the gates. For what army? you have no Idea. Bagamnan asked you to trust him though. The stone child lady took in a deep breath as the keep still stood powerfully, seemingly the only thing untouched by the decay. It seems the undead wanted to keep that bastion of defense untarnished through their corruption now that it belonged to them. It was time to change that. The stone child spoke.

"I was stationed at this bastion before it fell. I lived here and my family lived here with me. I was one of the only ones to make it out alive when they struck us. They threw plagues at us, launched copses into the keep and animated them, then started to reanimate any fallen we had that weren't mutilated. I know a way in. A way that even the undead don't know about... hopefully. There is an escape rout... its how I escaped, through a hide passage at the far end of the wall there."

She points to the left at the very end of the wall. Where the mountains are. She leads the way towards the secret exit.

http://www.artwallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121025/movies%20kingdom%20of%20heaven%20artwork%20fan%20a rt%201496x976%20wallpaper_www.artwallpaperhi.com_3 .jpg Minus the army of course.

2017-04-24, 11:08 AM
Nalla nods her head grimly. She remembers well, what this land was like, she only got involved with this war because this plague had reached her beautiful mountain Homeland it wasn't an ideal that called her to this war, it was the need to revitalize her Homeland, and the lands that surrounds her mountains. Nalla follows the stone girl her hands gripping the hammers tightly.

Nalla turns and speaks to Erica and Gemzelett

This land used to be so beautiful, vibrant,
and full of energy. I wish we could have met under different circumstances, I think you two would have enjoyed it better.

2017-04-24, 12:41 PM
"I would ask if you needed to, but our other companions are already aware. I am a Yuan-ti... my lady." She still looks a bit unhappy having to say it out loud.

"Psionics are the powers of the awakened mind, though some creatures like illithids have inborn psionics as well. I guess a good way to describe it would be to say it is similar to magic... and yet not magic. As for myself I can make attacks directly against the mind or body and my powers so far are largely elemental in nature. Light and darkness, wood and earth, air and raw force. As you may have also picked up I'm something of a scholar as well, so free feel to refer to arcane terminology without fear that I may not understand your meaning. I also have some practice getting in and out of places I'm not allowed entry to, if you catch my meaning."

2017-04-24, 06:53 PM
Zemzelett can only nod in commiseration. Always it has been the little people that beat the brunt of the game of thrones. He's not quite sure how to react to that, but does want to get the task done and over with. The sooner they finish, the less Nalla is forced to look at her ruined homeland.

"Let's go," he whispers softly whilst placing a slender arm on her shoulders.

Give Bardic inspiration die to Nalla. For the next 10 minutes, she can add 1d6 to any d20 roll such as an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. This includes initiative checks as well.

She can add the d6 even after she rolls the d20.

2017-04-24, 07:19 PM
Erica keeps moving along as quietly as possible. When given the oppertunity she asks the stone lady in a near whisper Hey, before we get into a battle, do you want to use this flail or morning star? Neither Zem or myself are much for martial weapons, and Nala grabbed the hammers

She'll keep heading to the secret entrance in the middle of the group.

2017-04-25, 09:31 AM
"A Yuan-Ti? Huh... how curious. I always believed they would look less... like..." Karash squints and leaves the sentence hanging, having no proper way of finishing it. "Well, I have little care for race. Psionics on the other hand... I have heard of them in passing, but never in detail. I look forward to professional discussions about the nature of the arcane. Also, in times such as these we should not have secrets between each other of a nature that could potentially be used against us at the worst moment. So I respect your honesty, Miss Coluber. As for you, Agatha, we may not see eye to eye on a personal level, but you have fulfilled my requests in the past to my full satisfaction, so I value your experience as a warrior and guard."

Karash reaches over to collect all the materials they needed to drop off at the palace before addressing Beatrice. "Now then, if that is all, I believe I and my newly appointed royal guard have an appointment at the palace. I am well aware you can contact me at any time, but how can we contact you if need be?"

2017-04-27, 12:55 AM
Numfrug swings around prepares for battle.


2017-04-27, 08:03 PM
Agatha snorts, amused at Indigo. If that is what passed for a back-handed comment, Agatha was going to have the run of the show. "Oh ya, ye know, me entire race being shaped by the cruel octopus-headed arse-holes with psionic powers. We tend to know a thing or two about it. Me kind tend to be stubborn when it comes to illusions and charms 'cause o' it."

Agatha looked at Karash in disbelief, leaving the explaining to Indigo, "The hissin' didn't give her away? I've traded with and killed me share of snake-bloods. They don't tend to travel too far down often, and definitely don't run into many of her variety. Yer regulars tend to be more snakey in the legs."

As far Karash's further comments, "Aye, unless ye lose those pretty legs, we'll never see eye-to-eye BWAHAHAHAHA!!!" Agatha wiped her eyes watering from laughter, she delivered the next sentence with a cold, somber tone; "We don't see eye-to-eye 'cause there ain't nothin' to see; I know as little about ye as ye do about me. Fer now, as always, I'm the killer and yer the job. Lead the way." She laughed on the inside when she realized she had rhymed. It had even sounded good, like an old dwarvish saying or something. She'd have to write it down somewhere.

2017-04-28, 03:02 AM
Karash pinches her nose at the jokes, swallowing back a sigh, then gets up. "I certainly didn't have any contact with the Yuan-Ti kind in any way, so when you expect someone in snakeform, a hissy s isn't really enough to key one off to their origin. But anyway. We should reconvene upstairs before we go out onto the street."

Giving a nod goodbye towards Beatrice, she leaves the... whatever it is beside a library and makes her way up the stairs. At the top she waits for the other two to arrive, clutching the folder close.

"There are some things we need to discuss. The moment we drop this folder off at the palace, we are a target. Is there any preparation you need to do beforehand or after? I think it is only natural that you will live at my mansion for the meanwhile, as I will need your protection all hours of the day from then on."

2017-04-28, 04:19 AM
Indigo ignores the jokes and just shrugs about the comments as to her heritage. As they leave her gaze lingers on the books longingly.

"I don't have any preparation in particular to take care of, but I think it might be wise for us to visit your home first so that we can at least all have a chance of noticing if something is out of place when we do manage to return. Perhaps doing what we can to secure the entrances might be in order as well if you think we might have the time for that." Indigo replies. She likes the idea of living in a mansion and having free access to Lady Karash's book collection, but isn't looking forward to possibly being murdered in her sleep.

2017-04-28, 04:48 AM
Agatha nods her head in appreciation, "Aye, it's good and smart of you to offer, I thank ye fer it. There is a bit I'd like to discuss as well, security concerns, battle plans, and so on." Agatha takes a step closer to Indigo, "I agree with ye, ssssweetie, we 'ought to head to Karash's home first."

Agatha rubbed her bald head and let out a long sigh, she was really gonna have to earn her gold this time.

2017-04-28, 09:38 AM
Feeling the comfort giving to him by Zemzelett, Nalla shakes off the sadness and with a pep in her step moves towards the secret entrance.

Right, come now, let us rid this land of the darkness, and revitalize it back to it's glory days. We will see this land healed.

Nalla still thinks about the past but is looking forward to the future with bright eyes and a child like excitement.

2017-04-29, 05:22 PM
"We will stop by the mansion then first. It is not all too far and we should have some time for you to get acquainted with it before we leave for the palace." With a flick of her hand, her hood moves back over her hair, shading her eyes for the walk in the sunlight. "I am not too sure about strengthened security measures for the entrances, as I am already paranoid by nature, but I believe a second or third pair of eyes might spot different weaknesses. So let us leave then."

With that, she clutches the folder close and leaves the house, head held high and stride sure.

2017-05-01, 02:44 PM
Indigo, Karash and Agatha

Once everyone reaches the door Beatrice calls out to you.

"Wait! Before you leave...In order to get a hold of me? Hah....Indigo knows. You simply just call out my name. My real name, and I'll be there."

Once you go back into the tavern you all see Nanman and Shank is down the stairs now as well. They both look at you. Nanman speaks first.

"Have fun at the palace. Wish I could live there, but I'll do without the assassination attempts. "

He stops talking and doesn't pay anyone else any mind. Shank looks to Agatha

" If you die, then I'm just going to toss you down a well for being stupid enough to let anything in this city kill you."

He starts to laugh but muffles his laughter with a pint of ale.

You all start to head to the Mansion.

Whats everyone's passive perception?

Nalla,Gemzellet and Erica

The Stone child led the way. The closer everyone came, the darker and somber her demeanor became. She tightened her grip on her weapon and once everyone arrived at a small cave quite a ways away from the fort's main entrance, she maintained the lead. It was a small cave and only one person was allowed at a time. She unlatched the black star s her grip tightens fiercely. The weapon's magic at work. The cave is dark and those without lowlight/dark vision cannot see. The cave goes downward in a sharp angle, the ground is treacherous and easily to fall down.

The ground is uneven and requires rolls to keep balance. If you do not have lowlight, Dark vision or a light source then it will be at a disadvantage. Only one roll is required.

I will post your situation separately due to you being in combat. I have to go back to work but will have a post up for you soon.

2017-05-01, 04:20 PM
"The name she means is Phaelusaeus Sheevarus." Indigo informs the others before they step through the door, figuring it's best to tell them now in case either of them need to contact "Beatrice" at a time when Indigo is unavailable.

Passive Perception 11
Passive Investigation 15
Passive Insight 11

Figured I'd just include all of these in case they might matter.

2017-05-01, 06:09 PM
Nalla walked in silence, with one of her new hammers in hand, the chains of both hammers wrapped around her forearms. She followed the stone child thinking that there's really not too much different between her and Nalla, yet Nalla had to walk carefully down the steep path where the girl did not.

Nalla could not wait to get back outside though.


2017-05-02, 12:39 AM
Nalla walked in silence, with one of her new hammers in hand, the chains of both hammers wrapped around her forearms. She followed the stone child thinking that there's really not too much different between her and Nalla, yet Nalla had to walk carefully down the steep path where the girl did not.

Nalla could not wait to get back outside though.


Erica tries to follow the group over the uneven flooring.


2017-05-02, 01:03 AM
Zem is the bestest acrobat in the world, but sometimes Homer nods.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

2017-05-02, 04:10 AM
Karash nods at Indigo, indicating that she heard her, but otherwise focuses on the road ahead, constantly wary.

I hope I'm allowed to do checks on it, as it is brand new information for Karash
Arcana check for the name [roll0]
History check for the name [roll1]

Passive Perception is 13

2017-05-02, 02:33 PM
Brum and Namfrung


Enemy Elf




Human 1

Human 2

Half orc

Faliixus takes advantage of the jump she managed to get on the enemy. She moved before everyone else, leaping towards the elf. She jumped rather high and positioned her spear like a dragoons leap. Using her body weight for the strike. She attacks with advantage.

[roll0] for [roll1]

[roll2] [roll3] Attacks towards Faliixus.

Everyone else desperately fumbles to ready themselves. Namfrung is the next quickest to ready himself.

2017-05-02, 02:42 PM
As Nalla walks along trying not to fall or stumble as she follows the stone girl, Nalla mumbles something about how she should have known better than to go without a rod of everglow or at the very least a torch, but quickly pushes that thought away as stealth is what this mission is all about.The gods know that stealth is the last thing Nalla is capable of doing well. To help get her mind off the past and prepare for what's to come, Nalla decides to speak with her new companions.

So, tell me, what brought you two to this part of our war? Where do you originally come from?

2017-05-04, 01:18 AM
As Nalla walks along trying not to fall or stumble as she follows the stone girl, Nalla mumbles something about how she should have known better than to go without a rod of everglow or at the very least a torch, but quickly pushes that thought away as stealth is what this mission is all about.The gods know that stealth is the last thing Nalla is capable of doing well. To help get her mind off the past and prepare for what's to come, Nalla decides to speak with her new companions.

So, tell me, what brought you two to this part of our war? Where do you originally come from?

Erica answers I'm from a small town called Kickapoo where I helped drive off a tyrant, a feat which caused me to be viewed as a hero. I decided to offer my services to the war as it seemed to be where I was needed Attempting stealth she doesn't say more than that.

2017-05-05, 05:33 PM
Agatha scoffs at Shank, "You'll use any excuse to git yer hands on me diddies ya surly no-good excuse fer an troll-sniffin' bearded gnome! Don't ye die a horrible death till we meet again!" Agatha followed her companions with a smirk on her face, she was going to get rich or die trying.

2017-05-05, 07:44 PM
Namfrug eyes the elf and invokes the will of his god, spraying a Sacred Flame towards its.

Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw

2017-05-05, 08:34 PM
Moving at a deliberate yet slow enough pace, Zemzelett shadows his companions with caution; he's already fallen on his rump due to a misstep, and although undead lack any auditory organs, he would rather not attract attention if he can help it!

2017-05-08, 12:45 PM
Indigo, Agatha and Karash

The streets are packed as always, fights break out naturally but nothing really seems to e aimed towards the group. You all seem dangerous enough to leave alone. During the buzz and chaos all around Agatha hears something that sticks out. It's coming from a begging child who sits at the corner with a rough sack hat with some coins in it. His eyes dead lock to yours.

"You're walking into your graves..."

Several people walk by, breaking line of sight with the Child but when they walk past, the child is gone,

The rest of the trip is relatively uneventful. You make it to the mansion. One of the mansion guards opens the gate and bows for Karash. Once you get to the door it opens, the manservant does the same. Opens the door and bows for Karash. You are now at the Mansion.

Describe your mansion Lady Karash. XD

The Palace on the other hand seems a little less forgiving. All seemed well when you enter. No one stops you as the palace is open to the public. The palace was not quite as grand from the outside as you imagined. It seemed smaller until you entered inside, the desert brown palace on the outside was nothing like the collection and mixes of silks and art all over the interior. There is a massive wall with large portraits of past rulers. Nearly every wall is adorned with beautiful silks. The ruler wall has nothing but purple silk. The ceiling has golden silk that drape down with several kingdom's tapestries and banners, a testament to the many Suzerains of many different countries that Odal has been ruled by. There are clay statues of naked women and men placed symmetrically along the main hall and as you walk in, there is a silver and gold adorned massive rug that leads you straight to the receptionist desk.

A solid wooden desk trimmed with gold, both very rare things in the desert. The Woman sittting there, looks up at yopu uninterested as he scribbles away at her notebook. She speaks.

"Tours of the palace will ne on a bihourly basis. You just missed the tour so you will have to come back in two hours, any complaints or issues that need addressing will need to be filed through these forms here..."

She hands you several forms and a pen.

"Once forms are complete we will get with you in about a week with your concern if it is validated."

She goes back to scribbling in her journal.


The fires engulf the elf, you hear screams come from the elf as Faliixus pulls her spear out and backs away just in time. Nuban targets the Orc who is rather wounded and Reks looses an arrow towards one of the other human bandits.

Nuban: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Reks: [roll2] Damage [roll3] Poisoned arrows

Human one attacks Namfrung with a long sword: [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Human two attacks Reks with a bow: [roll6] Damage [roll7]

Orc attacks Nuban: [roll8] Damage [roll9]

Reks killed the human attacking you so, you don't need to take damage.

Fighting continuesGonna try to contact him one more time, id no response again he may have to go the way of old Yeller.

Nalla, Zem and Erica

Zemzellet slips and falls, it makes a soft thud sound and hurts a little bit. 1 Damage. Luckily you catch yourself from rolling down and past everyone else. You get back up and everyone keeps moving until the downward slope levels out and the jagged rocks smooth out into a flat surface. You all walk down what appears to be a stone hallway until you see a pair of two dimly lit torches down the hall. The stone child curses under her breath as you all go faster towards the end of the hall. The stone child is not happy.

"These torches... They are ****ing lit... Why are they lit?!""

She moves slowly and efficiently searches the door for any type of traps. It is a very simple wooden door with a metal latch, she opens the latch and pulls open the door. She walks in carefully. Surprisingly she is making very little sound as she moves, which everyone should now attent to do the same.

Move Silently Checks, just because skeletons and zombies cant really hear doesn't mean the necromancers can't/

2017-05-08, 03:28 PM
Nalla grips both hammers now that she doesn't need a free hand, she follows the stone child as quietly as possible.


2017-05-08, 06:27 PM
Namfrug runs towards the Orc and places his hands on the Orcs back. Namfrugs eyes glaze over, turning a ghoulish white. He chants a small phrase, his clothes lifting slightly as if gravity started affecting them less.

[roll0] necrotic damage
Expended a level 1 spell slot

2017-05-08, 07:02 PM
Immediately noticing the need for stealth, Zemzelett reduces his speed and starts to move more carefully.

Tiptoeing Half Elf: [roll0]

2017-05-15, 06:34 PM
Immediately noticing the need for stealth, Zemzelett reduces his speed and starts to move more carefully.

Tiptoeing Half Elf: [roll0]

Erica follows stealthing as best she can


2017-05-16, 06:15 AM
Karash seems surprisingly rattled by the name Indigo gave her and is quiet and thoughtful all the way to her house. When called out on it, she says, "Later. I have something to think about."
The Mortaesun estate is not the largest it could be, but still impressive. It is nestled into the streets of Odal and surrounded by adequate walls shutting out the hustle and bustle of the streets. While she herself doesn't have full need for a house that large, she appreciates the quiet and privacy it gives her. The drow takes her two bodyguards on a (first reluctant, then accepting the inevitable) tour through the house, answering questions and introducing them to most of her staff. "I handpicked all my servants and guards," she explains as she leads them, "because I needed to see how well they would handle serving a drow and I dislike not knowing who moves around my space. There are far fewer servants than in other houses, but I don't need much and I pay them well enough that they deal with my peculiarities." Her 'peculiarities' are made clear very quickly. The entire house is dark, windows hung over with heavy drapes and no light source in sight. Everyone in the estate besides the lady walk around with a necklace that holds a small stone emitting what amounts to torchlight. There are few expensive things and no pictures or tapestries, in general the entire mansion seems very spartan and clean. There are more than a few corners for comfort and reading set up though and the central library and arcane workshop are the heart of the mansion. "My rooms are next to the library. Choose whatever rooms you want to stay in except the library and workshop. The servants are used to bringing up meals three times a day and if you need something cleaned or a bath, ring the bell in your room."
With that settled, she leads them back outside and to the palace.

Once there, faced with the secretary and her dismissive words, Karash sneers and slams down the folder on the table, right on the form she was handed. "As the True Heir to the Throne of Odal and of royal line, I will not be spoken to in this dismissive way. You will treat me and my royal guards with respect, is that clear?" She makes a gesture at the material now presented on the receptionist desk. "You may confirm it yourself. Hurry up, woman, I do not wish to stand here like a fool all day." What she wouldn't give to be home and out of this mess, slipping into old habits and roles was far too easy.

Intimidation to (potentionally) make sure everyone knows Karash isn't here for ****s and giggles [roll0]

If there's more questions or anything about the mansion or something I missed, I'll answer that in the OOC thread :)

2017-05-16, 01:03 PM
Indigo would ask each of the servants for their full name how long they've been serving Lady Karash and their favorite color, food, and animal.

When they get to the library she would ask Karash, "While we stay here will I be allowed to read your books?"

She would also suggest boarding up or otherwise blocking the windows and any entrances aside from the main entrance.

2017-05-17, 05:44 PM
Agatha stays quiet throughout the tour while studying the mansion from a 'conflict-resolution' perspective. Her only personal interest was in the kitchen and the late-night raids she would be performing. "Not what I expected, it's not bad at all. Not much in the way of fancy frills, bells, and whistles. Curtains are a nice touch, give me poor eyes a rest. I like it! When we've got some time I'd still like to talk 'bout security matters."

Agatha would chose the room nearest Karash's, no matter where they stayed. This served the purpose of being available, for any sudden and inexplicable bloodshed, at a moments notice. Agatha rubbed her bald head, thinking she'd sleep under the damn elf's bed if need be. After properly cleaning herself up to keep appearances, which Agatha knew well was important, she had no other business before leaving for the palace.

This was it, Agatha had her best royal guard face on. She didn't want to seem too off-putting, so she kept her demeanor somewhere around 'the drow lady is the only thing keeping everyone in this room alive' kind of look on her face. She shot an extra displeasing look at the desk-creature for holding up her 'master'.

Agatha would like to assist Karash in her intimidation check, giving her advantage. (roll twice, take the higher roll)

2017-05-22, 01:07 PM
Karash, Indigo and Agatha

The receptionist jumps with wide eyes looking at Karash, the seems taken aback when she realizes your a drow. Then she looks confused for a second and her eyes widen slightly once she registers that you said you were the heir. She regains co.posure, stands of and gives a respectful bow.


"Oh but of course, i hope you pardon the rudeness, it has been almost a decade since the last heir tried to make their claim. Here let me look at wh-"

She trails off when she opens the folder and looks at the perfectly legitamate paperwork... she may have been expecting fake paperwork. She closes it and opens the desk way to get out from her desk.

"If you would follow me. Your royal guard may join."

She immedietly turns to lead you sll towards the current office of the suzersain. Once we all arrive, she stops and knocks twice then opens tye door to the office.

If you were expecting some fat corrupt looking man, then you were surprised. It was a fit auburn haired man who wore white formal clothes, they looked thin and snug as if means to be worn under armor. There was a suit of full plate armor in the corner with a bastard sword and a shield presented with it. There was but one book shelf filled with books as he hastily scrawls away at his own note book. He glances up as the receptionist bows respectfuly and announces you.

"Lady Karash and her royal guard have arrived claiming rightful Heir to Odal. Their paperwork is legitamate. Signed by the head of security."

The man grasps his own hand infront of his face as if pondering. His gaze does not look amused. Then he nods.

"Welcome to my city. I am Bagamnan. I trust you still have the paperwork dear?"

The receptionist hands him tge paperwork. He opens it up and looks through it. He closes it and leaves it on his desk.

"So it seems you are not mistaken. Well, as it says in the declaration you must reside here until procedures have been....fully prepared. I shall have my receptionist lead you to the Heirs quarters and you may set yourselves up there. Hopefully we can double check and cite this claim and then make preperations for a crowning ceremony."

With that the receptionist bows and motions you ro follow her to the Hrirs quarters, unless you still have business here.


The orc's body quickly become covered in horrible and fatal looking gashes as he drops down dead. Once the best fighters are down, the humans drop their weapons and hold their hands up, now vastly outnumbered. Reks takes advantage and two arrows find their way into their thtoats. Quickly dropping them and killing the rest.

The woman took steps back and dropped to her knees, she began to openly weep in fear now. She seemed to believe that she was out of the frying pan and into the oven.

Nalla, Gem and Erica

Some sounds here and there but no one seems to hear any of you. Even the statue sounds relatively quiet. You find yourselves being led down a hallway. You all stop, there is a door on the side wall that is open. Your guide motions that we want to go straight, past the door. She lets the more observant pass her to take a peak and see if it is safe to pass the doorway.

2017-05-23, 01:14 AM
Somewhat unnerved by the lack of sound, the teenaged half-elf bard nonetheless takes point.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-05-24, 07:12 PM
Gem seems to have it covered so Erica will stand nearby silently and wait for him to relay whether proceeding is safe or not.

2017-05-28, 05:54 AM
Karash nods at all the ideas that are offered and gives instructions to have them started. She hesitates for a moment when it comes to the library, clearly having to force herself to part with that concession. "Yes. You may use the library... with care." She doubts Indigo will do anything to her books, but she prefers to remind than say nothing.

"The game is on," Karash whispers to her companions, feeling the onset strain of stress in her shoulders and neck. "I'm pretty sure the news about this will spread in record time and to the highest bidder."

When they arrive at the office, Karash tilts her head in quiet greeting at the current Suzerain. "I believe you will instruct me in good time about the current affairs of Odal, to ensure a seamless change of office. Also, I expect I will be adequately protected by the castle's watch? My personal guard is impeccable and loyal, but I'd rather not have them enact their abilities quite this early. And I think we all know how highly the likes of that will be in Odal. Good day, Suzerain."

She gives a glance and hand movement to let her companions speak if they wish to do so, but otherwise is fine with being led to their quarters. There is a discussion she still has to have with them.

Perception check, I guess? [roll0]

Insight on Bagamnan [roll1]

2017-05-28, 08:01 AM
Nalla waits quietly, she knows that stealth is not her strong suit, but she is very patient. She tightens her grip on her hammers waiting to get moving.

We need to hurry, this mission is very important, me must get the gates open.

2017-05-28, 12:44 PM
Indigo examines the people around them, looking for any signs that they're about to try and kill them right then and there. If nothing of the sort occurs, she just silently follows Lady Karash.

2017-06-07, 07:16 AM
Karash, Agatha and Indigo

The suzerain bows slightly with a hidden grin. As you are led out of the office he speaks.

"Of course my lady. These men here swore an oath to secure this city for its rightful and true leader. Naturally, i am quite busy today but tomorrow we can sit down and discuss current affairs. I will have guards posted outside your rooms. Your room is quite high in the palace so unwanted visitors through the window is highly unlikely. Enjoy your stay."

Right now it doesnt look as if anyone has taken any special notice in you. Though you are all sure eord is already spreading very quickly. The receptionist bows respectfully to Lady Karash.

"Right this way my lady."

She leads you to a large door which she opens. It leads to a lift. As we all enter she pulls the switch and fiddles with the confusingly set up aparatus that controlls the lift. You expected stairs, something like this. You arent sure if you have seen before. The door closes and the lift jerks up and then smoothly continues upward. This takes about 60 seconds. The oalace was rather tall, the doors open and you see a hallway that appeared even more regal than the main palace. Nearly everything was trimmed in gold and jewels. They all looked real. As the door opened all you see infront of you is a beautiful golden hallway with such thin and beautiful silk draped along the wall. The silk looked so delicate that you fesred simply touching it would damage it.

There was a single door at the very end of the hall. The receptionist leads you down the hall up to the door. She opens the door and you find a study. A main working office. Styled much like the hallway. It became obvious that the saying that Odal is the richest city in the entire world... wasnt so far fatched. The wood of the table was made of an almost black type of oak that grey only in the center continent before the undead uprising.. naturally everything is tripped in gold and jewels. Even the books and their pages had gold trimmings to them.

This place sure abused its wealth. There are doors on the east and west side, leading to different halls. The eastern wing led to the library, a training room, a dining room and it even has its own kitchen with staff. To the western wing are the royal living quarters the last room is the royal bedroom. A large massive bedroom larger thsn most peoples houses. Everything was decorated the same. It was a thiefs dream come true.

Nalla Erica and Gemzelett

As Gem takes point you efficiently and masterfully peek the corner. There just seems to be a doorway with no door now that you are close. You see three necromancers and a zombie for each one. They are havent noticed but are walking directly towards you!

2017-06-08, 04:30 AM

Zemzelett quickly studies the necromancers and their thralls before pulling his head back.

"3 necromancers with pets heading this way. Ambush?" he whispers to his companions.

Perception: [roll0]. Are the necromancers wearing metal armor or holding anything metallic?
Ready Action: If ambush is sprung, shoot a light crossbow to the face of the closest necromancer. [roll1] to hit. [roll2] on hit, plus [roll3] on crit.

2017-06-08, 11:14 AM
Nalla grips her hammers tightly grinning for the coming battle, an ambush sounds good, she hates what these necromancers did to her land and they would pay for it in their blood.

2017-06-08, 01:09 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

Indigo looks around, pretty impressed by the way this place just emanates the concept of wealth. "This is... very impressive." she says to the others, consciously making an effort not to extend her s sounds in this place. Then she notices the books and almost gets completely distracted from their task. After reading the title of one of them, she remembers this is a dangerous place they haven't done anything to secure and returns to a more alert state.

2017-06-10, 07:06 AM
The contraption that lead them upwards was... fascinating. Yet it seemed frail. She would have to find out its details at some point.
Karash let herself be lead around with a frown on her face. All this lavishness... useless. Gaudy. It had no sense and purpose other than hurt her eyes with its brightness. She tried to take it all in and take a guess where all the secret doorways must be that rooms like this surely must have. "I want to meet the staff, as soon as possible. These useless nick-nacks will go, I don't care where. And I need heavy drapes covering the windows." She rubbed her brow, by the gods, she wouldn't have expected her day to go this way.
Karash spared a glance for Indigo, who had beelined to the books. What she wouldn't give for a comfortable evening with one of these tomes curled up without worrying...
"My royal guard will be with me at all times. I need them set up in my... bedroom." If you could call it that. The place was a whole home in itself.

Perception with what I'm pretty sure is disadvantage with all the brightness

2017-06-12, 04:02 PM
"An ambush is a fabulous idea, but maybe we can hide from them and then sneak past?

2017-06-14, 10:42 PM
Agatha followed along while trying to look the part of 'royal guard'. The lift was shoddy at best, Agatha felt unsafe on the presumably human-made thing, "Literally any dwarf could do better than this..."

The lavish halls with their jewels, gold, and silk made Agatha's stomach turn a bit. She loved gold as much as the next dwarf, but this was a bit much. Duergar in particular didn't care for fancier things, they cared more for functionality and efficiency. "Somebody be compensatin' fer somethin', me thinks..." Agatha couldn't help but reach out and brush her hands against the silk as they walked through the palace.

2017-06-15, 01:28 PM
Agatha, Karash and Indigo.

Ill wont give you a disadvantage. No open windows shine in any real light to reflect the gold and overdone place. You can easily see some...discrepencies within the architecture. Underneath all of the over the top decorations you could notice slight...faults it would appear. One of the pictures on the main hall stick only slightly farther away from the wall. One of the silk tapestries flutters slighrly less, as if something unseen is pressed behind.

Once inside the main dining area. You notice a floor grate, used for ventilation... the grste is larger and seems loosely shut. Normal eyes would miss the subtle differences. The crew wuarters have no such discrepencies. Your room... you dont know where to start. The wall behind your bed, has a slightly more eorn look to it. You can plainly see a trap door under the bed. You ste almost sure the closet will have something.

These are merely basic observations. These descrepencies could turn out to be nothing. Maybe the wall behond thr bed had a picture over it for years. Only one thing was absolute, there was a small door under the bed. As for the rext, you think you eill have time to search. The guide bows.

"Of course your majesty. The staff have veen freshly selected and are peepared to start tonorrow but i can have them here in a matter of minutes should it please you. Right away, as we speak, preperations are being made to bring living aco.odations for your royal guard. There is plenty of space here after all. "

She stands there smiling... you arent sure but you have the feeling the staff have alreadu just been informed and living acommodations ate being brought up. Because she isnt moving. She seems to be waiting. As if on queue a flood of servants file into the main dining area. Three cooks, three maids and a single master butler/overseeing servant. They await your guidance as three more men appear hefting unbuolt wooden frames and begin assembling beds in the far corner of the room.

Nalla, Erica and Gemzellet

As the group silently discusses their course of action, rime quickly dwindles. If they wish to habe the element of surprise than they need to attack as soon as possible. If they wish to hide and allow them to sneak by then you must fall back into the darkness. As it stands, you eill not be able to avoid detection. But wait, precious time is bought! The lead necromancer stops and breathes in deeply.

1st: "Do you feel that? The arch lich approaches...from...the north? No that camt be right
He hasnt passef through here to head north... maybe he took a differemt route."

2nd: Why would he bother going to the front? So what if they won their first battle? They just sent the weakest of us. Soon they will be crushed under our and their dead.

Zombie: uhhhngggnuhhh.

3rd: Shut up you. Lets go. No sense talking here. Prepare to recieve our arch lich Lucien.

2017-06-15, 03:41 PM
Nalla grips her hammers tighter, and quietly backs up into the darkness, it is clear to any who is watching that she intends to attack but is going to wait for them to get closer, or pass by them.

2017-06-15, 04:36 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

Indigo studies each of the people before them, most checking for signs that they're anything more than they'd appear. She's looking for things like the way they stand, to see if they're trained in combat, or other things like the way they look at the Lady Karash, Agatha, and herself. Also how well kept they are. Basically any details she can put together to give herself a picture of the truth of these people.

Investigation: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]

2017-06-15, 08:18 PM
Erica steps back with Nala. Confronting an Arch-Lich sounds like bad news if one is on his way here now.

2017-06-15, 09:25 PM
Zemzelett shakes his head. Waiting sounds like a bad idea. If they spring the ambush now, then they will have time to thin down the ranks of necromancers and zombies before the Archlich arrives. If they wait for them to meet, the battle becomes much harder.

But, he acquiesces to his companions, and attempts to meld into the shadows.

Stealth: [roll0]

2017-06-16, 07:49 AM
Nalla quickly writes a message in the dust telling her companion's to concentrate their attacks on the necromancers, she would worry about the undead, don't attack until they passed by.

2017-06-18, 05:05 PM
Erica nods the affirmative to Nalla.

2017-06-20, 05:26 AM
Nalla, Gem and Erica

Stone Child:[roll0]


Karash, Agatha and Indigo

Im just moving their story along. Ill post yours when karash and Agatha respond.

2017-06-20, 05:28 AM
Forgot the advantage.


2017-06-20, 05:48 AM
Zemzelett nods as the group decides to spring the attack now. Taking aim at the nearest necromancer, he unloads his crossbow bolts at the wizard's chest!

Crossbow bolt to the chest.
Attack roll with advantage: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] piercing.
Critical Hit: [roll3]

Zemzelett will use Cutting Words to reduce one of the Necromancers' initiative roll by [roll4]

2017-06-20, 06:47 AM
Nalla swings both hammers first one than the other at the nearest necromancer.

1st roll . 2nd roll [roll1] second hammer rolls 1st roll [roll2]. 2nd roll [roll3] if hit [roll4] second hammer [roll[1d8+5

2017-06-24, 05:34 AM
Karash is unsure about the speed with which information travels here. Magic? Spies in the walls? It makes her aware that speaking in this room makes even whispers hard to cover. It all reminded her too much of her upbringing and she felt the cloying paranoia creep up the back on her neck. Focusing on the staff, she crosses her arms and lets a cool gaze travel over them, noting details, remembering their faces and stature.
"I am Lady Karash and it seems you are to serve me. If you are diligent and loyal, I am not hard to please. I do not require fancy or lavish meals, it is enough to serve a healthy meal for three..." She glances at the dwarf and how her eyes light up at the thought of food and sighs. "...four people at the regular hours. That is all for the moment. You are free to speak to either me or my royal guard, but do not pester me with unnecessary trivialities."
Then she leans down toward her companions and mutters under her breath, hand shielding her mouth, "Everything is filled with secret passages. I suggest we speak in a servant's room or a balcony. Soon."

Because Indigo had the right idea:
Investigation [roll0]
Insight [roll1]

And to find out if there is possibly magic involved, Arcana [roll2]

2017-06-24, 01:32 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

Indigo says nothing, but replies telepathically, "If you wish to communicate privately, there is no more private means than like this. Simply give me an indication such as extending two fingers in my direction or to the ground or your chin and I will touch your mind so we might do so."

Aloud she softly comments, "I would not particularly mind trying out a few fancy meals."

2017-06-29, 05:40 AM
Indigo and Karash

There is no magic involved but there are speaker looking objects in the corner of the room. It doesnt seem hidden resmmy but it could be missed. Being the same color of the wall. The servants do not show anything out of the ordinary except the master butler. He stands with ultimate authority and confidence. He doesnt seem to be a regular butler.

He seems far....more educated and fiercely intelligent simply by the look of his eyes. He bows his head slightly as he makes a signal with his hand. The other servants look at him as he signals several different things with his hands. Then the servants nod and they quickly move, starting to remove the over the top decorations. The master butler steps forward.

"I am Mr. Bouldersrich. I am the master butler. My ultimate goal is to merely be the perfect butler. Merely utter your will and it shall be done majesty. Now as im sure you have already noticed. Like almost every royal quarters... there are secret passages. There is a speaker there dor communication. It is there incase assassins break in... we can hear and act as quickly as possible. It will also be used to spy on you."

Almost as if he heard your thoughts.

"The servant quarters is most secure. Im not sure what impression you have of residents of the palace but i assure you...you are not alone in this building. If you need to contact... anyone....inform me. I will be happy to provide that service. I can show you the secret massages, safe room and any....weaknesses in the royal suite. Naturally we have nothing to fear from the palace staff, as that would look terrible on the reputation on the ruling authority of Odal.

Thry stopped using servants to assassinate people a few years back. It made it easier to overthrow the current suzerain. Our threats will most likely come from outside but there still exists the possibility that just to get rid of you... they will revert to older methods as well. So its best to plan for everything. Shall we?"

He gives a slight wink with a sly grin.

Nalla, Erica and Gemzellet

Gemzellet, you loose your bolt abd at first you are certain you must have missed... you...dont see your bolt sticking out. Then it quickly becomes obvious. The bolt shot straight through the 2nd necromancer's skull... he takes a step and freezes. There is that few instants of confusion and shock within the rest. His face slacks like he had a stroke as his body crumples into the ground. Two of the zombies fall to the ground. The other two necromancers still havent realized whats going on as one' upper torso torns into a mess of mush and meat chunks spilling out in every direction.

Everyone gets meat chunks on them but none more so than Nalla. The hammer obliterates the necromancer. The last one, eyes wide in shock. You could all hear is plea.

"No wait! Please do-"

The black star collides with the side of the necromancer's head. It was likesmashing an egg. His head practically warps around the morningstar. The swing launches an eye as the eye hits Nalla in the forehead. The rage had already set in but for somereason the eye distracted you... you have a fighting chance. You ferl your hammers try to consime your will and force you to fight your own allies. You lowered your guard and the spirit of the weapon struck. Hopefully it fails.

Will save. Christ dont fail this. I reaaaaly dont want to kill anyone yet. XD

2017-06-29, 07:31 AM
"Nalla! What's wrong?! Get a hold of yourself!"

Bonus Action to give Bardic Inspiration to Nalla. Add [roll0] to her Wisdom save.

2017-06-29, 07:50 AM
Feeling the rage setting in as she swung her hammers she kills the necromancers, she looks around to find the next enemy, but not sure of who is friend and who is foe, she looks at her companion's.

1d20+3 considering the eye's distraction I'm assuming I might get an advantage on this roll? If so here's the second roll,
if not ignore the roll. [roll0]

2017-06-29, 12:31 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

As the master butler speaks, Indigo can't help but get a wry grin on her face. When he's finishes she looks to Karash and says with clear mirth in her voice, "I like this one. We should keep him."

2017-06-29, 11:14 PM
Agatha scoffs at the shoddy engineering of hidden compartments and such as they were noticed, "It's like they don't even care..."

Agatha's eye indeed do light up at even the prospect of food, and gives an uncharacteristically low and respectful bow to Karash, appreciative of the extra serving of food, "Me lady knows me well! I shall best serve ye with a full belly!"

Agatha eyes the butler with suspicion, but smiles at the idea of fighting assassins in the cramp secret passages, it was so perfect. "I believe I'll be doin' a bit o' explorin' in said passages." Thoughts of setting traps in the passages brought her smile to a more-than-slightly-creepy intensity.

2017-07-02, 12:44 PM
Karash just stares at the butler venomously for several seconds and gives her royal guards a deadpan look before pinching the bridge of her nose. "It seems 'privacy' is a foreign word in this place then. Fine. We shall, Mr. Bouldersrich." Great. A sassy butler. As if her day couldn't have gotten any worse.

She glances at Agatha and raises an eyebrow. "I had a feeling the passages are up your alley. Inform me of everything you find, please." Then she turns to Indigo and gives her a nod. She sees it as a yes to the telepathy note, but leaves this gesture for Indigo to interpret

Karash drags a hand through her curls and tries to commit everything she saw to memory. She is glad she has not yet to refresh the magic protecting her skin with all these people watching her doing so.

2017-07-03, 02:32 AM
"Aye, milady." Agatha gave a quick bow and chuckled. For now, she stood by as her guardian should, waiting for what came next.

2017-07-03, 09:02 AM
Nalla, Gemzellet and Erica

The absolute butchering of the necromancers amwas over and done with just like that. No sorrow or remorse for these ****ers...Daelath, the stormchild walks over and steps on the one with a head. His head breaks open like a pumpkin. She sidnt even mean to do so... she was just looking into the room.

"Its clear. I think thats all of them. I would suggest we search them but... i dont think time is on our side if the archlich is coming. If we take this fortress quickly before he comes.... we might even be able to lure him into a trap... i...i dont know how to kill a lich but Bagamnan may know. He seems....knowledgeable."

Agatha, indigo and Karash

Mr. Bouldersrich bows respectfully. Then he approaches the bed and points to under it.

"Aa you may well know due to how poorly it is hidden, there is a trap door under here. It doesnt lead to any oassages, its more of a safe room. But uhhh.... its pretty obvious."

He shifts uncomfortably, watching his words near the servants and the speaker. He walks to the bed's gead board and waits for the servants to leave. Once they do he pushes in the stones and it opens a small hole. Not big enough to fit a person through... but maybe one of Odals, deathly dangerous snakes or poisonous insects. He gives you an "are you serious" look. That will have to be orooerly sealed. He pushes the stones again and they reset back into place. Then he takes you into the dining area.

"This vent over here, is a crawlspace. The vent looks small but the passage behind it is fairly big. The passage leads to outside... on the tower wall... claimed to be.... "unclimbable...""

He flashes a glance at everyone and then shskes his head. Thenhe takes you to the main hall and moves one of the tapestries. There is a door there. Not hidden very well. He opens it and it reveals narrow downward stairs. He closes it and then motions the servants away when they finish. They effeciently work slioping around everyone easily. Almost as if they are water moving around a rock.

"I shall present you all with material pertaining to the signs required to the deaf servants. They were made deaf to ensure...privacy..."

He finally leads you into the empty servants quarters. He speaks quickly now.

"The servants arent actually deaf, but i suggest still learning the signs to fool them for now. There are two more hidden passages that ate actually Well hidden. But the...servants arent supposed to know about them. I am Lady Beatrices inside man. You need to get to her, let me know. I have been spying for her for several months now. Im sure once things settle down we should sit down so i can give you my findings. "

He seemed to be nervouse. With good reason as well, as there is little room to properly communicate as far as he knows.

2017-07-03, 09:20 AM
Zemzelett conducts a very hasty search in the Necromancer corpse nearest to him. These peoples' heads just... Exploded. Like a grape. This is definitely unnatural. Can there be such things as undead Necromancers? Has he ever heard of such things? [roll0]

2017-07-03, 12:21 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

"I think I'll do so as well." she replies with a wink to Agatha, thinking she gets her meaning.

She then telepathically contacts Mr. Bouldersrich and tells him, "Good. Having someone we can actually trust will be most helpful. Let me know if you need to tell us anything you can't say aloud." And then she'll give him the same instruction for subtle hand signals she gave Karash.

I'm thinking Indigo might also be able to make traps? Or at least assist. She has high Int and is proficient in Thieves' tools. I'm sure a particular crafting skill might be more relevant, but I don't recall any mention on rules for how PCs make traps.
Speaking of.... would making magical traps be possible? I'm very tickled by the idea of making traps that summon Shadows since that's a thing Indigo can do.
Edit: Traps that animate weapons or traps leading to long falls/the exterior that push people would also be really amusing.

2017-07-04, 09:21 AM
There is a furrow to her brow, but keen observers note that Karash has relaxed a tad at this new information. Her speech is fast, yet precise, to use the short moment of privacy they have. "Just in case: if Beatrice needs to see us, recommend me a walk in the garden. If we need to see her, one of us will say they need some fresh air. Otherwise, Indigo will be our... intermediary."

Karash uses the hand signal and doesn't look at Indigo while she conveys her thought. That name you gave me... it triggered something in my memory. I'm not even sure if it even was a memory. I know she was the headmaster of an entire college. There is abnormal magic involved and an experiment gone wrong... she seems to be a master of time and space. It was... strange, but we were in a different place, an underground cavern with a sealed, black door and she placed a seal on it. It gives her great fear. She warned... me?... about how the Black Obsidian is the true threat, more than death and undeath. First the north will fall, then Odal. She needs us to change things here, change Odal, to keep this threat at bay. You should inform Agatha of this. She did not add how much this vision had disturbed her, how unsure she was to trust it and if she did, what terrible things were heading this way. It seems they only got one chance to do this right.

Karash swallows and her eyes flicker to her companions, then back to the butler. She goes on as if nothing happened. "We will try our best to stay alive then. Will Bagamnan be a threat?"

2017-07-04, 01:05 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

Indigo responds to Karash, "Ok. I also have information to share, it is a bit lengthy though. Let me know when you are ready for it."

She then relays Karash's message to Agatha, starting with "Sorry to contact you this way, Karash insisted." At the end she also repeats the hand signals for telepathic contact.

2017-07-05, 06:49 PM
Nalla looks sheepishly at everyone unsure of what just happened, but she nods in agreement with the stone child.

I'm sorry for what happened. I'm not sure what came over me.

2017-07-06, 05:35 AM
Nalla, Erica and Gemzellet

Gemzelles finds 2 gold coins that are covered in gore. Tou think about it for a second and realize that the two weapons that were used ro kill the Necromancers were massive heavy bashing weapons swung by a stone child and a goliath. Then you realized why their deaths were so gory. Anyones head would explode if a massive hammer was brought down on it by a giant and powerful creature.

Daelath nods and continues back out the room, peeking out first to ensure we didnt draw attention. Then she heads out, waving everyone to follow her.

"Luckily, there will be a set of stairs up ahead and we go all the way up them until we reach the battlements and head down until we get to the controls to let our forces in. They wont be expecting an invasion so i am sure it will not be heaviky guarded. But these necromancers there means that thry know about this passage so we will have to seal it off when we capture it. "

She continues toward the spiral stsircase diwn the hall. She looks back at Nalla when she apologizes.

"Don't be. We use cursed weapons. Im just thankful you broke free.

Indigo Karash and Agatha

The butler's face scrunches up confused as he looks around. Then it dawns on him what happened. Then he smiles.

"Ah i see. She chose well, but i will warn that the only people you should trust is yourselves. I will try to assist anyway i can but i want the biggest chance of victory so i would be cautious. Though.... unless they legally replace ne, i dont see them being able to remove me. Understood I will remember that should contact be made. Bagamnan? He.....is a serious threat... to his enemies... to you? Im not sure. He is a far more honerabke man than past suzerains and is rmthe most likely one to actually step down willingly but i do not want to rule him out. Now we must go. It seems we have another secure means to speak.... That is good. The servants should be done now."

He walks past and opens the door for you. Bowing as he does it, like a good butler.

2017-07-06, 10:03 AM
For the tiniest moment, Zemzelett thinks about taking the 2 gold coins. Them sense hits him -- there's no need to soil his coin purse with such gore, not when a mission is at hand.

And so the bard continues ambling along, trying his best to forget about grapes for a while.

2017-07-07, 04:16 AM
"We will have to keep an eye on Baelsar then. Honor can be a wonderful front to make your enemies lower their defense," Karash mutters before the butler opens the door. She straightens again, her expression getting impossibly darker.

"Well then, Mr. Bouldersrich, is there anything else of importance that we do need to see?"

Then she gives a short glance at Indigo and makes the sign. Soon. Let us see what else there is and once I can grab a book and pretend to be invested in something else, I am... well, prepared for another big reveal. Also... Her eyes lower, though she does not look at Indigo as she thinks it. ...I think with a bit of collaboration and Agatha's expertise in placement, we may make some of these tunnels into nasty surprises. I do so hate to be interrupted when sleeping.

2017-07-12, 08:20 PM
Agatha's eye twitched with rage, she had warned them hadn't she? She was clear, very specific, and concise even. Mind-witchery was not well tolerated by her and her kind and she had made the simple request of being asked for permission first so at the very least she would be prepared for the presence in her mind. Emergencies, of course, were the exception. This was no emergency, but Agatha was keen to make it one. Taking one loud stomp towards the particular owner of the voice in her head, Agatha launches an uppercut aiming for her womanhood. Unarmed strike - HIT [roll0]
DMG - 4

Advantage for surprise attack?

2017-07-13, 07:32 AM
Nalla, Gemzellet and Erica

You leave the gory disaster behind you and you make haste down the hall and up the spiral staircase. There is no torch light here.... and it seems as if it hasnt been traveled through for a long time. You only see dust prints from the last necromancers. It seems that it was only recently discovered. Luckily it seems mostly abandoned, but if they were sent to scout then pretty soon their absence might be noted. Time is not an ally here. Luckily the path is very strsight forward Daelath says. Strsight up to the wall against the mountain. Then along the battlements which us sure to have sentrys. The stairs are old and in disrepair and it is dark. Daelath lights a torch for everyone and getting up the stairs is relatively easy. It wasnt as trecherous as the cave to get in here.

It seems like the stairclimb will go on forever. You arent sure how far you have gone. After what feels like a solid hour of stairclimbing you all reach the top. The wooden door opens to see the keep walls. Already you can see that a fight happen. You see no necromancers but you see about a dozen or so of brittle looking skelletons. This all seems...too easy.

Nallas group, roll might defense to see of you are exhausted from running up those stairs for so long. If you have less than 60 pounds of gear then you roll with an asset. If you have more that 60 pounds but less than 90 no bonus. More than 90 pounds you are hindered 1 step. This includes weapons and armor.

Karashes group. I will post my update once ingigo responds to.... Agathas surorise attack.

2017-07-13, 12:39 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

Indigo casually sidesteps to brutish attack and adds into her telepathic message, "There was no way to give you prior warning in this situation without alerting the untrustworthy staff here to our ability to communicate this way. Surely you aren't so stupid you don't see the advantage this grants us in this situation where we are going to likely be dealing with spies and assassins in our midst? Regardless, do not attempt to assault me again. Express your displeasure in non-violent ways that don't also threaten our lives, for example this behavior being both as you risk discovery of this very advantage we need to survive this. If you refuse, I will swiftly and sharply escalate the violence without any concept of mercy or restraint. Or in case you're too stupid to understand that phrasing, if you attack me or risk our lives in some way again I will kill you. I have enough to worry about and needing to also be concerned that my allies also pose a threat to me is not something I will be tolerating."

While she relays this message, she says aloud, "Trying to see how alert I am already? Sorry but Lady Karash didn't pick me for this job just for my looks." and gives a laugh. Though there is a very cold (reptilian even) look in her eyes as she addresses Agatha.

2017-07-13, 06:08 PM

Nalla walks up the stairs, when they get to the top she looks around.

2017-07-13, 07:27 PM
Zemzelett loads a bolt into his crossbow and goes on high alert. The moment anything hostile attacks, he will let it loose.

Nalla, this feels like a trap. Please make sure you don't trigger any trapdoors or hidden switches.

2017-07-13, 08:14 PM
Karash, Indigo and Agatha

Once everyone leaves the servants quarters Agatha made her move. Twisting her clenched fist and ramming it up Indigos crotch. Possibly breaking her pelvise and making it impossible for her to walk. If the blow had actually landed. Instead Agatha felt nothing but air as indigo side stepped the attempt. Looking down at agatha, not intentionally mind you. But she is a dwarf.

After Indigo says her piece and before anyone can retort everyone is interrupted by a slow clapping sound. Everyones attention is drawn to the entrance. Currently everyone is in the dining area. There he is, the current suzerain standing at the doorway. No one heard, saw or sensed him come in. Mr. Bouldersrich freezes then regains composure bowing low. The Suzerain speaks.

"My my, what do we have here? Lovers quarrel? Hahaha.... Interesting to know. It seems your guards are... not quite used to working together Lady Karash."

It was not lost on anyone that he dropped magesty, only referring her by her nobility title. Not her royal one.

"If it should please you... maybe you would like an additional guard detail to assist. I mean the last thing we would want is for your guards to kill each other leaving you defenseless..."

His voice was a terribly deep voice when he spoke like this. It sent shivers down everyones spine. Everyone make a will save. If anyone is still detecting any kind of magic then you feel it coming... oooozing off him. What he said.... it had to have been a threat... but was it? He seemed so concerned. But his voice is very unsettling.

Nalla and Gemzellet

No necromancers. Just some shambling undead. They seem slower. Daelath dashes towards the closest skelleton and smashed it. There were three more skelletons nearby... they do not respond. They merely shamble on the battlements.

Perhaps the necromancers are distracted and their hold on their dead is loosening. No one can shake the feeling that this is all just too easy. It looks as if the path infront of you is paved for you. Almost as if you are being guided.... led forward, deeper into this strange powers embrace... it feels nice. It knows whats best. It would be best to.... WILL SAVE!

2017-07-15, 01:53 AM
Not necessarily surprised the worm-lady dodged her punch, Agatha was still slightly disappointed. She did feel some relief over not having to deal with the repercussions of crushing her counterpart's pelvis. On top of all this, Agatha could not believe the thing was still going on and on in her head. She wasn't sure if it would have the desired effect but did the only thing she could think of. She screamed, as loudly as she could imagine in her mind, blocking out all thought and intruding voice. If that didn't work she was prepared to scream out loud as well.

"Yer gonna learn some respect, mind me words she-worm!"

Agatha turned to face the origin of the slow clapping, taking in the newest addition to this circus. She listened, too angry to reply immediately. His words hung in the air forebodingly, and that annoyed Agatha even further. The dramatic ones were always such c*nts. She took a deep breath, "AND WHATS THIS NOW!? I'm a lady-lovin' snake charmer now? OH! AND ye want to sneak her own elf-lovin' backstabbin' lot in with us? What kind of rothe sh*te is that, you fair cheeked friend of a forest fey?! By all the useless gods! Ye typical craftless topsider who wouldn't know a gem from a gutter rat! This one spends too much time consorting with willowy fatless wenches, losin' yer virtues up the skirt of a skinny elf, eh?!"

Agatha knew Karash wouldn't like any of this. She could only say that she was sorry, for not being sorry.

2017-07-16, 09:44 PM

Nalla grips her hammers tightly and waits to see what happens, you can see the slight nervousness on her face as she looks around unsure what to make of this situation.

2017-07-17, 05:42 AM
Agatha Indigo and Karash

The Suzerain grins at Agatha.

"Oh you are just a treat. Now, settle down both of you... i came to discuss something...troublesome."

The entire party feels an unfathomable wave of terror wash over them. When he says calm down, everyone calms down. Almost like bliss, their conflict momentarily forgotten. Agatha's rage dissolves. Any suspicion of this man seems to dissolve. The man turns around and waves you all to folliw him.

"Lets speak in the war room. I need to show you something... It... reiterates the importance of your role."

At the mans suggestion, everyone follows it through....a little to quickly. A little too willingly. Their legs do not move at their own command. They seem to move at his commands, but it seems more subtle. You can stop but if you do, you hear dozens of screams in your head ordering to follow the task you have been given.

He leads everyone to the lift and presses down. You all stay in the lift for a moment before it jerks to a stop.

"Haha. Must be the weight of the dwarf."

He chuckles at his own joke as he walks out to a simple room with a square table. Once everyone leaves the lift, he closes it and locks it. He walks to the table and there is a map of the western world. Odal, the west island and the two great kingdoms in the north.

At the side of the room on a strained table is the mangled corpse of a large....creature. its entire body is made of black obsidian. Jet black save for the gore of other people. The suzerain looks serious.

"The entire northern continent was....erased....nothing...no one made it out alive. Not unless my scouts missed them. They only saw ruins. The two major capitals. They are just rubble now. They had...better weapons than we did.... strange lances that fired explosions....better trained soldiers and kingdoms with centries of experience in constant war.

They no longer exist now. And that..."

He points to the corpse. The closer you look at it, you see 8 jaggel limbs, a sturdy torso and body, and a dangerously elongated face with terrible rows of teeth. Every part of these things are weapons. They are made of razor sharp rock.

"That killed fourty of my men....FOURTY! Beatrice seems to think there is a ****ing way to stop these things but if they send more than a scout next time, it will be the end of Odal. I....i think we should evacuate. But you are now the real ruler so i need your approval. "

He looks genuinely terrified.

Nalla and Gemzellet

Nalla stops her hostilities and finds herself lost in the path laid out infront of her. She simply walks towards the main gate, ignoring the undead. They ignore all of you. Gemzellet and Daelath resist the pull of the path but still feel it pulling at them. Urging them to go the correct durection. The magic is dark, but you sense only good intentions behind its pull.

2017-07-17, 09:56 AM
Nalla, what are you doing?! the Bard hisses out in shock. Desperate to prevent her from attracting attention and getting them killed, the Bard strikes at her with the hilt of his rapier!

To hit. [roll0]
Advantage, in case (since she's distracted and not expecting it). [roll1]
Damage: 1 (and not d8+2 since he's essentially using it in an improvised fashion)

Edit: Please subtract 1. I thought Zem has 16 Dexterity when in fact he only had 14.

2017-07-17, 10:13 AM
Karash's hands clench so hard that she feels her nails piercing her skin. "How dare you," she spits, her temper clouding her vision for a moment, her anger at being helpless, again, in the face of more powerful men. But it never moves past its early stage and she feels it fading as quickly as it had caught flame. Her words come out calmly. "How dare you treat me like a puppet? One moment you let me dangle on strings, the next you call me the ruler? Treat me like this one more time and I will order this city to burn in your name, Baelsar."

She bares her teeth, but there is no energy behind the gesture.
"It seems there are more people attached to Beatrice's strings than first thought." Karash walks towards the map, taking a quick look at it and the northern continent, letting the new information run through her mind. Obsidian, she muses, that seems to be a theme.

Then she walks over to the creature, glancing it over while ignoring the blood and gore attached to it. "And where, good man," she starts to say, the address sounding mocking, "would you suggest we run? The north was better armed, they had the soldiers and the means for a large scale battle. What other country would manage to fight the onslought of this new enemy? I am not a rat, Baelsar. And I don't think the people of Odal are either. If we cannot make a stand here, would you rather have us run to the edge of the world or take your chance in a last fight?"

She turns and her eyes pierce his. Then she looks at her guards and the rage in her eyes hasn't faded yet, but it is smothered by... something. "Opinions?"

Arcana [roll0]
Investigation [roll1]
uh... History? [roll2]

She muses that the creature is of the same origin as the door she saw in the vision, is that correct?

2017-07-17, 10:57 AM
Nalla snaps out of it and looks at Zemm in confusion. She looks around and then she remembers their mission.

We have to open the gates, it's what we're here for. The necromancers seems to be distracted. The sooner we open the gates the sooner we can take this keep.

Nalla still feels the pull towards the gate.
Ooc:Does the dark magic feel at all familiar?

2017-07-17, 11:51 AM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

A few times on their way down Indigo stops and just deals with the horrible whispers to make a point of the fact that she could do something to resist this if she needed to.

After Karash asked her questions, Indigo states, "This is what I wanted to talk to you about earlier Lady Karash. Earlier when we were with...Beatrice" she pauses, almost having stated Beatrice's real name, "I had a vision. Which also relates to this book her associate gave me." At this point Indigo will take out the book and open it to the most relevant page and show it to Karash. It's probably not an accident she's holding it up too high for Agatha to look at it.

After Karash can get a look, Indigo recounts the vision for the group.

((I hope the GM doesn't mind I'm just copy/pasting from the PM I was sent. I'm not going to have enough time today to actually re-write the whole thing in Indigo's voice. I did edit out Beatrice's true name from the account.))

This woman is mentioned in the book you have in your arms. The strange thing is that according to the book, she should be much older than she looks. The was the college headmaster before the current one. She was one of the key researchers for those monstrosities in your book. She is also one of the only reasons that the entire country around the college, still lives. She has made a staggering amount of magical and scientific breakthroughs. She also left the college, but... you know you are all currently at the very top room in the tower. You are currently at the college. You do remember that she left the college for a reason, she resigned from being the headmaster, but that is not in any books you remember. You do know that she is keeping her identity a secret.

All this information comes into your mind after you drank the tea, a mixture of remembering passages from books you ave read and sections of your mind being unlocked and enlightened due to the tea. Though time passes regularly in front of you it seems to come to a screeching halt around you. As you sit there, you notice that you are currently alone. The tea wasn't drugged or poisoned, you are having a vision. Beatrice is sitting at her desk with her face buried in her hands. She looks like a much older woman, her hair is black, but you can see grey strands in her hair. She seems extremely stressed and she gets up, you notice the book that she s stressing over is an old familiar tome. It is the tome that you currently have in your possession. She paces back and forth staring at her creation.

The current headmaster walks in, the young man was her second at the time. Beatrice speaks... her voice was soft and tired. She seemed much weaker than the woman you saw before you moments before.

"No more... These creatures cannot be... We cannot let them get out. i never should have approved this experiment. I never should have created these things. They will undo all of us! They can't be stopped, they can't be controlled and they can't be reasoned with. "

Her second offers his protests.

"Beatrice! No, we can't stop now! We mustn't! If we stop now, the lives that have been sacrificed in order to make our dream come true will have been lost in vain! We can't stop now. We have passed the point of no return. The undead will exterminate those barbarians. This way, we don't lose anyone to the inevitable war!"

Beatrice slams her hand down, now her usual stern voice returned.

"This is to prevent the loss of lives?! Those abominations have butchered s many of us just to contain them to that human continent! Those mountains will not hold them forever. But....I know... I know what can."

Beatrice turns to her book and begins writing again, the book was only a few pages from completion and she writes the rest of it. She signs the author as the current headmaster, her second instead of her. She takes the book up and walks over, handing it to him. The man angrily grabs her arm, yelling at her.

"You will not ruin this for us! I will not stop you old woman! You may know more than I do, but I am far more powerful!"

He tosses the book aside and takes in a deep dreath as a great pressure builds up in his chest, without wasting any time at all, he begins to spout a great flame from his mouth like a fire breathing dragon. Strangely enough, he stops, keels over and chokes on his own fire, fire spouting out of his mouth in painful spurts as he is thrown in a coughing fit. There is a dagger in his stomach, but Beatrice is sitting at her desk. You have no Idea what happened or how it happened. Beatrice speaks, as the age from her body cracks and flakes away.

"Power means absolutely nothing without the knowledge to use it. You are still just a whelp, all you can do is sprout flames, shoot it and explode. But can you control the fire? If you were to set a forest ablaze would you know how to stop the forest from burning down? could you control your power on that level? No. You are just a pup, grasping at straws, trying to achieve a level of enlightenment that you are not destined to receive. You are no longer my second, and I am no longer your master. Take the college, It no longer matters... I'm going to undo what you have done."

Beatrice walks towards her desk and she takes in a deep breath as the man is sucked through a portal. He disappears as Beatrice sits there with her hands folded in front of her face, as if nothing had ever happened at all. Your vision had ended.

2017-07-17, 04:30 PM
Karash quickly adds more information that she 'found out', with an uncomfortable sideglance to Baelsar.

You still feel the effects of the tea that you drink, you feel lighter, as you hear the name leave Indigo's mouth time slows to a screeching halt. You know that name, and you know it well. She was the head master for the entire college. You also know that her magic is not normal. She ended un overseeing an experiment and it went horribly wrong.

Then disagreements with how to handle it lead to her resigning and cleaning up the mess on her own. She has been traveling after that. Thpugh last you were reading among buographies and journals, you were understanding that she was in the northern continent.

Everything around you began to quickly change and you see yourself standing behind an older Beatrice. This felt like a memory however. Everything looked newer and the world didnt look as plagued as it does now. You are in the mountains in the northern continent. The two of you are climbing down the mountain to the northern section of the continent. It is abdolutely abandoned as a small fortified village gains distance behind you.

The trek fasts forward several days and you find yourselves at the northern end. There is the ocean and near the beach is a deep cave. Any attempt to speak to Beatrice results in silence. The two of you go down in the cave and the cave smooths out into a manmade hallway. The hallway is well lit by torches. At the end of the hall there is a door, but there is a man in full armor standing guard. Beatrice curses under her breath, the man charges at her full force. She breathes in and out muttering "stop". The charging knight freezes in place, even the fire of the torches stop as well. She calmly walks up to him and takes his sword out of his hand, takes his helmet off and plunges the sword down into his body into his vital organs. She walks around him and time resumes. He falls and skids several feet.

You remember know, she is a mage of time and space. She is the only one as far as you know but the magic generally kills the user very quickly due to the amount of energy required. Somehow she seems to be able to use it without risk.

The swings the double stone doors open at the end of the hallway. There is a massive chamber, it is a dome shaped chamber that is well lit but there are no torches. There is a strange black standing door at the middle of the chamber. It is sealed but the seal is weak and nearly broken. Beatrice immediately gets to work, she takes out seals and chants several arcane incantations as words in an unknown language write themselves on her parchment as she quickly strengthens the seal.

She does this carefully and with a heightened amount of stress. Whatever she is trying to keep sealed away... you know she... fears it. It takes her a while to finish her work. She gets up and walks toward you. She stops and faces you, the only indication that she acknowledges your existence.

"People think that the world will end in death and undead, but... the Black obsidian is the true threat. The north will be the first to go. Tgen the central continent and college, thrn they will turn their eyes on Odal. My seals will not work forever... i...i must prepare. I will go to Odal. I have a plan, but it requires that i change Odals core.

She mutters "reverse" you see her body reverse in age as she gets younger. Her hair changes to the blue color you remember and she opens a portal in space. Before she walks through she turns back and mutters quietly.

"This will not end well... If it does, we may not be able to afford the price."

She disapears and the vision fades away. Only a second has passed.

2017-07-18, 05:32 AM
Agatha, Karash and Indigo

Unfortunately for Indigo, everytime she "stops", the voices viciously screams in her head but she wants to make the point that she can resist. The screams are very draining. She feels continuing something foolish kust to prove a point could lead to temporary damage. Agatha and Karash do not see Indigo stop at all, but they see her flinch as she tries to hesitate, but her feet do not stop moving despite what her mind tricks herself into believing. Baelsar grins at Karash's outburst, almost impressed. Until she mentioned Beatrice's name. His humor and arrogance melt away and is immediately replaced with suspicion.

"Beatrice how do you know her? She is just my head of security. Why would she appro-...."

He freezes at Indigo and Karash's reveal. Obviously, he was not aware of Beatrice's role in this. Everyone vaguely remembers beatrice telling them she had something to do with security. It would make sense for Baelsar and Beatrice to speak about security matters.

Then he stops and blaces his his hands infront of his face. He has a smile. Not an evil grin but almost like a eureka moment.

"Well Karash, my suggestion would be to evacuate and use us as bait for these monsters and lure them into their intended purpose. The college....head master Beatrice created these things to stop the undead horde to the east. I say we lead these things straight to the undead. Then make our escape while they hash it out. Go back to Odal and rebuild. If we stay here, we will cease to exist.... unless any of you can think of a better plan.

But seeing as these things are an experiment that hasnt been tested, there is a chance they fail against the undead and then we are back to a familiar enemy. If they succeed then we will have a much worse problem on our hand.


Nalla and Gemzellet

Through a work of a miracle they succeed in snapping Nalla out of it. Daelath walks infront of a fresh zombie and waves her hand infront of its face... you hear a voice and Nalla finally clicks. The energy is familiar.

"Go! Don't waste time! I cant keep the connection to their undead severed for long! Stop wasting time and follow the path!"

It was Bagamnan. The dark energy is the same energy as the weapons you wield and the energy you felt when Bagamnan used gis necromancy on you.


"The world is ending my dear Maylin. They only have theirselves to blame. They lost sight of their old ways and used their machines to create abominations to save themselves from the undead plague. We will suffer for their arogance is well for their invasion will enevitably turn to ys. But our magics and barriers turn them away. Odal is already their target and will not exist much longer."

The old shaman woman crouches down to you and places a hand on your cheek. You have lived in this beautiful island your whole life. Mastering the hunt and defense of your people. This Shaman woman has been a mother to you. Her name is Reason.

"Come my child. We have many preparations before we can teach you our ancient...curse really.... its more of a curse, but it will be what stops these abominations.

2017-07-18, 09:14 AM
Nalla runs to the gate with the full intention to open it for Bagamnan and his back up, this is the first step towards repairing the damages caused by the necromancers. Once they were inside she would begin to destroy the undead and they're evil masters.

2017-07-18, 09:46 AM
While Nalla proceeds with the physical part of the mission, Zemzelett holds back and covers her with his crossbow.

2017-07-18, 10:48 AM
Nalla and Gemzelett

Its nearly a mile down the fort walls before you actually get to the keep. Daelath occasionally smashes one or two of the unresponsive dead to thin out the herd just incase they reactivate. Nalla and Daelath lead the charge whilst Gemzelett provides cover drom the rear. After about 10 or 15 minutes you start ro see the housing for the gate. You do not see a dorce on the outside waiting for you to open the gate, but the path urges you forwars still.

The housing has a gate that Daelath easily breaks open but ince she steps inside she is blasted out as sge lands on her back. A shimmering black spear lidged into her stone like armor. The spear evaporates as Daelath gets back up, relatively unscathed. A man wearing black armor waljs out from the gate housing with a sword and shield. Some of the nearby dead spring back to life. But then they return to dormancy. The black armored fellow seems confused.

"What sorcery is this? No mere necromancer can take control from me. "

He growls and raises his shield. Prepared for a dangerous battle.

The dark fighter.

2017-07-18, 11:07 AM
"Well... now that the cat is out of the bag, my plan would be to get Beatrice into this room so we can have a talk with everyone without having to pick up crumbs of information. She planted hints and memories, but for what? All we know is that Odal especially is important to her plans of stopping something terrible. If she can tell us what, I would certainly appreciate it." The tone of her last words is deadpan.

Karash walks back to the table and lays a hand on the map, looking it over, a furrow in her brow. "Letting the... Obsidian creatures through to deal with the Undead would at least buy us time. But time for what? We need allies that are stronger than even the northern continent if we don't want to be torn apart like paper. Knowledge about their kind, how they move, what their weaknesses are, that is what we need. We are working blind here."

Throwing a glance over her shoulder, the Drow nods at the book in Indigo's hand. "You said she signed it with another name. Which one?"

Phaelusaes Sheevaras, Karash muses quietly, what in all the hell's names is your plan?

2017-07-18, 11:26 AM

Nalla grips both hammers tightly as she snarls at the armored man. She glances at the stone child to see if she's ok then looks back at the man.

What's wrong? You can't fight your own battles with out your precious undead?

Nalla begins to grin menacingly as she anticipates the up coming battle.

2017-07-18, 12:47 PM
"The world is ending my dear Maylin. They only have theirselves to blame. They lost sight of their old ways and used their machines to create abominations to save themselves from the undead plague. We will suffer for their arogance is well for their invasion will enevitably turn to ys. But our magics and barriers turn them away. Odal is already their target and will not exist much longer."

The old shaman woman crouches down to you and places a hand on your cheek. You have lived in this beautiful island for many years now. Mastering the hunt and defense of your people. This Shaman woman has been a mother to you. Her name is Reason.

"Come my child. We have many preparations before we can teach you our ancient...curse really.... its more of a curse, but it will be what stops these abominations.
Maylin reaches up with her own hand to cover Reasons.
"Thank you Reason. I will not let you or our peoples down. If this is what I must do to defeat Ashes then it must be done." Maylin clutches the hand on her face a little tighter.
"I will not let you down"
She rises from the floor to look directly at Reason
"I'm ready"

2017-07-18, 01:08 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

"The named signed is Bruxis, though she is the one who wrote it. It doesn't include a surname or other titles though, so unless anyone present knows a Bruxis..." Indigo replies and just lets the thought trail off.

She then looks to Baelsar and says, "I would suggest for your own safety you not attempt to manipulate us like puppets again in the future." She then looks to Agatha and proceeds to not intervene if Agatha chooses to do something violent.

2017-07-19, 12:07 AM
"Lady Nalla, cover me!" Zem whispers as he casts his eyes around for a suitable boulder, tree, or wall to hide behind. He's seen the black knight materialize a spear out of nowhere, and isn't about to allow the man a clean shot at him.

Once safely hidden behind an obstacle, the bard whispers an incantation!

Vibrate! Oh iron ore vibrate!
Till fiery heat you generate!
His evil flesh you shall ablate!
Burn brightly and do not abate!

Cast HEAT METAL on the enemy's armor.

Effect: The suit of armor glows red-hot. Any creature in physical contact immediately takes [roll0] fire damage, and will continue to take this damage with Zem's bonus action until the spell ends (1 minute, concentration). If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes damage from it, it must succeed on a DC15 CON save or drop the object if it can. If it doesn't drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until Zem's next turn starts.

2017-07-19, 01:16 AM
"Bah! Always some sh*te scraper pullin' the strings, ain't no use in being angry 'bout that. At least this one's in front of us instead of hidin' behind a troll's skirt. Ha!" There was no mirth in the joke, just a sense of forced routine. "Perhaps we should be pullin' on strings of our own, instead o' dancin' to the tune of others. If'n yer of a mind, I could reach out to old friends fer some help. Mind ye, me kind of help would be best suited on the field of battle. Roundin' these things up against those bag o' bones would suit me fine. I'll leave the politickin' and sneakery to those it suits."

2017-07-19, 02:06 AM
Upon seeing the armor turning red as it heats up Nalla takes a swing with her hammers, with the intention of killing this guy before he takes control of the undead.

1d20+2If Hit:[roll0]1d20+2If Hit: [roll1]

2017-07-19, 05:51 AM
Karash, Indigo and Agatha

This thing is magic, though it doesnt have a scientific name. Indigo's book called them phantoms. Phaelusaes had a hand in creating them. Hell, she did create them. They are resistant to most forms of magic, they're more intelligent than humans from what the book describes. They are an apex predator. Extremely difficult to kill, you inspect the body but dont really see any wounds on it. Just gore from other people. You cannot see what killed it.... wait....did it just twitch?

Baelsar nods at Agatha.

"Do it, we need all the help we can get.... if we are going to stay here we might as well use some kind of bait to try to lure them away. Thinking about it. If we moved all of Odal to escape, she would be too slow. They would be upon is whilst we are defenselesd. I cant have that....so....i have an idea. But lady Karash...it requires your approval. I want to take a contingent of my royal guard.... and that thing and lure it to.... to.... to th-"

He looks at the corpse of the phantom then his eyes narrow.

"Did that thing just mo-"

Surprise! Due to Karash's investigation roll she had advantage. She saw it coming. Everyone else is taken by surprise and rolls at a disadvantage.

The abomination animates itself as it flips over on its 8 legs and swipes its arm at lady Karash, who easily steps back out of its reach. Baelsar turns to call the guards but the creature leaps over the group and intercepts him. It them stabs the comm speaker on the wall and positions itself between you all and escape.

advantage: [roll0]


Baelsar initiative disadvantage:



Gemzellet and Nalla

Your success is rewarded with a muffled scream in agony as he begins to take damage. Furious with his new handicap, he looks for Gemzellet. Unfortunately there are no trees or boulders. You are still on the battlements so the only cover you can take is behind the stone child. He charges you with reckless abandon, ignoring nalla and Daelath. Leaving him wide open to attacks of opportunity from both.

Daelath [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Dark knights: No attack. His turn is spent closing the distance on Gemzelett.


"Good my child. Let us go. "

Reason holds her hand out and helps you up. As you stand you hear the beauty of the islands. You are between 3 natural wonders. The one making the beautiful howling sound are called the windtunnels. Several pipe sized tunnels piled ontop of each other. But they arent made and arent stacked in a pattern. But the wind passes through them and you feel as if angels sing. +1 temp bonus to wisdom saves. This island is magic. All forms, good and evil, pure and corrupted. The first lesson you learn is that magic is a tool here. Anyone can use tools with the right instruction.

She leads you back down the trail. Walking down the hill she speaks with you on the way.

"This world is so far corrupted. The college has created an abomination that they cannot save the world from... it will kill everyone and they will come here. We can hold them back, but not forever. We have the means to stop them, but we cannot use it. We are all too old. It would kill us before its completion. That is why we need you just as the Deovuld need you. Despite their misguided attempts to seek help from the college. I know they are desperate. We would be too. Your trials will be cruel and they will be painful. But if you can make it. It will open up your soul to our teachings.

As far as the world is concerned.... it is currently spring. By spring next year, there will be nothing left. So that is the time we have. It will not take that long, but after the trials when your soul is open to our teachings, we can teach you other gifts if you so desire."

After a few moments you see the village in the distance. At the base of the hill (more like a small mountain) the villagers wave and are eager for your return.


Captured... what a ****ing horrible way to go. They are going to torture you, kill you and reanimate you to kill your brothers and sisters....you are stuck in the cell, you arent chained up. Not yet. That may change, but nothing so far. You do not see the everso convenient keys on the wall and sleeping guard. This one has keys on his chest and he walks up and down the hallway. Its a necromancer. He eyes you hungrily. Your gear is in the chest by the exit of the dungeons. You know that you are in the main keep that the Deovuld held. The great wall that seperated the north from the south. You hear some commotion going on over you. Someone screaming. Raw rage. The necromancer doesnt seem to care. He patrols, mindlessly walking back and forth.

There is only a bucket in your cell. Very simple setting. There is a plate of food on the table... outside of your cell. You are quite hungry. You havent eaten since you were captured a day or so ago while you were scouting. They havent really tortured you yet but you know they are anxious for it. Like they are waiting for something. The guard walks closely to the cell doors, brushing his shoulder against them in boredom.

2017-07-19, 08:02 AM
Karash's eyes widen as she sees a twitch and starts saying "It's not-...!" before having to throw herself backwards against the wall. With a curse she watches as the phantom jumps past her and feels magic surge in her fingertips.
Would she even be able to hurt it...?


2017-07-19, 12:59 PM
As the Guard brushes past his cell Smoke listens to the comotion above them, he simply smiles a little. He thinks quickly.

Sounds like someone needs help. Hey, you think perhaps I could get a bite of something from that plate? Maybe you can tell me a story? Or even better, maybe you could just release me?

Smoke continues to watch the guard as he walks by, studying him.

[roll0] if persuasion doesn't work then I try to lift the keys from the guard with slight of hands. [roll1]

2017-07-19, 02:27 PM

The guard storms back and glares at you. He looks like he is about to hit tou and then glances back at his plate. You ta ke full advantage and pilfer the keys silently off his chest. He turns his back on you and heads to grab you the plate of food. You have completely convinced him and he lowers his guard.

2017-07-19, 09:56 PM
Smoke graciously takes the plate and quietly and quickly eats the food. He continues to watch the guard and waits for him to leave, once he leaves smoke uses the keys to open the cell and let himself out, he then goes to the chest and gathers his things and takes the time to quickly see if there was anything else of value in the chest afterwards he leaves as quietly and quickly as possible.

2017-07-20, 01:21 AM
Magnus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1274821)
I am wandering through the College of Ymra. After having a nightmare about the darkness in these lands, I just wanted to make sure that I still am where I think I am.

2017-07-20, 08:45 AM
Zemzelett backs off by 20 feet, keeping a respectable 60 feet distance from the man. He hopes Nalla will continue to opportunistically hack away at the man, or at least snatch away his bastard sword and throw it over the battlements.

What's the matter? Can't take the heat?

Bonus action to repeat [roll0] fire damage. Knight must succeed on DC15 Constitution save to avoid having disadvantage on attacks and ability checks for one round.

Action to perform Vicious Mockery. Knight must succeed on DC15 Wisdom save to avoid [roll1] psychic damage and have disadvantage on his next attack roll.

I can roll the saves if you want.

2017-07-20, 09:44 AM
Nalla continues to pound on the knight, with all thoughts of her own safety out of her mind. All she knows is this knight is standing in the way of them completing their questions. The gates has to be opened.

[roll0] Hit:[roll1]
[roll2] Hit:[roll3]

2017-07-20, 10:41 AM
Yes please. I would apreciate that.


He hands you the plate as you eat. He looks at you up and down and then leaves through the door to go and check the commotion. You quickly release yourself and gather your gear. Before you leave you hear other prisoners calling out for you to release them. You could see 5 prisoners. Three are human, one is a Tabaxi and the other is...you arent quite sure for he is wearing a suit of armor or something. He looks more machine than man. He isnt calling after you like the rest. He stands up from his meditation and tears out his own door as if it was made of paper.... it made alot of sound and now you knew you had to move quickly.


You pace the halls of the main college. The nightmares grow more and more frequently. You mention this to many of your collegues and they recommended you tell Bruxis, the head master. That was a day ago.

As if on cue, a woman calls out to you. You turn around to see a young woman with a cane limping after you. Her right leg is stiff.... most likely prosthetic. She is still quite gorgeous with her short pixy cut auburn hair and silver rimmed glasses. You recognize her. Its the Headmaster's second, Reason. She catches up to you.

"I would apologize for waking you up at this hour but it seems something beat me to it. Its Headmaster Bruxis. He wants to see you about your dreams."

She turns on her heels and flinches at her missing leg. A bit of phantom pain it seemed. She walks back the way she came and motions you to follow her. She places alot of her weight on her cane and almost none of it on the prosthetic. Almost as if the injury was somewhat recent.

"Your dreams....they....are dangerous. Mostly about the abominations you see in them... Bruxis will explain in detail. He will have a mission for you. He will give you the answers."

She stops at a large set of wooden double doors and pudhes them open. She soldiers on despite her obvious strain. The room we enter is her office. A quaint and peaceful little office. One small wooden desk. A book case filled with books and a filing cabinet. She leads you to the one glorious silver door.

"Before you head in. Do you have any questions?"

Nalla and Gemzellet

The dark knight desperately charges past Daelath and Nalla. Nallas first attacks hit but bounced off his armor. Daelath swung with the force of an explosion but the knight stopped and ducked under her swing. The morning star was coming right at Nalla! She tries to stop but fails. Daelath accidentally hits Nalla for 8 damage. Her eyes widen in horror. She regains her composure.

But wait! theres more! A necromancer comes out of the gate, looks at all of you and begins chanting to cast a miasma. Daelath nods to Nalla to focus on the knight and she swings her morning star. A rip of space apears along the path and next to the necromancers head.



Damage. [roll2]

Meanwhile at the cavern of doom! Nalla smashes one of her hammers down on the knights back and you feel his red hot armor give way, now offering less protection due to the heat and sustained damage. He cries out in pain. The next hammer comes crashing down on his head. You are nearly sure that should have leveled him but.... he stayed standing. You can tell it hurt though. He roars out in absolute anger. His gaze falls on Gemzellet. A strange black glyph appears infront of him. A black spear launches towards Gemzellet!

After the spear launches he faces Nalla, he moves with an intense burst of speed. Swinging his sword rowards Nalla! His speed isnt human.

gonna roll with disadvantage just incase he fails the saves from your stuff. If he doesnt, just take the first roll.

Shadow spear: [roll3]


Damage if hits: [roll5]

His armor is damaged. Lowering his AC by 2.

Attack towards Nalla: [roll6]


Damage: [roll8]

Necromancer initiative if he lives: [roll9]

Current Lineup:




Angry ****ed up knight guy.

2017-07-20, 10:53 AM
Zemzelett marvels at the Knight's fortitude, although it is clear he is unable to deal with the half elf's magically-infused insult. Thankfully, that allowed the nimble Bard to dodge the man's spear.

Maintaining a distance of 60 feet, the half-elf renews the potency of Heat Metal, while continuing to distract him with more insults.

Is that the best throw you can do? My granny can aim better than you!

Knight CON save (DC15)
[roll0] plus his CON mod - PASS

Knight WIS save (DC15)
[roll1] plus his WIS mod - FAIL

Potential CON check for Zem (DC10)
[roll2] - not necessary, he missed.

Bonus Action: Repeat damage from Heat Metal: [roll3]

Knight must success on CON save (DC15) or suffer disadvantage on d20 rolls for a round.
[roll4] plus his CON mod - PASS

Action: Vicious Mockery. Knight must succeed on WIS save (DC15)
[roll5] plus his WIS mod - FAIL, or take [roll6] psychic damage and have disadvantage on next attack roll.

Results: Knight takes 8 fire damage and 4 psychic damage. He has disadvantage on his next attack roll. Zem is unharmed.

2017-07-20, 11:59 AM
Nalla nimbly Doge's the Knight's attack. She quickly returns her own attacks. She begins to smile as she revels in the battle at hand.
[roll0] if Hit:[roll1][roll2] if Hit[roll3]

2017-07-20, 12:06 PM
Smoke tosses the keys towards the cell the Tabaxi was in, then with daggers in hand, Smoke quickly goes out towards the commotion. As he gets closer to the noises he slows down so that he can sneak forward , his body pressed against the wall. Smoke begins to slowly make his way around the wall as fluidly as his name's sake.

2017-07-21, 12:11 AM
Magnus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1274821)

"Reason, who told you about me having these nightmares? Have you heard Bruxis about other people having these kinds of dreams before? And if so, do you know what happened to them? I'm sorry for asking this many questions but... you know... it kind of scares me I guess. I really hope that Bruxis can help."

I straighten my robe, dust off my single silk glove and prepare to step through the silver door once Reason has answered the question.

2017-07-21, 01:29 PM
Maylin walks a respectful distance behind Reason, taking in the beauty of the view of this island. She reminded herself why she was doing this. So that the world could continue to have views like this. So the wind could blow through these beautiful hills and people everywhere could be free to enjoy it.

As the villagers wave her return Maylin raises her hand to greet them in return before lowering her hand to Coco' s flank for support.

"So, spring next year then? I guess we had better get started"

2017-07-22, 05:24 AM
Smoke Gemzelett and Nalla

Smoke walks up the stairs, he sees the necromancer at the top
In an instant... first his head was there on his shoulders. The next instance his head was there, and there, and over there. Did....did some grey matter splatter on you? You see a strange rip open up in what seems like nothing and a morning star come out of it. Nearly exploding the neceomancers head. Ge ceumples to the geound, useless and dead. You hear a man howling in pain.

A knight in glowing hot armor turns to strike at a goliath but he trips over himself and falls face first. The goliath beings her two large hammers down on his gead. Splitting it like a watermelon. He twitches and stops moving.

Nalla stands up, with a gleeful grin, covered in gore and grey matter. After everything settles down the only smell in the air was cooking flesh. Nalla and Gemzellet sees someone else come out of the gate. The large stone child towars over them and raises her black star to crush smoles skull. But then stops. Daelath speaks.

"This one isnt undead or a necromancer..."

Almost ho help her point, two humans and a tabaxi in prisoners rags show up. Followed by a fearsome looking mechanical man. (Warforged) the machine breaks the silence.

"The gate controls are down here, just under the prisoner cells. I trust Bagamnan finally came back with reinforcements?"

Everyone make a perception check.


Bruxis has the dreams...and i do too. But each of our dreams are different. Still related though, like pieces of a puzzle. One of the professors told me and asked that i inform Bruxis.

"Im not sure what these dreams mean but.... and dont tell anyone i said fhis...Bruxis is afraid...terrified. good luck."

Magnus walks past her through the doors. He walks into a massive office that looks more like a library than an office. Bokk cases on either side of Magnus and he walks down the walkway. There is a stdong wooden desk with the name Phaelusaes Sheevaras enscribed onto it. Bruxis is sitting there writing what looks like a novel on experiments. You see a few diagrams. He isnt close to finishing. He closes the book and motions you to sit down.

"Ah Magnus, you've arived. Wonderful. Please, allow me to explain whats going on here. I have heard you have been having dreams of sorts?"

He smiles, waiting for your response. The man is old, with a patchy beard. You realize why, the man is covered with burns.


Reason lighrly pats your back then pets Coco. She has such a warm smile, the kind only a loving grandmother would have.

"Yes, but we will start tomorrow morning. We all need to be rested for the trials. There is a saying i favored within the Deovuld people... the fastest and easiest way to do something... is properly. So we will do this properly. So please, relax enjoy yourself and prepare yourself. I will need to make some preperations myself."

Once you both get to the village, Reason splits off with you as the village goes back to its usual bustle. For a village, its busy like a city. Its also a massive village. The people go back to their trades and you are pretty confident there isnt very much you wont find here. You also do enjoy their discounts as they all enjoy your company. Prepare.

2017-07-22, 06:56 AM
Zemzelett fights the urge to wretch as he allows "Heat Metal" to expire. He tries his best to rationalize the killing of another sentient creature -- this was war, after all. Casualties are inevitable.

After the warforged speaks up, the Bard replies, just to make sure. " Thank you, sir. Is there anything else waiting below? Guards? Undead? Traps?

Perception: [roll0]

2017-07-22, 07:36 AM
Nalla watches as the Tabaxi walks up followed by prisoners the last being a warforged, she smiles and relaxed her guard. She had been fighting this war for a while now and was used to it. She quickly tallies her dead before answering.

That's three for me, she points at the knight,. How do you know what we're here for?

2017-07-22, 07:46 AM
Smoke watched in horror as the Necromancer's head exploded,in front of him. He slowly moves forward and sees the huge stone creature standing there, as he sees her begin to ready an attack Smoke begins to say something when the prisoners come out. He heard the warforged speak than the Bard.

No, there's nothing down there but an empty jail now,
at least nothing I seen on my way up. I see you're fighting the Necromancer's?[/color]


2017-07-22, 07:50 AM
Nalla, Gemzelett and Smoke

The warforged ponders its responses for a moment.

"No. The undead were not expecting another attempt at opening the gates.... not after we...failed. They are most likely awaiting the arrival of some high ranking undead. Eager and exposed for a nice surprise attack i would say."

The warforged waves its hands it his party.

"We were the initiasl group sent to open the gates. We were overwhelmed and lost many men. That is how i know why you are here. Why else would you sneak in this way?"

The war firged stepped aside to allow his men to head back down and gather their gear.

Both Gamzelett and Nalla cant help but notice that Daelath...looks a little heart broken. Her fave shows pain. She stands there looking into the keeps courtyard with the undead gathering. She seems torn and distracted. Maybe its just hard for her to come back here and see her old home in this sorry state.

2017-07-22, 11:55 AM
Agatha, Karash and Indigo

The monstrosity kept the exit cut off. It stepped forward and reared up driving two spiked legs down at agatha and Baelsar. The sound of crumbling and grinding stone deafened everyone, drowning out nearly all sound. It seemed verbal communication would be...difficult under these circumstances.

Combat is as follows







[roll0] Damage to Agatha if hits [roll1] if struck agatha must make a fortitude save higher than 16 or take 1d4 bleeding damage from being sliced by obsidian.

[roll2] Damage to Baelsar if hits [roll3] same if struck must make fort save.


The monster moved fast, powerfull and what was worse....its ignored the magic wielders it was resistant too and focused on the 2 strong people with blunt objects that could smash its obsidian body... this thing was intelligent. Though, this battle sermed hopeless, it would twitch quite a bit and it would quiver in some spots. You already see chunks of obsidian badly broken off. Maybe thats why no one saw damage before. You expected, cuts and stabs under the mineral, blood. There was none of that here... this thing was all rock. And obsidian, though sharp and dangerous, is such a brittle glass.

These things would be perfect against undead. A mountain of razor sharp knives stampeeding and cutting undead to ribbons, killing the unarmored necromancers.This think had killed 40 men before it was incapacitates, but it looked very close to deTh as indigo and Karash safely inspected it. Then the beast recognized this. It turned its attention towards you two next.

2017-07-22, 01:10 PM
Nalla places one hammer in her belt as she walks towards Daeleth, and places her hand on the stone child's shoulder.

We will rid this land of this blight, and restore it to it's glory days. We will avenge the dead.

Nalla looks at the Tabaxi still standing in the doorway.

My name is Nalla Two-Weapon, what are you doing here?

2017-07-22, 04:31 PM
Karash suspected, that her powers of mental manipulation were useless against a creature that was so resistant to magic, so maybe raw power was the way to go here.
Moving into as far a corner as possible in the small room, she points her hand at the creature and curls her fingers into a fist as she says "Your flesh, bone and blood for the Evernight, creature..." The feel of a heartbeat in the air as an almost glittering darkness clings to the Phantom for a second.
"And your soul for the Fey," she hisses, shadows coalescing around her form, gathering around her curled hands and shooting forwards to her enemy with a surpressed screech.

Movement into the corner

Bonus Action: Hex (Disadvantage on Strength)
Action: Agonizing Eldritch Blast [roll0]

On Hit:
Blast [roll1]
Hex [roll2]

2017-07-22, 04:38 PM
Smoke's tail twitched as he quietly purred as Nalla spoke to him. He gave her a wink and bowed as he introduced himself.

My name is Smoke, I was.... detained by these Necromancer's. They didn't have anything nice planned for us.

2017-07-22, 08:20 PM
I would have preferred to make your acquaintance in better circumstances, Mr. Smoke. I apologize for being so brusque, but we must hurry with our objective.

2017-07-22, 08:35 PM
Smoke smiled solemnly, and turned sideways with arms to the side as if saying "after you".

Please, don't let me stop you. I would like to join you, if you'll have me.

2017-07-23, 12:31 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: Shadow Beasts (0/10 rounds)

Indigo backs away as far as she can and decides to test out just how good against all manner of undead these "Phantoms" are by summoning forth two "phantoms" of her own. She raises a hand palm upward, fingers spread apart, as if pulling something up out of the ground. As she does so, two Shadows appear on either side of the Phantom and attack it. As they attack she says, "Let's see how well you do against incorporeal undead shall we?"

Spending 3 psi points to use Shadow Beasts which summons 2 Shadows on either side of the Phantom.
Shadow initiative (not that I think it matters in this case): [roll0]

Shadow 1 attack: [roll1]
advantage from flanking if we're using that optional rule (it's in the DMG): [roll2]
damage: [roll3] necrotic damage
if hit: the target's Strength score is reduced by [roll4]
If it's Strength reaches 0 it dies.

Shadow 2 attack: [roll5]
advantage from flanking if we're using that optional rule (it's in the DMG): [roll6]
damage: [roll7] necrotic damage
if hit: the target's Strength score is reduced by [roll8]
If it's Strength reaches 0 it dies.

I don't know if we're in dim light or not (or darkness but probably not, though I guess all of the PCs at least could see in a completely dark room so maybe?). If dim light or darkness both Shadows will attempt to Hide as a bonus action. Though if one succeeds, the other won't try. Indigo wants to see if the Phantom's attacks count as magical weapons or not.
Shadow 1 Hide: [roll9]
Shadow 2 Hide: [roll10]

Shadow 1 HP: 16/16
Shadow 2 HP: 16/16

2017-07-25, 08:14 AM
Magnus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1274821)

"Yes, I'm having terrible nightmares about the darkness in these lands. Now Reason directed me into your office, so I really wonder what this is all about. I believe others have these dreams too, is that true? Please explain this situation as it is driving me mad and I would do anything to help resolve it, if I can!"

Aside from that, I did catch a glimpse on a few diagrams, do I recognize them?

Do I recall the name Phaelusaes Sheevaras that I saw on the desk, have I ever heard about it before?

2017-07-25, 08:33 AM
Zemzelett gives the Tabaxi a slight nod, as he heads to open the gates.

2017-07-25, 08:49 AM
Nalla eyes the Tabaxi curiously as she walks by to the gate to open the gates. Nalla thinks about what the Tabaxi could offer the group in their fight against the undead blight.

Tell me, what can you do to help us in this fight against the undead?

2017-07-26, 02:22 PM
Smoke smiled slyly at the Goliath.

Why, I can get behind the enemy lines without being noticed. I can scout the areas ahead too.

2017-07-26, 08:33 PM
"Didn't stop him from getting captured." Zemzelett thinks to himself.

Performance to stop a smirk from appearing on his face: [roll0]. Contested vs. Smoke's Perception if he wishes :smallbiggrin:

2017-07-27, 02:07 PM
Nalla, Gemzelett and Smoke

Without wasting any more time, the new larger group has nearly doubled in size. Quickly everyone makes their way down the flight of stairs. The echoes of theryones footsteps could be heard. Once at the bottom, there is the mechanism for getting the gate open. Victory is so close at hand.

Karash, Indigo and Agatha

Baelsar looks at the creature wide eyed. He staggers back from the strike and begins to bleed taking [roll0] bleed damage. He draws his mace and makes a swing at the leg of the beast. [roll1]

As indigo sicks her spirits on the creature, she finds that she may learn the lesson that this thing was infact made specifically to kill undead. The creature takes half effects from undead. It uses banishing strike on the shades.

[roll2] damage doesnt matter for if it strikes, the creatures are banished.

[roll3] same.

The creatures gaze focuses on the last remaining shade as the 1st one is destroyed. But then the crezture lets out a blood curfling screech. It forgot its immediate threats as Baelar's mace smashes clean through one of its legs. A shiwer of broken glass flies through the air as the creature falls. It is stunned and loses its next turn. It is near death.


Bruxis nods at Magnus tale. He has no idea about the creatures but the name Phaelusaes Sheevaras is completely familiar. You met her, she was the last headmaster for the college. You never saw her use magic but everyone feared and respected her. Bruxis speaks.

"These things are... real... creations, the fruit of Phalusaes' and mine's efforts. We created them to stop the undead invasion.... the only problem was.... we created something with too much power and absolutely no control. They killed dozens of us and escaped. They are far more dangerous than anything we have seen. Thats the long story short. Whats worse is that they actively plague peoples dreams. They subtly merge conciousness with people... its how they can see great distances. Most likely, they can see our conversation. Thats kind of the gist of everything. With that.... i have something i need you to do. It will be dangerous but i have faith in you and i will not send you alone."

Myastan and Meylin

Meylin goes about the town, relaxing and preparing for her trials.

Myastan, being the village healer and cleric Reason aproaches you in your hut. She walks in and gives you one if her motherly hugs.

"Myastan.... tomorrow we send the Deovuld in to suffer her trials. She will need a guardian. Im asking you this. To protect her. Will you do it?"

2017-07-27, 04:49 PM
Myastan and Meylin

Meylin goes about the town, relaxing and preparing for her trials.

Myastan, being the village healer and cleric Reason aproaches you in your hut. She walks in and gives you one if her motherly hugs.

"Myastan.... tomorrow we send the Deovuld in to suffer her trials. She will need a guardian. Im asking you this. To protect her. Will you do it?"

Myastan ponders the old sage, not rejecting the hug just... still really not knowing what to do with it. How meany of these has he received over the years? The life debt he owed her is one that he knew he could never repay, and now she was as close to a tribe he had. A forth mother perhaps? Strength is what proves one is worthy to live, to have purpose. What lay ahead of Meylin the Deovuld was a test of strength, he respected that, and there is nothing that he could refuse this forth mother of his.

With out moving just allowing the hug, the 78in tall, 235lb, silver eyed, green-copper scaled dragonborn simply replied. "You know I will, I'll do all that I can so that her strength doesn't fail."

2017-07-28, 01:22 AM
Magnus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1274821)

"Wait, what? You created them? Weren't there other, safer, ways to stop the invasion instead? We must make sure that these creatures do not enter any more people's minds immediately! Please tell me all you can about this task that you have for me. I'm not sure if we can wait much longer!"

I would like to reassure myself that I still have myself and my mind under control.

2017-07-28, 03:10 AM
With victory in sight, Zemzelett beckons to Nalla to accomplish the objective. He and Smoke will cover her.

Perception: [roll0]. It would be a crying shame to trigger any traps at this point in time, no?

2017-07-28, 04:39 AM
Karash sees how the phantom zeros in at the shadows Indigo had summoned (what powers were those?!) and, as Baelsar shatters its leg, sees her opening. The power builts around her hands again and she unleashes it once more against her enemy, hoping for a finishing strike.

Eldritch Blast [roll0]

If Hit, Damage: [roll1]
plus Hex [roll2]


2017-07-28, 12:03 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: Shadow Beasts (1/10 rounds)

"Exceptionally well it sssseems. Good thing this horror was already so badly damaged." Indigo comments and then (advancing if she has to to get in range), seems to reach out a hand as if trying to grab the Phantom and to slam it into the ground even though she's nowhere near close enough to do so and certainly couldn't with a single hand. Nonetheless significant force seems to be applied to it, enough to possibly knock it off it's legs and slam it into the ground.

Indigo uses Mind Slam on the Phantom. It must make a DC 15 Con save (probably with advantage if it has magic resistance unless it's magic resistance doesn't apply to psionic abilities) or take [roll0] force damage and be knocked prone (unless it takes no damage).

I guess I can assume the hiding failed. Though I would like to know if it was because we aren't in dim light or darkness or just because the "Phantom" can sense undead nearby it or something like that.

Shadow 2 attack: [roll1]
advantage if the Phantom was knocked prone by Indigo: [roll2]
damage: [roll3] necrotic damage
if hit: the target's Strength score is reduced by [roll4]
If it's Strength reaches 0 it dies.

Shadow 2 HP: 16/16

2017-07-29, 03:02 AM
It was, in a way, easy on the eyes. A creature of obsidian, it was like art! Rambunctious art... "Ack! Settle down ye blasted creature so I can admire ye in peace!"

Hit - [roll0]
Dmg - [roll1]

My apologies for posting in the wrong forum.

2017-07-29, 09:32 AM
Nalla kept the chains to the hammers wrapped around her forearms and placed them on her belt. Nalla walked over to the winch and began the task of opening the gates.

2017-07-29, 09:45 AM
With daggers in hand, Smoke keeps an eye out for any unwanted surprises that may pop up.

I had been caught off guard once... shame on me, never again. he whispered to the Bard Perhaps we can help each other out and I can get the riches I need to rebuild my....

Smoke's eyes become glassy for a moment, his tail laying limply as he thinks about his home town.

2017-08-01, 01:58 PM
“Bandages, cloth wraps, bitter root, leaf sap, alcohol, thread stitching needle…” Myastan began making mental note of everything he will need for supplies. Glancing over to his staff leaning against the wall where his mace, shield and armor hang he can see a slight gleam from the well cleaned and cared for gear.

On the wall hanging next to a quiver of bolts is his old crossbow. It was a gift to him by his first mother when he graduated from his trial of strength. It broke in the fall, a crack ran from the middle of the grip all the way to the end of the stock, one of the limbs broke as well. He did the best he could to repair it replacing the broken limb and wrapping the stock in leather stripping. Still it would probably never fire strait again.

“Best not take that” he thought, then, once again returning his attention to the old sage waiting patiently he knew that the “hug” will end when she is finished.

2017-08-05, 09:02 AM
Agatha, Karash and Indigo

Agatha and Baelsar bring down their weapons on the prone foe as indigo and Karash focus with any magic that might work. The abomination moves to get back up but is too weak and is crushed down indigos psionic slam. The creature finally crumbles into broken shards and chunks. Baelsar double checks by continuing to smash it with his weapon. Pieces break off. This creature could be salvaged as weapons. Baelsar calms down then he looks back at it.

"I take a few good men... we wear this ****ing thing like a god damn coat and we draw them away from Odal and over to the undead land. The people dont have to know the undead exist yet... which they dont, but they need to know about this. It must be handled delicately to prevent panic. But he gave proven they can be beaten... just not by mages and swordsmen. Agatha... we have worked with stone weapons in the past. Odal has alot of stone snd sand. Take a chunk to my personal blacksmith. 14 lift floor. He can treat and harden this mineral into a weapon that wont break. Infact i recommend all of you take a piece. See if you can sense if any of its magic... or lack thereof prooerties is still present. Maybe we can utilize that. I....need to sit down."

Baelsar leans back against the table, still obviously shaken. He calms more solidly and sits there thinking.

"Any thoughts?"

Nalla, Gemzellet and Smoke

Victory. REAL victory. It has been such a long time since this was felt. It feels alien. A paranoia sets in. Almost like things are going too smooth, but you know why. The guards are distracted. You already hear sounds of battle as the courtyard is swarmed with....undead? You opened the gate fore more undead. Fortunately thst doesnt seem to matter because they swarm and bitcher thr necromancers and undead masters. Then you see him. Bagamnan is leading the charge. The realization sets in. Bagamnan seems to have been a necromancer or dead knight like the quarry you just killed. The battle rages. You all have the advantage in anything you do. The enemy is surprised.


"Safer way? There is no safe way in our work. We make break throughs here... and we did... just one we couldnt control. We were being pressed by the juggernaught of nedding a sacior. The people fighting the undead had begun raiding us and then there was the unrelenting threst of undead.

Unfortunately we failed in our goal and now our situation is worse. Hmmm. I know im to blame in my foolish youth. My fear led to these actions. I should have listened to Phae....anyway, to the task at hand... news may or may not have reached your ears on this matter... but the northern kingdoms to the east, where we got many of our technological advances, has fallen to the phantoms. Both kingdoms have...I want you to go to the kingdoms, north of the mountains, far to the north. You will reach tundra and then a lone mountain with a cave on the douth side. Thst was where we sealed them. I will send you and a scouting party there to investigate the seals to see the ectent of the damage. You neednt worry. Their main force has most likely begun moving on Odal so they will not be there. This will be a difficult journey. Give my 2nd a list of whatever you will need and she will see to ut. You will meet your guids about as soon as tomorrow. "

You open your senses and close your mind to satisfy the fact that nothing is in your head. They have made no attempt on you and may not know of your existence yet to try. Thus far you are safe.

Myastan and Meylin

The womans affection was strange but it was over now. You set out and uneventfully find the supplies you made mental notes over. The day passes and morning comes, its time for Meylins trials. Reason leads Meylin down a trecherous path, Myastan already knew where to meet and if he so chose, would be there waiting at the entrance to a dark cave. Reason led Maylin and Coco and raised an introductory wave toeards Myastan.

"This will be your guide. Be mindful when you are down there. We use power.... many of it would be considered evil, but power is not ingerently evil. Just... dangerous. Anything before you set out?"

2017-08-05, 11:33 AM
The Revelation of General Bagamnan as a Necromancer creates a pit in Zemzelett's stomach.

Of course. The signs were all there. The unholy spell. The slight hesitation in letting them take the magic weapons. The whispers to press on to the objective. He should have suspected something was amiss the moment Nalla appeared to have been entranced.

Whose side was Bagamnan on? Obviously he opposes the necromancers, that much can't be denied. And yet, and yet, he must have slaughtered the entire army to do so.

Is he doing this in a misguided attempt to let the ends justify the means? Or does he have a sinister agenda?

The Half-elf Bard is unwilling to attack. That would be suicidal, what with Bagamnan's undead army currently swarming the area. Plus, who knows what other effects the sinister spell he cast on them have? No, it's better to lie low, and stay out of sight, and get away as quickly as possible.

The question is, how will the Goliath react?

Insight to try and understand Bagamnan's agenda: [roll0]

2017-08-05, 02:52 PM
Myastan and Meylin

The womans affection was strange but it was over now. You set out and uneventfully find the supplies you made mental notes over. The day passes and morning comes, its time for Meylins trials. Reason leads Meylin down a trecherous path, Myastan already knew where to meet and if he so chose, would be there waiting at the entrance to a dark cave. Reason led Maylin and Coco and raised an introductory wave toeards Myastan.

"This will be your guide. Be mindful when you are down there. We use power.... many of it would be considered evil, but power is not ingerently evil. Just... dangerous. Anything before you set out?"

Having finished his preparations the night before Myastan now stands at the entrance no longer in black robes but in is his scalemail and traveler’s clothes, shield at his back mace strapped to his side.

Upon seeing Reason and Meylin approach from the distance he reaches into his cleric's bag. Removing 3 strips of white cloth, he bites his right index finger to draw blood then begins transcribing onto the cloths the prayer he quietly speaks in draconic. Small wafts of his green dragon ancestry to rise into the air and vanish with each of the deep growled words in the way that only one born of dragons blood can.

When finished the cleric ties one of the strips of cloths to his left wrist allowing the power of the prayer to bind to him. Offering the 2 remaining strips to Maylin for her and Coco when they arrive. He speaks in common:"They contain a prayer of vitality and health for the coming trial". With his left hand extended offering the strips of white cloth infused with prayer the green-copper dragonborn respectfully bows his head to Reason and simply greets her with: "Forth Mother".

2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a tiny strip of white cloth)
Duration: 8 hours
Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and
resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range.
Each target’s hit point maximum and current hit points
increase by 5 for the duration.

2017-08-05, 03:04 PM
Upon seeing the army of undead swarm into the gate, and attacking the others, and seeing that Bagamnan was the Necromancer that lead them Nalla became visibly angry. Her body shook and as she grabbed the hammers she tightened her grip so tight her knuckles had turned white.

Her fight was against the undead, it was against the Necromancers, and the blight that destroyed her beautiful Homeland. She had no idea what was going on here, but she wasn't going to stand there, she planned to get information one way or another.

She began to March towards Bagamnan, calling his name anger dripping from her voice.

Bagamnan, you betrayed us? You lied to us.
What are your goals here?

2017-08-05, 04:29 PM
Smoke's tail twitched in agitation, his fur standing on edge, Smoke crouched and prepared to defend himself, a hisss, issues from him. He watched as the others seem to be both angry and confused to the new events. He watch in horror as the Goliath marched forward to question the Necromancer.

He looked at the Bard. You know thisss one?

2017-08-07, 12:10 AM
Magnus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1274821)

I go to Reason and say: "Hi Reason, I have to leave to the kingdoms north of here where I will need to investigate a cave together with a scouting party. Can you help me to prepare plenty of food and water, rope, torches and climbing gear for us to safely enter the cave? Also, do you know the best route to follow, and the expected travel time?"

After that, I would like to use the rest of the day to get to know the scouting party. I tell them about my dreams and what Bruxis told me about our goals - openness and honesty is something I value in a party. Is there anything special the others want to tell me about themselves before we go on the journey?

2017-08-08, 06:51 AM
Agatha stood her maul up on it's head with a resounding thud and put two hands on the creature, tearing off a limb for herself. "Aren't ye a sweet pea? Knowin' just how to get to me heart. I ain't never said no to a free weapon before, ain't 'bout to start now. Shall we?" Agatha eagerly awaits her comrades, maul in one hand, creature limb in the other.

2017-08-08, 12:06 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

The remaining Shadow simply fades from existence as Indigo stops concentrating on keeping it around. She looks at "the Phantom" for a while before finding two pieces that would make suitable daggers. She looks at Agatha and says, "You are going to have that worked on by a smith or something and not just use it as is right?"
Then she begins examining the strange creature.

Arcana: [roll0]
Nature in case that'd be useful somehow: [roll1]
Investigation in case that's needed: [roll2]

2017-08-08, 01:56 PM
Agatha looked confused at first, but then a sly grin creeped across her face, "O' course I was gonna have it forged, but yer idea sounds so much better."

2017-08-08, 11:33 PM
"It seems, there might be a decent leg piece to create a rapier from... probably also a good amount of arrow heads. Though a lot of blunt weaponry has done better against them, I feel." Karash clicks her tongue and glances at Baelsar.

"It seems we have things to plan. I would certainly like to speak to Beatrice as soon as possible and then focus on our next step of what to do about Odal. We have little time."

2017-08-09, 08:11 AM
Indigo, Agatha and Karash

Thr pieces break off easily enough. Baelsar reopens the lift and steps in, leaning his back against the wall.

"Take care of some business. Ill bring Beatrice here it may take like an hour. Go ahead and take those to the smith, get something to eat. We will meet back here. How....do you know Beatrice by the way? I never sent her to meet you...hm...a story for another time."

Baelsar looks at the broken intercom and shakes his head. He waits at the lift. Indogo studies the beast and its pieces. Its magical, it seeps with magic. It could easily kill undead, almost like a poison for them. You get the feeling that this material could actually kill most undead save for liches with phylacteries. You think of your knowledge of nature but nothing comes to mind. You arent sure whather it is natural or not.

As you investigate, you see that there doesnt seem to be any fleshy substance ir skin under the obsidian. Only more minerals, as if this creature wasnt biological. You break away more in your investigation of the creature and conduct a mini autopsy. It has no organs as far as you can tell. Nothing that would require it to eat or sleep. You crack open its head and you find its brain. Its a solid black orb. Thus is the origin point of its magical energy.

Nalla, Gemzellet and Smoke

Bagamnan seems more preoccupied with the battle right now as his undead hord clashes against the current denizens of the keep. Nallas rage is completely lost on him as the forces push back the enemy undead. Fighting is no longer a choice as a small horde shamble towards you all. It seems the conversation may have to wait.


Reason listens intently and writes doen your info. She hands you several requisition tickets which authorizes you to go to the supply department and get what you need. She hands you a list of names and their locations. She is on the top of the list. There are three others; Serah, Reks and Boehm.

"I will be the guide, i grew up in the human countries, though i was born in Ukpik and liked there with my mother. I was even named after her. But anyway, i will be the guide. "

You gather your supplies and have some extra tickets for weapons or magican entities you may require. Reason hinted that they were kind of like blank checks, but could only get you one good piece.

You search the campus and find Boehm first, he was a scrawny scientist who was working on some wild contraption that you couldnt even begin to make sense of. But he pressed a button and a strange irb lit up. It looked like magic.

"So your Magnus huh? Yeah the dreams got to me too. Not quite as vivid as yours though. Good im glad were going there, not really to keen on dying though so im also conflicted."

He goes back to working without really sharing too much personal information. Doednt seem he felt the same about openness. Sarah on the otherhand was like minded as you run into her in the stairs towards Reks room. Serah stops you, it seems she was looking for you. She listens to your stories and your dreams.

"They come to me too, the dreams and the whispers. Always so many of them. For a while i believed i was developing a mental illness but through further investigation we discovered that they just creeped into my mind. Im the alchemist by the by. Names Sarah Vishnu. I was born and raised here. Youre going to see Reks right? Let me show you...he can be....difficult at times."

Serah back steps down, not taking her eyes off you. It isnt paranoia though, it seems to just be a quirk until she gets to the doir and opens it. She leads you down the hall facing you each time she speaks. You two stop at what looks like a steel door. Like the kind a jail would have. Serah bangs on the door.

"Reks! Come on Magnus is here!"

She turns to you.

"Reks was... an experiment we had... it was successful but he doesnt talk much."

You hear a deep grown, something reverberates straight down to your core, it felt like an earthquake. The latch is unleashed and the doir swings open. You see a regular man, key differences however, are his yellow eyes and he has his mouth covered with what looks like a seal. His eyes lock onto you and he nods, holding his hand out to shake.

2017-08-09, 12:52 PM
Upon seeing the horde of undead that wasn't under Bagnaman's control, Nalla turned her anger on them. She Wade's into the thick of it and begins to wail on the undead.

Bagamnan!! Wewill have this discussion once we're through with these undead. I will have my answers.


2017-08-09, 01:06 PM
Zemzelett sighs inwardly. Every ounce of self preservation within him was begging, nay, screaming at him to run away. Nalla was a lost cause, and it would be far more prudent to let the two factions weaken each other.

But, that's not what he was taught, nor was abandoning a comrade the right thing to do. Not then, with the Stink Brigade, and certainly not now, with Nalla so desperately wanting to reclaim her home.

The Bard loads his crossbow, and casts about for a suitable target. His forte, single target disables, will not be useful in this engagement, but the half elf plans to give it his all nonetheless.

Crossbow to the face: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

Initiative: [roll3]

2017-08-09, 05:16 PM
Indigo Coluber (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1162604)
Yuan-ti Pureblood Mystic (Wu Jen)
Psionic Focus: Wood & Earth
Concentrating on: --

Indigo is too distracted to properly interact with Agatha's joke/being weird and just replies, "It would likely be more effective properly forged."

After studying, she puts the brain-orb aside. She'd love to keep it for herself and try and figure out how to make some kind of weapon to maybe attack the minds of others of this kind of thing with, but she's not entirely certain the others won't need it as well. So she just keeps it in mind for now.

"These creatures don't seem to have any flesh or organs at all. Just mineral. Very magical and a kind of magical poison against undead creatures. This part here is it's brain. I think I might have uses for it if one of the others doesn't decide they need it more than we do." she says to the others.

2017-08-10, 01:24 AM
Magnus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1274821)

I reach out my hand to Reks, nod back to him and say: "Nice to meet you, Reks. Are you up for an adventure?" while I give him an enthusiastic smile. Then I tell him: "I just need to get some last supplies, we will leave tomorrow! Get your rest while you still can, we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other while we travel."

Assuming he will respond in a friendly way, I will react politely.

Afterward, I go to the supply department to see if I can get any Equipment that enhances "Cold" spells, if that's not available I will see if anyone from the supply department can Enchant my Silk Glove - which I use as an Arcane Focus. If that's also not available I will go with any Equipment that enhances Magical Abilities, whichever matches best with my Sorcerer Class.

After getting my equipment, I'll go and rest so that I am fully prepared to start traveling in the morning.

2017-08-10, 08:51 AM
Seeing the Goliath attacking the Undead with all her anger smoke couldn't help but feel relieved that he wasn't at the receiving end of those hammers. He crouches low and sneak around the group and find an undead to attack.

Attack [roll0] if Hit[roll1] Sneak Attk [roll2]

2017-08-10, 09:40 PM
"Ya, all well and good. If the brain-ball is all magicky, we should forge it into me new limb-hammer. That's my vote, it's a good vote."

2017-08-12, 05:53 PM
Having finished his preparations the night before Myastan now stands at the entrance no longer in black robes but in is his scalemail and traveler’s clothes, shield at his back mace strapped to his side.

Upon seeing Reason and Meylin approach from the distance he reaches into his cleric's bag. Removing 3 strips of white cloth, he bites his right index finger to draw blood then begins transcribing onto the cloths the prayer he quietly speaks in draconic. Small wafts of his green dragon ancestry to rise into the air and vanish with each of the deep growled words in the way that only one born of dragons blood can.

When finished the cleric ties one of the strips of cloths to his left wrist allowing the power of the prayer to bind to him. Offering the 2 remaining strips to Maylin for her and Coco when they arrive. He speaks in common:"They contain a prayer of vitality and health for the coming trial". With his left hand extended offering the strips of white cloth infused with prayer the green-copper dragonborn respectfully bows his head to Reason and simply greets her with: "Forth Mother".


Maylin has been mentally preparing herself on the way over and when she sees the Dragonborn she takes a deep breath to steady herself. She turns back to Reason.

"Thank you and your people for all you have done. I hope to do you proud" She turns to Myastan. "Thank your for you aid. Are we ready?"

2017-08-12, 09:24 PM
Maylin has been mentally preparing herself on the way over and when she sees the Dragonborn she takes a deep breath to steady herself. She turns back to Reason.

"Thank you and your people for all you have done. I hope to do you proud" She turns to Myastan. "Thank your for you aid. Are we ready?"

Seeing Maylin’s hesitation Myastan raises one eyebrow unsure if it is in reaction to himself or the challenge at hand. Once Maylin takes the strips of cloth, “Should tie the prayer to yourself and the bear before we enter, it last the length of a winters day”. Looking to Reason, then back to the elf “The laws of my tribe have placed you under my protection, you have nothing to fear from me”. He then steps to the side of the entrance and stretching to his full height the green-copper scaled cleric nodes towards the darkness within “When you are ready”.

2017-08-14, 07:02 AM
Agatha Indigo and Karash

The group goes down the lift Baelsar stops you all at the 17th floor. The lift opens, he points down the hall.

"Straight down the hallway. Ill meet with you to discuss our plans."

Nalla, Smoke and Gemzellet

Nalla b lines straight for a necromancer and unleashes her rage, her hammers building up her fury and hatred even more. She feels stronger and faster as more fury builds. The first necromancer is killed quickly. Nallas next target is struck and badly damaged but still alive. Barely, Gemzellets bolt strikes him in thw face, killing it. The two dead necromancers cause more that 20 undead to fall lifeless. The tide of the battle quickly falls into your favor. Smoke sneaks around and quickly dispatches a weak skelleton, it was helpless and you easily fall back and hide again.

enemy force [roll0]

Ally? Force [roll1]

Winner of this roll determins battle victor, due to allied forces overwhelming advantage. Only needs one roll.


Reks holds his hand out and shakes tour hand. Then he closes his door and goes back to whatever he was doing. As you go to the requisitions department you luckily find everything you need. Additionally you find your choice of the extra equipment you want.

Maylin and Myastan

With introductions given its time to move forward with the trials. As both members turn and walk into the cave it seemed like they hit a soft wall of somesort. Like an unknown force. It gives and you walk through it, barely noticing it. Whatever it was, it smelled dusty but sweet.

As you turn around to see what you walked in, you notice that the cave is gone and you see a cave wall behind you. There doesnt seem to be anything to go back to. The light goes away quickly and anyone without low light and dark vision can no longer see.

2017-08-14, 10:21 AM
Maylin and Myastan

With introductions given its time to move forward with the trials. As both members turn and walk into the cave it seemed like they hit a soft wall of somesort. Like an unknown force. It gives and you walk through it, barely noticing it. Whatever it was, it smelled dusty but sweet.

As you turn around to see what you walked in, you notice that the cave is gone and you see a cave wall behind you. There doesnt seem to be anything to go back to. The light goes away quickly and anyone without low light and dark vision can no longer see.

In the darkness Mayastan opens his medical pack and retrieves a small clump of glowing moss in his left hand. With his right he frees his mace then pressing the moss over the head of the mace fused with clerical energy. "Guard your eyes". Maystan calls on a cantrip for light.

Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, M (a firefly or phosphorescent m oss)
Duration: 1 hour
You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional
20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with som ething opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.

Holding the mace in the air allowing the light to fill the area Mayastan examines the surroundings.


