View Full Version : DM Help Does a Vampire Cleric need to rest?

2017-04-07, 09:52 AM
I am running the Way of the Wicked campaign and one of my PC's, a cleric of Asmodeus, has become a vampire. He is using a spell to be able to walk in daylight so he rests at night like the rest. Is this something a vampire needs to do every night/day (8 hours of rest) or only for restoring his spells?

2017-04-07, 09:58 AM
Undead don't need to sleep and can't get fatigued/exhausted.
Divine spellcasters don't need to rest to regain spells. They just need to pray at the proper time.

I don't know when clerics of Asmodeus pray for their spells, but i assume it's either dusk or midnight. All he has to do is sit down for an hour then and he can pray for new spells.

The recent casting limit still applies though, so you can't regain any spell slot you've cast in the last 8 hours

2017-04-07, 10:08 AM
Clerics don't need to rest at all, undead or otherwise. Just pray at a specific time.

2017-04-07, 10:38 AM
Friendly reminder though, this came up recently in a separate thread, but any spells cast within the previous 8 hours before your time of spell preparation count against your spells for the coming day. So while clerics don't need to rest per say, they do need 8 hours of "downtime", because if they blow all their spells just before prep time, they will get no spell slots back.

2017-04-07, 10:43 AM
Note further that you still need to pray at the specified time. So if you blow all your spells one hour before prep time, you still need to pray then (or as soon as possible afterward, if something is preventing them) even if you can't actually refill the slots until 7 hours later. Otherwise you'll be waiting the full 24 for your next chance to pray.